HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1975/02/18 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday February 18, 1975
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California was
held on the above date beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall,
Chula Vista, California with the following
Councilmen present: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, City Attorney Lindberg, Director of Public
Works Robens, Director of Parks and Recreation Hall, Assis-
tant Director of Planning Williams, Director of Community
Redevelopment Desrochers
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a
moment of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meetings of February
5, 1975 and February 11, 1975 be approved,
copies having been sent to each Councilman.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Egdahl
Noes: None
INTRODUCTION OF GUEST Mayor Hamilton introduced Mr. Alex Pressutti,
CO~ISSIONER member of the Planning Commission, as guest
commissioner for this meeting.
OATH OF OFFICE - City Clerk Fulasz administered the Oath of
CITY MANAGER Office to the City Manager, Lane F. Cole.
OATH OF OFFICE - The Oath of Office was administered to the
DIRECTOR OF PERSONNEL newly-appointed Director of Personnel,
Richard Overley, by the City Clerk.
PROCLAMATION - Mayor Hamilton proclaimed the days of Febru-
CEREBRAL PALSY DAYS ary 22 and 23, 1975 as Cerebral Palsy Days
in the City of Chula Vista.
QUARTERLY REPORT - Mr. Gary Wappes, Administrator, presented
"OUR HOUSE" the quarterly report which covered the
period October 1 through December 31, 1974.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
the report be accepted.
QUARTERLY REPORT - Mr. Neil Haas, President, submitted the
VISITORS AND CONVENTION quarterly report for the period October
BUREAU through December 31, 1974.
City Council Meeting 2 February 18, 1975
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the report be accepted.
PRESENTATION BY Mr. Campbell reported that the Port Commiss-
C. R. CAMPBELL, ion was advised at its meeting today from
PORT COMMISSIONER their attorney that they could not take
action on the Bayfront Plan due to the fact
that the appeal date ends on the 25th of this
month. This matter will be considered at the
Commission's meeting of March 4.
Mr. Campbell introduced Mr. Tom Firle, En-
vironmental Control Administration for the
Port District and Mr. David Smith, a consul-
tant hired by the Port District to work with
Mr. Firle, who will speak on the J Street
dredging and what they plan to do with the
Mr. Firle presented slides discussing (1) the
South Bay Wildlife reserve - using the dredg-
ing from the J Street basin to provide for an
island; (2) the study design and (3) the
study execution of the plan.
Dr. Smith submitted a map of the area noting
the area to be dredged which will generate
about one million yards of materials to be
relocated. Dr. Smith presented slides and
discussed (1) the 27 regulatory agencies and
groups they had to contact about this project;
(2) the sediment chemistry of the spoils and
water; (3) biological reconnaissance; (4) con-
ceptual engineering analysis; [5) the three
alternatives for the island which is proposed
to be approximately 100 acres; and (6) the
environmental feasibility.
Council discussion followed regarding a
second entrance, economic feasibility of the
project, where the spoils would come from
and the time element.
Mr. Campbell explained that the project would
take from 12 to 14 months.
Carol Smith Mrs. Smith said she was speaking as a repre-
8? F Street sentative of Citizens Concerned II. She
Chula Vista ported that they presented the City Clerk
with petitions today totalin£ approximately
3500 signatures (2208 was needed for a refer-
endum). Mrs. Smith spoke on the need for a
referendum concerning the Plaza del Rey pro-
posed development.
RECESS A recess was called at 8:20 pm and the meet-
ing reconvened at 8:58 pm.
City Council Meeting 3 February 18, 197S
CONSENT CALENDAR It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the Consent Calendar be approved and
adopted with the exception of the resolutions
regarding the leased vehicles for the CETA
program and the repayment for sewer facilities
from F to E Streets.
RESOLUTION NO. 7641 On July 23, 1974 the City Council approved a
APPROVING AN AMENDED DEFERRED deferred compensation plan for the full-time
COMPENSATION PLAN FOR FULL- unclassified service and for any members of
TIME UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES the Council who may be interested in such a
AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY program. The original plan has been modified
COUNCIL AND AUTHORIZING and approved by the Internal Revenue Service.
RESOLUTION NO. 7642 This traffic regulation establishes two-hour
AMENDING SCHEDULE VI OF THE parking on the east side of Fourth Avenue
TRAFFIC CODE BY ESTABLISHING beginning at the south curb line of K Street
LIMITED PARKING REGULATIONS and ending at the north curb line of Sierra
ON FOURTH AVENUE Way. The Safety Commission has concurred
with staff's recommendation that this regula-
tion be made permanent.
RESOLUTION NO. ?643 This traffic regulation establishes two-hour
AMENDING SCHEDULE VI OF parking on both sides of San Miguel Drive
THE TRAFFIC CODE BY beginning at the east curb line of Fourth
ESTABLISHING LIMITED Avenue and ending at a point 650 feet east.
PARKING REGULATIONS ON The Safety Commission has concurred with
SAN MIGUEL DRIVE staff's recommendation that this regulation
be made permanent.
RESOLUTION NO. 7644 This regulation establishes special stops at
AMENDING SCHEDULE II OF THE the intersection of Quintard and Tobias
TRAFFIC CODE - SPECIAL Street. It was initiated by the Chula Vista
STOPS REQUIRED Police Department. The Safety Commission
concurs with the staff recommendation that
this regulation be made permanent.
RESOLUTION NO. 7645 Mapping criteria as specified by the Federal
SUPPORTING THE USE OF COUNTY Insurance Administration results in maps
FLOOD PLAIN MAPS which are inaccurate and misleading as to the
location of structures within special Flood
Hazard Areas. Flood Plain Maps presently
being prepared by the San Diego County De-
partment of Sanitation and Flood Control are
the results of detailed studies based on
accurate, current information. The resolu-
tion supports the County's efforts.
RESOLUTION NO. 7646 Under Public Law 655 the Federal Government
AUTHORIZING REPRESENTATIVES has authorized the donation of surplus prop-
OF THE CITY TO SIGN FOR AND erty for civil defense purposes to eligible
ACCEPT COMBINATION OF SURPLUS agencies. With the appointment of a new
FEDERAL PROPERTY OVER AND City Manager, it is necessary to authorize
UNDER $2,500.00 Lane F. Cole's signature as an official rep-
resentative of the City to sign for and accept
the surplus Federal property.
City Council Meeting 4 February 18, 1975
RESOLUTION NO. 7647 Under State law, applications and documents
AUTHORIZING REPRESENTATIVES OF for the purpose of obtaining financial assist-
THE CITY TO EXECUTE APPLICATIONS ance under the Federal Civil Defense Act must
AND DOCUMENTS FOR OBTAINING be executed by certain designated individuals.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE The City Manager, Lane F. Cole, is designated
as the authorized representative of the City
to sign these documents.
RESOLUTION NO. 7648 The Bank of America has requested that a lien
RELEASING LIEN IN THE AMOUNT be released in order to clear title to permit
OF $3,161 AGAINST PROPERTY the closing of escrow for property located at
OWNED BY GEORGE W. TRUSTY AT 722 Hilltop Drive. This is really a reimburse-
722 HILLTOP DRIVE merit agreement for the construction of sewer
facilities in the 700 block of Hilltop; how-
ever, a lien release has been prepared.
(End of Consent Calendar)
RESOLUTION NO. 7649 The recent addition of 24 CETA VI employees
AUTHORIZING THE NEGOTIATED to the Parks and Golf Course divisions of the
LEASE OF VEHICLES TO SUPPORT Parks and Recreation Department necessitates
CETA, TITLE VI, PERSONNEL the acquisition through lease or lease pur-
chase. The hire-on date for this personnel
is February 21, 1975 and it is essential that
the required vehicles be on hand at that time.
Councilman Egdahl asked if, after the program
ends, the City be asked to supply the
personnel to use the equipment.
Councilman Hobel questioned whether the City
would have the option to purchase the equip-
ment at the close of the program.
Director of Parks and Recreation Hall ex-
plained that certain pieces of this equip-
ment would normally be budgeted this year by
attrition of the City-owned vehicles. He
added that the equipment being leased will
be done on a lease-purchase option and the
City can exorcise this or not at the end of
the program.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent None
RESOLUTION DETERMINING THE AMOUNT On March 5, 1974 the Council approved an
OF MONEY WHICH SHOULD BE agreement with Harding C. Campbell for par-
ASSESSED AGAINST CERTAIN PARCELS ticipating in the costs of the construction
OF PROPERTY PRIOR TO MAKING of a sewer main in the 100-200 block of Bay
SEWER CONNECTION BECAUSE OF Boulevard. The Director of Public Works has
BENEFIT RECEIVED BY SAID PARCELS prepared the repayment costs for the sewer
BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER facilities for all the properties that will
City Council Meeting 5 February 18, 1975
INSTALLATION ALONG BAY be benefited from said construction as re-
BOULEVARD FROM F STREET TO quired by the agreement. The costs of con-
400 FEET NORTH OF E STREET structing the sewer have been spread in
accordance with generally acceptable 1911
Improvement Act Assessment procedures based
upon frontage and area of the parcels.
Councilman Hyde questioned the 4% reimburse-
ment charge.
Director of Public Works Robens remarked that
this interest figure was established some
time in the past.
City Manager Cole explained that the
interest figure was set when the going rate
for loans was 6%. The rationale was that
the City wanted people to connect to the
sewer and did not want it "priced out of
the market."
Mr. Robens indicated that his staff is
currently conducting a study on fees and
interest rates being charged. This study
will go to the City Manager within the
next two months. In answer to Councilman
Hyde's query, Mr. Robens remarked that a
continuance of one week on this resolution
would not be harmful and he would be back
next week with comments regarding the
interest rate.
Continued for one week It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that this matter be carried over for one
week in order to get staff's comments on
the desirability of modifying the interest
rate charge.
RESOLUTION NO. 7650 William A. Smith, Architect, submitted the
APPROVING FINAL PLANS, SPECIFICA- final plans and specifications for review
TIONS AND COST ESTIMATE FOR NEW on December 23, 1974. The staff has com-
CNULA VISTA ANIMAL SHELTER AND pleted its review and the required cor-
AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC rections to the plans have been made by the
WORKS TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS architect. The final plans and specifications
are completed and the project is ready to be
advertised for bids. The architect now
estimates the cost of the animal shelter at
$135,677 and with the addition of landscaping
and contingencies, the total amount would be
$156,500. Director of Public Works Robens
recommended that the landscaping be done
by separate contract with City forces doing
as much of the work as possible.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text wa5 waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting 6 February 18, 1975
ORDINANCE NO. 1610 This regulation, as approved by the Safety
ESTABLISHING A PRIMA FACIE SPEED Commission, increases State Law Speed
LIMIT OF 35 MILES PER HOUR ON Limits on East Orange Avenue beginning at
EAST ORANGE AVENUE -FIRST READING Hilltop Drive and ending at Melrose Avenue
to 35 miles per hour.
Ordinance placed on first reading It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
ordinance be placed on first reading and
that reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Councilm~n Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1611 This regulation establishes speed limits
AMENDING SCHEDULE X OF THE TRAFFIC on Otay Lakes Road as follows: between
CODE BY DECREASING STATE LAW Bonita Road and Camino del Cerro Grande -
MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS IN CERTAIN 40 MPH; between Camino del Cerro Grande and
ZONES - FIRST READING one mile south of Camino del Cerro Grande -
50 MPH; between one mile south of Camino
del Cerro Grande and Telegraph Canyon Road -
40 MPH.
Ordinance placed on first reading It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
ordinance be placed on first reading and
that reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1609 This part of Section 210-7 of the Code has
AMENDING SECTION 210-7 OF THE not been enforced as enforcement would
NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE, 1971 have curtailed 80% of construction and
EDITION, AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE therefore, should be deleted from the
NO. 1409 OF THE CITY OF CHULA ordinance until such time as OSHA repeals
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Hobel that this
reading and adopted ordinance be placed on second reading and
adopted and that reading of the text be
waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following v~e:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
City Council Meeting 7 February 18, 1975
Request for approval of appointment City Manager Cole requested approval of the
of Director of Public Works/City appointment of William J. Robens as Director
Engineer of Public Works/City Engineer.
Appointment approved It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the appointment be approved.
CASTRO CLAIM It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimohsly carried
that the claim of Mrs. Castro for $65.00 be
HIRING NEW PERSONNEL In answer to the Council's questions, Mr.
Cole reported that he is currently inter-
viewing candidates for the Assistant City
Manager position and plans to present his
choice to the Council at an Executive
Session next week.
As to the Assistant Personnel Director, this
position was held in abeyance until such
time as the new Director was hired.
RECOMMENDATION FOR THE At the meeting of December 17, 1974, the
ESTABLISHMENT OF A CO~qlSSION Council requested that the Human Relations
ON AGING Commission determine whether or not it would
be feasible for them to undertake the re-
sponsibility of a subcommittee composed of
senior citizens who would advise the Com-
mission on matters regarding the aged.
The Human Relations Commission, at its
meeting of February 5, 1975, voted
unanimously to recommend that the Council
establish a separate Commission on Aging.
Motion to approve commission It was moved by Councilman Hobel that the
recommendation to establish a Commission
on Aging be approved.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second.
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
by Councilman Hyde that this item be re-
ferred to sta£f and be brought back as to
both the feasibility and what perimeters
a committee such as this may have.
Discussion of motion Councilman Hyde expressed his concern over
the number of boards and commissions the City
now has and felt that the Human Relations
Commission could handle this assignment.
Mayor Hamilton asked for Council's approval
to allow him to establish, as an ad hoc
committee, a Mayor's Committee on Aging.
City Council Meeting 8 February 18, 1975
Councilman Hobel spoke against this proposal
indicating that a commision such as this does
not fall into the category of a Mayor's
Councilman Egdahl said he strongly supports
the senior citizens' programs and agreed
with Councilman Hyde that the Human Relations
Commission could have handled this charge
by setting up a sub-committee to deal with
the problems of senior citizens in the
community. As an alternative to this, he
suggested setting up a Citizens' Services
Commission and disbanding the Youth Commission.
Second withdrawn Councilman Hyde withdrew his second to the
Motion to approve Mayor's It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded
Committee on Aging by Councilman Scott that the proposal of the
Mayor be endorsed, to wit: that he establish
an ad hoc committee on senior citizens'
Discussion of motion Councilman Scott explained that the purpose
of his original motion was for the staff to
make a survey of how other cities handle
this situation.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Scott, Egdahl,
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that an Executive Session be called, at the
close of the meeting, for personnel matters.
AIRPORT ALTERNATIVES Councilman Hobel asked for direction from
the Council on the airport question. This
item is on the next CPO agenda.
Motion to reaffirm position It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
by Councilman Egdahl that the Council reaffirm
its position as being in opposition to Brown
Field and being in favor of Lindberg.
Discussion of motion Councilman Hyde commented that the Council
should have a third option in case Lindberg
failed as a possible site.
City Council Meeting 9 February 18, 1975
Motion amended It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that a~h£~dposition be included - that
the Council supports Miramar as a site after
first "no" on Brown Field, second on Lind-
berg and third on Miramar.
Original motion carried The original motion reaffirming Council's
position carried unanimously.
LAFCO SPHERE OF INFLUENCE STUDIES Mayor Hamilton referred to the letter sent
by LAFCO in which they state that they are
conducting sphere of influence studies.
The first study will be in the Heartland
area and the second study will be in the
South Bay area. The meeting will be held
on February 20, 1975 at 1:30 p.m. in
National City. The Mayor asked that the
City Manager and City Attorney attend.
OTHER MEETINGS Other meetings being held on February 20
are the League of California Cities dinner
meeting and the CPO transportation meeting.
Councilman Egdahl said he represented the
City at the meeting of the Citizens'
Advisory Committee (LAFCO) on February 13
at Del Mar. LAFCO reported that they are
mandated by the State as to the sphere of
influence in the County. The position of
the staff (LAFCO) is that every existing
entity (or special district) dees not have
to come up with a sphere of influence to
justify its existence.
EMPLOYMENT OF SENIOR Councilman Egdahl referred to the report
CITIZENS by the Fire Department on hiring senior
citizens. He asked for a report from the
Parks and Recreation Department on the
feasibility of hiring these citizens in
some dimension of park maintenance.
HIRING CHULA VISTA CITIZENS Councilman Egdahl reported that he received
a complaint from a citizen regarding the
personnel hired by Gruen & Gruen Associates
for a survey on the Third Avenue Redevelop-
ment project. Most of these employees
hired on a parttime basis are not citizens
of Chula Vista and it was felt that since
Chula Vista is funding this project and the un-
employment figure is high, Chula Vista
citizens should be hired.
Councilman Scott felt this thinking was
provencial and short-sighted as the same
thing could happen in other cities whereby
they wouldn't hire anyone from this city
for any of their jobs.
REFERENDUM - PLAZA Councilman Scott questioned the time element
DEL REY involved in calling a special election for
this referendum.
City Council Meeting 10 February 18, 1975
City Attorney Lindberg stated that the City
Clerk has 30 days to check the signatures of
the petitions received today; however,judging
from the time spent on the last referendum,
he would judge that the City Clerk will have
this completed by the end of next week and
the matter could be brought back to the
Council in two weeks.
Councilman Scott noted that the Council will
not have a meeting in two weeks ~March 4).
He declared that he has no doubt as to the
validity and amount of signatures presented.
He suggested the Council not go through the
process of counting the names - that the
Council just accept those presented. The
sooner the matter is resolved the better -
if it drags on, the chances of the City
getting a shopping center out there
Motion for Council It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
action at next meeting by Mayor Hamilton that all the information
pertaining to calling this special election
be brought back at the next meeting.
Discussion of motion City Attorney Lindberg commented that the
Council could call a voluntary referendum
and signatures could be checked prior to the
next meeting.
Councilman Scott declared that by his motion
he is stating that this process be eliminated -
it would save time and money for the City.
He asked that the election be called as soon
as possible.
Clarification of motion Councilman Egdahl clarified the motion by
stating that what the Council wants is to
have a resolution brought back at the next
meeting declaring a voluntary referendum on
Plaza del Rey shopping center.
Councilman Scott stated this was the intent
of his motion.
Motion carried The motion to bring back a resolution calling
an election carried unanimously.
Request from San Diego Transit Mr. Claude R. Page, Transit Coordinator, sub-
Corporation for resolution mitted the revision to the Fiscal 74-7S
authorizing reduction in LTF claim operating agreement which includes the summ-
ary of service provided to Chula Vista. He
stated that they will be filing an amended
application for LTF monies with CPO reflect-
ing a new amount of $94,250 in lieu of the
$1SS,3S9 authorized by the City Council.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Hobel and secon-
ded by Councilman Hyde that the request be
referred to staff for analysis.
City Council Meeting 11 February 18, 1975
Discussion of motion Councilman Scott remarked that Chula Vista
was promised an express service - other
cities have received this. He would like to
see a letter sent to San Diego Transit stating
that Chula Vista wants this express service -
it is critically needed.
Motion to contact City It was moved by Councilman Scott and secon-
Council of San Diego and ded by Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried
Transit Board that the City of San Diego be contacted (the
City Council) and the Board of Directors of
San Diego Transit expressing Council's
extreme displeasure of not having an express
bus which is critically needed by the citizens
of Chula Vista.
Discussion of motion Councilman Hobel indicated the motion was out
of order - the staff's report should be re-
ceived first. The report should be an analysis
of the whole program set up by San Diego Tran-
sit over the past year and a half.
Councilman Hyde suggested the member of the
San Diego Transit Board from Chula Vista be
asked to appear before the Council next week
and comment on the issues raised by Council-
man Scott.
Motion failed The motion to contact the City Council of
San Diego and the Transit Board failed by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hamilton
NOES: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Hyde that Mr. Cox
(ex-officio member of the Transit Board) be
invited to the next City Council meeting to
comment on the matter of San Diego Transit
service to Chula Vista now and next year.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second.
Mayor Hamilton indicated he would contact
Mr. Cox and ask him about this problem.
Request from Fraternal Order The Fraternal Order of Eagles, 1160 Third
of Eagles for permission to Avenue, is planning a carnival on April 2-
hold carnivals and waiver of 3-4-5-6, 1975 at the property joining the
fees rear of Handyman on Palomar Street. They
requested a waiver for the permit fees
stating that the proceeds will go to charit-
able organizations in the City.
Motion to waive permit It was moved by Councilman Scott and
seconded by Councilman Hobel that the per-
mit fees be waived.
Discussion of motion Councilman Hobel questioned the percentage
of proceeds the Eagles organization will
City Council Meeting 12 February 18, 1975
William Cole Mr. Cole explained that they get 25% of all
191 Jamul Avenue the rides in the carnival and $10 from each
Chula Vista booth.
In answer to Councilman Egdahl's query, Mr.
Cole indicated that if the fees were not
waived, the carnival concession would charge
this to the Eagles.
Assistant to the City Manager Smith remarked
that based on the policy adopted by the City
Council recently, it is now the prerogative
of the City Manager to waive fees.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Scott withdrew his motion.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously
carried that this matter be referred to
Request from City of Sonoma The City of Sonoma requested Council support
for support of SB S12 of a resolution supporting SB 312 which
temporarily excludes any person employed in
a work experience program pursuant to the
federal Emergency Jobs and Employment Assis-
tance Act of 1974 with respect to such ser-
Request granted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that a resolution be brought back supporting
the request.
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed to Executive Session at
9:30 and the meeting reconvened at 10:35 pm.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 10:35
pm to the meeting scheduled for Tuesday,
February 25, 1975 at 7:30 pm.