HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3 - Attachment 5 - The Shops Sign ProgramPROJECT 'F DIRECTORY LANDLORD: McMILLIN COMMERCIAL PO.'3OX 85104 SAN DIEGO, CA 92186-5104 TEL (619) 794-1528 FAX (619) 3486-3114 ARCHITECT. BENSON & 3014L ARCH1171 ECTS 3861-14ROINT STREET SAN I)TEGO, CA 921113 T-1-1 (619) K98-4040 FAX (6191 858 -40461 CONSULTANT, SIGNWORKS 2320 DEL MONTE AVE., STE. A-2 MONTEREY, CA 93940 TEL -831) 899-8700 FAX (888) 644 8476 INFO eSfGNWORKSMONTEREY.COM ATTN: DYLAN RIVERA APRIL 24, 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE I PROJECTY DIRECTORY 2 SUBMITTALS Sk APPROVALS 3 CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS I _.T' - '�G- sp-, T-1- -- -- IN- IGN - - i�� �!--,AHU 5-9 PROHIBITED SIGNS 10 CGRO'-'N'D SdT E T_AN LIA4 15 -16 WALL SIGNS A 'IGNS S—E 18-19 ANCHOR TENANT 20-22 01 ---N-111NT-S 23-30 COURTYARD TENANT ARCADE SIGNS 31 N 4 32 GROUND SIGNS k 'A a � 33 DIRECTIONAL MONUMENTS DETAIL 34 SGkAPHIC 3bENTITY =INSYALi THE SHOPS AT SAN MIGUEL RANCH SIGN PROGRAM PAGE 2 I A INTRODUCTION T he rote €t oaf this sign criteria is to provide the guidelines necessary to achieve a visually coordinated, balanced and appealing sign environment, harmonious with the arcbtitecture of the project, while maintaining provisions for individual graphic expression. Performance or this sign criteria shall be rigorously enforced and any nonconforn-dng sign shall be removed by the tenant or his sign contractor at their expense, upon demand by the Landlord. Exceptions to these standards shall not be perinitt d without approval from the Landlord and wiH require approval of a modification to the sign program application by the City. Accordingly, the Landlord will retain Roll rights of approval for any sign used in the center No sip sl°iall be installed without the written Landlord approval and the required City permits. APKIL 24, 2015 THE SHOPS a i ILL D/I I I T 1. Each Tenant shall subirdt to Landlord for written approval, three (3) copies of the detailed shop drawings of this pro-posed sIgn, indicating confi rrnance with the sign criteria herein outlined-. 2. The Landlord shall determine and approve the availdbiliLy and position of a Tennant naive on arty ground sign(s), 3. T he 'ienant shall pay for all signs; related materials area insulation fees (including final inspection costs). 4. The Tenant shall obtain all necessary permits. 5. The Variant shall be responsible for fulfillment of all reciuirefrient, of this gr. criteria. 6. It is the responsibility of the Tenants sign company to verify at conduit and transfor >&ner locations and service access prier to fabrication. 7 Should a sign be iemoved, it is the Tenant's responsibility to patch all lcoles, paint surface to roatch the existing color, and restore surface io original condition. A� SIGRA—C ID-1— 11NSTA�LLATI4N --- E SIGN CONSTRUCTION REQUi TSa 1. All signs and their installation shall comply with all local building and electrical dudes. 2. All electrical signs will be fabricated by a U.L. approved sign company, accord ig to €.31. specifications and hear U.L. Label. 3. Sign company to be fully licensed with the City and State and shall have full Workman's Compensation and general liability insurance. Y. A11 penetrations of building exterior surfaces are to be sealed waterproof in color and finish to match existing exterior 5. FahiLed surfaces to have a satin finish. Only paint containing a l e polyurethane products may be used. 6.. 'pogo and letter heights shall be as specified and shall be determined by measuring the normal capital letter of a type font exclusive of -washes, ascenders, and descenders. a. 11 sign fabrication work dull be of excellent quality. All logo I ages a ad hype -styles stall be accurately reproduced. Let ering that approximates type- styles will not be acceptably. The Landlord reserves the right to reject any fabrication work deemed to be below standard. 3. All lighting Faust match the exact spedfication of the approved work:n g drawings. APIU L 24.2015 il. Signs must be made of durable rust — mlifintine materials that are appropriate and complimentary to the building. Iii. Color coatings shall exactly match the colors specified on the approved plans. 11. Joining of materials (e.g., searns) shall be finished in way as to be uncnoticeable. `risible welds shall be continuous and ground smooth. Rivets, screws, and other fasteners that extend to risible surfaces shall be flush, filled, and finished so as to be unnoticeable. 12. Finished surfaces of metal shall be free from oil canning and warping. -All sign finishes shall be ft°ee from dust, orange peel, drips, and rues and shall have a uniform surface conforming to the highest standards of the industry. 13. hi no ease shhall any manufacturer's label be visible L�°o the street from norma: viewing angles. 14. Exposed raceways are not permitted unless they are incorporated into the oveball sign design. 15. - xposed conduit junction boxes, lamps, tubing or exposedneon of any type are not pe€ n tiedZ.. 16. S gals that are less than two square feet in area shah not be included in the tot, a1 signage area allowed. This pertains 1.0 miscellaneous signs such as business 11—ours, logos, suite numbers and emergency information.. � '® GRA —C ID— TITY.. FNSTALLATiG4 -- E SHOP 'ILIA ' I N SPECIFICATIONS: 4� The intent of this criteria is to encourage creativity to ARCADE SIGNS i , ensure tine iradivicl€zality of each tezrant sign ac opposed A two or three dimensional arcade sign} can be suspended t j to similar sign design =, constr€�ction, and colors repeated ;err the l��tdie�rd`s structure, either parallel car perpendicular throughout the project. Sighs trust be architecturally to tbe storefront. This s€gnage fc�i° xc�vides s €rriiar gra p e compatible with the entire center possibilities as blade signs. Arcade signs often appear in a ep €hive alignment_ giving a pattern and rhythm to the BLADF SIGNS sDecif'ic area. �� Two and three dimensional blade si ns projecting � � � p � g the n�x�um allowed voI€��ne ac7r arcade signs if twelve perpendicular to the storefront provide exciting signage scare feet. opportt r€ities- They project from the storefront or, in \ Appropriately prop€�rti€�ned select eases, from the Landlord's building adjacent to t \ l arcade signs shall be ac'�Saeved by * the Tenant space. Blade signs shall have a quality or the cubic e er =veto not exceediri p g artistic distinction, a id i ncorporate creative graphic six feet its any d=__ ±•ection T his shall fours. Made si `s form and detail are encouraged to m ' not include the suspension be representative of the Tenarif a image. These � bradet structure. imaginati -e custom signs will provide valuable accents acceptable arcade sign materials to the center. shall hiciude painted, polished The maximum allowed area for two or three � F and patina metals, painted and �\ o\ Ciii€ei�sioF€al Made sgns slim be twelre sq as f€ e . Tire „L 1 - stairU d wood, glass inlayed a �� ` sign envelope shah. not exceed four feet m any direction , € s =c��ae_ �� exclusive ofebraetar suspension structure. Arcade s may use a ado form s y ;. Acceptable blade sign materials include panted, of neon or other illumination. polishe€i and patina m v etals, painted and sta €ned o r� �" The lowest point of any arcade g lass and inlayed stare. sign must be 8' -" above finish Blade sins may use a halo form of neon or other Door. illumfiiad€an. _ Where bract -et connec6o ns are The lowest point of any blade sigh must be 8' -4" above provided, the bracket design small ffi-dsh flo3P, be integrally planned and € Where bracket connections are provided, the bracket ` 1 � det�led wily tiae at�ode sign designs all be integrally planned and detailed with the � �� l r €a� ar€d shall be higt y blade s€ form and shall be highly ornarne ntal in } o n- on in nature, R nature. NOTE: BLADE AND ARCADE SIGNS ARE SUBJECT TO "1hE SAME SIZE RESTRIC°ITCIP+IS AND CANNOT BER USE& IN TANDEM. Ma ft Ma APRIL 24. 2015 , NA ow SHOP TENANT I I I T IONS: SIGNS Glazing SIgYiS prcrvTdg an elegant 3Hg€i3ge H)?"In. OY� ��� . The smaller scale parted signage placed on H� z ng clenler:Es or doors, positioned ate ye , �y�� D — I level, can be particularly effective. Glazing signs ` are ofton used together with larger scale suns on fascias, awnings or suspended brad ts. Letters are to be a magnum height of 1W. ARE SUBJECT TO WALL SIGN LIMMAVONS. OVERALL LENGTH OF INDIVIDUAL LETTERS MAY NOT EXCEED 70 PERCENT OF 7HE LENGTH OF TENANT'S STOREFRONT. The total area of the sign, inclusive of logo and lettering, shall be no larger than 20 percent of the total glazed area upo n which it is installed or b square feet, whichever is smaller. Glazed sign tech =_utlues acceptable are sandblasted and etched � g lass, profesaionaltly painted lettering, metal leaf and stained glass. APRIL 24. 2015 va \cz y SIGNS ON GLAZING ARE TO BE INCLUDED IN WALL TOTAL SIGN AREA I D a-DUA 6 LETTERS Individual letters are a con nton and effective sign type. Individual letters may he made of rnetal or painted wood. A metal letter has a variety of fi€Lish options including polished, painted and patina. hndividual letter• sues are generally pegged out from the fascia or another opaque storesront surface. the pegging technique adds depth, shadow and textu re to the individual letter signs. Signs using individual letters shall not exceed 70 percent the overall length of the storefront. Individual letter signs shall have no more than two stacked tires Reverse charm l'halc` lllurninated Seaters �t -tat a e so! foxr€s lit fror€ behind are acceptable in some areas emnote iliurnination from lights mounted on fl-he surface of the storefront is permitted based € n area locations provided the light source is carefully designed as a, integral feature of the storefront. JAMN ASPIRE ... a .. IV VIOUAL LETTERS TERS ARE WALL SIGNS THAT ARE SUBJECT TO WALL SIGN LIMMAVONS. OVERALL LENGTH OF INDIVIDUAL LETTERS MAY NOT EXCEED 70 PERCENT OF 7HE LENGTH OF TENANT'S STOREFRONT. _' _ FRAPHIC IDENTITY °.NSTA INSTALLATION F'AG'S 6 E t` SHOP TENANT SIGNAGE SPECIFIC.k=Ns: __.S �a E T �. PLAQUE SIGINS ?'laque sigi are a t adinonal farm of signage that has the capacity for contemporary applications. Plaques provide a smaller scale pedestrian sign that is typically niount ed directEy an an architectural surface at eye level or below. Plaque signs usually occur on the Tenant storefront. Bas - relief or raised three dimensional forms are encouraged in the design of plaque signs. Plaques shall not exceed 66 square feet i t area with letters limited to a height of l ". ccepfdD'3e plaque sign materials include painted, polishcel and patina rnetals, painted and stained v%rood, glass and inlayed stone. PLAGUE SIGNS ARE N91TO BE @NCLUDED IN WAIL TOTIAL SIGN AREA APRIL 24, 2015 FASCIA RUJEL SIGNS Fascia panel signs located 011 the upper portion of the storefront, provide a fo aat of Primary starefront signage- They are often oombinedMth Smaller more ir:tricate Sign- age directed at pedestrian's eye levei. The length of signage placed -an a fascia panel shall be a naximum of 70 percent of the width of the Tenant's overall space width. The fascia panel design and finish shall be integrated with ate total storefront design. Individual letters shall not exceed 7" in depot from the face of the surface upon which they are mounted- Remote illumination of panel signs from lights mounted on' he surface of the storefront is encouraged pro -Vided the light source is an i stegral el enient of the store design. materials accepted for use as fascia panel signs include cast stone and wood panels, individual metal and wood letters, neon and custom ceramic die. Letters Shall rot be closer than b" ftarn. the top of the Tenant's opening. Letters shall not be closer than 2' -0" from, the side edge dot the TenanCs ope? dng. - ;- M FASCIA PANEL SIGN'S ARE 7G BE INCLUDED IN V AE L TITTAL SIGN AREA N F -d- RANCH S PROGRAM I- _ I 6R.APHIC 1-717Y = TAELAYI�N SHOP ANT I .� CI I TTON : CERAMIC TILE PANEL SIGNS ARE NOT TO BE € GLUDED IN WALL TOTAL SIGN AREA APP L 24, 2015 COLONNADE SIGNS Colonnade signs are intended to allow tenants with limited street visibility to obtain sia age viewable from the street. This would be specifically the Market Tenants and/or the Shop Tenants twith storefronts facing the food court plaza where the view of storefront signs are Bruited primarily to pedestrian traffic. Acceptable sign types are either front lit channel letters, reverse pan channel letters with halo illumination or a combination of both, Maximum size is 2' x 15' COLONNADE SIGNS ARE NOT TO BE INCLUDED IN WALL TOTAL SIGN AREA jamb 3 , TOWER SIGNS UIIDINGS C (ONLY) Tower suns are intended to allow tenants occupying the floor area of the tower at Buildings C " -D to utilize the towers for sign placement ' s : - z _ zenani n= cnr Iq _ _ No individual channel letters are allowed. Maximum size is . TOWER EMS ARE NOT TO BE INCLUDED IN WALL TOTAC SIGN AREA _ _ , ; GRARNIC €DEN717- 1N5 ALLA714N -3, SHOP TENAINT SIGNAGE SPA IFS ` ION : STOREFRONT SIG AGE LIGHTINQ The following types of signage lighting techniques will be considered. I Z EMOTE LIT SIGNAGE Sign types such as pegged letters and plaques, blade, arcade, fascia panel, and carved signs can use remote lighting techniques to enhance the design and night visibility. ei..oto signage light Metres sl.all be designed as an integral aesthetic element in the overall storefront composition. The design and finish of all remote fixtures shall be consistent with the high quality of storefront materials and details. HALO LIT SIGNAGE The use of reverse channel letters or plaques lit from behind is an appropriate illurnination ted-mique. This form of illumination must be properly detailed to be an integ€°al element of the sign design and the overall storefront composition. L TE AL, ILaLUMI ATION Internally illuminated signs will be Limited and highly controlled. The standard hiteinally illuminated plea faced letters and can signs may not be permitted. Creative application of internal illurnination will be considered with sign types such as -blade and arcade signs. All internally lit signs will be considered oil an individual basis and subject to t' e.e Landlord's discretion. AIVIII G L11G HT] I?_�€r i.afiott of awi.irgs to achi - -v� night libl.ting effects is acceptable urcv ded that it is of a Een.ote forth. This =ernote lighting can be mounted to light the underside or the top side of the awning. Av nings may not be enclosed on the underside and contain internal Diu ination that allows the awning, tc function as a 'can" sig m APRIL 24, 2015 In order to allow creativity and aitistic designs, ascending a.-Lid descending shaves will be allowed to extend app to 25% beyond the envelope limits provided that the overa l allocated square footage is not exceeded. in otzi.er words, these areas shall be calculated individually and added to the (`boxed' area for the main sign beady. (See .diagram below) - --------------------------------------- -- ------- eo,--- Descending letter elet e_rtt 1 .Descender: (The part of tl.e lowercase letters, such as g, p, and y, vwhich extends below Elite other lowercase letters) — Lt ° °regaftar shaped kons & logos should be considered in sigi. desil =o,- increased visual impact. THE SHOPS AT SAN MIGUEL RANCH SIGN PR0%(X`RAM Gu Vq 1Ll 6RAFHIC 3G €NTITY, INSTAELRTION PAGE 9 PROHIBITED SIGN 1. Signs conxstit€ hng a Traffic Hazard: No person shall install or maintain, or cause to be installed or maizitainned, any sign which simulates or imitates in size, color, lettering or design any traffic sign or signal, or which ?makes use of the words "STOP", "1LOOK ", "DANGER" GER" or any words, phrases, symbols, or characters in such a manner as to interfere with, mislead or confuse traffic. 2. Signs in Proxi €xirity to utility Lines: Signs which have less hoAzontal or vertical clearance frorn author' Ized communication or energized electrical power limes that are prescribed by the laws of the State of California are prohibited. 3. =signs painted directly on a building surface will not be permitted. 4. Wall signs may not project above the top of a parapet, the roof line at the gall, or real- line. S. There shall be no signs that are flashing, -moving or audible.. 6. Vehicle Sigris Signs on or affixed to tracks, automobiles, i or oilier vehicles which are use for advertising, identity, or provide direction to a specific use or activity not related to its lawf=3i activity are prohibited -( Le. >.- efivery trucks wit h tenant signage is K;) 7. Banners, Pennants & Balloons used for Advertising Purposes_ Temporary flags, banners, or pennants, or a combination of same constit-ating an architectural feature which is an integral par= of the design character of a project may be permitted subject to Municipal Code reouhrernents, Landlord's, and amity approval. . Billboard Signs are riot permitted. 9. The use of permanent "sale„ signs are prohibited. The temporary use of these signs are limited to a th -y -day period and is restricted to signs .affixed to the interior of winds ws which do not occupy more t-haf % of the w;ndow area. Each business is permitted a total of not -more €Ilan ninety (90' days of temporary Fvindov sale signs per calendar year. APRIL 24. 2015 10. Vacuum formed plastic lettering. 7 . Standard sandblasted wood signs in natural wood finish with painted, raised letters and / or logos, Exceptions may be granted for carved and painted wood signs that are artistically creative in their expression of three d ®rnetisional details. .12, Vinyl letters upp=ed to glazing or other storefront surfaces. 11 Signs employing luminous pauated paper or cardboard, stickers or decals lung around or behind storefront glazing, 14. Exposed neon. ABANDONMENT OF SIGNS: Any tenant sign left after- thirty (30) days from vacating paiiises sl tall become the property of landlord. INSPECTION: Landlord reserves the right to hire an independent electrical engineer at t1ne Tenant's sale expense to inspect the installation of ail Tenant's signs and to re uli e the Tenant to have any discrepancies and/or code violations corrected at the Tenant's expense. ASV Hlc ID"TITY - I $7A�6LATIOH IMAGE 10 SITE PLAN DETAIL E PAGE 11 E. 120 2 40 36G SCALE V= 2ff ANCHOR TENANT =1 TES #RE -2 a >.@EC' -3 TENANT -4 TENANT T€ N-1 -€ TEN -KT =i SITE PLAN DETAIL j PAGE 11 SITE PLAN DETAIL 1 PAGE 11 -. -� - SITE PLAN 1ETAIL 1 PAGE t1 SIG R.APHIC -ENF eY =IN T.L ATION. L RANCH SIGN PROGRAM THE SHOPS AT SAN MIGUE APR1L 24, 2015 SHOPS THE AT SAN MIGUEL RANCH SIGN PROGRAM APPLIL 24. 2015 - 13 kcCount-, The Shops at San Miguel Ranch Zirwn Al r _ Mt. Miguel Rd I m ,a 59- 50- 30 -63 -00 59-50-30-62-00 bye �aced Monumem&cn 1 of s` H 'gh 3 W "mc 12 Tbnan. S'lats '16 on each side) '. x " . u "`ice _ a ands BacklitPuShin Aiummum SkM to Orin ur- °c Match iidi 30° ircm Proctor Valley Rd curb 37° from entrance driveway curb THE SHOPS ATSAN MIGU£t RANCH SIGN PROGRAM : APRIL x a> GT G Mt. Miguel Rd Proctor Valley Rd 59-50-30-63-00 .- e md�%r2«2 ,3 \. =;y am =12 G3 & m�w� 6 � � y - - -« :m» ��p . ... I AR vm Skin .x:32 Colorz .22 mm Proctor +lA m curb .22mm entrance driveway m$ ARCADE SIGNS ARE ALLOWED WHEN TENANT 1 Il € 12 13 _ ( 1 249 369 S ALE " =12 ` II 3mmlam I m ' - caaew3ain €uri Y•INS a �nsiQri _. E SHOPS - - . i MIGUEL RANCH SIGN PROGRAM A . APRIL 24, 2015 � L ON 0 3 Tenant Name UO 0 AMIN 120 i8o %C--A ULU —,=—g a Tenant Name A I' UM APRIL 24. 2015 GRARHEC NTITY - ALLATION L I u 19 MAX T MueX in- t 'ml r e ci I C-1 1 _ _- — — GRP ?HIC 14 €NYETy <lN5TA 66AT19N THE SHOPS AT SAN MIGUEL RANCH SIGN APR] L 24, 2015 E THE SHOPS kTSAN MIGUEL RANCH SIGNPROGRAM �® APRI L« 2015 GE d The Shops at San Miguel Ranch /ah: ^ \ Comer of k§+ % & UIV# U l59-50-30-63-0 0 1 Un f: \2 » © I i Ana KK& - Internally Illuminated Channel Letters } \, —yam, m%2 .Light Box With Tenant Name Or Logo . Internal Illumination c Each 2The »#a East Elevations ® SUITE C107 SIGN 1.191 SUITE 9100 SIGN 1.101 SUITE C1105 SIGR 0191 SUITE C104 SIGN UH'N NOTE: TENANTS OCCUPYING SUITES C-106 & C-107, MAY UTILIZE SIGN AREAS ON THE NORTHWEST ELEVATION OF BUILDING "C" AS SHOWN ON ELEVATION ...SEE PAGE 25. (TENANT SIGNS TO BE PLACED ON THE WALLS OF SUITE C-109) TENANTS OCCUPYING SUITES 0-103 8 D404, MAY UTILIZE SIGN AREAS ON THE NORTH ELEVATION OF BUILDING "D" AS SHOWN ON ELEUATIONS SEE PAGE 27. (TENRKT SIGNS TO BE PLACED ON THE WALLS OF SUITES D-105). G-RAPHic !D-EYTITY = INSTAL LATIC N . THE SHOPS AT SAN MIGUEL RANCH SIGN PROGRAM .AYRIL 24. 7015 PAGE 19 70 PERCEW OF Ll AS°n PREiLiISe S OR 11NINTERRUPM0 ARCHITEC VRAL PLANE IN' WFUCH SIGN IS TO BEMOUNTHDUPON 1t'MICHEVMIS LESS). OVERAILimiGiif ----------------------- ------- °- - - - - -- --- - - -- - ---- -- - ---- - -- ------ - - - - °° - --- mm 75 PERCENT OF'ADJACENT AREA WiilCH � RIS�LI°ES'S -- _ --- --- ------ ----- ------- --- ------- ----- - --- -- - - - - - - WALLWARQUEhl ----------------------------------------- FASCIA SIGNS ARE SUB iECTTO WAL MAROU E SIGN LIPAITATIONS � I `I'YUC AL. ANCHOR TELLAN1 1 ELEVATION APRIL 24, 2015 1, t � 1, i f> ) "` '\:, ` t ` _ ( SCALE: 1/15„ = 1' O„ AREA L(� S�dlk���Tdi[IT ELF SIGN AREA PER LINEAR FOOT OF LEASED _ [ ES ! 2G S aIMET. SIGNS FACING A PARYJNG AREA ARE NOT TO EXCEED G.S (1/2) SOLUIUZE FOOT OF SIGN AREA PER LIFIEAL FOOT OF LEASED PREMiSESFAClVG SAID —PARKINGAPEA OR 100 SQUARE FEET (WHICIIEVER IS LESS). MAXIMUM SIGH d AREA NOT TO EXCEED 50 PERCENT OF THE FACE OF THE BUILDIi11C. QUANTITY, TWO FASCIA MOUNTED AND TWO GTkIER ACCEPTABLE; S'iGN ,rYPF,S ALLOWED ABATE S: VARIETY OP TYPES PER SIGN CRETERm, SINGLE TYPE: OF CONSTRUCTION IS AT—LOWED. iL LLOAUNATION: YES COPY, TENANT` :NAME AND/ OR LOGO HEIGHT: SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT OF THE FASCIA 0R PORitONT OF WALL BETWEEN THE TOP OF ANY WINDOWS AND THE LOWEST POINT OF THE ROOF OR 6'-J' WHICHHEVFR IS LESS. LENGTH: SEVENTY PERC'FNT OF LEASED PREMISES OIL UNINTERRUPMD ARCHITECTURAL PLANE IN WHICH SIGN IS TO BE MOUNTED UPON CWHICHI VER IS LESS). TV- DEFACE CUSTOM LOGO ND TYPE OK COL ?ZS: CUSTOM COLORS OK SgCQNDARY SIGNS: YES ,..., NO ADVEit1 YS I G OR SLOGANS. F � I IF AP HiC R i/1 - r1 Aiiflrv.. _ MR-KET BUILDING - PARTIAL EAST ELEVATION (REAR) SCALE 1116 -=I'0- MARKET OU LVING - NOFFIH F—tEVAnON (SIDE) SCALE 1116`= 1,-D- FASCIA SIGNS ARE SUBJECT TO WALLAVARGUEE SICM LIMITTARONS, APRIL 24. 2015 S 11 - GO N-1 NN -1- 1-TITI t. - 70 PERCi;NT OF LEASED PREMISES ---T .— -- ____- ._______ _ _ __ ______ __. -_ -_ _ -a -e__ - - -_ ---- _- _ra._____ ____- _ ------------------------------ 75 PERCENT SHOP OF ADJACENT - AREA L------------------------------------------ WALLMARMIM ------------------------------ ! - ----- --- ------- ------ - - - - -I FASCIA SIGNS AR€ SUNFU TO WALLMARGUEE SIGN LII4I10 ONS t3 A B.fl S2- &RE -00TOF SIGN AREA PER LIMP R FOOT OF LEASED PREMfSES PA -C--W 5 . SIGNS FACING A P.ARKI NG AREA ARE N€?T'g D EXCEED 0.5(112)SQUAREF0Q i OF SIGN AREA PER LINEAL FOOT OF €,EASEDPREIMISES ACii SArDPAI'tXNIGAR OR 2) SQUARE FEET (WHICHEVER IEVER IS LESS). MAXIMUM SIGN -ARFA NOT TO EXCEED .90 PERCENT OF THE FACE OF THE BUJLDINC. ILIA lI ONE FASCIA MOUNTED AND ONE OTHER ACCEPTABLE SIGN TYPE ALLOWED UNLESS LESS LEASRHOLD IS OVER 2000 SQUARE FEEET THEN ONE ADDITIONAL SIGN WILL BE ALLOWED. A7kE IA SS: VAJUFTY OF TYPES PER SIGN CUFFERIA, SINGLE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION IS AL LOWED, I LTIVil_NA L(2N.. EXTERNAL OR INTERNAL INTERNAL USE LEO FLUORESCENT OR NEON, EXTERNAL USE PROJECTING GOOSENECK LAMPS OF COMPA21BLE STYLE AND COLOR �CQPY. TENANT NAME AND /OR LOGO FIBS. F SEVENTY ITVE PERCI'.``•tT OF THP FASCIA OR ;'€iJUION OF WALL BETWEEN TIDE TOP OF ANY WINDOWS AND THE LOWEST POINT OF THE ROOF L ENCTF1: SEVENTY PERCENT OF L ASED PREMISES TYPEFACE: CUSTo Loco tires TYPE oK QLOI -za: COTS - - €av COLORS C)IC 11 PICAL SH P T hl A- €�L��1A� 1 SCALE: 3/32' = �, 0,, APRIL 14. 2015 4 - HIC IDENTITY INSTALLATION _ i =1 11111 Il f�' g b ivfv iE F Li SHOPS `C' RUILDING -EAST ELEVATION SCALE ali6 - P =0" FACING PARKING LOT s 3INTERNALLY ILLUMfNATE© LIGHT BOXES WITH TENANT NAME OR LOGO. ONE EACH =I- � � ���f � ? � ,.. � -I' I r � :ON THE NORTH, WEST & FAST ELEVATIONS I _ ��r NOT TO EXCEED 5'x & rI= ql Ih 110 0,110111 yl1I �3 a =I MET 1 JJIEEE li j I 1E 1 SHOPS NORTH ELEVATION SI'QPVV BUlL5lNG, -NORTH ELEVATION SCALE 3116"= T'_S" FACING PLAZA L€ 1116 °= V -0°' €AS NG PAO 316 LOT THE ILLUSTRARON SHOWING THE SIGNS AU€ UNLY €OR GENERAL LOCATION PUI 0SES ONLY .' G.PHIC IDENTITY IKSTA N THE SHOPS AT SAN MIGUEL RANCH SIGN — APPL[L ?.x.20155 _ SHOPS`'SUILLIING - WESTELEVATION SCALE 7176"=V -0- PLAZA ELEVATION SHOPS `W BUILDING —EAST ELEVATION SCALE 1116"- V-- WING TR SH ENO`LOSU€ C AMD RI)JRCENT BUILDING 3INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED LIGHT BOXES 1N13HTENANT hAN3EOR LOGO, i3NEEACH ''- = 1 - ��I - �� �i` I I} {€.I, i`i ".`.�� _ �-,� €rj-e' - � ONTHENORTH ,SOUTH &�NESTELEVATEG�J3 NOT TO EXCEED 5' x B' i 7 i' I E i ;mac".., °�� eJe_Ir_y ML I €u I -I� SH[3P5`i 3UlL0INI; -SOUTH SCAE1116'- 1' -it" FAC146 PARKING L�� SIIITEO.30I dg- SIGN I_oc'N a �_ F 1 � 1 Ll ,. GHOPR''' SIL IIM -NORTH E- EWOION SU'A€e 1116" =1'0' RACING STREE7 THE ILLUSTRATION SHOWING TI {E SIGNS ARE ONLY FOR GIONEIRAL LOCATION PURPOSES ONLY S14 €N ifFVf IN ttL �RaiON THE SHOPS AT SAN MIGUEL RAN-%CH APKIL 24.2015 L. SHQPS'E° BUILD NG - SOUTH ELEVATION, SME 1116 "= 1'-0° III n SHOPS 'E' BUILRING - EAST ELEVATION SCALE ili6 "- 1'-0" FACING PARKING LOT SHOPS `E' BUILDING = INEST ELEMNON SCALE =IY6 "= V -0" FACING PARKING LOT SHOPS',.- BUILDING - NORTH EL VA11ON SCALE 5116 "= 3'O' FACING STREET THE ILLUSTRATION SHOWING THE SIGNS ARE ONLY FOR GENERAL LOCATION PURPOSES ONLY GRAPHIC I_ ENTIoY. INS-LA-1©N. -� THE SHOPS AT SAN MIGUEL RANCH SIGN PROGRAM APP l L 24. 2015 PAGE 2 SHOPS? BUILDING . NORTH ELEVATION SCALE 1116 "= f =n" FACING MEET, SHOPS'' RUILDINC- MI ST ELEVATION SCALE I /M-= 1'-0- FACING PARKING LOT SHOP €'F' BUILDING - SOUTH ELRIATION CAIE 1116 " = Y -O" FACING PAIRKIDNIG MT SHOPS T IL 3�NG - EAST ELEVATION MYLE 1116 "= 1'-6" FACING PARKING LOT THE ILLUSTRATION SHOWING THE SIGNS ARE ONLY FOR GENERAL LOCATION PURPOSES ONLY RAPHIC P..�NTITY = -. T9. €LAfifory i MIGIT $ APRiL24, 2015 PAGE 30 T I=_6" SCA ` COUR `I'YARD TEMAI��TS OCCUPYING LEASH QLL-lSUr"UPEST4REFRCINIT SIGNS A-RE NOT VISIBLE FROM THE ARKING AREA LIMAY UNSTALL SIGNS ON LANDLORD'S TRELLIS RETRY SIGNS SHALL BE OP A T-IANGI;vG TYPE M=-1 8'-8v CT,E,ARANCE TO GRADE. SIGNS SILALL'IOT BE ILLUMINATED. tWVH 597`+1 6� Bf6€5 %Q SRI,`XGR,RL9P� - J � � sIMT0= SAMBLASTED REDWOOD UNDER ChROPY FROM �. RAC 3 3 TYPICAL % V. ! ICON SCALE: 3/8" = 1, O" APR] L 24, 2015 !RPN1IC €DEN TEFY �0 AM _- PAGE 31 2" -tr MAX 5,_O., MAX IS -t)' [FORESHORTENED) NORTH ELEKHON SCALE :18"= ' • P' i - - w-01, (FORESHORTENED) - TENANT SIB NORTHWEST ELEVATION SCALE 118"= 1 ° -0" WEST ELEVATION SCALE I /8"- V -0- NO SIGNS ALLOWED ON NORTHWEST ELEVAT€ON THE ILLUSTRATION SHOWING THE SIGNS ARE ONLY FOR GENERAL LOCATION PURPOSES ONLY \mm� N MIGUEL RANCH APRIL 24, 2015 COL€INN DE SIGNS ARE ALLOWED FOR MARKET TENANTS OR TENANTS WITH STOREFRONTS PACING THE FOOD COURT PLAZA AREA WHERE TIME VIEW OF STOREFRONT SIGNS ARE LIMITED PRIMATULY TO PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC. MATERIALS: REVERSE PAN CHANNELS WITH HALO ILLUMINATION ONLY ILLUMINATION: YES COPY. TENANT NAME A_IND / OR LOGO HEIGHT. 2` 0" MA iMUM LENGTH: 15' -O' € lAX!MIJM TYPEFACE: CUSTOM LOGO A_ND TYPE OK COLORS: CEISTUM COLORS OK 1: GAA - 1© =NT_TY•N -ALL ALIGN ! 1 0 i rcwo---- St GRAPHIC IDENTIT)` INSTA LLATI(} - 2320 Del Monte Ave., #2A Monterey, CA 93940 dylan oslgnworksmonterey.co ph: 831.899.8700 fn: 888.644.8476 lic. c-45 #955216 THE SHOPS AT SAN MIGUEL RANCH SIGN PROGRAM Workers Com p: Truck insurance Exchange APPJL24.2015 Policy #A09437843 - Ex.111 0120 1 6