HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1974/05/07 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday May 7, 1974
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was
held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center,
276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, with the following
Councilmen present: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: Councilman Scott
Staff present: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City
Manager Bourcier, Director of Public Works Cole, Director of
Planning Peterson, Director of Parks and Recreation Hall,
City Librarian Levine, Deputy City Attorney Be~m
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a
moment of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meeting of April 23,
1974 be approved, copies having been sent
to each Councilman.
PROCLA~TION - MUNICIPAL Mayor Hamilton presented the City Clerk
CLERKS WEEK with ~ Proclamation declaring the week of
May 12-18 as Municipal Clerks Week.
PROCLAMATION - GIRLS Mayor Hamilton presented representatives of
CLUB WBEK the Girls Club with a Proclamation declar-
ing the week of May 12-18 as Girls Club
PROCLAMATION - HIRE A A Proclamation declaring this week as "Hire
VETERAN WEEK a Veteran Week" in Chula Vista was presented
to Herb Lathan representing the Veterans
RECOGNITION OF INTERNATIONAL A Certificate of Recognition ~was presented by
FOREIGN STUDENTS the Mayor to each of the foreign students visit-
ing Chula Vista at this time.
~amuel ~isnman Mr. Fishman thanked the City Council for its
Congregational Towers recent action in making the public swimming
pools in Chula Vista available to the senior
Robert Floto Mr. Floto referred to the petitions presented
348 East Millan to the City Clerk that afternoon. The peti-
tions were in protest to the "sale of porno-
graphic and sexually obscene magazines,
literature, movies and devices," and request-
ing that the Mayor and City Council take
necessary steps to outlaw and prevent this
type of business in Chula Vista.
Petitions noted City Clerk Fulasz stated that the petitions
contained 4~83S signatures. She also re-
ceived 19 letters in protest (against the
business called the "Hungry Eye") and one
letter in favor.
City Council Meeting 2 May 7, 1974
City Attorney's Opinion Mr, Lindherg stated it was the opini6n of
his office that the City does not have the
power to legislate in this field ~- that
it is preempted by the State and that the
City's legal capabilities are severely re-
stricted in this area.
Deputy City Attorney Mr. Craig Beam cited various Supreme Court
eases throughout the State. He referred
to his written report to the Council in
which he stated that the City has some
powers which are pursuant to the Police
powers relating to health and factor matters,
Building Code provisions to insure that
persons choosing to frequent these establish-
ments are adequately protected.
Motion for City Attorney It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
direction Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that the City Attorney bring back informa-
tion in regards to how the City might ap-
proach its legislators (elected officials)
so that they may be apprised of the problems
this City has in that area, and ask for their
Haniseli S. Alagata Mr. Alagata explained that he was appearing
85 Quintard Street before the Council on behalf of a number
of boys in his neighborhood. They have
been burning the weeds in the e~ty lot
next to his home, and using the area for
motorcycle riding. He would like an opinion
as to the legality of this.
City Attorney Lindberg noted that there was
an ordinance against riding motorcycles or
trail bikes on vacant property without the
property owner's permission, and he also
cited the City's noise ordinance.
Councilman Hyde indicated that approximately
one year ago, this problem was discussed -
an area for these boys to ride their bikes.
At that time, the Council understood that
the County was to make an effort to find
some County property in the South Bay area
for this purpose.
Motion for status of It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
County Action by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the City Manager make contact with the
County and see what the status is of the
County's action in regard to such a facility --
what it is and if it can be expedited.
Mr. Hyde indicated that the Council should
find out the status first and then approach
the area's Supervisor for whatever action
the Council deems appropriate to recommend.
Councilman Egdahl asked that a clarification
of the present ordinance he given to Mr.
Alagata by the City Attorney - "in layman's
City Council Meeting 3 May 7, 1974
Dan Cheek MM. Cheek spoke against the sale of pome-
335 Church Avenue graphic material in the City and urged the
Council to proceed as far as possible to
prohibit the sale of this material in this
Lois Richards Mrs. Richards and Dr. Gels stated they were
738 Monserate Avenue representing the 3,000 adults in the St.
Pius X parish in Chula Vista who feel that
the pornographic shop is not needed in this
City. Mrs, Richards suggested petitioning
the courts for a re-definition of local
option in this field.
Ruth Palitti Mrs. Palitti cited the fact that minors can
1285 Broadway go into different magazine shops in this
City and be subjected to this pornographic
material. She asked if there was some way
the Council could "pass an ordinance to keep
this material out of reach and sight of our
RECESS A recess was called at 8:00 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 8:12 p.m.
ITEM MOVED UP ON AGENDA It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously car-
ried that Item No. 18 be considered at this
time (Resolution regarding transportation
funds and directing CPO to expend such funds).
RESOLUTION NO. 7289 - The Comprehensive Planning Organization Board
APPROVING THE USE OF of Directors has directed staff to proceed
MONIES FROM AVAILABLE with an accelerated work program to support
SB 325 FUNDS FOR THE the Transportation Implementation Program.
TRANSIT IMPLEMENTATION Funds in the amount of $231,324 are needed
PROGRAM AND AUTHORIZING to proceed and the only funds available
THE COMPREHENSIVE are in the Local Transportation Fund. Pro-
PLANNING ORGANIZATION rated on a population basis, Chula gista's
BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO share is $11,335.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen ttobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Scott
REPORT ON FENCE NEAR Director of Public Works Cole submitted a
DRAINAGE CHANNEL - plat noting the area in question, explain-
LARKHAVEN SUBDIVISION lng the topography at the end of Loma Court.
Mr. Cole noted the fencing that could be
required under the grading ordinance, and
the extension being recommended. He recom-
mended that a six-foot fence, rather than
a four-foot fence, be constructed. The
cost would be $401 of which the developer
would pay $217 of that cost.
City Council Meeting 4 May 7, 1974
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
interim report by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the interim report be accepted and
the Council await the report from the Safety
Commission before making a final decision.
REPORT ON PROGRESS Director of Public Works Cole submitted a
OF NEW LIBRARY written report detailing the meeting held
with Consultant Holt and Architect Williamson
on April 22 in which modifications were
made to the circulation desk area; the
restroom block; shipping and receiving area;
and the staff lounge.
Mr. Cole spoke on the Council's action of
May 2, 1974 in which they requested a cost
estimate of doubling the seating capacity
of the auditorium or deleting it entirely
and using those funds for renovating the pre-
sent City Council Chambers. He stated it
would cost approximately $53,000 to expand
the facility to 300 seats, and if it was
eliminated entirely, the City could realize
a net savings of $155,200.
Motion to p~qceed It was moved by Mayor Hamilton and seconded
with plans by Councilman Hyde that the staff proceed
with the plans as approved to this date
for the same type facility given to the
Council at the special Council Conference
held on this mat~er.
Discussion Council discussion followed concerning the
uses of the proposed 150-seat auditorium.
Architect's comments Mr. Williamson indicated it would take from
three to five weeks for his firm to prepare
alternate plans for the auditorium (for
bidding purposes). He commented that if the
facility is expanded, it would then become
something more than a library lecture hall --
it would then be open to all types of groups
to come in and use the auditorium. Pre-
sently planned is a small platform, eight
feet deep, and if the facility is expanded,
then the need arises for a stage rather than
a platform.
Librarian's comments Mrs. Levine declared that the auditorium
will be used to show films, have speakers --
many things they are not able to do now.
~e library will use the facility every
day, and there will be a great deal of
programs coming from outside the library.
Motion to proceed as The motion to proceed with the plans as
planned carried originally proposed carried by a unanimous
Co~lcilman Egdahl commented that he voted
for the motion; however, he hasn't totally
dismissed the idea that the facility should
be increased in size.
City Council Meeting 5 May 7, 1974
Architect's fees Mr, Cole noted that the estimated construc-
tion cost at the completion of the schematic
phase is $2,228,616, and therefore, the
balance of the architect's fee is 85% of
8% or $151,546 plus a contingency of
$2,454 for possible changes. Ne asked
that the sum of $154,000 be appropriated
from the unappropriated reserves of the
Federal Revenue Sharing Funds.
RESOLUTION NO. 7290 - Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL of the gext was waived by unanimous con-
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS sent, passed and adopted by the following
FOR ARCHITECT'S FEES vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hamilton,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Scott
REPORT ON UTILIZATION OF Director of Public Works Cole submitted a
FEDERAL AID URBAN FUNDS written report stating that the County
Board of Supervisors approved the Federal
Aid Urban (FAU) Program for the fiscal
year 1973-74.
The City-County Thoroughfare Committee (CCTC)
recommended the following expenditure plan:
FY 73-74 - 100% of the urban funds be
utilized for the improvement
of roads;
FY 74-75 - 25% of the funds be spent
on transit
FY 75-76 - 50% be spent on transit
Approval of report It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the report be accepted: approval of
the CCTC expenditure plan with the under-
standing that if viable transit projects
are submitted above the percentages indi-
cated for FY 74-75 and FY 75-76, that the
CCTC adjust its expenditure plan accord-
Local monies In answer to Council's inquiries, Mr. Cole
explained that the funds must be matched
with 30% local money. The City can use
Gas Tax Funds for this (however, not for
the purchase of buses).
Clint Mathew5 Mr. Mathews said he could see these "millions
Co-owner and millions of dollars coming in from
Cavalier Motel various sources" to spend on rails. He
suggested requesting the City's "age-old"
dream of lowering the tracks at the entrances
(six) to our City.
Regional Plan Mr. Cole referred to the amount of money
needed to expend on certain of these projects.
City Council Meeting 6 May 7, 1974
Councilman Hyde commented that this indicates
an acute need for this region to get itself
organized for a regional transportation plan
and a structure to administer it.
CABLE T.V. City Manager Thomson commented that Mr.
Harold E. Thorn, Regional Director of
the Cable Television Information Center
in Washington, D.C. will be meeting with
the staff on May 14 at 3:00 p.m. and will
be available to speak to the Council that
Scheduled for Council meeting It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that Mr. Thorn be scheduled to speak to the
Council on May 14 under Special Orders of
the Day.
RECOMMENDATION REGARDING Director of Parks and Recreation Hall re-
MODEL AIRPLANE FLYING ported that the Parks and Recreation
AREA Commission recommended the construction of
a model airplane flying area on the "J"
Street site, contingent upon other plans
for the use of this area and the availability
of necessary funding. Mr. Hall recommended
that the funding come from the Capital
Improvement Program carryover, as available.
The estimated cost of construction would
be $1,595 for four rings plus a fence, or
$2,965 for 4 rings, fence and a runway.
Acceptance of report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the recommendation of the City Manager
(concurrence with the Director of Pakks and
Recreation) be accepted with the understand-
ing that there is no commitment on the part
of the City to fund a future site.
REQUEST TO SEND TWO The Youth Commission has a total of $65.00
COMMISSIONERS TO budgeted for this Conference for one member
YOUTH COALITION to attend. They are requesting a transfer
CONFERENCE IN LOS of funds within their budget to send two
ANGELES members.
Request granted It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that the request be approved.
REPORT OF PLANNING The request to rezone this half-acre lot
CO~qlSSION ON PROPOSED located at the northwest corner of Del Mar
CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-3 Avenue and G Street from R.3 to C-O was
TO C-O FOR PROPERTY AT denied by the Planning Commission. The
396 DEL MAR AVENUE AND decision was appealed to the City Council
THE SOUTHERLY ADJACENT and Council granted the appeal on March 19,
LOT 1974.
On April 10, 1974, the Planning Commission
voted to reaffirm its previous denial of the
zone change with the request that if the
Council enacts the zone change it should
be to C-O-P and subject to the following
City Council Meeting 7 May 7, 1974
1. Use of the property shall be limited
to two medical or dental offices and
a laboratory, as shown on the proposed
site plan.
2. After the clinic has been in operation
for a period of one year or less, the
Traffic Engineer shall assess the traf-
fic situation on Del Mar Avenue. Based
on the findings of the Traffic Engineer,
red curbing along Del Mar or other
measures may be imposed to alleviate
traffic congestion or safety problems.
Motion for C-O-P zoning It was moved by Councilman Hyde that the
recommendations of the Planning Director
be adopted: that the zone change be from
R-S to C-O-P subject to the conditions
recommended by the Director of Planning.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second.
Uses in C-O zone Mr. Peterson, Director of Planning, ex-
plained that the applicant would be entitled
to construct any use allowed in this zone
-- all kinds of general office uses and
Resolution to be brought ~ack It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously car-
ried that a resolution be brought back
rezoning the property from R-3 to C-O-P.
Max Greer Dr. Greer declared that the Planning
250 "F" Street Commissions action wa5 to limit them to two
dental offices and one medical lab which
completely handicaps them. They still
propose to construct the medical building
as sub~tted, but want the option to have
a physician or attorney lease the space
if a dental office should be vacated.
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the Consent Calendar be approved and
RESOLUTION NO. 7291 - On Marhh 4, 1974, the Governor signed into
~JqENDING THE CHULA VISTA law Assembly Bill 2338 which is an amend-
ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW ment to the California Environmental Quality
POLICY REGARDING NOTICE Ac~ of 1970. It provides a means for public
OF CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION notice of certain decisions that a project
is exempt from the requirements of CEQA.
The Bill provides for filing a public notice
with the County Clerk whenever a public
agency determines that environmental docu-
mentation is not required for reasons of
(a) ministerial, (b) categorically exempt,
(c) an ~mergency repair to public service
facilities; (d) a repair to a facility
damaged or destroyed as a result of a
City Council Meeting 8 May 7, 1974
RESOLUTION NO. 7292 - The State Legislature has declared that
CONCERNING THE NEED FOR preservation of open space land is necessary,
STATE TAX RELIEF TO that premature and unnecessary conversion
IMPLEMENT THE CONSERVA- of open space to urban uses should be dis-
TION AND OPEN SPACE couraged, and that orderly growth and
ELEMENTS OF GENERAL development of the State and the preserva-
PLANS tion and conservation of its resources is
necessary. By this resolution, the Council
supports this declaration.
RESOLUTION NO. 7293 - The widening and improvement of that portion
APPROVING AGREEMENT of I-5 Freeway within Chula Vista is now
BETWEEN THE CITY OF completed. Under the terms of the original
CHULA VISTA AND THE Freeway Agreement executed in 1965, the
STATE OF CALIFORNIA City is now to resume control and maintenance
FOR FREEWAY MAINTENANCE over each of the relocated or reconstructed
FOR INTERSTATE ROUTE 5 City streets crossing the freeway and
WITHIN CHULA VISTA within the freeway right-of-way.
RESOLUTION NO. 7294 - On February 13, 1974, the Planning Commis-
AUTHORIZING THE DEFERRAL sion granted the applicants a deferral of
OF THE INSTALLATION OF public improvements based on the fact that
CERTAIN PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS no improvements existed on Walnut Avenue
ON THE PROPERTY OWNED BY and the impracticality of constructing only
ROBERT F. AND ANNABELLE E. half of the width of the sixty-foot street
KROEGER LOCATED AT 1165 including the cul-de-sac at its northerly
WALNUT AVENUE terminus. The property owners have chosen
to execute a lien agreement in the amount
of $6,000 to serve as a performance guarantee.
RESOLUTION NO. 7295 - The widening of "J" Street included a land-
AMENDING SCHEDULE III scaped median from Broadway to I-S Freeway.
OF THE TRAFFIC CODE TO This required that parking be prohibited
PROHIBIT PARKING AT ALL on both sides of this street to provide
TIMES ON "J" STREET for four moving lanes. The trial regula-
BETWEEN BROADWAY AND tion has been functioning satisfactorily
I-$ FREEWAY for over eight months and it is recommended
that it be made permanent.
RESOLUTION NO. 7296 - The Council sets September 20, 1974 as the
ESTABLISHING DATES FOR date property in the District must be ready
RECEPTION OF UNDERGROUND to receive underground service, and January
SERVICE AND REMOVAL OF 15, 1975 as the date poles, overhead wires
OVERHEAD FACILITIES - and associated overhead structures shall be
RESOLUTION NO. 7297 - This Concurrent Resolution, reciting the
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT facts of the April 9, 1974 Election, will
RESOLUTION APPROVING be sent to the State Legislature for
(End of Consent Calendar)
City Council Meeting 9 May 7, 1974
RESOLUTION NO. 7298 - Mr~ $ohn E~ Helm, et al, have executed a
ACCEPTING GRANT DEED, grant deed to the City of Chula Vista for
DEDICATING AND NAMING thirty feet of right-of-way on the east side
CORTE MARIA AVENUE AND of Corte Maria Avenue from Flower Street
AUTHORIZING TH~ EXPENDI- south approximately 355 lineal feet. This
TURE OF GAS TAX FUNDS dedication will give the City sixty feet
full width right-of-way for Corte Maria
between Flower Street and "E" Street. It
was recommended that the Council accept
the grant deed dedicating and naming Corte
Maria Avenue; authorize the appropriation
and expenditure of $1,430.00 from Gas
Tax 2107 Unappropriated Balance; and
authorize that work be performed by City
crews according to Section 1109 of the
City Charter.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, E~dahl, Hobel,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Scott
RESOLUTION NO. 7299 - In accordance with Council policy regarding
APPROPRIATING FUNDS AND fence construction at Hilltop-Telegraph
ACCEPTING ESTIMATES FOR Canyon Park with individual property
CONSTRUCTION OF FENCE - owners on a 50-50 basis, the following
HILLTOP-TELEGRAPH CANYON two requests for fence construction
PARK have been received:
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Waddington $293.53
719 "J" Street Place
Mr. and Mrs. George Meggelin $492.91
82 Vallecito Way
The City's share of the cost is $393.23.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Hobel,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Scott
RESOLUTION NO. 7500 - In accordance with Council policy regarding
APPROPRIATING FUNDS AND fence construction at Hilltop-Telegraph
ACCEPTING ESTIMATES FOR Canyon Park with individual property
CONSTRUCTION OF FENCE - owners on a 50-50 basis, the following
HILLTOP-TELEGRAPH CANYON requests for fence construction have been
PARK received:
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Carson $171.77
57 Millan Court
City Council Meeting 10 May 7, 1974
Mr. and Mrs. William Dallett $347.89
47 Millan Court
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Mahoney 188.70
53 Millan Court
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Riordan 379.02
43 Millan Court
The City's share of the cost is $543.70.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Hobel,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Scott
ORDINANCE NO. 1531 - The Zoning Ordinance has been amended to
AMENDING SECTIONS 33.835, include a "M" Mobile Home Park Modifying
33.601, 33.801 AND 33.901 District and guidelines for development
VISTA CITY CODE RELATING The ordinance was placed on first reading
TO MOBILE HOME PARKS at the meeting of April 23, 1974.
Ordihance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
reading and adopted ordinance be placed on second reading and
adopted and that reading of the text be
waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Hobel,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilman Scott
MAYOR'S BREAKFASTS Mayor Hamilton commented that approximately
seventy people attended the last Breakfast
(May 6). Future Breakfasts will include a
presentation by a staff member.
EXECUTIVE SESSION It wag moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that an Executive Session be called at the
close of the business meeting for personnel
and pending litigation purposes.
BUDGET SESSION Councilman Hyde noted the tentative dates
set for budget sessions commenting that
the one was scheduled for May 24 which is
the Friday before a three-day holiday.
City Council Meeting 11 May 7, 1974
Mayor Hamilton indicated that the 24th would
be no problem - that the Council has set
the date of the 15th for the first session
and will then adjourn from that date to
other sessions.
BONITA VILLAGE UNDERGROUNDING Councilman Egdahl asked the status of this
PROJECT District.
Mr. Cole, Director of Public Works, said
he received an estimated cost from San
Diego Gas and Electric Company and the
Telephone Company. The amount is so great
that the staff feels the area simply would
not be able to carry it. He will submit a
detailed report to the Council.
LANDSCAPING PROGRAMS Councilman Egdahl questioned the plans for
ALONG I-5 the landscaping program along I-5 and
through the Chula Vista area itself. He
asked that the staff submit a report on
Councilman Hobel commented that Mr. Jake
Dekema, District Director of Transportation
for the State of California, explained
that it takes about one to one and one-half
years after completion of the freeway
before funds are allocated for landscaping.
LANDSCAPING BOAT RAMP FACILITY Councilman Egdahl commented that a previous
report from the Port Commissioner indicated
that the Port District was accepting bids
for this project. He asked for an updating
of this proposal.
Mayor Hamilton directed the City Clerk to
schedule Mr. Bob Campbell, Port Commissioner,
for a Council meeting the latter part of
CAMPERS AT "J" STREET MARINA Councilman Hyde asked for a report on the
temporary use of campers at the J Street
marina. He commented that the Parks and
Recreation Commission were to contact the
Port District as to how this could be
worked out.
REQUEST FROM SOUTH BAY FAMILY The South Bay Family YMCA asked permission
YMCA FOR PERMISSION TO HOLD to hold a carnival in the 200 block of
A CARNIVAL Palomar Street on June 5-9, 1974, and
for a waiver of license fees.
Permission granted It wag moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that permission be granted and the license
fees waived, subject to any staff requirements.
City Council Meeting 12 May 7, 1974
REQUEST FROM EQUESTRI)dq Equestrian Trail~, Inc,, submitted a resolu-
TRAILS, INC. FOR HIKING tion requesting the County Baord of Super-
AND EQUESTRIAN TRAILS visors and the City Council of Chula Vista
to establish as part of their respeetive
General Plans, a coordinated network of
hiking and equestrian trails within the
Sweetwater Community Planning area.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that this matter be referred to the City
Manager for action and advice.
COMPLAINTS CONCERNING (This vas taken care of under "Oral Commu-
THE "HUNGRY EYE" nications".)
REDISTRICTING PROPOSAL Mayor Hamilton asked the City Clerk to make
copies available to the City Council of
8upervisor Walsh's proposal for redistrict-
ing the area for the Board of Supervisors.
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Co~mcil recessed to Executive Session
at 9:38 p.m. and the meeting reconvened
at 10:22 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at
10:22 p.m. to the meeting scheduled for
Tuesday, May 14, 1974 at 7:00 p.m. and to
the Redevelopment Meeting immediately follow-
ing the Council meeting.
' ., City' Clerk