HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-01-26 Agenda Packet I declare under penalry of perjury that I am employed by the Ciry of Chula Vis[a in the office of the Ciry Clerk and thei I posted the document aceording to Brown Act requirements. '��s...n--�;�-.�,�;�,r�''�--• - Dated: � l(� Signed: _..-_-_�-'" r �z� �?;= _.ry�� � / I����..Y�' �� � 'y� �� � . �et.:g:�;_"�`"'t=--'+ .�,y3'�l�' �--.-_ . sa.�.:• ..-�A,��¢p-��"'� - _ ,-�-� CHUL4 VISTA _ , rh.`"., .' .,:5 +::iW'6k O � � 'C',i/!?%,!� � Mary Casillas Salas, Mayor Patricia Aguilar, Counciimember Gary Halbert, City Manager Pamela Bensoussan, Councilmember Glen R. Googins, City Attorney John McCann, Councilmember ponna R. Norris, Ciry Clerk Steve Miesen, Councilmember Tuesday, January 26, 2016 5:00 PM Council Chambers 276 4th Avenue, Building A Chula Vista, CA 91910 REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers Aguilar, Bensoussan, McCann, Miesen and Mayor Salas PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG AND MOMENT OF SILENCE SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY A. 16-0020 OATHS OF OFFICE Emma Abutin - Commission on Aging Patricia Fernandez - International Friendship Commission . Thomas Doyle - Parks & Recreation Commission Growth Management Oversight Commission: � Gloria Juarez, Southwest Seat Rodney Caudiilo, Southeast Seat � Duaine Hooker, Education Seat Ciry o/Chula Ysta Page f Pdnietl on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OATHS OF OFFICE Emma Abutin - Commission on Aging Patricia Fernandez - International Friendship Commission Thomas Doyle - Parks & Recreation Commission Growth Management Oversight Commission: Gloria Juarez, Southwest Seat Rodney Caudillo, Southeast Seat Duaine Hooker, Education Seat Youth Action Council: Samuel Strong Matthew Hong Daniela Diaz Colin Tam Gabriela Perez Elizabeth Hafen Hannah Johnson Paris Delgado City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 7 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0048, Item#: 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of January 12 and 14, 2016. RECOMMENDED ACTION Council approve the minutes. 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WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS A.Letter of resignation from Nancy Sedgwick, Resource Conservation Commission B.MemorandumfromCouncilmemberAguilarrequestinganexcusedabsencefromthe December 8, 2015 City Council meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION Council accept the resignation and excuse the absence. City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 20 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 21 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 22 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0022, Item#: 3. ORDINANCEOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAPPROVINGTHETELEGRAPHCANYON DRAINAGECHANNELUPDATEDNEXUSSTUDYANDAMENDINGORDINANCENO.2384 ACCORDINGLY (SECOND READING AND ADOPTION) RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the ordinance. SUMMARY In1990,theCityestablishedtheTelegraphCanyonDrainageFeebyCityCouncilOrdinance2384to fundthenecessaryimprovementsfortheTelegraphCanyonDrainageChannel.Manyofthe improvementshavebeencompleted.However,duetochangesindesignstandardsandregulatory environment,certainimprovementscouldnotbecompletedasoriginallyplanned.Asaresult,City staffcommissionedanexusstudytoidentifyhowthefacilitiescouldbebuilttoaccomplishthe purposeforwhichtheDrainageFeewasoriginallyestablished.Staffrecommendsamending Ordinance2384toreflectfacilitiesidentifiedinthenexusstudyrecentlypreparedbyAtkinsNorth America,Incorporated.Thisamendmentwillnotaffectthedrainagefeewhichiscurrently$4,579per acre. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Notice Theactivityisnota“Project”asdefinedunderSection15378oftheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality ActStateGuidelines;therefore,pursuanttoStateGuidelinesSection15060(c)(3)noenvironmental review is required. Environmental Determination TheproposedactivityhasbeenreviewedforcompliancewiththeCaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality Act(CEQA)andithasbeendeterminedthattheactivityisnota“Project”asdefinedunderSection 15378oftheStateCEQAGuidelinesbecauseitwillnotresultinaphysicalchangeinthe environment;therefore,pursuanttoSection15060(c)(3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelines,theactivityis notsubjecttoCEQA.Althoughenvironmentalreviewisnotnecessaryatthistime,whenprojects havebeendefined,environmentalreviewwillberequiredandaCEQAdeterminationwillbe completed prior to commencing any of the improvements as described in the Study. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable DISCUSSION TheTelegraphCanyonDrainageFee(TCDrainageFee)wasestablishedonJuly17,1990,by City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 4Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 23 File#:16-0022, Item#: 3. OrdinanceNo.2384(Attachment1)tofundtheconstructionoftherequireddrainagefacilitieswithin theTelegraphCanyonDrainageBasin.Theseimprovementswerenecessarytoaccommodatethe surfaceandstormwaterrunoffresultingfromdevelopmentofpropertieswithinthebasin.TheTC DrainageFeebenefitareaconsistsofRanchoDelReySpecificPlan,OtayRanch,andaportionof Rolling Hills and Eastlake, all of which are nearly built out (Attachment 2). The following drainage facilities identified in the original 1990 TC Drainage Fee plan are completed: Constructionofapproximately4,450feetofvegetatedchannelsbetweenRutgersRoadand thewesterlyEastlakeboundary(WestofStateRoute125).ConstructedbytheEastlake Development Company. Constructionofapproximately8,500feetofvegetatedchannelsbetweenPaseoLaderaand OtayLakesRoad.Phase2-ConstructedbytheEastlakeDevelopmentCompany. Constructed by the Eastlake Development Company. Constructionofapproximately3,200feetofvegetatedchannelsbetweenOtayLakesRoad and Rutgers Road. Constructed by the Eastlake Development Company. Constructionofapproximately2,400feetofrectangularconcretechannelimprovements between K Street and Sierra Highway. Constructed by the City (CIP DR118) Theoriginal1990TCDrainageFeeplanalsoidentifieddrainagefacilitiesthatremaintobe constructedwithintheTelegraphCanyonDrainageChannel(Channel)whicharesubjecttoflooding. TheremainingdrainagefacilitiesaresubjecttocurrentCitydesignstandardsandcurrentregulatory environmentalrequirementsrequiringtheapprovalofResourceAgenciesforanyproposedwork withinthewetlandareasoftheChannel.TheResourceAgenciesconsistoftheU.S.ArmyCorpsof Engineers,U.S.FishandWildlifeService,RegionalWaterQualityControlBoard,andCalifornia Department of Fish and Wildlife. PreliminarycoordinationwiththeResourceAgencieshasrevealedthatcurrentenvironmental requirementsrequireprovidingnewdrainageimprovementswithengineerednaturaloptions.These optionsmayincludeaddingdetentionbasinstoreducetheflow,alternatealignments,andmodified earthenconfigurationsoftheChannel.CurrentCitydesignstandardsconsistofupdatedrainfall intensity analysis for quantifying storm events. AsaresultofthecurrentregulatoryenvironmentalrequirementsandcurrentCitydesignstandards, theCityretainedAtkinsNorthAmerica,Incorporatedtoprepareanexusstudytoidentifydrainage improvementsthatwouldservethesamepurposeandbenefitthesameTCDrainageFeebenefit areapropertiesastheoriginalfacilities.Thenewstudyisentitled“TelegraphCanyonChannel NexusStudy,”datedNovember24,2015,(Study).TheStudyidentifiesTCDrainageFeeeligible facilities(FeeFacilities)thatarerecommendedwithinthebasinatacostofapproximately$9.3 million(Attachment3).TheStudyidentifiesthereasonablerelationshipbetweentheuseofthefee fortheconstructionoftheFeeFacilitiesandthedevelopmentofpropertieswithinthebasin.The identifiedFeeFacilitiesarenecessarytomitigatetheimpactsofdevelopmentoccurringwithinthe basin and are therefore eligible for inclusion in the TC Drainage Fee. DevelopmentandcompletionoftheremainingFeeFacilitiesidentifiedintheStudywillbeproposed forinclusioninfutureannualCapitalImprovementProgrambudgets.ItisanticipatedthattheTC City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 4Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 24 File#:16-0022, Item#: 3. DrainageFeefundswillbeinsufficienttoconstructallthefacilitiesidentifiedintheStudy.OnceTC DrainageFeefundsareexpendedinfull,otherfundingsources(GasTax,Transnet,grants,etc.) may be used to complete the projects. Current Fee In1990,theCityCounciladoptedOrdinance2384establishingtheTelegraphCanyonDrainageFee at$3,922peracre.The1990actionindicated$7.7millionofestimatedcostsoffutureTelegraph Canyondrainagefacilities.Theestimatedcostof$7.7millionwasspreadamong1,975benefited acreageswithinthebasinresultinginafeeof$3,922peracre.Thecurrentfeeof$4,579peracre includesaone-timeEngineeringNewsRecordConstructionIndex(ENRCI)adjustmentmadein1998 per City Council adopted Resolution 18965 (Attachment 5). Recommendations InordertocompleteconstructionoftheTelegraphCanyonDrainageBasinfacilities,staff recommendsthattheCityCouncilapprovethe“TelegraphCanyonChannelNexusStudy,”dated November24,2015,andamendOrdinance2384asshowninAttachment6toincorporatethe facilities identified in the Study into the Telegraph Canyon DIF. AftertheTCDrainageFeeFundbalanceisdepletedortheprojectsarecompleted,staffwillreturnto Council to consider repealing the ordinance. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT StaffhasreviewedthepropertyholdingsoftheCityCouncilmembersandhasfoundthatMayorMary CasillasSalasandCouncilMembersJohnMcCann,PatriciaAguilarandPamelaBensoussanhave realpropertyholdingswithin500feetoftheboundariesofthepropertywhichisthesubjectofthis action.However,itisnotreasonablyforeseeablethatthedecisionwillhaveaneffectontheCouncil Members’financialinterests.Totheextentthatanydecisionwouldhaveareasonablyforeseeable financialeffectonthemember’srealproperty,theeffectwouldbenominal,inconsequential,or insignificant.TheTelegraphCanyonDrainagefeeisaconnectionfeethatwaspaidatthetimeof developmentofthesubjectparcels.ThepropertiesownedbytheidentifiedCouncilmembersare existingresidences,thus,theCouncilmemberswillnotbesubjecttothefee.Inaddition,the propertiesownedbytheCouncilmemberswerenotidentifiedaspropertiessubjecttothefeewhen theTelegraphCanyonDrainagefeewasadopted.Finally,thefacilitiestobeconstructedwillreplace andservethesamepurposeaspreviouslyapproveddrainagefacilities.Consequently,pursuantto CaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,sections18700,18701(b),18702(b),and18702.2(c)(1),this itemdoesnotrepresentarealproperty-relatedconflictofinterestunderthePoliticalReformAct(Cal. Gov't Code § 87100, et seq.). Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyCouncilmember,ofanyother fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community,StrongandSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.Ordinance2384 supportedtheEconomicVitalitygoalintheCity’sStrategicPlan.Itprovidesforplanningdrainage City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 4Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 25 File#:16-0022, Item#: 3. infrastructure of new development, which is a key City function in supporting new growth. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT AllcostsassociatedwiththisprocurementandpreparationoftheStudywillbebornebythe TelegraphCanyonDrainageFeeFund.Approvalofthisresolutionwillresultinnonetimpacttothe Telegraph Canyon Drainage Fee Fund in the current fiscal year. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT ThecurrentlyavailableTelegraphCanyonDrainageFeeFundfundsofapproximately$5.2millionwill beusedtoconstructtheremainingprojects.Basedoncurrentproposedprojectestimatesandthe limitednumberofacresremainingtopayintotheTCDrainageFeeprogram,itisanticipatedthat futureappropriationsfromtheTelegraphCanyonDrainageFeeFundwillneedtobeaugmentedwith otherfundingsources(GasTax,Transnet,grants,etc.)inordertocompleteallprojectsidentifiedin the Study. Annual routine maintenance will be required after completion of identified Fee Facilities. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1:Ordinance 2384 Attachment 2:Telegraph Canyon Drainage Fee Basin Attachment 3:Telegraph Canyon Channel Nexus Study Attachment 4:Resolution 2015-106 Attachment 5:Resolution 18965 Attachment 6:Redline strikeout version of Ordinance 2384 Staff Contact: Luis Pelayo, Associate Civil Engineer City of Chula VistaPage 4 of 4Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 26 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 27 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 28 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 29 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 30 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 31 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 32 SECOND READING AND ADOPTION ORDINANCE NO. ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE TELEGRAPH CANYON DRAINAGE CHANNEL UPDATED NEXUS STUDY AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2384 ACCORDINGLY WHEREAS, in 1990, the City Council enacted Ordinance No. 2384,approvingthe “City of Chula Vista, California, Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan,” dated June 6, 1990, Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan (“Drainage Plan”) as the plan for construction of planned local drainage facilities for the Telegraph Canyon Drainage District and establishingtheTelegraph Canyon Drainage Fee (“TC Drainage Fee”) to fund the construction of the required drainage facilities within the Telegraph Canyon Basin,as identified in the Drainage Plan; and WHEREAS, the Drainage Plan was based upon regulatory environmental requirements and City design standards in place at the time of adoption; and WHEREAS, due to changes in those requirements and standards,certaindrainage facilities contained in the Drainage Plan cannot be completed as originally contemplated in the Drainage Plan andremain to be constructed; and WHEREAS, as a result, it is appropriate to reanalyze and reevaluate the remaining facilities to be built to ensure their designand construction meets current standards and regulatory requirements;and WHEREAS,consistent with California Government Code Sections 66000, et seq., the CityCouncil recently caused a study to be conducted to reanalyze and reevaluate the adequacy of the existing Telegraph Canyon Channel facilities to accommodate the surface and storm water runoff resulting from development of properties within the Telegraph Canyon Basinand to identify remaining facilities to be built to serve the same purpose, andbenefit the same land, for which the TC Drainage Fee was collected; and WHEREAS, the study was prepared by Atkins North America, Inc. and is entitled “Telegraph Canyon Channel Nexus Study,” dated November 24, 2015,(“Updated Nexus Study”); and WHEREAS, the Updated Nexus Study identifies planneddrainage improvements to accomplishserve the same purpose and benefit the same TC Drainage Fee benefit area properties as the facilitiesidentified in the original Drainage Plan; and WHEREAS, the Updated Nexus Study supports, and staff recommends, the use of TC Drainage Feesto fund the planneddrainage facilities identified in the Updated Nexus Study, which are required to mitigate the impacts of development within the Telegraph Canyon Basin; and WHEREAS, the Development Services Director has reviewed the proposed activity for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act(“CEQA”) and has determined that C:\\Users\\GRANIC~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\BCL Technologies\\easyPDF 7\\@BCL@4C06C4BE\\@BCL@4C06C4BE.doc ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 33 Ordinance Page 2 the proposed ordinance is not a "Project" as defined under Section 15378 of the State CEQA Guidelines; therefore, pursuant to State Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3) no environmental review is required. NOW THEREFORE the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does ordain as follows: Section I.Findings. The City Council of the City of Chula Vista hereby makes the following legislative findings and determinations: A.Development of the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Basin has necessitated the construction of drainage facilities, as identified in the “City of Chula Vista, California, Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan,” dated June 6, 1990, and approved by Ordinance No. 2384(“Drainage Plan”); the City has been unable to complete certain of those improvements due to changed circumstances, including design standards and regulatory requirements. B. In order to complete construction of drainage facilitiesnecessary to meet the needs of the TelegraphCanyon Basin, the City has caused an updated study to be prepared by Atkins North America, Inc., dated November 24, 2015 (the “Updated Nexus Study”), which identifies facilities to be constructed which serve the same purpose as the original Drainage Plan and benefit the same properties which were included in the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Fee. C. The Updated Nexus Study, in the form presented and on file in the Office of the City Clerk, updates the list of planned drainage facilities needed to accommodate development of the Telegraph Canyon Basin benefit area. The Updated Nexus Study is hereby approved as the plan for construction of the remaining planned local drainage facilities required within the Telegraph Canyon Basin. D. The Updated Nexus Study is consistent with the City’s General Plan and will ensure that increased surface and storm water runoff resulting from or attributable to new development within the drainage basin will be removed in a manner which furthers the public health, safety and welfare. In addition to participation in the construction of drainage facilities as set forth in the Study, developers of property within the benefit area will be required to construct other on and off site drainage facilities as a condition of development pursuant to existing laws and policies of the City. Section II.Ordinance Amendment. Ordinance No. 2384 is hereby amended as follows: A. Section I.B. is amended to read as follows: “Areport entitled, “City of Chula Vista, California, Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan,” dated June 6, 1990, and on file with the City Clerk, establishes the boundaries of the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Basin, the boundaries of the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Improvement District and the boundaries of the areaof benefit of the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Improvement, the extent of the additional drainage facilities needed to accommodate new development in the Drainage District and a proposed allocation of fees to pay for the drainage facilities. The Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan, is hereby approved as the plan for construction of planned local drainage facilities for the Telegraph Canyon Drainage District, ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 34 Ordinance Page 3 including the facilities identifiedin the “Telegraph Canyon Channel Nexus Study,” dated November 24, 2015, (“Updated Nexus Study”).” B. Section I.C. is amended to add the following to the end of the section: “TheUpdated Nexus Study is consistent with the City’s General Plan and will ensure that increased surface and storm water runoff resulting from or attributable to new development within the drainage basin will be removed in a manner which furthers the public health, safety and welfare. In addition to participation in the construction of drainage facilities as set forth in the Study, developers of property within thebenefit area will be required to construct other on and off site drainage facilities as a condition of development pursuant to existing laws and policies of the City.” C. Section I. D.is hereby amended to read as follows: “The development of property within the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Basin will require the construction of those drainage facilities described in the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan, the Updated Nexus Study,and other on and off site drainage facilities. Properties within the Drainage District shown in the Drainage Plan benefit by construction of the drainage facilities set forth in the Plan to the extent that payment of the fee and construction of the drainage facilities will allow the properties to be developed according to the general plan.” D. Section I.E. is hereby amended as follows: 1. In the first sentence, add “, and the Updated Nexus Study,” after the word “Plan” on the second line; 2. In subsection 1., add “, and the Updated Nexus Study,” after the word “Plan” on the second line, and on the eighth line. E. Section X. is hereby amended as follows: In subsection F., add “and the Updated Nexus Study” after the word “Plan.” F. Except as specifically amended in this ordinance, Ordinance No. 2384 shall remain in full force and effect. Section III. California Environmental Quality Act Findings for Statutory Exemption The City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby find that the planneddrainage facilitiesas described in the Study are necessary to maintain service within the Basin. The ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 35 Ordinance Page 4 proposed activity does not involve any commitment to any specific“Project” as defined under Section 15378of the State CEQA Guidelineswhich may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment. Therefore, the City finds that the adoption of this ordinance is statutorily exempt under the provisions of CEQA Guidelines Section 15060(c)(3). Section IV. Time Limit for Protest and Judicial Action Any judicial action or proceeding to attack, review, set aside, void or annul this Ordinance shall be brought within the period as established by law. Section V.Severability If any portion of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, is for reason held to be invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional, by a court of competent any jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed severable, and such invalidity, unenforceability or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, or its applicationto any other person or circumstance. The City Council of the City of Chula Vista hereby declares that it would have adopted each section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sentences, clauses or phrases of the Ordinance be declared invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional. Section VI. Construction The City Council of the City of Chula Vista intends this Ordinance to supplement, not to duplicateor contradict, applicable state and federal law and this Ordinance shall be construed in light of that intent. Section VII. Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirtieth day after its final passage. Section VII. Publication The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published or posted according to law. Presented byApproved as to form by _________________________________________________________________________ Richard A. HopkinsGlen R. Googins Director of Public WorksCity Attorney ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 36 V A SR EG TUR 508 ETATS RETNI D VL B Y A B City of Chula Vista Telegraph Canyon Channel Nexus Study (DR203) November 24, 2015 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 38 06064 | AD | 15 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 39 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 40 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 41 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 42 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 43 0 ¦¤ 44 VA S RE GTU R EM LACID TNEC D RE R BRANDYWINE AV F VA HTRUO Packet !¦¤­£  ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ Y A W E E R F -5 I L B Y A B 0 ¦¤ 45 Packet !¦¤­£  ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ 0 ¦¤ 46 Packet !¦¤­£  ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 47 Drainage Area Drainage Area (sq Curve USACE Lag NRCS lag Node (acres) mi) Number (min) (min) DIF East 1.La Media1527 2.4 90 24.6 23.7 2.Telegraph Canyon Road1970 3.1 90 35.4 33.0 3.Paseo Ranchero2147 3.4 90 39.0 36.1 4.Paseo Ladera2524 3.9 90 43.8 40.3 DIF West 5.Hilltop Drive3444 5.4 91 54.0 49.0 6.First Avenue3669 5.7 91 56.4 51.1 7.L Street and Third Avenue3941 6.2 89 58.8 53.2 8.Fourth Avenue4013 6.3 89 60.6 54.7 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 48 Location 2-year5-year10-year 25-year 50-year 100-year DIF East 1.La Media355 571 760 1,030 1,249 1,480 2.Telegraph Canyon Road383 617 823 1,116 1,354 1,605 3.Paseo Ranchero396 637 849 1,155 1,404 1,666 4.Paseo Ladera437 703 938 1,275 1,550 1,839 DIF West 5.Hilltop Drive598 935 1,229 1,648 1,986 2,340 6.First Avenue606 947 1,243 1,666 2,007 2,364 7.L Street and Third Avenue 606 947 1,243 1,666 2,007 2,364 8.Fourth Avenue 606 947 1,243 1,666 2,007 2,364 Location Peak Flow (cfs) DIF East 2004 Drainage Master Plan 4340 2012 FEMA FIS 2200 NOAA Atlas 14 2340 DIF West 2004 Drainage Master Plan (Paseo Ladera) 3600 NOAA Atlas 14 (Paseo Ladera) 1839 2012 FEMA FIS (Upstream La Media) 1197 NOAA Atlas 14 (La Media) 1480 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 49 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 50 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 51 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 52 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 53 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 54 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 55 Location Scenario Facility Capacity (event - cfs) Flood Hazard Third Avenue and L Street area Double 9' x 4' concrete box Flooding of 3rd and L Street Existing 2-year peak – 606 cfs culvert intersection Replace existing culverts L Street with double 16' x 10' Eliminate flooding of 3rd and L Option 1 concrete box culverts through 100-year peak – 2,364 cfs Street intersection Third Ave. - ~505 linear feet (L&Third) Flooding of 3rd and L Street Existing 10' x 5.5' Arch and 60" RCP 2-year peak – 606 cfs intersection Replace existing culverts Third Avenue with double 16' x 10' Eliminate flooding of 3rd and L Option 1 100-year peak – 2,364 cfs concrete box culverts – 505 Street intersection linear feet (L&Third) Heavy vegetation contributes to flooding issues at 3rd and L Existing natural channel 100-year peak – 2,364 cfs intersection. Scour problems on Northwest bank Channel upstream of L Replace existing natural Street and channel with 21' x 10' Reduction in frequency of Option 1 100-year peak – 2,364 cfs downstream of rectangular concrete channel flooding events Third Avenue –1400 linear feet Bank Protection added to the Eliminate scour along Northwest Option 2 Northwest bank 100-year peak – 2,364 cfs bank –1400 linear feet Country Club Drive, First Avenue, Hilltop Park 8' x 8' concrete box culverts Properties subject to flooding in in both locations Existing 2-year peak – 598 cfswest Hilltop Park and on South First Ave – 136 linear ft side of Country Club Drive Country Club – 105 linear ft Replace existing culverts with 20' x 10' concrete box Reduction in FEMA Zone AE, First Avenue and culverts in both locations Option 1 100-year peak – 2,340 cfsincluding removal of homes Country Club from floodplain First Ave – 136 linear ft Drive Crossings Country Club – 105 linear ft Add double 60" RCP to existing concrete box culverts Reduction in frequency of in both locations Option 2 10-year peak – 1,229 cfs flooding events First Ave – 136 linear ft Country Club – 105 linear ft Trapezoidal grouted riprap Properties subject to flooding in channel Existing 5-year peak – 935 cfswest Hilltop Park and on South Channel from side of Country Club Drive 620 linear feet total Country Club Drive to Hilltop Channel redesign to 20' x 10' Reduction in FEMA Zone AE, Park rectangular concrete channel Option 1 100-year peak – 2,340 cfsincluding removal of homes from floodplain 620 linear feet total ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 56 Location Scenario Facility Capacity (event - cfs) Flood Hazard Country Club Drive, First Avenue, Hilltop Park 100-year flooding almost entirely Low flow concrete channel Less than 2-year peak – Existing limited to Hilltop Park; scour 598 cfs 1,400 linear feet issues around low flow channel Channel redesign to 10' 100-year flooding almost entirely bottom width, 4H:1V side limited to Hilltop Park, reduction slopes Articulated Concrete Option 1 10-year peak – 1,229 cfs in FEMA Zone AE near First Block (ACB) - 6" thickness Channel through Avenue Hilltop Park 1,400 linear feet Channel redesign to 10' 100-year flooding almost entirely bottom width, 4H:1V side limited to Hilltop Park, reduction slopes Articulated Concrete Option 2 10-year peak – 1,229 cfs in FEMA Zone AE near First Block (ACB) - 4" thickness Avenue 1,400 linear feet ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 57 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 58 Planning Level Cost Estimate – Future Constructed Cost – Total Costs – Facility Linear Feet Project Needs Previously Funded Future and Funded 700 N/A $1,678,118 $1,678,118 1,905 $5,700,000 N/A $5,700,000 3rd & L 861 $2,200,000 N/A $2,200,000 1st & Country Club Hilltop Park 1,400 $1,400,000 N/A $1,400,000 Totals 4,866 $9,300,000 $1,678,118 $10,78,118 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 59 City of Chula Vista PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT \\ DESIGN COST ESTIMATE Project Number: DATE: November 24, 2015 Project Title: PREPARED BY: Ann Bechtel Telegraph Canyon Nexus Study - 3rd & L Planning Level Estimate CHECKED BY: Luis Pelayo No. Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount 1 21'w x 10'h Concrete Rectangular Open Channel 1400 LF $805.00 $1,127,000.00 2 Double 16'w x 10'h Box Culvert 505 LF $2,977.00 $1,503,385.00 2 Environmental & Mitigation (consultant) 1 Each $500,000.00 $500,000.00 3 Staging 1 Each $17,000.00 $17,000.00 4 CLOMR/LOMR 1 Each $20,000.00 $20,000.00 5 Erosion 1 Each $34,000.00 $34,000.00 6 Traffic 1 Each $75,000.00 $75,000.00 7 Insurance & Bonds 1 Each $24,000.00 $24,000.00 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Subtotal: $3,300,385.00 30.0 % $3,300,385.00 $990,120.00 Contingencies 10.0 % $3,300,385.00 $330,040.00 Construction Inspection (staff costs) 10.0 % $3,300,385.00 $330,040.00 Design (staff costs) 3.0 % $3,300,385.00 $99,010.00 Survey Work (staff costs) Right-of-Way Acquisition and Staff Costs 1.0 ls $352,500.00 $352,500.00 (includes 50% markup) 2.0 % $3,300,385.00 $66,010.00 Planning/Environmental (staff costs) 2.0 % $3,300,385.00 $66,010.00 Public Works (staff costs) 5.0 % $3,300,385.00 $165,020.00 Other including water utilities Subtotal: $2,398,750.00 $5,699,135.00 TOTAL: ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 60 City of Chula Vista PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT \\ DESIGN COST ESTIMATE Project Number: DATE: November 24, 2015 Project Title: PREPARED BY: Ann Bechtel Telegraph Canyon Nexus Study - 1st & Country Club Planning Level Estimate CHECKED BY: Luis Pelayo No. Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount 1 Remove & Upsize 1st St Culvert (20'w x 10'h) 136 LF $1,917.00 $260,712.00 Remove & Upsize Country Club Culvert $2,009.00 $210,945.00 LF 2 (20'w x 10'h) 105 3 Concrete Rectangular Open Channel (20'w x 10'h) 620 LF $797.00 $494,140.00 4 Environmental & Mitigation (consultant) 1 Each $100,000.00 $100,000.00 5 Staging 1 Each $17,000.00 $17,000.00 6 CLOMR/LOMR 1 Each $20,000.00 $20,000.00 7 Erosion 1 Each $34,000.00 $34,000.00 8 Traffic 1 Each $75,000.00 $75,000.00 9 Insurance & Bonds 1 Each $24,000.00 $24,000.00 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Subtotal: $1,235,797.00 30.0 % $1,235,797.00 $370,740.00 Contingencies 10.0 % $1,235,797.00 $123,580.00 Construction Inspection (staff costs) 10.0 % $1,235,797.00 $123,580.00 Design (staff costs) 3.0 % $1,235,797.00 $37,070.00 Survey Work (staff costs) Right-of-Way and Staff Augmentation 1.0 ls $202,500.00 $202,500.00 (includes 50% markup) 2.0 % $1,235,797.00 $24,720.00 Planning/Environmental (staff costs) 2.0 % $1,235,797.00 $24,720.00 Public Works (staff costs) 5.0 % $1,235,797.00 $61,790.00 Other including water utilities Subtotal: $968,700.00 $2,204,497.00 TOTAL: ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 61 City of Chula Vista PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT \\ DESIGN COST ESTIMATE Project Number: DATE: November 24, 2015 Project Title: Telegraph Canyon Nexus Study - Hilltop Park PREPARED BY: Ann Bechtel Planning Level Estimate CHECKED BY: Luis Pelayo No. Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Amount 1 6" thick EnviroFlex articulated concrete block 70000 SF $9.50 $665,000.00 (1400 LF @50'w) 2 Environmental & Mitigation (consultant) 1 Each $30,000.00 $30,000.00 3 Staging 1 Each $17,000.00 $17,000.00 4 Irrigation & Landscaping 1 Each $50,000.00 $50,000.00 5 CLOMR/LOMR 1 Each $20,000.00 $20,000.00 6 Erosion 1 Each $34,000.00 $34,000.00 7 Insurance & Bonds 1 Each $24,000.00 $24,000.00 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Subtotal: $840,000.00 30.0 % $840,000.00 $252,000.00 Contingencies 10.0 % $840,000.00 $84,000.00 Construction Inspection (staff costs) 10.0 % $840,000.00 $84,000.00 Design (staff costs) 3.0 % $840,000.00 $25,200.00 Survey Work (staff costs) 1.0 ls $0.00 $- Right-of-Way Acquisition and Staff Costs 2.0 % $840,000.00 $16,800.00 Planning/Environmental (staff costs) 2.0 % $840,000.00 $16,800.00 Public Works (staff costs) 5.0 % $840,000.00 $42,000.00 Other Subtotal: $520,800.00 $1,360,800.00 TOTAL: ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 62 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 63 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 64 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 65 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 66 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 67 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 68 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 69 · · · · · ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 70 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 71 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 72 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 73 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 74 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 75 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 76 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 77 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 78 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 79 ORDINANCE NO. 2384 ANORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING TELEGRAPH CANYON DRAINAGE PLAN AND ESTABLISHING THE TELEGRAPH CANYON DRAINAGE FEE The City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California does ordain as follows: SECTION I. Findings and Determinations. The City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California, hereby makes the following legislative findings and determinations: A.Development in the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Basin requires the construction of drainage facilities which are additional to drainage facilities serving the area at the time of adoption of this ordinance. B.A report entitled, "City of Chula Vista, California, Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan," dated June 6, 1990, and on file with the City Clerk, establishes the boundaries of the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Basin, the boundaries of the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Improvement District and the boundaries of the area of benefit of the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Improvements, the extent of the additional drainage facilities needed to accommodate new development in the Drainage District and a proposed allocation of fees to pay for the drainage facilities. The Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan is hereby approved as the plan for construction of planned local drainage facilities for the Telegraph Canyon Drainage District. C.The Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan is consistent with the City's General Plan and will ensure that increased surface and storm water runoff resulting from or attributable to new development within the drainage basin will be removed in a manner which furthers the public health, safety and welfare. In addition to participation in the construction of the planned drainage facilities as set forth in the Drainage Plan, developers of property within the Drainage District will be required to construct other on and off site drainage facilities as a condition of development pursuant to existing laws and policies of the City. ensure that increased surface and storm water runoff resulting from or attributable to new development within the drainage basin will be removed in a manner which furthers the public health, safety and welfare. In addition to participation in the construction of drainage facilities as set forth in the Study, developers of property within the benefit area will be required to construct other on and off site drainage facilities as a condition of development pursuant to existing laws and policies of the City. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 80 Ordinance Page 2 D.The development of property within the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Basin will require the construction of those drainage facilities described in the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan, the Updated Nexus Study, and other on and off site drainage facilities. Properties within the Drainage District shown in the Drainage Plan benefit by construction of the drainage facilities set forth in the Plan to the extent that payment of the fee and construction of the drainage facilities will allow the properties to be developed according to the general plan. E.For the reasons set forth in the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan and in the reports relied upon and referenced in that Plan, and the Updated Nexus Study, and based upon the City's General Plan, and the matters presented to the City Council at the public hearing at which this Ordinance was considered and the laws and policies of the City relating to development of property, the City Council makes the following additional legislative findings and determinations: 1.The Planned Drainage Facilities as described in the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan, and the Updated Nexus Study, are required in order to accommodate the surface and storm water run off resulting from development of property within the Telegraph Canyon Drainage District. The estimated cost of the proposed facilities are based upon standard engineering practices and are reasonably determined. The Planned Drainage Facilities described in the Plan, and the Updated Nexus Study, are necessary to allow development of properties within the District and to mitigate the impact resulting from the development of those properties. Therefore, each property should contribute to the cost of the facilities based upon a flat amount per gross acre as set forth in the Drainage Plan. The flat, per acre fee established by this Ordinance is reasonably and fairly apportioned based upon the benefit conferred upon each property or upon the need for the facilities created by the development of property within the Drainage Improvement Benefit Area. 2.There is a reasonable relationship between the use of the fee for the construction of the Planned Drainage Facilities and the development of the property within the Drainage basin because development increases run off and retards the natural ability of the undeveloped land to absorb storm and surface waters. 3.There is a reasonable relationship between the construction of the Planned Drainage Facility and the various land uses for the property set forth on the City's General Plan because the run off and surface water diversion resulting from development of the property as shown on the City's General Plan will on the average be the same for the various land uses permitted within the Plan area. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 81 Ordinance Page 3 4.The amount of the fees to be collected pursuant to this Ordinance does not exceed the estimated cost of providing the facilities. If, at any time, it appears that the amount of the fees will exceed the estimated cost of the proposed facilities, including all administrative and incidental costs, then the fee shall be adjusted accordingly. SECTION II. Determination of Costs. The City Council finds that the total cost of providing the planned drainage facility as estimated in 1990 is $7,745,100.00. If the costs are apportioned uniformly on a per acre basis to the benefited properties as shown in the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan, the pro rata charge for each gross acre would be $3,922.00. SECTION III. Drainage Fees Established. A drainage fee in the amount of $3,922.00 per gross benefit acre of undeveloped land is hereby established for each development project . within the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Benefit area The fee is a requirement of each development project, tentative map, tentative parcel map, or building permit within the benefit area and shall be paid before the approval by the City of the development project. For any development for which a fee was not paid at the time of approval of the final map or parcel map, the fee shall be paid before the issuance of the first building permit for the development. Payment at the time established by this Section is necessary to assure that the drainage facilities identified in this Plan may be constructed concurrent with need. For the purpose of determining fees, gross benefit acreage shall mean all land area within the outermost boundaries of a subdivision or development including all areas dedicated for public streets. The fees for fractional acreages shall be prorated. The Telegraph Canyon Road right-of- way and the Telegraph Canyon channel easement are excluded from the gross benefit acreage. SECTION IV. Adjustment of Fees. The City Council shall periodically, but not less than once annually, review the amount of the fee established by this Ordinance. The City Council, by resolution, may adjust the amount of the fee as necessary to reflect changes in the Engineering News Record Construction Index, the cost of the drainage facilities, changes in land use designation and other sound engineering and financing information. The ENR Construction Index, for June, 1990, is $4,734.77. SECTION V. Use of Fees. The fees collected pursuant to this Ordinance shall be deposited in a separate fund as designated by the Finance Director and shall be expended only : for the following purposes A.To pay for the construction of facilities by the City, or to reimburse the City for facilities installed by the City with funds from other resources; B.To reimburse developers or subdividers of property who have installed all or a portion of the Planned Local Drainage Facilities; C.To repay indebtedness incurred by the City to construct the Planned Drainage Facilities should the City Council determine to incur such indebtedness; ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 82 Ordinance Page 4 D.To reimburse the City for the cost of engineering and administrative services to form the district, establish the fee and construct the facilities. SECTION VI. Construction of Facilities of Subdivider. The City may require, as a condition of approval of a subdivision, that the subdivider contract or finance the construction of all or a portion of the Planned Drainage Facilities. If such a requirement is imposed, the subdivider shall receive a credit against the fee imposed by this Ordinance in an amount equal to the actual cost of construction, including incidental expenses, of the facilities as verified and approved by the City Engineer. If the actual construction cost exceeds the amount of the fee which would otherwise be imposed, the Subdivider may request to be reimbursed for the difference from fees collected by the City. The reimbursement shall be made pursuant to a reimbursement agreement entered into between the City and Subdivider. SECTION VII. Credit for Fees Previously Paid. Whenever a building permit is issued for a development project property for which the fees established by this Ordinance were paid at the time of receiving a parcel map or final map, or the Drainage Facilities were constructed by the developer or subdivider of the property, a full credit for such payment of construction shall be given against the fee due as a condition of the building permit. SECTION VIII. Applicability to Land Within County. For those areas of the Drainage District within the County of San Diego, the following provisions shall apply: A.Upon annexation to the City, this Ordinance shall immediately become applicable to property located outside of the jurisdiction boundaries of the City on the date of adoption of this Ordinance. B.Pursuant to Section 66453 of the Government Code, the City Engineer shall file a map of the Telegraph Canyon Drainage District with the County of San Diego, and shall request that all subdivisions wholly or partially within the District be referred to the City Engineer for a recommendation. The City Engineer shall review each map for compliance with the Drainage Plan and shall recommend such conditions or exactions which will ensure that any subdivision approved by the County shall comply with the provisions of the Drainage Plan. C.The City shall work with and encourage the County of San Diego to adopt the Drainage Fee for the unincorporated area within the drainage basin. SECTION IX. Exemptions. The following development project is exempt from the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION X. Definitions.For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following words or phrases shall be construed as defined in this Section, unless from the context, it appears that a different meaning is intended. A."Building permit" means a permit required by and issued pursuant to the Uniform Building Code as adopted by reference by this City. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 83 Ordinance Page 5 B."Development project or development" means any activity described in Section 66000(a) of the Government Code and includes, but is not limited to, any activity which results or may result in the physical alteration of land requiring a subdivision map, zoning permit or approval or permit to build. C."Drainage District" means the Telegraph Canyon Drainage District as described in the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan, prepared by Willdan Associates and approved by this Ordinance. D."Drainage Improvement Benefit Area" means the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Improvement Benefit Area described in the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan and the Updated Nexus Study. E."Drainage Plan" means the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Plan. F."Planned Drainage Improvement" means the specific drainage improvements described in the Drainage Plan. SECTION XI. Procedure for Fee Waiver or Reduction. Any developer who, because of the nature or type of uses proposed for a development project, contends that application of the fee imposed by this Ordinance is unconstitutional, or unrelated to purposes for which the fee is imposed or to the burdens of the development, may apply to the City Council for a waiver or reduction of the fee. The application shall be made in writing and filed with the City Clerk not later than ten (l0) days after notice of the public hearing on the development permit application for the project is given, or if no development permit i s required, at the time of filing of the bull ding permit application. The application shall state in detail the factual basis for the claim of waiver or reduction. The City Council shall consider the application within sixty (60) days after its filing. The decision of the City Council shall be final. If a reduction or waiver is granted, any change in use within the project shall subject the development to payment of the fee. The procedure provided by this Section is additional to any other procedure authorized by law for protesting or challenging the fee imposed by this Ordinance. SECTION XII. Authority. This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to the City's constitutional and charter policy and taxing powers and pursuant to Government Code 66000,et seq. This ordinance shall be effective thirty (30) days after its adoption. Within fifteen (15) days after its adoption, the City Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be published pursuant to the provisions of City Charter Section 312. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 84 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0646, Item#: 4. ORDINANCEOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAMENDINGMUNICIPALCODESECTION20.04.50 -“BUSINESSRESOURCEANDENERGYEVALUATIONS,”STREAMLININGBUSINESSES’ REQUIREMENTSFORPARTICIPATIONINRESOURCEANDENERGYEVALUATIONS(FIRST READING) RECOMMENDED ACTION Council place the ordinance on first reading. SUMMARY TheproposedamendmentstoChulaVistaMunicipalCode20.04.050 Businessresourceandenergy evaluations(knowsastheFreeResourceandEnergyBusinessEvaluationProgramor“FREBE”)will helpbusinesseswithstorefrontorofficelocationstoidentifyopportunitiestoconserveresourcesand reducetheirmonthlyutilitycosts,notcreatinganimpedimenttotheparticipatingbusiness’sregular operations.ThemodifiedimplementationwillaligntheCity’sprogramwiththeSDG&Eprogram, Business Energy Solutions, which qualifies businesses to participate every five (5) years. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Notice TheProjectqualifiesforaClass8CategoricalExemptionpursuanttoSection15308Actionsby RegulatoryAgenciesforProtectionoftheEnvironmentoftheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct State Guidelines. Environmental Determination TheDirectorofDevelopmentServiceshasreviewedtheproposedprojectforcompliancewiththe CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andhasdeterminedthattheprojectqualifiesforaClass 8CategoricalExemptionpursuanttoSection15308\[ActionsbyRegulatoryAgenciesforProtection oftheEnvironment\]ofthestateCEQAGuidelinesbecausetheproposalseekstoimplement strategiesaimedatreducingenergyuseandlowerfossilfuelemissions.Thus,nofurther environmental review is necessary. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable DISCUSSION In2009,CityCouncilapprovedanordinancethatmandatedbusinesses,throughtheannualbusiness City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 4Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 85 File#:15-0646, Item#: 4. licensingprocess,participateinanenergyandwaterevaluationoftheirfacilitieseverythree(3) years,theFreeResourceEnergyandBusinessEvaluationProgram(FREBE).Theno-costFREBE programassistsbusinessesinloweringtheirmonthlyutilitycostsandsimultaneouslytheir contributions to greenhouse gas emissions and climate change impacts. Specifically,businessesoccupyingaphysicalstorefrontorofficeonacommercialutilitymeterare required to participate in the evaluation program once every three (3) years. StaffisrecommendingamendingChulaVistaMunicipalCodeChapter20.04.50-Businessresource and energy evaluations - to require the evaluation once every five (5) years for the following reasons: Almost all businesses in Chula Vista have gone through an evaluation since 2009. 20%ofthebusinesseshavetakenadvantageoftheSDG&EenergyefficiencyDirectInstall programhavingtheirlightschangedatnocostwithmoreefficientones,andhaving maintenance completed on their HVAC system. SDG&E’snewBusinessEnergySolutionsprogramforenergyupgradesisallowedeveryfive (5) years which allows for a better assessment of energy efficiency impacts over time. Additionally,duringtheimplementationoftheFREBEprogram,somebusinesseshavebeenfinedfor failuretocomply.InordertoalignwiththeEconomicDevelopmentDepartmentgoaltoprovidethe bestpossiblecustomerservice,staffrecommendsremovingthefinecomponentoftheordinance. Businesseswouldbesimplymandatedtoparticipateintheprogramwithnomonetaryenforcement, but rather, monetary enticements in the form of energy savings and cost reduction. The proposed modifications to the ordinance are as follows: Chula Vista Municipal Code Chapter 20.04.050 Business resource and energy evaluations. AllcommercialandindustrialbusinessesintheCityofChulaVistaarerequiredtoparticipateinafree resourceandenergyevaluationoftheirfacilitiestohelpthemidentifyenergyandwaterefficiencyand conservationopportunitiesthatpotentiallyreduceparticipants’recurringutilitycostsand correspondinggreenhousegasemissions.Evaluationsarerequiredwhenanewbusinesslicenseis issuedandnotmorefrequentlythanonceeverythree five yearsorlessfrequentlythanonceevery fiveyearsforarenewedbusinesslicense.BusinessesarerequiredtocooperatewithCitystaffor theirdelegate(s)byproviding:(A)adateandtimefortheevaluationconvenientforthebusiness,(B) accesstotheirfacilitiesfortheevaluationduringtheirregularbusinesshours,(C)authorizationto reviewtheirhistoricalenergyandwaterusage,and(D)asignaturebythebusiness’son-site representativeonacompletedevaluationformacknowledgingthatthebusinesshasreceiveda completedevaluationandrelevantinformationaboutvoluntaryenergyandwaterefficiency improvementopportunities.Businessesarenotrequiredtocompleteevaluationsforfacilityareas beyondtheiroperationalcontrol.Theintentofthissectionistoprovidebusinesseswithano-cost evaluation. City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 4Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 86 File#:15-0646, Item#: 4. A.EvaluationNotificationProcess.Forexistinglicensedbusinesses,theCitywillsendawritten noticenotmorethanonceeverythreefiveyearsthroughtheannualbusinesslicenserenewal packagedistributedbyJanuary1st.Thenoticewillinformbusinessesoftheirevaluationrequirement forthatcalendaryearandprovideinformationallowingthemtoscheduleanappointmentattheir convenience.BusinesseswillberequiredtoscheduleanevaluationforthecalendaryearbyMarch 1st.Fornewlylicensedbusinesses,theCitywillsendawrittennotificationabouttheirevaluation requirementforthatcalendaryearandshallprovidethemwiththecontactinformationneededto scheduleanevaluationassessmentwithin60days.Ifanexistingornewlylicensedbusinessdoes notsetanappointmentduringtheinitial60-dayschedulingperiod,theCityshallsetanevaluation dateandtimeforthebusinessduringtheirregularbusinesshours.Ifdesired,thebusinessmay rescheduletheevaluationappointmentforsometimeduringthatcalendaryearorthenext90days, whichever is greater. B.EvaluationDeliverables.Theevaluationfindings,providedtotheparticipatingbusinessonaform establishedbytheCityManagerinconjunctionwiththelocalutilityandbusinessrepresentatives, mayincludeachartoftheirhistoricalenergyandwaterconsumption,identifiedconservationand efficiencyopportunities,potentialutilitycostsavingsandanestimateofthecorresponding greenhousegasemissionreductions.Theassessmentmayalsoreviewalternativetransportation andothersustainablepracticeswhichthebusinesscouldimplementand/orpromotetoitsemployees andcustomersandanestimateoftheresultinggreenhousegasemissionreductions.TheCitymay alsoprovideinformationandassistanceregardingfederal,stateandlocalrebateprogramsfor efficiencyretrofitsandlow-costfinancingoptionstohelpreducethebusiness’stimeandcostof implementingthevoluntarymeasures.TheCitymayalsoprovidecontactinformationforthelocal utilities’accountandprogramstaffandutility-approvedChulaVistacontractorsthatmayprovide services identified in the evaluation. C.Enforcement.Businesseswhichdonotrespondtotheappointmentnotificationprocessand provideaccessfortheon-siteevaluationshallbesentafollow-upnoticewitha30-dayopportunityto cure.Unresponsivebusinesseswillbesentasecond30-dayremindernotice.Businesseswhichdo notcooperateafterthesecondremindernoticewillbeassessedafinethatshallbesetintheMaster FeeSchedule.Thefinewillbecollectableonthefollowingyear’sbusinesslicenseandincurasix percentinterestrateperannum.Staffmayadministrativelyreduceoreliminateanyportionofthefine foranybusinessthatcompletestheprocess.Failuretoparticipateintheassessmentprocessshall notresultinthesuspensionofabusinesslicenseorpermittooccupythebusinesspremises.Any finescollectedthroughordinanceenforcementwillbeappropriatedtoaBusinessConservationFund whichwillbeusedtopurchasedevicestodistributetobusinessestohelpthemvoluntarilyreduce their energy and water costs. D.Exemptions.Homeoffices,mobilebusinessesandotherbusinessentitiesthatdonothavea commercialutilitygasorelectricmeterareexempt.Businessesoccupyingafacilitywhichhashada completedevaluationwithinatleastthreeyearsthroughtheCity’sprogramorthroughasimilar energyauditprogram(SDG&EorotherCity-recognizedprogram)willbeexempt,includingfacilities havingmultiplebusinesslicenses.TheCitywillalsoprovideanexemptiontobusinessesthat participateinagreenhousegasemissionsreportingprogram(FederalEnvironmentalProtection Agency,theClimateRegistry,orotherCity-recognizedprogram)orpossessacurrentCityofChula VistaCLEANBusinesscertification.Finally,theCityshallgrantanybusinesswithanexemptionofat leastthree five yearswhenoccupyingnewlyconstructedorremodeledfacilitiesthathavean City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 4Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 87 File#:15-0646, Item#: 4. approvedTitle24EnergyEfficiencyReportwithitsbuildingplans.Theseexemptionsdonotpreclude anylicensedbusinesswithacommercialelectricalorgasmeterfromrequestingafreeresourceand energy evaluation at the business’s sole discretion. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Staffhasreviewedthedecisioncontemplatedbythisactionandhasdeterminedthatitisnotsite- specificandconsequently,the500-footrulefoundinCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,section 18705.2(a)(11),isnotapplicabletothisdecisionforpurposesofdeterminingadisqualifyingreal property-relatedfinancialconflictofinterestunderthePoliticalReformAct(Cal.Gov’tCode..87100, et seq.). LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community,StrongandSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.TheFREBEProgram andtheproposedmodificationstotheordinancesupporttheCity’sStrategicPlangoalsofHealthy CommunityandOperationalExcellenceasstaffseekstoreducecommunityenergyuse,thereby improvingairqualityandimprovingthebusinesses’customerserviceexperiencewiththeCity. These modifications will help businesses take advantage of energy saving programs. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT TheapprovaloftheordinancemodificationshasnocurrentyearimpactontheGeneralFund.The activitiesrequiredunderthisordinancearefundedthroughtheCity’sLocalGovernmentPartnership withSanDiegoGas&Electric(SDG&E)andtheCaliforniaPublicUtilitiesCommission(CPUC), through 2021. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT ThereisnoongoingimpacttotheGeneralFund.SDG&ELocalGovernmentPartnershipfundingwill continue to support the program through 2021. Staff Contact:Lynn France, Environmental Services Manager City of Chula VistaPage 4 of 4Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 88 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING MUNICIPAL CODE SECTION20.04.50 –“BUSINESS RESOURCE AND ENERGY EVALUATIONS,”STREAMLINING BUSINESSES’ REQUIREMENTS FOR PARTICIPATION IN RESOURCE AND ENERGY EVALUATIONS(FIRST READING) WHEREAS, in 2009,City Council approved an ordinance that mandated businesses participate in an energy and water evaluation of their facilities, the Free Resource Energy and Business Evaluation Program (FREBE); and WHEREAS, almost allbusinesses in Chula Vista have gone through an evaluation and most have taken advantage of the SDG&E energy efficiency Direct Install program, changing out lights and having heating and air conditioning system upgrades; and WHEREAS, SDG&E’s new Business Energy Solutions program provides for energy upgrades every five (5) years to allow for a truer assessmentof energy efficiency impacts over time; and WHEREAS, as the FREBE program provides businesses with access and information to monetary enticements in the form of energy savings and cost reductions, remove the potential of fines. NOW THEREFORE the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does ordain as follows: Section I.Code Amendment Chula Vista Municipal Code Section 20.04.050 is amended to read as follows: 20.04.050 Business resource and energy evaluations. All commercial and industrial businesses in the City of Chula Vista are required to participate in a free resource and energy evaluation of their facilities to help them identify energy and water efficiency and conservation opportunities that potentially reduce participants’ recurring utility costs and corresponding greenhouse gas emissions. Evaluations are required when a new business license is issued and not more frequently than once every five years or less frequently than once every five years for a renewed business license. Businesses are required to cooperate with City staff or their delegate(s) by providing: (A) a date and time for the evaluation convenient for the business, (B)access to their facilities for the evaluation during their regular business hours, (C) authorization to review their historical energy and water usage, and (D) a signature by the business’s on-site representative on a completed evaluation form acknowledging that the business has received a completed evaluation and relevant information about voluntary energy and water efficiency improvement opportunities. Businesses are not required to complete evaluations for facility areas beyond their C:\\Users\\GRANIC~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\BCL Technologies\\easyPDF 7\\@BCL@C805193B\\@BCL@C805193B.doc ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 89 Ordinance Page 2 operational control. The intent of this section is to provide businesses with a no-cost evaluation. A.Evaluation Notification Process. For existing licensed businesses, the City will send a written notice not more than once every three years through the annual business license renewal package distributed by January 1st. The notice will inform businesses of their evaluation requirement for that calendar year and provide information allowing them to schedule an appointment at their convenience. Businesses will be required to schedule an evaluation for the calendar year by March 1st. For newly licensed businesses, the City will send a written notification about their evaluation requirement for that calendar year and shall provide them with the contact information needed to schedule an evaluation assessment within 60 days. If an existing or newly licensed business does not set an appointment during the initial 60-day scheduling period, the City shall set an evaluation date and time for the business during their regular business hours. If desired, the business may reschedule the evaluation appointment for some time during that calendar year or the next 90 days, whichever is greater. B.Evaluation Deliverables. The evaluation findings, provided to the participating business on a formestablished by the City Manager in conjunction with the local utility and business representatives, may include a chart of their historical energy and water consumption, identified conservation and efficiency opportunities, potential utility cost savings and an estimate of the corresponding greenhouse gas emission reductions. The assessment may also review alternative transportation and other sustainable practices which the business could implement and/or promote to its employees and customers and an estimate of the resulting greenhouse gas emission reductions. The City may also provide information and assistance regarding federal, state and local rebate programs for efficiency retrofits and low-cost financing options to help reduce the business’s time and cost of implementing the voluntary measures. The City may also provide contact information for the local utilities’ account and program staff and utility- approved Chula Vista contractors that may provide services identified in the evaluation. C.Enforcement. Businesses which do not respond to the appointment notification process and provide access for the on-site evaluation shall be sent a follow-up notice with a 30-day opportunity to cure. Unresponsive businesses will be sent a second 30- day reminder notice. D.Exemptions. Home offices, mobile businesses and other business entities that do not have a commercial utility gas or electric meter are exempt. Businesses occupying a facility which has had a completed evaluation within at least three years through the City’s program or through a similar energy audit program (SDG&E or other City- recognized program) will be exempt, including facilities having multiple business licenses. The City will also provide an exemption to businesses that participate in a greenhouse gas emissions reporting program (Federal Environmental Protection Agency, the Climate Registry, or other City-recognized program) or possess a current City of Chula Vista CLEAN Business certification. Finally, the City shall grant any business with anexemption of at least five years when occupying newly constructed or remodeled facilities that have an approved Title 24 Energy Efficiency Report with its ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 90 Ordinance Page 3 building plans. These exemptions do not preclude any licensed business with a commercial electrical or gas meter from requesting a free resource and energy evaluation at the business’s sole discretion. Section II.Severability If any portion of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, isfor any reason held to be invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional, by a court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed severable, and such invalidity, unenforceability or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, or its application to any other person or circumstance. The City Council of the City of Chula Vista hereby declares that it would have adopted each section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sentences, clauses or phrases of the Ordinance be declared invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional. Section III. Construction The City Council of the City of Chula Vista intends this Ordinance to supplement, notto duplicate or contradict, applicable state and federal law and this Ordinance shall be construed in light of that intent. Section IV. Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirtieth day after its final passage. Section V. Publication TheCity Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published or posted according to law. Presented byApproved as to form by ______________________________________________ Eric CrockettGlen R. Googins Economic Development DirectorCity Attorney ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 91 20.04.050 Business resource and energy evaluations. All commercial and industrial businesses in the City of Chula Vista are required to participate in a free resource and energy evaluation of their facilities to help them identify energy and water efficiency and conservation opportunities that potentially reduce participants’ recurring utility costs and corresponding greenhouse gas emissions. Evaluations are required when a new business license is issued and not more frequently than once every three years or less frequently than once every threefiveyears for a renewed business license. Businesses are required to cooperate with City staff or their delegate(s) by providing: (A) a date and time for the evaluation convenient for the business, (B) access to their facilities for the evaluation during their regular business hours, (C) authorization to review their historical energy and water usage, and (D) a signature by the business’s on-site representative on a completed evaluation form acknowledging that the business has received a completed evaluation and relevant information about voluntary energy and water efficiency improvement opportunities. Businesses are not required to complete evaluations for facility areas beyond their operational control. The intent of this section is to provide businesses with a no-cost evaluation. A.Evaluation Notification Process. For existing licensed businesses, the City will send a written notice not more than once every three yearsfiveyearsthrough the annual business license renewal package distributed by January 1st. The notice will inform businesses of their evaluation requirement for that calendar year and provide information allowing them to schedule an appointment at their convenience. Businesses will be required to schedule an evaluation for the calendar year by March 1st. For newly licensed businesses, the City will send a written notification about their evaluation requirement for that calendar year and shall provide them with the contact information needed to schedule an evaluation assessment within 60 days. If an existing or newly licensed business does not set an appointment during the initial 60-day scheduling period, the City shall set an evaluation date and time for the businessduring their regular business hours. If desired, the business may reschedule the evaluation appointment for some time during that calendar year or the next 90 days, whichever is greater. B.Evaluation Deliverables. The evaluation findings, provided to theparticipating business on a form established by the City Manager in conjunction with the local utility and business representatives, may include a chart of their historical energy and water consumption, identified conservation and efficiency opportunities, potential utility cost savings and an estimate of the corresponding greenhouse gas emission reductions. The assessment may also review alternative transportation and other sustainable practices which the business could implement and/or promote to its employees and customers and an estimate of the resulting greenhouse gas emission reductions. The City may also provide information and assistance regarding federal, state and local rebate programs for efficiency retrofits and low-cost financing options to help reduce the business’s time and cost of implementing the voluntary measures. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 92 The City may also provide contact information for the local utilities’ account and program staff and utility- approved Chula Vista contractors that may provide services identifiedin the evaluation. C.Enforcement. Businesses which do not respond to the appointment notification process and provide access for the on-site evaluation shall be sent a follow-up notice with a 30-day opportunity to cure. Unresponsive businesses will be sent a second 30-day reminder notice. Businesses which do not cooperate after the second reminder notice will be assessednot be fined.a fine that shall be set in the Master Fee Schedule. The fine will be collectable on the following year’s business license and incur a six percent interest rate per annum. Staff may administratively reduce or eliminate any portion of the fine for any business that completes the process. Failure to participate in the assessment process shall not result in the suspension of a business license or permit to occupy the business premises. Any fines collected through ordinance enforcement will be appropriated to a Business Conservation Fund which will be used to purchase devices to distribute to businesses to help them voluntarily reduce their energy and water costs. D.Exemptions. Home offices, mobile businesses and other business entities that do not have a commercial utility gas or electric meter are exempt. Businesses occupying a facility which has had a completed evaluation within at least three fiveyears through the City’s program or through a similar energy audit program (SDG&E or other City-recognized program) will be exempt, including facilities having multiple business licenses. The City will also provide an exemption to businesses that participate in a greenhouse gas emissions reporting program (Federal Environmental Protection Agency, the Climate Registry, or other City-recognized program) or possess a current City of Chula Vista CLEAN Business certification. Finally, the City shall grant any business with an exemption of at least three fiveyears when occupying newly constructed or remodeled facilities that have an approved Title 24 Energy Efficiency Report with its building plans. These exemptions do not preclude any licensed business with a commercial electrical or gas meter from requesting a free resource and energy evaluation at the business’s sole discretion. (Ord. 3145 §1, 2009; Ord. 3135 §1, 2009; Ord. 3119 §1, 2008). ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 93 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0676, Item#: 5. RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAPPROVINGTHE AGREEMENTBETWEENTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAANDTHECALIFORNIAPRODUCT STEWARDSHIPCOUNCIL(CPSC)ESTABLISHINGCOLLECTIONLOCATIONSFOR HOUSEHOLDBATTERIESANDONE-POUNDGASCYLINDERS;WAIVINGTHECOMPETITIVE BID REQUIREMENT AS ALLOWED PER CVMC 2.56.070B4 AND 2.56.090.B.2 AND B.3 RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolution. SUMMARY StaffrecommendsthatCouncilwaivethecompetitivebidrequirementandapprovetheagreement betweenCaliforniaProductStewardshipCouncil(CPSC)andtheCityofChulaVista.CPSChasthe uniqueexpertiseandperformancecapabilitiestoassistCitystaffindevelopingadditional,convenient collection sites for household batteries and one-pound gas cylinders. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Notice TheProjectqualifiesforaClass1CategoricalExemptionpursuanttoSection15301(Existing Facilities) of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines. Environmental Determination TheDirectorofDevelopmentServiceshasreviewedtheproposedprojectforcompliancewiththe CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andhasdeterminedthattheprojectqualifiesforaClass 1CategoricalExemptionpursuanttoSection15301(ExistingFacilities)oftheStateCEQA Guidelines. Thus, no further environmental review is required. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable DISCUSSION TheCityofChulaVistaappliedforaCalRecycleGranttoimplementanewregionaloutreach programtoencourageresidentstorecyclebatteriesandsmallgascylindersatretailandcommunity locations.CalRecycleawardeda$90,000granttotheCityandCouncilacceptedthegrantand appropriated the funds on August 18, 2015, (Resolution 2015-201). StaffrequeststhatCouncilwaivethecompetitivebidrequirementandapprovetheagreementwith CaliforniaProductStewardshipCouncil(CPSC)asCPSCwasapartnerontheoriginalgrant applicationwhichmadetheproposedprojectviabletoCalRecycle.CPSChastheexpertiseand performancecapabilitiestoassistCitystaffindevelopingadditional,convenient,collectionsitesfor City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 2Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 94 File#:15-0676, Item#: 5. householdbatteriesandone-poundgascylindersduetotheirextensiveknowledge,experience,and corporaterelationshipinTehama,Mariposa,SantaCruz,andSanBenitocountiesandthecitiesof OakGrove,MountainView,PaloAltoandSunnyvale,developingretail“take-back”collectionsitesfor theseproducts.CPSChasdevelopedcontactsandrelationshipswiththeretailsites(andtheir regional/corporateoffices)wherecollectionprogramcollectioncontainerswillbeestablished.Chula VistaiscapitalizingonCPSC’sexperienceandexpertisedevelopedandutilizedbytheseother jurisdictionstoprovideChulaVistaresidentswithadditional,convenientdrop-offlocationsinaddition totheHouseholdHazardousWasteDrop-offFacilitylocatedattheCity’sPublicWorksYard,1800 Maxwell Road, Chula Vista, 91911. CPSChaspreparedmultiplemulti-mediapromotionalcampaignstoencourageparticipationand properdisposalutilizingprint,TV,radio,socialandothermediafromtheirworkwithother jurisdictionswhichwillbecustomizedforChulaVista.CPSCwillcollectdata,performsitemonitoring and prepare grant reports. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Staffhasreviewedthedecisioncontemplatedbythisactionandhasdeterminedthatitisnotsite- specificandconsequently,the500-footrulefoundinCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,section 18705.2(a)(11)isnotapplicabletothisdecisionforthepurposeofdeterminingadisqualifyingreal property-relatedfinancialconflictofinterestunderthePoliticalReformAct(Cal.Gov’tCode§87100, etseq.)Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyCouncilmember,ofany other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community,StrongandSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.ThisHousehold HazardousWasteGrantProgramsupportstheCity’sHealthyCommunitygoalbyproviding additional,convenient,andappropriaterecyclinganddisposaloptionsforbatteriesandsmallgas cylinders in addition to the Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off Facility at the Public Works Yard. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT ApprovalofthiscontractwillhavenocurrentyearfiscalimpacttotheGeneralFundasthe$70,725is fundedbygrantsandtheEnvironmentalServicesfund.Allgrantactivitieswillbefullyfunded throughout the term of the Agreement and will not require General Fund appropriations. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT Therewillbenoon-goingfiscalimpacttotheGeneralFundasaresultofthiswork.Fundingforthis workwillbecoveredbytheHouseholdHazardousWasteGrantProgramFiscalYear2015-16and the Environmental Services fund. ATTACHMENTS CPSC contract Staff Contact:Lynn France, Environmental Services Manager (619) 585-5790 City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 2Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 95 RESOLUTION NO. __________ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY AND CALIFORNIA PRODUCT STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL (CPSC) ESTABLISHING COLLECTION LOCATIONSFOR HOUSEHOLD BATTERIES AND ONE-POUND GAS CYLINDERS;WAIVINGTHE COMPETITIVE BID REQUIREMENT AS ALLOWED PER CVMC 2.56.070.B.4 AND 2.56.090.B.2 AND B.3 et seq. WHEREAS, California Public Resources Code sections 40000 authorizes theDepartment of Resources and Recovery (CalRecycle) to administer various grant programs in furtherance of the State of California’s efforts to reduce, recycle and reuse solid waste generated in the State thereby preserving landfill capacity and protecting public health and safety and the environment; and WHEREAS,The City of Chula Vista received CalRecycle Grantof $90,000to implement a new regional outreach program to encourage residents to recycle batteries and single-use small propane gas cylinders at retail sites; and WHEREAS,The City of Chula Vista developed thisgrant proposal with the assistance of the California Product Stewardship Council (CPSC) using data and projections used in other successful grant programs administered by CPSC; and WHEREAS, CPSC has the unique expertise and performance capabilities due to their extensive knowledge and proven success to developother retail “take-back” programsfor batteries and single-use small propane gas cylinders throughout California in jurisdictions of similar size and demographics to Chula Vistaand the City’s best interests would be better served by selecting CPSC as the contractor to perform the services needed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it approves the agreement between City of Chula Vista and California Product Stewardship Council for $70,725, intheform presented, with such minor modifications as may be required or approved by the City Attorney, a copy of which , shall be kepton file in the Office of the Cityand authorizesand directsthe Mayorto executesame; and waivesthe competitive bid requirement, pursuant to CVMC sections 2.56.070. B.4 and 2.56.090.B.2,and B.3. PresentedbyApproved as to form by EricCrockettGlen R. Googins EconomicDevelopment DirectorCity Attorney C:\\Users\\GRANIC~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\BCL Technologies\\easyPDF 7\\@BCL@6405B0C3\\@BCL@6405B0C3.docx ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 96 C:\\Users\\GRANIC~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\BCL Technologies\\easyPDF 7\\@BCL@6405B0C3\\@BCL@6405B0C3.docx ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 97 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 98 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 99 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 100 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 101 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 102 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 103 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 104 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 105 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 106 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 107 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 108 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 109 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 110 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 111 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 112 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 113 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 114 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 115 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 116 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 117 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 118 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 119 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 120 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 121 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 122 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0688, Item#: 6. RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAPPROVINGAN AGREEMENTINTHEAMOUNTOF$150,000BETWEENTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAANDTHE CENTERFORSUSTAINABLEENERGY(CSE)FORSUPPORTINIMPLEMENTINGTHECITYOF CHULA VISTA’S SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES PROGRAM RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolution. SUMMARY Staffhaspreparedatwo-partyagreementwiththeCenterforSustainableEnergy(CSE)forsupport inimplementingtheCityofChulaVista’sSustainableCommunitiesProgram.Thepurposeofthe agreementistoperformavarietyoftasks,suchaseducationandtrainingforstaffandforthe developmentcommunity,codecoaching,secondaryinspectionsandinspectionsupportservices. Theseeffortswillpromoteenergyefficiencyandreducedgreenhousegasemissionsaspartofthe planning and building process. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Notice Theactivityisnota“Project”asdefinedunderSection15378oftheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality ActStateGuidelines;therefore,pursuanttoStateGuidelinesSection15060(c)(3)noenvironmental review is required. Environmental Determination TheproposedactivityhasbeenreviewedforcompliancewiththeCaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality Act(CEQA)andithasbeendeterminedthattheactivityisnota“Project”asdefinedunderSection 15378oftheStateCEQAGuidelinesbecauseitwillnotresultinaphysicalchangeinthe environment;therefore,pursuanttoSection15060(c)(3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelines,theactivity is not subject to CEQA. Thus, no environmental review is required. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable. DISCUSSION TheCityispartofaLocalGovernmentPartnership(LGP)withSanDiegoGas&Electric(SDGE)to promoteenergyefficiencyinChulaVista.AspartoftheLGP,theCityofChulaVistaestablisheda SustainableCommunitiesProgramin2009,toinvestigateandupdateexistingprograms,guidelines andregulationstoreflecttheadvancesthathavebeenmadeinbothgreenbuildingandenergy conservationforbuildingsaswellascommunity-andproject-levelsiteplanningconsiderations. Becausetechnologiesandstandardsareconstantlyevolving,theCity’sSCPalsoemphasizes City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 3Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 123 File#:15-0688, Item#: 6. ongoingeducationandsupportforstaff,developersandpermitapplicants.TheCityenteredintoan agreementwithSDGEforthe2016fundingcycle,withcertaingoalsandobjectivesforits Sustainable Communities Program. Qualifications DuetoCSE’suniquequalificationsandenergyefficiencyexpertise,theCityofChulaVista accomplishedthefollowingin2015:Fifteen(15)trainingsonvariousenergyefficiencytopics(trained over200attendees);providedone-on-onesupportforenergyefficientdesigntostaffandtothe developmentcommunity;anddevelopededucationaltoolssuchasenergycodeandgreenbuilding codecorrectionlists,checklists,andwebsiteupdates.Basedonthisuniqueexperience,resultingin theCity`sinterestsbeingmateriallybetterservedbycontinuingitspartnershipwithCSE,withinthe meaningofChulaVistaMunicipalCodesection2.56.070(B)(3)and(4),theCenterforSustainable EnergyhasbeenselectedtocontinueassistingtheCityinitsSustainableCommunitieseffortsfor 2016. Scope of Work ThefollowingsummarizestheproposedscopeofworktobeperformedbytheCSEteam,in accordance with the LGP agreement: · Training of staff and development community · Code coaching and Sustainability Desk staffing · Secondary inspections and inspection support for Energy Code compliance DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Staffhasreviewedthedecisioncontemplatedbythisactionandhasdeterminedthatitisnotsite- specificandconsequently,the500-footrulefoundinCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,section 18702.2(a)(11),isnotapplicabletothisdecisionforpurposesofdeterminingadisqualifyingreal property-relatedfinancialconflictofinterestunderthePoliticalReformAct(Cal.Gov'tCode§87100, et seq.). Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyCityCouncilmember,ofany other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community,StrongandSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.Implementationofthe SCPsupportstheHealthyCommunitygoal,astheSCPseekstopromoteenergyefficiencyand reducegreenhousegasemissionsbyinfusingsustainablepracticesintotheplanningandbuilding process. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT ThereisnonetfiscalimpacttotheGeneralFundresultingfromtheproposedagreement.Thecost fortheproposedscopeofworkis$150,000.ThefundsfortheSustainableCommunitiesProgram havebeenappropriatedandareprovidedthroughtheLocalGovernmentPartnershipwithSDGE; staff has confirmed that the proposed work is an eligible expense under the Partnership Agreement. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 3Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 124 File#:15-0688, Item#: 6. There is no ongoing fiscal impact to the General Fund. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 - Two-Party Agreement with CSE Attachment 2 - Resolution for CSE Agreement Staff Contact: Janice Kluth, Permit Counter Manager, Development Services Department City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 3Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 125 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 126 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 127 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 128 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 129 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 130 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 131 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 132 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 133 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 134 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 135 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 136 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 137 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 138 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 139 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 140 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 141 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 142 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 143 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 144 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 145 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 146 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 147 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 148 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 149 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 150 RESOLUTION NO. __________ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING AN AGREEMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF$150,000 BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND THE CENTER FOR SUSTAINABLE ENERGY (CSE) FOR SUPPORT IN IMPLEMENTING THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA’S SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES PROGRAM WHEREAS, the Cityof Chula Vista participates in a Local Government Partnership(LGP) with San Diego Gas and Electric (SDGE) to promote energy efficiency in the City ofChula Vista,and a portion of the LGP activities focus on Sustainable Communities; and WHEREAS, the Cityentered into an agreement with SDGE for the 2016LGP funding cycle, with certain goals and objectives for its Sustainable Communities Program; and WHEREAS, due to energy efficiency-related code changesand an increasein economic activity, the City hired a consultant to supportthe implementation of its SCP goals and objectives; and WHEREAS, the Center for Sustainable Energy( CSE) responded to a Request forProposals and was selected in 2014, for the purpose of assisting the Cityin implementing itsSustainable Communities Program ( 2014-5); and WHEREAS, due to CSE's unique qualifications and energyefficiency expertise, the City accomplished the following in 2015: Fifteen (15)trainingsonvarious energy efficiency topics(trained over 200 attendees); provided one-on-one support for energy efficient design to staff andto the development community;and developed educational tools such as energy code and greenbuilding code correction lists,checklists,and website updates. Based on this unique experience, resulting in the City`s interests being materially better served by continuingits partnership withCSE, within the meaningof Chula Vista Municipal Code section 2.56.070( B)(3) and (4), theCenter for Sustainable Energy has been selected to continue assisting the Cityin its Sustainable Communities efforts for 2016;and WHEREAS, the cost for the proposed scope of work is approximately $150,000; and WHEREAS, the Agreement, a copy of whichis on file in the City Clerk’s Office, will not impact the City' s General Fund, since these fundsarean eligible expense under the Local Government Partnership and will be fullyreimbursed;and C:\\Users\\GRANIC~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\BCL Technologies\\easyPDF 7\\@BCL@C4051FFC\\@BCL@C4051FFC.doc ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 151 Resolution No. Page 2 WHEREAS, the project qualifies for an Exemption pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines; and WHEREAS, Consultant warrantsand represents that it is experienced and staffed in amanner such that it can deliver the services required of Consultant to City in accordance with thetime frames and the terms and conditions of the Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it finds the recitals to be true and correct and approves the Resolution of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista approving a $150,000 agreement between the City and the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) for support in implementing the City of Chula Vista’s Sustainable Communities Program, insubstantially the form presented, with such minor modifications as may be required or approved by the City Attorney, a copy of which shall be kepton file in the Office of the City Clerk,and authorizesand directsthe Mayor or her designeeto execute same. Presented byApproved as to form by Kelly G. Broughton, FASLAGlen R. Googins Director of Development ServicesCity Attorney ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 152 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0007, Item#: 7. RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAMENDINGTHEFISCAL YEAR2015/2016OTHERGRANTSFUNDBUDGETBYAPPROPRIATING$34,290TOACCEPTA GRANT FROM ROY AND MARIAN HOLLEMAN FOUNDATION (4/5 VOTE REQUIRED) RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolution. SUMMARY TheAnimalCareFacilityreceivedagrantintheamountof$34,290fromtheRoyandMarian HollemanFoundationThesefundswillbeusedtoimproveon-sitesafetyforanimalsandstaff, finalizeimprovementstoemergencystorage,andimprovedogkennelsbyconvertingtwoadjacent areas to accommodate dog wash and food preparation functions. Staffrequeststhat$34,290beappropriatedtotheSuppliesandServicesbudgetoftheAnimalCare Facility Department budget; this appropriation will be fully offset by grant revenue. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Notice Theactivityisnota“Project”asdefinedunderSection15378oftheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality ActStateGuidelines;therefore,pursuanttoStateGuidelinesSection15060(c)(3)noenvironmental review is required. Environmental Determination TheDevelopmentServicesDirectorhasreviewedtheproposedactivityforcompliancewiththe CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andhasdeterminedthattheactivityisnota“Project”as definedunderSection15378(b)(5)oftheStateCEQAGuidelinesbecauseitwillnotresultina physicalchangeintheenvironment;therefore,pursuanttoSection15060(c)(3)oftheStateCEQA Guidelines, the activity is not subject to CEQA. Thus, no environmental review is necessary. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable DISCUSSION Followingmulti-yearexpansionsoftheCattery,Cottage,andartificially-turfedexerciseyards,staff attentionhasfocusedonfacilitysecurityandsafetywhentransportinganimals.Self-closinggates and an emergency storage container will assist both areas. DogsenteringtheACFareoftenlost,abandonedorhavenotbeenwellcaredfor.Currently,when City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 2Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 153 File#:16-0007, Item#: 7. dogsarebathed,staffusesasmallsinkinagroomingareaoracinderblockshowerarea.The currentgroomingroomisinconvenientlylocatedandnotconduciveforitspurpose.Convertingone areaadjacenttoakennelbaytoadogwashincludesaddingadog-washtub,easystaffaccessto appropriateshampoos,cleantowelsandfloorcoveringintendedtominimizeslipping.Theresultwill be greater efficiency for staff and increased comfort for dogs. Convertingasecondareaadjacenttoanotherdogbaywillimprovefoodpreparationandincrease sanitation. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Staffhasreviewedthedecisioncontemplatedbythisactionandhasdeterminedthatitisnotsite- specificandconsequently,the500-footrulefoundinCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,section 18702.2(a)(11),isnotapplicabletothisdecisionforpurposesofdeterminingadisqualifyingreal property-relatedfinancialconflictofinterestunderthePoliticalReformAct(Cal.Gov'tCode§87100, et seq.). Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyCityCouncilmember,ofany other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community, Strong and Secure Neighborhoods and a Connected Community. Supportsoperationalexcellencebyimprovingon-sitesafetyforanimalsandstaff,finalizing improvementstoemergencystorage,andimprovingdogkennelsbyconvertingtwoadjacentareasto accommodate dog wash and food preparation functions. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT ThereisnonetfiscalimpacttotheGeneralFund.Approvaloftheresolutionwillresultin appropriation of $34,290 to the Other Grants Fund Budget. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT There is no ongoing fiscal impact. ATTACHMENTS None Staff Contact: Mariya G. Anton, Animal Care Administrator City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 2Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 154 RESOLUTION NO. 2016- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2015/16 OTHER GRANTS FUND BUDGET BY APPROPRIATING $34,290 TO ACCEPT A GRANT FROM ROY AND MARIAN HOLLEMAN FOUNDATION WHEREAS, in October 2015the Chula Vista Animal Care Facility applied for a grant and was awarded a grant from the Roy and Marian Holleman Foundation; and WHEREAS, the Animal Care Facility will use these funds to improve on-site safety for animals and staff; and WHEREAS, the Animal Care Facility will be able to finalize improvements to emergency storage, and improve dog kennelsto accommodate dog wash and food preparation functions. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista approves an amendment to the Fiscal Year 2015/16 Other Grants Fund Budget by appropriating $34,290 to the Supplies and Servicesexpense category to be offset by grant funding. Presented byApproved as to form by _________________________________________________________________________ MariyaG.AntonGlen R. Googins Animal Care Facility AdministratorCity Attorney C:\\Users\\GRANIC~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\BCL Technologies\\easyPDF 7\\@BCL@500603CA\\@BCL@500603CA.doc ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 155 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0005, Item#: 8. CONSIDERATIONOFAMENDINGCHAPTER19.02OFTHECHULAVISTAMUNICIPALCODE TO AFFIRM PERMISSIVE ZONING AND CLARIFY PROHIBITED USES A.EMERGENCYORDINANCEOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAMENDINGCHAPTER19.02OF THECHULAVISTAMUNICIPALCODETOAFFIRMPERMISSIVEZONINGPRINCIPLESANDTO CLARIFYTHATUSESPROHIBITEDELSEWHEREINTHEMUNICIPALCODEAREALSO PROHIBITED LAND USES (4/5 VOTE REQUIRED) B.ORDINANCEOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAMENDINGCHAPTER19.02OFTHECHULA VISTAMUNICIPALCODETOAFFIRMPERMISSIVEZONINGPRINCIPLESANDTOCLARIFY THATUSESPROHIBITEDELSEWHEREINTHEMUNICIPALCODEAREALSOPROHIBITED LAND USES (FIRST READING) RECOMMENDED ACTION Councilconductthepublichearing,adoptemergencyordinance(A),andplaceordinance(B)onfirst reading. SUMMARY Underrecentlyenactedstatelaw,unlesslocaljurisdictionsenactrulesgoverningthecultivationof medicalmarijuanabyMarch1,2016,statelawswillpreemptlocallawsinthisarea.Consistentwith previousCityCouncilaction,thisitemclarifiesasamatterofcityzoninglawsthatmedicalmarijuana cultivationandanyandallotherprohibitedandnotexpresslyallowedusesarenotpermittedwithin theCity.ThisactionbothclarifiestheCity’sexistinglawsandavoidsanyargumentthatstatelaws st willpreemptCitylawsinthisareastartingonMarch1.ThisactiondoesnotpreventtheCityfrom changing its own laws at a later date. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Notice Theactivityisnota“Project”asdefinedunderSection15378oftheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality ActStateGuidelines;therefore,pursuanttoStateGuidelinesSection15060(c)(3)noenvironmental reviewisrequired.Notwithstandingtheforegoing,theactivityqualifiesforanExemptionpursuantto Section 15061(b)(3) of the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines. Environmental Determination TheproposedactivityhasbeenreviewedforcompliancewiththeCaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality Act(CEQA)andithasbeendeterminedthattheactivityisnota“Project”asdefinedunderSection 15378ofthestateCEQAGuidelinesbecauseitwillnotresultinaphysicalchangeinthe environment;therefore,pursuanttoSection15060(c)(3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelines,theactivityis notsubjecttotheCEQA.Notwithstandingtheforegoingithasalsobeendeterminedthatthereisno City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 4Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 156 File#:16-0005, Item#: 8. possibilitythattheactivitymayhaveasignificanteffectontheenvironment;therefore,pursuantto Section15061(b)(3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelines,theactivityisnotsubjecttotheCEQA.Thus,no environmental review is required. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION ThisitemwenttothePlanningCommissiononJanuary13,2016forarecommendationforapproval. ThePlanningCommissionapproved,witha5-0-1vote,aresolutionrecommendingapprovalofthe ordinances.Toreviewtheapprovedresolution,pleaseseePlanningCommissionResolutionMPA16- 0001 attached. DISCUSSION SincethevotersoftheStateofCaliforniaapprovedProposition215in1996,seriouslyillCalifornians, underthecareofaphysician,havebeengrantedlimitedcriminalimmunityfromstateprosecutionfor thepossession,use,andcultivationofmedicalmarijuana.Localgovernments,however,have maintainedpolicepowersundertheCaliforniaConstitutiontoregulateorprohibitthesale, distribution, or cultivation of medical marijuana within their respective jurisdictions. TheChulaVistaCityCouncilconsideredandadoptedOrdinance3204onSeptember20,2011, whichprohibitstheoperationofmedicalmarijuanadispensariesandthecultivationofmedical marijuanawithintheCity.Inconsideringadoptionoftheordinance,theCityCouncilreviewedthe PublicSafetySubcommitteerecommendation,staffpresentations,andpublicinput.Attheconclusion ofthisreview,theCityCouncilexpressedadesireto:1)preventthenegativesecondaryeffects associatedwithmedicalmarijuanafacilities,suchasincreasedcrime,loitering,andunderage access;and2)protecttheabilityofseriouslyillpatientstoaccessmedicalmarijuana.Ordinance 3204accomplishesthesegoalsbyenactingChapter5.66oftheChulaVistaMunicipalCode.For furtherexplanationofCityCouncilaction,pleaseseeCityCouncilOrdinance3204(adopted September 20, 2011) and City Council Agenda Statement Item 14 (September 13, 2011) attached. Chapter5.66iscontainedwithintheBusinessLicenses,TaxesandRegulationssectionofthe MunicipalCodeandprohibitsfixedfacilitiesfromdispensing,selling,orcultivatingmedicalmarijuana; specificprovisionsexemptfacilitiestraditionallyassociatedwithmedicalandresidentialcarefromthe Chapter. SinceOrdinance3204wasapproved,Californiacourtshaveissueddecisionsin CityofRiversidev. InlandEmpirePatientsHealthandWellnessCenter,Inc.and Maralv.CityofLiveOak affirmingthat citiesdohavetheauthoritytobanbothmedicalmarijuanadispensariesandthecultivationofmedical marijuana under the police powers granted to them in the California Constitution. StaffisnowrecommendingthatCityCouncilamendTitle19inresponsethenewlyenactedMedical MarijuanaRegulationandSafetyAct(the“Act”).TheAct,whichbecameeffectiveonJanuary1, 2016,providesnewandcomprehensiveregulationoverthecultivation,processing,transporting, testinganddistributionofmedicalcannabis(i.e.,marijuana)toqualifiedpatientsunderadualstate- locallicensingscheme.However,theActcontainsanewstatutoryprovisioninHealth&SafetyCode section11362.777(c)(4)thatrequireslocalgovernmentstohavelanduseregulationsorordinances City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 4Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 157 File#:16-0005, Item#: 8. regulatingorprohibitingcultivationofmedicalmarijuana,eitherexpresslyorundertheprinciplesof permissivezoning,priortoMarch1,2016.Intheeventthatalocalgovernmentdoesnothavethe applicableregulation,ordinance,orexpresszoningprinciplepriortoMarch1,2016,thestatewill becomethesolelicensingauthorityformedicalmarijuanacultivationapplicantsinthatlocal jurisdiction.InresponsetoconcernfromtheLeagueofCaliforniaCitiesandotherentities,California AssemblyMemberWoodhasintroducedAssemblyBill21,whichwoulddeletetheprovisionthat grantsthestatesolelicensingauthorityunderthosecircumstances;however,AB21hasnotyet passed the Senate and the deadline for local jurisdictions remains in place. AlthoughtheCityofChulaVistacurrentlyprohibitsthecultivationofmedicalmarijuanainits BusinessLicenseandRegulationtitle,itdoesnotexplicitlyprohibitthecultivationofmarijuanaasa landuseinTitle19,itszoningcode.BecauseHealth&SafetyCodesection11362.777(c)(4)requires a landuse regulationorordinanceregulatingorprohibitingcultivationofmarijuana,staffis recommendingthatChapter19.02beamendedtoclarifythatactionsprohibitedelsewhereinthe Municipal Code, such as the cultivation of marijuana, are also prohibited as a land use under Title 19. Inaddition,becausetheCity’szoningcodehastraditionallyoperatedundertheprincipalsof permissivezoning,staffisrecommendingthatChapter19.02beamendedtoexplicitlyaffirmsuchin lightofthenewlegislationandpendingdeadline.A“permissivezoning”codehasbeendefinedby theCaliforniaCourtsofAppealin CityofCoronav.Naulls and CityofMontereyv.Carrnshimba asa zoningcodethatoperatestoprohibitanynon-permitteduse.Suchamendmentwouldaffirmthat because the cultivation of medical marijuana is not permitted as a land use, it is therefore prohibited. TheseproposedamendmentstoChapter19.02maintainthestatusquoandareintendedtosecure theCity’sfuturepowertoregulateorbanthecultivationofmarijuanawithinitsjurisdiction.Although theCitycurrentlyprohibitsthecultivationofmedicalmarijuana,suchamendmentswillprotectthe City’s ability to maintain or change its laws regarding cultivation at a later date. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Staffhasreviewedthedecisioncontemplatedbythisactionandhasdeterminedthatitisnotsite specificandconsequentlythe500footrulefoundinCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,section 18702.2(a)(11)isnotapplicabletothisdecisionforpurposeofdeterminingadisqualifyingreal property-relatedfinancialconflictofinterestunderthePoliticalReformAct(Cal.Gov.Codesection 87100,et seq.). Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyPlanningCommissionmember, of any other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community,StrongandSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.Theamendmentto Title19supportstheOperationalExcellenceandStrongandSecureNeighborhoodsgoalsasit seekstoclarifytheCity'szoningcodeandtomaintainlocaljurisdictionoverthecultivationof City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 4Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 158 File#:16-0005, Item#: 8. marijuana in the City. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT The subject amendment to Title 19 results in no current year fiscal impact to the City. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT The subject amendment to Title 19 results in no ongoing fiscal impact to the City. ATTACHMENTS 1. Planning Commission Resolution No. MPA16-0001 2. City Council Agenda Statement Item 14 (September 13, 2011) 3. City Council Ordinance 3204 (adopted September 20, 2011) 4. City Council Emergency Ordinance (Version A) No. XXXX 5. City Council Ordinance (Version B) No. XXXX Staff Contact: Megan McClurg City of Chula VistaPage 4 of 4Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 159 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 160 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 161 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 162 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 163 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 164 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 165 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 166 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 167 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 168 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 169 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 170 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 171 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 172 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 173 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 174 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 175 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 176 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 177 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 178 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 179 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 180 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 181 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 182 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 183 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 184 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 185 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 186 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 187 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 188 ORDINANCE NO._______________ AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCEOF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTAAMENDING CHAPTER 19.02 OF THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE TO AFFIRM PERMISSIVE ZONING PRINCIPLES AND TO CLARIFY THAT USES PROHIBITED ELSEWHERE IN THE MUNICIPAL CODE ARE ALSO PROHIBITED LAND USES WHEREAS, the impetus for this subject amendment to Municipal Code Chapter 19.02 stems from the state laws governing medical marijuana; and WHEREAS,on October 9, 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed the “Medical Marijuana Regulation andSafety Act” (the “Act”), which is comprised of the state legislative bills known as AB 243, AB 266, and SB 643, into law; and WHEREAS, the Act becomes effective January 1, 2016 and contains provisions that govern the cultivating, processing, transporting, testing, and distributing of medical cannabis (i.e., marijuana) to qualified patients; and WHEREAS, the Act states that a local government that wishes to prevent marijuana cultivation, as defined in the Business and Professions Code section 19300.5(l), must have a land use regulation or ordinance regulating or prohibiting the cultivation of marijuana, either expressly or otherwise under the principles of permissive zoning, prior to March 1, 2016 to retain jurisdiction over such cultivation (Health and Safety Code 11362.777(c)(4)); and WHEREAS, the Chula Vista Municipal Code expressly prohibits the cultivation of medical marijuana in Title 5, section 5.66.020; and WHEREAS, the Chula Vista Municipal Code in Title 19 operates as a permissive zoning code, whereby uses not expressly permitted are prohibited; and WHEREAS, it is necessary that this Emergency Ordinance be immediately enacted to ensure that the City of Chula Vista meets the March 1, 2016 deadline required to maintain jurisdiction over the cultivation of marijuana under state law; and WHEREAS, the Director of Development Services has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the state CEQA Guidelines because it will not result in a physical change in the environment; therefore, pursuant to Section 15060(c)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines, the activity is not subject to the CEQA. In addition, and notwithstanding the foregoing, the Director of Development Services has also determined that there is no possibility that the activity may have a significant effect on the environment; therefore, pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines, the activity is not subject to the CEQA. Thus, no environmental review is required; and ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 189 WHEREAS,the Planning Commission previously held a public hearing on this matter and recommends that the City Council affirm permissive zoning principlesand clarify that uses prohibited elsewhere in the Municipal Code are also prohibited land uses; and WHEREAS, the Director of Development Services set the time and place for a public hearing on the Amendment to Chapter19.02, and notice of the public hearing, together with its purpose, was given by its publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Cityat least 10 days prior to the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista hereby makes the following findings: Section I. 1.That section 19.08.020 of the Municipal Code currently declares unlawful any land usesnot permitted in the City of Chula Vista, as such, the City Council findsand affirmsthat the City’s Zoning Code has and continues to operate as a permissive zoning code. Therefore, the City Council desires to enact an ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 19.02 to affirm and make clear that Title 19 operates under permissive zoning principles and that any use not permitted, including the cultivation of marijuana, is prohibited. 2.That while cultivation of marijuana is currently prohibited under the City’s permissive zoning regimen and under Chapter 5.66 of the City’s Municipal Code, the City Council desires to amend Chapter 19.02to make clear that any action prohibited elsewhere in the Municipal Code, which would include the cultivation of medical marijuana under Chapter 5.66, is also prohibited as a land use under Title 19. 3.On January 26, 2016, the City Council held a public meeting during which it considered the adoption of this Emergency Ordinance pursuant to California Government Code § 36937 and the Chula Vista Charter § 311. Both California Government Code § 36937 and Chula Vista Charter § 311 allow the adoption ofsuch emergency ordinances to take effect immediately to ensure the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety and general welfare in the City of Chula Vista. 4.The City Council finds that the amendments to the City’s Municipal Code implemented by this Emergency Ordinance are immediately necessary as an emergency measure in order to meet the March 1, 2016 deadline imposed by newly enacted California Health and Safety Code § 11362.777(c)(4). The Emergency Ordinance is necessary to protect the public safety, health, and welfare of Chula Vista residents as it maintains and secures local jurisdiction over the cultivation of medical marijuana and prevents negative secondary side effects related to the cultivation of medical marijuana as previously recognized by the City Council in its adoption of Chula Vista Ordinance 3204 on September 20, 2011. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 190 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA DOES FURTHER ORDAIN as follows: SectionII. That Chapter 19.02 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code is herebyamended to read as follows: Chapter 19.02 –General Provisions 19.02.070 Permissive Zoning Principle The provisions of this title are governed by the principles of permissive zoning, whereby any use not permitted is prohibited. 19.02.080Actions Prohibited Elsewhere In Code Actions prohibited elsewhere in this code are also prohibited as land uses under this Title. Section III.Severability If any portion of this Emergency Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance,is for anyreason held to be invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional, by a court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed severable, and such invalidity, unenforceability or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of the Emergency Ordinance, or its application to any other person or circumstance. The City Council of the City of Chula Vista hereby declares that it would have adopted each section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Emergency Ordinance, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sentences, clauses or phrases of the Emergency Ordinance be declared invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional. Section IV. Construction The City Council of the City of Chula Vista intends this Emergency Ordinance to supplement,not to duplicate or contradict, applicable state and federal law and this Emergency Ordinance shall be construed in light of that intent. Section V. Effective Date This Emergency Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon adoption by the City Council. Section VI. Publication The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published or posted according to law. Presented by:Approved as to form by: ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 191 ___________________________________________________________________ Glen R. Googins Kelly Broughton, FASLA Development Services DirectorCity Attorney ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 192 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California on this 26thday of January, 2016, by the following vote: AYES:Councilmembers: NAYS:Councilmembers: ABSENT:Councilmembers: ABSTAIN:Councilmemebers: ____________________________________ Mary Casillas Salas, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ Donna Norris, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) ss. CITY OF CHULA VISTA) I, Donna Norris, City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, California, do hereby certify that the foregoingEmergency Ordinance No. XXXX wasadoptedat a regular meeting of said City th Council held on the 26day of January, 2016. th Executed this 26day of January, 2016. ____________________________________ Donna Norris, City Clerk ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 193 ORDINANCE NO._______________ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDINGCHAPTER 19.02 OF THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE TO AFFIRM PERMISSIVE ZONING PRINCIPLES AND TO CLARIFY THAT USES PROHIBITED ELSEWHERE IN THE MUNICIPAL CODE ARE ALSO PROHIBITED LANDUSES WHEREAS, the impetus for this subject amendment to Municipal Code Chapter 19.02 stems from the state laws governing medical marijuana; and WHEREAS,on October 9, 2015, Governor Jerry Brown signed the “Medical Marijuana Regulation and Safety Act” (the “Act”), which is comprised of the state legislative bills known as AB 243, AB 266, and SB 643, into law; and WHEREAS, the Act becomes effective January 1, 2016 and contains provisions that govern the cultivating, processing, transporting, testing, and distributing of medical cannabis (i.e., marijuana) to qualified patients; and WHEREAS, the Act states that a local government that wishes to prevent marijuana cultivation, as defined in the Business and Professions Code section 19300.5(l), must have aland use regulation or ordinance regulating or prohibiting the cultivation of marijuana, either expressly or otherwise under the principles of permissive zoning, prior to March 1, 2016 to retain jurisdiction over such cultivation (Health and Safety Code 11362.777(c)(4)); and WHEREAS, the Chula Vista Municipal Code expressly prohibits the cultivation of medical marijuana in Title 5, section 5.66.020; and WHEREAS, the Chula Vista Municipal Code in Title 19 operates as a permissive zoning code, whereby uses not expressly permitted are prohibited; and WHEREAS, the Director of Development Services has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the activity is not a “Project” as defined under Section 15378 of the state CEQA Guidelines because it will not result in a physical change in the environment; therefore, pursuant to Section 15060(c)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines, the activity is not subject to the CEQA. In addition, and notwithstanding the foregoing, the Director of Development Services has also determined that there is no possibility that the activity may have a significant effect on the environment; therefore, pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines, the activity is not subject to the CEQA. Thus, no environmental review is required; and WHEREAS,the Planning Commission previously held a public hearing on this matter and recommends that the City Council affirm permissive zoning principles and clarify that uses prohibited elsewhere in the Municipal Code are also prohibited land uses; and ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 194 WHEREAS, the Director of Development Services set the time and place for a public hearing on the Amendment to Chapter19.02, and notice of the public hearing, together with its purpose, was given by its publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the Cityat least 10 days prior to the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista hereby makes the following findings: Section I. 1.That section 19.08.020 of the Municipal Code currently declares unlawful any land usesnot permitted in the City of Chula Vista, as such, the City Council findsand affirmsthat the City’s Zoning Code has and continues to operate as a permissive zoning code. Therefore, the City Council desires to enact an ordinance amending Municipal Code Chapter 19.02 to affirm and make clear that Title 19 operates under permissive zoning principles and that any use not permitted, including the cultivation of marijuana, is prohibited. 2.That while cultivation of marijuana is currently prohibited under the City’s permissive zoning regimen and under Chapter 5.66 of the City’s Municipal Code, the City Council desires to amend Chapter 19.02to make clear that any action prohibited elsewhere in the Municipal Code, which would include the cultivation of medical marijuana under Chapter 5.66, is also prohibited as a land use under Title 19. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTADOES FURTHER ORDAIN as follows: SectionII. That Chapter 19.02 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 19.02 –General Provisions 19.02.070 Permissive Zoning Principle The provisions of this title are governedby the principles of permissive zoning, whereby any use not permitted is prohibited. 19.02.080Actions Prohibited Elsewhere In Code Actions prohibited elsewhere in this code are also prohibited as land uses under this Title. Section III.Severability If any portion of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, is for anyreason held to be invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional, by a court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed severable, and such invalidity, unenforceability or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of the ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 195 Ordinance, or its application to any other person or circumstance. The City Council of the City of Chula Vista hereby declares that it would have adopted each section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sentences, clauses or phrases of the Ordinance be declared invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional. Section IV. Construction The City Council of the City of Chula Vista intends this Ordinance to supplement, not to or contradict, applicable state and federal law and this Ordinance shall be construed in duplicate light of that intent. Section V. Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirtieth day after its final passage. Section VI. Publication The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published or posted according to law. Presented byApproved as to form by ___________________________________________________________________ Glen R. Googins, Kelly Broughton, FASLA Development Services DirectorCity Attorney ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 196 PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, California on this 26th day of January, 2016, by the following vote: AYES:Councilmembers: NAYS:Councilmembers: ABSENT:Councilmembers: ABSTAIN:Councilmemebers: ____________________________________ Mary Casillas Salas, Mayor ATTEST: _________________________________ Donna Norris, City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA) COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO) ss. CITY OF CHULA VISTA) I, Donna Norris, City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. XXXX had its first reading at a regular meeting held on the 26thday of January, 2016 and its second reading and adoption at a regular meeting of said City Council held on the 2ndday of February, 2016. Executed this 2nd day of February, 2016. ____________________________________ Donna Norris, City Clerk ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 197 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0034, Item#: 9. PRESENTATIONONTHEFIRSTPHASEOFAMULTI-PHASEPROCESSTOATTRACTAN INSTITUTIONALPARTNERANDFUNDINGSOURCETODEVELOPTHEUNIVERSITYAND INNOVATION DISTRICT RECOMMENDED ACTION Council accept the report. Environmental Notice Theactivityisnota“Project”asdefinedunderSection15378oftheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality ActStateGuidelines;therefore,pursuanttoStateGuidelinesSection15060(c)(3)noenvironmental review is required. City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 198 ITEM #9 Attachment 1 Report YOU WILL RECEIVE AN E-MAIL INDICATING WHEN THIS ATTACHMENT IS AVAILABLE ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 199 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:16-0038, Item#: 10. Presentation of the COP21: Advocating for Climate Change Action City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 1/21/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΐȃΑΕ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 200