HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1974/03/26 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday March 26, 1974
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was
held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 276 Fourth
Avenue, Chula Vista, with the following:
Councilmen present: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City
Manager Bourcier, Assistant Director of Public Works Roberts,
Director of Planning Peterson, Director of Parks and Recreation
Hall, City Librarian Levine, Director of Personnel McCabe,
Assistant to the City Manager Wittenberg
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a moment
of silent prayer.
GUESTS WELCOMED Mayor Hamilton introduced and welcomed a
number of guests from the Congregational
APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meetings of
March 14 and 19, 1974, be approved, copies
lxaving been sent to each Councilman.
PRESENTATION OF QUARTERLY Mr. Gary Wappes, Administrator, submitted
FINANCIAL REPORT ON "OUR the quarterly financial report for the
HOUSE" period December 1973 through February
1974. Mr. Wappes stated that City funds
granted to "Our House" do not go through
their books, as it pays directly for
rent and utilities. For this reason, he
requested Council action to eliminate the
costly financial reporting requirement
from their contract with the City.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the report be accepted.
Copies of reports It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the Council receive a copy of the re-
ports "Our House" submits to the Federal
government (quarterly reports plus a yearly
ITEM 22 MOVED UP It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
(Hilltop Terrace) by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that Item No. 22 (Hilltop Terrace Planned
Unit Development) be considered at this
City Council Meeting 2 March 26, 1974
RESOLUTION APPROVING At Council's direction, this resoiution
CONCEPT OF PLANNED was continued from the meeting of March 19,
TERRACE Mayor Hamilton declared that the public
hearing had been closed and no new testimony
will be heard.
City Attorney Lindberg noted that there
were some people who wished to speak on
this item and would do so under Oral
Communications. He advised the Council
not to hear any testimony on this matter --
this matter was not advertised as a public
hearing and it would be unfair to hear any
testimony in this regard.
Mr. Lindberg referred to his memo whereby
he stated it would be improper to consider
as a conceptual matter the removal of the
R-1 buffer zone designated for the northern
tier of this property without going through
the rezoning process. This property was
left in R-1 zone and would require rezoning
to be incorporated into a planned unit de-
Planning Director's comments Director of Planning Peterson commented that
he agrees, in part, with the City Attorney's
opinion; however, he felt this was an un-
usual case whereby tentative approval was
given by the Council in 1969. Since that
date, there have been extensive changes in
the PUD ordinance and procedures. ~e
applicant is proceeding along the plan of
including the entire area in a PUD project,
which the Planning staff feels is a much
better utilization of the area; however,
in so doing, the applicant feels he is de-
parting from the Council's direction in
1969. He is, therefore, asking this Council
whether they agree with the direction
given by the Council in 1969.
Motion to refer to It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and
Planning Commission seconded by Councilman Scott that the
Council heed the legal advice given by
the City Attorney (that the matter must
have a rezoning), and therefore, refer
this back to the Planning Commission for
rezoning action. At the same time, the
Council not reject the concept of a Planned
Unit Development for the property.
Discussion of motion Councilman Hyde felt there should be a
base zone.
Councilman Egdahl explained that the appli-
cant must apply for some particular zoning
on which the Planning Commission can hold
a hearing. To include a zoning would, in
essence, be giving direction to the
Planning Commission.
"H" Zone Councilman Hyde suggested the Planning Com-
mission give consideration to the appropri-
ateness of applying the "H" designator to
whatever zone is determined.
City Council Meeting 3 March 26, 1974
Councilman Egdahl said this could be a
recommendation to the Planning Commission,
but he would not include it as a part of
his motion.
Motion carried The motion to refer the matter to the Plan-
ning Commission carried unanimously.
Processing fee Councilman Hyde indicated it would be un-
fair to have the applicant pay the public
hearing costs again.
Director of Planning Peterson explained the
fees the applicant would be obligated to
Councilman Scott remarked that this propo-
sal was one initiated by the staff, and if
the applicant chose to pursue his original
plan, it would be less fees than this
particular plan.
Staff input Mr. Peterson declared that this was not the
staff's plan -- it is a plan prepared by
the applicant. The staff worked closely
with him in the development of the plan.
ITEM NO. 23 BROUGHT It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
UP (CONSIDERATION OF by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
COURT REORGANIZATION - that Item No. 23 (South Bay Court) be
SOUTH BAY) considered at this time.
City Attorney Lindberg reported that
Assemblyman Deddeh appeared before the
Board of Supervisors this morning and
explained his proposed Constitutional
amendment. It would authorize the divi-
sion of the City of San Diego into two
judicial districts. The Board endorsed
both his Bill and Constitutional amendment.
Mr. Lindberg added that Supervisor Walsh
has requested a ,one-wee~s continuance on
this matter. More information will be
received from the South Bay Bar Association
and a more in-depth study will be presented
to the City Council.
Continued for one week It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that this matter be continued for one week.
E. Dlugo Mr. Dlugo gave what he interpreted as the
211 East Millan Street City Council's actions in the last ten
years in "dealing with outside developers."
He asked what had to be done to stop the
"year-round Christmas spirit of dealing with
developers." Mr. Dlugo commented that
perhaps the City Clerk should be kidnapped
and held hostage until a unanimous set of
red lights ("no" votes) appears on the
voting panel.
City Council Meeting 4 Harch 26, 1974
Mayor Hamilton suggested Mr. Dlugo attend
more Council meetings to get better in-
formed on these issues, and be more aware
of the reasons behind the Council's ac-
Councilman Hyde noted that two out of the
three developers mentioned by Mr. Dlugo
have sued the Council because they did not
get what they wanted.
Motion offered Councilman Egdahl offered the following
motion which he indicated would bring on the
"red lights" requested by Mr. Dlugo.
It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and
seconded by Councilman Hyde that the Coun-
cil is unhappy that Mr. Dlugo came to-
Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote,
~ye$: None
NOES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Absent: None
REPORT ON REQUESTED City Manager ~omson requested that a
STAFFING CHANGES IN public hearing be held on April 16,
FIRE DEPARTMENT 1974, to amend the current Fire Depart-
ment budget as follows:
Delete: 5 Firefighter positions
Add: 5 Communication Operator I
1 Senior Mechanic position
Mr. Thomson explained that the additional
position can be accomplished within cur-
rently budgeted funds. At the present
time, there are three vacancies in the Fire
service. These vacancies, coupled with
an allowance to phase out the remaining
two Firefighter positions by attrition,
will allow this change without need to
lay off or demote any regular employees.
RESOLUTION NO. 7242 - Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading
INTENTION TO HOLD A of the text was waived by unanimous con-
PUBLIC HEARING TO AMEND sent, passed and adopted by the following
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
REPORT ON SAN DIEGO City Manager Thomson stated that his staff
TRANSIT CORPORATION has reviewed the Bus Corporation's service
BUS SERVICE PROPOSAL proposal for fiscal 1974-75. The recom-
mendation as submitted by L. J. Wittenberg,
Assistant to the City Manager, was for:
City Council Meeting 5 March 26, 1974
1. Approval of agreement with San
Diego Transit Corporation pro-
viding for inter-city bus service.
This amounts to $154,140 of which
$153,359 would come from Chula
Vista's Local Transportation Fund.
2. Format the Fiscal 1975 transporta-
tion agreement to include updated
provisions listed in the current
contract and the following state-
"If Corporation is unable to pro-
vide service as designated in this
agreement, City's Local Transpor-
tation Fund shall receive reim-
bursement on contracted amount
based upon net costs and route
miles contained in this agreement."
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously car-
ried that the report be accepted and a
resolution and agreement be brought back
to Council for action.
Claude Page Mr. Page, in answer to Councilman Hobel's
Transit Coordinator questions, explained that all of the cities
and the County have received this same
agreement, and San Diego Transit Corpora-
tion is hoping for completion of the
packages before the end of April.
Councilman Scott asked if the entire pro-
posal was contingent upon all of the other
cities passing a resolution approving
their agreements.
Mr. Page stated it would not. If San Diego
Transit Corporation can get a commitment
and a resolution from Chula Vista under
the terms of the exhibits that will be
attached to the zontract, San Diego Tran-
sit will honor this.
Express Route to Councilman Egdahl discussed the proposed
Chula Vista express route to Chula Vista and indicated
that if it still continues to have "stand-
ing room only," that San Diego Transit
should either remedy this or make a revi-
sion to the agreement.
Mr. Page said they would be watching this
route, and noted the number of new buses
that will be purchased under the SB 325.
Councilman Scott asked if a clause could
be put into the contract stating that in
six months, this particular problem be
looked into.
Attorney Lindberg indicated there wou.ld
be no objection to such a clause.
CE TA PROPOSAL City Manager Thomson submitted a written
report concerning a CETA proposal (Com-
prehensive Employment and Training Act).
This is an association to help Vietnam
City Council Meeting 6 March 26, 1974
veterans and other disadvantaged citizens
in securing employment, and is intended to
replace the Public Employee Program now
under a phase-out.
CETA Proposal approved It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously
carried that the City Manager be given ap-
proval to submit a tentative program for
PROGRESS OF NEW LIBRARY A report was submitted in which the City
Librarian and Director of Public Works
discussed their meeting with the archi-
tect and Current Planning Supervisor to
review the site plan revisions and resolve
final questions before the architect's
preparation of schematics and rendering
for presentation to the City. The archi-
tect will submit completed schematics for
the library, including site plan, floor
plan and preliminary elevations. It was
requested that a Council Conference be
called for April 4, 1974, to consider
the schematics.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously car-
ried that the report be accepted and a
Conference be set for April 11, 1974 at
7:00 p.m.
STATUS REPORT - PARK Director of Parks and Recreation Hall sub-
DEVELOP~NT: TENNIS mitted a written report explaining that
SC-3-73 $30,000 from Capital Improvement Project
funds have been reassigned for tennis
court construction. The Public Works
Director has estimated that the amount of
$35,512 will be needed for the construc-
tion of two tennis courts including light-
ing for night play.
Mr. Mall discussed the two sites under
consideration - General Roca and South-
western College Tennis Complex.
Referred to Parks and It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
Recreation Commission by Councilman Hobel and unanimously car-
ried that this matter be referred to the
Parks and Recreation Commission for
investigation and recommendation prior to
Council's consideration.
Council discussion Councilman Hobel felt that overview of
the whole City should be considered for
the location of these two courts rather
than just considering General Roca and
Southwestern College.
General Roca Courts Mr. Hall discussed the maintenance program
for the General Roca Courts. One of the
complaints received is that the courts were
slick, and this is caused by the dust en-
countered from Menzel Park and through
continued use of the courts. It was hoped
that the courts could be resurfaced this
year; however, no funds are available
for this.
City Council Meeting 7 March 26, 1974
Mr. Hall added that the wind screens need
replacing but this, too, cannot be done
until the next fiscal year. A batter-
board or back-stop can be constructed at
a cost of $13,500 (two back-stops). As
to a bulletin board, Mr. Hall felt this
was a good suggestion and staff will work
on this.
P~PORT ON SUNDAY BUS Assistant Director of PUblic Works Robens
OPERATIONS reported that a study was made on the
feasibility of operating the Chula Vista
City Bus ~ine% on Sundays. It was re-
vealed that the volume and type of patrons
favor the operation of only Route "A" on
Sundays. Mr. Robens recommended that this
Sunday bus service be operated experimen-
tally for a period of twelve consecutive
Sundays starting on April 14, 1974, through
June 30, 1974. Aztec Bus Company has
agreed to provide the service at a cost
of $1,000 for the experimental twelve-week
Burt Leonard Mr. Leonard, in answer to Councilman Hyde's
Aztec Bus Lines query, stated that Aztec would use every
means for a "No Cost" advertising
program for this additional Service.
There is very little profit involved as
Aztec is providing this service at lower
than Charter rates just to see if this
project is feasible.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman~; seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously car-
ried that the r~e~o~ be accepted and a
special contractual agreement be drawn
up with Aztec Bus Company for this
service, allocating the sum of $1,000
from Revenue Sharing Funds to cover the
Revenue Sharing Funds Councilman Hobel noted that this allocation
is coming out of the 10% segment of the
Revenue Sharing Funds. He asked the City
Manager to submit a status report to the
Council at the next meeting of the
Revenue Sharing expenditures to date.
REPORT ON VAPOR RECOVERY Assistant Director of Public Works Robens
SYSTEMS ON CITY FUELING reported that the City must install a
FACILITIES vapor recovery system on two of its fuel-
ing facilities and a drop tube on an
existing u~derground tank by July 1, 1974
in order to comply with Rules 61 and 63 of
the San Diego Air Pollution Control District.
Mr. Robens asked for an appropriation of
$15,000 from the fund balance of the Central
Garage Funds for the purchase and installa-
tion of the vapor recovery systems.
The Council was further requested to de-
clare (in accordance with Section 1109
of the Charter) that the work of installing
the vapor recovery systems and relocation
of the fueling facility at the golf course
be exempt from this section on the grounds
City Council Meeting 8 March 26, 1974
that the work in question may be performed
better or more economically by the City
with its own employees and order the
performance of any such construction,
reconstructions, improvement or repair
by appropriate City forces.
Further recommendation was that the contract
be let without advertising for bids because
of urgent necessity for the preservation
of life, health and property in accordance
with Section 1109 of the City Charter.
Premature action Councilman Scott felt it was premature for
the ~o~L to act on this matter at this
time. He noted that the Board of Super-
visors will be acting on this matter
shortly (March 29) and if approved by
that Board, and everyone has to have this
system, it may be financially advantageous
to wait.
Motion for continuance It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously car-
ried that this matter be continued until
the status of the County requirements have
been resolved.
REPORT ON "J" STREET Director of Public Works Cole declared
WIDENING FROM EAST that the results of a recent capacity
PARK LANE TO CHURCH study conducted by the C~"s Traffic
AVENUE Engineer indicated that "J" Street from
East Park Lane to Church Avenue has ade-
quate capacity to handle present day
traffic and that based upon traffic needs,
the widening of "J" Street at this time was
not justified.
The Engineering Division recommended that
only certain work be performed to make the
new drainage inlets operable at the inter-
sections of Third, Fourth and Fifth
~ycnue~, and that a traffic signal be
installed at the intersection of Fifth
Avenue and "J" Street along with possible
upgrading to the signals at the inter-
sections of Fourth and Third Avenues.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the report be accepted.
Mr. Robens reported that the storm drain
installation will be completed. At ~e
next budget session, the Council will be
considering the C.I.P. for the redesign
construction of "J" Street.
REQUEST TO PROCEED WITH The Parking Place Commission requested
ACQUISITION OF PROPERTIES that the Council proceed with acquisition
FOR PARKING LOTS of the property at 281 and 287 Church
Street to be developed into an off-street
parking facility to alleviate the conges-
tion in that area.
City Comlcil Meeting 9 March 26, 1974
Continued for two weeks It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that this matter be referred to the City
Manager for a report back in two weeks.
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the Consent Calendar be approved and
RESOLUTION NO. 7243 - The sum of $22,000 in Gas Tax Funds has
APPROVING AGREEMENT been set aside to cover the City's cost
BETWEEN THE CITY OF of participating in the installation of
CHULA VISTA AND COUNTY these improvements. The plans are being
OF SAN DIEGO FOR THE prepared in anticipation of the future
IMPROVEMENT OF ALBANY construction of the Otay Elementary School
AVENUE FROM TREMONT as a result of the recent development of
AVENUE TO MAIN STREET - the Otay Park site. The Chula Vista
GAS TAX PROJECT #195 Elementary School District and the San
Diego Gas and Electric Company have expressed
their willingness to construct their im-
provements, and the County has agreed to
pay $4,500 toward the cost of the project.
RESOLUTION NO. 7244 - This project was financed in part by
DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF direct cash participation by certain of the
MONEY WHICH SHOULD BE benefiting property owners and in part
ASSESSED AGAINST CERTAIN through an advance of City funds. The
PARCELS OF PROPERTY PRIOR City Engineer has prepared his formal
TO MAKING SEWER CONNECTION recommendation regarding the method of
BECAUSE OF BENEFIT RECEIVED repayment to the City of funds advanced in
BY SAID PARCELS BY THE behalf of non-participating property owners
CONSTRUCTION OF SEWER which recommendation includes imposition
FACILITIES IN THE 700 of simple 4% interest to a maximum of ten
BLOCK OF HILLTOP DRIVE years commencing April 1, 1974.
RESOLUTION NO. 7245 - This amendment extends the termination date
APPROVING FIRST AMENDMENT TO for the agreement adopted on August 15,
AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY 1972 to January 1, 1976, or upon City certi-
OF CHULA VISTA AND THE COUNTY fication that all work has been completed,
OF SAN DIEGO FOR THE IMPROVE- whichever date is sooner.
RESOLUTION NO. 7246 - The eight-inch sewer to be constructed in
ACCEPTING GRANT OF EASEMENT Bay Boulevard north and south of "E" Street
FROM SAN DIEGO GAS AND will cross property owned by San Diego Gas
ELECTRIC COMPANY and Electric Company in the vicinity of its
connection with the seventy-eight-inch
Metropolitan Sewer. San Diego Gas and
Electric Company has granted a 4' x 11'
sewer easement to the City of Chula Vista.
RESOLUTION NO. 7247 - A four-way stop was installed through Trial
ESTABLISHING BOULEVARD STOP Traffic Regulation in July 1973. This oper-
AND/OR THROUGH STREET IN ation was reported as satisfactory and it
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA - is now requested that the installation be
FIFTH AVENUE AND "J" STREET made permanent.
City Council Meeting 10 March 26, 1974
RESOLUTION NO. 7248 - The following bids were received on March 19,
CHLORINE ROOM AT MEMORIAL R.W. Kurtz, General $ 8,236
PARK CENTER, PARKWAY AND Building Contractors
Patrick J. Timmins $ 8,970
Construction Company
Leeper Construction $12,023
It was recommended that the contract be
awarded to R. W. Kurtz Company, the low
RESOLUTION NO. 7249 - A variance was granted to the applicant for
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN a decrease in~arking spaces for a cocktail
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND lounge to be located at 645 "H" Street. One
VICTOR HALMAGHI FOR PRIOR of the conditions of the variance was that
APPROVAL OF CHANGES OF HOURS the Lessee of the premises enter into an
OF OPERATION - 645 "H" STREET agreement with the City requiring that any
changes in hours of operation which might
affect the parking situation in the entire
shopping complex would be subject to review
and prior approval by the Planning staff.
(End of Consent Calendar)
REPAYMENT OF SEWER FACILITIES Councilman Hyde questioned the 4% interest
rate charged (700 block of Hilltop Drive).
Assistant Director of Public Works Robens
explained that this was a carry-over from
past practices.
Motion to amend ordinance It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that an amendment be made to the ordinance
relative to the interest rate as charged
for City funds advanced for the public im-
provement developments be modified to reflect
the rates charged for 1911 Act developments
or a prevailing rate.
P~SOLUTION NO. 7250 - In a report to the Council, the Purchasing
AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE Agent reported that the City is able to
OF EIGHT (8) POLICE procure these vehicles via a cooperative
PATROL VEHICLES purchasing arrangement with the County of
Los Angeles on their bid No. Q1970, The
unit price for the vehicles is $3~271.39
plus delivery charge, or a total of
LPG Conversion Assistant Director of Public Works Robens
explained that the LPG conversion will be
done by City staff utilizing equipment
taken off the existing Matadors of the same
type of car. He added that LPG is easier
to get and costs 103 a gallon less than
City Council Meeting 11 March 26, 1974
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the fellowing vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 7251 - On March 19~ 1974, the City Council authorized
PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL the use of up to $750 to be appropriated
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR from the unappropriated surplus of the
RETAINING SERVICES OF A LAND- Planning Fund for retention of a landscape
SCAPE ARCHITECT TO REVISE architect to complete this work. Formali-
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA zation of this action requires adoFti6~-of
R~selution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 7252 - According to instructions received from the
AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL Comprehensive Planning Organization, fiscal
ON BEHALF OF AZTEC BUS 1974-75 claims for Local Transportation
LINES TO THE COMPREHENSIVE Fund monies must be submitted prior to
PLANNING ORGANIZATION OF April 1, 1974. This claim, amounting to
SAN DIEGO COUNTY OF AN $94,767, has been prepared.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 7253 - The Director of Public Works submitted a
APPROPRIATING AND AUTHORIZING report requesting the appropriation of
THE EXPENDITURE OF GAS TAX $60,000 from the 2107 Gas Tax funds un-
FUNDS FOR BRISBANE STREET appropriated balance for the acquisition
RIGHT-OF-WAY of the necessary right-of-way for Brisbane
Street. In addition, authorization was
asked to retain Gerald S. Kibbey and Associ-
ates for the appraisal of the fair market
value of the right-of-way for the relocation
of Brisbane Street along with the expendi-
ture of $1,500 from Gas Tax Project #194
for payment of the appraisal.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman EgdM~l, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
City Council Meeting 12 March 26, 1974
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 7254 - The following bids were received on March
AND MODIFICATION OF THE Leeper Construction Company $5,873.00
SHED AT 707 "F" STREET, R.W. Kurtz, General $6,748.00
PUBLIC WORKS CENTER Building Contractor
Patrick J. Timmins $7,595.00
Construction Company
It was recommended that the contract be
awarded to Leeper Construction Company.
The relocation of a telephone terminal box
will be performed by Pacific Telephone
personnel at a cost of $224.00. Ail re-
quired rearrangement and other electric
appurtenances and painting will be done
by City forces. The estimated cost of
these materials is $395.00. An appropria-
tion for an additional amount of $1,855 was
requested to cover the 10% contingency and
the cost of the materials.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Soott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that an Executive Session be held, at the
nloge of the business meeting, for personnel
EQUESTRIAN TRAILS Mayor Hamilton reported that he received a
letter from the South Bay Riders, Eques-
trian Trails Organization, in which they
indicated they are trying to establish an
ad hoc committee for San Diego County to
establish those trails throughout the County
similar to the Santa Barbara County's
General Plan. They asked for Chula Vista
Referred to City Manager It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that this request be referred to the City
Manager to designate a representative to
the established San Diego County ad hoc
City Council Meeting 13 March 26, 1974
TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Councilman Scott remarked that he would like
to be brought up-to-date on the response
from the Public Utilities Commission
concerning the City's objection to the
telephone directory listings.
City Attorney Lindberg stated that ne re-
sponse has been received. ^ response was
received by Mr. Stan McMains~ however, in
which the PUC indicated that they held a
public hearing on the matter.
Letter to be sent to PUC It was moYed by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that a copy of the same letter be sent by
registered mail to the PUC. If this does
not work, then perhaps the Council can con-
te~late some legal action.
BROWN FIELD Councilman Hyde referred to the newspaper
articles published recently concerning a
major airport at Brown Field.
Motion for staff It was moved by Councilman Hyde that the
consideration Planning Department be asked to consider
the proposals that have been seriously
entertained, by at least the staff of the
Comprehensive Planning Organization.
Councilman Hobel announced that the study
will be completed in late summer at which
time it will be considered by CPO. At
that time, the Council would decide its
position in the matter.
Mayor Hamilton commented that public
hearings will be held in the various com-
munities on this proposal.
Motion restated It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that the City Manager be directed to examine
the available information concerning Brown
Field major airport proposals and give a
report on the staff's viewpoints concerning
this to the City Council. This is to be
brought back next week.
City Manager Thomson said he would bring
back a status report on what is involved
and will also provide a supplemental package
of whatever information he can get in that
SHUFFLEBOARD COURTS Councilman Hyde commented that sometime ago
the Council referred to the staff the matter
of renovating the shuffleboard courts at
Memorial Park. He asked what has been ac-
complished on this.
City Manager Thomson stated he would report
back at the next meeting.
PRAYER BREAKFAST Councilman Egdahl reported that beginning
April 29, 1974, the Chamber of Commerce
will have a grand opening event for their
new building. A suggestion was made that
City Council Meeting 14 March 26, 1974
the Council and the Chamber sponsor would
could be a first annual Prayer Breakfast~
It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried
that the City co-sponsor the Prayer Break-
fast which is planned in conjunction with
the grand opening of the Chamber of Com-
merce facility.
EXECUTIV~ SESS10N The Council recessed to Executive Session
at 8:35 p.m~ and the meeting reconvened
at 9:00 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at
9:00 p.m. to the meeting scheduled for
Tuesday, April 2, 1974 at 7:00 p.m.