HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 2016-3363 ORDII�'ANCE NO. 3363
N'HEREAS, in 2009, City Council appro��ed an ordinance that mandated businesses
participate in an ener��� and ���ater evaluation of their facilities, the Free Resource Energ}� and
Business E��aluation Program (FREBE); and
R'HEREAS. almost all businesses in Chula Vista ha��e �one throueh an evaluation and
most ha��e taken ad��anta�e of the SDGRE energ�� efficienc�� Direct Instal] prooram, chaneing
out lights and ha�-ine heatin� and air conditioning svstem up�rades: and
WHEREAS: SDGRE's new Business Enere�� Solutions proeram provides for energv
upgrades e��ery fi��e (�) ��ears to allo��� for a truer assessment of energy efficienc}� impacts o�er
time: and
WHEREAS, as the FREBE program pro�ides businesses ��-ith access and information to
monetan�.enticements in the form of energy savinos and cost reductions, remove the potential of
\'OW. THEREFORE. the Cit�� Council of the Cih� of Chula Vista does ordain as follo�vs:
Section I. Code Amendment
Chula Vista Municipal Code Section 20.04A�0 is amended to read as follows:
20.04A�0 Business resource and enerA� e��aluations.
911 canmercinl and irrdus�rral busrnesses in rhe Cirn of Ch:r(a 1%isla are reg:�ired lo prn�ticipa�e iiz
u fi�ee reso:a�ce and e»er�� eruluation ojiheir fucili�ies lo help thenr identifi, e�7era- and ira�er
efficie��ev und consen�u�ion opportunities �hu� pae�7riullv reduce pm��icipmvs' recurring ulilitr
cosrs u�7d correspondn�g greenhoa�se �GS PA71SS70175. El'GIIlG110775 ure reqtdred iohen u rzem
br�siness license is issued nnd noi more freyuentl�� rhan o�tce erery fii�e pears or less freyue�Nh�
tl�an or�ce every_Tve yeurs for u re��ewed busniess license. Basii�esses are regaired to cooperate
irith Citv sraff or �heir dele;ure(s) b} proriduig (A) a dare and �ime for the eruh�ario�a
com�enie�7i fa• d7e barsiness, (B) uccess ro tlaeir fucilities for �he erah�urion diming iheir regulor
basiness hours. (C) aut/�ori=curon �o rerieir rheh� hisrorical ener,�, and irater usnge, and (D) a
signa�ure b,i� the busi��ess's on-sire representaiive a� a complered euuh�ation fornr
achi7oivled,in, rhu� the btcsriiess hus receired a complered erul:�a�ion cmd relerun� informatron
about voluman� ener��� and iraier effrcrener improreniem opyor�uniiies. Businesses are not
reyuired to cmnplele enuh�u�ions for faciliry areas bei>ard�heir operaironul con�rol. The inrent of
�lris section is ro provide businesses i+i�h n no-cos� eruluution.
Ordinance 3363
Page No. 2
_9. Eral:iaiion No�i/ica�ion Process. For exislinc licensed businesses. ihe Citi� irill seiad a tirrinen
»o�ice no! naore Ilsan once ei�e��� !{n�ee ��ears lln�ougl� �he annual business license reneti���a7
j�ackage disiribuled bv Jcn�uari� Is1. The nolice will rnfoi�m businesses of their eralualion
requiren�en� ,for d�a! calendar pear arad proi�rde i�?forinalirna alloN�ing lhem ro schedule an
uppointmen! al t/7eu� conre��rence. Businesse.c i��ill be reyuired to .cchedule an evaluution.for• the
ca[endar year by Mard� Is1. For- nel+�ly licensed businesses. llie Cily irrll s�end a ivritlera
irotificu�ron abot�� rheir ei�alirutio�� rey:�iremen!for t/�at calendar year and sha(1 prai�ide �/�em
i��il/� ihe coiatac� ir?formalio�� needed io schedule an ei�alualion nssessn�enl i+�ilhin 60 da}�s. If an
exrstino nr neN�ly licerased bzrsii�ess does nol sel an ap��ninb��e�v durin� lhe ini�ial 60-day
.rcl�edidiiag perrod. dae Cily s/�all se7 an eralua�ioia dale and �in�e for tl�e business dan-ing �heir
regular bu.riness ho:n•s. If desired. )he husiiaess may re.cchedule �he eval�ia�ia� appoii�h�7ent for
sonae �ime dm�irag�ha/ cale�vdar year or ll�e i�esl 90 da��s. tivhichever is grealer.
L3. Eruluulion Delirerubles. The eru/uation fii�di�Tgs. �rnrided /o Ihe pariici1�uling business on u
form es�ablrshed b�� the Ciry A1ai�ager in conjunc7ion w-ith 11�e loca/ u/iliry� cmd busine.ss
represei�latire.s, nzay rnclude a char7 nf lheir historical ener,�y m�d lvcner consump�ion. ide�a�ified
conser•rution and eJjicieraci� npportu�ritres, potential i�lrlily cas� sai�i�zgs and an e.r�ii��ute of�he
correspor�ding greenhouse gns en�issioit redvclions. Tlte assessn�enl may also reriew allernalire
lrarasyoi7a/ion and o11�er sus�ainab/e praclices i��hicl� Ihe bzrsi�iess coidd implenae�ai and/or
pi•oinole lo rts employee� und ci�slomers a��d un es/rnmle of �1�e resu/tii�g greenhouse gas
e�nission reductions. The Crn� may also pr•oi�ide inforrnalion and usa�istu�ice regarding federul.
state and Tocal rebate programs,for- eTficiency retrnJits a��d IoN�-cosl,/inancing o��lipns to he/p
reduce llae business's Iime urad eost of iniplen�e��ling the i�olzmlury measirres. The Crh� n�ut� a(so
��roride conlacl i�7formario» fo�� �l�e local ulrlr�ies' accouial ar�d progra��r staff and uiilih;-
c�pprored Chula Visia conrraclors �hal mn7%proi�ide sernices idenliJied in �he ei�alualion.
C. EnJ��rcement. Busrne.rses which do ��at respn�7d to llae uppoi��hnen� �aoli�iculio�7 process und
proride access for �he ora-.cr/e eralualio�� shall be .cenl a follow-up iaolice iri�h a 30-da��
oppor7Tmity ro cure. Um-esponsire businesses i��ill be sei�� a seca�d 30-da��reminder nolice.
D. Exen�ptions. Home offices, mobile businesses and othe�• hiisiness eniilies �hur do not ha>>e a
commercial U�ility gas a• elec/ric ineler a�•e ezenipl. Businesses occupyii�; n facilil�� i��hrch has
had a compleled enalualion i+�iihin a1 Ieas1 Ihree��ears ihrougl� /he Ciry's prog�•am or rhrou;b a
sinvilar e»er�y� audi� progrcm� (SDGdE or other Ciry-recognraed progrm��) irill be esempr.
inclzrdii�g facili�ies haring nndliple biisiness lrce»ses. The City i+�ill also proi�ide an esemption !o
businesses lhat parlicipale ir7 a greenhotrse gas entissions reporting program (Federal
Em,ironmenlal Prolec�io�t Agencp. !he Clintale Regish�t or olher Ciq�-recoor�i=ed pro�n•am) or
possess u rurrerv Cil�� of Chulu Vrs/a CLEAA'Bnsiness cer7if calion. Finu/I��. ll�e Ci1>>shuA grunl
any bu.riness N-i�h a�a exemption qf al least ./ire years tii�7�en accarpying nei>>l�� con.rnzicted nr
remodeled,�acilities that lun-e an a��proved Title ?4 E�aerg}� Ef/iciency Repor! 11liI7 II.S buildir�g
plans. Tl�e.re exem��tions do ��ot prechrde am� Iice�7sed hu.riness i+�i/h a connnercial elec�rical w�
gas meler fi•ona reqiresling a fi-ee resovrce and energy enalualron a1 !he busii�ess`s sole
Ordinance No. 336.i
Paee No. 3
Sectiou II. Se�•erabilih-
If an�� portion of this Ordinance, or its application to anv person or circumstance, is for
an�� reason held to be in��alid. unenforceable or unconstitutional, b� a court of competent
jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed se��erable, and such im�alidity. unenforceabilit�� or
unconstirutionality shall not affect the validity or enforceabilit� of the remaining portions of the
Ordinance. or its application to anv other person or circumstance. The Cin� Council of the Cin of
Chula Vista herebv declares that it ��ould ha��e adopted each section. sentence. clause or phrase
of this Ordinance. irrespective of the fact that anv one or more other sections, sentences, dauses
or phrases of the Ordinance be declazed invalid. unenforceable or unconstimtional.
Section III. Construction
The Cit�� Council of the Citv of Chula Vista intends this Ordinance to supplement, not to
duplicate or contradict. applicabie state and federal laH� and this Ordinance shall be construed in
lieht of that intent.
Section IV. Effective Date
This Ordinance shall tal:e effect and be in force on the thirtieth da�� afrer its final passaoe.
Section V. Publication
The Cit}� Clerk shall certifi� to the passaee and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause
the same to be published or posted according to la��.
Presented by Appro��ed as to form b��
��� / / .
Eric C. Crockett len R. G oeins �
Director of Economic De��elopment fCit}� A e}
Ordinance 3363
Page No. 4
PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED by the City Counci] of the City of Chula Vista,
California, this 2nd day of February 2016, by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmembers: Aguilar, Bensoussan, McCann, Miesen, and Salas
NAYS: Councilmembers: None
ABSENT: Councilmembers: None
� /�
Mary Sala , Mayor
� �.�;
Donna R. Norris, CMC; City Clerk
I, Donna R. Norris, City Clerk of Chula Vista, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing
Ordinance No. 3363 had its first reading at a regular meeting held on the 26th day of Januazy
2016 and its second reading and adoption at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the
2nd day of February 2016; and was duly published in summary forn� in accordance with the
requirements of state law and the City Charter.
°��g��� ��� ��
Dated Donna R. Norris, CMC, City Clerk