HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statenent 1979/ 06/5 item 11 CITY OF CHULA VISTA
For meeti ng of -���,��4
Public hearing - Consideration of amendment to Municipal Code relating to panhandle
ITEM TITLE �ots9 flag lots, or lots served by an easement
Ordinance #1868 - Amending Chapters 19.22, 19,24 and 19.26 of the Municipal
Code relating to panhandle lots, flag lots and lo�s served by an easement
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SUBMITTED BY Di rector of P1 anni n�,,,,:� . .�<,:..� � :� , . .4 .�.. � �'�-. ���,°°�
l . Over the past years the Planning Commission has granted variances from the minimum
lot frontage requirements in the single family and two family residential zones permitting
the creation of panhandle (flag) lots and 7ots served by an easement. Section 19.14.200
of the Municipal Code states in part that, "No grant of variance shall be authorized if the
Zoning Administrator finds that the conditions or situation of the specific piece of property
or the intended use of said property for which variance is sought, or one or the other in
combination, is so general or recurrent in nature as to make reasonably practical the
formulation of a general regulation for such condition or situation. " The variance requests
which have been granted are so similar in nature that it is anticipated other requests will
be forthcoming, therefore, the following amendments to the Code establishing regulations
and guidelines governing the deve7opment of panhandle lots are proposed.
2. On hlay 25, 1979 the Planning Commission adopted the Negative Declatation on
IS-79-49 which is herewith forwarded to the City Council .
l . The proposed amendments to the zoning ordinance will allow for the processing of
the occasional request for development of a lot which lacks frontage on a public street
but which has access from an easement without the need to apply for a variance. In the
past, the variance procedure has been used but the c7assical variance findings are difficult
to make in this type of case. Procedurally, it is preferable to amend the zoning ordinance
to allow for the development of such pre-existing lots subject to the appropriate conditions
of approval . The language of the ordinance utilizes the conditions of approval previously
established by the Planning Commission as guidelines.
KGL:hm (continued on supplemental page)
Agreement Resolution Ordinance X Plat Notification List
Other Res.PCA-79-5 ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Attached� Submitted on
Concur with Planning Commission recommendation.
On April 25, 1979 the Planning Commission voted 7-0 to adopt the Negative Declaration
on IS-79-49 and to recomm ,�„�,,,�,, the Municipal Code in accordance
wi th Resol uti on PCA-79-5. �"'"`""�""`"�'°�'°'�'�'�'���-°y-�
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Meeting of ������� 6/5/79
Supplemental page No. 2
2. The substance of the amendment is set forth in Exhibit "A" of the Planning
Commission 's resolution, Section 19.22.150 (A� through (T). References to Section
19.22.150 are placed in other appropriate sections of the ordinance in order to avoid
unnecessary repetition of the development standards.
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PROJ�CT TITLE: Zoning Text Amendment relating to panhandle and easement lots
Project Location : Not site specific
Proj�ct Proporent : City of Chula Vista
C�'�SE N0. IS-79-49 DATE: April 2, 1979
A. Backcrround
Over the past years the Planninq Commission has granted variances from the
minimum lot frontage re�uirements in the single family and two family residential
zones permitting the creation of panhandle (flag) lots and lots served by an
easement. Section 19. 14. 200 of the !-1unicipal Code states in part that "�Jo �rant
of variance shall be authorized if the Zoning Administrator finds that the conditions
or situation of the specific piece of property or the intended use of said property
for Urhich variance is sought, or one or the other in combination, is so aeneral or
recurrent in nature as to make reasonably practical the formulation of a general
regulation for such condition or situation. " The variance requests �rhich have
been granted are so similar in nature that it is anticioated other requests will
be forthcoming, prompting staff to prepare these proposed amendments to the Code
establishing re�ulations and guidelines governing the development of panhandle lots .
B. Pro,ject Pronosal
The following are proposed Zoninc� Text Amendments reiatina to panhandie 1ots, flag
lots crr lots served by an easement.
Arnend Section I9.22.080 to read as follot�s:
"Every lot in the R-E zone shall have a minimum frontage upon a dedicated
street of one hundred feet {100' ) , unless such lots front upon an apnroved
easer�ent or private road as provided in this Chapter (See Section 10.22.150)
or unless such lot has been approved �by the Planning Commission or City Council
pursuant to the provisions of this Code or any ordinance which may hereafter
be enacted providinc� for the subdivision of land or the dedication of public
streets . "
Add ne��r Section 19.22. 150 {See attached) �
A�nend Section 19.24.070 Q to read as follo±vs :
"L. P�linimurn diinensions: The folloti�ring minimum dimensions shall be observed;
provided ho��rever, that such dir.�ensions may be modified by the grantinc� of a
variance. ?�he minimum requirements sha11 be one of the folloa�ing district
c7assifications as designated on the zoning map. "
A,mend Section 19. 14.110 to read as follo��rs:
"Every lot in tf�e R-1 zone having an area bet��reen 5000 sq. ft. and 5999 sc!.
ft. shall have a minimum lot frontage upon a dedicated street of fifty feet
(50' ) and every lot hav�ng an area of 6000 sq . ft. or greater shall have a
minimum lot frontage upon a dedicated street of sixty feet (60 ' ) unless
such lots front upon an approved easement or private road as provided for
in this chapter (See Section 19.24.170} or uniess such lots have been
approved by the Plannin� Commission or City Council pursuant to the
provisions of this Code or any ordinance ti�rhich may hereafter be enacted
providing for the subdivision of land or the dedication of public streets. "
Add ne��r Section 19. 24. 170 (See attached)
Chapter 19.26 R-2 - O�dE AND T1�10-FAMILY RESIDE^dCE ZO�;E
Amend Section 19.26.070 to read as follows:
"The follo�.ving minimum dimensions shall be observed; provided ho4vever, that
such dimensions may be modified bv the granting of a variance. The minimum
re�uirements shall be one of the following district classifications as
designated on t}�e zoning map. (For exceptions see Sections 19. 16.020,
29.10.060 and 19. 16.080) . "
Add neti�r Section 19.26.150 to read as follo�ars:
"19.26. 150 Frontac�e requirements
Every lot in the R-2 and R-2-X zone shall have a minimum frontage upon a
dedicated street of sixty feet (60' ) , unless such lot fronts upon an
approved easement or private road as provided in this Chatiter (See Section
19.2b.160) or unless such lot has been approved by the Planning Commission
or City Council pursuant to the provisions of this Code or any ordinance
which may hereafter be enacted providing for the subdivision of land or
the dedication of public streets. "
Add ne:ar Section 19.26. 160 (see attached} .
C. Compatibility ��rith Zoninq and Plans
The project p�oposal is consistent �vith the zoning ordinance and is not at
variance t�rith the intent of the General Plan.
D. Findings o` Insi�nificant Impact
1. Tne proposed ordinance amendments are not site specific, therefore
ti��ill not adversely effect any natural or man-made resources.
2. The project proposal is not at variance with the General Plan or
associated elements and will not achieve short-term to the disadvantage
of long-term er�vironmental goals.
3. The pro,ject is not anticipated to result in any adverse impacts �•rhich
could interact to create a substantial cumulative effect on the environment.
This tyne or use is currently being permitted by the variance procedure,
this amend,nent ;�rould only change the orocedure for obtaininc� approval of
the proposals.
4. i�o siqnificant increase in vehicle traffic or related noise or emissiens
is expect�d to occur due to project implernentation.
E. Consultation
l. Individuals and Orqanizations
City of Chula Vista - D. J. Peterson
Dir. of Planning
Qill U1lrich
Assoc. Engineer
Gene Grady
Dir. of Building & Housing
Peggy Donovan
Environmental Controi Commission
2. Documents
Title 19, Zoning - Chula Vista ��1unicipal Code
The Initi�zl Studr t'lpplication ancl evaluatien f_or_ms documentinq the
fincline-s of no siqnificant imp��ct are on file and available for public
revi.e�a at the Chula Vista Planninq Dept. , 276 4th Ave . , Chula Vista , C:�.
/, .
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� � � � Secticns 19,?2.150, i4.24.I70 and i9.2o.1c0�- Panhandle Lct>, F1a� Lots,
•� � � �- � - - •- - � � cr Lots served 'oy an Easerient - Re.uirem�n*s and Conditiors
1. Pannandle lots, flag lots or Tots ser��ed by an easement preposed tvi_nin
. ' '•- - `�- - -''- - -! a su�uivision snall mee± �he follo,�ing crit2ria.
2. '�o lot rnay be crea`_ed or develored under tnis provisicn ,�ithout a�pre;�i
� �' ` � ' " � of the Cirecter of Plannirg and Citv Engineer.
_._ _ , .
. • . . �
- ,, . 3. ;;11 de�,�elopr.ent pernit*_ed under tnis provision shall be sub,;ec*_ to the
. : � � - � regula�ions and requir�^�ents of this title except as other�.�ise regula.ed in
_ . _- this s2ction.
"_ - w. Tne division of any property under this provision snail be subjec*_ �o
� � �ne r2culations of �nz S�a�e "ap Act and Subdidision Ordinarce of the Ci�v
-._ . . . � �. � .. � Ot �hU�d '/1S`d.
, _ - . _ _ , 5. iJot r^,ore than four (4) lots served by a private road or eas��ent snall
,,� allc:,ed ur,der thls orovisicn unless �his restrictien is �;�aived bv t'r,e
.- - _, ,.:.Y. �.��;:;� Direcior or" Planning or Ci�y Counci l.
6. ;ne respensioility for the maintenance and cost of main`�narce of all
ccrr.mon areas, roads or 2ase�ents and ;u�st parkir.g areas shall �e e:;u311y
-. shared by the property c�,�ner of eacn lot. This sha17 be accc,T:plish2d
throuch the `orriatien cf a hc;�iea.rner's association.
� 7. Develenr.ient cri'teria:
a. Road and easer,ent �,ridths;
one lot - 15 feet*
� t�..o or more lo*s - 20 `eet*
- *These ,ridths may be increased if it is de*er^�ir,ed by the Direc`or of
Planning that a sidei�ralk be provided.
...-,. : , ., . _ _. .., _. ... ._� .�..� b. All drive�:�ays, guest parkin� areas and road�.vays shall be naved �;r�h
a ,�iinir:;r�n of 5" of por[land concr�ete ce�n�nt.
c. t=ach lot shall centain an are,3 not less th�n the nini�-�u;:i lo't si��� or
t!�e �in;i��rlyin� zone esc'usive of all �ri�:ate rca,!s, c�.�r�on ar-��a� ac��
�)ccst ;�arkin� art�as.
d. t�ll on->i'_ utili`ir�s ���all hc un�ic����rc�ir��.:e�.
e. E�ch �',>;ellin� s��iall be conn��c'_„d to a 9r.�vi`y s�:�,�er.
f. ,'�n �r;_;it.. £ir�, �, ,.�n� ,.�av . _ r�quir.�d `��v t!��e Fir:� i��:�ar'�r�r;t :,i:en
- � _ � sueh is �'ecr:,���i r:,ee�ssary.
.,_._... ... .... . . .. . .-. _,._ _ .,
..w... _ -.,,.:, ._ . ... „ ,
, g. Guest ^arE;ing snall be pro��.i'ed as follo���s:
__ . . . -.._ � . . _ , one 1ot - cre space
t�.�o lo*s - three spaces
�>rw_ ..:r>,�.::=-<.,>.-.::�..._„.,.,,'_..., three lots - fiv� spaces
Flote: The individual driv��;rays to the garage shall not be construed
_.. ..: . ,:-;._ _,_:..�--..-: as i�eei�r,a tne aues� parking r-equirement.
-;.: #
_ h. Accessor,i structures snall not be located closer than ten `eet (10')
: _ to any d�.�ellir,g loca�2d on acjacent orooerty.
i. The rollo�,vina set�acks shall be cbserved:
_. . " Fron� yard - i� r"2et fr-cm zn� access drive and au�st �,a;-�;ng areas.
- Ary ;ara?e raci^a an access crive snall be a mirinu� or 22 `eet
. `rc�� �he dri re.
� � � � � • � -� ' Side yard - Flot less tnan tnat required by the underlyi,�a zore.
_ _ , -
Rear yard - i;ot less `han �hat rer�uired by tne underl,iira �one u�on
_ initial cor;�ructicn.
. ..�...z:�:.<«::.s,.-w.:�:�'�,,,..::�b.v-,:��_.�
j. f1 mininum 5 foot high fence shall be provided on eacn si�'e o,` the
or�vate dri•re b�nind �he *rort se`_bac� and on those rrc��r�� lines
abu�ting ad oininq prop�rties. Tnis requirement r.�zy b� ,��
�� � � or a�aived by tl;e Direct of Plannir� ir it is foanc `_ha`_ ;ai� fe^ce
_ is noi necessary for the pro��c±;en or" �he adjoinir.g ;;r��_�;-�;�s.
k. If tne oro;�erty is ,ra�ed �o crear2 a building pad `�r e�cn lot,
� � the minir;um level area (no slope over 5`,) of each pad shai; �e not
less than �0� of the minir��um lot si�e of the underlyir,.; �one, hut in
no case shall tne �iinir�u�i area be less than 50��0 s.�. *t.
1. Devele;or;ent proposed on existirr� natural topo�ra�ny, havir.; an
averaqe natural sl ope of .0; or r�r�����er, and t�ri*h less �i;an 10�
of the site to be ;ra�,ied, sfiall be subject to the apF�roval of tf;e
Dircc'rr oi Pl'annin�, t;ho �i�,all consir:,�r whe`h�r ,,,, .
^Y:,�r...,i)n C
•,rill a�ivF�r�el.� ��fo�_� a.;jacon� ;;ropev�ties or �1ey�,lo._,,n�.
`.,. lo n�r�?^�� -�.
: con;��r;i�ns , �a11 be ���,,._:ir�e�.
9. ^evel,� �,n* �,h�1' :�� ti� �_ 'o a��ri' .�tur�l a;��,r-r�v�l ��,�
_ . „'r����'�r �ir
, �
_ _
_ _..
WHEREAS, Title 19 of the Chula Vista ^1unicipal Code establishes the
minimum frontage upon a dedicated street for residential lots, and
WHEREAS, over the past years variar�es have been granted from the minimum
lot frcntage requirements permitting the creation of panhandle ar flag lots
and lots served by an easement, and
WHEREAS, the City Pianning Commission set the time and place for a public
hearing to consider amendments to the Municipal Code to allow panhandle lots,
flag lots, or lots served by an easement, and
WHEREAS, a hearing was held at said time and place, namely 7:00 p.m. ,
April 25, 1979 in the Council Chamber, City Hall , before the Planning Commission
and said hearing was thereafter closed, and
WHEREAS, the Commission found that the proposed amendments wi1T have no
significant environmental impact and adopted the Negative Declaration on
1 . From facts presented to the Planning Commission, the C�mmission finds
that public necessity, convenience, general welfare and good zoning practice
require that Title 19 of the Municipal Code be amended as follows:
Amend Sections 19.22.080 and 19.24. 110, and add new Sections 19.22.150.�
19.24. 170, 19.26. 160 and 19.26. 170, as set forth in Exhibit A, attached
hereto and made a part hereof.
2. The Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that said
amendments be adopted.
3. That this resolution be transmitted to the City Council .
this 25th day of April , 1979 by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Commissioners Stevenson, R. Johnson , Williams, Pressutti , Smith,
G. Johnson and 0'Neill
NOES: None
/���1/. .,c� � 2'� �
ATTEST: ' Cha rr�an
�� � ��� r��
!9lC--�-r�.,z- , � �r�''-�-�'J
� Secretary
Proposed zoning text amendments relating to panhandle lots, flag lots,
or lots served by an easement
Amend Section 19.22.080 to read as follows:
19.22.080 Minimum lot frontage.
Every lot in the R-E zone shall have a minimum frontage upon a dedicated
street of one hundred feet, unless such lot fronts upon an approved easement
or private road as provided in this chapter (see Section 19.22.750) or unless
such lot has been approved by the Planning Commission or City Council pursuant
to the provisions of this Code or any ordinance which may hereafter be enacted
providing for the subdivision of land or the dedication of public streets.
Add new Section 19.22.750 to read as follows:
19.22.150 Panhandle lots, flag lots, or lots served by
an easement--Requirements and conditions.
A. Panhandle lots, flag lots or lots served by an easement proposed
within a subdivision shall meet the criteria contained herein.
B. No lot may be created or deve1oped under this provision which could
otherwise be served by a public street unless approved by the Director
of Planning and the City Engineer.
C. All development permitted under this provision shall be subject to the
regulations and requirements of this title except as otherwise regulated
in this section.
D. The division of any property under this provision shall be subject to
the regulations of the State Map Act and Subdivision Ordinance of the
City of Chula U�sta.
E. Not more than four lots served by a private road or easement shall be
allowed under this provision unless this restriction is waived by the
Director of Planning or City Council .
F. The responsibility for the maintenance and cost af maintenance of all
common areas, roads or easements and guest parking areas shall be shared
under contractual agreement by the pro�erty owner of each lot; this shall
be accomplished through the formation of a homeowner' s association.
G. Development criteria:
1 . Road and easement widths:
one lot - 15 feet*
two or more lots - 20 feet*.
*These widths may be increased if it is determined by the Director
of Planning that a sidewalk is required.
Exhibit A
Page 2
2. All driveways, guest parking areas and roadways shall be paved with
a minimum of 5" of portland concrete cement.
3. Each lot shall contain an area not less than the minimum lot size of
the underlying zone exclusive of all private roads, common areas and
guest parking areas.
4. All onsite utilities shall be undergrounded.
5. Each dwelling shall be connected to a gravity sewer unless otherwise
approved by the City Engineer.
6. An onsite fire hydrant may be required by the Fire Department when
such is deemed necessary.
7. Guest parking shall be provided as follows:
one lot - one space
two lots - three spaces
three lots - five spaces
four lots - six spaces
The individual driveways to the garage shall not be construed as
meeting the guest parking requirement.
8. Accessory structures shall not be located c7oser than ten feet to
any dwelling located on adjacent property.
9. The following setbacks shall be observed:
Front yard - 15 feet from any access drive and guest parking areas.
Any garage facing an access drive sha17 be a minimum of 22 feet from
the drive.
Side yard - Not less than that required by the underlying zone.
Rear yard - Not less than that required by the underlying zone upon
initial construction.
10. A minimum five foot high fence sha11 be provided on each side of the
private drive behind the front setback and on those property lines
abutting adjoining properties. This requirement may be modified or
waived by the Director of Planning if it is found that said fence is
not necessary for the protection of the adjoining properties.
11 . If the property is graded to create a building pad for each lot, the
minimum level area (no slope over 5%) of each pad shall be not
less than 80% of the minimum lot size of the underlying zone, but in
no case shall the minimum area be less than 5,000 square feet.
Development proposed on existing natural topography, having an
average natural slope of 10% or greater, and with less than 10% of
the si�e to be graded, shall be subject to the approval of the
Director of Planning, who shall consider whether such development
will adversely affect adjacent properties or development.
12. Guest parking areas shall be adequately screened from onsite and
adjacent residential properties.
Exhibit A
Page 3
H. No garage conversions shall be permitted.
I. Development sha11 be subject to site plan and architectural approval
of the Director of Planning.
Amend Section 19.24.110 to read as follows:
19.24.110 Frontage requirements.
Every lot in the R-1 zone having an area between 5,000 square feet
and 5,999 square feet shall have a minimum lot frontage upon a dedicated
street of fifty feet, and every lot having an area of 6,000 square feet or
greater shall have a minimum lot frontage upon a dedicated street of sixty
feet, unless such lots front upon an approved easement or private road as
provided for in this chapter (see Section 19.24.170) or unless such lots have
been approved by th� Planning Commission or City Council pursuant to the
provisions of this code or any ordinance which may hereafter be enacted
providing for the subdivision of land or the dedication of public streets.
Add new Section 19.24.170 to read as follows:
19.24.170 Panhandle lots, flag lots, or lots served by
an easement--Requirements and conditions.
Panhandle lots, flag lots , or lots served by an easement shall be
provided in the R-1 zone subject to the requirements and conditions of
Section 19.22.150.
Add new Section 19.26.160 to read as follows :
19.26.160 Frontage requirements.
Every lot in the R-2 and R-2-X zone shal7 have a minimum frontage upon
a dedicated street of sixty feet, unless such lot fronts upon an approved
easement or private road as provided in this chapter (see Section 19.26.170)
or unless such lot has been approved by the Planning Commission or City
Council pursuant to the provisions of this code or any ordinance which may
hereafter be enacted prQViding for the subdivision of land or the dedication
of public streets.
Add new Section 19.26.170 to read as follows:
19.26.170 Panhandle lots, flag lots, or lots served by
an easement--Requirements and conditions.
Panhandle lots, flag lots, or lots served by an easement shall be
provided in the R-2 and R-2-X zone subject to the requirements and
conditions of Section 19.22.150.
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PROJ�CT TITLE: Zoning Text Amendment relating to panhandle and easement lots
Project Location : Not site specific
Project Proponent : City of Chula Vista
C11SL NO. IS-79-49 DATE: April 2, 1979
A. Background
Over the past years the Planninq Commission has granted variances from the
minimum lot frontage rec�uirements in the sinc�le family and two famil,y residential
zones permitting the creation of panhandle (flag) lots and lots served by an
easement. Section 19. 14.20Q of the f�unicipal Code states in part that "�Jo grant
of variance shall be authorized if the Zoning Administrator finds that the conditions
or situation of the specific piece of aroperty or the intended use of said property
for which variance is sought, or one or the other in combination, is so aeneral or
recurrent in nature as to make reasonably practical the formulation of a general
regulation for such condition or situation." The variance re�uests urhich have
been granted are so similar in nature that it is anticioated other requests will
be forthcoming, nrompting staff to prepare these proposed amendments to the Code
establishing regulations and guidelines governing the deveiopment of panhandle lots .
B. Project Proposal
The following are proposed Zoning Text Amendments relatina to panhandle lots, flag
lots c�r lots served by an easement.
Amend Section 19.22.080 to read as follows:
"Every lot in the R-E zone shall have a minimum frontage upon a dedicated
street of one hundred feet ( 100' ) , unless such lots front upon an approved
easer�ent or private road as provided in this Chapter (See Section 10.22.150)
or unless such lot �has been approved �by the Planning Commission or City Council
pursuant to the provisions of this Code or an.y ordinance which may hereafter
be enacted providing for the subdivision of land or the dedication of public
streets . "
Add new Section 19.22. 150 (See attached} �
Chapter 19.24 SIfJGLE-FAhiILY RESI�EPICE Z0�lE
Amend Section 19.24.070 Q to read as follo�vs:
"Q. f�linimum dimensions: Tne following minimum dimensions shall be observed;
provided ho��rever, that such di��ensions may be modified by the grantina of a
variance. The minimum requirements shall be one of the following district
classifications as designated on the zoning map. "
Amend Section 19.14.110 to read as follo��s:
"Every lot in the R-1 zone having an area between 5000 sq. ft. and 5999 s�.
ft. shall have a minimum lot frontage upon a dedicated street of fifty feet
(50' ) and every lot having an area of 6000 sq. ft. or greater shall have a
minimum lot frontage upon a dedicated street of sixty feet (b0' ) unless
such lots front upon an approved easement or private road as pravided for
in this chapter (See Section 19.24.170) or unless such lots have been
approved by the Planning Commission or City Council pursuant to the
provisions of this Code or any ordinance which may hereafter be enacted
providing for the subdivision of land or the dedication of public streets. "
Add new Section 19.24. 170 (See attached)
Amend Section 19.26.070 to read as follows:
"The follo+:�in� minimum dimensions shall be observed; provided ho�vever, that
5uch dimensions may be modified bv the granting of a variance. The minimum
re�uirements shall be one of the following district classifications as
designated on the zoning map. (For exceptions see Sections 19.16.020,
19.16.060 and 19.16.080) ."
Add new Section 19.26.15Q to read as follows:
"19.26.150 Frontage requirements
Every lot in the R-2 and R-2-X zone shall have a minimum frontage upon a
dedicated street of sixty feet (60' ) , unless such lot fronts upon an
approved easement or private road as provided in this Chapter {See Section
19.26.160) or unless such lot has been approved by the Planning Commission
or City Council pursuant to the provisions of this Code or any ordinance
which may hereafter be enacted providing for the subdivision of land or
the dedication of public streets."
Add new Section 19.26.160 (see attached) .
C. Compatibility urith Zoning and Plans
The pro,ject proposal is consistent with the zoning ordinance and is not at
variance ��rith the intent of the General Plan.
D. Findings of Insi�nificant Impact
l. The proposed ordinance amendments are not site specific, therefore
will not adversely effect any natural or man-made resources.
2. The project proposal is not at variance with the General Plan or
associated elements and will not achieve short-term to the disadvantage
of long-term environmental �oals.
3. The project is not anticipated to result in any adverse impacts which
could interact to create a substantial cumulative effect on the environment.
This type of use is currently beinq permitted by the variance procedure,
this amendment would only cnange the orocedure for obtaining approvai of
the proposals.
4. No significant increase in vehicle traffic or related noise or emissions
is expected to occur due to project implementation.
E. Consultation ,
1. Individuals and Orc�anizations
City of Chula Vista - D. J. Peterson
Dir. of Planning
Qill Ullrich
Assoc. Engineer
Gene Grady ,
Dir. of Building & Housing
Peggy Donovan
Environmental Control Commission
2. Documents
Title 19, Zoning - Chula Vista P�1unicipal Code
The Initial Study 1lpplication and evaluation forms documenting the
fir.dings of no significant impact are on file and available for public
review at the Chula Vista Planning Dept. , 276 4th Ave. , Chula Vista , CA.
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