HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 3 - Staff Report - The Shops Sign Amendment PgmCHUI.A VISTA
Meeting Date: 7/8/15
ITEM 'TITLE: Public Hearing: PSP -15 -01 Consideration of an amendment to the Planned
Sign Program for new monument signs, wall signs, tower signs, and a
lighting change to the existing corner monument sign for The Shops at San
Miguel Ranch on an approximately 10 -acre site located at 2310 -2334
Proctor Valley Road. Applicant: Sign Works
SUBMITTED BY: Caroline Young, Associate Planner
REVIEWED BY: I <elly Broughton, Director of Development Services
The Applicant has submitted an amendment to The Shops at San Miguel Ranch Planned Sign
Program to allow for the approval of new monument signs, wall signs, tower signs, and a
lighting change to the existing corner monument sign. The intent is to provide additional signage
for the shopping center to increase customer awareness of the different stores and shops. The site
is located within the San Miguel Ranch Planned Community District Commercial Retail (CR)
zone (see Locator Map, Attachment 1),
The Director of Development Services has reviewed the proposed project for compliance with
the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the project was
adequately covered in previously adopted Final EIR (EIR- 90 -02), for the San Miguel Ranch
Sectional Planning Area (SPA) Plan. Therefore, no further environmental review or
documentation is necessary.
That the Planning Commission adopt Resolution PSP -15 -01 approving the proposed amendment
to the Shops at San Miguel Ranch Planned Sign Program, based on the findings and subject to
the conditions contained therein.
In 2005 the Design Review Committee approved the Planned Sign Program, PSP -05 -09 for The
Shops at San Miguel Ranch. In 2007, the Zoning Adrninistrator approved a modification to the
Planned Sign Program, PSP- 05 -09M, to allow additional signs and relocation of existing signs
on Building C and D for tenants that had no street fi-ontage. On March 6, 2015 the Applicant
submitted a revised Planned Sign Program requesting to revise the existing monument signs, add
new wall signs, tower signs, and a lighting change to the existing corner monument sign.
Planning Commission
July 8, 2015
Item 3 Page 2
As discussed in the report, the proposed monument signs, wall signs, and tower signs are not in
compliance with the City's sign regulations in regard to the size, height, location, and number of
signs. The Applicant has requested deviations from the San Miguel Ranch Sign Design
Standards. Pursuant to Chula Vista Municipal Code (CVMC) Section 19.60.0507, a Planned
Sign Program can be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Commission to allow
deviations from sign regulations.
Project Site Characteristics:
The approximately 10 -acre project site is located in the northeastern portion of Chula Vista, and
occupied by The Shops at San Miguel Ranch shopping center with retail shops and restaurants.
The site is bordered on the east and west with multi- family housing, a Senior Housing Facility to
the north, and the Chula Vista Fire Station No. 6, Mackenzie Creek Park, and the Thurgood
Marshall Elementary School to the south (see Attachment 1, Locator Map).
Project Description
The overall proposal consists of adding new monument signs, a wall sign, tower signs, and a
lighting change to the existing corner monument sign. These signs are located throughout the
shopping center. The different proposed sign types are shown in Attachment 2, Key Map and
Attachment 5, Planned Sign Program, and listed below:
® Two (2) remodeled tenant monument signs
One (1) tenant wall sign
Three (3) tower signs
® Lighting change to the existing corner monument sign
Monument Signs
Currently there are two, existing tenant monument signs, one adjacent to the northeasterly
driveway entrance along Proctor Valley Road, and another adjacent to the southerly driveway
entrance off of Mount Miguel Road. The existing monument signs consist of two (2) tenant signs
and the name of the shopping center. The height of the sign is 6 -feet with a total square footage
of approximately 45 square foot per sign. The Applicant is proposing to remove these signs and
replace them with two (2) new monument signs. The new monument signs would consist of
approximately seven (7) tenant signs and the name of the shopping center. The proposed height
of the sign is 9 -feet with a total square footage of approximately 72 square feet.
The corner monument sign at the intersection of Proctor Valley Road and Mount Miguel Road
currently has a non - illuminated sign that displays the name of the shopping center. Up- lighting is
provided to illuminate the sign at night time. The Applicant has proposed to remove the up-
lighting and provide an internally illuminated sign. No other changes will occur to the sign.
Planning Commission
July 8, 2015
Item 3 Page 3
Tenant Wall Sign
One (1) additional tenant wall sign would be placed above the arched column adjacent to the
outdoor seating area. Currently, two tenant signs are placed within this area. The new wall sign
would be 2 -feet x 15 -feet with a total square footage of approximately 30 square feet. The wall
sign may include a tenant names, picture and graphics related to the stores and shops within the
shopping center.
Tower Signs
Currently, there are two architectural towers adjacent to the outdoor seating area. The tower
located to the south currently has one tenant's logo sign mounted to the tower. Two other tenant
signs could be located on the other side of the tower per the current regulations. The Applicant is
requesting to add three (3) logo or tenant names to the northerly tower and revise the regulations
to state that either tenant signage or logo signs may be allowed on both towers. The Applicant is
furthermore requesting to increase the size of the tower signage. The existing logo sign is
approximately 5 -feet x 5 -feet with a total square footage of approximately 25 square feet. The
Applicant is requesting the signage to be increased to a maximum of 5 -feet x 8- feetwith a total
square footage of 40 square feet per each sign.
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Compliance with Chula Vista Municipal Code and San Miguel Ranch Sectional Planning
Area SPA Plan
As described below, the proposed monument and walls signs are not in compliance with the
City's sign regulations in regard to the size, height, location, and number of signs. However, per
CVMC Section 19.60.050J, a Planned Sign Program can be submitted for review and approval
by the Planning Commission to allow deviations to the sign regulations. The following
summarizes the proposed Planned Sign Program variation from the San Miguel Ranch SPA plan
for each type of proposed signage.
Monument Signs
Pursuant to the San Miguel Ranch SPA Plan Comprehensive Sign Regulations, the sign shall
have a maximum height of six (6) feet and maximum sign area of 50 square feet. The Applicant
is proposing to remove the two (2) monument signs, one adjacent to the northeasterly driveway
entrance along Proctor Valley Road and another adjacent to the southerly driveway entrance off
of Mount Miguel Road and replace them with two larger monument signs that will support more
tenant signage. The existing monument signs consist of two (2) tenant signs and the name of the
shopping center. The height of the existing sign is 6 -feet with a total square footage of
approximately 45 square foot. The proposed monument signs would consist of approximately
seven (7) tenant signs and the name of the shopping center. The proposed height of the sign is 9-
feet with a total square footage of 72 square foot.
The corner monument sign at the intersection of Proctor Valley Road and Mount Miguel Road
currently is an externally up- lighted sign that displays the name of the shopping center and is
being proposed to be replaced with an internally illuminated sign. An internally illuminated sign
is allowed per the San Miguel Ranch SPA Plan Comprehensive Sign Regulations.
Planning Commission
July 8, 2015
Stem 3 — Page 4
The proposed signs are in compliance with the San Miguel Ranch Sign Design Standards. The
signs shall provide a consistent theme, which visually complements and blends with the San
Miguel Ranch landscaping program. Recently, the design colors of the shopping center have
been revised. The proposed monument signs will provide the new design colors located
throughout the shopping center and blend well with the existing landscaping. In accordance with
the San Miguel Ranch SPA Plan, the sign regulations are intended to enhance the economic
value of the community and each development area, through the regulation of such elements as
size, number, location, design and illumination of signs. According to the Applicant, the
proposed sign will achieve this goal and will potentially boost revenue for the shopping center.
Tenant Wall Sign
Pursuant to the San Miguel Ranch SPA Plan Comprehensive Sign Regulations, one wall or
marquee sign per business per street frontage is allowed, with the exception that corner suites get
two signs. Each tenant may also have one hanging shingle sign per business per street/parking lot
The Applicant is proposing to add one (1) additional wall sign to be placed above the arched
column adjacent to the outdoor seating area. Currently, two tenant signs are already placed
within this area, for those tenants that are adjacent to the outdoor seating area. The proposed
signage will be visible from the public right -of -way and provide additional signage for the tenant
who doesn't have an area for signage visible to the street.
The wall sign would be 2 -feet x 15 -feet with a total square footage of 30 square feet. The wall
sign may include a tenant name, picture and graphics related to the stores and shops within the
shopping center. The proposed wall sign will be consistent with the existing two signs within this
Tower Signs
Currently, there are two architectural towers adjacent to the outdoor seating area. The tower
located to the south currently has one tenant's logo sign mounted to the tower. The existing logo
sign is approximately 5 -feet x 5 -feet with a total square footage of approximately 25 square feet.
Two other tenant signs could be located on the other side of the tower per the current regulations.
The Applicant is requesting to add three (3) logo or tenant names to the northerly tower and
revise the regulations to state that either tenant signage or logo signs may be allowed on both
towers. The Applicant is furthermore requesting to increase the- size of the tower signage. The
Applicant is requesting the signage to be increased to approximately 5 -feet x 8- feetwith a total
square footage of 40 square feet for each sign.
In 2005 when the shopping center was constructed, only one tower was built and only logo signs
of businesses were requested and allowed to be placed on the tower. Recently, the second tower
was constructed.
The proposed signs are in compliance with the San Miguel Ranch Sign Design Standards. The
signs shall be designed with intent and purpose to complement the architectural style of the main
building or buildings, with predominate visual elements of the building, such as construction
materials, color, or other design details. The signs will complement the architectural features and
blend well with the new design colors of the shopping center.
Planning Commission
July S, 2015
Item 3 Page 5
According to the Applicant, the shopping center is lacking signage for customers driving by the
site and people are not aware of all of the stores and shops located in the center. Additional
signage throughout the shopping center can increase customer awareness of the different stores
and shops and possibly increase revenue to the center. Due to the size and topography of the
shopping center, staff concurs that the center could benefit from the addition of these signs. The
materials and colors of the signs are compatible with the building colors of the shopping center.
Staff recommends the additional wall and tower signs be allowed, and the signage locations be
approved as depicted in the sign program.
Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve amendment to the design and location
of the proposed signs, as depicted in The Shops at San Miguel Ranch planned sign program,
subject to conditions noted in the attached Resolution
Staff has reviewed the property holdings of the Planning Commission members and has found no
property holdings within 500 feet of the boundaries of the properly, which is the subject of this
action. Staff is not independently aware, nor has staff been informed by any City
Councilmember, of any other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of
interest in this matter.
The application fees and processing costs are paid for by the Applicant.
1. Locator Map
2. Key Map
3. Planning Commission Resolution PSP -15 -01
4. Disclosure Statement
5. Planned Sign Program
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