HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1974/07/09 ' MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday : July 9, 1974
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, was
held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p,m, in the Council Chamber, Civic Center,
276 Fourth Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, tfyde, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City
Manager Bourcier, Director of Public Works Cole, Director of
Building and }lousing Grady, Director of Planning Peterson,
Assistant City Attorney Beam
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a moment
of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF MINBTES ft was moved by Cbuncilman Scb~, seconded by
Councilman Hob~I~r~d una~imousI~TA4arried
t&b~minu~og!o~ th~ m~i~g~:Ju~y
b~ aplyrovo~, copies having been se~{ to e~ch
Joseph Kelley Mr. Kelley requested written permission to use
3745 Putter Drive the "J" Street Marina. He stated he received
Bonita a trespass citation issued by the off-highway
patrol of the City of Chula Vista for riding
his three-whe~l Honda in this area.
City Attorney Lindberg explained that the area
in which Mr. Kelley and his friends were
riding their motorcycles was the area under
the jurisdictim of the Port District (in the
tidelands). Under the Cityts new ordinance,
in order to qualify to ride on any vacant
property, the cyclist must produce written
authorization of the property owner.
Motion to refer to City Manager It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
this matter be referred to the City Manager
for report back.
Councilman Egdahl indicated he was not in favor
of having the Port Digtrict grant permission
to anyone to ride motorcycles on the bayfront
property; however, he would request that they
post the prope~y as such and that these people
who received the citation be released from
that obligation, since they were not aware
of the ordinance.
Muriel Watson Mrs. Watson said she is the wife of a Border
3120 Anderson Street Patrolman, She referred to the charges made
Bonita by Attorney Ronis, at the last Council meeting,
concerning the Mounted Police at the golf
course, specifically as to the incident of
"detaining aliens." Mrs. Watson cited the
federal laws pertaining to right-of-entry of
City Council Meeting 2 July 9, 1974
aliens into th~ United States, and the penalties
of harboring an alien~ suggesting that Attorney
Ronis "do his homework" in this field~
City Attorney Lindberg declared that he dis-
cussed this issue with the Chief of Police and
others present at that time. He determined
that (1) the function of the Mounted Police
in that area has never been to apprehend
illegal aliens - it has been to patrol the
golf course and attempt to maintain order
from other riders who use the bridle path; and
(2) there was no untoward action on the part
of the Mounted Police in regard to these
particular individuals.
PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED) The public hearing relates to the approval of
CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL OF a conditional use permit by the Planning Com-
CAROL S. SMITH OF PLANNING mission on May 8, 1974 for permission to con-
CO~4ISSION APPROVAL OF struct and operate a recovery home for alco-
CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR holies and provide a meeting place for members
RECOVERY HOME FOR ALCOHOLICS of Alcoholics Anonymous on a portion of a two-
AT 270 "C" STREET acre parcel located at 270 "C" Street, an R-1
The public hearing was continued pending a full
Council and a decision from the City Attorney
as to the legality of Council's action in this
City Attorney Lindberg submitted a written re-
port stating it was his conclusion that there
is no legal problem in the action of the Coun-
cil going forward and approving or denying
the appeal. ~]e use does not fall into the
category of a health care facility that would
properly' place it under Section 39.501, Sub-
section 10 which includes hospitals, convales-
cent homes and rest homes. The facility is not
medical in nature.
Public hearing reopened This being the time and place as advertised,
the public hearing was reopened.
William Bauer, Attorney Mr. Bauer, representing the appellants, stated
that Mrs. Butterfleld from the State Department
of Health, informed him that this facility had
received a license from the Department of
Health under Chapter S of the new tlealth and
Safety amendments as a community care facility.
This is a temporary license issued for a period
of six months. Mr. Bauer questioned the cate-
gorization of this facility indicating that,
in his opinion, it falls under Subsection 10
of the Ordinance [hospitals, medical facilities),
and as such, should comply with the law under
these requirements.
Clint Morrow, Chairman Mr. Morrow explained that they have been Ii-
Board of Directors censed for the past ten days~ They applied as
South Bay Pioneers a social rehabilitation facility and were
granted a license as such, A letter from
M~s, Butterfield stated that her department
does not look at this facility as a medical one --
it was placed in a non-medical category.
City CounciI Meeting 3 July 9, 1974
Ben Edgerton Mr~ Edgerton commented that he was one of the
647 Second Avenue founders of this organization and is presently
Chula Vista a trustee, In the thirteen years the facility
has been in operation, they have never used any
medicine or psychiatric help for the residents.
If a person comes into the facility with a
prescription from a doctoL this is turned
over to the Manager and the prescription is is-
sued to the patient as prescribed by the
Joe Cody Mr. Cody said he used to be the Secretary-
4518 Patria Drive Treasurer of the organization. He defended
San Diego the goal§of the facility, declaring that
they had never sought any medical or profes-
sional help in the number of years he has
been associated with the organization.
Lee Raitt Mr. Raitt asked that the City Clerk read a
Board of Directors letter from C. L. Priddy, Captain, U. S.
City Clerk Fulasz stated that Bhe has provided
copies of the letter to the Council.
City Attorney Lindberg commented that the let-
ter commends the activities of the South Bay
Pioneers but does not constitute the type of
testimony that can be rebutted by the appel-
lants. He felt it should be noted, for the
record, that the letter has been received.
Mr. Raitt explained the licensing of the facil-
ity, stating it was specifically for the pur-
pose of making sure the facility met Code
standards as far as safety was concerned --
the State does not get into the operational
field of the facility. Mr. Raitt referred to
the petition submitted at the previous meet-
ing stating there were eleven homeowners op-
posed and eleven homeowners in favor of this
location. As to the parking, the actual
number of spaces will be determined by the
Planning staff at such time as the final
plans are approved.
Dale Geiger Mr. Geiger read the letter from Captain Priddy,
627 Sheffield Court U.S. Navy, Commanding Officer, Naval Alcohol
Chula Vista Rehabilitation Center, commending the activi-
ties of the South Bay Pioneers.
K. Niek Slijk ' Mr. Slijk remarked that he is on the Board of
4450 Vista Nacion Trustees and Chairman of South Bay Pioneers.
Chula Vista They have been searching the community for a
site for the new facility for the past six
or seven years. This particular location is
the ideal one - between residential and com-
mercial areas.
William Bauer, Attorney In rebuttal, Mr~ Bauer referred to the City
Attorney's memorandum in which he explained
Section 9 of the Ordinance. He stated that
the word '~atientU is not mentioned in this
section, and therefore th~ use should fall
under Section 10. Similar uses under Section
10 were Vista Hill and Southland.
City Council Meeting 4 July 9, 1974
Lee Raitt In rebuttal, 5~, Raitt declared that the
facilit7 w-as not specifically listed in the
Zoning Ordinance under the conditional use
permits, That i~ why they are trying, State-
wide, to find an application for this facility.
Mr, Raitt asked the Council to sustain the
action of the Planning Commission.
Council discussion Council discussion followed in which the find-
ings of fact were discussed, and the cate-
gory under which this facility would apply.
Director of Planning Peterson Mr. Peterson explained the findings of the
Planning Commission. He stated the Commis-
sion evaluated the application from the stand-
point of normal use requirements. The Com-
mission made the following two findings:
1, The site is a shallow canyon lying
below the level of the street of adja-
cent properties. The elevation dif-
ference will provide additional separa-
tion between this use and the adjoining
residential uses.
2. The proposed use has been operating in
the City for thirteen years and has
provided the necessary and desirable
service to the community.
Parking provisions In answer to Councilman Scott's query,
Director of Planning Peterson stated that the
parking would be designated at the time the
staff reviews the final plans since different
formulas are applied to the various rooms of
the facilities, such as living rooms, meeting
halls, etc.
City Attorney Lindberg stated it would be
possible for the Council to require additional
parking and landscaping depending upon the
actual experience of the facility once it
has been undertaken.
Landscaping Councilman Hyde suggested a stipulation Whereby
the landscaping would be such as to create a
screening effect from the existing R-1 area.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for
or against, the hearing was declared closed.
Motion to deny appeal It was moved by Councilman EgdM~l and seconded
by Councilman Scott that the appeal be denied
and the following added conditions be applied:
1. Parking be submitted for review in
the light of experience within three
months of construction.
2. Prohibits the use of the facility for
any kind of medical care or any other
care than has been presented to the
Council as their intended use as they
have been operating as South Bay Pioneers.
Amendment to motion It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
City Council Meeting 5 July 9, 1974
an additional condition be added requiring
that a landscaping plan be developed and im-
plemented with the approval of the staff
which would tend to emphasize the separation
of R~i properties and this facility.
Motion to deny appeal carried The motion to deny the appeal carried unani-
RECESS A recess was called at 8:38 p.m. and the meet-
ing reconvened at 8:58 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING - This being the time and place as advertised,
CONSIDERATION OF FRANCHISE Mayor Hamilton declared the public hearing
Public hearing opened
Don Williams Mr. Williams remarked that he is the Vice
2160 Euclid Avenue President and General Manager of Mission Cable
San Diego TV. He made the following two recommendations;
1. A committee be formed and composed of a
member of the Council, the City Attorney
or his designated representative, and a
representative of Mission Cable TV. The
goal of this committee would be to draft
an amended franchise document that would
be to the mutual benefit of the City,
Mission Cable TV, and would also pass
the scrutiny of the Federal Communica-
tions Commission in its certification
process. This document would be
brought back to the Council at a later
date for a public hearing.
2. A committee be formed composed of a
member of the Council, the City Manager
or his designee and a representative of
Mission Cable TV to review the rates of
the company.
Mr. Williams added that his co,any considers
this somewhat urgent and would request both
committees be formed and meet as soon as pos-
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded
recommendations by Councilman Hyde that the recommendations
as proposed by Mission Cable TV be accepted,
and that Councilman Egdahl be appointed as
the Council's representative on this committee.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote, to-
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Hamilton,
Noes; Councilman Egdahl
Absent; None
Public hearing continued Mayor Hamilton stated that the public hearing
will be continued until such time as the
Committees report back to Council.
City Council Meeting 6 July 9, 1974
The time being 9:00 p.m,, Mayor Hamilton opened th~ meeting of the joint City Council/
Redevelopment Agency of the City of Chula Vista~
PUBLIC HEARING - This was a joint City Council/Redevelopment
CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTION Agency public hearing, The Redevelopment
OF THE BAYFRONT REDEVELOPMENT Agency has prepared the Bayfront Redevelop-
PROJECT PLAN ment Project Plan in accordance with the pro-
vision of the Community Redevelopment Law of
the State of California.
Attorney Clifton Reed was seated at the podium.
City Clerk's Statement City Clerk Fulasz (Secretary to the Redevelop-
ment Agency) attested to the fact that the
publication of the public bearing was made in
accordance with the Community Development
Law. She further attested to the fact that
she has complied with the law in all other
legally required notices relating to the
Mayor Hamilton asked the Clerk if any written
correspondence was received. The Clerk stated
she has received none.
Documents received into The Mayor confirmed that the following docu-
evidence ments have been received into evidence:
1. The Bayfront Redevelopment Project Plan
2. The report on the Bayfront Redevelopment
Project Plan
3. A~.y written correspondence for or against
the Bayfront Redevelopment Project Plan
Jack Henthorn Mr. Henthorn stated that the Plan now before
Community Development Coordinator the Council is the Planning Commission's
adopted Bayfront Redevelopment Project Plan.
It has been based upon the Sedway/Cooke Bay-
front Plan and Program, and under the provi-
sions of the Community Development Law of
the State of California. The major use is
commercial-recreational which includes hotels,
motels, restaurants, marinas and marine-related
uses. The Plan has been made available to
all property owners in the area as well as
interested persons in this redevelopment
The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) included
in the Plan is the same EIR provided for the
Sedway/Cooke Bayfront Plan Program. This is
permitted under the California Administrative
Code. This is a master EIR, and a development
EIR would be required for any and all develop-
ments in conjunction with the Redevelopment
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton opened the public hearing,
Robert Hutchins, Mr. Hutchins stated he was appearing on be-
Deputy County Counsel half of the Chula Vista City School District.
In Subarea No. 2, it shows Rohr Industries and
City Council Meeting 7 July 9, 1974
San Diego Gas & Electric Company as areas not
included in the plans hoWever~ he understands
that these tw~ areas are included in the Plan.
Mr, Henthorn stated the areas are included in
the project area boundaries (Exhibit A and
Figure 2 of the Plan).
Mr. Hutchins expressed the concern of the Chula
Vista District in that once the Plan is
adopted and put into effect, the tax base is
frozen so that any subsequent increases in
the assessed valuation would not benefit the
taxing agencies - it would BeHefit the rede-
velopment agency. Mr. Hutchins referred to
sections of the Code defining the term "blight"
and said he could not envisiom Rohr as a
"blighted area." His recommendation to the School
District will be to raise objections to include
in the Redevelopment Project those ~reas not
intimately associated with redevelopment.
City Manager Thomson explained that the tax
base is frozen at its current level - not
removed. The redevelopment would provide a
catalyst for intoroving the tax base, and in
time when thc freeze is removed, would pro-
vide a significant benefit to the School
Attorney Reed Attorney Reed alleged that the School District
would lose the benefits off of the taxes raised
on the increased valuations during the active
life of the Plan; however, the School District
has the opportunity, under SB 90, to raise
revenues they feel are lost to them. Mr.
Reed explained there are ten sections in the
Plan referring to the definition of "blight,"
some of which are "poor planning" or "inade-
quate tax revenue."
He added that the Rohr and SDG&E areas are
included in the Plan and even though they
remain entirely industrial, screening and
landscaping would make that industrial area
con~atible With the tourist~commercial area.
It was his opinion that the Plan can be sus-
tained on the basis that there is an intimate
relationship with the entire development
proposal with those two p~rticular properties.
Jon Miller Mr. Miller questioned the t~me element of the
46 Alvarado Avenue Plan.
Chula Vista
Mr. Henthorn explained that there is a provi-
sion in the Plan which states that the Plan
will remain in effect for twenty-five years.
This figure was arrived at as a result of
surveys throughout the State, and is a standard
term used as a maximum limitation of the Plan.
James B. Person, Attorney Mr, Person said he is representing ~tr. and
3003 Fourth Avenue Mrs. Sam Vener, owners of land in the project
San Diego area who have strong opposition to the Rede-
velopment Plan. Mr, Person declared that the
City Council has denied his clients the oppor-
tunity to develop their property as industrial
City Council Meeting 8 July 9, 1974
use - and is now proposing to force them to
develop their property aa residential. Once
the Plan is adopted, Mr~ and Mrs. Vener may
not be able to continue with their present
occupation ~ raising vegetables, Mr. Person
stated that his clients' property does not
constitute "blight" and they object to the
Plan on that basis. There is nothing injurious
to the general welfare of the community by use
of this property for agricultural purposes.
In answer to the Mayor's inquiry, blr. Person
stated he is not asking the Council, at this
time, to rezone this property for agricultural
USe .
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for
or against, the public hearing was declared
Council discussion A lengthy discussion followed in which the
staff and the Council discussed the merits
of having Rohr Industries and SDG&E included
in the Plan; the impact on the Chula Vista
tax rate on freezing the tax base; the impact
on the other taxing agencies; and assessed
Attorney Reed's opinion City Manager Thomson explained that no taxing
agency would get less than what they are pre-
sently getting - the Agency would guarantee
the minimum.
Attorney Reed stated that the Agency could not
guarantee that any taxing agency would get a
minimum amount, If the economics were such
that, at sometime in the future, assessed
valuations would go down, the Agency would not
have to **dig down" to pay any minimum amount -
simply because the Agency has no source in
which to do this.
Mr. Reed added that the Plan is reviewed an-
naully and it can be amended anytime after
adoption, boundaries can be redefined {after
legal gotices and public hearings), and con-
tents of the Plan can be modified. He added
that the City has until August 20 to get the
Plan recorded, otherwise there would be a
year's delay in terms of generating any tax
revenues out of the project area.
: RECESS A recess was called at 10:05 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 10:25 p.m.
RESOLUTION NO. 7363 - Offered by Mayor Hamilton, the reading of the
OF THE CITY COUNCIL/REDEVELOPMENT text was waived by unanimous consent, passed
AGENCY ADOPTING THE BAYFRONT PLAN and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
SECTION 1S068 OF THE CALIFORNIA Noes: Councilman Scott
City Council Me~ing 9 July 9, 1974
RESOLUTION NO. 8 ~ Offered b~ Ma~ Ha~lton~ the reading of
OF THE CHULA VISTA the text was waiyed by ungnimous consent,
REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY passed and adopted bF the following vote,
BAYFRONT REDEVELOPMENT AYES; Councilmen Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl,
RECOMMENDING TO ~{E Noes; Councilman Scott
ORDINANCE NO. 1541 - It was moved by Mayor liamilten that this
OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF ordinance be placed on first reading and
CHULA VISTA APPROVING that reading of the text be waived by
AND ADOPTING THE unanimous consent.
FOR THE BAYFRONT The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl,
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent; None
Report due in six months It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
the City Manager's office bring back in six
months to the City Council what the impact
would be if Rohr and SDG&E were deleted from
the Plan.
Councilman Hobel asked that the report include
projections. Mayor Hamilton included this
in the motion and it carried unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING - In a report to the Council, Director of
CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENT Planning Peterson explained that the Zoning
TO THE Z~NING ORDINANCE Ordinance-was amended in 1973 to allow full-
RELATING TO FAMILY DAY time foster homes serving six or fewer
CARE HOMES children as an accessory use in all resi-
dential zones.
On May 22, 1974, the Planning Commission recom-
mended that the Zoning Ordinance be amended
to change the definition of "Family Day
Care Homes" to allow for the care of up to
six children, including the family's own
children, in residential zones without a
conditional use permit.
Public hearing op~ned This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton opened the public hearing.
Ben Plum Mr. Plum spoke in favor of the ordinance
County of San Diego asking Council's approval.
License Section
Howard ~vans Mr, Evan~ said he is a licensed day-care
1431 Camellia Court parent. Last year, he took a $300 loss on
Chula Vista his day,care home because he was prohibited
from having more than three children, in ad-
dition ~o his own, in his home. He asked
for passage of this ordinance.
City Council Meeting 10 July 9, 1974
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for
or against, tko hearing was declared closed.
Councilman Scott noted that under this ordi-
nance, up to eight persons would be allowed
in a duplex or multipiO-family dwelling.
felt this would not be fair to the people
living in duplexes or apartment dwellers.
Councilman Scott also felt some considera-
tion should be given to the size of the
ORDINANCE NO. 1542 It was moved by Councilman ttyde that this
AMENDING SECTION 33.1401 OF THE ordinance be placed on first reading and
CHULA VISTA CITY CODE RELATING that the reading of the text be waived by
TO THE DEFINITION OF FAMILY DAY unanimous consentr with the added condition
CARE HOMES - FIRST READING that a conditional use permit be required
for day care use of dwellings in the R-2 or
R-3 zones.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
PUBLIC HEARING - Mayor H~unilton stated that the next two
CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE OF ZONE agenda items would be considered at this
TO R-l-PUD Planning Director Peterson referred to his
written report to the Council in which he
explained that the applicant, Windsor Park
PUBLIC HEARING - Enterprises, is requesting that approximately
CONSIDERATION OF PLANNED UNIT ]6.3 acres of his 20-acre holding be re-
DEVELOPMENT PUD-73-1 FOR zoned from R-1 to R-l-PUD so that he may
WINDSOR VIEWS develop the property using the Planned Unit
Development standards. The acreage is located
at the south end of Telegraph Canyon Road.
The EIR was adopted by the Planning Com-
mission on January 23, 1974.
Mr. Peterson stated that the Planning Com-
mission's findings were that the proposed
R-l-PUD zoning for this property constituted
good zoning practice since it will enable
design standards for residential development
to be flexible enough to fit the project
into the site while permitting a reasonable
yield for the developer. The proposed zone
density conforms to the Land Use Element
of the General Plan.
Off-site improvements Director Peterson explained that discussions
were held with the developer as to how the
development would connect to Telegraph Canyon
Road. The conclusion was reached'that the
conneotion should occur off the site to the
east. An arrangement would be worked out
whereby the developer would be repaid for this
off-site improvement in that compensation
would come from other property owners who
are benefited by this street construction.
City Council Meeting 11 July 9, 1974
Added condition An added condition ~ NO. 37 is recommended
(tO the tentative map);
"Concurrent with or prior to the approval
of the final subdivision map, the City
shall execut~ an agreement with the developer
which provides for reimbursement to the
developer for a portion of the cost incurred
for the construction of off-site public
improvements listed under the conditions of
approval Nos. 5, 6, 7 as contained in the
letter dated May 24, 1974 to the Mayor and
City Council from the Director of Planning."
The development is a series of duplexes with
each unit having its own two-car garage,
plus one uncovered parking space - 56 units
on 14.1 acres of property. Mr. Peterson
added that on May 22, 1974, the Planning
Commission recommended approval of the
Windsor Views Planned Unit Development
subject to conditions incorporated in the
PUD-74-1 Resolution.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
the public hearings were declared opened.
Jerry Simon Mr. Simon explained that he was the project
5787 Lone Star Drive, San Diego engineer representing the developer, Mr.
Horton. He commented on sharing the cost of
the drainage channel, and asked that at a
later date, it is determined that the areas
served within the drainage basin do partici-
pate, they would be compensated the same as
other like developers would be compensated.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for
or against, the hearing was declared closed.
ORDINANCE NO. 1543 It was moved by Councilman Hobel that this
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR MAPS ordinance be placed on first reading and
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION 33.401 that the reading of the text be waived by
OF TELEGRAPH CANYON ROAD FROM The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 7364 Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of
APPROVING PLANNED UNIT the text was waived by unanimous consent,
DEVELOPMENT PUD-74-1 FOR passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen ltobel, ttamilton, Hyde,
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting 12 July 9, 1974
RESOLUTION NO. 7365 The tentative map ~s the last of the three
APPROVING THE TENTATIVE MAP agenda items for this meeting on ~indsor
OF A SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS ¥ie~s property, Director of Planning Peter-
WINDSOR VIEWS SUBDIVISION son submitted the map explaining that the
subdivision consists of 18.9 acres to be
developed into 58 lots ~ 86 residential,
1 common open space, and 1 lot containing
the two-acre parcel south of Telegraph Canyon
Road, ~e map also dedicates the necessary
right-of-way for Telegraph Canyon Road (126')
and the drainage channel (120').
The Planning Commission recommended approval
based on a number of conditions as outlined
in their letter dated May 24, 1974.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen ttobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
REPORT ON DISPLAY AT City Manager Thomson reported that Mr. Bob
NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Campbell of Rohr Industries has indicated
CONFERENCE approval of the display participation; how-
ever, the two men he has working on this
project are out of town and won't be back
until next week. The City Manager will report
back at that time.
Report continued It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the report be continued for one week.
REPORT ON LETTER FROM In a written report to the Council, the City
SUPERVISOR BROWN REGARDING Manager commented that the County Board of
AIR POLLUTION Supervisors will hold a public hearing on
July 10 for the purpose of adopting regula-
tions establishing the County Air Quality
Control Officer as the review officer for
indirect source ambient air quality review.
The proposal by the Comprehensive Planning
Organization's Air Quality Task Force con-
tains the following elements: (1) CPO pre-
paration of an air quality maintenance plan;
(2) adoption of the plan by each City and
County; (3) delegation of review authority
to the jurisdiction over which the indirect
source exists; (4) designation of the County
APCO as enforcement agency.
Mr. Thomson recommended that the Council
oppose the proposal being considered by the
Board of Supervisors and support the CPO
City Manager's recommendation It was moved by Councilman tlobel and seconded
accepted by Councilman Scott that the City Manager's
recommendation be accepted.
City Council Meeting 13 July 9, 1974
Speaking in opposition Councilman H~de spoke against the recom~
mendation stating that air quality is a
regional problem and questioned whether
CPO was the best instrumentality to admin-
ister effective air quality control.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Scott, Hamilton~
Noes: Councilman Hyde
Absent: None
DISASTER EXERCISE City Manager Thomson reported that on
July 19, 1974, the City staff will be in-
volved in a disaster exercise which is being
put on with the cooperation of the staff of
the San Diego Unified Disaster Council and
the University of California.
ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUTSTANDING The Town Affiliation Association has announced
ACHIEVEMENT AWARD - INTERNATIONAL that the International Friendship Commission
FRIENDSHIP CO~ISSION and the City have won an award for the work
the Commission accomplished last year for
its youth program. The Chairman sent in a
letter stating that the membership in the
Town Affiliation Association was cut from
the Commission's budget this year. To
accept the award, $200.00 must be paid to the
Town Affiliation for membership dues for the
next year, and an additional $220.00 to send
a representative to Phoenix, Arizona, in
September 1974 to accept the award.
Motion to appropriate funds It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
by Councilman Hobel that a resolution be
brought back at the next meeting appropriating
the sum of $420.00 for this trip and member-
ship in the Town Affiliation Association.
Ralph Senior Mr. Senior declared that this was an honor
961 Maria Way, Chula Vista bestowed on the City and asked for the appro-
priation of the funds.
Speaking against motion Councilman Hyde spoke against the motion
stating that a certain amount of money was
appropriated to the International Friendship
Commission, and they were to set their own
priorities. If they felt that this was an
item of high priority~ they chould have
choson to include it in their budget.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, ttobel, Hamilton,
Noes: Councilman Hyde
Absent: None
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the Consent Calendar be approved and
adopt ed.
City Council Meeting 14 July 9, 1974
RESOLUTION NO. 7366 On December 11~ 1973 (Resolution No. 7110),
ACCEPTING QUITCLAIM DEED TO the City granted an easement to San Diego
CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY FROM SAN Gas and Electric Company for electrical
DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY purposes on Lot 126 of Candlewood Subdivision.
SDG&E cannot use this easement because the
transformer pad was constructed at the sewer
lift station instead of the intended location;
therefore, the company has quitclaimed the
easement back to the City.
RESOLUTION NO. 7367 A condition of the subdivision agreement for
GRANTING EASEMENT TO SAN DIEGO Candlewood Subdivision was the installation
GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR of a sewer lift station on City-owned Lot 126.
ELECTRICAL PURPOSES A transformer pad is required to furnish
electric service to the sewer lift station;
therefore, a document has been prepared
granting an easement to SDG&E for the installa-
tion of this transformer pad.
RESOLUTION NO. 7368 The one-foot control lot was deeded to the
NAMING AND DEDICATING ONE FOOT City on March 27, 1973. The County has now
CONTROL LOT "B", LARKHAVEN required the developers of Autumn Hills Unit
CHULA VISTA UNIT NO. 3 AS No. 1 to improve that portion of Max Avenue
MAX AVENUE within their jurisdiction, thereby necessi-
tating the dedication of the one-foot Lot "B"
as Max Avenue.
RESOLUTION NO. 7369 Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane are selling their
APPROVING THE RELEASE OF THAT property, and the new owner~ Patricia Ann
CERTAIN DEFERRED IMPROVEMENT Renner, will accept the lien on the property
AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF and pledge to the City the encumbrance of
CHULA VISTA AN~ LOYAL D. AND her property in the amount of $2,000.
RESOLUTION NO. 7370 The Council has considered the information
DECLARING THE SEDWAY/COOKE contained in the EIR and certifies that it
CHULA VISTA BAYFRONT PLAN AND has been completed in compliance with the
PROGRAM AND THE BAYFRONT CEQA and that th~ environmental effects of
REDEVBBOPMENT PROJECT AS BEING the Sedway/Cooke Plan and the Bayfront Re-
SUBSTANTIALLY SIMILAR IN SCOPE development Project are similar enough to
AND SUBSTANCE warrant the same treatment in an EIR; further,
that the presently adopted EIR will adequately
cover the impacts of either project.
(End of Consent Calendar)
RESOLUTION NO. 7371 The agreement provides for the preparation of
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE plans and specifications for landscaping the
CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND TUCKER new library at an estimated cost of $70,000.
& KATER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS It requires the landscape architect to coordinate
FOR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SEK~ICES his work with the City's architect on the library
FOR THE NEW LIBRARY to effect an integrated plan. The total com-
pensation for the work on the project will not
exceed the sum of $7,700,00.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
City Council Meeting 1S July 9, 1974
passed and adopted b~ the following vote:
AYES; Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes~ None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 7372 The accounting firm of Carroll & Brantley CPA
ACCEPTING PROPOSAL OF CARROLL Associates has submitted a proposal for the
AND BRANTLEY ASSOCIATES FOR THE annual audit of City records. The fee will
AUDIT OF CITY RECORDS FOR not exceed $4,400 for th* year ending June 30,
FISCAL YEARS 1974-75, 1975-76, 1975 and no more than 5% additionally each
AND 1976-77 year barring discovery of frat~d. New projects
will be negotiated separately.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilman Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1544 The Board of Appeals has found that public
ADOPTING UNIFOPdd PLUMBING necessity, safety, convenience and general
CODE, 1973 EDITION, AND welfare require that the Uniform Plumbing Code,
APPENDIX A, C AND F - 1973 Edition, be adopted by the Council as
FIRST READING the Ordinance regulating plumEing installaticns.
The San Diego Chapter of the International
Conference of Building Officials recommends
adoption of this Code for ali San Diego County
OrSinance placed on first It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
reading ordinance be placed on first reading and that
the reading of the text be waived by unanimous
consent .
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, ltyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1545 The Board of Appeals has found that public
ADOPTING UNIFORM BUILDING necessity, safety, convenience and general
CODE, VOLUME II, MECHANICAL, welfare require that the Uniform Building
1973 EDITION AND THE APPENDIX A Code, Volume II, Mechanical, 1973 Edition,
CHAPTER 22 OF B AND C - be adopted by the City Council as the Ordinance
FIRST READING regulating mechanical installations.
The San Diego Chapter of the International
Conference of Building Officials recommends
adoption of this Code for all San Diego
County jurisdictions.
Ordinance placed on first It was moved b~ Councilman Egdahl that this
reading ordinance be placed on first reading and that
the reading of the text be waived by unanimous
City Council Meeting 16 July 9, 1974
The motion carried hy the following vote.'.
AYES; Councilmen Egdahl~ Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1546 Director of Public Works Cole reported that
A~NDING SECTION 19.410 OF presently the City Code allows a property owner,
THE CHULA VISTA CITY CODE after obtaining a driveway painting permit, to
RELATING TO CURB CLEARANCE paint the curb red on either side of his property
AT DRIVEWAYS - FIRST a distance of eight feet (8'). The proposed
READING ordinance stipulates that the provision of red
curb clearance adjacent to driveways is to
facilitate ingress and egress from private property.
It also provides a minimum distance of 18" of
red curb on either side of the driveway.
Ordinance placed on first It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
reading ordinance be placed on first reading and that
the reading of the text be waived by unanimous
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES; Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Noes: None
Absent: None
REPORT ON TRAFFIC ISLAND At the meeting of July 2, 1974, the Council moved
ON BONITA ROAD AT ALLEN to accept the report of the Director of Public
SCHOOL ROAD Works (extend the island) and to remove the bulb
portion of the island. Both motions failed. A
subsequent motion was then made to continue this
matter for consideration by a full Council.
In a written report to the Council, Director of
Public Works Cole recommended allowing the
majority of the 4 foot wide portion of the island
to remain in order to eliminate the necessity of
any change in the driveways for Bonita Plaza near
the Allen School Road intersection. He added
that a sufficient portion of the island could be
removed so that when the two-way left turn lane
is transitioned to the left turn pocket, a con-
tinuous double double yellow line situation would
not be created in front of the driveway in question.
Recommendation accepted It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that the
department bead's recommendation be accepted.
REPORT ON CITY BUS COLORS - The following members were selected to serve on
MAYOR'S COMMITTEE this Committee:
William Rogers (City Beautification and Chamber),
Dorothy Slater (Art Guild), Helen Gohres (Historical
Society), Muriel Bartlett (Garden Club), Jennie Ful-
asz (Ex-Officio member) and Chairman Frank Scott.
Councilman Scott reported that the Committee met on
July 3, 1974 and suggested the colors red, white and
blue to depict the Bicentennial celebration in 1976.
One of the committee members will bring back a
drawing to the next meeting to be held on Friday,
July 12, 1974.
City Council Meeting 17 July 9, 1974
Suggestion for original Councilman Hyde noted the amount of time being
colors spent on this issue~ He suggested asking the
Committee to reconsider the original decor chosen
in the contest~ blue and orange. He remarked
that the colors were very intense as painted on
the bus; however, subdued shades could be used
such as California poppy orange and Bicentennial
LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA Mayor Hamilton announced that the next League
CITIES DINNER dinner will be held on July 18 with the City of
Carlsbad hosting the meeting at the La Costa
Country Club. He asked the Councilmen to make
their reservations with the City Clerk.
TELEPHONE AT MARINA Councilman Scott referred to the letter received
from Ms. Margarot O'Neill concerning the ]ack of
a public telephone at the marina.
It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that a
letter be written to the Port District and Pacific
Telephone Company suggesting that, if feasible,
they do something about it.
EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that the
Council adjourn to Executive Session at the close
of the business meeting for purposes of making
appointments to boards and commissions~
STREET BLOCKING Councilman Egdahl remarked that East Park Lane
between L Street and Sierra Way is a two-way street.
A business+mid-way in this block stockpiles
articles in the street making the roadway one lane
wide. At times there are trucks in the roadway
blocking the entire road.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried that the
staff investigate this problem and roport back
to Council.
Letter of resignation - Miss McCandliss submitted her resignation from
Gayle McCandliss, Environmental the Commission effectively immediately. She
Control Commission stated that she has enrolled at UCSD and must
work this summer to meet expenses.
Resignation accepted with It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
regret Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that the
resignation be accepted with regret and a letter
of thanks be sent to Miss McCandliss for her services
on this Commission.
REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING The Mayor recessed the meeting at ll:iS p.m. to
the Redevelopment Agency meeting.
The meeting reconvened at 11:22 p.m.
City Council Meeting 18 July 9, 1974
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed to Executive Session at
11:22 p.m. for purposes of making appointments to
boards and coramissions. The meeting reconvened
at 11~40 p.m.
APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
CO~IqlSSIONS Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that the
following reappointments be made:
Milton Grossman - Board of Ethics
Otis Pemberton - Board of Ethics
Margaret Helton -ttuman Relations
Jack Stro - Human Relations
Adrienne Robas - International Friendship
Ralph Senior - International Friendship
Alice Foster - Library
Michael Kincade - Parks and Recreation
Thomas Huntington - Parking Place
William Wappes - Safety
Ernest Hayes - Safety
Mayor Hamilton asked the City Clerk to notify
those people not reappointed tonight that they are
to serve in their capacity until they are either
reappointed or replacements are appointed.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 11:42 pm
to the regular scheduled meeting of July 16,1974,
at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber.