Held Thursday February 14~ 1974
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California,
was held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 276 Fourth
Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg, Director of Public
Works Cole, Director of Planning Peterson, Community Development
Coordinator Henthorn, Administrative Analyst Smith
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a moment of
silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
the minutes of the meetings of January 29,
February 5 and 7, 1974, be approved, copies
having been sent to each Councilman.
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no Oral Communications.
REPORT ON PROGRESS The City Librarian and the Director of Public
OF NEW LIBRARY Works submitted a report to the Council on
meetings held with the architect of this proj-
ect. A potential schedule was presented
which called for complete Library construction
by June 1976.
Report accepted It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
the report be accepted.
CONSENT CALENDAR Councilman Hobel asked to have item 6 removed
from the Consent Calendar (Agreement with
H. C. Campbell, 248 Bay Boulevard).
It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
the Consent Calendar be approved and adopted
with the exception of item 6.
RESOLUTION NO. 7175 - This trial traffic regulation has been in
AMENDING SCHEDULE V OF THE effect for approximately 8 months and has con-
TRAFFIC CODE TO PROHIBIT tributed significantly to the safety and smooth
STOPPING AT ALL TIMES ON flow of traffic~ The Director of Public Works
BAY BOULEVARD recommended installation on a permanent basis.
RESOLUTION NO. 7176 - This trial traffic regulation has been in
ESTABLISHING YIELD RIGHT OF effect for approximately 8 months. It is
WAY SIGNS ON TIDELANDS AVENUE functioning satisfactorily and has improved
AND "G" STREET IN THE CITY the assignment of right-of-way and consequently
OF CHULA VISTA increased traffic safety at subject inter-
section. The Director of Public Works recom-
mended installation on a permanent basis.
City Council Meeting 3 February 14, 1974
RESOLUTION NO. 7183 - Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR THE the texts were waived by unanimous consent,
COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS passed and adopted by the following vote, to-
UNIT NO. 8 AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel~ Hamilton
Resolutions offered Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 7184 - The final maps of Units 6, 7 and 8 have been
APPROVING MAP OF RANCHO RIOS checked by the Engineering Division and found
SUBDIVISION, UNIT NO. 6 to be in conformity with the tentative map
approved on September 5, 1972. All bonds
and executed agreements have been complied
with. Approval of the final maps includes
dedication of Rancho Drive, Rancho Court,
Melrose Avenue, a portion of Otay Valley Road
and the alleys. The subdivision lies gen-
erally south of Otay Valley Road and west of
Interstate 805.
Unit No, 6 comprises 10.602 acres with 98
RESOLUTION NO. 7185 - Unit No. 7 comprises 107 lots on 9.762 acres.
RESOLUTION NO. 7186 - Unit No. 8 contains 69 lots on 6.381 acres.
Resolutions offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the texts were waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 7187 - The proposal for architectural services covers
ACCEPTING PROPOSAL AND three areas: (1) preliminary phase, (2) work-
AUTHORIZING DIRECTOR OF ins drawing phase, and (3) construction phase.
PUBLIC WORKS TO RETAIN The total fee for the proposal is $2,130.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent None
City Council Meeting 2 February 14, 1974
RESOLUTION NO. 7177 ~ Mr. Dean B. Butterfield has executed an agree-
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN ment agreeing not to protest the formation o£
THE CITY AND DEAN B. BUTTERFIELD an assessment district for the improvement of
WAIVING RIGHT OF PROTEST the alley adjacent to the property, construc-
ASSESSMENT DISTRICT, DRAINAGE tion of a storm drain~ or construction of
IMPROVEMENTS AND UNDERGROUNDING underground facilities benefiting his property.
RESOLUTION NO. 7178 - Robinhood Homes, Inc., owner of Lot 37 of
ACCEPTING GR~NT OF EASEMENT Rancho Robinhood Subdivision, has submitted a
FROM ROBINHOOD HOMES, INC., grant deed for a drainage easement across the
FOR DRAINAGE PURPOSES rear of said Lot 37,
RESOLUTION NO. 7180 - Since the conditions of approval of the ten-
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN tative parcel map for 4.4 acres of property
THE CITY AND WILBUR R. AND located along Otay Lakes Road can be better
ELIZABETH M. AUSTIN INSURING complied with at the time that Otay Lakes Road
COMPLIANCE WITH ALL REQUIRE- is improved to its ultimate design, the prop-
MENTS OF THE CITY OF APPROVAL erty owners have executed an agreement in which
OF A PARCEL MAP they agree to comply with the conditions of
approval prior to issuance of building permits
for the development of their property.
(End of Consent Calendar)
RESOLUTION NO. 7179 - One of the conditions of approval of the ten-
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN tative map for this property located at the
THE CITY AND HARDING C. southeast corner of Bay Boulevard and "E"
CAMPBELL TO PROVIDE CERTAIN Street was that all public improvements be
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AS A constructed or guaranteed. The agreement
CONDITION PRECEDENT TO THE calls for the construction o£ said improve-
DIVISION OF LAND BY PARCEL ments or a financial guarantee for said
MAP IN THE CITY OF CHULA improvements by the deposit of monies or the
VISTA posting of necessary bonds before the issuance
of building permits.
Timetable Councilman Hobel questioned the timetable for
the proposed development. He referred to the
City's participation in the public improve-
ments in this area, and noted that this mat-
ter should be a point for future discussion.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 7181 - The developers of Rancho Rios Subdivision have
APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR THE comploted all requirements imposed by the
COMPLETION OF IMPROVEMENTS Planning Commission and City Council for the
IN RANCHO RIOS SUBDIVISION, recordation of a final map for Units 6, 7 and
UNIT NO. 6 8, They have paid all required fees, posted
all necessary bonds and have completed their
RESOLUTION NO. 7182 - portion of the Subdivision Improvement Agree-
City Council Meeting 4 February 14, 1974
RESOLUTION NO. 7188 - In light of the fact that cable television
RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 6689 service may now be offered to any portion of
ESTABLISHING A POLICY FOR THE the City hy either the City's franchisee,
LICENSING OF TEMPORARY MASTER Mission Cable TV~ or any additional franchise
ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEMS IN holder that may be authorized by the City, the
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA City Attorney is recommending that Resolution
No. 6689 relating to the procedures for the
licensing of temporary master antenna televi-
sion systems in the City be rescinded.
Transcript read City Clerk Fulasz read an excerpt from the
minutes of the meeting of October 9, 1973,
which clarified Council's action on this
Sherwood Roberts, Attorney Mr. Roberts stated he represents Visual Cable
TV, Rancho Rios and many others. He explained
that the ordinance was adopted because the
former franchisee did not service the subdivi-
sion; however, this is being taken care of now
and arrangements are made for Mission Cable
TV purchase. Visual Cable TV has filed an
application tonight to service the El Rancho
del Rey Subdivision. In this respect, Mr.
Roberts added, he has no clients at this time
that are interested in the present resolution.
City Attorney's comments Mr. Lindberg commented that the resolution
proposed will not repeal present licenses.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 7189 - In answer to Councilman Egdahl's query, City
APPROVING AGREEMENTS BETWEEN Attorney Lindberg declared that there was no
THE CITY AND DUNPHY CONSTRUC- conflict of interest on the part of Councilman
TION COMPANY AND EDWARD MILLS Egdahl in voting on this resolution.
CERTAIN PARCELS UNDER SINGLE In addition to the construction of a trucking
OWNERSHIP IN THE SWEETWATER terminal in the Sweetwater Valley Industrial
VALLEY INDUSTRIAL PARK Park, Dunphy Construction Company proposes a
phased industrial development. The Sweet-
water Valley Industrial Park was subdivided
into a multiplicity of small lots which are
totally impractical for use as industrial
sites. It is, therefore, necessary that many
of these lots be combined so that they may
be properly utilized for industrial develop-
ment. The City is guaranteed a control,
achieved either through agreement or a parcel
map, to insure proper parking and other nec-
essary amenities arranged for industrial usage.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting 5 February 14, 1974
RESOLUTION NO. 7190 ~ The resolution adds Proposition "B" to the
AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 7163 ~ ballot relating to the elimination of separate
CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF levies for the Library~ Parks and Recreation,
GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO and Planning and combining the levies with
BE HELD ON APRIL 9, 1974 FOR the general levy for municipal purposes estab-
ELECTION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS lishing a maximnm limitation of $1.80 tax rate
OF SAID CITY AND ADDING THERETO on each $100 of assessed valuation.
Change in wording Councilman Egdahl suggested the wording be
changed to indicate that this represents no
change in the present maximum limitation
($1.80 tax rate).
City Attorney Lindberg stated he would incor-
porate this in the ballot argument and bring
it back to the Council next week.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, as amended,
the reading of the text was waived by unan-
imous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 7191 - The subdivision is located generally east of
REAPPROVING MAP OF BONITA 0tay Lakes Road and north of 8onita Vista
VIEW TERRACE SUBDIVISION, Junior High School. In October 1973, the
ACCEPTING ON BEHALF OF THE Council reapproved the final subdivision map
PUBLIC THE PUBLIC STREETS of this subdivision. At this time, the de-
DEDICATED ON SAID MAP AND veloper is again requesting reapproval of
ACCEPTING ON BEHALF OF THE the map in accordance with the provisions of
CITY THE EASEMENTS GRANTED the Code based upon the difficulty of acquir-
ON SAID MAP WITHIN SAID ing financing in the current money market.
City Attorney Lindberg stated that he informed
the developer that there would be no further
extensions beyond this time.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1525 - At the City Council meeting of February S,
AMENDING CHAPTER 1S, 1974, the Council directed that an ordinance
ARTICLE 12, SECTION 15.1205 be brought back relating to the standardiza-
OF THE CITY CODE RELATING tion of the curfew hour for minors. The
TO THE CURFEW FOR MINORS - curfew hour is set at 11:00 p.m.
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
first reading ordinance be placed on its first reading and
that reading of the text be waived by unan-
imous consent.
City Council Meeting 6 February 14, 1974
The motion carried by the following vote, to-
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hohel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 7193 - This item was continued from the meeting of
AUTHORIZING A TRANSFER TO February 5, 1974. It authorizes the trans-
THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY fer of $10,000 from the unappropriated sur-
OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA plus of the Federal Revenue Sharing Fund to
AND PRESCRIBING TERMS AND the Agency for expenses incurred in the pur-
CONDITIONS THEREFOR suit of redevelopment. The Office of the
Secretary of the Treasury's Office of Revenue
Sharing indicated that the utilization of
Revenue Sharing Funds for the legal and ad-
ministrative expenses associated with imple-
menting a redevelopment project involving
capital expenditures constitutes a proper
expenditure of funds.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent None
ORDINANCE NO. 1522 - At the meeting of February 5, 1974, the City
PROPOSING AND SUBMITTING TO Council directed that a second proposition
THE ELECTORS AT THE GENERAL be put on the ballot: Proposition "B" which
MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD eliminates separate levies for the Library,
IN SAID CITY ON THE 9TH DAY Parks and Recreation, and Planning combining
OF APRIL 1974 CERTAIN the levies with the general levy for municipal
PROPOSITIONS TO ADOPT AN purposes establishing a maximum limitation of
ORDINANCE AND TO AMEND THE $1.80 tax rate on each $100 of assessed valua-
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
first reading ordinance be placed on its first reading and
that reading of the text be waived by unan-
imous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1523 - The subdivision consists of approximately
AMENDING ZONING MAP ESTABLISHED 32 acres located between Otay Lakes Road and
BY SECTION 33.401 OF THE CITY Acacia Avenue south of Bonita Road.
PROPERTY LOCATED BETWEEN OTAY The ordinance was placed on first reading at
LAKES ROAD AND ACACIA AVENUE the meeting of February S, 1974.
City Council Meeting 7 February 14, 1974
CERTAIN ADDITIONAL PROPERTY It was moved by Councilman Egdahl tkat this
LOCATED CONTIGUOUS THERETO ordinance be placed on its second reading
FROM E-1-A TO R-E-P ~ and adopted and that reading of the text be
SECOND READING AND ADOPTION waived by unanimous consent,
Ordinance placed on second The motion carried by the following vote, to-
reading and adopted wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1524 - The ordinance was placed on first reading at
AMENDING ZONING MAP ESTABLISHED the meeting of February S, 1974.
CODE REZONING THAT CERTAIN It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE ordinance be placed on its second reading
BAYFRONT AREA FROM I TO P-C, and adopted and that reading of the text be
R-3-H-P AND C-V-P - waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote, to-
Ordinance placed on second wit:
reading and adopted AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
GASOLINE ALLOTMENTS Mayor Hamilton asked that the citizens of
Chula Vista, on a voluntary basis, go on
the same type of schedule of filling their
cars as the City of San Diego (even and odd
days). The Mayor asked that the service sta-
tion owners do this on a voluntary basis, and
if they feel that a limit of a certain dollar
amount of gasoline and a maximum would make
this more effective, it would be within their
prerogative to do so.
Motion for regional plan It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
a resolution be brought back recommending
that all of the cities in San Diego County
do this so that there can be uniformity within
the San Diego County areas. Also to be noted
in the resolution is that there will be ex-
ceptions that will have to be made. (If a
person from out of to~ needs fuel to get back
home, the service station attendant should
recognize this.)
MEETING FOR SAN DIEGO- Mayor Hamilton announced that the Bicentennial
IMPERIAL NATIONAL ENERGY Committee ~ill be holding a meeting tomorrow
RESEARCH CENTER (February 15) beginning at 2:15 p.m. in the
Council Chamber~ proposing that this area
become a National Energy Research Center. Over
120 letters have been sent out and there have
been 75-85 confirmed reservations as of this
EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
an Executive Session be called at the close
of the meeting for personnel reasons.
City Council Meeting 8 February 14, 1974
PARK RANGER Councilman Scott discussed the possibility of
again hiring a Park Ranger,
City Manager Thomson stated that he discussed
this with Councilman Scott'and looked into the
possibility of hiring someone under the PEP
program. This program terminates on March 30;
however, staff is looking into the possibility
of an extension until budget time. Mr. Thomson
indicated that if there is a lack of funds in
order to extend the program, staff will be back
to Council.
GAS VAPOR CONTROL Councilman Scott noted the letter received from
Supervisor Dick Brown concerning the vapor
control problem on gasoline. Councilman Scott
felt this was a tremendously important problem
as far as the environment is concerned, and
that the Council should support a resolution
encouraging implementation and adherence to
the vapor control law.
Councilman Hobel stated this was done through
a vehicle of the CPO (Air Quality Control).
Motion of support It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
by Councilman Hyde that a resolution be brought
back supporting the concept of the Air Quality
Control in their vapor control program.
Mayor Hamilton asked that included in the mo-
tion should be a statement that the service
station owner is not responsible for this in-
stallation - it should be the major oil company.
Councilman Scott commented that he would not
include this in the motion as all of the ser-
vice stations are not serviced by major oil
Clarification of motion Councilman Scott stated that the intent of his
motion was that a resolution be brought back
which would enforce the existing Air Quality
Control law, and not just in concept.
Motion restated It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
by Councilman Hyde that the City Council sup-
port the efforts of the Board of Supervisors
and the Air Quality Control Commission in
enforcing the vapor control laws.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-
AYES: Councilmen Scott~ Hobel, Hyde,
Noes: Mayor Hamilton
Absent: None
"H" MODIFYING DISTRICT It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
by Councilman Hyde that the Planning Commission
look at an ordinance that would develop every-
thing east of Interstate 805 in the Hillside
"H" supplemental zone.
City Council Meeting 9 February 14, 1974
Planning Director Peterson submitted a map
noting the areas zoned agriculture, He ex-
plained that if these lands are rezoned to
a residential category with the !'H" Modifying
District, it represents an intensification.
The staff will be presenting this to the
Planning Commission, but first they must pre-
pare an environmental impact report on the
rezonings of all the properties.
Councilman Scott remarked that the Council
did not ask for any properties to be put into
the "R" zone ~ the areas that are agriculturally
zoned were to remain that way with just the
supplemental zone attached.
Council discussion Discussion ensued as to the areas that should
be considered for the "H" zone. Mr. Peterson
discussed the areas presently being developed,
or in the preliminary stages, and those areas
zoned P-C.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Scott withdrew his motion; Council-
man Hyde withdrew the second.
Motion to refer to It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
Planning Commission by Councilman Hyde that the Planning Commission
consider the advisability of providing the "H"
overlaying zone on those areas that are R-i,
excluding those that are in the tentative
map stage and decide on the rest on a case to
case basis.
P-C zone Councilman Hyde questioned whether this in-
cludes the areas within the P-C zone.
Councilman Scott declared that this is included
in his motion.
Clarification of wording In answer to Councilman Egdahl, Councilman
of motion Scott explained that the terminology in the
motion "the rest" is that land that is R-1
that is in the tentative maps, and those other
properties that are in the process but not up
to the tentative map stage.
City Attorney Lindberg further explained that
the motion includes all the "R"-zoned properties
where the "H" zone would apply.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hyde,
Noes; Mayor Hamilton
Absent: None
Motion to include all It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded
residential zones by Councilman Scott that consideration be
given to amending the Hillside Development
Ordinance to expand its scope of application
to include other zones than simply the R-1
through R-iS; specifically, that it include
the P-C zone.
City Council Meetin~ 10 February 14, 1974
Councilman Hyde asked for discussion to expand
this to include the R-2 and R-3 zones ~ all
categories of multiple residential.
Sports World property Council discussion followed on the motion made
concerning the Sports World project (April
P-C Zone Planning Director Peterson discussed the P-Z
zone stating that to combine the "H" Modifying
District with the P-C would be undermining the
intent of the P-C zone. However, any P-C ap-
proval should reflect the intent that is inher-
ent in the "H" Modifying District.
Motion modified It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded
by Councilman Scott that those areas within
the City currently zoned P-C be reviewed with
a view to modifying them to reflect the prin-
ciples of the "H" Modifying District as they
may apply to their development.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Noes: Mayor Hamilton
Absent: None
NEW BUSES Councilman Scott asked that the staff submit
a report on the status of getting new buses
for the City.
PROPOSITION ON BALLOT It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded
by Councilman Hyde that the proposition that
was put on the ballot two years ago be put on
the April ballot: compensation for boards
and commissions.
Dollar amount discussed Discussion followed as to the maximum amount
to be allowed for each meeting, and to the
amount paid the School District officials for
their meetings.
Motion restated It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
an ordinance be brought back at the next meet-
ing placing another proposition on the ballot
for compensation for boards and commissions
for meetings recommending that it be in line
with the various potential compensations as
paid the School Districts, at the discretion
of the Council.
Councilman Hobel indicated that he is thinking
only in terms of the Planning Commission that
have three meetings a month with long hours.
"H" ZONE DISCUSSION Councilman Hyde asked how long the staff needed
to proceed with the motions made regarding the
application of the "H" zone supplement to
those areas east of the City.
City Council Meeting 11 February 14, 1974
Director of Planning Peterson indicated it would
be approximately five to six months.
Moratorium to be placed It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded
on properties by Councilman E~dahl that a moratorium be
placed on the approval of tentative maps for
properties east of Interstate 805 pending com-
pletion of the extension of the "H" zone to
the areas which the Council has discussed this
evening, unless the applicants for the ten-
tative maps agree to comply with the standards
of the "H" zone, even though it may not be in
effect, It is the understanding that those
tentative maps already approved would not be
affected and those in the process would not
be affected,
For clarification, the exceptions would be:
1. Those tentative maps already approved,
2, Those developments already in process.
Those proposed tentative maps that agree
to comply with the "H" zone designator even
though not yet applicable;
4. That precise plan proposals and tentative
maps be those items subject to the moratorium
and not the exception.
Mayor's comments Mayor Hamilton remarked that the process would
be nearly one year rather than six months.
Councilman Egdahl felt it would be wise to ask
for staff's direction as to how to expedite
compliance with the intent of the motion.
Substitute motion It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
the staff bring back, as quickly as possible,
the step by step plan, or the specific motions
needed for adoption, to accomplish what the
Council very clearly stated it wishes to ac-
complish - the "H" Modifying District covering
all the undeveloped properties east of Inter-
state 805.
CITY-COUNTY TASK FORCE Councilman Hyde referred to the memo from
Councilman Bates to the City Council of San
Diego concerning areas of justification for
consolidation of City-County services.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded
by Councilman Egdahl that this matter be re-
ferred to staff for recommendation to see
whether or not it would be advisable for this
City to pursue this matter.
Further staff direction Councilman Egdahl asked that the staff comment
in the report on how this would tie in with
the presentation made by Supervisor Walsh
last week regarding the regional study.
City Council Meeting 12 February 14, 1974
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-
AYESi Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott, Hobel
Noes: Hayer Hamilton
Absent: None
DISCUSSION ON AD-BENCHES This item concerns a proposal by Ad-Bench,
Inc., for the placing of benches throughout
the City containing printed ads.
Councilman Scott noted the report from the
City Manager in which he stated that this
would be taken care of under the SB 325 funds.
Motion to file It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
this letter be filed and no action taken.
Verified claim for damages - Mr. Ravara has filed a verified claim for
John Ravara damages in the amount of $84.84 claiming that
613 Carla Avenue on January 29, 1974, as he was driving along
the south side of Telegraph Canyon Road, two
reeks struck his windshield as a result of
a City crew filling holes in the road.
Claim denied It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the claim be denied so that it can be
turned over to the City's insurance carrier
for investigation.
Request for issuance of The Chamber of Commerce has requested that a
"Energy Conservation proclamation be issued to the citizens of
Proclamation" Chula Vista urging them to participate in a
voluntary energy conservation program.
Request granted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that a resolution be brought back embodying
this noble goal.
Request for meeting between The Chamber of Commerce requested that the
Council and County Council meet with San Diego County officials
representatives to discuss to explore the feasibility of creating a
regional library regional library.
Mayor Hamilton stated he met with Supervisor
Walsh. They formed an Ad Hoc Committee that
will be meeting next week. This committee
will be submitting proposals to the City
Manager and the County Administrator who, in
turn, will be giving recommendations as to
what can be accomplished.
Notification to Chamber It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
of Commerce Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
a copy of the Council's action in this matter
be sent to the Chamber.
City Council Meeting 13 February 14, 1974
Request from Veterans of District One of the Veterans of Foreign Wars~
Foreign Wars District I Department of California, requested permission
to conduct annual "Buddy to cenduct their annual "Buddy Poppy Sale" on
Poppy Sale" May 17 and 18, 1974~
Approval granted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
the request be granted,
Requests from Chamber of The Chamber of Commerce requested that the
Commerce regarding two Council vote against the following two recom-
TOPICS recommendations mendations in the TOPICS study:
1. The continuous left turn lane on Broadway
from "C" to "L" Streets.
2. Elimination of diagonal parking on Third
Motion to file It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
this request be filed and brought back at such
time as the TOPICS program is before the City
MEETING CLOSED Mayor Hamilton closed the meeting at 8:40 p.m.
to the meeting of the Redevelopment Agency.
MEETING RECONVENED Mayor Hamilton reconvened the meeting at
8:52 p,m. and recessed the meeting to the
Executive Session called for personnel reasons.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 9:55 p.m.
to the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 19,
1974 at 7:00 p.m.
City Cler]( ~