An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California
was held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room,
Civic Center, 276 Fourth Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Councilmen Scott, lIobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Councilmen absent; None
Staff present: City Manager Thomson, Director of Planning Peterson,
City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant Director of Planning 1~illiams
NOT A PUBLIC HEARING Mayor Hamilton called the meeting to order and
told the audience that this was not a public hear-
ing and that he would entertain no comments from
the floor at this time - that the purpose of this
conference is to discuss two things:
The entire E1 Rancho del Rey P-C Zone and Hillside
Modifying District. Mayor Hamilton then turned
the meeting over to Director of Planning Peterson
for his presentation.
PRESENTATION BY Mr. Peterson brought the Council up to date on what
DIRECTOR OF had transpired previously, pointing out on the maps
PLANNING PETERSON the various phases of development. He reiterated
that pending still before Council is the question
of rezoning the 18 separate parcels of E1 Rancho
del Rey, which is scheduled for August 6, 1974.
This, he said, would be the first step to begin
to apply the Hillside Modifying District.
The second step, Mr. Peterson said, dealt with E1
Rancho del Rey itself and staff was not contem-
plating rezoning the property from P-C to R-i-t{
or any other R-1 designation but instead it was
staff's intent to modify the general development
plan under that existing P-C zone to cause the
general development plan to reflect the Hillside
Mr. Peterson discussed the staff's first plan of
applying the Hillside Modifying District to E1
Rancho del Rey: to basically preserve the north,
middle and south leg of Rice Canyon. However, the
Council could decide not to preserve the canyons
but to preserve the ridges instead.
COb~4ENTS BY Mr. Williams pointed out various aspects of the
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR maps, such as open spaces, potential population,
OF PLANNING ~VILLIAMS areas of density, potential schools, etc.
Mr. Peterson said there had been some concern about
the cost of maintaining the open spaces and if the
City did not participate at all, the average monthly
fee per home owner would be approximately $4.00,
which is fairly comparable to what it has been
running so far in the open space districts.
CITY ATTORNEY'S At this point City Attorney Lindberg said he was
OPINION concerned that the Council would get into a dis-
cussion of opinions, that those present in the
City Council Meeting 2 July 25, 1974
audience would want to testify and make comments,
and it was not appropriate at this time to get
into any discussion of such matters; he added that,
in his opinion, any questions which the Council
has regarding the information presented by staff
must be very carefully weighed so that there will
be no form of debate and opinions - this is not a
public hearing, it has not been noticed as such,
and there is no leeway at all other than the Coun-
cil directing staff to return this to the Commission
and have the process start,
MOTION FOR At this point Mayor ttamilton asked if it were ap-
EXECUTIVE SESSION propriate to call an Executive Session from this
Council Conference and City Attorney Lindberg re-
plied that it was, whereupon Mayor Hamilton moved
that they retire to an Executive Session for per-
sonnel reasons; this was seconded by Councilman
Hobel and carried by the following vote~ to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl,
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed to Executive Session at 7:50
p,m. and reconvened at 7:53 p.m.
5~TION NOT TO It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded by
MODIFY "H" ZONE Councilman Scott not to modify the"N" zone at this
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott
Noes: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton
Absent: None
Mayor Hamilton asked the question - referring back
to the five parcels which conform in density
what would be the difference if the grading of the
Hillside Ordinance were applied to those same parcels?
Mr. Peterson replied that they would vary from one
tract to another.
Mayor Hamilton asked Mr. Feterson what criteria
the Planning Commission would use to select the
ridges and canyons which should be preserved. Mr.
Peterson said his staff would recommend that those
which formed the readily visible natural features
be considered for preservation.
Mayor Hamilton asked Mr. Peterson how staff felt the
Hillside Ordinance would shape urban growth to which
he replied, "It will shape urban growth by causing
certain areas to be preserved in their natural
MOTION FOR PLANNING A motion was made by Councilman Egdahl and seconded
COF~qlSSION TO CON- by Councilman llyde that the Planning Commission
SIDER PROPOSAL OF consider the proposal of the staff relating to
STAFF RELATING TO modification of the P-C Zone.
City Council Meeting 3 July 25, 1974
The motion carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott~ Nobel, ~de
Noes: Mayor Hamilton
Absent: None
MOTION TO ADJOURN Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p~m.
to the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 6,
1974 at 7: p.m,