HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-04-26 Agenda Packet 1 declare wder peniity of perjury thn i am employed by[he Ciry of Chula Y�su in the office of the City Clak �d thu 1 posted d�e Aocument ucordiM a Brown Act requircmenn. Dnted: ?� t(o Si�Md:�1L/11 �� ��I/I c..r�. � cHU� v�a► � f'�i,Ze�� � Mary Casillas Salas, Mayor Patncia Aguilar, Coundlmember Gary Halbert, City Manager Pamela Bensoussan, Councilmember Glen R. Googins, Ciry Attomey John McCann, Coundlmember ponna R. Norris, City Clerk Steve Miesen. Councilmember Tuesday, April 26, 2016 5:00 PM Council Chambers 276 4th Avenue, Building A Chula�sW, CA 91910 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers Aguilar, Bensoussan, McCann, Miesen and Mayor Casi!!as Salas PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG AND MOMENT OF SILENCE SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY A. 16-0214 OATHS OF OFFICE Healthy Chula Vista Advisory Commission: � Mora de Murguia Diana Velo B. 16-0201 PRESENTATION BY ARROYO VISTA CHARTER SCHOOL EIGHTH GRADERS EVAN BESKER, ASHLYNN BLANCHARD, EMMA GALAZ, AND NICOLE GUILSANO REGARDING THEIR SERVICE LINE LEARNING PROJECT Cify a/C�uY Ysb vap.� v.imw on�mrzme I  !"#&.0'+,-./(+B3'"46"4<;6 P GHIJKJJ)9B&B<?,?A><!>@!,!)9>"N,,?A><!?>!NABQ?B<,<?! GHIJKJJ ,9O!4><B&!><!KR!MB,9&!>@!&B9CA"B!?>!?8B!"A?M! >@!"8QN,!CA&?, NP GHIJGRK)9B&B<?,?A><!>@!SQ,9?B9NM!B)N>MBB! GHIJGRK 9B">7<A?A><!9B"A)AB<?& DP GHIJGHJ)9B&B<?,?A><!>@!,!)9>"N,,?A><!?>!B"><>A"! GHIJGHJ ;BCBN>)B<?!"><&B9C,?A><!&)B"A,NA&?!3,93,9,! 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OATHS OF OFFICE Healthy Chula Vista Advisory Commission: Mora de Murguia Diana Velo City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 7 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0201, Item#: B. PRESENTATIONBYARROYOVISTACHARTERSCHOOLEIGHTHGRADERSEVANBESKER, ASHLYNNBLANCHARD,EMMAGALAZ,ANDNICOLEGUILSANOREGARDINGTHEIRSERVICE LINE LEARNING PROJECT City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 8 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0200, Item#: C. PRESENTATIONOFAPROCLAMATIONTOLIEUTENANTMARKJONESON27YEARSOF SERVICE TO THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 9 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0172, Item#: D. PRESENTATION OF QUARTERLY EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION RECIPIENTS City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 10 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0160, Item#: E. PRESENTATIONOFAPROCLAMATIONTOECONOMICDEVELOPMENTCONSERVATION SPECIALISTBARBARALOCCI,PROCLAIMINGAPRIL2016ASEARTHMONTHINTHECITYOF CHULA VISTA City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 11 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0090, Item#: F. PRESENTATIONOFAPROCLAMATIONTODIRECTOROFRECREATIONKRISTIMCCLURE HUCKABY,PRINCIPALRECREATIONMANAGERTIMFARMERANDU.S.OLYMPICTRAINING CENTEREXECUTIVEDIRECTORTRACYLAMBPROCLAIMINGMAY21,2016ASKIDSTO PARKS DAY IN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 12 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0062, Item#: G. PRESENTATIONOFTHECLEANCHAMPIONAWARDSBYTHECHULAVISTARESOURCE CONSERVATION COMMISSION City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 13 CLEAN CHAMPION AWARDS The CLEAN Champion Awards an initiative of the City of Chula are designed to recognize individuals and groups, who are helping to achieve clean air, clean water, and clean land within Chula Vista! Any person/group living or working in Chula Vista is eligible to be ͷ͵Ͷ nominated for an award and potentially recognized for their local environmental achievements. ­®¬¨­ ³¨®­² NOMINEE CONTACT INFORMATION Name: __________________________________________________ Nomination forms Organization (if applicable): _________________________________ are due by 5 pm on Phone #: ________________________________________________ , . Email Address: ___________________________________________ Award winners will PERSON/ORGANIZATION SUBMITTING NOMINATION FORM be recognized at the (źŅ ķźŅŅĻƩĻƓƷ ƷŷğƓ bƚƒźƓĻĻ) CityCouncilmeeting Name: ____________________________________________________________ on April at pm. Organization (if applicable): ___________________________________________ Phone #: ___________________________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 14 NOMINATION QUESTIONS Please limit responses to each question to 200-words or less. tƌĻğƭĻ ğƷƷğĭŷ ğķķźƷźƚƓğƌ ƦğŭĻƭ źŅ ƓĻĭĻƭƭğƩǤ͵ . and overall sustainability. 3.Describe how the Nominee demonstrates environmental leadership in the community. AWARD CATEGORIES Check the box that best applies to the Nominee \[ \] Resident recognizes the environmental leadership of a resident \[ \] Business recognizes the environmental leadership of a participant in the CLEAN Business program \[ \] Organization recognizes the environmental leadership of a non-profit, civic group, public agency, or other organization \[ \] Youth recognizes the environmental leadership of a youth organization or individual under 18-years old \[ \] City Employee recognizes a municipal employee (in a non-environmental position) that has contributed Please submit nomination forms by email to clean@chulavistaca.gov by 5 pm on . For questions or more information, please call 619-409-1975. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN THE CLEAN CHAMPION AWARDS! Clickheretosubmit ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 15 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0206, Item#: H. PRESENTATIONOFAPROCLAMATIONTOTEAMDELSOLMEMBERSNICOLEANDVICTORIA BUDDIEINCOMMEMORATIONOFPLACINGFIRSTINTHESCOTLANDWORLDCOMPETITION SYNCHRONIZED ICE SKATING City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 16 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0212, Item#: I. PRESENTATIONOFAPROCLAMATIONTOLUPUSFOUNDATIONOFSOUTHERNCALIFORNIA PRESIDENTGERARDOBECERRAPROCLAIMINGMAY10,2016ASWORLDLUPUSDAYIN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 17 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0216, Item#: 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of March 15 and 22, and April 5 and 7, 2016. RECOMMENDED ACTION Council approve the minutes. 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ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 38 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0196, Item#: 2. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Memorandum from Councilmember Bensoussan requesting an excused absence from the April 5, 2016 City Council meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION Council excuse the absence. City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 39 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 40 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0205, Item#: 3. ORDINANCEOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAADDINGSECTION2.25.055OFTHECHULA VISTAMUNICIPALCODERELATINGTOTHEREAPPOINTMENTPROCESSFORBOARDSAND COMMISSIONS (FIRST READING) RECOMMENDED ACTION Council place the ordinance on first reading. SUMMARY Theproposedordinanceprovidesforthereappointmentprocessesforboardsandcommissionsin accordancewithCouncildirectionatthemeetingofApril12,2016.Membersofthecommissionsthat areinterviewedandappointedbytheCouncilwhoareeligibleandinterestedinbeingreappointed andwhohaveservedmorethanoneyearwillbeinterviewedbytheCouncilpriortoreappointment. Whenanincumbentisnotreappointed,theseatwillbefilledusingtheapplicableappointment process. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Notice Theactivityisnota“Project”asdefinedunderSection15378oftheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality ActStateGuidelines;therefore,pursuanttoStateGuidelinesSection15060(c)(3)noenvironmental review is required. Environmental Determination TheDirectorofDevelopmentServiceshasreviewedtheproposedactivityforcompliancewiththe CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andhasdeterminedthattheactivityisnota“Project”as definedunderSection15378oftheStateCEQAGuidelinesbecauseitwillnotresultinaphysical changeintheenvironment;therefore,pursuanttoSection15060(c)(3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelines, the activity is not subject to CEQA. Thus, no environmental review is required. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not applicable. DISCUSSION AttheCouncilmeetingofApril12,2016,inresponsetoaCouncilreferral,staffpresentedoptionsfor possiblereappointmentprocessesformemberswhoareinterviewedandappointedbythefull Council.ThefourCitycommissionsthatarenominated,interviewed,andappointedbythefull Council are: Growth Management Oversight Commission - Parks & Recreation Commission - Planning Commission - City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 2Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 41 File#:16-0205, Item#: 3. Two seats on the Civil Service Commission - TherewasconsensusoftheCounciltorequiremembersofthesecommissionswhohaveservedfor morethanoneyeartobeinterviewedbytheCouncilpriortoreappointment.Thosememberswho haveservedlessthanoneyearwillbepresentedtoCouncilforapprovalusingthecurrentprocess. AllreappointmentsrequirethreeaffirmativevotesoftheCouncil.Whenanincumbentisnot reappointed, the seat will then be filled using the established appointment procedure. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Staffhasreviewedthedecisioncontemplatedbythisactionandhasdeterminedthatitisnotsite- specificandconsequently,the500-footrulefoundinCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,section 18702.2(a)(11),isnotapplicabletothisdecisionforpurposesofdeterminingadisqualifyingreal property-relatedfinancialconflictofinterestunderthePoliticalReformAct(Cal.Gov'tCode§87100, et seq.). Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyCityCouncilmember,ofany other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community,StrongandSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.Supportforboards andcommissions,includingexecutingreappointmentprocesses,isdirectlyrelatedtotheConnected Communitygoal.MembersoftheCity’sboardsandcommissionsplayavitalrolebyparticipatingin the City’s processes and helping influence public policy with their diverse viewpoints. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT Thecurrentfiscalyearimpactisanticipatedtoconsistofstafftimetocoordinatereappointmentsand scheduleoneormorespecialCityCouncilmeetings.Staffdoesnotanticipatethatadditionalfunds will be required. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT Theongoingfiscalyearimpactisanticipatedtoconsistofstafftocoordinatereappointmentsand scheduleoneormorespecialCityCouncilmeetings.Staffdoesnotanticipatethatadditionalfunds will be required. ATTACHMENTS None. Staff Contact: Kerry Bigelow City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 2Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 42 ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADDING SECTION 2.25.055 OF THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE RELATING TO THE REAPPOINTMENT PROCESS FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS WHEREAS,the rules and regulations governing boards and commissions contained in the Municipal Code do not currently address reappointment processes; and WHEREAS, there are four City commissions for which the full City Council nominates, interviews and appoints members: Growth Management Oversight Commission, Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission and two seats on the Civil Service Commission; and WHEREAS, at its meeting of April 12, 2016, there was consensus of the Council to require interviews for those Council-nominated/appointed members whose terms wereexpiring, whohad served over one year,and were eligible and interested in serving another term. NOW THEREFORE the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does ordain as follows: Section I. Section 2.25.055 is hereby added to the Chula Vista Municipal Code to read as follows: 2.25.055Membership –Reappointment process A. In the year of the expiration of amember’sterm, unless otherwise requested by thenominating authority for the particular board or commission seat, the City Clerk shall schedule the reappointments for eligible and interested members at a meeting of the City Council in June, or as soon as practicable thereafter, for all boardsand commissions, except members of the following commissions who will have served more than one year as of the date of their term expiration: Growth Management Oversight Commission, Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, and the two members of the Civil Service Commission who are appointed by the City Council directly. B. Prior to reappointment, the Mayor and City Council shall interview interested and eligible membersof the following commissions who will have served more than one year as of the date of their term expiration: Growth Management Oversight Commission, Planning Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, and the two members of the Civil Service Commission who are appointed by the City Council directly. Following the interviews, the Mayor and City Council shall vote whether or not to reappoint the incumbents. C. In addition to the attendance reports provided under Section 2.25.120, the City Clerk shall provide the Mayor and City Councilmembers a report on members’ compliance with mandatory training required bySection 2.25.160 for consideration during the reappointment process. C:\\Users\\GRANIC~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\BCL Technologies\\easyPDF 7\\@BCL@A00585E7\\@BCL@A00585E7.docx ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 43 Ordinance Page 2 D. Regardless of the applicable reappointment process, each memberof a board orcommission shall be reappointed by at least three affirmative votes of the City Council.When an incumbent is not reappointed, the seat shall be filled using the applicable appointment process. Section II.Severability If any portion of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, is for anyreason held to be invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional, by a court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed severable, and such invalidity, unenforceability or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, or its application to any other person or circumstance. The City Council of the City of Chula Vista hereby declares that it would have adopted each section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sentences, clauses or phrases of the Ordinance be declared invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional. Section III. Construction The City Council of the City of Chula Vistaintends this Ordinance to supplement, not to duplicateor contradict, applicable state and federal law and this Ordinance shall be construed in light of that intent. Section IV. Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirtieth day after its final passage. Section V. Publication The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published or posted according to law. Presented byApproved as to form by _________________________________________________________________________ Donna R. Norris, CMCGlen R. Googins City ClerkCity Attorney ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 44 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0108, Item#: 4. RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAPROVIDING PRELIMINARYAPPROVALOFTHEFINALENGINEER’SREPORT;EXPRESSINGITS INTENTIONTORENEWTHEDOWNTOWNCHULAVISTAPROPERTY-BASEDBUSINESS IMPROVEMENTDISTRICTFORAPERIODOFTENYEARS;ANDSETTINGTHEPUBLIC HEARING ON SUCH RENEWAL RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolution. SUMMARY TheDowntownChulaVistaProperty-BasedBusinessImprovementDistrict(PBID)wasformedin 2001toproactivelyimplementanumberofenhancementservicesandprogramswithinthe downtowncore.AdministeredbyThirdAvenueVillageAssociation(TAVA),thePBIDwas establishedtopromoteacleaner,safer,andmoreattractivebusinessdistrict.ThePBIDwas inauguratedforafive-yeartermbeginningin2001.Inordertocontinueoperation,thePBIDmustbe renewedbyJune2016,byamajorityofreturnedpropertyownerballotsviaaweightedballot process. ApetitiondrivetoestablishsupportingtherenewaloftheProperty-BasedBusinessImprovement District(PBID)forDowntownChulaVistawasconductedduringFebruaryandAprilbyTAVA.The petitiondrivewassuccessfulingainingthesignaturesofoverfiftypercentofaffectedproperty ownerswithintheproposedDistrict.TheCityactedonFebruary23,2016,tosupporttherenewalof thePBIDandtosignthepetitionforallCityandAgencyownedparcelswithintheDistrict.The adoptionoftheattachedResolutionofIntentwillformallybegintheprocessofrenewingthePBIDfor aten-yearperiod,whichwillthenbesubjecttoavoteofallaffectedpropertyowners,pursuantto Proposition 218. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Notice Theactivityisnota“Project”asdefinedunderSection15378oftheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality ActStateGuidelines;therefore,pursuanttoStateGuidelinesSection15060(c)(3)noenvironmental reviewisrequired.Notwithstandingtheforegoing,theactivityqualifiesforanExemptionpursuantto Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines. Environmental Determination TheproposedactivityhasbeenreviewedforcompliancewiththeCaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality Act(CEQA)andithasbeendeterminedthattheactivityisnota“Project”asdefinedunderSection 15378ofthestateCEQAGuidelinesbecauseitwillnotresultinaphysicalchangeinthe environment;therefore,pursuanttoSection15060(c)(3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelines,theactivityis City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 3Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 45 File#:16-0108, Item#: 4. notsubjecttotheCEQA.Notwithstandingtheforegoingithasalsobeendeterminedthatthereisno possibility that the activity may have a significant effect on the environment; therefore, pursuant to Section15061(b)(3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelines,theactivityisnotsubjecttotheCEQA.Thus,no environmental review is required. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable. DISCUSSION TherenewaloftheProperty-BasedBusinessImprovementDistrict(PBID)forDowntownChulaVista willcontinuetohelppromoteandimprovetheeconomicrevitalizationandphysicalmaintenanceof ChulaVista'shistoriccore.AdiscussionofthebenefitsprovidedbythePBIDtotheDistrictwas reviewed by the Council at their meeting of February 23, 2016. PursuanttothePropertyandBusinessImprovementDistrictLawof1994,thenextstepsfortheCity arethepreliminaryapprovaloftheFinalEngineer'sReport(Attachment#1)andtheadoptionofa ResolutionofIntenttoformtheDistrict.TheEngineer'sReportispreparedpursuanttoStateLaw (Section36600et.seq.oftheCaliforniaStreetsandHighwaysCode)andprovidesadetailed descriptionoftheimprovementsandactivitiestobeprovided,anestimateofthecostofthe improvementsandactivities,themethodologyfordeterminingassessment,andanassessmentroll showingtheamountproposedtobespeciallyassessedagainsteachparcelofrealpropertywithin thisassessmentdistrict.TheactiontoadopttheResolutionofIntentispredicatedonthesuccessof the petition drive. Thepetitiondriverequiresthatpropertyowners,representingfiftypercentofthetotalassessment proposedtobelevied($455,000),supportthedistrictformation.Thisthresholdhasbeenreached withover$227,500ofassessedvaluationsupportingtheformationoftheDistrictasofthedateofthis report. A final tally will be available later in June 2016. Thenextstepintheprocesswillbeaformalvotebyallaffectedpropertyownerspursuantto Proposition218.BallotswillbesentoutonApril28,2016,alongwiththeformalNoticeofPublic Hearingtoallpropertyownersintheproposeddistrict.Theballotswillbeopenedandcountedatthe publichearingscheduledforJune14,2016.Atthepublichearing,fiftypercentoftheassessed valuationreturningballotsmustsupportformationofthePBIDforthedistricttobeofficiallyrenewed. If this goal is reached, the PBID assessment will come into effect on January 1, 2017. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT StaffhasreviewedthepropertyholdingsoftheCityCouncilandhasfoundthat,MayorMaryCasillas Salashasrealpropertyholdingswithin500feetoftheboundariesofthepropertieswhicharethe subjectofthisaction.Consequently,pursuanttoCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,sections 18700and18702.2(a)(11),thisitempresentsadisqualifyingrealproperty-relatedfinancialconflictof interestunderthePoliticalReformAct(Cal.Gov'tCode§87100,etseq.)fortheabove-identified member. Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyCityCouncilmember,ofany other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 3Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 46 File#:16-0108, Item#: 4. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TherenewalofthePBIDsupportstheEconomicVitalitygoalasitadvancesexistingbusinesseson ThirdAvenue,targetsandattractsnewbusinessestoThirdAvenue,andengagesthecommunityto reinvest in Third Avenue. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT There is no immediate fiscal effect associated with this item. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT TheinclusionofCitypropertieswithinthePBIDandtheobligationtopayassessmentstotheDistrict arealreadyincludedintheGeneralFundoperatingbudget.IfthePBIDissuccessfullyrenewed,all futureassessmentswillcontinuetobeincludedaspartoftheannualbudget.Currently,thePBID assessment is $86,754.09, of which are all City owned parcels. ATTACHMENTS Attachment #1- Final Engineer’s Report dated April 2016. Staff Contact: Mariana Garcia, Project Coordinator, Economic Development Department. City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 3Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 47 Downtown Chula Vista Property-Based Business Improvement District (PBID) Chula Vista, California April 2016 Prepared by: Kristin Lowell Inc. Prepared pursuant to the State of California Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 And Article XIIID of the California Constitution to create a property based assessment district ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 48 TC ABLE OF ONTENTS ............................................................................... 1 SECTION A: Legislative and Judicial Review ............................................... 2 SECTION B: Improvements and Activities .................................................... 4 SECTION C: Benefitting Parcels .................................................................... 8 SECTION D: Proportional Benefits ..............................................................10 SECTION E: Special and General Benefits .................................................11 SECTION F: Cost Estimate ...........................................................................15 SECTION G: Apportionment Method ...........................................................16 SECTION H: Assessment Roll ......................................................................18 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 49 oownrow�cn�ie v;sra Pe�o apd�zo�s Engineers Report Page 1�1a ENGINEER'S STATEMENT This Report is prepared pursuant to Article XIIID of the Califomfa State Constitution(Proposition 218) and the State of Calffomia Property and Business Improvemerrt District Law of 1994 as amended. The Dowrttown Chula Vista Property-Based Business Improvement DisVict (the 'PBID') wi0 provide funding for enhanced maintenance, safety, beautification, economic development and marketing adiviHes,above and beyond those provided by the City of Chula�sta. Every individual assessed parcel within the PBlD receives spedal beneffi from the adivities identified under Section B of this Report. Ony those indrvidual assessed parcels within the PBID receive the special benefit of the proposed acYivilies; parcels contlguous to and outside the PBID and the public at large may receNe a general benefit,as outlined in Sedion E. The cost to provide general benefits, 'rf any, will be funded from sources other than special assessmerrts. The duration of the proposed PBID is ten(1�years,commenGng January t,2017 and continuing through December 37, 2026. An estimated budget for the PBID improvements and act(vitles is set farth in Sedion D. The annual budget may increase no more than 5% per year consistent with the increase in consumer price fndex (CPI) and increases m program costs. The determination of annual budget a�usimerrts and assessme�t rates will be subJect to ihe review and approval of the board of d'Qectors for the Third Avenue Vpage AssociaHon (TAVA). Funding for the PBID improvements and activi6es shall be derived from a property-based assessment of each speciaqy �nefitted parcel in the PBID. A detailed descriptian of the methodology for detemiining the proportional speciat benefit each ind�vidual assessable parcei reoeives from the acGvities and the assessment for each parcel is set forth fn Se�tion F. I hereby certify to the best of my professional knowledge that each of the identified assessable parcels located wiihin the PBID wiil receive a special benefil over and above the benefits corderred to those parcels outside of the PBID boundary and to the public at large, and that the amount of ihe proposed special assessment is proportional to, and no greater than the special benefrts received. Respectfupy submitted, QpOFESSiON �O N�E E. � 4! ��/-/ily _ _ / . (n�i���P 0��<�yL+ r c� No.t 3398 Z W m Tertance E. Lowell, P.E. ¢ a ,�, Exp. 3-31-77 * � sr CIVIL .P 4Tf � CA!1f�� , _ Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 2 of18 SECTION A: LEGISLATIVE AND JUDICIAL REVIEW Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 The State Law is the legislation that authorizes the City to levy assessments upon real property for the purposes of providing improvements and activities that specially benefit each individual assessed parcel in the PBID. The purpose of the PBID is to encourage commerce, investment, andbusiness activities.In order to meet these goals PBIDs typically fund activities and improvements, such as enhanced safety and cleaning. Unlike other assessment districts which fund the construction of public capital improvements or maintenance thereof, PBIDs the economic revitalization and physical maintenance of the business districts of its cities in order to create jobs, attract new businesses, and prevent the erosion of the busines and Highways Code Section 36601(b)). The improvements and activities funded through the PBID are over and above those already provided by the City within the PBID PBID activities or improvements is intended to increase building occupancy and lease rates, to encourage new business development, attract businesses that serve the community, and improve the quality of life. "Improvement" means the acquisition, construction, installation, or maintenance of any 1 "Activities" means, but is not limited to, all of the following: (a) Promotion of public events which benefit businesses or real property in the district. (b) Furnishing of music in any public place within the district. (c) Promotion of tourism within the district. (d) Marketing and economic development, including retail retention and recruitment. (e) Providing safety, sanitation, graffiti removal, street and sidewalk cleaning, and other municipal services supplemental to those normally provided by the municipality. 2 (f) Activities which benefit businesses and real property located in the district. Article XIIID of the State Constitution In 1996, California voters approved Proposition 218, codified in part as Article XIIID of the State Constitution. Among otherrequirements, Article XIIID changes the way local agencies enact local taxes and levy assessments on real property. It states, in relevant part, that: (a) An agency which proposes to levy an assessment shall identify all parcels which will have a special benefit conferred upon them and upon which an assessment will be imposed. The proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel shall be determined in relationship to the entirety of the capital cost of a public improvement, the maintenance and operation expenses of a public improvement, or the cost of the property related service being provided. No assessment shall be imposed on any parcel which exceeds the reasonable cost of the proportional special benefit conferred on that parcel. Only special benefits are assessable, and an agency shall separate the general benefits 1 California Streets and Highways Code, Section 36610. 2 California Streets and Highways Code, Section 36613. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 51 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 3 of18 from the special benefits conferred on a parcel. Parcels within a district that are owned or used by any agency, the State of California or the United States shall not be exempt from assessment unless the agency can demonstrate by clear and convincing evidence that those publicly owned parcels in fact receive no special benefit. (b) All assessments shall be supported by a detailed engineer's report prepared by a 3 registered professional engineer certified by the State of California. "Special benefit" means a particular and distinct benefit over and above general benefits conferred on real property located in the district or to the public at large. General 4 enhancement of property value does not constitute "special benefit." Judicial Guidance Since the enactment of Article XIIID, the courts have rendered opinions regarding various aspects of Article XIIID. The notable portions of cases that apply to assessment districts in general and this PBID in particular are noted below. PBID \[i.e. the PBID\]; (1) security, (2) streetscape maintenance (e.g., street sweeping, gutter cleaning, graffiti removal), and (3) marketing, promotion, and special events. They are all services over and above those already provided by the City within the boundaries of the PBID. And they are particular and distinct benefits to be provided only to the properties within the PBID, not to the public at largethey affect the assessed property in a way that is particular and distinct from \[their\] effect on other parcels and that real property in general and the public at large 5 do not share. and estimating the of each in relation to the other is essential if an assessment is to be quantity 6 limited to the spe by the service or improvement that will be enjoyed by the general public and deduct that percentage of the total cost of the service or improvement from the special assessment 7 general benefits must be separated from special benefits and quantified minimal so that the percentage of the cost of services and improvements representing general benefits, however slight, can be deducted from the amount of the cost assessed against 8 The contents of are prepared in compliance with the above noted authorizing legislation, the State Constitution and the judicial opinions. 3 Section 4, Article XIIID of the State Constitution. 4 Section 2 (i), Article XIIID of the State Constitution. 5 Dahms v. Downtown Pomona Property and Business Improvement District (2009) 174 Cal.App. 4th 708, 722. 6 Beutz v. County of Riverside (2010) 184 Cal. App. 4th 1516, 1532. 7 Golden Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. v. City of San Diego (2011) 199 Cal.App. 4th 416, 438. 8 Golden Hill Neighborhood Association, Inc. v. City of San Diego (2011) 199 Cal.App. 4th 416, 439. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 52 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 4 of18 SECTION B: IMPROVEMENTS AND ACTIVITIES TheDowntown Chula Vista PBID Steering Committee collectively determined the priority for improvements and activities to be delivered by the business improvement district. The primary needs as determined by the property owners are both Environmental and Economic Enhancements. The Environmental Enhancements include activities such as maintenance, public safety, homeless outreach andbeautification.Economic Enhancements include activities such as business recruitment and retention, Improve permitting processes, market downtown to tenants, brokers and investors.Specifically, the PBID shall provide the following activities. Environmental Enhancements Public Safety Options Include: Downtown Chula Vista Ambassador Program: Downtown will consider investing in an Ambassador Guide program to support the police department, property owners, and tenants in overall efforts to prevent crime and reduce street disorder, while offering a customer service orientation to pedestrians. Ambassadors can provide highly visible neighborhood security and are intended to supplement-not supplant individual building security and the Chula Vista Police Department. Integration with the Chula Vista Police Department: Ambassadors can work closely with the Chula Vista Police and integrate the downtown commercial area with that of the Police. Chula Vista Police Department officers can be active in the development and training of an ambassador program. Bicycle Patrol: A Bike Patrol can deter aggressive panhandling and other unsuitable street behavior. Their presence is a deterrent to theft and burglary from motor vehicles; however, the service does not completely prevent these crimes. They also deter and report illegal street vending, illegal dumping and street code violations. They observe and report a myriad of quality- of-life problems including: drinking in public, urinating in public, public drunkenness, trespassing, and shopping cart confiscation. Foot Patrol: A Foot Patrol can concentrate on the highest pedestrian use corridors such as Third Avenue. A Foot Patrol has the same mission and receives the same training as the Bike Patrol. Uniforms and equipment can be identical. Because of their easy accessibility to pedestrians, the Foot Patrol can act as ambassadors helping visitors find their dining, shopping and parking destinations. Maintenance Options Include: Downtown Chula Vista Clean Team: The Clean Team consistently deals with maintenance issues within the District. To effectively deal with the maintenance issues facing Downtown Chula Vista, a multi-dimensional approach has been developed consisting of the following elements: Sidewalk Maintenance: Uniformed, radio-equipped personnel sweep litter, debris, and refuse from sidewalks and gutters of the District, and clean all sidewalk hardscape such as trash receptacles, benches, and parking meters. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 53 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 5 of18 Alley Maintenance: The Clean Team and Ambassadors can each have responsibility in this area. The Ambassadors address owner and tenant compliance with City code issues on cleanliness of sidewalks, alleys and illegal dumping. The Clean Team crew can sweep alleys, remove graffiti and clear the alleys of debris when a responsible party cannot be found for illegal dumping or other violations.The parking lots are maintained with a separate agreement with the City and not funded through the PBID. Graffiti Removal: The Clean Team can remove graffiti by painting, using solvent and pressure washing. The District will maintain a zero tolerance graffiti policy. All tags will aim to be removed within 48hours of notification. Sidewalk Pressure Washing: The Third Avenue service area is to have all sidewalks pressure washed quarterly. The high use areas will be cleaned more frequently or on an as-needed basis. However, during drought years pressure washing may not be permitted. Landscape and Irrigation Maintenance: Public landscape areas, tree wells, and planters will be maintained and kept free of litter and weeds. Maintain trees and plantings including watering, trimming, pruning, fertilizing and treating for disease. Median palm trees are excluded. The proposed service frequencies for Maintenance services for the Third Avenue corridor versus the remainder of the district are provided below: District-WideThird Avenue ActivityService AreaService Area Sidewalk SweepingWeeklyDaily Power Washing SidewalksNoneQuarterly (4 times per year) Graffiti removalAs NeededAs Needed Landscape & PlantingsNoneDaily IrrigationNoneAs Needed Alley Cleaning WeeklyWeekly ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 54 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 6 of18 Homeless Outreach Reducing homelessness and containing disruptive behaviors from street populations is another top priority among downtown property and business owners, citing concerns with nuisance crimes, compounding maintenance issues, and creating an intimidating street atmosphere. Specific program and service components: To reduce homelessness in Downtown Chula Vista, a multi-faceted approach that combines resources from the business community, city and social service agencies is proposed. Elements of this initiative that could be supported by PBID assessments could include: Homeless Outreach Team : In partnership with a social service agency, a homeless outreach team could include professional social workers that meet daily with homeless , or offering assistance to stabilize their condition on the street. Ambassadors , described above, are expected to be trained in concert with social service providers to assist in connecting street populations to appropriate services. Beautification In addition to clean and safe services, the PBID budget may include funds to maintain existing and future beautification and placemaking improvements that are defined as cosmetic enhancements that improve the appearance and walkability within the PBID, in turn encouraging customer traffic and improved quality of life for residents. Examples of beautification improvements might include: Design and installation of flowering planters and baskets Directional/wayfinding signage or themed Village signage Street furniture and amenities, such as benches, kiosks and lighting Design and installation of art and decorative elements Holiday décor or tree lighting Bicycle racks and other hardware Urban design and/or planning services to advance beautification efforts Other cosmetic enhancements Economic Enhancements Business development ranked highest among property and business owners as the single most important program that the PBID should provide. Moving forward with the PBID, economic development and marketing activities will shift from consumer marketing to investor marketing. The nnual work programs that may include the following: Economic Development services to aide in efforts to attract a stronger mix of businesses and work with tenants/owners and city staff to expedite the city permitting process. Options may include: Design and production of investor marketing packages to assist real estate brokers, developers and property owners in business recruitment efforts. Maintenance of a district database with local market and real estate information. Market research and market-based planning to target private investment to strengthen the downtown marketplace. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 55 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 7 of18 Trouble-shooting and permitting liaison services to assist property and business owners to invest and operate in the district. services. Enhanced research and development of the downtown website. Coordinate efforts with the City of Chula Vista in developing an outreach program to property owners, real estate brokers and local/regional businesses to develop under- utilized downtown properties. Business retention efforts to encourage existing businesses to grow. Destination Marketing programs that aim to position downtown Chula Vista as a dining, retail and entertainment destination. Marketing programs must demonstrate collective benefits to business and property owners. Options may include: Advertising, including branding, coordinated campaigns and increased placement and frequency in mass media venues. Public relations efforts to promote a positive image and overall experience. Increased distribution and enhanced quality of publications, including the downtown map and directory and future activity guides. Improved special event production and promotions. Design, installation and maintenance of a new downtown directional signage system. Communications services to better inform business and property owners. Continued publication of a downtown district newsletter. PBID ratepayer surveys to measure overall satisfaction with programs. Media relations activities to project a creative and exciting business image in local, regional and national media. Advocacy, Administration and Reserve The PBID supports a professional staff that delivers programs and advocates on behalf of the Downtown district. The PBID allows downtown property owners to project a unified voice and elevate their influence in policies and issues that affect the central business district. Funds are allocated to office and support services such as bookkeeping, office rent, insurance, office equipment and professional development and training for the staff and the PB. A 5.0% operating reserve is also budgeted as a contingency for any payment of delinquencies and/or unforeseen budget adjustments. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 56 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 8 of18 SECTION C:BENEFITTING PARCELS PBID Boundary The proposed Downtown Chula Vista PBID will deliver its services to the commercial corridor mainly along Third Avenue. The current boundaries are from E Street to the north, I Street to the south, Church Avenue to the east and Landis Avenue to the west.It also extends west on F Street to Fourth Avenue, encompassing the City of Chula Vista central library and police station. Within the PBID boundary there are two different benefit zones for the maintenance programs and activities. It was determined that the Third Avenue corridor required more maintenance services than the rest of the properties in the PBID. Described below are the benefit zones. District-Wide Maintenance : is all assessable properties within the PBID boundary. All parcels in the PBID boundary will receive the same base level of maintenance services. Third Avenue Enhanced : is all assessable properties with frontage along Third Avenue between E Street and H Street. These properties will receive a higher frequency level of maintenance services than other parcels within the PBID boundary. The PBID boundary is illustrated by the map on the following page. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 57 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 9 of18 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 58 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 10of 18 Section D: PROPORTIONAL BENEFITS Methodology Article XIIID Section 4(a) of the State Constitution states that proportionate special benefit derived by each identified parcel shall be determined in relationship to the entirety of the capital cost of the public improvement, the maintenance and operation expenses of a public improvement, or the cost of the property related service being provided. Determining the proportionate special benefit among the parcels of real property within the proposed assessment district which benefit from the proposed improvements, services, and activities is the result of a four-step process: 1. Defining the proposed activities, 2. Determining which parcels specially benefit from the proposed activities, 3. Determining the amount of special benefit each parcel receives, 4. Determining the proportional special benefit a parcel receives in relation to the amount of special benefit all other parcels in the PBID receive. Each identified parcel within the PBID Due to the proportionate special benefits received by each parcel from the PBID services, each parcel will be assessed a rate which is commensurate with the amount of special benefits received. Special Benefit Factor square footage plus linear street frontage.and linear street frontage each benefit zone.Lot square footage is relevant to the best use of a property and will reflect the long term special benefit implications of the improvement district. Linear street frontage is relevant to the amount of benefit each assessed parcel receives from the PBID that are delivered at the street level. This reflects the fact that services on the street will have the greatest benefit to properties in relationship to their exposure on the streets. That is to say that the more linear frontage a parcel has, the more benefit it will receive from the services. Lot Square Footage Defined. Lot square footage is defined as the total amount of area within the borders of the parcel. The borders of a parcel are defined on the County Assessor parcel maps. Linear Street Frontage Defined. Linear street frontage is defined as the number of linear feet of each parcel that directly fronts on a street that will receive the PBID activities. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 59 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 11of 18 SECTION E: SPECIAL and GENERAL BENEFITS State Law, Proposition 218, and judicial opinions require that assessments be levied according to the estimated special benefit each assessed parcel receives from the activities and improvements. Article XIIID Section 4(a) of the California Constitution in part states that special benefits are assessable, if any, from the special benefits provided by the proposed activities and improvements. As of January 1, 2015, the State Legislature amended the State Law to clarify and define both special benefit and general benefit as they relate to the improvements and activities these districts provide. Specifically, the amendment (Section 36615.5 of the Streets and Highways Code) -based district, a particular and distinct benefit over and above general benefits conferred on real property located in a district or to the public at large. Special benefit includes incidental or collateral effects that arise from the improvements, maintenance, or activities of property-based districts even if In addition, the amendment (Section 36609.5 of the Streets and Highways Code) defines general perty-based district, any benefit of conferring special benefits upon property to be assessed inherently produce incidental or collateral effects that benefit property or persons not assessed. Therefore, for special benefits to exist as a separate and distinct category from general benefits, the incidental or collateral effects of those special ben Special Benefit Analysis All special benefits derived from the assessments outlined in this report are for property related activities directly benefiting each individual assessed parcel in the PBID. The special benefit must affect the individual assessable parcel in a way that is particular and distinct from its effect on other parcels, and that real property in general and the public at large do not share. assessment shall be greater than the special benefits received. districts formed throughout this state have conferred special benefits upon properties and businesses within their districts, and have made those properties and businesses more useful by providing the following benefits: (1) Crime reduction. A study by the Rand Corporation has confirmed a 12-percent reduction in the incidence of robbery and an 8-percent reduction in the total incidence of violent crimes within the 30 districts studied. (2) Job creation. (3) Business attraction. (4) Business retention. (5) Economic growth. (6) New investments. The PBIDgoal is to fund activities and improvements that provide a cleaner, safer, and more attractive and economically vibrant environment as outlined in Section B. The goal of improving the economic vitality is achieved by improving the safety, cleanliness, marketing, and appearance of each specially benefitted parcel in an effort to increase commerce, to increase building occupancy and lease rates, and to attract more customers, employees, tenants and investors. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 60 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 12of 18 Each parcel will specially benefit from: Cleaner and safer sidewalks, streets, alleyways, and common areas Real and perceived public safety improvements Greater pedestrian traffic Enhanced rental incomes Improved business climate New business and investment Well managed programs and services Specifically each parcel benefits from each of the PBID activities as defined below. Safety The enhanced safety activities make the area more attractive for businesses, customers, residents, and ultimately private investment. When business location decisions are made, levels of public safety lead to increased uncertainty in decision making and can be perceived as a signal of a socio-institutional environment unfavorable for investment. Uncertainty affects the investment environment in general. But in particular, it increases the fear of physical damage to investment assets (or to people) 9 Once economic investment occurs within the district, pedestrian traffic and commercial activity will increase. The special benefit to assessed parcels from these services is the likelihood of increased lease rates and tenant occupancy due to the increase of commercial activity, and an increase in customers that follow from having a safer environment. Maintenance and Beautification The maintenance and beautification activities benefit each assessed parcel within the PBID by providing a clean and aesthetically appealing environment. This is achieved through sidewalk sweeping and power washing, removing litter and graffiti,and trash removal. In addition, the beautification activities benefit each assessed parcel by providing wayfinding signage, sidewalk benches, holiday décor, planters, etc. These activities create the environment needed to achieve the PBID goals. Economic Development The economic development activities will specially benefit each assessed parcel by encouraging business development and investment. This generates customer traffic which directly relates to increases in commercial activity including residential serving businesses, filling of vacant storefronts and offices, and ultimately increased lease rates for retail and office space. Special Benefit Conclusion Based on the special benefits each assessed parcel receives from the PBID activities, we concluded that each of the proposed activities provides special benefits to the real property within the nd no greater than the special benefits received. The special benefit to parcels from the proposed PBID activities and improvements described in 9 Services Executive Report, September 2012, pg. 2 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 61 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 13of 18 this report is equal to or exceeds the total amount of the proposed assessment. Each individual assessed PBID activities. General Benefit Analysis As required by the State Constitution Article XIIID Section 4(a), the general benefits of an assessment district must be quantified and separated out so that the cost of the activities that are attributed to general benefit are deducted from the cost assessed against each specially benefitted parcel. General benefits are benefits from the PBID activities and improvements that are not , and are not over and above the benefits that other parcels receive. This analysis will evaluate and determine the level of general benefits that (1) parcels outside of the PBID, and (2) the public at large, may receive. General Benefit to Parcels Outside of the PBID All the PBID activities and improvements are provided solely to each of the individual assessed parcels in the PBID boundary.Each of the PBID activities is provided to the public right-of-ways (streets, alleys, sidewalks) adjacent to all specially benefitted parcels or tenants in the PBID. None of the surrounding parcels will directly receive any of the PBID activities. Any benefits these parcels may receive are incidental to providing special benefits to the assessed parcels, and thus any cost associated to the incidental benefits are not reduced from the cost of providing special benefit. General Benefit to the Public At Large In addition to general benefit analysis to the parcels outside of the PBID boundary, there may be general benefits to the public at large, meaning those people that are either in the PBID boundary and not specially benefitted from the activities, or people outside of the PBID boundary that may benefit from the PBID activities. In the case of the PBID, the public at large are those people that are within the PBID boundary that do not pay an assessment and do not specially benefit (employees, tenants, and customers) from the PBID activities. To help determine this, 6 business districts in nearby Los Angeles (Historic Downtown, Leimert Park, Arts District, Downtown Industrial, Fashion District, and Sherman Oaks) conducted intercept surveys. These surveys determined the percentage of people that are within the district that are not specially benefitted and did not engage in business activity. The six intercept surveys found that on average 1.4% of the respondents were within the district boundary and not specially benefitted. In the case of the Downtown Chula Vista PBID we use these survey results to then further quantify the relative benefit the specially benefitted public and the general public may receive from the PBID activities. The general public may appreciate the enhanced level of security and maintenance as well as the beautification activities as it passes through the District whether they are engaging in commerce or not. The specially benefitted public receives 100% of the PBID activities and special benefit.elative benefit is less than the specially benefitted public, and based on the surveys discussed above, that percentage is 1.4%. However, to be conservative, we apply a relative benefit percentage of 5.0% to account for any potential difference between Los Angeles PBIDs and the Downtown Chula Vista PBID. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 62 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 14of 18 We then apply the relative benefit percentage for the general public to each of the PBID activities. The table below shows the budget for each of the PBID activities and their respective percentage of the total PBID budget. We then apply a relative benefit factor to each activity accounting for the potential benefit the general public may receive. The relative benefit factor is then multiplied by the PBID rall benefit factor. The following table illustrates this calculation. ABCDE Budget % of General General Benefit General Benefit PBIDActivityAmount(1)Budget(2)Benefit FactorPercent (B x C)Allocation (A x D) Environmental $220,60648.48%5.00%2.42%$5,348 (1)$160,000 for Environmental expenses plus 48.48% of Administration plus Reserve expenses (2)$220,606 divided by the total $455,000 PBID budget equals 48.48% This analysis indicates that $5,348 may be attributed to general benefit to the public at large, and will be raised from sources other than special assessments. Total General Benefits Using the sum of the two measures of general benefit described above, we find that $5,348 or 1.18% of the total PBID budget may be general in nature and will be funded from sources other than special assessments. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 63 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 15of 18 SECTION F: COST ESTIMATE 2017 Operating Budget The PBID operating budget takes into consideration: 1. The improvements and activities needed to provide special benefits to each individual parcel within the PBID boundary (Section B), 2. The parcels that specially benefit from said improvements and activities (Section C), and 3. The costs associated with the special and general benefits conferred (Section E). EXPENDITURESBUDGET% of Budget Environmental Enhancements$160,000 35.16% Economic Enhancements$170,000 37.37% Administration$100,000 21.98% PBID Reserve$25,000 5.49% Total Expenditures$455,000 100.00% REVENUES Assessment Revenues$449,652 98.82% General Benefit Revenues$5,348 1.18% Total Assessment District Revenues$455,000 100.00% Ten Year Operating Budget The projected 10-year operating budget for the Downtown Chula Vista PBID is based upon the following assumptions: Annual assessments may increase no more than 5% per year, consistent with the increase in consumer price index (CPI) and/or other increases in program costs. The determination of annual adjustments in assessment rates will be subject to the review and approval of the board of the Owners. Association. Revenues for specific activities within the general activity categories (i.e. Environmental Enhancements and Economic Enhancements) may be reallocated among specific activities from year to year based upon district needs and budgets developed by the Association. Revenues may not be moved between the Environmental and Economic Enhancement categories. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 64 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 16of 18 SECTION G: APPORTIONMENT METHOD Calculation of Assessments As previously discussed, the PBID activities are segregated into two benefit zones; those parcels assessment factors are as follows: Assessment FactorsDistrict-WideThird Avenue Lot Square Feet3,369,642 Linear Street Frontage19,3256,737 Based on the parcel characteristics and the budget for each, the following are the calculated rates for each assessment factor and each benefit zone for fiscal year 2016/2017. Assessment FactorAssmt Rate Lot Square Foot -Economic$0.07124 Lot Square Foot District wide Maint$0.01797 Linear Foot District wide Maint$2.32300 Linear Foot Third Avenue$13.97987 Property Use Considerations The methodology provides the following treatments for property used exclusively for residential, non- profit and government uses: Treatment of Residential Property: Proposition 218 states that no parcel is exempt from assessments if that parcel receives benefit from the improvements and activities, this includes residential use parcels. This is based on the premise that in this case residential parcels receive benefit from both the environmental and economic development activities. The economic development programs will aim to bring added services and amenities to the downtown that will benefit residential parcels. The environmental services will provide a cleaner and safer environment for all parcels in the PBID. Vacant Unimproved Land: For vacant unimproved land within the District, assessments will be calculated at 50% of the assessment for improved lots. This adjustment accounts for the lack of income production and utility provided by vacant unimproved lots. When unimproved lots are improved with parking and/or a structure and as evidenced by the issuance of a building permit, then the full assessment will be placed on the improved property as of the following tax year. Churches: For the purposes of the PBID, buildings with churches and accessory properties (i.e. parking) for churches will pay only a lot frontage assessment for Environmental Enhancement activities. Economic Enhancement activities will not benefit churches and these properties will not be assessed for lot square footage. Assessment Policy on Non-Governmental Tax-Exempt Properties : In addition to churches, properties that are exempt from property tax may not receive benefit from the Economic Enhancement activities specified in this Management District Plan and may not ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 65 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 17of 18 be fully assessed for these services. An owner of real property located within the boundaries that meets these criteria may reduce the amount of the lot square footage assessment to be levied if all of the following conditions are met: 1. The property owner is a non-profit corporation that has obtained federal tax exemption under Internal Revenue Code section 501c3 or California franchise tax- exemption under the Revenue and Taxation Code Section 23701d. 2. The class or category of real property is eligible for exemption, in whole or in part, from real property taxation. 3. The property owner makes the request in writing to the Third Avenue Village Association prior to the submission of the PBID assessment rolls to the County Assessor (on or before July 1 of each year), accompanied by documentation of the tax-exempt status of the property owner and the class or category of real property. If these conditions are met, the amount of the PBID assessment to be levied on lot square footage shall be reduced in the same proportion to the real property tax exemption granted to the property by the County of San Diego. Budget Adjustment Any annual budget surPBID budget. The budget will be set accordingly, within the constraints of the management plan, to adjust for surpluses or deficits that are carried forward. Future Development Based on new development in the PBID, the amount of assessable square footage in the PBID may change over time. These changes could modify the total square footage assessed for affected parcels. Therefore, in future years, the assessments levied against PBID parcels may change in accordance with the assessment methodology formula and rates in the Management Changes to the assessment formula would require the approval of an amendment to the Management Plan. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 66 Downtown Chula Vista PBID April 2016 Page 18of 18 SECTION H:ASSESSMENT ROLL The total special assessment amount for FY 2016-17 is $449,652 apportioned to each individual assessed parcel, as shown below. ((Final Assessment Roll to come later)) ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 67 RESOLUTION NO. __________ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA PROVIDING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF THE FINAL ENGINEER’S REPORT; EXPRESSING ITS INTENTIONTO RENEW THE DOWNTOWN CHULA VISTA PROPERTY-BASED BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT FOR A PERIOD OF TEN YEARS; AND SETTING THE PUBLIC HEARING ON SUCH RENEWAL WHEREAS, theProperty and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 (California Streetsand Highway Code Section 36600 et seq.)(the "PBID Law") authorizes the City of Chula Vista to form one or more business improvement districts ( a "BID") within Chula Vista; and WHEREAS,the City Council of the City of Chula Vista wishes to continue to promote the economic revitalization and physical maintenance of the business districts within Chula Vista; and WHEREAS, the renewal of the PBID within Chula Vista will further the City Council's goals of creating jobs, assisting new businesses and supporting the existing business district within the City; and WHEREAS, a petition signed by property owners in the proposed PBID who will pay more than fifty percent (50%) of the assessment proposed to be levied has been submitted to the City Council supporting the renewal of the PBID; and WHEREAS, a special annual assessment will be levied onthe property ownerslocated within the PBID boundaries; and WHEREAS, the City will not be issuing any bonds to support the renewal of the PBID; and WHEREAS, the services to be provided in the PBID will include economic development and marketing for business retention and attraction; district wide maintenance; Third Avenue enhanced maintenance including graffiti removal, landscape improvements and power washing of sidewalks; sponsoring of annual special events; and WHEREAS, the estimated costs for the first year of operation of the PBID is Four Hundred Fifty FiveThousand Dollars ($455,000) which cost may be increased in future years a maximum of five percent (5%) annually; and WHEREAS, a more detailed description of the location, services, the amount of the proposed assessmentand costs of operation of the proposed PBID are set forth in the final ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 68 district management plan, datedJanuary 2016, on file with the City Clerk and incorporated in this Resolution by this reference; and WHEREAS, adoption of this Resolution preliminarily approves the Engineer'sReport dated April 2016, and attached to the subject staff report; and WHEREAS, a noticed public hearing will be held by the City Council to receive public input on the PBID renewal on June 14,2016 at 5:00P.M. in the City Council Chambers located at 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista hereby: (i) approve the Engineer’s Report, in the form presented and on file in the office of the City Clerk; (ii) expresses its intention to renew the Downtown Chula Vista Property-Based Improvement District (“PBID”); and (iii) authorizesthe City Manager to initiate the proceedings to renew the PBID in conformance with the PBID Law and California Government Code Section 53753; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the public hearing will be held by the City Council to receive public input on the proposed PBID on June 14,2016at 5:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers located at 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista. Presented byApproved as to form by Eric CrockettGlen R. Googins Economic Development DirectorCity Attorney ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 69 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0182, Item#: 5. RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAMENDINGTHE MASTERFEESCHEDULETOESTABLISHAFEEFORRECREATIONALVEHICLEPARKING PERMITS RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolution. SUMMARY OnDecember15,2015,theCityCounciladoptedOrdinanceNo.3358.Thisordinanceamended Chapter10.52,Stopping,StandingandParking,oftheChulaVistaMunicipalCode,byadding Section10.52.495(Attachment#1).ThissectionprohibitsparkingrecreationalvehiclesonCity streetsexceptbypermit.Inaccordancewiththeordinance,staffrecommendsestablishinga recreational vehicle parking permit fee of $2.00 per permit. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Notice Theactivityisnota“Project”asdefinedunderSection15378oftheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality ActStateGuidelines;therefore,pursuanttoStateGuidelinesSection15060(c)(3)noenvironmental review is required. Environmental Determination TheDirectorofDevelopmentServiceshasreviewedtheproposedactivityforcompliancewiththe CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andhasdeterminedthattheactivityisnota“Project”as definedunderSection15378oftheStateCEQAGuidelinesbecauseitwillnotresultinaphysical changeintheenvironment;therefore,pursuanttoSection15060(c)(3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelines, the activity is not subject to CEQA. Thus, no environmental review is required. DISCUSSION Citystaffisintheprocessofimplementinganordinancethatprohibitsrecreationalvehicleparkingon Citystreetsexceptbypermit.ChulaVistaresidentsmaypurchasearecreationalvehicleparking permitinordertoparktheirrecreationalvehicleonthestreetsneartheirresidence.Eachpermitshall notexceed24hours.Permitswillbelimitedto72permitsperresidenceperyearandcanonlybe issuedforamaximumofthreeconsecutivedays.ChulaVistaresidentsmayalsopurchaseapermit forguestswithrecreationalvehicles.TheCityiscurrentlyconductingpublicoutreachbyproviding information about the new law and will begin enforcement starting in mid-May 2016. ResidentswillbeabletobuyarecreationalparkingpermitbeginningonMay2,2016onlinethrough theCity’swebsiteorattheFinanceDepartmentcounter.Proofofresidencyandvehicleownershipor control is required by the ordinance. City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 2Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 70 File#:16-0182, Item#: 5. Staffestimatesthatreviewingeachrecreationalvehiclepermitapplicationandissuingapermitwill takeFinancestaffapproximately5minutesperpermit.Basedonafullyburdenedhourlyrateof $63.71thiswouldresultinapermitcostofapproximately$5.30.However,staffrecommendssetting thefeefortherecreationalvehicleparkingpermitat$2.00per24-hourpermitinordertoencourage compliance with the program. StaffrecommendsthattheCityCouncilestablishtherecreationalparkingpermitfeeasoutlinedin this report and attached resolution. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Staffhasreviewedthedecisioncontemplatedbythisactionandhasdeterminedthatitisnotsite- specificandconsequently,the500-footrulefoundinCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,section 18702.2(a)(11),isnotapplicabletothisdecisionforpurposesofdeterminingadisqualifyingreal property-relatedfinancialconflictofinterestunderthePoliticalReformAct(Cal.Gov'tCode§87100, et seq.). Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanycouncilmember,ofanyother fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity'sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community,StrongandSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.Thisactionitem supports the Strong and Secure Neighborhood strategy identified in the City's Strategic Plan. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT Inordertoencouragecompliancewiththeordinance,staffrecommendsthattherecreationalparking permitfeenotbesetatthefullcostrecoveryrate.Thefiscalimpactofthisreductionisunknownand willvarydependingontheactualnumberofpermitsissuedandtheactualamountoftimeittakesto issue permits. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT Asstatedabove,thefiscalimpactofthisprogramisunknownatthistime.Oncethisprogramisfully implemented staff will reevaluate the program costs and determine if a fee change is needed. Attachments: 1.Ordinance 10.52.495 Parking of recreational vehicles prohibited except by permit 2.Fee Bulletin 13-100 Parking of the Master Fee Schedule Staff Contact: Angelica Aguilar, Finance Department City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 2Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 71 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 72 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 73 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 74 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 75 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 76 MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FEE BULLETIN Chapter 13 Parking Fees 13-100 General Parking Fees City of Chula Vista Parking Administrator 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910 February April 2016 PARKING METER RATES The following rates for use of parking meters are established. All rates apply up to the maximum time limit established for the zone in which the meter is located (detailed in the Parking Meter Zones section below). Thirty (30) Minute Meters, Two (2) and Four (4) Hour Meters, per 30 minute interval ................................... $0.25 per one-hour interval ..................................... $0.50 Two (2) and Four (4) Hour Meters, Ten (10) Hour Meters, per 30 minute interval ................................... $0.25 per one-hour interval ..................................... $0.25 PARKING METER ZONES Pursuant to are established for the following public streets and public parking lots. 1.Public Streets STREET BEGINNING AT ENDING AT SIDE DURATION Center Street Third Avenue Del Mar Avenue N/S 1 hour Church Avenue F Street E Street E/W 2 hours Church Avenue Center Street Madrona Street E/W 2 hours Del Mar Avenue F Street Center Street East 2 hours E Street Garrett Avenue 100 ft. E/E curbline of Landis N/S 2 hours Avenue F Street Garrett Avenue Del Mar Avenue North 2 hours G Street 100 ft. W/W curbline of Third 100 ft. E/E curbline of Church N/S 2 hours Avenue Avenue Garrett Avenue 125 ft. S/S curbline of E Street 150 ft. N/N curbline of E Street East 2 hours Landis Avenue F Street 300 ft. N/N curbline of E Street East 2 hours Landis Avenue F Street 170 ft. N/N curbline of E Street West 2 hours Madrona Street Third Avenue 125 ft. E/E curbline of Third N/S 2 hours Avenue Park Way 125 ft. W/W curbline of Third Third Avenue N/S 2 hours Avenue Third Avenue E Street Center Street East 2 hours Third Avenue Center Street Madrona Avenue East 30 minutes or 2 hours Third Avenue Madrona Avenue Alvarado Street East 2 hours Third Avenue E Street Roosevelt Street West 2 hours City of Chula Vista www.chulavistaca.gov 619.476.5360 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 77 February April MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FEE BULLETIN 13-100 Page 2 of 3 2016 2.Public Parking Lots LOT NO. PUBLIC PARKING LOT LOCATION DURATION 1 Near southwest corner of Landis and E Streets 10 hours 2 Northeast corner of Landis and Davidson Streets 4 hours 3 200 block of Landis (north of F Street) 10 hours 4 340 F Street (near southwest corner of E Street) 3 hours and/or unlimited 5 Near southeast corner of Third and Madrona 4 hours 6 Northwest corner of Church and Madrona Streets 10 hours 7 Southwest corner of Church and Center Streets 10 hours 8 281-287 Church Avenue (between Church and Del Mar) 10 hours 9 Southwest corner of Church and Davidson Streets 4 hours 10 Northwest corner of Church and Davidson Streets 10 hours 11 222 Church Avenue (between E and Davidson Streets) 10 hours NPSC Norman Park Senior Center (between F Street and Center Streets) 2 hours PARKING CITATIONS 1.Unpaid Parking Meter 3.Other Parking Violations Chula Vista fee, per citation All other citations for parking violations shall be as Paid within 30 days of notice of violation ............. $25 per Section 10.62 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code Not paid within 30 days of notice of violation ...... $50 4.State & County Pass-Through Fees, per citation 2.Overtime Parking Automobile registration or equipment violation Chula Vista fee, per citation -it ticket ......................... 50% of Chula Vista fee Paid within 30 days of notice of violation ............. $25 Violation Not paid within 30 days of notice of violation ...... $50 provisions .................... $2 per $10 in Chula Vista fees All other parking citations ................................ $12.50 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT PARKING DISTRICTS Pursuant to Chapter 10.87 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code, Residential Permit Parking Districts (RPPDs) may be established to limit on-street parking by non-residents. Only residents of the RPPD are eligible to purchase parking permits. A nonrefundable fee shall accompany each 1. Southwestern College Estates Residential Permit application for a residential parking permit. All Parking District permits, except Temporary permits, are subject to a renewal fee every twelve (12) months. Application, resident or guest permit .............. $20.00 Renewal, annual, resident or guest permit ..... $20.00 Resident permits, annual maximum ........................... 3 Temporary permit (2-week limit) .................... $20.00 Guest permits, annual maximum ................................ 1 Temporary permits (2-week limit), annual maximum .. 4 City of Chula Vista www.chulavistaca.gov 619.476.5360 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 78 February April MASTER FEE SCHEDULE FEE BULLETIN 13-100 Page 3 of 3 2016 RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARKING PERMIT Pursuant to Section 10.52.495of the Chula Vista Municipal Code, parking of recreational vehicles on City streets is prohibited except by permit. Only City of Chula Vista residents are eligible to purchase parking permits. A nonrefundable fee shall accompany each application for a recreational parking permit. Permits shall not exceed 24 hours. Recreational vehicle parking permit .................. $2.00 City of Chula Vista www.chulavistaca.gov 619.476.5360 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 79 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING THE MASTER FEE SCHEDULE TO ESTABLISH A FEE FOR RECREATIONAL VEHICLE PARKING PERMITS WHEREAS, on December 15, 2015, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 3358. This ordinance amendedChapter 10.52, Stopping, Standing and Parking, of the Chula Vista Municipal Code, by adding Section 10.52.495; and WHEREAS, Section 10.52.495 prohibits parking recreational vehicles on City streets except by permit; and , WHEREASCity staff is in the process of implementing the adopted ordinance thatprohibits RV parking on City streets except by permit –installing signs, designing permits, setting up a permit system, and conducting public outreach; and WHEREAS, based on the cost estimate for the administration of the permit process, staff recommends setting the fee at $2.00 per 24-hour permit; and WHEREAS, Chapter 13 –Parking Fees –of the Master Fee Schedule, Fee Bulletin 13-100,establishes parking fees; and WHEREAS, as set out in this resolution, Fee Bulletin 13-100 shall be amended to add the category, “Recreational VehicleParking Permit;” and WHEREAS, Fee Bulletin 13-100 also shall be amended to establish a $2.00 nonrefundable fee for each recreational vehicle permit;and WHEREAS, ArticleXIII.C.1(e) of the California Constitution defines a tax to mean any levy, charge, or exaction of any kind imposed by a local governmentunless specifically exempted; and WHEREAS, the permit fee is exemptfrom the definition of a tax pursuant to California Constitution Article XIII.C.1.(e)(3), because it is a reasonable regulatory cost for issuing such permits, the administrative enforcement and adjudication of the permit parking of recreational vehicles, and does not exceed the reasonable costs of administering the program and maintaining the permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista,that it amendsthe Master Fee Schedule to establish a recreational parking permit fee. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 80 Page 2 Presented byApproved as to form by ___________________________________________________________ David BilbyGlen R. Googins Finance DirectorCity Attorney ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 81 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0158, Item#: 6. RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAUTHORIZINGTHECITY MANAGER,ORDESIGNEE,TOEXECUTECONTRACTSFORSERVICEWITHMICROSOFT CORPORATIONFORSOFTWARE,SUBSCRIPTIONANDLICENSINGSERVICESUTILIZINGTHE COUNTYOFRIVERSIDEENTERPRISEAGREEMENTWITHMICROSOFTCORPORATION #01E73134AMENDMENTID#CTX-CA-FSILVER-CORIV43;ANDAPPROPRIATING$372,628TO THEFISCALYEAR2015/2016INFORMATIONTECHNOLOGYSERVICESSUPPLIESAND SERVICES BUDGET (4/5 VOTE REQUIRED) RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolution. SUMMARY TheCitywishestoenterintoasoftwareandlicensingagreement(referredtohereinas“Enterprise Agreement”)withMicrosoftCorporationtoprovideupgradedlicensingforcomputer/serveroperating systems,SQLdatabaselicensing,disasterrecoveryservices,backendsoftware/networksystems software, and city-wide subscription services to Office365. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Notice Theactivityisnota“Project”asdefinedunderSection15378oftheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality ActStateGuidelines;therefore,pursuanttoStateGuidelinesSection15060(c)(3)noenvironmental review is required. Environmental Determination N/A BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable DISCUSSION AspartoftheInformationTechnologydepartments’TechnologyImprovementProgram,the department has begun a methodical upgrade to the core systems throughout the City to include: 1)Computer Replacement Program - 200 PC’s per year replaced starting in 2015 2)NetworkUpgrade-Newnetworkinghardwareandchangeinarchitecture(CityHallandPolice City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 6Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 82 File#:16-0158, Item#: 6. Department) 3)InternetConnectivity-Increasefrom20MB/secupload/downloadto100MB/sec upload/download 4)KeySystemsUpgrades-DomainControllers,AccelaAutomation(DevelopmentServices), FASTER (Public Works, Garage), Lucity (Public Works), and BeneTrack (Human Resources). 5)Network Monitoring Software - LANSweeper 6)Work Management Software - WebHelpDesk (ITS) and LARQ (Attorney’s Office) Upcomingprojectsinclude:anewEnterpriseResourcePlanning(ERP)softwaresystemfor Finance/HumanResources;Internet/networkconnectivityupgradestoRecreationCentersandPublic Works;1GBInternetconnectivitytoalloftheLibraries(currentlyunderway);andupgradingwifi networks throughout City Hall. AspartoftheTechnologyImprovementProgram,theCitywishestoenterintoanEnterprise AgreementforlicensingandsoftwarewithMicrosofttocontinuetheupgradepathsystem-wide.This EnterpriseAgreementwillincludelicensingupgradesforallWindowsdesktopoperatingsystemsto Windows10(andbeyond),upgradesforWindowsserveroperatingsystems,upgradesforMicrosoft SQLserversoftware,backendnetworkmanagementsoftware,accesstoMicrosoftAzureCloud based storage for disaster recovery operations and upgrade to Office365 productivity suite. BelowaresomehighlightsoftheadvantagesofenteringintoanEnterpriseAgreementasopposedto other licensing models (Select or Retail pricing): 1)LowestpossiblepricingforMicrosoftproducts-ThisEnterpriseAgreementincludes Government“D”pricing(15%belowOEMpricing)plusanadditional7.5%reductioninpricing ontopofGovernment“D”pricing-whichisa22.5%totaldiscount.Thisisnormallyreserved foronlythelargestagencies(10,000+users).CurrentlytheCityispurchasinglicensingat OEM pricing (no discounts). Select pricing is only a 5% reduction in costs. 2)Abilitytospreadthelicensingcostsoverthreeyears,ratherthanlumpsumpayments.Thisis not available with Select or retail pricing 3)Ability to implement Office365 (not available unless in an Enterprise Agreement). 4)PromotionalfundingfromMicrosoftfordeploymentofOffice365tooffsetthecostsof contractingwithathirdpartyvendorforassistancewiththedeploymentofOffice365.Microsoft alsohasaFasttrackonboardingteamwhichwillalsoassistwiththetechnicalaspectsof implementingOffice365atnoadditionalcosttotheCity.ThisisnotavailableunderSelector retail pricing. 5)Accesstoenhancedtrainingoptionsnotavailabletonon-EnterpriseAgreementcustomers- includingtrainingvouchersforadvancedtrainingprogramswhicharenotfree.Thisisnot available under Select or retail pricing. 6)MicrosoftDesktopOptimizationPack(MDOP)-suiteoftechnologiesavailabletohelpITstaff virtualizetheuserexperience,applicationsandWindows;helpsmanagefeatureswithin Windows;andrapidlyrestoreuserproductivityafterasystemissueisencounteredtoensure top operational efficiency. 7)WindowsDesktopOperatingSystemupgrades-ThisagreementwillensurethattheCityis fullylicensedtodeployWindows10throughouttheITinfrastructureandsetsforthanupgrade path to future deployments of Windows operating systems. rd 8)WindowsServerOperatingSystemupgrades-nearly2/3ofourserverfleet(150+servers) City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 6Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 83 File#:16-0158, Item#: 6. operateonWindowsServer2003whichdoesnotreceiveanysecuritypatchesorsoftware updatesfromMicrosoft.Thisisasignificantsecurityandoperationalconcernforthe department. 9)Enhancedofficeproductivityenhancements-Instantmessaging,SkypeforBusiness(video conferencing),remotedesktopsharing(forwebinars),andSharepoint.Thisisnotavailable under Select or retail pricing. 10)Advancedsecurityoptions-Encryptioncapabilitiesfordesktopandserverhardrivesandemail controlofsensitivedocumentswhichshouldnotbesentoutofCityorcontainsensitive information (e.g. Social Security numbers). This is not available under Select or retail pricing. 11)AdvancedarchivingandeDiscoveryfeaturesforemailwhichwillmakecompliancewiththe California Public Records Act much easier. This is not available under Select or retail pricing. 12)MobilitySuite-mobiledevicemanagementsoftwaretoensureCitymobiledevicesaresecure andenablesadvancedfunctionalitytowipeCityinformationifamobiledeviceislostorstolen. AlsoallowsforremoteaccesscontrolforITtroubleshootingwithoutneedtobringdevicein from the field. 13)EnhancedStorage-50GBemailstorageperuser,plusadditional1TBfilesstoragevia OneDrive.Filesnowaccessibleanywhereanemployeecanlogintotheinternet.Thisisnot available under Select or retail pricing. TherearemanymorefeaturesincludedwiththeEnterpriseAgreement,allofwhichwillsignificantly improve: 1)IT Management of software, hardware and network 2)Workplace collaboration 3)Data Security 4)Disaster Recovery AspartoftheEnterpriseAgreement,Microsoftallowsagenciestospreadthelicensingcostsovera threeyearperiod.Oncethelicensingcostsarepaid,theCitywillthentransitionintotheSoftware Assuranceplan,wherebyatareducedcost,theCitywillthenbeabletocontinuallyupdatelicenses throughouttheorganizationasMicrosoftreleasesthem.Additionally,theCitywillbeabletotake advantageofMicrosoft’sin-houseplanningconsultantswhowillassistwiththedesignofanymajor IT projects. TheCountyofRiversidehassuccessfullynegotiatedveryfavorablepricingfortheEnterprise Agreement.Normally,theCitywouldqualifyforMicrosoft’s“GovernmentD”levelpricingof15%offof retailprices.TheCountyofRiversidewasabletoreducethosecostsanadditional7.5%,whichare theabsolutelowestcostavailabletoanorganizationoursize.Thisrepresentsa22.5%reductionin costsoverretailpricing,anda17.5%reductionincostsoverSelectpricing.Thereareover800 governmental agencies in the State of California who have taken advantage of this contract. TheCountyofRiversideagreementprovidesforsixdifferentvendorswhohavebeenauthorizedby MicrosofttobetheretailerforallofMicrosoft’sproductsincludedundertheEnterpriseAgreement (youcannotpurchasedirectfromMicrosoft).Allsixvendorswerecontactedandquoteswere requested from each vendor. Below is a summary of the quotes received: City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 6Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 84 File#:16-0158, Item#: 6. CompanyQUOTE (per year) SoftwareONE$477,033.98 PCMG$470,409.29 En Pointe$479,764.40 SoftChoice$508,017.24 Dell$479,931.47 InSightNo Response Based on the quotes received, PCMG was the low bid response. Ultimately,thisEnterpriseAgreementwillensurethattheCityisabletomaintainarobustIT infrastructureaswemoveforwardwithourSmartCitiesinitiatives.Technologychangessorapidly thatunlesstheCitycanbeagileandup-to-datewithourITinfrastructure,itwillbeexceedinglyhard toimplementthetechnologythattheCityneedstokeepprovidinghighqualityservicestoour businesses and citizens. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Not Applicable - Not Site-Specific Staffhasreviewedthedecisioncontemplatedbythisactionandhasdeterminedthatitisnotsite- specificandconsequently,the500-footrulefoundinCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,section 18702.2(a)(11),isnotapplicabletothisdecisionforpurposesofdeterminingadisqualifyingreal property-relatedfinancialconflictofinterestunderthePoliticalReformAct(Cal.Gov'tCode§87100, et seq.). Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyCityCouncilmember,ofany other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community,StrongandSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.ThisEnterprise AgreementwithMicrosoftdirectlyimpactsallfiveStrategicPlangoals,withsignificantimpactto OperationalExcellence,asthisagreementwillallowtheITSDepartmenttodeployindustrystandard technologytoolstosignificantlyenhanceemployeeproductivityandefficiencythroughmodern software deployment. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT Theannualcostoftheproposedagreementis$470,410.Approximately$432,628isaGeneralFund cost.TheITSDepartmentcurrentlyhas$80,000budgetedinitsFY2015-16budgetforthis expense.Inaddition,staffisrequesting$20,000forstafftrainingandconsultantservicesneededto implementthisproject.Staffisrecommendinganappropriationof$372,628totheSuppliesand ServicesexpensecategoryoftheITSDepartment.Thisappropriationwillbeoffsetbyone-time salestaxrevenuesresultingfromtheendofthetripleflip.Thereisnonetfiscalimpacttothe City of Chula VistaPage 4 of 6Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 85 File#:16-0158, Item#: 6. General Fund as a result of this action. TheDevelopmentServicesFund,SewerServiceRevenueFund,andPublicEducationand GovernmentalFee(PEG)Fundalsohavecostsassociatedwiththelicensingagreement.However, thesefundsdonotneedanappropriationinthecurrentfiscalyearastheyhavesufficientsavingsin their respective Supplies and Services budgets to absorb these costs. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT TheEnterpriseAgreementisbrokenintothreemaincategories:SubscriptionServices(Office365 andUserLicensing);Server,SQLandAzureLicensing;andAcademicLicensing(LibraryPC’s).For Subscriptionservices,theCitywillpaythesubscriptioncostsyearoveryearduringthesixyear contract.ForServer,SQLandAzureLicensing,theCitywillpaythelicensingcostsdividedoverthe firstthreeyears,andthenpayareducedamountfortheSoftwareAssuranceProgram.Forthe AcademicLicensing,theCitywillpaythelicensingcostsdividedoverthefirstthreeyears,andthen pay a reduced amount for the Software Assurance Program. ThebudgetforthisexpensewillbeincludedintheFiscalYear2016-17ProposedBudgetandbe considered by the City Council as part of the normal budget process. ThetableonthefollowingpagesummarizesthecostfortheEnterpriseAgreementforfiscalyears 2016 to 2021. 1 Subscription Services do not fall under Software Assurance ATTACHMENTS Attachment A - Microsoft Enterprise Agreements Resolution Staff Contact: Edward Chew, Director of Information Technology Services City of Chula VistaPage 5 of 6Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 86 File#:16-0158, Item#: 6. City of Chula VistaPage 6 of 6Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 87 Enterprise Agreement State and Local Not for Use with Microsoft Business Agreement or Microsoft Business and Services Agreement Contents 1.Definitions. ........................................................................................................................................... 1 2.How the Enterprise and Enterprise Subscription program works. ................................................ 3 3.Licenses for Products. ........................................................................................................................ 3 4.How to know what Product Use Rights apply. ................................................................................. 4 5.Making copies of Products and re-imaging rights. .......................................................................... 5 6.Transferring and reassigning Licenses............................................................................................. 5 7.Term and termination. ......................................................................................................................... 6 8.Restrictions on use.............................................................................................................................. 7 9.Open Source Restrictions. .................................................................................................................. 7 10.Confidentiality. ..................................................................................................................................... 8 11.Warranties. ........................................................................................................................................... 8 12.Defense of infringement and misappropriation claims. .................................................................. 9 13.Limitation of liability. .........................................................................................................................10 14.Verifying compliance. ........................................................................................................................11 15.Miscellaneous. ...................................................................................................................................11 This Microsoft Enterprise Agreement is entered into between the entities identified onthe program signature form. Effective date. The effective dateof this agreement isthe effective dateof the first Enrollment orthe date Microsoft accepts this agreement, whichever is earlier. Any reference in this agreement or an Enrollment to "day" will be a calendar day. This agreementconsists of (1) these agreement terms and conditions and the signature form and all attachments identified therein, (2) the Product List, (3) the Product Use Rights applicable to Products licensed under this agreement, (4) any Affiliate Enrollment entered into under this agreement, Please note: Several documents referenced in this agreement but not attached to the signature form may be found at: http://www.microsoft.com/licensing/contracts and are incorporated by reference, including the Product List and Product Use Rights. These documents may contain additional terms and conditions for Products licensed under this agreement and may be changed from time to time. Customer and/or its Affiliates should review such documents carefully, both at the time of signing and periodically, to ensure a full understanding of all terms and conditions applicable to Products licensed. Terms and Conditions 1.Definitions. means a. with regard to Customer, (i) any government agency, department, office, instrumentality, division, unit or other entity ofthe state or local government thatis supervised byoris part of Customer, or which supervises Customer orof which Customer is a part,or which is under common supervision with Customer; (ii) any county, borough, commonwealth, city, municipality, town, township, special purpose district, or other similar type of governmental instrumentality established by the laws of EA2011AgrGov(US)SLG(ENG)(Jul2011)Page 1of 13 Document X20-02032 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 88 state and located within state jurisdiction and geographic boundaries; and (iii) any other entity in state expressly authorized by the laws of state to purchase under state contracts; provided that a state and its Affiliates shall not, for purposes of this definition, be considered tobe Affiliates ofthe federal government and its Affiliates; and b. with regard to Microsoft, any legal entity that Microsoft owns, that owns Microsoft, orthatis under common ownership with Microsoft; means Microsoft has made Licenses for that Product available on the Product List for ordering under a particular licensing program; means the entity that has entered into this agreement and its Affiliates; or on behalf of, Enrolled Affiliate through its use of the Online Services. means an entity, either Customer or any one ofCu Affiliates, that has entered into an Enrollment under this agreement; means the document thatan Enrolled Affiliate submits under this agreement to place its initial order; means the Enrolled Affiliate and the Affiliates it chooses on its Enrollment to include in its enterprise; releases generally (such as service packs). Licensee the quantity of a Product ordered. For certain Products, a will be considered Subscription Licenses under this agreement; L&SA means a License and Software Assurance for any Product ordered; means the Microsoft Affiliate that has entered into this agreement oran Enrollment and its Affiliates, as appropriate; the Microsoft-hosted services identified in the Online Services section of the Product List. -based services, including pre-release or beta versions, identified on the Product List. means the statement published by Microsoft from time to time on the World Wide Web at http://www.microsoft.com/licensing/contracts or at a successor site that Microsoft identifies, which identifies the Products that are or may be made available under a program (which availability may vary by region) and any Product-specific conditions or limitations on the acquisition of licenses for, or use of, those Products. spect to any licensing program, the use rights or terms of service for each Product and version published for that licensing program at http://www.microsoft.com/licensing/contracts or at a successor site. and by which it measures the level of service for an Online Service. as further described in the Product List. EA2011AgrGov(US)SLG(ENG)(Jul2011)Page 2of 13 Document X20-02032 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 89 nable to the public, has economic value as a result, and has been subject to reasonable steps under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy; 2.Howthe Enterprise and Enterprise Subscription program works. The Enterprise and Enterprise Subscription Program . The Enterprise and Enterprise Subscription Under the Enterprise program, Customer may license Products by entering into Enrollments.The Enterprise Subscription program offers Customer the same options as the Enterprise Program, but on a subscription basis, with an optional buy-out to obtain perpetual Licenses. a.Enrollments. The Enterprise program gives Customer and/or its Affiliates the ability to enter into one or more Enrollments to order Products. Subscription Enrollments may be available for some of these Enrollments. b. Licenses. The types of Licenses available are L&SA, Licenses obtained under Software Assurance and Subscription Licenses. These License types as well as addititional License Types are defined in the Product List. c. How Enrolled Affiliates acquire Licenses . An Enrolled Affiliate will acquire its Licenses through its chosen Reseller. Orders will be made outto and submitted tothe Enrolled Reseller. Microsoft will invoice that Reseller according to the terms inthe applicable Enrollment. d. Choosing and maintaining a Reseller. Each Enrolled Affiliate must choose and maintain a e. Pricing. (i) Establishing Price Levels. Each Product generally is assigned to a Product pool (e.g., applications, systems, or servers). Each Product pool will be assigned one of four price levels (A, B, C, and D). Products, Enterprise Online Services, Online Services and Additional Products ordered under any Enrollment. (ii) Placing Orders through Reseller. Orders under an Enrollment will be made to the Reseller. Microsoft will invoice the Reseller according to the terms in the applicable Reseller and payment terms. f. Order Requirments. Order Requirments are outlined in each Enrollment. g. Management and Reporting. Customer and/or Enrolled Affiliate may manage account https://www.microsoft.com/licensing/servicecenter. Upon the effective date of this agreement and any Enrollments, the contact(s) identified for this purpose will be provided access to this site and may authorize additional users and contacts. 3.Licenses for Products. a. General. Enrolled Affiliate will have the number of Licenses ordered for the latest version of a Product, and may use prior versions as permitted in the Product Use Rights, so long Microsoft receives timely orders from Reseller for all required Licenses for such Products and complies with applicable license terms. The Licenses obtained under an Enrollment are not EA2011AgrGov(US)SLG(ENG)(Jul2011)Page 3of 13 Document X20-02032 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 90 related to any order or fulfillment of software media. The ability to use a Product ordered may be affected by minimum hardware or software requirements. b. Use by Affiliates. The Enrolled Affiliate may sublicense the right to use the Products toany Affiliates covered under its Enrollment, but Affiliate recipient of these Licenses may not sublicense these rights and their use must be consistent with the License terms contained in this agreement. c. When Licenses become perpetual. The right to run any Product licensed under an Enrollment is temporary unless and until it becomes perpetual as follows: (i) A License is the applicable initial Enrollment or renewal term during which the License was ordered must have expired or been terminated as permitted in this agreement. (ii) Subscription Licenses are never perpetual. If a buy-out option is available, Enrolled Affiliate may obtain a perpetual License by exercising the buy-out option and paying for the License in full. (iii) Enrolled Affiliate will have perpetual Licenses to use the Products ordered in the latest version available (or any prior version) as of the date of expiration, termination, or renewal. (iv) All perpetual Licenses acquired under this agreement remain subject to the terms of this agreement and such terms survive expiration or termination of this agreement or an Enrollment. d. Perpetual Licenses through Software Assurance. Perpetual Licenses received through Software Assurance supersede and replace the underlying perpetual Licenses for which Software Assurance coverage was ordered. In the case of Early Termination, the terms in Section 7 titled . e. License confirmation. This agreement, the applicable Enrollment, the Enrolled order confirmation, and any documentation evidencing transfers of Licenses, together with proof of payment, will be the Enrolled evidence of all Licenses obtained under its Enrollment. f. Reorganizations, Consolidations, and Privatizations. If the number of Qualified Devices or Qualified Users covered by an Enrollment changes by more than ten percent as a result of a reorganization, consolidation, or privatization of an Enrolled Affiliate, Microsoft will work with the Enrolled Affiliate in good faith to determine how to accommodate its changed circumstances in the context of this agreement. If an Enrolled Affiliate consolidates with a third party with an existing agreement or enrollment, Microsoft will work with the Enrolled Affiliate in good faith to accommodate its changed circumstances in the context of this agreement. 4.Howto know what ProductUse Rights apply. a. Product Use Rights. The Product Use Rights in effect on the effective date of an Enrollment -current versions of each Product (excluding Online Services). For future versions, the Product Use Rights in effect when those future versions are first released will apply. In both cases, subsequent changes made by Microsoft to the Product Use Rights for a particular version will version, unless Enrolled Affiliate chooses to have such changes apply. The use rights for Online Services and the process for updating them as the Online Services evolve are detailed in the Product Use Rights. b. Product Use Rights for earlier versions (downgrade). If Enrolled Affiliate runs an earlier version of a Product than the version that was current on the Enrollment effective date, the Product Use Rights for the version licensed, not the version being run, will apply. However, if EA2011AgrGov(US)SLG(ENG)(Jul2011)Page 4of 13 Document X20-02032 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 91 the earlier version includes components that are not part of the licensed version, any Product components. c. Reservation of rights. All rights not expressly granted are reserved. 5. Making copies of Products and re-imaging rights. a. General. Enrolled Affiliate may make as many copies of Products, if applicable, as it needs to distribute them within its organization. Copies must be true and complete (including copyright and trademark notices) from master copies obtained from a Microsoft approved fulfillment source. Enrolled Affiliate may use a third party to make these copies, but Enrolled use reasonable efforts to notify its employees, agents, and any other individuals who use the Products that the Products are licensed from Microsoft and subject to the terms of this agreement. b. Copies for training/evaluation and back-up. For all Products other than Online Services, Enrolled Affiliate may: (1) use up to 20 complimentary copies of any licensed Products in a dedicated training facility on its premises for purposes of training on that particular Product, (2) use up to 10 complimentary copies of any Products for a 60 day evaluation period, and (3) use one complimentary copy of any licensed Product for back-up or archival purposes for each of its distinct geographic locations. Trials for Online Services may be available if specified in the Product Use Rights. c. Right to re-image. In certain cases, re-imaging is permitted using the Product media. If the Microsoft Product is licensed (1) from an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), (2) as a full packaged Product through a retail source, or (3) under another Microsoft program, then media provided under this agreement may generally be used to create images for use in place of copies provided through that separate source. This right is conditional upon the following: (i) Separate Licenses must be owned from the source for each Product that is re-imaged. (ii) The Product, language, version, and components of the copies made must be identical to the Product, language, version, and all components of the copies they replace and the number of copies or instances of the re-imaged Product permitted remains the same. (iii) Except for copies of an operating system and copies of Products licensed under another Microsoft program, the Product type (e.g., upgrade or full License) must be identical to the Product type from the separate source. (iv) Enrolled Affiliate must adhere to any Product-specific processes or requirements for re- imaging identified in the Product List. (v) Re-images made under this subsection remain subject to the terms and use rights provided with the License from the separate source. (vi) This subsection does not create or extend any warranty or support obligation. 6. Transferring and reassigning Licenses. a. License Transfers. License transfers are not permitted, except as explicitly set forth in the Perpetual License Transfer Form. The resale of Licenses is prohibited, including any transfer by a Customer or its Affiliate(s) for the purpose of transferring those Licenses to an unaffiliated third party. b. Internal Assignment of Licenses and Software Assurance. Licenses and Software Assurance must be assigned to a single user or device within the Enterprise. Licenses may be reassigned within the Enterprise as described in the Product Use Rights. EA2011AgrGov(US)SLG(ENG)(Jul2011)Page 5of 13 Document X20-02032 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 92 7.Term and termination. a. Term. The term of this agreement will be 36 months from the Effective date unless terminated by either party as described below. Each Enrollment will have the term provided in that Enrollment. . b. Termination without cause Either party may terminate this agreement, without cause, upon60 days written notice. Such termination will merely terminate either s and its ability to enter into new Enrollments under this agreement.Such termination will not affect any Enrollment or order not otherwise terminated, and any terms of this agreement applicable to any Enrollment or order not otherwise terminated will continue in effect with respect to that Enrollment or order. An Enrolled Affiliate may terminate an Enrollment without liability, penalty or further obligation to make payments if funds to make payments under the Enrollment are not appropriated or allocated for such purpose. c. Termination for cause. Either party toan Enrollment may terminate itif the other party materially breaches its obligations under this agreement, including any obligation to submit orders or pay invoices (even if such non-payment is caused by non-appropriation of funds). Except where the breach isby its nature not curable within 30 days, the terminating party must give the other party 30 days notice and opportunity to cure. If Microsoft gives such notice toan Enrolled Affiliate, Microsoft will give Customer a copy of that notice as well and Customer agrees to assist in attempting to resolve the breach.Ifthe breach also affects other Enrollments and cannot be resolved between Microsoft and Customer within a reasonable period of time, Microsoft may also terminate this agreement and all other Enrollments under it, unless the basis for termination ofthe Enrollment isnon- appropriation of funds to the Enrolled Affiliate, in which event Microsoft may only terminate the affected Enrollment(s).Ifan Enrolled Affiliate ceases tobe Affiliate, Customer must promptly notify Microsoft, and Microsoft may terminate its Enrollment. d. Early termination. If (1) an Enrolled Affiliate terminates its Enrollment as a result of a breach by Microsoft, or (2) if Microsoft terminates an Enrollment because the Enrolled Affiliate has ceased tobean Affiliate of Customer, or (3) Enrolled Affiliate terminates an Enrollment for non-appropriation of funds, or (4) Microsoft terminate an Enrollment for non- payment due to non-appropriation of funds, thenthe Enrolled Affiliate will have the following options: (i) It may immediately pay the total remaining amount due, including all installments, in which case, the Enrolled Affiliate will have perpetual rights for all Licenses ithas ordered; or (ii) It may pay only amounts dueasofthe termination date, in which case the Enrolled Affiliate will have perpetual Licenses for: 1) all copies of Products (including the latest version of Products ordered under SA coverage inthe current term) for which payment hasbeen made in full, and 2) the number of copies of Products ithas ordered (including the latest version of Products ordered under Software Assurance coverage in current term) that is proportional to the total of installment payments paid versus total amounts due (paid and payable) ifthe early termination hadnot occurred. (iii) In the case of Early Termination under Subscription Enrollments,Enrolled Affiliate will have the following options: 1) For eligible products Enrolled Affiliate may obtain perpetual Licenses as described in --out order for those Licenses within 60 days after Enrolled Affiliate provides notice of termination. EA2011AgrGov(US)SLG(ENG)(Jul2011)Page 6of 13 Document X20-02032 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 93 2) Where not exercising buy-out option, in the event of breach by Microsoft, Microsoft will issue Reseller a credit for any amount paid in advance that would apply after the date of termination. Nothing in this section shall affect perpetual License rights acquired either in a separate agreement orin a prior term ofthe terminated Enrollment. e. Effect of termination or expiration. When an Enrollment expires oris terminated, (i) Enrolled Affiliate must order Licenses for all copies of Products ithas run for which it has not previously submitted an order.Any and all unpaid payments or any order of any kind, including subscription services, remain dueand payable. Except as provided in the subsection titled all unpaid payments for Licenses immediately become due and payable. (ii) Enrolled right to Software Assurance benefits under this agreement ends ifit does not renew Software Assurance. f. Modification or termination of an Online Service for regulatory reasons. Microsoft may modify or terminate an Online Service where there is any current or future government requirement or obligation that: (1) subjects Microsoft to any regulation or requirement not generally applicable to businesses operating there; (2) presents a hardship for Microsoft to continue operating the Online Service without modification; and/or (3) causes Microsoft to believe these terms or the Online Service may be in conflict with any such requirement or obligation. For example, Microsoft may modify or terminate an Online Service in connection with a government requirement that would cause Microsoft to be regulated as a telecommunications provider. g. Program updates. Microsoft may make a change to this program that will make it necessary for Customer and its Enrolled Affiliates to enter into new agreements and Enrollments. 8.Restrictionson use. Restrictions on use. Enrolled Affiliate must not: a. separate and use the components of a Product on two or more computers, upgrade or downgrade components at different times, or transfer components separately, except as provided in the Product Use Rights; b. reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble any Product or Fix, except where applicable law permits it despite this limitation; or c. distribute, sublicense, rent, lease, lend, or host any Product or Fix except as permitted in the Product Use Rights or in a separate written agreement. 9. Open Source Restrictions. Certain third party license terms require that computer code be generally (1) disclosed in source code form to third parties; (2) licensed to third parties for the purpose of making derivative works; or (3) may use, incorporate, modify, distribute, provide access to, or combine the computer code of the other code to Open Source License Terms. Microsoft is not responsible for upload code to an Online Service and allow third parties access to use or download Custom the Online Service, provided that (1) such use is not restricted by a Supplemental Agreement or the Product Use Rights and (2) any Open Source License Terms apply solely to Customer and their uploaded code, and not to any code or Products provided by Microsoft. Each party warrants that it will not provide EA2011AgrGov(US)SLG(ENG)(Jul2011)Page 7of 13 Document X20-02032 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 94 the other party with, or give third parties access through the Online Services to, computer code that is governed by Open Source License Terms, except as described above. 10.Confidentiality. Tothe extent permitted by applicable law, the terms and conditions of this agreement are confidential. Neither party will disclose such terms and conditions, or the substance ofany discussions that led to them, to any third party other than Affiliates or agents, orto designated or prospective resellers who: (1) have a need to know such information in order to assist in carrying out this agreement; and (2) have been instructed that all such information istobe handled in strict confidence. 11. Warranties. a. Limited warranty. Microsoft warrants that: (i) Online Services will perform in accordance with the applicable Service Level Agreement; (ii) Products other than Online Services will perform substantially as described in the applicable Microsoft user documentation; and b. Limited warranty term. The limited warranty for: (i) to the notice requirements in the applicable Service Level Agreement; (ii) Products other than Online Services is one year from the date Enrolled Affiliate first uses the Product; and c. Limited warranty exclusions. This limited warranty is subject to the following limitations: (i) any implied warranties, guarantees or conditions not able to be disclaimed as a matter of law last for one year from the start of the limited warranty; (ii) the limited warranty does not cover problems caused by accident, abuse or use in a manner inconsistent with this agreement or the Product Use Rights, or resulting from events beyond Microsoft (iii) the limited warranty does not apply to components of Products that Enrolled Affiliate is permitted to redistribute; (iv) the limited warranty does not apply to free, trial, pre-release, or beta products; and (v) the limited warranty does not apply to problems caused by the failure to meet minimum system requirements. d. Remedies for breach of limited warranty. If Microsoft fails to meet any of the above limited warranties and Enrolled Affiliate notifies Microsoft within the warranty period, then Microsoft will: (i) for Online Services, provide the remedies identified in the Service Level Agreement for the affected Online Service; (ii) for Products other than Online Services, at its option either (1) return the price paid or (2) repair or replace the Product; and remedies are required to be provided under applicable law. e. DISCLAIMER OF OTHER WARRANTIES. OTHER THAN THIS LIMITED WARRANTY, MICROSOFT PROVIDES NO OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ANY IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, TITLE OR NON- EA2011AgrGov(US)SLG(ENG)(Jul2011)Page 8of 13 Document X20-02032 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 95 INFRINGEMENT. THESE DISCLAIMERS WILL APPLY UNLESS APPLICABLE LAW DOES NOT PERMIT THEM. 12. Defense of infringement and misappropriation claims. a. Microsoft will defend Enrolled Affiliate against any claims made by an unaffiliated third party that any Product or Fix that is made available by unlawful use of its Trade Secret. Microsoft will also pay the amount of any resulting adverse final judgment (or settlement to which Microsoft consents). This section provides Enrolled b. Limitations on defense obligation. the claim or award is based on: (i) Customer Data, code, or materials provided by Enrolled Affiliate as part of an Online Service; (ii) or Fix after Microsoft notifies it to discontinue that use due to a third party claim; (iii) or Fix with a non-Microsoft product, data or business process; (iv) damages attributable to the value of the use of a non-Microsoft product, data or business process; (v) modifications that Enrolled Affiliate makes to the Product or Fix; (vi) redistribution of the Product or Fix to, or its use for the benefit of, any unaffiliated third party, except as expressly permitted by the Product Use Rights; (vii) so; or (viii) any Trade Secret claim, where Enrolled Affiliate acquires the Trade Secret (1) through improper means; (2) under circumstances giving rise to a duty to maintain its secrecy or limit its use; or (3) from a person (other than Microsoft or its Affiliates) who owed to the party asserting the claim a duty to maintain the secrecy or limit the use of the Trade Secret. Enrolled Affiliate will be responsible for any costs or damages that result from any of these actions. c. Specific rights and remedies in case of infringement. (i) If Microsoft receives information concerning an infringement claim related to a Product or Fix, Microsoft may, at its expense and without obligation to do so, either: 1) procure for Enrolled Affiliate the right to continue to use the allegedly infringing Product or Fix; or 2) modify the Product or Fix, or replace it with a functional equivalent, to make it non- infringing, in which case Enrolled Affiliate will immediately cease use of the allegedly infringing Product or Fix after receiving notice from Microsoft. (ii) If, as a result of an or Fix that is made available by Microsoft for a fee is enjoined by a court of competent jurisdiction, Microsoft will, at its option: 1) procure the right to continue its use; EA2011AgrGov(US)SLG(ENG)(Jul2011)Page 9of 13 Document X20-02032 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 96 2) replace it with a functional equivalent; 3) modify it to make it non-infringing; or 4) refund the amount paid (or, for Online Services, refund any amounts paid in advance for unused Online Services) and terminate the license or right to access the infringing Product or Fix. d. Responsibility. Enrolled Affiliate will be responsible for any costs or damages arising from any claims made by an unaffiliated third party that: (i) any Customer Data or non- tentional unlawful use of its Trade Secret; or (ii) Additional Use Right and Restrictions. Enrolled Affiliate must pay the amount of any resulting adverse final judgment (or settlement to which Enrolled Affiliate consents). e. Obligations of protected party. Enrolled Affiliate must notify Microsoft promptly in writing of notify ResponsibilityTo the extent permitted by applicable law, where Enrolled Affiliate y invokes its right to protection it must (1) give Microsoft sole control over the defense or settlement; and (2) provide reasonable assistance in defending the claim. Microsoft will reimburse Enrolled Affiliate for reasonable out of pocket expenses that it incurs in providing assistance. 13.Limitationof liability. a. Limitation on liability. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the liability of Microsoft and Enrolled Affiliate, their respective Affiliates and contractors arising under this agreement is limited to direct damages up to (1) for Products other than Online Services, the amount Enrolled Affiliate was required to pay for the Product giving rise to that liability and (2) for Online Services, the amount Enrolled Affiliate was required to pay for the Online Service giving rise to that liability during the prior 12 months. In the case of Products provided free of charge, or code that Enrolled Affiliate is authorized to redistribute to third parties without apply regardless of whether the liability is based on breach of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability, breach of warranties, or any other legal theory. However, these monetary limitations will not apply to: (i) (ii) that of its employees or its agents, and awarded by a court of final adjudication (provided (iii) liabilities arising out of any breach by either party of its obligations under the section Customer Data shall in all cases be limited to the amount Enrolled Affiliate paid for the Online Service giving rise to that liability during the prior 12 months; (iv) employees or agents, or for fraudulent misrepresentation; and EA2011AgrGov(US)SLG(ENG)(Jul2011)Page 10of 13 Document X20-02032 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 97 (v) tellectual property rights. b. EXCLUSION OF CERTAIN DAMAGES. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, WHATEVER THE LEGAL BASIS FOR THE CLAIM, NEITHER PARTY, NOR ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES, OR CONTRACTORS, WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, OR DAMAGES FOR LOST PROFITS, REVENUES, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR IF SUCH POSSIBILITY WAS REASONABLY FORESEEABLE. HOWEVER, THIS EXCLUSION DOES NOT APPLY TO CONFIDENTIALITY OBLIGATIONS (EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT THAT SUCH VIOLATION IGATIONS IN THE SECTION TITLED c. Affiliates and Contractors. Neither Microsoft nor Enrolled Affiliate shall bring any action behalf in this agreement. 14.Verifying compliance. a. Right to verify compliance. Enrolled Affiliate must keep records relating to the Products it and its Affiliates use or distribute. Microsoft has the right, to the extent permitted by applicable law, expense. b. Verification process and limitations. To verify compliance, Microsoft will engage an independent auditor, which will be subject to a confidentiality obligation. Verification will take place upon not fewer than 30 days notice, during normal business hours and in a manner that do promptly provide the independent auditor with any information it reasonably requests in furtherance of the verification, including access to systems running the Products and evidence of Licenses for Products Enrolled Affiliate hosts, sublicenses, or distributes to third - audit questionnaire relating to the Products Enrolled Affiliate and any of Affiliates use or distribute, but reserve the right to use a verification process as set out above. If Microsoft undertakes verification and does not find material unlicensed use (License shortage of 5% or more per Product), Microsoft will not undertake another verification of the same entity for at least one year. Microsoft and the independent auditors will use the determine whether Enrolled Affiliate are in compliance with the license terms for the Products. By invoking the rights and procedures described above, Microsoft does not waive means permitted by law. c. Remedies for non-compliance. If verification or self-audit reveals any unlicensed use, Enrolled Affiliate must promptly direct its Reseller to order sufficient Licenses to cover such use. If material unlicensed use is found, Enrolled Affiliate must reimburse Microsoft for the costs Microsoft has incurred in verification and acquire the necessary additional Licenses at single retail license cost within 30 days. 15. Miscellaneous. a. Notices to Microsoft. Notices, authorizations, and requests in connection with this agreement must be sent by regular or overnight mail, express courier, or fax to the addresses EA2011AgrGov(US)SLG(ENG)(Jul2011)Page 11of 13 Document X20-02032 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 98 and numbers listed on the signature form and in this agreement. Notices will be treated as delivered on the date shown on the return receipt or on the courier or fax confirmation of delivery. Copies should be sent to: Microsoft Corporation Legal and Corporate Affairs Volume Licensing Group One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052 USA Via Facsimile: (425) 936-7329 Microsoft may provide information about upcoming Enrollment deadlines and Online Services in electronic form. Such information may be provided by email to contacts provided by Enrolled Affiliate under an Enrollment, or through a web site Microsoft identifies. Notice by email is given as of the transmission date. b. Assignment. Either party may assign this agreement toan Affiliate only.Assignment will not relieve the assigning party of its obligations under the assigned agreement.If either party assigns this agreement, it must notify the other party ofthe assignment in writing. c. Severability. If a court holds any provision of this agreement tobe illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the rest ofthe document will remain in effect and this agreement will be amended to give effect tothe eliminated provision to the maximum extent possible. d. Waiver. A waiver ofany breach of this agreement isnot a waiver of any other breach.Any waiver must bein writing and signed byan authorized representative ofthe waiving party. e. Applicable law; Dispute resolution. The terms of this agreement will be governed bythe laws of Enrolled state, without giving effect to its conflict of laws.Disputes relating to this agreement will be subject to applicable dispute resolution laws of Enrolled state. f. This agreement isnot exclusive. Customer is free to enter into agreements to license, use or promote non-Microsoft software. g. Entire agreement. This agreement, the Product List, all Enrollments under this agreement, and the Product Use Rights constitute the entire agreement concerning the subject matter and supersede any prior or contemporaneous communications. Inthe case of a conflict between any documents referenced in this agreement that is not expressly resolved in the documents, their terms will control in the following order: (1) these terms and conditions and the accompanying signature form; (2) an Enrollment; (3) the Product List; (4) the Product Use Rights; (5) any other documents; and (6) all orders submitted under this agreement. h. Survival. Provisions regarding ownership and license rights, fees, Product Use Rights, restrictions on use, evidence of perpetual licenses, transfer of licenses, warranties, defense protect each other, limitations of liability, confidentiality, compliance verification, obligations will survive termination or expiration of this agreement and of any agreement in which they are incorporated. i.No transfer of ownership. Microsoft doesnot transfer any ownership rights inany licensed Product. j. Free Products .Itis Microsoft's intent that the terms of this agreement and the Product Use Rights bein compliance with all applicable federal law and regulations.Any free Product EA2011AgrGov(US)SLG(ENG)(Jul2011)Page 12of 13 Document X20-02032 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 99 provided to Enrolled Affiliate is for the sole use and benefit ofthe Enrolled Affiliate, andisnot provided for use byor personal benefit of any specific government employee. k. Amending the agreement. This agreement (except the Product List and the Product Use Rights) can be changed only byan amendment signed by both parties. l. Resellers and other third parties cannot bind Microsoft. Resellers and other third parties do not have authority to bind or impose any obligation or liability on Microsoft. m. Privacy. Microsoft and Customer will comply with all applicable privacy and data protection laws and regulations. Customer may choose to provide personal information to Microsoft on administrators) as part of this agreement. Customer represents and warrants that it has and will comply with any applicable laws to provide notices to or obtain permissions from any such individuals to allow sharing of their personal information with Microsoft for the purpose purposes of administering its agreements, the business relationship and related services and ted representatives, resellers, distributors, and administrators for such purposes, including The personal information Customer provides in connection with this agreement will be used and protected according to the privacy statement available at https://www.microsoft.com/licensing/servicecenter to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law. Product-specific privacy commitments are described in the Product Use Rights. n. Natural disaster. In the event of a natural disaster, Microsoft may provide additional assistance or rights by posting themonhttp://www.microsoft.comat such time o. Copyright violation .Except as set forth inthe section above entitled and reassigning the Enrolled Affiliate agrees to pay for, and comply with the terms of this agreement and the Product Use Rights, for the Products it uses.Except tothe extent Enrolled Affiliate is licensed under this agreement, it will be responsible for its breach of this contract and violation of copyright inthe Products, including payment of License fees specified in this agreement for unlicensed use. p. U.S. export jurisdiction. Products and Fixes are subject to U.S. export jurisdiction. Customer will comply with all U.S. Export Administration Regulations and International Traffic in Arms Regulation requirements as well as all end-user, end-use, and destination restrictions issued by the U.S. and other governments applicable to this agreement. For additional information, see http://www.microsoft.com/exporting EA2011AgrGov(US)SLG(ENG)(Jul2011)Page 13of 13 Document X20-02032 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 100 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 101 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 102 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 103 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 104 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 105 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 106 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 107 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 108 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 109 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 110 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 111 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 112 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 113 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 114 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 115 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 116 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 117 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 118 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 119 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 120 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 121 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 122 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 123 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 124 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 125 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 126 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 127 COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. __________ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTAAUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, OR DESIGNEE, TO EXECUTE CONTRACTSFOR SERVICE WITH MICROSOFT CORPORATION FOR SOFTWARE, SUBSCRIPTION AND LICENSING SERVICES UTILIZING THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ENTERPRISE AGREEMENT WITH MICROSOFT CORPORATION #01E73134 AMENDMENT ID #CTX-CA-FSILVER-CORIV43;AND APPROPRIATING $372,628TO THE FISCAL YEAR2015/2016 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES SUPPLIES AND SERVICES BUDGET WHEREAS,the City’s Information and Technology Services (ITS) Department has undertaken a Technology Improvement Program to methodically upgrade all technology systems throughout the City to current industry standards; and WHEREAS, as part of the upgrade process, the City will need to upgrade licensing for desktop PC’s and servers to latest versions of Microsoft operating system environments; and WHEREAS, the City is also desirous of implementing Office365, which would standardize the office productivity suite city-wide, and vastly upgrade the email system for the City and provide enhance productivity tools not currently available in the current City IT configuration; and WHEREAS, the City wishes to enter into an Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft Corporation utilizing a County of Riverside Enterprise Agreement and take advantage of substantial licensing/subscription cost reductions; and WHEREAS, well over 800 governmental agencies throughout the State of California have taken advantage of the County of Riverside Enterprise Agreement; and WHEREAS, beyond the Office365 and operating system licensing, the Microsoft Enterprise Agreement will provide additional tools and services for the City to improve upon the delivery of IT services to the employees and citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it authorizesand directs the City Manager, or designee, to execute a contractfor service with Microsoft Corporation for software, subscription and licensing agreements utilizing the County of Riverside Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft Corporation “#01E73134 Amendment ID #CTX-CA-FSILVER-CORIV43,” in the form presented with such minor modifications as the City Attorney may approve or require, and appropriates$372,628 to FY2015 -2016 Information Technology Services Supplies and Services to be offset by one-time Sales Tax reveues. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 128 Presented byApproved as to form by Edward ChewGlen R. Googins Director of Information TechnologyCity Attorney Services ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 129 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0178, Item#: 7. CONSIDERATIONOFAPPROVINGAGREEMENTSFORTHELAKEFESTEVENTAND5KFUN RUN/WALK A.RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAPPROVINGTHE AGREEMENTBETWEENTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAANDKELLYLANNOMEVENT MANAGEMENTFORUPTO$9,700TOCOORDINATETHELAKEFESTEVENTAND APPROVING UP TO THREE, ONE-YEAR EXTENSIONS B.RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAPPROVINGTHE AGREEMENTBETWEENTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAANDOMARLOZANOFORAFEE TOTALING15PERCENTOFTHEREGISTRATIONFEESCOLLECTEDTOCOORDINATE THELAKEFEST5KFUNRUN/WALK;APPROVINGUPTOTHREE,ONE-YEAR EXTENSIONS;ANDAPPROPRIATING$4,000TOTHEOFFICEOFCOMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIESANDSERVICESBUDGETINTHEGENERALFUNDBASEDONANTICIPATED EVENT FEES (4/5 VOTE REQUIRED) RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolutions. SUMMARY TheCityCouncilhasapprovedLakeFest,aCity-sponsoredeventtobeheldattheOlympicTraining Center(OTC).TheLakeFesteventwillbeheldSeptember24,2016.Theeventstartswitha5KFun Run/WalkattheOTCandthencontinueswithafestivalwithmusic,sportsdemonstrations,family activities,foodtrucksandmore.Theeventwillpromoteentertainment,recreation,sportsandoutdoor activitiesattheOTC.EventplanningservicesareneededtocoordinatetheinauguralLakeFest event. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Notice TheProjectqualifiesforaClass23CategoricalExemptionpursuanttoSection15323(Normal OperationsofFacilitiesforPublicGatherings)oftheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityActState Guidelines. Environmental Determination TheDirectorofDevelopmentServiceshasreviewedtheproposedprojectforcompliancewiththe CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andhasdeterminedthattheprojectqualifiesforaClass 23CategoricalExemptionpursuanttoSection15323(NormalOperationsofFacilitiesforPublic Gatherings)oftheStateCEQAGuidelinesbecauseitisatemporaryeventthatwouldnothaveany permanent effects on the environment. Thus, no further environmental review is required. City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 3Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 130 File#:16-0178, Item#: 7. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not applicable DISCUSSION TheCityCouncilapproveda$10,000CitysponsorshipfortheLakeFesteventtobeheldon September24,2016.CouncilmemberJohnMcCannistheCouncilleadforsponsorshipand fundraisingactivities.Theeventstartswitha5KFunRun/WalkattheOTCandthencontinueswitha festival with music, sports and family activities, food trucks and more. ThesuccessofLakeFest2016dependsuponexpertcoordinationandplanningwithCityofChula VistaandOTCstaff,vendors,musicalgroups,festivalparticipants,andothers.TheOfficeof CommunicationssolicitedproposalsfromeventplanningfirmstocoordinateaLakeFestfunrun/walk andafestival.Acommitteereviewedtheproposalsreceivedandselectedtwoeventplannersfor LakeFestactivities.KellyLannomEventManagementwasselectedtocoordinatethelogisticsofthe LakeFesteventincludingsecuringmusicacts,vendors,coordinatingsportsactivities,kidsevents, andotheractivities.KellyLannomhasexperiencecoordinatingeventsforThirdAvenueVillage Association,KPBS,AnheuserBusch,andotherorganizations.OmarLozanowasselectedto coordinatethe5Kfunrun/walk.Hehascoordinatedanumberofcompetitiveandnon-competitive bicyclingandrun/walkevents.Theattachedresolutionsareforapprovalofanagreementwitheach of the event planners: Kelly Lannom Event Management and Omar Lozano. PotentialCityrisksandliabilitieswillbemitigatedthroughstandardlevelsofinsurancerequiredofthe event planners. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Staffhasdeterminedthattheactioncontemplatedbythisitemisministerial,secretarial,manual,or clericalinnatureand,assuch,doesnotrequiretheCityCouncilmemberstomakeorparticipatein makingagovernmentaldecision,pursuanttoCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,section18704(d) (1).Consequently,thisitemdoesnotpresentaconflictofinterestunderthePoliticalReformAct (Cal. Gov't Code § 87100, et seq.). Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyCityCouncilmember,ofany other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community,StrongandSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.TheLakeFestevent willattractresidentsandvisitorstotheOlympicTrainingCenterforrecreationandentertainmentin easternChulaVista.TheconnectedCommunityGoalemphasizesactivities,likeLakeFest,that enrich the community’s quality of life. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT TheOfficeofCommunicationshas$10,000remainingfundsavailableforspecialevents.The contractsbeingconsideredinthisitemtotalapproximately$14,000whichisgreaterthanthefunds currentlyavailable.Thedifferenceisanticipatedtobefundedbysponsorshipfunds,registration fees,andrevenuegeneratedfromLakeFest2016.Ifsufficientfundsarenotgeneratedfromthe City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 3Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 131 File#:16-0178, Item#: 7. event, there may be a General Fund impact. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT Atthistime,therearenoanticipatedon-goingimpacts.Anyfutureeventswillbebroughtbackfor Council consideration. ATTACHMENTS Kelly Lannom Event Management Agreement Omar Lozano Agreement Staff Contact: Olga Berdial City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 3Printed on 4/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 132 RESOLUTION NO. __________ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND KELLY LANNOM EVENT MANAGEMENT FOR UP TO $9,700 TO COORDINATE THE LAKEFEST EVENTAND APPROVING UP TO THREE, ONE-YEAR EXTENSIONS WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista is actively engaged in establishing signature community events that attract residents and visitors; and WHEREAS, LakeFest is a day-long festival at the Olympic Training Center with a fun run/walk, music performances, vendors, community performances, interactive activities for children, and more, which will attract residents and visitors to Chula Vista and the Olympic Training Center;and WHEREAS, the success of the LakeFest event, scheduled for September 24, 2016 depends upon expert coordination and planning with vendors; collectingfee payments; and coordinating event logistics; and WHEREAS, the City requires third-party accounting assistance to collect and manage funds from booth fees and other fees;and WHEREAS, the City solicited proposals for an event planning consultant to coordinate LakeFest activities, and the committee selected Kelly Lannom Event Management as most qualifiedto coordinate the LakeFest event; and WHEREAS, Kelly Lannom Event Management warrantsand representsthat it is experienced and staffed in a manner such that it will deliver the services required by the City in accordance with the time frames and the terms and conditions of theAgreement;and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista that it approves the Agreement between the City and Kelly Lannom Event Management for up to $9,700 to coordinate the LakeFest event, in the form presented, with such minor modifications as may be required or approved by the City Attorney, a copy of which shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and authorizes and directs the City Manager to execute the same. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista that it authorizes and directs the City Manager to extend the Agreement for up to three (3) additional one (1) year terms, with any necessary amendments that are mutually agreeable to the parties, by providing written notice to Consultant no fewer than sixty (60) days before the end of any one- year term. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 133 Presented byApproved as to form by _______________________________ Gary HalbertGlen R. Googins City ManagerCity Attorney ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 134 RESOLUTION NO. __________ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND OMAR LOZANO FOR A FEE TOTALLING 15% OF THE REGISTRATION FEES COLLECTED TO COORDINATE THE LAKEFEST 5K FUN RUN/WALK; APPROVING UP TO THREE, ONE-YEAR EXTENSIONS; AND APPROPRIATING $4,000 TO THE OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS SUPPLIES AND SERVICES BUDGET IN THE GENERAL FUND BASED ON ANTICIPATED EVENT FEES WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista is actively engaged in establishing signature community events that attract residents and visitors; and WHEREAS, LakeFest is a day-long festival at the Olympic Training Center with a fun run/walk, music performances, vendors, community performances, interactive activities for children, and more, which will attract residents and visitors to Chula Vista and the Olympic Training Center; WHEREAS, the success of the LakeFest Fun Run/Walk, scheduled for September 24, 2016depends upon expert coordination and planning with vendors; collectingregistration and fee payments; coordinating run/walk race logistics; and, WHEREAS, the City requires third-party accounting assistance to collect and manage funds from registration fees; and WHEREAS, the City solicited proposals for a fun run/walk planning consultant to coordinate the LakeFestFun Run/Walk and the committee selected Omar Lozanoas the most qualified; and WHEREAS, Omar Lozanowarrantsand representsthat he isexperienced and staffed in a manner such that hewilldeliver the services required by theCity in accordance with the time frames and the terms and conditions of theAgreement. WHEREAS, staff also is seeking the Council’s approval of an appropriation of $4,000 from the General Fund to the Office of CommunicationsSupplies and Services budget for payment to Omar Lozano, which is to be reimbursed from LakeFest 2016fees. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista that it approves the Agreement between the City and Omar Lozanofor a fee totalling 15% of the registration fees collectedtocoordinate the LakeFest 5K Fun Run/Walk,in the form presented, with such minor modifications as may be required or approved by the City Attorney, a copy of ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 135 which shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and authorizes and directs the City Manager to execute the same. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista that it authorizes and directs the City Manager to extend the Agreement for up to three (3) additional one (1) year terms, with any necessary amendments that are mutually agreeable to the parties, by providing written notice to Consultant no fewer than sixty (60) days before the end of any one- year term. BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista that it approves an appropriation from the General Fund to the Office of Communications Supplies and Services Budget of $4,000. Presented byApproved as to form by _______________________________ Gary HalbertGlen R. Googins City ManagerCity Attorney ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 136 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 137 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 138 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 139 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 140 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 141 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 142 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 143 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 144 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 145 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 146 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 147 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 148 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 149 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 150 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 151 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 152 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 153 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 154 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 155 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 156 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 157 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 158 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 159 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 160 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 161 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 162 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 163 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 164 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 165 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 166 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 167 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 168 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 169 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 170 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 171 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 172 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 173 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 174 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 175 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 176 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 177 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 178 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 179 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 180 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 181 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 182 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 183 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 184 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 185 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 186 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 187 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΓȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 188