Held Wednesday March 12, 1975
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista,
California was held on the above date beginning at 3:30 p.m. in the Council
Conference Room, City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde
Scott, Hamilton and Egdahl (arrived late)
Councilmen absent: None
Staff present: City Manager Cole, Assistant City Manager Asmus,
Assistant City Attorney Beam, Director of Public Works
Robens, Director of Planning Peterson, Assistant Director
of Planning Pass, Traffic Engineer Sawyerr, Senior
Civil Engineer Harshman
Councilman H~bel opened the meeting at 4:05 p.m.
REGIONAL TR~SIT Mr. Rudy Massman, Acting Director of Trans-
PLAN portation for the County submitted plats
and discussed the 1934 County traffic
flow map. The actual traffic pattern was
the same then as is used now. Mr.
Massman explained CPO's proposal of
express bus corridors and light rail
Mr. Massman, answering Councilman Hyde's
question, stated it was cheaper and safer
to have the power lines overhead as noted
in the rendering. He then discussed the
following: (1) scope of the study;
(2) definition of the characteristics of
the light rail; (3) physical description and
alternatives; (4) legal considerations;
(5) evaluation procedure; (6) costs and
summary; (7) recommendations.
(Mayor Hamilton arrived at this time -
4:15 p.m.)
Slide presentation Mr. Jaswant Keener, Regional Transportation
on Land Department, showed a slide presen-
tation of light rail operations in various
European cities. He noted the different
widths of the cars and discussed land-
scaped medians (street and freeway).
(Councilman Scott arrived at this time -
4:27 p.m.)
Mr. Massman noted that the light rail
capacity would be 11 to 1 over that of the
(Councilman Egdahl arrived at this time -
4:27 p.m.)
Speed Factor Councilman Hobel questioned the speed
factor. Mr. Massman explained that this
would be related to the number of stations
and streets the cars would be allowed to
Adjourned Regular Meeting -2- March 12, 1975
Renderings were then presented showing
typical turning movements for the cars;
the legal considerations involved; existing
rail rights-of-way; use of city streets;
and use of the State-owned highway rights-
Transit Routes Mr. Keener submitted a map explaining the
alternate transit routes.
Staff input Councilman Egdahl asked how long the staff
would take to review this plan.
Director of Public Works Robens remarked
that there are some major differences in
the Plan shown today from the one
studied by the staff for the past several
(Councilman Hobel left the meeting at this
Motion for extension It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
of time by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously
carried that CPO should be notified that
the Council requests additional time -
at least one week - due to the lateness
of the hour in which the final draft was
presented to the Council.
Motion to reconsider It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
airport question by P4~uncilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the action taken by the City Council
on March 11 regarding the airport issue
be reconsidered.
Councilman Egdahl stated that it is now
clear that because of the way E1 Cajon
will vote, that there will be enough
votes to vote in Brown Field. At that
time, he would like to see the City's
representative to CPO vote for Miramar
since Brown Field is the last choice of
this Council.
Councilman Scott indicated he would rather
see Councilman Hobel (City's represen-
tative on CPO) have the discretion of
voting the way he wants to rather than
say it should first be Lindberg Field
and then Miramar. The Navy will not
give up Miramar Field.
Motion for direction It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded
on airport issue by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously
carried that the City's representative
to CPO be given the flexibility of voting
for anything except Brown Field.
Adjourned Regular Meeting -3- March 12, 1975
CPO's DRAFT The Council referred to the memo sent by
Overall WORK PROGRAM the City Manager on February 28, 1975,
in which he offered commentaries and staff
recommendations concerning CP0's overall
work program.
Motion to Bpprove It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded
staff's recommendations by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously
carried that the following staff recom-
mendations be approved:
1. Staff recommends that the City
Council advise C.P.O. that the
Overall Work Program is generally
acceptable but that the City of
Chula Vista will not fully endorse
any such program which fails to
adequately fund an extensive local
agency coordination program.
2. Staff further recommends that
the City Council advise C.P.O.
of this agency's concern over the
minimal cooperative effort which
has characterized relationships
between the City of Chula Vista
and the C.P.O.
3. Staff also recommends that the
City Council advise C.P.O. that
the Capital Improvement Program
of the Draft Overall Work Program
should be amended to: (A) re-
flect C.P.O.'s mandated role as
a coordinating body relative to
projects of regional significance
and (B) clearly demonstrate
C.P.O.'s recognition that local
agencies, within their juris-
dictions, have the primary respon-
sibility for local planning and
public works programming.
Further, that the Council requires that
they (CPO) define in specific language
in that document what their intentions
are - in this way, the Council will know
whether or not to completely oppose even
getting into it or not.
(Councilman Egdahl left the meeting at
this time)
Council discussion Director of Public Works Robens discussed
with the Council the committee set up
by CPO on transit plan refinements.
Norman Williams, Assistant Director of
Adjourned Regular Meeting -4- March 12, 1975
Planning and Olu Sawyerr, Traffic Engineer,
represent the City on that Committee.
Council Conference It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded
continued by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the Conference be continued to March
19 at 4:30 p.m. to continue discussion on
this item.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at
5:50 p.m. to the meeting scheduled for
March 19, 1975 at 4:30 p.m.