HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1974/03/05 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday March 5, 1974
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was held
on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 276 Fourth Avenue, with
the following
Councilmen present: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Councilmen absent: Councilman Egdahl
Staff present: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg, Director of
Public Works Cole, Director of Planning Peterson, City
Librarian Levine.
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a moment of
silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
the minutes of the meeting of February 26, 1974
be approved, copies having been sent to each
PRESENTATION OF 2S-YEAR Mayor Hamilton presented Sergeant Jack K. Fry
SERVICE PIN AWARD TO of the Chula Vista Police Department with a
SGT. JACK K. FRY 25-year service pin and commended him for his
years of service to the City.
PRESENTATION ON REORGANIZA- Mr. R. B. "Bud" James, County Law and Justice
TION OF COUNTY COURTS Coordinator discussed the recent proposal to
the Board of Supervisors for the reorganization
of the South Bay court system.
Mr. James outlined the history of the court
system in San Diego County.
He indicated that his Agency's proposal to the
Board of Supervisors was that: (1) National
City be included in a municipal court judicial
district, (2) the Coronado Justice Court be dis-
continued and become a part of the San Diego
Judicial District, (3) Imperial Beach be in-
cluded and that the South Bay area incorporated
into the City of San Diego also remain a part
of the San Diego Judicial District. He com-
mented that this recommendation was made after
making a thorough study of what the court case-
load was, from were it originated, what the flow
of traffic was, the types of cases, and an
analysis of judicial workload against weighted
He added that National City (now existing jus-
tice court), although included within the San
Diego judicial District, would become a South
Bay Traffic Court, handling approximately the
same jurisdictional level as the Clairemont
Mesa Traffic Court. A boundary could be drawn
City Council Meeting 2 March 5, 1974
so that everything ticketed south of Market
Street, including Coronado and the incorporated
area of San Diego, creates a full judicial
workload for a traffic court located in National
City. He did mention that the existing judge
of that justice court does qualify to become a
traffic court referee and at the will and plea-
sure of the judges of the San Diego Judicial
District could be retained as such. Implemen-
tation of the proposal would mean that the Chula
Vista Court's level of service would be elevated
to a full-time court facility (with some reser-
vations, however, when it comes to the transfer
of prisoners, etc., more easily dealt with in
the central complex).
The Board of Supervisors has the authority to
determine where judicial boundaries shall be
and where court sessions shall be held. How-
ever, the Court itself makes the determination
of how it will distribute its judicial man-
power and the scheduling of litigation or trial
Assembly Bill 3217 Mr. James discussed Assembly Bill No. 3217,
introduced by A~semblyman Deddeh. That bill
reestablishes the municipal court designated
as the South Bay Judicial District, which dis-
trict would encompass the cities of Chula Vista,
National City and Imperial Beach and contiguous
areas determined by the Board of Supervisors.
It prescribes three judges and the salary of
any traffic referee appointed by the judges.
He added that this would create a one-court
complex and would not really do the job.
Requests resolution of Mr. James requested a resolution of endorsement
endorsement for the proposal as presented to the Board of
Supervisors by the Law and Justice Agency.
Councilman Scott voiced his reluctance to en-
dorse this plan until we have in writing (a
legal document) stating that this plan is the
plan that the judges would endorse and would
bring additional service to the South Bay
Mr. James stated that the judges feel the re-
alignment of boundaries carries a political
impact and would prefer to respond to something
that has been predesigned or designated.
Motion to bring back It was moved by Mayor Hamilton and seconded by
resolution of endorsement Councilman Hyde that a resolution of endorse-
ment be brought back. with the contingencies
eluded to by Councilman Scott for action at the
next Council meeting (March 12).
John McGuane, Attorney Mr. McGuane stated he was one of the members
3973 Acacia of the South Bay Bar Association who support
Assemblyman Deddeh's bill, previously discussed.
He asked that endorsement of either plan be with-
held until they have been given more study. If
the matter were to be deferred for two weeks,
his association would be able to get more in-
formation and make a presentation.
City Council Meeting 3 March 5, 1974
Second to motion withdrawn Councilman Hyde withdrew his second to the
motion on the floor.
Discussion ensued on the Deddeh Bill and pos-
sible amendment to it to provide for severing
of municipal boundary lines and creation of
new judicial districts, and the fact that this
would offer an alternative.
K. Niek Slijk Mr. Slijk asked that this matter be deferred
Chamber of Commerce to a later date for the opinion of the South
Bay Bar Association and the Chamber of Commerce.
Substitute motion; It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
matter continued for Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried by
two weeks those present that this matter be brought back
in two weeks (March 19).
RECESS A recess was called at 8:18 p.m. and the meet-
ing reconvened at 8:31 p.m.
David Leslie, Director Mr. Leslie commented on the success of the
County Veterans Service Veterans Service representative program.
(Mr. Eugene Rovegno of the County Veterans
Service Bureau is in Civic Center every Thurs-
day between 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to assist
people with Veterans programs and information.)
Mr. Leslie stated that Chula Vista is the only
city having come to his agency for assistance
of this type. Me did indicate, however, that
more publicity on the program was needed.
Mrs. Ted Melton Mrs. Melton requested an extension of time on
441 James Court the installation of street improvements at
441 James Court.
Councilman Hyde asked if the City could con-
tract for this work, subject to the Meltons'
agreeing to whatever the contract may be.
City Attorney Lindberg remarked that the agree-
ment calls for the City to cause the work to
be done in the event that it cannot be per-
formed by the property owners, and that a lien
be placed on the property.
Referred to City Manager It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried by
those present that the City Manager take this
matter up directly with Mrs. Melton and take
what action is appropriate to assist this and/
or come back to the Council for further direction.
Progress report on City Manager Thomson asked that consideration
new Library of Item No. 3 on the Agenda, "Report on Prog-
ress of New Library," be held over for one week
City Council Meeting 4 March 5, 1974
so he may discuss further the proposals con-
tained therein with the department heads in-
volved. He stated this item could be incorpor-
ated into the next report which would be
presented to Council at the meeting of March 12.
Report held over for It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
one week Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried by
those present that this report be held over to
the meeting of March 12, 1974.
REPORT ON PROGRESS (Held over until March 12, 1974.)
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried by
those present that the Consent Calendar be ap-
proved and adopted.
RESOLUTION NO. 7210 - On February 26, 1974, the Council approved the
APPROVING CONTRACT WITH recommendation of the Director of Finance to
R. L. KAUTZ & COMPANY, contract with R. L. Kautz & Company, Inc., for
INC., FOR SELF-INSURANCE, self-insurance services. This contract will
WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION become effective April 1, 1974 and the annual
fee for their services will be $9,200.
RESOLUTION NO. 7211 - This resolution establishes a fee of $200 plus
ESTABLISHING A SCHEDULE $2 for each acre over 5 acres involved in an
AND FEE FOR CONSIDERATION application for a General Plan amendment, as
OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENTS well as establishing a schedule for consider-
ing such amendments.
RESOLUTION NO. 7212 - Dr. Terry Tanaka proposes to develop a dental
APPROVING AGREEMENT WITH building utilizing portions of two lots of
DR. TERRY TANAKA, PROVIDING record. The agreement consolidates the lots
FOR THE HOLDING OF CERTAIN and will secure the position of the City in
PARCELS UNDER SINGLE regard to said development.
RESOLUTION NO. 7213 - On January 15, 1974, the Council accepted a
APPROVING AGREEMENT FOR report by the Director of Public Works for the
PARTICIPATION IN SEWER construction of a sewer in Bay Boulevard to
CONSTRUCTION - 100-200 serve the proposed Anthony's Fish Grotto.
BLOCK OF BAY BOULEVARD Mr. Harding C. Campbell, owner of the property
at 215 Bay Boulevard, executed an agreement
for participating in the cost of constructing
the sewer--specifically to pay 33.64% of the
cost for engineering and construction of the
sewer in Bay Boulevard and 50% of the cost for
the sewer between the sewer main in Bay Boule-
vard and the Metropolitan Trunk Sewer.
RESOLUTION NO. 7214 - This resolution approves the "Center Island
APPROVING CENTER ISLAND Median Landscaping Policy" presented to the
MEDIAN LANDSCAPING POLICY Council in a report by the Director of Public
Works at the meeting of February 5, 1974. The
Council accepted this report by minute action.
City Council Meeting 5 March 5, 1974
RESOLUTION NO. 7215 - The installation of pedestrian signals, Gas Tax
ACCEPTING INSTALLATION Project #167, was completed by Arrow Electric
OE PEDESTRIAN SIGNALS, on Eebruary 1. A final inspection made by
GAS TAX PROJECT #167 Public Works on Eebruary 21, 1974 showed all
improvements to be satisfactorily installed
and completed.
RESOLUTION NO. 7216 - These one-foot control lots are required to
ACCEPTING ONE-FOOT CONTROL provide for the future extension of the street
LOTS A AND B IN RANCHO RIOS and to control devolopment of adjacent property.
RESOLUTION NO. 7217 - These lots are necessary to control development
ACCEPTING, DEDICATING AND of adjacent property as well as to provide for
NAMING ONE-FOOT CONTROL LOTS future extension of streets.
RESOLUTION NO. 7218 - These lots are necessary to control development
ACCEPTING, DEDICATING AND of adjacent property as well as to provide for
NAMING ONE-FOOT CONTROL future extension of streets.
RESOLUTION NO. 7219 - The City Council, at its meeting of February 26,
SUPPORTING SENATE BILL 1974, reaffirmed its support of our local cam-
NO. 169S RELATIVE TO paign expenditure ordinance and directed that
CAMPAIGN ORDINANCES OF a resolution be prepared supporting said legis-
CITIES lation to clearly support the right of the cities
to legislate in such areas.
RESOLUTION NO. 7220 - Council has heretofore approved the request of
APPROVING REVISED AGREE- the Chula Vista Visitors and Convention Bureau
MENT WITH VISITORS AND to amend the method of handling matching fund
CONVENTION BUREAU appropriations. The agreement reflects the
understanding that the Bureau shall request
matching funds from the amount appropriated at
any time throughout the year, upon a showing
that the Bureau has an equivalent amount of
money available for expenditure.
(End of Consent Calendar)
RESOLUTION NO. 7221 - This resolution sets the date of April 16, 1974
SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING as the date to hold a public hearing for the
FOR THE CONSIDERATION OF consideration of a project for which financial
APPLICATION TO URBAN assistance is being sought from the Urban Mass
MASS TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION Transportation Administration, pursuant to the
FOR PURCHASE OF TRANSIT BUSES Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Scott, Hobel,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
City Council Meeting 6 March 5, 1974
Energy Research Group Mayor Hamilton noted the Environmental Control
Commission's withdrawal of their request to
have a joint meeting with the Council to discuss
the formation of an Energy Research Group and
therefore no meeting would be scheduled.
Operation Handshake The Mayor reported on this breakfast held for
Breakfast Meeting businessmen and professional people in the com-
munity. Forty-one people attended this function
(held on March 4). He extended an invitation
to all Council members, the City Manager and
his staff to attend the next breakfast on April 1,
at 7:30 a.m. at the Lions Club Community Center.
Executive Session It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried by
those present that the Council recess to an
Executive Session at the end of this meeting.
Radial Corridors Councilman Hobel referred to action taken at
last week's Council meeting to request the
Comprehensive Planning Organization to make a
presentation on radial corridors.
Council concurred that these arrangements could
be worked out through the City Manager's office.
Development of County Councilman Hyde asked of the status of efforts
facilities in South Bay being made towards having a complex for County
facilities in Chula Vista.
City Manager Thomson reported that City and
County staff had met just this morning and dis-
cussed this subject. They will be looking at
similar actions being taken in the cities of
Vista and E1Cajon. They will look at Chula
Vista's needs, financial ability to pursue these
needs, and then work with County staff on how
a plan could be integrated for a joint complex.
Verified claim for damages - Miss Phyllis Wooten submitted a claim for dam-
Phyllis Wooten ages she claimed were incurred when a City
183 Bethune Way vehicle collided with hers at the intersection
of Third and "L" Streets. To date, she was
unable to state the amount for which her claim
was submitted.
City Attorney Lindberg stated that his office
has responded to the claimant and that the law
does require a statement of the amount being
demanded in the claim. He recommended the
claim be rejected on this basis.
City Council Meeting 7 March 5, 1974
Claim rejected It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried by
those present that this claim be rejected on
the basis of insufficiency.
Letter of resignation - Chris Klinkenberg submitted a letter of resig-
Chris Klinkenberg nation from the City's Youth Commission as he
is unable to devote an adequate amount of time
to the duties required of him on that Commission.
Resignation accepted It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
with regret Councilman Scott and unanimously carried by
those present that the resignation be accepted
with regret and a letter of appreciation be
sent to Mr. Klinkenberg for his service on the
SAN DIEGO TRANSIT Mayor Hamilton noted that the presentation by
PRESENTATION San Diego Transit Corporation representatives
will be made at the meeting of March 12, 1974.
Councilman Hobel commented it would be helpful
to have detailed information in hand prior to
the presentation and hoped that this would be
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed to an Executive Session
at 8:47 and the meeting reconvened at 8:59 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 9:00 p.m.
to the Council Conference scheduled for Thursday,
March 7, 1974 at 7:00 p.m.
Deputy City Clerk