HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 1 - Approval of MinutesITEM I Ml���ffv OF CHULAVI I"A �'�° `� � � x" c' ��° f�R' '°�x�sa'F%Sd.�- ;x'�`,^^-.�a-:�M re a�`� :ro �i° •`na ^ F��"�.".�. i�.'t�"^°�- `"��.hr�"`igix".n"2 ,or�a:� ^��-�^?��.,. �i-�.�",.•""z'•-'a`'a^., s ° >iaa���:x r a Commission 041= REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF CH PLANNING COMMISSIOP Date: April 22, 2035 6:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissione Absent: Commissioners MOTIONS TO EXCUSE: PLEDGE OF ALLEG OPENING STATEMENT: AP January Motion Motion PUBLIC COMME Anaya made `a Nava. Commis passed 5 -0 -2 -0 AND MOMENT OF SI Vice Council Chambers Public Service Building A 276 Fourth Avenue Fragomeno, Fuentes, Gutierrez and Livag otion t' excuse Commissioners Calvo, and bner Gutierrez seconded the motion and it 2015 ,naya; Second by Gutierrez ed 4 -0 -2 -1 with Calvo and Nava absent; Anaya abstained 25, 2015 otion by Fragomeno; Second by Gutierrez otion passed 4 -0 -2 -1 with Calvo and Nava absent; Gutierrez abstained Persons speaking during Public Comments may address the Board /Commission on any subject matter within the Board /Commission's jurisdiction that is not listed as an item on the agenda. State law generally prohibits the Board /Commission from discussing or taking action on any issue not included on the agenda, but, if appropriate, the board /Commission may schedule the topic for future discussion or refer the matter to staff. Comments are limited to three minutes. Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 2015 Page -2- CONSENT ITEMS: The Planning Commission will enact the Consent Calendar staff recommendations by one motion, without discussion, unless a Planning Commissioner, a member of the public, or staff requests that the item be removed for discussion. If you wish to speak on this item, please fill out a 'Request to Speak" form (available in the lobby) and submit it to the Secretary prior to the meeting. An item pulled from the Consent Calendar will be discussed immediately following the Consent Calendar. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The following item(s) have been advertised as public hearng(s) as required by law. If you wish to speak on any item, please fill out a "Request to Speak" form (available in °#he lobby) and submit it to the Commission Secretary prior to the meeting.r Vice -Chair Livag recused himself from Item 1 due to a concern that his previous statements might implicate due process issues. He would, however, spek as a private citizen. Meeting was turned over to Commissioner Fragomep to Chair. 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Stan Donn, Sere presentation that INTRODUCTION Consideration ofGPA 12 -03 amendments to the General Plan; G,D,PA 12 -15 amendments to the Otay Ranch General *elopment Plan, including a new Development Agreement, in portions of the Otay Ranch Freeway Commercial Planning Area 12. Applicant: Baldwin & Sons, LLC Project Manager: Stan Donn anner, and Ed Batchelder, Planning Manager, gave a brief PowerPoint uded the following, but not limited to, information: Baldwin & Sons, LLC ( "Applicant" or "Developer ") is proposing amendments to the City of Chula Vista General Plan (GP) Land Use and Transportation (LUT) Element and the Otay Ranch General Development Plan (GDP) to change approximately 28.7 acres of Retail Commercial to Mixed -Use Residential and Park on an existing approximate 35 -acre site. The proposed GP and Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 2015 Page -3- GDP amendments would allow for a transit - supportive mixed use development that would add 600 multi - family residential units (with 15,000 square feet of commercial retail) and a new 2- acre urban park within the Freeway Commercial North portion of Otay Ranch Planning Area 12 (see Locator Map, Attachment 1). The project also includes a Development Agreement which ensures the timely development of hotels totaling 300 rooms on the northerly most 6.3 -acre portion of the 35 -acre site (remaining commercial and is not,;'part of the proposed amendments), 15,000 square feet of commercial retail, and the urban park by the developer ( "Freeway Commercial North" or "FC -2" ( "Project ")). On July 9, 2012 the Applicant filed applications to process all of the subject items. BACKGROUND Freeway Commercial Prior Approvals The Fi6eeWay Commercial SPA Plan area is generally located south of Olympic Parkway, north of Birch Raad, east of State, Route 125 and west of Eastlake Parkway (see Locator Map). This amendment; Jimitec4 to: the FC -2 portion of the SPA Plan located between Olympic Parkway and the existing Otay Ranch Town Center. This portion of the SPA Plan is currently vacant and generally comprised- of flat graded pads with an existing road, Town Center Drive, bisecting the site in a north /south direction. FC -2 includes approximately 35 acres under two ownerships, Village fl Town Center, LLC and SunRanch Capital Partners, LLC. 2, Project Description Manning Commission Minutes April 22, 2015 Page -4- UM The proposed Project establishes a unified, walkable, mixed -use plan for the FC -2 district of Otay Ranch Planning Area 12. It is intended to enhance living, working, shopping and transit options in the area. The project amends existing GP (LUT element) and GDP commercial designated land use on approximately 28.7 acres of the 35.0 -acre FC -2 site to implement up to 600 multi- family dwelling units, 15,000 square feet of ancillary commerci.al,and a 2 -acre highly amenitized public park. Commercial entitlements and land use designation for the residual 6.3 acres located at the northwest portion of FC -2 will remain unchanged, "and will accommodate two hotels with at least 300 total roams. A proposed Development Agreement includes certain mutual ben0ts...fo( the City and Applicant from the proposed Project, as further described in item 3 below, "and the Analysis section of this report. � W Change 26.7 acrE Commercial Retail etail to.'Mixed Use Residential, and 2.0 acres of e tables; and exhibits to reflect changes in land use designations as the add: itional 600 residential units as well as additions in CPF, and licies are also proposed to reflect the mixed use project. he same proposed land use changes as the GP, including the change of ray Commercial to Mixed Use,_and 2.0 acres of Freeway Commercial to ties are further refinements of the new GP policies. Development Agreement: The proposed Development Agreement provides the assurance for two hotels totaling 300 rooms to be constructed; allows for a 4.6 acre park requirement reduction to be met through the construction, programming and maintenance of a high ly- amenitized 2 -acre urban park that is valued at or greater than 4.6 acres of park; and dedicates right of way and construction easements for completion of the South Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line. Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 2015 Page -5- CONCLUSION Within Freeway Commercial North, the proposed land uses and development intensities directly implement the provisions of the City's General Plan and the Otay Ranch General Development Plan that foster "smart growth." The proposed Project provides all of the public facilities required by the Otay Ranch GDP. The additional higher - density mixed -use residential located proximate to the hotels, park, and ancillary retail commercial further implement pedestrian -and transit - oriented policies and is in conformance,,.. t.h the goals, objectives and policies of the General Plan and the Otay Ranch GDP as described`in the analysis section of this report. The Development Agreement ensures the provision of park amenities and the construction of the hotels and urban park. F„ RECOMMENDATION That the Planning Commission conduct a public hearing end adoptthe proposed resolution recommending that the City Council: 4 1. Consider the Addendum to FEIR 2 ©02 -020 2. Approve a resolution for amendments-to_, GDP in accordance with the findings„ and and, 3. Approve an Ordinance for a Developm'en. and subject tot e' o' hdit�ans contained th PUBLIC H Thel folldwing OPEN in favor of the project: la Vista General Plan, and Otay Ranch ta: the conditions contained therein; Agreement in accordance with the findings rein. Those opposed were: Carolyn Schott — Chula Vista Elementary School District Angela Reed — Resident of Chula Vista Jessica Hayes — Resident of Chula Vista Peter Watry — Resident of Chula Vista David Danciu — Resident of Chula Vista Planning Commission Minutes April. 22, 2015 Page -6- Mark Livag —Resident of Chula Vista Lynn Twork — Business owner and Resident of Chula Vista Main concerns voiced in opposition included: Parking — too much residential will affect commercial parking Schools — most are already overcrowded City focused on commercial space providing sales tax for maintenance an'd services People living in Chula Vista go elsewhere for jobs and shopping Need for more industrial and good commercial space, not more residential Need store choices more like Plaza Bonita to attract the Hispanic customers that come across the border and go there to shop. F` Developer Comments: F Steven Haase addressed the concerns regarding schools, the hotel and current /future retail. Schools: There is a small portion of the the Commission that they will do what Otay Ranch. Hotel: Have to consider wh&e the hotel wan close to a lot of traffic,and noise at night. ThE satisfies the needs of h :6 hotel, A. y ell as the currently 4n th,e CFD. Mr. Haase assured hake sure everv'= =child attends school in ie Close to services, have amenities — not loper has to put together a package that Retail: Everybody wants the new=lVlillenia project"and the Eastern Urban Center to be successful. The big name retailers are just not going to come to the area. There are currently not enough "shoppers" 1n the area to attract the larger names. HEADING er Deliberat .ons /Questions Fuentes. `Thah. ked the'0tay Ranch residents for coming and voicing their concerns. Also thanked EaldW. n & Sons for helping develop the City to become an award winning comE~;nunity. Need to take in "to,..cidnsider the impact that a project will have on the residents. Unfortunately the Commission will not have the benefit of the public meeting results in the future. Appreciates the comments of Mr. Haase and his cooperation with the school district to make sure the children have schools in the community. Voiced his support of the project. Anaya: Thanked the residents and developer for being at the meeting. He is very appreciative of the comments of the developer regarding the schools and respects the track record in working with them on other projects. Remembered when Otay Ranch Towne Center opened and was excited about the opportunities to see something new. He was disappointed at that Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 2015 Page -7- time because it took a long time for it to become a "destination ". He is concerned about "taking away from what the area could become ". A lot is going to happen within the next decade and he is not in favor of taking away of the potential that ORTC could become. He is also concerned about people of the community driving outside Chula Vista for jobs. What are the potential jobs lost in not leaving the area commercial so residents wquld have the chance to work and live here? He is currently leaning towards not supporting the project. Gutierrez: In looking at the project he was excited about the Smart Growth and the amenities but had concerns about the schools. He feels that those concerns have been addressed, but is concerned about people coming into the area. Likes the idea o a f being bt le o live in the area and work in Chula Vista and likes that it can link to the BRT'and the University that is coming. So many things are scheduled to come alive in the next 10 years and he likes the level of thought that has been given to the project and into the; amenities He is leaning to support the project. Fragomeno: Thanked the developer for pr.. He understands the need for developrr. e... t more residential units. Will reduce traff SR125. Loves Smart Growth and being a not like the downtown San Diego area. T: not going to walk a mile to the BRT or to projects, but`feeis:this one is not right forth e City. the land, but does not see the current demand for o the, site, but will affect Olympic Parkway and to wa �esig adding 600 residential unitsso early is not a ly and stores to the area before `add.ing the ui Sudberry why he thinks big retailers and com we have the top 3 zip-codes in the county ik.,to things, but the east is very spread out, n looks good on paper, but people simply are inutes to cross Olympic Parkway. Feels like t. There needs to be more good restaurants he thinks it's just too early. Asked Colton ial don't want to come to Chula Vista when Sudberry,: Big retailers d`o ,.want to be in Chula Vista, but if you make a list of the good businesses you'would want to attract, they are already in the area. They tend to want to do oneor two big stores in,the County;.: He doesn't believe it's an issue of timing or recession, them are just not that many more retailers out there that are not already in the area. The only ones not in the area are the really big guys i.e. IKEA, etc. There was some discussion about getting,rr ore smaller retail Le. gas stations, automotive stores, car washes, Home Goods. Fragomeno Still feels ttiat putting more residential at the location is not a good idea at this time. Parking,is aiways a problem because households have more cars than the required number of parking spaces. Thinks we should let time take care of getting more good restaurants and commercial to the area before adding the residential PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED Planning Commission Minutes April 22, 2015 Page -8- MSC ACTION: Motion by to approve the project — Fuentes Seconded: Gutierrez MSC ACTION: Motion to deny recommending the General Plari`and General Development Plan Attorney Shirey recom`r end that the request be granted. The project will have to be renoticed. MSC ACTION Motion to `coritin,ue Item 2 — PCC 14 -023 to a future date made by Gutierrez Attorney Shirey advised the Commissioners that there would be a combined Brown Act/ Ethics training on May 14th at 5:00 p.m. in Council Chambers. AB 1234 is an ethics training requirement to be completed every two years — this would accomplish that. 5. COMMISSIONERS COMMENTS: Manning Commission Minutes April 22, 2015 Page -9- Commissioner Anaya encouraged the Commissioners and public to attend the Re- Districting (line - drawing) Workshop on Friday and Saturday. Public workshops are from May 13th on. Information can be found on the City web -site. Commissioner Livag apologized to the Commissioners for needing to recuse himself and cautioned them to be careful about voicing an opinion of a projectrior to the meeting. He is also happy to hear that there will be a Public Outreach to discuss the project. Thinks it's unfortunate not to have "freeway commercial and hotels" a Via'ble segment and thinks the coupling of the hotels is also unfortunate. ADJOURNMENT: At 8:07 p.m. to the next Regular Pla May 13, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in Coup'c Pat Laughlin, Secretary g Commissio ambers. ng on CETY of C1-llRMSTA Plannina Commission MEETING OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA PLANNING COMMISSION June 10, 2015 6:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER Members Present: Commissioners, Fuentes, G Council Chambers ilic Services Bldg A 76:Tourth Avenue Livag, Nadia, and Chair Members Absent: Commissioners Anaya, Fragomeno MOTIONS TO EXCUSE: Calvo /Gutie rte z 5 -0 -2 -0 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AND MOME OPENING STATEMENT: 1. APPROVAL OF'MI;NUTES November 12, 2014;' Calvo /Livag 5 -0 -2 -0 May 13' 2D15 Livag / Calvo 4 -0 -2 -1 (Fuentes abstained) PUBLIC Persons speaking durrng Public Comments may address the Commission on any subject matter within the ,. , Ca mmission's jurisdretio . i Plamiing Commission Minutes Page -2- June 10, 2015 PUBLIC HEARINGS The following item(s) have been advertised as public hearing(s) as required by law. if you wish to speak on any item, please fill out a "Request to Speak" form (available in the lobby) and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the meeting. ,_f,� Notice of the hearing was given in accordance with legal requirements; ;and the hearing was held on the date and no earlier than the time specified in the notice ' Chair Calvo recused herself due to a business conflict, at-615 p.m. and left the room. 2. PUBLIC NEARING: A. Public Hearing: DRC 13 26; Design Review consideration of a 4- story, 30,121 sq. ft Residence Inn,�`by: Marriott hotel,", ith 148 guest rooms, and associatedjecreation area on a 3.32 acre site located in the Otay Rancli.Freeway Commercial, Neighborhood PA -12, Planned Community District (FC2) Freeway Commercial District 2 plicant: Baldwin & Sons, LLC. B. Public Hearirig: PCC i4 023, ;Consideration of a Conditional Use Permit to devMin""' from the rnaxlmiam building height of 35 -ft. to allow a 58 -ft g for the Residence Inn by Marriott hotel on a 3 32 nacre site lecated in the Otay Ranch Freeway Commercial, Neighborhood PA772, Planned Community District (FC2) Freeway Cornm.ercial District 2zone. A. r Applicant Baldwin & Sons, LLC. Project Manager: Caroline Young, Associate Planner The Applicant jias,: submitted a Design Review and Conditional Use Permit application for ap&onal of a 4-story; O 121 sq."ft Residence Inn by Marriott hotel. The project includes 148 guest roams with associated recreation area on a 3.32 acre site. The site is vacant and located withiii the Otay Ranch Freeway Commercial, Neighborhood PA -12 Caroline Young gave a,PowerPoint presentation that included site location, renderings of buildings, landscaping; amenities; {parking, etc_,and also provided a materials board to the Commission. Public Hearing Opened — no one wished to speak Public Hearing Closed Commissioner's QuestionslDiscussion Conuriissioner Livag expressed his like of the design and had no general concerns, but asked about the entrance /exit to the hotel as it looks like access is one for both hotels to be built. Ed Batchelder advised the Commission that other options had been looked at and this one seemed to best fit the needs of both hotels (another to be built east of this at a future date). Commissioner Gutierrez thinks the project is well thought -out and that the design fits well into the surrounding area. Planning Commission Minutes Page -2- June 10, 2015 Commissioner Nava had a question regarding how traffic gets back to Olympic Parkway Batchelder explained the route of egress and said that the south and east paths had not yet been determined due to the other pending hotel project. Nick Baldwin explained to the Commission that they had worked with. Traffic Engineering and you will be able to travel south to a major intersection and from.the`east you can go left and right. Commissioner Livag asked if landscaping would be included on the slope on Olympic Pkway. Caroline Young stated that we had requested trees and landseaping on the lower walls. ,... Nick Baldwin said that they are doing extra planting acrd had decided to, do landscaping in front of the walls instead of having "plantable walls'' which a lot of times look like ,stripes. MSC (Gutierrez /Fuentes) (4 -0 -2 -1 (Calve abstaining)) that the Co mmission approves That Public Hearing PCC 14-054 be continued to a date not yet determined. ER BUSINESS Appointment of Planning Commissioner as representative to the GMOC for the 2015 Review Gycle <' Planning..... Manager Ed Batchelder let the Commission know that they need a representative%'from the Planning Commission to the Growth Oversight Management Committee.'; - 'Mark Livag has served for several years and is relinquishing the role. He gave a brief oversight of what the Committee did and how much he had learned about the different facets of the city to include schools, water districts, departmental functions, etc. Since Commissioners Anaya and Fragomeno were not in attendance and there was no clear volunteer, the appointment was delayed until a future meeting. 5. DIRECTOR'S REPORT: A) Approval of annual activity report to City Council The Commission reviewed the list of activities and asked that the Secretary look to see if there was something regarding the denial of a Village 2 project and, if so, add it to the list. Planning Commission Minutes Page -2- June 10, 2015 There was also extensive discussion about whether — or what — to comment and /or recommend to the City Council as part of this report. There was discussion amongst the Commission regarding the possibility of having a Workshop with staff regarding the process of making a staff report and how a recommendation is reached. It was felt that transparency needed to be shown and that perhaps the pros and cons of the project could be worked into the information given to the Commission. Public outreach and review was also addressed. Simon Silva, Deputy City Attorney, took the information requ work out the formal wording, provide it to Ed Batchelder and it for the Commission's approval. Report deadline to the May B) Designation of a Planning Commissioner to particip Management (TDM) stakeholder advisory group Commission and will .who can then e-mail ce a Transportation�Demand In Spring 2014, the City in partnership with SANDAG and,,th( introductory 2 7park workshop series on TransportationDem and the development community. The,.,. purpose of the understand of TDM, and how TDM prograrns, and policies cou Chula Vista as a way to provide cost- effecti.vevsolution demand, and help the environment through reducinj GIG emissions. Phase li will include a; series of workshops /d transportation demand manage.' anagement progra red orsulting firm KTU +A, held an Management (TDM) with staff �rkshops was to develop an b'e i,rnplemented in the City of uce traffic congestion, parking miles traveled and associated >sions to shapo the development of a formal ar the City of Chula Vista. The process will (SAG) to provide input to develop a roadmap be presented to city Council for action. It has e Planning Commission potentially participate There'was some discussion aboutthis committee and Chair Yolanda Calvo volunteered to be the Planning Commission representative.