HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3 - Attachment 3 - Reso PSP15-01RESOLUTION NO. PSP -15 -01 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF CH JLA VISTA PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE PLANNED SIGN PROGRAM, PSP-1501 TO APPROVE NEW MONUMENT SIGNS, WALL SIGNS, TOWER SIGNS, AND A LIGHTING CHANGE TO THE EXISTING CORNER MONUMENT SIGN FOR THE SHOPS AT SAN MIGUEL RANCH ON AN APPROXIMATELY 10-ACRE SITE LOCATED AT 2310-2334 PROCTOR VALLEY ROAD. WHEREAS, on March 6, 2015, a duly verified application for an amendment to the Planned Sign Program was filed with the City of Chula Vista Development Services Department by Sign Works ( "Applicant "); and WHEREAS, the application requests approval of an amendment to the Planned Sign Program to approve new monument signs, wall signs, tower signs, and a lighting change to the existing corner monument sign for The Shops at San Miguel Ranch on an approximately 1.0- acres ( "Project "); and WHEREAS, the area of land that is the subject of this Resolution is an existing parcel located at 2310.2334 Proctor Valley Road ( "Project Site "); and WHEREAS, the Director of Development Services has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the project was adequately covered in previously adopted Final EIR (EIR- 90 -02), for the San Miguel Ranch Sectional Planning Area (SPA) Plan. Therefore, no further enviromnental review or documentation is necessary; and WHEREAS, the Director of Development Services set the time and place for a hearing on the Planned Sign Program application, and notice of the hearing, together with its purpose, was given by its publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City, and its mailing to property owners and residents within 500 feet of the exterior boundaries of the property at least 10 days prior to the hearing; and WHEREAS, the hearing was held at the time and place as advertised, naively July 8, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 276 Fourth Avenue, before the Planning Commission and the hearing was thereafter closed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Planning Commission of the City of Chula Vista does hereby malce the following findings: 1. That the proposed project, as conditioned, is consistent with the sign guidelines adopted for the San Miguel Ranch Sectional Planning Area (SPA) Plan and the Chula Vista Municipal Code. Attachment 3 Page 2 July 8, 2015 The proposed signs are not in conformance with the existing San Miguel Ranch SPA Plan Comprehensive Sign Regulations. However, CVMC Section 19.60.050) allows a planned sign program when approved by the Planning Commission or the City Council, to modify the rules as to the sign size, height, illumination., spacing, orientation or other non - communicative aspects of signs. In accordance with CVMC Section 19.60.050J, approval of the Planned Sign Program by the Planning Commission would establish site specific sign regulations with regard to such regulatory aspects of signs as sign size, height, spacing, location, and total number of signs. All signs placed on site will be required to conform with the approved sign program. All signs are in compliance with the San Miguel Ranch SPA Plan Comprehensive Sign Regulations as amended and the San Miguel Ranch Sign Design Standards, in terms of sign design, compatibility, and placement. 2. The project, as conditioned, is consistent with the design guidelines approved for the San Miguel Ranch Sectional Planning Area (SPA) Plan. The proposed monument signs, wall sign, and towers signs are consistent with the design guidelines of the San Miguel Ranch Sign Design Standards. Sign colors and materials are compatible with the existing building colors and materials of The Shops at San Miguel Ranch. In accordance with the San Miguel Ranch Sign Design Standards, the signs shall provide a consistent theme, which visually complements and blends with the San Miguel Ranch landscaping program. Recently, the design colors of the shopping center have been revised. The proposed monument signs will provide the new design colors located throughout the shopping center and blend well with the existing landscaping. In accordance with the San Miguel Ranch SPA Plan, the sign regulations are intended to enhance the economic value of the community and each development area, through the regulation of such elements as size, number, location, design and illumination of signs. According to the Applicant, the proposed sign will achieve this goal and will boost more revenue for the shopping center. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Planning Commission, based on the findings above, hereby approves the Planned Sign Program subject to the following conditions: I. The following shall be accomplished to the satisfaction of the Development Services Director, or designee, prior to issuance of building permits, unless otherwise specified: Development Planning Division 1. Prior to, or in conjunction with the issuance of the first building permit, pay all applicable fees, including any unpaid balances of pennit processing fees for deposit account DQ -3002. 2. Obtain approval of a sign permit, and a building permit if required by the Director of Development Services, for each sign approved in the Planned Sign Program. Signs shall comply with the approved sign program, and all applicable provisions of the Building Code. Page 3 July 8, 2015 3. Freestanding sign locations must conforin to City of Chula Vista site distance requirements in accordance with the CVMC Section 12.12.120. 4. All signs must be placed within private property, unless an encroachment pen-nit is obtained from the Engineering Department for any signs located within the right of way. Landscape Architecture Division 5. Where feasible, all existing plant material and irrigation should be protected in place: Any plant material and irrigation damaged during demolition and/or construction of this Planned Sign Program must be replaced in like /find (minimum) to the satisfaction of the City of Chula Vista's Landscape Inspector. II. The following on -going conditions shall apply to the Project Site as long as it relies on this approval: 1. Signage shall be installed in accordance with the Planned Sign Program. Additional signage requires an amendment of the approved Planned Sign Program. 2. Approval of the Planned Sign Program shall not waive compliance with any Sections of Title 19 of the CVMC, and all other applicable laws and regulations in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 3. The Property Owner and Applicant shall and do agree to indemnify, protect, defend and hold harinless the City, its City Council members, officers, employees and representatives, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, demands, claims and costs, including court costs and attorney's fees (collectively, liabilities) incurred by the City arising, directly or indirectly, from (a) City's approval of this Planned Sign Program and (b) City's approval or issuance of any other permit or action, whether discretionary or non- discretionary, in connection with the use contemplated on the Project Site. The Property Owner and Applicant shall acknowledge their agreement to this provision by executing a copy of this Resolution where indicated below. The Property Owner's and Applicant's compliance with this provision shall be binding on any and all of the Property Owner's and Applicant's successors and assigns. 4. This Planned Sign Program shall become void and ineffective if not utilized within three years from the effective date thereof, in accordance with Section 19.14.260 of the CVMC. Failure to comply with any conditions of approval shall cause this permit to be reviewed by the City for additional conditions or revocation. IIL EXECUTION OF RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL The Property Owner and Applicant shall execute this document signing on the lines provided below, indicating that the Property Owner and Applicant have each read, understood and agreed to the conditions contained herein, and will implement same. Upon Page d July 8, 2015 execution, this document shall be recorded with the County Recorder of the County of San Diego. Failure to sign the document shall indicate the Property Owner /Applicant's desire that the project, and the corresponding application for building pen-nits and /or a business license, be held in abeyance without approval. Signature of Property Owner Signature of Applicant Date Date IV. GOVERNMENT COKE SECTION 66020(d)(1), NO'T'ICE Pursuant to Government Code Section 66020(d)(1), NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 90 day period to protest the imposition of any impact fee, dedication, reservation, or other exaction described in this resolution begins on the effective date of this resolution and any such protest must be in a manner that complies with Section 66020(a) and failure to follow timely this procedure will bar any subsequent legal action to attack, review, set aside, void or annul imposition. The right to protest the fees, dedications, reservations, or other exactions does not apply to planning, zoning, grading, or other similar application processing fees or service fees in connection with this Project; and it does not apply to any fees, dedication, reservations, or other exactions which have been given notice similar to this, nor does it revive challenges to any fees for which the statute of limitations has previously expired. V. CONSEQUENCE OF FAILURE OF CONDITIONS If any of the foregoing conditions fail to occur, or if they are, by their terns, to be implemented and maintained over time, if any of such conditions fail to be so implemented and maintained according to their terns, the City shall have the right to revoke or modify all approvals herein granted, deny, or further condition issuance of all future building permits, deny, revoke, or further condition all certificates of occupancy issued under the authority of approvals herein granted, institute and prosecute litigation to compel their compliance with said conditions or seek damages for their violation. Failure to satisfy the conditions of this permit may also result in the imposition of civil or criminal penalties. VI. INVALIDITY; AUTOMATIC REVOCATION It is the intention of the Planning Coimnission that its adoption of this Resolution is dependent upon the enforceability of each and every tern, provision and condition herein stated; and that in the event that any one or more teens, provisions or conditions are determined by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, this resolution and the permit shall be deemed to be automatically revoked and of no further force and effect. Page 5 July 8, 2015 PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, this 8th day of July 2015, by the following vote, to-wit- AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ATTEST: Pat Laughlin, Secretary Presented by: Kelly Broughton Director of Development Services Yolanda Calvo, Chair Approved as to form by: Glen R. Googins City Attorney J:1 PlanninglCa €alinclbiscretionaiy Peiv iitsl PSP- 15- O1TheShopsatSMRTSP -15 -01 PC Reso