HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit H_VisionPresentationBI-NATIONAL UNIVERSITY CAMPUS VISION DOCUMENT CHULA VISTA, CA VISION A BI-NATIONAL CAMPUS that leverages the border as a laboratory to attract students from both the U.S. And Mexico, offers degrees and skills training specific for the bi-national region, and serves as a catalyst for growth and economic development. Un CAMPUS BI-NACIONAL que utiliza la frontera como laboratorio para atraer estudiantes de ambos lados de la frontera con licienciatura y formación profesional específica para la región internacional entre los Estados Unidos y Mexico. VISION BI-LINGUAL OFFERING COURSES IN BOTH ENGLISH AND SPANISH TO PREPARE PROFESSIONALS PROFICIENT IN BOTH LANGUAGES. BI-CULTURAL EMBRACING THE DIVERSE CULTURES OF THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO TO PREPARE STUDENTS FOR OPPORTUNITIES ON BOTH SIDES OF THE BORDER. ée BI-NATIONAL LEVERAGING THE BORDER LOCATION AS A LABORATORY TO CULTIVATE AND STRENGTHEN BI-NATIONAL EXCHANGES. WHY IS THIS IDEA IMPORTANT? THE U.S. AND MEXICO ARE INTRINSICALLY LINKED TRADE PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE ENVIRONMENT Largest export market to US $243 Billion Exports to Mexico IMPORTANT TRADE PARTNERS $293 Billion Exports to U.S. $536 Billion Total Bilateral Trade Source: Office of the US Trade Representative; United States Diplomatic Mission to Mexico #1 largest export market for Mexico #2 +80% Of Bilateral Trade crosses via land through 56 Land-Border Ports of Entry (POE) PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE Source: Office of the US Trade Representative; United States Diplomatic Mission to Mexico LEGEND: U.S. and Mexico Road System U.S. and Mexico Rail System U.S. and Mexico Port of Entry SHARED ENVIRONMENT Source: Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, “Our Common Border: An Area of Prosperity and Competitiveness.” Colorado River Rio Grande River Big Bend National Park International Dam Amistad Dam Falcon Dam Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge 450 Shared Wildlife Species 2 Shared Parks and Wildlife Refuges 1,284 Miles Shared International Water Boundaries 3 Shared International Reservoirs SHARED ECONOMY UNITED STATES AND MEXICO DEPEND ON EACH OTHER FOR ROBUST TRADE AND ECONOMIC RELATIONS SHARED ENVIRONMENT THE BORDER REGION IS COMPRISED OF A VARIETY OF ECOSYSTEMS, SPANNING 10 STATES COMPRISED OF 13M PEOPLE SHARED INFRASTRUCTURE 56 PORTS OF ENTRY CONNECT THE TWO NATIONS VIA TRAIN, PLANE, AUTOMOBILE, AND PEDESTRIAN TRANSPORTATION MODES UNDER-LEVERAGED EDUCATION CONNECTIONS Source: Institute of International Education Fact Sheet; IIE Charting New Pathways to Higher Education (2013) 14,779 Students from Mexico studying in the US 3,730 Students from the U.S. studying in Mexico 100,000 Strong in the Americas Goal for students moving in both directions by 2020 54% Of total Mexican students abroad 1.3% Of total U.S. students abroad UNDER-LEVERAGED EDUCATION CONNECTIONS Source: Institute of International Education Fact Sheet; IIE Charting New Pathways to Higher Education (2013) 14,779 Students from Mexico studying in the US 3,730 Students from the U.S. studying in Mexico 54% Of total Mexican students abroad 1.3% Of total U.S. students abroad 100,000 Strong in the Americas Goal for students moving in both directions by 2020 Multiply binational research and innovation centers Strengthen exchanges through scholarship programs Increase languages proficiency and cultural integration U.S. President Barack Obama and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto collaboration towards a region of knowledge includes: OPPORTUNITY: SHARED EDUCATION INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPING STRONGER EDUCATIONAL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN THE U.S. AND MEXICO THROUGH COLLABORATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION. PROPOSED LOCATION AMERICA’S FUTURE Source: America 2050 Most of the nation's rapid population growth, and an even larger share of its economic expansion, is expected to occur in 11 megaregions (pictured below). Southern California is the largest emerging megaregion along the U.S./Mexico border Source: ACS; SEDESOL; World Bank; Dept. of Statistics, Malaysia; Statistics Canada; United Nations KINSHASA-BRAZZAVILLE 11.9m POPULATION 6.5m SAN DIEGO/IMPERIAL COUNTIES– BAJA CALIFORNIA (NORTH AMERICA) DETROIT-WINDSOR 5.7m (NORTH AMERICA) (AFRICA) SINGAPORE- JOHOR BAHRU 5.6m (ASIA) MEGAREGION (CONTINENT) JOHOR BAHRU SINGAPORE WINDSOR DETROIT BAJA CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO/ IMPERIAL COUNTIES BRAZZAVILLE KINSHASA BI-NATIONAL MEGAREGIONS $ 307 B $ 230 B $ 48 B PROPOSED SITE: CHULA VISTA, CA University and Innovation District Site Downtown San Diego US/Mexican Border San Ysidro POE Otay Mesa POE Cross Border Xpress (Tijuana Airport) Proposed Bus Rapid Transit 375 ACRE SITE Lower Otay Lake Mexico United States Chula Vista Tijuana Nature Preserve 375 Acre Site Four Miles from US/Mexican Border 60% Academic-Office-Innovation (250 sf/person) 20% High Technology (500-1000 sf/person) 20% Residential (1000 sf/unit - market rate) or (200sf/bed)   7.2 million gsf Academic-Office 2.4 million gsf Residential 2.4 million gsf High Technology   A Total of 12,000,000 gsf of Usable Area Millenia Development Project Otay Lake High Tech High PROPOSED SITE: CHULA VISTA, CA White Black Asian Others 2000 2013 59% 20% 4% 3% 14% POPULATION RACIAL/ETHNIC (2013) University and Innovation District Site Downtown San Diego US/Mexican Border San Ysidro POE Otay Mesa POE Cross Border Xpress CITY OF CHULA VISTA 174,000 248,000 +43% % increase in total population Hispanic or Latino +74,000 absolute increase in total population +69% Hispanic or Latino DEMOGRAPHIC TRENDS (2000-2013) +39% Under 19yrs +$20k Average Median HH Income Chula Vista Bay Front Proposed Bus Rapid Transit TOP 3 INDUSTRIES EDUCATION AND HEALTH SERVICES RETAIL MANUFACTURING EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT 27% 34% 39% Some College or Associates Degree Bachelors or higher High School Or Less +69% Hispanic or Latino DEMOGRAPHIC TRENDS (2000-2013) +39% Under 19yrs +$20k Average Median HH Income 20% 4% 3% 14% TOP 3 INDUSTRIES University and Innovation District Site Downtown San Diego US/Mexican Border San Ysidro POE Otay Mesa POE Cross Border Xpress Proposed South Bay Rapid +43% % increase in total population EDUCATION AND HEALTH SERVICES RETAIL MANUFACTURING +74,000 absolute increase in total population Chula Vista Bay Front City of Chula Vista Takeaways 2000 2013 POPULATION 174,000 248,000 59% RACIAL/ETHNIC (2013) Hispanic or Latino TOP 3 INDUSTRIES EDUCATION AND HEALTH SERVICES RETAIL MANUFACTURING 1) RAPIDLY GROWING POPULATION 2) LARGE AND GROWING HISPANIC/ LATINO POPULATION 3) STRONG RESIDENTIAL POPULATION BUT NOT A MAJOR REGIONAL JOB CENTER Calexico West POE University and Innovation District Site US/Mexican Border Calexico East POE Downtown San Diego POPULATION 2000  2013   5.44 mil 6.6 mil CALIBAJA MEGAREGION +21% % increase in total population +1.15 mil absolute increase in total population US---MX Border Wall US---MX Border Aerial East of Calexico San Ysidro POE Proposed Cross Border Xpress (Tijuana Airport) UNITED STATES Otay Mesa West and East POEs Andrade POE Points of Entry (POE) Established POE Proposed POE Tecate POE La Jolla AUDIO AND VIDEO MANUFACTURING MEDICAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING HARDWARE MANUFACTURING TOP 3 INDUSTRIES EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT Figures from 2009 16% 23% 61% Some College or Associates Degree Bachelors or higher High School Or Less *Figures from 2009 DEMOGRAPHIC SNAPSHOT (2009) Under 18yrs 25+ with Bachelors Degree or higher 27.9% 22.9% Calexico West POE University and Innovation District Site US/Mexican Border Calexico East POE Downtown San Diego AUDIO AND VIDEO MANUFACTURING MEDICAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING HARDWARE MANUFACTURING TOP 3 INDUSTRIES +21% % increase in total population +1.15 mil absolute increase in total population *Figures from 2009 DEMOGRAPHIC SNAPSHOT (2009) Under 18yrs 25+ with Bachelors Degree 27.9% 16.8% US---MX Border Wall San Ysidro POE Proposed Cross Border Xpress (Tijuana Airport) UNITED STATES Otay Mesa West and East POEs Andrade POE Points of Entry (POE) Established POE Proposed POE Tecate POE Calibaja Megaregion Takeaways POPULATION 2000  2013   5.44 mil 6.6 mil Figures from 2009 US---MX Border Aerial East of Calexico Some College or Associates Degree High School Or Less AUDIO AND VIDEO MANUFACTURING MEDICAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING HARDWARE MANUFACTURING TOP 3 INDUSTRIES 1) LARGE AND GROWING POPULATION WITH 30% BELOW 18 YEARS OLD 2) BUSIEST LAND BORDER CROSSING IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE AND THE #1 COMMERCIAL GATEWAY BETWEEN THE U.S. AND MEXICO 3) HOME TO OVER 2.1 M TOTAL JOBS AND AN ADVANCED MANUFACTURING HUB Source: http://www.citylab.com/ “A State by State Map of Where US Immigrants Came From”; US Census NATIONAL RELEVANCE SHIFTING DEMOGRAPHICS America’s large and growing hispanic population States where Mexico is #1 Source of Immigrants 11.6 million Mexican-born immigrants out of 31.7 million Mexican-Americans (2013) 800,000 2,200,000 4,300,000 9,200,000 11,700,000 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Mexico’s growing middle class spurring demand for quality education In order to accommodate growing Middle Class demand... Mexican Institutions need to increase enrollment capacity by 48% from 2010 and 2020 (ANUIES) WHY HERE? WHY NOW? PATHWAYS   WHY HERE? WHY NOW? POLICY   PLACE   PEOPLE   PATHWAYS   • Opportunity to create a new model of 21st century higher education delivery leveraging the U.S / Mexico Border and providing opportunities for: • Bi-national, bi-cultural, bI-lingual education • Blended Learning with technology • Experiential Learning with local business partners • Affordability in higher education THE WORLD’S FIRST BI-NATIONAL UNIVERSITY POLICY   • Opportunity to have a high profile impact on the national and international narrative around: • Re-thinking immigration policy • Focusing on bi-national environmental policy • Forging new trade opportunities between the U.S. and Mexico • Focusing on border security and transit • Creating a new bi-national knowledge economy SHAPING A NEW BORDER NARRATIVE PEOPLE   • Leveraging the rapidly growing Cali-Baja Mega Region • Meeting unmet for demand for higher education in both California and Mexico • Serving the rapidly increasing Mexican born population in the United States and growing middle class in Mexico INTEGRATING PEOPLE ACROSS BORDERS PLACE   • 375 acres of land entitled for institutional development • Site located 4 miles from the U.S. / Mexico border half-way between Tijuana and downtown San Diego • Leveraging border location for research, teaching, and experiential learning • Opportunity to create an economic engine that can directly connect to the vibrant border economy LEVERAGING LOCATION TO ENRICH CONTENT The world’s first BI-NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, shaping a new border narrative, integrating people across borders, leveraging location to enrich content La primera UNIVERSIDAD BI-NACIONAL, dando forma a una nueva narrativa de la frontera, integrando la gente a través de la frontera, aprovechando la ubicación para enriquecer el contenido OPPORTUNITY   SO WHAT COMES NEXT? PATH FORWARD 1. ESTABLISH CHULA VISTA UNIVERSITY PARTNERSHIP (CVUP) - A NON-PROFIT INSTITUTIONAL RECRUITMENT ENTITY 2. ESTABLISH LAND-TRUST FOR UNIVERSITY LAND 3. IDENTIFY PARTNER INSTITUTIONS FROM THE U.S. AND MEXICO 4. BEGIN FUNDRAISING PROCESS 5. ESTABLISH INSTITUTE FOCUSED ON THE BORDER REGION THAT CAN INCUBATE THE UNIVERSITY VISION A BI-NATIONAL CAMPUS THAT LEVERAGES THE BORDER AS A LABORATORY TO ATTRACT STUDENTS FROM BOTH THE U.S. AND MEXICO, OFFERS DEGREES AND SKILLS TRAINING SPECIFIC FOR THE BI-NATIONAL REGION, AND SERVES AS A CATALYST FOR GROWTH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. UN CAMPUS BI-NACIONAL QUE UTILIZA LA FRONTERA COMO LABORATORIO PARA ATRAER ESTUDIANTES DE AMBOS LADOS DE LA FRONTERA CON LICIENCIATURA Y FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL ESPECÍFICA PARA LA REGIÓN INTERNACIONAL ENTRE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS Y MEXICO. l O� V•� E �d y ' 4