HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-06-09 Item 1 - Additional Information Item 1 Interview Schedule and Status of Interviewees June 9th, 2016 - Interview Schedule Interview Reappt. Times Applicant Name Board or Commission Y N 4:05 � 4:15 Juan Gonzales Civil Service Commission Y 4:25 � r.. ..�ti ��.. ..� 4:35 � �' 4:45 � Melissa Garchie Civil Service Commission N r..,....�ti nn.................« 4:55 � Item A - Reappointments to Civil Service and Growth Management Oversight Name � Commission Status Raymundo Alatorre � Growth Management Oversight Submitted letter of interest (attached) Javier Rosales Growih Management Oversight Cannot attend due to work emergenty (called 6/9/16) Juan Gonzales Civil Service Scheduled to interview at 4:15 Item B - Appointment to Civil Service Name Status Rafael Estrada,lr. Has not responded to several phone/email invitations to interview Melissa Garchie Scheduled to interview at 4:45 Amy Reeve � Submitted letter of interest (attached) Ju�e 9; 2016 Letter of Intent: Gro�tiKh Manaeement Oversieht Commission (GMOC) As a rrember of the ciFy's GMOC since S=pt=mber 2014, my time was spent understanding the tnreshold standards or`quality of life° indica,ors sei forth in ,hz city's Threshold Standards Policy adopied by Ciry Council in �987. The first f=_w months was just arasping th=complexity of the city's public faciliti=s and s_=rvices, listening to city employees answer surveys crezted by GMOC members, and figuriny out how to prepare a repor for City Counal. Now, w�;n almost r.vo years of experience as a GtdOC Commissioner, I havz a better underst�nding o�what measures need to b= taken to bnng ali the thr=shold standards into compliance- Other qualiti=s I bring to the GMOC that will help acnieve;his are: • Doctorate of Pharmacy • Bachelors of Science in Biolooical Sciences •8 years in managzm=nt pesiticn •Class of 1992 Chula Vista Hiah School • Bilingual Apologies for not mzking ih=4:55 meeting slot, but short notice and an iniense new work schedule has me preparing medication until 5:"s0 daily. I am ihe only Pharmacisl on Duty and coverage v:as not possible. It would be my pl=asure to continue representing the Norhwesem portion of tne city on the GMOC and pursue som_ of my con?ributions inGudfng, but not limfted to: •Asking that the City Manag�r bz at a GMOC m=_etina as a follow-up io Annuzl Repor rewmmerdatiors. • Brina up issue oi accountability in failurz of repeated non-complfznt stzndards. •A balance ratio of facilities to pooulatior in Chula Vista's Northwest area (essablisned for Librenzs(Ranche Del Rey�), Park=_ and Recreation. I would like to acknowlzdge Armida Torres (Chair) for her dirzciion and dedication, Mark Livag (GMOC 201?-2015) for hfs crash course comersations, Kim Vand=r Bfer and Patriciz Salvacion ior their long hours and 'nard work. Any questfons or corcems, I can be re2ch=d at Thank Yoq Dr_ Raymundo Alatorre Jr. PnarmD. Am M. Reeve SPHR L June 8, 2016 Mayor and Councilmembers Ciry of Chula V ista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 RE: Civil Service Commission Vacancy—Letter of Interest and Qualifications Dear Mayor and Councilmembers, The purpose.of my letter is to express my interest in applying for the vacancy wRth the City of Chula Vista Civil.Service Commission. With over ten years of experience managing the penonnel function for local govemment agencies in California, I feel that I am uniquely qualified to serve as a Commissioner in my community and look forwards to being of service in Chula Vista. 1 apologize that I am unable to interview personally, however the inten�iew date conflicts with the City of Coronado Civi1 Service meeting and I currently serve the Commission as [he Coronado staff liaison. Please allow this letter of interest and qualifications to serve as my formal request for consideration. It gives an overview of my career accomplishments and highlights the strengths and capabiliues I have to offer. As the first Human Resources Manager hired for the Town of Windsor, Califomia, I handled all human resource functions as well as Risk Management and Payroll and implemented many new initiatives, including a paperless HR document vackin�system; an online employee evaluation system and an applicant tracking system. During my time wi[h the Town I implemented an Employee of the Quarter acl:nowledeement program, started a laboi management committee,to address employee concems and evaluate benefit offerings: started a Human Resources newsletter and I re-vamped the open enrollment and online application procedures. Additionally; I manaeed labor negotiations for four bargaining units and worked alongside the Union w�hen they decided to decertify from AFSCME. I spent many long nights consultin¢w�ith Council in Closed Session and presented to Council on a variety of topics includine classification and.compensation study recommendations. I took a position with the City of Coronado almost three yeazs ago to expand my knowledge in a full service City. I have been able to gain exposure in working wlth Police and Fire, as well as serving as Staff Liasion to the Civil Service Commission ���th ihe City. In my short time �vith Coronado, I have implemented a new time capture proeram throueh Kronos, introduced an online benefits trackin�module and implemented a training and development program for supervisory staff. I also served as Lead Neeotiator to ratify the contract with Fire and was a member of the bargaining team for the Police and Self-Represented units. In addition to my esperience in local goyernment,I bring•a.s,trong educational background in the Human Resources arena-with a.Master.ofScience Degree in Oreanization De��elopment from the University ofSan Francisco, a BacheloF ofArts Degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from,$acramento State University and a cer[ificate in Huinan Resources Management from Sonoma State University. Additional. ceRifications inc]ude a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) certification from the Human Resources Certification.Institute and the CaIPELRA Labor Relations Master(CLRM) designation. I bring the training and leadersl�ip skills required to effectively manage a growing workforce and feel this background will be an asset to the Commission. I welcome the opportunity to discuss my qualifications in furiher detail. Thank you for your time and consideration. my eeve . Enclosure RESULTS-ORIENTED HUMAIV RESOURCES DIRECTOR Driving strategic HR rniJialives ro real�e high-rmpocl resulrs,�conlain cascs and enliance emplayee engagemenl in pursui(of compmry objec�ives. Perfortnance-driven professional with eleven years of combined expertise in Human Resources mana�ement,recruitment,compensation and benefit administration,labor relations,occupational health and safei��and employment law.Strateeist in the development of innovative HR ini[iatives and adept at moderniZing processes and capitalizin�on employee readiness.A crea[ive thinAer,problem solver and the decision make�who balances the needs of employees,Council,Commission and the mana�ement team with t}ie mission of the organization. Strons communication,negotiation, interpersona6communication and oreanizational skili set. � CORE SKILLS S SPECIALTIES Employce Rclationr Employee Training& Recruitment 6i Retention Development Process Improvemen[ Labor Rela[ions Pi-ogram De��elopment Compensation& Qenefits HR Compliance� P,erformance Management Talent Acquisition OrganiTational Development Project Management PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Human' Resources Manager July 2013-Present City of Coronado Coronado,CA Human Resources Manager-for a full service ciry with 235 full-time and 400 part-time,temporary and seasonal employees.Oversi�fit of staffresponsible for recruitment,benefits administration,.vorker's compensation and business licensine. Serve as lead negotiator with Police, Fire and several employee labor groups.Conduct closed sessions with Council to advise on labor relations and potentiallitigation.Advise departments on discipline,performance management and handle all intemal investigations, includina Skelly hearin�s.Responsible for trzinin�and development and the-safery pro�ram. Act as Staff Liaison to the Civil Service Commission and participate in closed sessions. Manage disciplinary appeals az needed. Provide updates to the Civil�Service Rules,Administrative Procedures and company policies.Advise the Department Directors and Ciry Manager on labor laws and ensure the city is legally compliant. Managed several lar�e-scale change initiatives indudin�the invoduction of a new payroll system(Kronos),a major uperade to the FinancePlus HR1S system, implemented a new online employee benefits module and facilitated the hi�ing of a new insurance broker resulting in S75K in premium savin�s and enhanced 6enefits for employees. Human Resou�ces Manager January 2006—June 2013 To�rn ot Windsor Windsoq CA Established this rapidly growing community's fint ever Human Resources Department covering 100 full- time and pp to 75 pan-time,temporary and seasonal employees. Restructured policies and procedwes and broughi company up ro acceptable HR standards and le�al compliance,examples include FMLA, HIPAA, and ARRA policies and procedures.Currently handle all inremal investi�ations as a partner with the managemen[team and le�al counsel. Perform employee relations, implemented new perfortnance improvement program and handle all discip�inary actions and appeals. Manaee HR staff responsible for payroll,recruitment,training and development, leave administration,benefits and risk mana�ement. Developed ne�v employee appraisal and recognition systems and aeate an Employee Advisory Committee in an effon to increase morale and interdepanmental communication. Managed large-scale initiatives such as a classification and compensation study,salary survey and labor negotiations.Created quanerly �uncheon pro�ram, HR Quanerly Ne��5letter and Annuai Open Enrollment and Benefits Fair to increase , employee engagement.�Conduct in-house training and employee development programs and arrange training sessions with subject matter experts as needed:�,P,rovide succession plannin"g analysis and - � recommendations to eaecutive managers,�Town ivianager and To:vn Council and wo�k with facilitators for �biennial strate�ic planning and budget rctreats. Provide workplace compliance erpertise to minimize legal .liability and ensure state and�federal workplace stapdards are followed.• Interim�Human�ResourcesManager/HumanResourcesGeneralist ;Ia1y2003—ilanuary2006 'Bray[on'& Purccll Law Firm Novato;-CA Provided guidance and counseling-to managers apd employees�in dealin�with,employee7elations, perfortnance appraisals,-training and disciplinary actions:Provided compliance ei:pertise to,minimize 'liti�ation exposure and enforce state and federal workforce regulations.-Responsible for fast-paced recruitmen[,selection and orientation of Exempt and Non-Exemp[.employees,Minimized tempo�ary� staffing usa�e,providin�a 550K reduction in�recruitin�feeg while simultaneously lowerin�tumover by 4°/a in the 2004 calendar year. Implementation-:and.manaeemerit of employee b�enefit plans.foF a large,� multi-state la.+�firm; including the administration of inedical,dental,�visioq 401(K),pro6YSharing,AD&D, life��insurence, flesible spending accounts,educational�reimbursement, Iong term disability and employee. assistance programs..Job analysis and compensation management�for over�300'employees�in Califomia, Oregon and Utah. Implementation of compliance training for manageis regardin�disc�iminatory..hirin� practices,harassment and HIPAA. Recruiting Coardinatar Adgusj�2002—July 2003' Volt Services Croup Santa Rosa,�CA Sourced,screened and placed high-level candidates„with a fows on direct placement buSiness. �Success(ully filled��98%ofopen orders, increasing branch revenues and profitability.Administered employee retention plans and�added-value services for corporate.accounts,such as_GreenPoint Mortgage. �and�A�ilenCTechnolo�ies. Mana�ed an employee recognition program to increase satisfaction and decrease turnoyer. Handled employee benefits,401(K)aod fleaible�spending accouii[.administration for over 350 �temporary�employees: Person nel Su pervisodRecru iter Ja n uary 2002--Aogus[2002 Express Personnel Services Santa Rosa;�CA Conducted.fast-paced hiring end recruiting including: Intemet and newspaper recFuilment,Beadhunting and job fair panicipation.Organizes sales blitz to increase name recogni[ion�and profitability in the Sonoma Gounry market.Experienced with inside/outside sales and customer,relations.ExPerienced in conceptualiiing,developing and implementin�marketing�strategies and coordinated�tlie full spectrum of recruitment,testing and hirine coniineent staff for clientele. Regional Ma rketing Manager Decem bec 2000—Jan uary 2002 World Evenfs,Inc. Sacramento„CA Recruited-fornew business throu�hout the country in the field�of amateur gports.Ability to�vo�k�with elite clienrele such as NBA sports teams and political candidates. Performed all new hire training and orientation for large events,managed remporary pool of employees(rangin�:by.event from�five to one hupdred staf� at event sites.Created marketing brochures,press releases,marketingmaterials and company biographies. Responsibilities included:�recruiting sponsorships,grent writin„scheduling vendors�database� mzintenance,customerservice,relationship'managemen4 publiciziiig tlirough.multiple media:outleis.and office management. Director of Employee Benefits November 1999—December 2000 Daniel, Russcll& Charles,Co. Sacramento,CA � Developed employee benefit analyses for local businesses in Ihe Sacramen�o area.Consulted wi[h clients and ofTered competitive rate options for open enrollment periods.-Implemented beneft fairs�vith company correspondenu to lower costs and meet coverage objectives. Assisted with census data collection for annual renewals. Developed estaie planning and voluntary life insurance proposals for clientele. Worked with industry specific insurance software. EDUCATION/CERTI FICATIONS Uoi:•ersily oi San Francisco Master of Science Organi_afion Development Sacramento S[ate University Bachelor of Arts P.svcholog�(lnGusrrral/Orgarti=aliona/emphatisJ Sonoma State Univcrsity Human Resourccs Management Certificate Human Resource Certification Institute Senior Professional in Human Resources(SPHR) CaIP@LRA CaIPELRA Labor Relations Master(CLRM) PROFESSIOM1AL AfFILtAT10NS Society of Human Resource Management Member Professional Association of Sonoma Counh•(PASCO) Member Cily County Personnel Association of San Diego(CCPA) Member IPMA San Diego A4enrber National Chapter oithe Human Resources Association (NCHRA) A4ember Leadership Santa Rosa(through the Santa Rosa Chamber of Commerce) C(ats ojXXl'l/