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OATHS OF OFFICE Michael D. Jackson, Safety Commission Francine Maigue, International Friendship Commission Manuel Delgado, Mobilehome Rent Review Commission City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 8 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0464, Item#: B. INTRODUCTIONOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTA’SSISTERCITYODAWARA,JAPANYOUTH AMBASSADORSKAITOTSUCHIYA,AYAKASATO,YUKIEMATSUNAGAANDAKIKOSAKATA, PARTICIPANTSINTHEANNUALINTERNATIONALFRIENDSHIPCOMMISSION’SEXCHANGE PROGRAMANDAPRESENTATIONBYTHECHULAVISTAYOUTHAMBASSADORSLOREN FERNANDEZ,MARIOORSO,MOLLYUYEDAANDGITALIADIFERRETTIREGARDINGTHEIR EXPERIENCE IN ODAWARA City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 9 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0332, Item#: C. UPDATEONCITYNOW,THECITY’SCONTINUOUSIMPROVEMENTPROGRAM:VIRTUAL WAREHOUSE PROJECT City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 10 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0248, Item#: 1. RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAUTHORIZINGTHE ESTABLISHMENTOFACALIFORNIAMULTIPLEAWARDSCHEDULECONTRACTFROM SPORTSSURFACESDISTRIBUTING,INC.,INACCORDANCEWITHTHETERMSAND CONDITIONSOFREQUESTFORPROPOSALNUMBERGS-07F-556OPANDTHE COOPERATIVEAGREEMENT(CONTRACTNO.4-15-78-0033B)WITHTHEDEPARTMENTOF GENERALSERVICESFORARTIFICIALTURFREPLACEMENTATTHESALTCREEKSOCCER ARENA RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolution. SUMMARY TheSaltCreekSoccerArenawasopenedonJune10,2006,asapartoftheSaltCreekParkand RecreationCenterproject.ThesoccerarenaisoneofakindinChulaVistaandisusedsevendays aweekforrecreationalprogrammingforyouthandadults.Thisassethasreachedtheendofits useful life cycle requiring restoration. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW TheDevelopmentServicesDirectorhasreviewedtheproposedactivityforcompliancewiththe CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andhasdeterminedthattheactivityisnotaprojectas definedunderSection15378(b)(2)oftheStateCEQAGuidelinesbecauseitisanongoing maintenanceactivity;therefore,pursuanttoSection15060(c)(3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelinesthe activity is not subject to CEQA. Thus, no environmental review is necessary. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable DISCUSSION TheSaltCreeksoccerarenafieldisprogramedbystaffandheavilyusedbysoccerteamsandbythe generalcommunityduringbreaksbetweenscheduledleagueplayandevents.Thiswellusedasset reachedtheendofitsusefullifecycleandrequiresrestoration.Theconstantuseofthesoccerarena contributedtosubstantialwearandtearofthesyntheticturfcausingasafetyconcern;thereforethe turf was removed and the facility has been temporarily closed for renovation. StaffrecommendsawardingacontracttoSportsSurfacesDistributing,Inc.intheamountof $136,356.12forartificialturfreplacementattheSaltCreeksoccerarenatoaccommodateheavy usagebysoccerteams.TheCityofChulaVistaMunicipalCodeSection2.56.140andCouncil ResolutionNo.6132authorizethePurchasingAgenttoparticipateincooperativebidswithother agenciesforthepurchaseofmaterialsofcommonusageprovided,thatsuchitemsarepurchased throughacompetitiveprocessthatthepurchasingagentdeterminestobeconsistentwithgood City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 2Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 11 File#:15-0248, Item#: 1. purchasingpractices.ThePurchasingAgenthasmadethatdeterminationforthiscontract.In addition,ifthecontractexceeds$100,000,thenCityCouncilapprovalisrequired.Thiscontract includes a one year preventative maintenance element performed by the supplier for this project. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT StaffhasreviewedthepropertyholdingsoftheCityCouncilmembersandhasfoundnoproperty holdingswithin500feetoftheboundariesofthepropertywhichisthesubjectofthisaction. Consequently,thisitemdoesnotpresentadisqualifyingrealproperty-relatedfinancialconflictof interestunderCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,section18705.2(a)(11),forpurposesofthe Political Reform Act (Cal. Gov’t Code §87100,et seq.). Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyCityCouncilmember,ofany other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community,StrongandSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.Thisactionsupports thegoalofprovidingHealthyCommunitybysustainingasafeandwellmaintainedfieldwithinthe community for recreational opportunities that residents can enjoy. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT Sufficientfundingisavailabletocoverthecontractcostof$136,356.12.Thecurrentbudgetincludes $145,000intheTUTCommonFundinone-timefundingfromthesettlementrelatedtoTUTfrom wireless customers. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT Thisprojectincludesaoneyearpreventativemaintenanceplantoensurefuturelifeexpectancyof thisfacilityasset.Additionalfundswillbeneededforamulti-yearpreventativemaintenanceplan, which will be requested by the Recreation Department as part of the FY2016/17 budget process. ATTACHMENTS 1.Sports Surfaces Distributing, Inc.’s Contract with State of California 2.Sports Surfaces Distributing, Inc.’s Bid for Salt Creek Soccer Arena Staff Contact: Gordon Day, Public Works Department City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 2Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 12 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 13 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 14 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 15 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 16 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 17 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 18 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 19 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 20 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 21 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 22 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 23 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 24 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 25 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 26 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 27 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 28 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 29 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 30 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 31 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 32 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 33 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 34 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 35 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 36 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 37 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 38 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 39 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 40 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 41 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 42 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 43 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 44 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 45 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 46 1311 Cuesta Abajo Ct. NE Ste B Albuquerque, NM 87113 Toll Free 877-395-1978 Fax 505-243-2975 CMAS Contract #4-15-78-0033B www.sport-surfaces.com June 1, 2015 Kristi McClure Huckaby, Director of Recreation City of Chula Vista, Building C 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 Re: Salt Creek Community Park Speed Soccer Turf Replacement Dear Mr. Day: We will furnish the material, labor and equipment for the complete work of PR322 through Addendum #1. Included in the work is; 1.Remove existing artificial turf. 2.Re-grade and level arena base with laser level, add base materials if needed. 3.Drainage with J-Drain Turfcore Drain Shock mats. 4.Install artificial turf for outdoor public use. UBU M4R monofilament with SBR infill. Field lines to be tufted at factory, layout per plans. 5.Install rubber infill system or sand rubber combination at a manufacturer-approved weight and ratio. Must pass G-Max testing. All seams on fabric to be sewn or a hot glue system. 6.Clean up and removal and disposal of all debris. 7.G-Max testing and certification upon completion of the install. 8.Fencing removal and replacement by GB’s Fence Company. 9.Annual maintenance for one year. The cost for the work through CMAS contract #4-15-78-0033B is: G-3305-507 Demo & Dispose Synthetic Turf Sq. Ft. G-3305-700 UBU M4 2" Synthetic Turf Sq. Ft. G-3305-042 Ground Rubber Infill Sq. Ft. G-3305-049 Soccer Lines Inlaid Ea. G-3505-026 J-Drain Flat Surface Drain Lin. Ft. G-3305-509 Mobilization Sq. Ft. M-011-490 Fence repair Lin. Ft. M-011-333 Groom Field Sq. Ft. M-011-489 Bond $ 136,356.12 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 47 O#1:N-SBRI PTION ON NFILL Use EPDM rubber in lieu of SBR rubber. ADD: $9,280.00 Yours truly, SPORT SURFACES DISTRIBUTING, INC. By__________________________________ Robert J. Cohen, President ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 48 WWW.UBUSPORTS.COM INTENSITY S4-R 1-800-828-8700 ™ PRODUCT TEST RESULTS TEST CODE TEST RESULT TEST DESCRIPTION TEST NAME ASTM F355-01 Gmax 105 HIC 308 Gmax RATING Standard test method for shock-absorbing properties of playing surface systems and materials ASTM F1015-03 18 ± 2 RELATIVE ABRASIVE INDEX Standard test method for relative abrasiveness of synthetic turf playing surfaces ASTM F2117-01 27.2 INCHES / 69.0 CM AVERAGE BALL REBOUND HEIGHT Standard test method for vertical rebound characteristics of sports surface/ball systems; acoustical measurement ASTM F2117-01 0.41 (CR) COEFFICIENT OF RESTITUTION (CR) Standard test method for vertical rebound characteristics of sports surface/ball systems; acoustical measurement ASTM F1551-03 35.7 INCHES / 90.7 CM AVERAGE BALL BOUNCE Standard test methods for comprehensive characterization of synthetic turf playing surfaces and materials ASTM F1551-03 STATIC COF: 1.40 DYNAMIC COF: 1.10 SOCCER SHOE TRACTION – DRY Standard test methods for comprehensive characterization of synthetic turf playing surfaces and materials ASTM F1551-03 STATIC COF: 1.40 DYNAMIC COF: 0.90 SOCCER SHOE TRACTION – WET Standard test methods for comprehensive characterization of synthetic turf playing surfaces and materials ASTM F1551-03 STATIC COF: 1.60 DYNAMIC COF: 1.10 FOOTBALL SHOE TRACTION – DRY Standard test methods for comprehensive characterization of synthetic turf playing surfaces and materials ASTM F1551-03 STATIC COF: 1.40 DYNAMIC COF: 1.10 FOOTBALL SHOE TRACTION – WET Standard test methods for comprehensive characterization of synthetic turf playing surfaces and materials ASTM D5848-07 67.17 OZ Y² / 2.28 KG M² TOTAL WEIGHT Standard test method for mass per unit area of pile yarn floor coverings ASTM D5848-07 40.97 OZ Y² / 1.39 KG M² PILE WEIGHT Standard test method for mass per unit area of pile yarn floor coverings ASTM D5848-07 7.85 OZ Y² / 0.27 KG M² PRIMARY BACKING WEIGHT Standard test method for mass per unit area of pile yarn floor coverings ASTM D5848-07 18.35 OZ Y² / 0.62 KG M² SECONDARY BACKING WEIGHT Standard test method for mass per unit area of pile yarn floor coverings ASTM D5823-05A 2.10 INCHES / 53.34 MM PILE HEIGHT Standard test method for tuft height of pile floor coverings ASTM D1335-05 EXCEEDS STC STANDARDS TUFT BIND STRENGTH Standard test method for tuft bind of pile yarn floor coverings ASTM D5034-09 (MD) 243.0 LBS FORCE / 1,081 N GRAB TEAR STRENGTH Standard test method for breaking strength and elongation of textile fabrics (grab test) ASTM D5034-09 (CMD) 227.0 LBS FORCE / 1,014 N GRAB TEAR STRENGTH Standard test method for breaking strength and elongation of textile fabrics (grab test) ASTM D5793-05 9 PER 3 INCHES / 9 PER 7.6 CM STITCHES PER 3 INCHES Standard test method for binding sites per unit length or width of pile yarn floor coverings ASTM D5793-05 3/8 INCH / 9.5 MM MACHINE GAUGE Standard test method for binding sites per unit length or width of pile yarn floor coverings ASTM D2859-06 PASS FLAMMABILITY - PILL BURN Standard test method for ignition characteristics of finished textile floor covering materials ASTM E648-08B N/A FLAMMABILITY - RADIANT PANEL Standard test method for critical radiant flux of floor-covering systems using a radiant heat energy source ASTM F1951-09 PASS WHEEL CHAIR ACCESSIBILITY Standard specification for determination of accessibility of surface systems under and around playground equipment BS7044 - METHOD 4 EXCEEDS 40 INCHES (1016 MM) PER HR INFILTRATION RATE Determination of infiltration rate-buffered ponding-type infiltrometer ASTM D1907-07 9,385 DENIER / 10,428 DTEX FIBER DENIER Standard test methods for linear density of textile fibers by the Skein Method ASTM D3218-07 0.00450 INCHES / 0.11 MM FIBER THICKNESS Standard specification for polyolefin monofilaments ASTM D3218-07 0.40 INCHES / 10.16 MM FIBER WIDTH Standard specification for polyolefin monofilaments ASTM D789-07 248°F / 120°C FIBER MELTING POINT Standard test methods for determination of solution viscosities of polyamide (pa) ASTM D792-08 0.951 FIBER SPECIFIC GRAVITY Standard test methods for density and specific gravity (relative density) of plastics by displacement ASTM D2256-02(2008) 24.07 LBS / 107.1 N FIBER BREAKING STRENGTH Standard test method for tensile properties of yarns by the single-strand method ASTM D2256-02(2008) 47.5 % FIBER ELONGATION Standard test method for tensile properties of yarns by the single-strand method Individual Testing Reports are available upon request, which provide the detailed test results and specific procedures. ALL TESTS PERFORMED BY TESTING SERVICES, INC., DALTON, GA 2.0” / 51MM FIBER HEIGHT GRASS ZONE RESOLUTION 2015-_______ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULAVISTA AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A CALIFORNIA MULTIPLE AWARD SCHEDULE CONTRACT FROM SPORTS SURFACES DISTRIBUTING, INC., IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NUMBER GS-07F-556OP AND THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT (CONTRACT NO. 4-15-78-0033B) WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES FOR ARTIFICIAL TURF REPLACEMENT AT THE SALT CREEK SOCCER ARENA R ECITALS WHEREAS, the Salt Creek Soccer Arena was opened in June 10, 2006 as a part of the Salt Creek Park and Recreation Center project; and t WHEREAS,he arena is one of kind in Chula Vista and is used seven days a week for recreation programming for youth and adults;and WHEREAS, the field is programed by staff and heavily used by soccer teams with the community taking advantage of breaks between scheduled leagues and events; and WHEREAS, this asset has reached the end of its useful life cycle requiring restoration; and WHEREAS, the constant use of the soccer arena has contributed to substantial wear and tear of the synthetic turf causing a safety concern;and WHEREAS, the State of California General Services Department established a California Multiple Award Schedule contract with Sports Surfaces Distributing, Inc. for the purchase on and warranty of sport facility flooring and installation(CMAS contract No. 4-15-78-0033B); and WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista Municipal Code Section 2.56.140and Council PolicyNo. 6132 authorize the Purchasing Agent to participate in cooperative bids with other agencies for the purchase of materials of common usage, provided that such items are purchased through a competitive process that the Purchasing Agent determines is consistent with good purchasing practices;and WHEREAS,the Purchasing Agent has determined that the competitive process used for CMAS contract No. 4-15-78-0033B was consistent with good purchasing practices. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ofthe City of Chula Vista that it ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 51 approvesthe establishment of a California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) contract from Sports Surfaces Distributing, Inc., in accordance with the terms and conditions of request for proposal number GS-07f-556op and the cooperative agreement(CMAS contract no. 4-15-78- 0033B) with the Department of General Services for artificial turf replacemen,t with such minor modifications as may be required or approved by the City Attorney, a copy of which shall be kept on file in the office of the City Clerk, and authorizes and directs the Mayor to execute the same. Presented byApproved as to form by ___________________________ ___________________________ Richard A. HopkinsGlen R. Googins Director of Public WorksCity Attorney ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 52 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0359, Item#: 2. RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTACONSENTINGTO INCLUSIONOFPROPERTIESWITHINTHECITY’SJURISDICTIONINTHECALIFORNIAHERO PROGRAMTOFINANCEDISTRIBUTEDGENERATIONRENEWABLEENERGYSOURCES, ENERGYANDWATEREFFICIENCYIMPROVEMENTSANDELECTRICVEHICLECHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE,APPROVINGANAMENDMENTTOTHEWESTERNRIVERSIDECOUNCIL OFGOVERNMENTSJOINTPOWERSAGREEMENTTOADDTHECITYASAMEMBER,AND APPROVING AN INDEMNITY AGREEMENT WITH THE PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolution. SUMMARY OnJune6,2015,perResolution2015-115,CityCouncilapprovedPropertyAssessedCleanEnergy (PACE)ProgramGuidelinestohelpguideexpansionofPACEprogramofferingsavailabletoChula Vistaproperty-owners.Currently,ChulaVistaproperty-ownerscanonlychoosebetweentwo differentPACEprograms:thelocalCleanEnergyChulaVistaprogram(administeredbyYgrene EnergyFund)andthestatewideCaliforniaFIRSTprogram(administeredbytheCaliforniaStatewide CommunityDevelopmentAuthority&RenewableFunding).TheCityisaddingtheHEROProgram asanotherPACEprogramofferinginordertoprovideproperty-ownerswithmorechoices,potentially createmorecompetitiveratesinthemarket,andmaximizethenumberofcompletedenergyand water efficiency retrofits in the community. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW TheDevelopmentServicesDirectorhasreviewedtheproposedactivityforcompliancewiththe CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andhasdeterminedthattheactivityisnota“Project”as definedunderSection15378oftheStateCEQAGuidelines;therefore,pursuanttoSection15060(c) (3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelinestheactivityisnotsubjecttoCEQA.Thus,noenvironmentalreview is necessary. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION OnOctober13,2014,theResourceConservationCommissionrecommendedthattheCityCouncil expandPropertyAssessedCleanEnergy(PACE)programofferingsinChulaVistatoprovidegreater customer choice and to maximize energy and water efficiency retrofit opportunities. DISCUSSION AspartofitsClimateActionPlanimplementation,theCityhasbeenpursuingtheestablishmentof PropertyAssessedCleanEnergy(PACE)programs,whichallowproperty-ownerstofinanceenergy City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 3Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 53 File#:15-0359, Item#: 2. andwater-savingimprovementsthroughavoluntarytaxassessmentontheirproperty.Theresulting utilitysavingsareusedtohelpoffsetthenewassessmentandtheassessmentobligationsgenerally transferwiththepropertyuponsale,becausethenewownercontinuestobenefitfromtheefficiency improvements.PACEprogramswereauthorizedunderCaliforniaAssemblyBill811andSenateBill 555andhavesuccessfullyfacilitatedbuildingenergyandwaterupgradesinover230California communities,whilecreatinglocaleconomicdevelopmentbenefits.Typically,third-party administrators,onbehalfofhostjurisdictionsorjointpowersauthorities,managetheday-to-day programoperationsincludingcontractoroutreach,property-ownerenrollment,andprivatefinancing coordination. TheCityestablisheditsfirstPACEprograminDecember2013andhassincebeenapproachedby otherproviderswhowouldliketooffertheirprogramstoCityresidents.OneofthoseistheHERO Program(“HERO”).HEROwouldallowpropertyownersintheCityanotherPACEfinancingoption.If apropertyownerchoosestoparticipate,theinstalledimprovementswillbefinancedbytheissuance ofbondsbyajointpowersauthority,WesternRiversideCouncilofGovernments(“WRCOG”).The bondsaresecuredbyavoluntarycontractualassessmentleviedonsuchowner’sproperty,withno recoursetotheCity.Participationintheprogramisvoluntary.Propertyownerswhowishto participateintheprogramagreetorepaytheamountborrowedthroughthevoluntarycontractual assessmentcollectedtogetherwiththeirpropertytaxes.Thisfinancingisavailableforeligible improvements on both residential and non-residetnial properties. TheHEROProgram(forPACEfinancing)hasbeenverysuccessfulinWesternRiversideCounty, sinceitslaunchinlate2011;theProgramhasfundedover$570millioninprojectsfor29,000projects todate.Becauseofitssuccess,theCaliforniaHEROProgramisnowbeingofferedtoprovide additionalCaliforniacitiesandcountieswithaturnkeyprogramthatsavessignificanttime,costand localresourcesthatwouldotherwisebeneededtodevelopanewlocalprogram.Over290 jurisdictionsinCaliforniahaveapprovedtheHEROProgramfortheirresidentstodate.The CaliforniaHEROprogramcomplieswiththeCity’sprogramandunderwritingguidelinesthatensure high levels of program accountability and consumer protection. ParticipantsinthePACEprogramwillbeassessedviatheirregularpropertytaxbill.TheCountyof SanDiegohasenteredintoanAgreementforCollectionofTaxesandSpecialAssessmentswith WRCOG(seeAttachment1tothisreport).FundswillbecollectedbytheCountyofSanDiegoand remitteddirectlytoWRCOG.TheCityofChulaVistawillhavenoroleintheplacementofPACE assessments on the tax roll or the remittance of funds collected to WRCOG. ApprovalofthisresolutionwillexpandPACEprogramchoicesfromtwotothree.Staffwillbe submitting additional PACE program offerings for City Council’s consideration in the future. AdoptionoftheresolutionwillapproveanamendmenttotheWRCOGJointPowersAgreement(the “Amendment”)toaddtheCityasanAssociateMembertotheAuthorityforthepurposeoffacilitating implementationoftheHEROProgramintheCity,andwillalsoapproveanindemnityagreementwith City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 3Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 54 File#:15-0359, Item#: 2. theHEROProgram’sthirdpartyadministrator,RenovateAmerica,Inc(the“Agreemet”).The AmendmentandtheAgreementrequiretheWRCOGandRenovateAmerica,Inc.todefendand indemnifytheCityandtoconducttheHEROPrograminaccordancewithstateandlocallaw,andthe City’s PACE Program Guidelines. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Staffhasreviewedthedecisioncontemplatedbythisactionandhasdeterminedthatitisnotsite- specificandconsequently,the500-footrulefoundinCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,section 18705.2(a)(11),isnotapplicabletothisdecisionforpurposesofdeterminingadisqualifyingreal property-relatedfinancialconflictofinterestunderthePoliticalReformAct(Cal.Gov'tCode§87100, et seq.). Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyCityCouncilmember,ofany other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community,StrongandSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.PACEprograms supporttheHealthyCommunitygoalastheyfundenergyandwaterupgradesinthecommunity, whichisakeyobjectiveunderInitiative3.2.1.-“Designandimplementinnovativeenvironmental& conservation programs.” CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT ThereisnonetfiscalimpacttotheCity’sGeneralFundfromaddingCaliforniaHEROProgramas anotherPACEprogramoffering.PACEprogramsareimplementedatno-costtotheCityandstaff timeassociatedwithreviewingadditionalPACEprogramswouldbereimbursedthroughtheCity’s Local Government Partnership with San Diego Gas & Electric. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT ThereisnoongoingfiscalimpacttotheCity’sGeneralFundfromexpandingPACEprogram offerings. ATTACHMENTS 1.CountyofSanDiegoAgreementforCollectionofTaxesandSpecialAssessmentswith WRCOG 2.Addendum to JPA (Exhibit A) 3.Indemnification Agreement (Exhibit B) Staff Contact: Robert Beamon City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 3Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 55 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 56 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 57 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 58 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 59 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 60 This document contains the following: 1.CurrentJPA 2.Addendum#1 re addition of City of Wildomar (8/4/08) 3.Addendum #2 re addition of City of Menifee (10/6/08) 4.Addendum #3 re addition of Eastern and Western Municipal Water Districts (5/11/09) 5.Addendum #4 re addition of City of Eastvale (10/1/10) 6.Addendum #5 re addition of City of Jurupa Valley (7/1/11) 7.Addendum #6 to permit the provision of PACE services (local HERO) (10/23/12) ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 61 Updated through June 4, 2013 Revised JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT OF THE WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS ThisAgreementismadeandenteredintoonthe 1st day of April,1991,pursuant to Government Code Section 6500 et.seq.and other pertinent provisions of law, by and between six or more of the cities located within Western Riverside County and the County of Riverside. R E C I T A L S A. Each member and party to this Agreementis a governmentalentity established bylawwith fullpowers ofgovernment in legislative, administrative, financial, and other related fields. B. The purpose of the formation is to provide an agency to conduct studies and projects designed to improve and coordinate the common governmental responsibilities and services on an area-wide and regional basis through the establishment of an association of governments.The Council will explore areas of inter- governmental cooperation and coordination of government programs and provide recommendations and solutions to problems of common and general concern. C.When authorized pursuant to an Implementation Agreement, the Council shall manage and administer thereunder. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 62 I. PURPOSE AND POWERS 1.1Agency Created. There is hereby created a public entity to be known as the "Western Riverside Council of Governments" ("WRCOG").WRCOG is formed by this Agreement pursuant to the provision ofGovernment Code Section 6500 et.seq.and other pertinent provision of law.WRCOG shall be a public entity separate from the parties hereto. 1.2Powers. 1.2.1.WRCOG establishedhereunder shallperform all necessary functions to fulfillthe purposes ofthis Agreement.Among other functions, WRCOG shall: a.Serveas a forum for consideration,study and recommendation on area-wide and regional problems; b.Assemble information helpful in the consideration of problems peculiar to Western Riverside County; c. Explorepracticalavenuesfor intergovernmental cooperation, coordination and action in theinterest of local public welfare and means of improvements in the administration of governmental services; and d.Serveastheclearinghousereview body for Federally-funded projects in accordance with Circular A-95 in conjunction withtheSouthernCalifornia Association of Governments. 2 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 63 1.2.2. The Council shall have the power in its own name to do any of the following; a.When necessary for the day to day operation of the Council, to make and enter into contracts; b.To contract for the services ofengineers, attorneys, planners, financial consultants and separate and apart therefrom to employ such other persons, as it deems necessary; c. To apply for an appropriate grant or grants under anyfederal,state, orlocalprograms. d.To receive gifts, contributions and donations of property, funds, services and other forms of financial assistancefrom persons, firms, corporations and any governmental entity; e.Tolease, acquire, construct, manage, maintain, and operate any buildings, works, or improvements; f.To delegate some or all of its powers to the Executive Committee and the Executive Director of the Council as hereinafter provided. 1.2.3The association shall have the power in its own name, only with the approval of all affected member agencies to; a.Acquire, hold and dispose of property by eminent domain, lease, lease purchase or sale. b.Toincurdebts,liabilities,obligations, and issue bonds; II. ORGANIZATION OF COUNCIL 3 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 64 2.1Parties. The parties to WRCOG shall be the County of Riverside and each city located within Western Riverside County which has executed or hereafter executes this Agreement, or any addenda, amendment, or supplement thereto and agrees to such become a member upon suchterms and conditions as established by the general council or executive committee, and which has not, pursuant to provisions hereof, withdrawn therefrom.Only the parties identified in this section and Associate Members approved under section 8.2 of this Agreement, if any, shall be considered contracting parties to this Agreement under Government Code section 6502, provided that the rights of any Associate Member under this Agreement shall be limited solely those rights expressly set forth in a PACE Agreement authorized in section 8.2 of this Agreement. 2.2Names. The names, particular capacities and addresses of the parties at any time shall be shown on Exhibit "A" attached hereto, as amended or supplemented from time to time. 2.3Duties. WRCOG shall do whatever is necessary and required to carry out the purposes of this agreement and when authorized by an Implementation Agreement pursuant to section 1.2.3 as appropriate,to make andenterintosuch contracts, incur such debts and obligations, assess contributions from the members, and perform such other acts as are necessary to the accomplishment of the purposes of such agreement, 4 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 65 within the provisionsof Government CodeSection6500et seq.andas prescribed by the laws of the State ofCalifornia. 2.4 Governing Body. 2.4.1.WRCOG shall be governed by a General Assembly with membership consisting of the appropriate representatives from the County of Riverside, each city which is a signatory to this Agreement, Western Municipal Water District, and Eastern Municipal Water District, the number of which shall be determined as hereinafter set forth.The General Assembly shall meet at least once annually, preferably scheduled in the evening.Each member agency of the General Assembly shall have one vote for each mayor,council member,county supervisor, and water district board memberpresent at the General Assembly.The General Assembly shall act only upon a majority of a quorum.A quorum shall consist of a majorityof the total authorized representatives, provided that members representing a majority of the member agencies are present.The General Assembly shall adopt and amend by-laws for the administration and management of this Agreement,which when adopted and approved shall be an integral part of this Agreement.Such by-laws may provide for the management and administration of this Agreement. 2.4.2.ThereshallbeanExecutiveCommitteewhich exercises the powers of this Agreement between sessions of the General Assembly.Members of the Executive Committee shall be the Mayor from each of the member cities, four members of the Riverside County Board of Supervisorsand the President of each Water District, the remaining member of the Board of Supervisors shall serve as an alternate, except any City Council, at its discretion, can appoint a Mayor Pro Tem or other city council 5 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 66 member in place of the Mayor, and each water district board, at its discretion, can appoint another board member in place of the President.The Executive Committee shall actonly upon a majority of a quorum.A quorum shall consist of a majority ofthe member agencies.Membership of the Water Districts on the General Assembly and Executive Committee of WRCOG shall be conditioned on the Water Districts entering into a separate Memorandums of Understanding with WRCOG. 2.4.3.Each member of the General Assembly and the Executive Committee shall be a current member of the legislative body such member represents. 2.4.4. Each participating memberontheExecutive Committee shallalso have an alternate, whomust alsobea currentmemberofthelegislativebodyofthe partysuch alternate represents.The name of thealternatemembersshallbeonfile withtheExecutive Committee.In the absence of the regular member from an agency, the alternate member from suchagency shallassume allrightsand duties of the absent regular member. 2.5Executive Director. The Executive Director shall be the chief administrative officer of the Council.He shall receive such compensation as may be fixed by the Executive Committee.The powers and duties of the Executive Director shall be subject to the authority of the Executive Committee and include the following: a.To appoint, direct and remove employees of the Council. b.Annually to prepare and present a proposed budget to the Executive Committee and General Assembly. c. Serve as Secretary of the Council and of the Executive Committee. 6 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 67 d.To attend meetings of the Executive Committee. e.To perform such other andadditional duties as the Executive Committee may require. 2.6Principal Office. The principal office of WRCOG shall be established by the Executive Committee and shall be located within Western Riverside County.The Executive Committee is hereby granted full power and authority to change said principal office from one location to another within Western Riverside County.Any change shall be noted by the Secretary under this section but shall not be considered an amendment to this Agreement. 2.7Meetings. The Executive Committeeshall meetat the principal office of the agency or at such other place as may be designated by the Executive Committee.The time andplaceof regular meetings of the Executive Committee shall be determined by resolution adopted bythe Executive Committee;a copy of such resolution shall be furnished toeach party hereto.Regular, adjourned and special meetings shall be called and conducted in accordance withthe provisions oftheRalph M.Brown Act, Government Code Section 54950 et.seq., as it may be amended. 2.8Powers and Limitations of the Executive Committee. Unless otherwise provided herein, each member or participating alternate of the Executive Committee shall be entitled to one vote, and a vote of the majority of those present and qualified to vote constituting a quorum may adopt any motion, 7 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 68 resolution, or order and take any other action they deemappropriate to carryforward the objectives of the Council. 2.9Minutes. The secretary of the Council shall cause to be kept minutes of regular adjourned regular and special meetings of the General Assembly and Executive Committee, and shall cause a copy of the minutes to be forwarded to each member and to each of the members hereto. 2.10Rules. The Executive Committee may adoptfrom time to time such rules and regulations for the conduct of itsaffairs consistent with this agreement or any Implementation Agreement. 2.11Vote or Assent of Members. The vote, assent or approval of the members in any manner as may be required, hereunder shall be evidenced by a certified copy of the action of the governing body of such party filed withthe Council.It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Director to obtain certified copies of said actions. 2.12Officers. Thereshall beselected from the membership of the ExecutiveCommittee, a chairperson and a vice chairperson.The Executive Director shall be the secretary. The Treasurer of the County of Riverside shall be the Treasurer of the Council and the Controller or Auditor of the County of Riverside shall be the Auditor of the Council. Such persons shall possess the powers of, and shall perform the treasurer and auditor functions respectively, for WRCOG and perform those functions required of them by 8 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 69 Government Code Sections 6505, 6505.5 and 6505.6, and by all other applicable laws and regulations, including any subsequent amendments thereto. The chairperson and vice chairperson, shall hold office for a period of one year commencing July 1st of each and every fiscal year;provided, however, the first chairperson and vice chairperson appointed shall hold office from the date of appointment to June 30th of the ensuing fiscal year.Except for the Executive Director, any officer, employee, or agent of the Executive Committee may also be an officer, employee, or agent of any of the members.The appointment by the Executive Committee of such a person shall be evidence that the two positions are compatible. 2.13Committees. The Executive Committee may,as it deems appropriate, appoint committees to accomplish the purposes set forth herein.All committee meetings of WRCOG, including those of the Executive Committee, shall be open to all members. 2.14Additional Officers and Employees. The Executive Committee shall have the power to authorizesuch additional officers and assistants as may be appropriate.Such officers and employees may also be, but are not required to be, officers and employees of the individual members. 2.15Bonding Requirement. The officers or persons who have charge of, handle, or have access to any property of WRCOG shall be the members of the Executive Committee, the treasurer, the Executive Director, and any other officers or persons to be designated or empowered by the Executive Committee.Each such officer or person shall be required 9 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 70 to file an official bond with the Executive Committee in an amount which shall be established by the Executive Committee.Should the existing bond or bonds of any such officer be extended to cover the obligations provided herein, said bond shall be the official bond required herein.The premiums on any such bonds attributable to the coverage required herein shall be appropriate expenses of WRCOG. 2.16Status of Officers and Employees. All of the privileges and immunities from liability, exemption from laws, ordinances and rules, all pension, relief, disability, worker's compensation, and other benefits which apply to the activity of officers, agents, or employees of any of the members when performing their respective functions shall applyto themtothesame degreeandextent while engaged in the performance of any of the functions and other duties under this Agreement.None of the officers,agents, or employees appointed by the Executive Committee shall be deemed, by reason of their employment by the Executive Committee, to be employed by any of the members or, by reason of their employment by the Executive Committee, to be subject to anyof the requirements of such members. 2.17Restrictions. Pursuant to Government Code Section 6509, forthe purposes of determining the restrictions to be imposed by the Council in its exercise of the above-described joint powers, reference shall be made to, and the Council shall observe, the restrictions imposed upon the County of Riverside. 2.18Water Districts and TUMF Matters. 10 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 71 Pursuant to this Joint Powers Agreement, WRCOG administers the Transportation Mitigation Fee (“TUMF”) for cities in western Riverside County. The fee was established prior to the Water District’s involvement with WRCOG and will fund transportation improvements for the benefit of the County of Riverside and the cities in western Riverside County. As such, the Western Municipal Water District and the Eastern Municipal Water District General Assembly and Executive Committee Members shall not vote on any matter related to the administration of the TUMF program or the expenditure of TUMF revenues. III FUNDS AND PROPERTY 3.1Treasurer. The Treasury of the member agency whose Treasurer is the Treasurer for WRCOG shall be the depository for WRCOG.The Treasurer of the Council shall have custody of all funds and shall provide for strict accountability thereof in accordance with Government Code Section 6505.5 and other applicable laws of theState of California. He or she shall perform all of the duties required in Government Code Section 6505 and following, such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee. 3.2.Expenditure of Funds. The funds under this Agreement shall be expended only in furtherance of the purposes hereof and in accordance with thelawsoftheStateof Californiaand standard accounting practices shall be used to account for all funds received and disbursed. 3.3.Fiscal Year. 11 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 72 WRCOG shall be operated on a fiscal year basis, beginning on July 1 of each yearand continuing until June 30 of the succeeding year.Prior to July 1 of each year, the General Assembly shall adopt a final budget for the expenditures of WRCOG during the following fiscal Year. 3.4.Contributions/Public Funds. In preparing the budget, the General Assembly by majority vote of a quorum shall determine the amount of funds which will be required from its members for thepurposes of this Agreement.Thefunds required from its members after approval of the final budget shall be raised by contributions 50% of which will be assessed on a per capita basis and 50% on an assessed valuation basis, each city paying on the basis of its population and assessed valuation and the County paying on the basis of thepopulation and assessed valuation withinthe unincorporated area of Western Riverside County as defined in theby-laws.The parties,when informed of their respective contributions, shall pay the same before August lst of the fiscal year for which they are assessed or within sixty days of beinginformed of the assessment, whichever occurs later.In addition to the contributions provided, advances of public funds from the parties may be made for the purposes of this Agreement.When such advances are made, they shall be repaid from the first available funds of WRCOG. The General Assembly shall have the power to determine that personnel, equipment or property of one or more of the partiesto the Agreement may be used in lieu of fund contributions or advances. 12 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 73 All contributions and funds shall be paid to WRCOG and shall be disbursed by a majority vote of a quorum of the Executive Committee, as authorized by the approved budget. 3.5Contribution from Water Districts. The provision of section 3.4 above shall be inapplicable to the Western Municipal Water District and the Eastern Municipal Water District. The amount of contributions from these water districts shall be through the WRCOG budget process. IV BUDGETS AND DISBURSEMENTS 4.1Annual Budget. The Executive Committee may at any time amend the budget to incorporate additional income and disbursements that might become available to WRCOG for its purposes during a fiscal year. 4.2Disbursements. The Executive Director shall request warrants from the Auditor in accordance with budgets approved by the General Assembly or Executive Committee subject to quarterly review by the Executive Committee.The Treasurer shall pay such claims or disbursements and such requisitions for payment in accordance with rules, regulations, policies, proceduresand bylaws adopted by the Executive Committee. 4.3Accounts. All funds will be placed in appropriate accounts and the receipt, transfer, or disbursement of such funds during the term of this Agreement shall be accounted for in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles applicable to governmental 13 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 74 entities and pursuant to Government Code Sections 6505 et seq.and any other applicable laws of the State of California.Thereshall be strict accountability of all funds.All revenues and expenditures shall be reported to the Executive Committee. 4.4Expenditures Within Approved Annual Budget. Allexpendituresshallbe madewithinthe approved annual budget.No expenditures in excess of those budgeted shall be made without the approval of a majority of a quorum of the Executive Committee. 4.5Audit. The records and accounts of WRCOG shall be audited annually by an independent certified public accountant and copies of such audit report shall befiled with the CountyAuditor, State Controller and each party to WRCOG no later than fifteen (15) days after receipt of said audit by the Executive Committee. 4.6Reimbursement of Funds. Grant funds received by WRCOG from any federal, state, or local agency to pay for budgeted expenditures for which WRCOG has received all or a portion of said funds from the parties hereto shall be used as determined by WRCOG's Executive Committee. V LIABILITIES 5.1Liabilities. The debts, liabilities, and obligation of WRCOG shall be the debts, liabilities, or obligations of WRCOG alone and not of the parties to this Agreement. 5.2Hold Harmless and Indemnity. 14 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 75 Each party hereto agrees to indemnify and hold the other parties harmless from all liability for damage, actual or alleged, to persons or property arising out of or resulting from negligent acts or omissions of the indemnifying party or its employees. Where the General Assembly or Executive Committee itself or its agents or employees are held liable for injuries to persons or property, each party's liability for contribution or indemnity for such injuries shall be based proportionately upon the contributions (less voluntary contributions) of each member.In the event of liability imposed upon any of the parties to this Agreement, or upon the General Assembly or Executive Committee created by this Agreement,for injury which is caused by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of any of the parties in the performance of this Agreement, the contribution of the party or parties not directly responsible for the negligent or wrongful act or omission shallbelimitedtoOneHundredDollars ($100.00).The party or parties directly responsible for the negligent or wrongful acts or omissions shall indemnify, defend, and holdallotherpartiesharmless from any liabilityfor personal injury or property damage arising out of the performance of this Agreement.The voting for or against a matter being considered by the General Assembly or executive or other committee or WRCOG, or abstention from voting on such matter, shall not be construed to constitute a wrongful act or omission within the meaning of this Subsection. VI ADMISSION AND WITHDRAWAL OF PARTIES 6.1Admission of New Parties. It is recognized that additional cities other than the original parties, may wish to participate in WRCOG.Any Western Riverside County city may become a party 15 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 76 to WRCOG upon such terms and conditions as established by the General Assembly or Executive Committee.Any Western Riverside County city shall become a party to WRCOG by the adoption by the city council of this agreement and the execution of a written addendum thereto agreeing to the terms of this Agreement and agreeing to any additional terms and conditions that may be established by the general assembly or Executive Committee.Special districts which are significantly involved in regional problems and the boundaries of which include territory within the collective area of the membership shall be eligible for advisory membership in the Council.The representative of any such advisory member may participate in the work of committees of the Council. 6.2Withdrawal from WRCOG. It is fully anticipated that each party hereto shall participatein WRCOG untilthepurposes set forthinthis Agreement are accomplished.The withdrawal of any party, either voluntaryorinvoluntary,unlessotherwiseprovidedbythe General Assembly or Executive Committee, shall be conditioned as follows: a. In the case of a voluntary withdrawal following a properly noticed public hearing, written notice shall be given to WRCOG, six months prior to the effective date of withdrawal; b. Withdrawalshallnot relieve theparty of its proportionate share of any debts or other liabilities incurred by WRCOGpriortothe effective date of the parties' notice of withdrawal; c. Unless otherwise provided by a unanimous vote of the Executive Committee, withdrawal shall result in the forfeiture of that party's rights and claims 16 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 77 relating to distribution of property and funds upon termination of WRCOG as set forth in Section VII below; d. Withdrawal from any Implementation Agreement shall not be deemed withdrawal from membership in WRCOG. VII TERMINATION AND DISPOSITION OF ASSETS 7.1Termination of this Agreement. WRCOG shall continue to exercise the joint powers herein until the termination ofthis Agreement and any extension thereof oruntilthepartiesshallhave mutuallyrescindedthis Agreement; providing, however, that WRCOG and this Agreement shall continue to exist for the purposes of disposing of all claims, distribution ofassetsand allotherfunctionsnecessary to conclude the affairs of WRCOG. Termination shall be accomplished by written consent of all of the parties, or shall occur upon the withdrawal from WRCOG of a sufficient number of the agencies enumerated herein so as to leaveless than five of the enumerated agenciesremaining in WRCOG. 7.2Distribution of Property and Funds. In the event of the termination of this Agreement, anyproperty interest remaining in WRCOG following the discharge of all obligations shall be disposed of as the Executive Committee shall determine with the objective of distributing to each remaining party a proportionate return on the contributions made to such properties by such parties, less previous returns, if any. VIII 17 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 78 PACE IMPLEMENTATION AND PARTICIPATION AGREEMENTS; ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP 8.1Execution of Agreement. When authorized by the Executive Committee, any affected member agency or agencies enumerated herein, may execute an Implementation Agreement for the purpose of authorizing WRCOG to implement, manage and administer area-wide and regional programs in the interest of the local public welfare. The costs incurred by WRCOG in implementing a program including indirect costs, shall be assessed only to those public agencies who are parties to that Implementation Agreement. 8.2PACE Agreements; Associate Membership. WRCOG shall be empowered to establish and operate one or more Property Assessed Clean Energy (“PACE”) programs pursuant to Chapter 29 of the Improvement Bond Act of 1911, being Division 7 of the California Streets and Highways Code, and to enter into one or more agreements, including without limitation, participation agreements, implementation agreements and joint powers agreements and amendments thereto to fulfill such programs both within and outside the jurisdictional boundaries of WRCOG. WRCOG, acting through its Executive Committee, shall be empowered to establish an “Associate Member” status that provides membership in WRCOG to local jurisdictions that are outside WRCOG’s jurisdictional boundaries but within whose boundaries a PACE program will be established and implemented by WRCOG. Said local jurisdictions shall become Associate Members of WRCOG by adopting one or more agreements (the “PACE Agreement”) on the terms and conditionsestablished by 18 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 79 the Executive Committee and consistent with the requirements of the Joint Exercise of Powers Act, being 5 of Division 7, Title 1 of the California Government Code (Sections 6500 et seq.). The rights of Associate Members shall be limited solely to those terms and conditions expressly set forth in the PACE Agreement for the purposes of implementing the PACE program within their jurisdictional boundaries. Except as expressly provided for by the PACE Agreement, Associate Members shall not haveany rights otherwise granted to WRCOG’s members by this Agreement, including but not limited to the right to vote, right to amend this Agreement, and right to sit on committees or boards established under this Agreement or by action of the Executive Committee or the General Assembly, including, without limitation, the General Assembly and the Executive Committee. IX MISCELLANEOUS 9.1Amendments. This Agreement may be amended with the approval of not less than two-thirds (2/3) of all member agencies. 19 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 80 9.2Notice. Anynotice orinstrumentrequiredto begiven or delivered by depositing the same in any United States Post Office, registered or certified, postage prepaid, addressed to the addresses of the parties as shown on Exhibit "A",shall be deemed to have been received by the party to whom the same is addressed at the expiration of seventy-two (72) hours after deposit ofthe same intheUnitedStatesPost Officefor transmission by registered or certified mail as aforesaid. 9.3Effective Date. This Agreementshall be effective and WRCOG shall exist from and after such date as this Agreement has been executed by any seven or more of the public agencies, including the County of Riverside, as listed on page 1 hereof. 20 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 81 9.4Arbitration. Any controversyorclaimbetween anytwo ormore parties to this Agreement, or between any such party or parties andWRCOG,withrespectto disputes,demands,differences, controversies,ormisunderstandingsarisinginrelation to interpretation of this Agreement, or any breach thereof, shall be submitted to and determined by arbitration.The party desiring to initiate arbitration shall give notice of its intention to arbitrate to every other party to this Agreement and to the Executive Director of the Council.Such notice shalldesignate as "respondents" such other parties as the initiating party intends to have bound by any award made therein.Any party not so designated but which desires to join in the arbitration may, within ten (10) days of service upon it of such notice, file with all other parties and with the Executive Director of the Council a response indicating its intention to join in and to be bound by theresults of the arbitration,andfurther designating any other parties it wishes to name as a respondent.Withintwenty (20) days of the service of the initial demand for arbitration, the initiating party and the respondent or respondents shall each designate a person to act as an arbitrator.The designated arbitrators shall mutually designate the minimal number ofadditional persons as arbitrators as may be necessary to create an odd total number of arbitrators but not less than three to serve as arbitrator(s). The arbitrators shall proceed to arbitrate the matter in accordance with the provisions of Title 9 of Part 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1280 et.seq.The parties to this Agreement agree that the decision of the arbitrators will be binding and will not be subject to judicial review except on the ground that the arbitrators have exceeded the scopeof their authority. 21 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 82 9.5Partial Invalidity. If any one or more ofthe terms, provisions, sections, promises, covenants or conditions of this Agreement shall to any extent be adjudged invalid, unenforceable, void or voidable for any reason whatsoever by a court of competent jurisdiction, each and all of the remaining terms, provisions, sections, promises, covenants and conditions of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby and shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 9.6Successors. This Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the successors of the parties hereto. 9.7Assignment. The partieshereto shallnot assign anyrightsor obligations under this Agreement without written consent of allother parties. 9.8Execution. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside and thecitycouncils ofthe citiesenumerated herein haveeach authorizedexecutionof this Agreementas evidenced by the authorized signatures below, respectively. 22 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 83 Original Members Agencies 1.City of Banning 2.City of Beaumont (withdrawn) 3.City of Calimesa 4.City of Canyon Lake 5.City of Corona 6.City of Hemet 7.City of Lake Elsinore 8.City of Moreno Valley 9.City of Murrieta 10.City of Norco 11.City of Perris 12.City of Riverside 13.City of San Jacinto 14.City of Temecula 15.County of Riverside Additional City Members 1.City of Eastvale (added on 08/02/2010, Resolution 01-11) 2.City of Jurupa Valley (added on 07/29/2011, Resolution 02-12) 3.City of Menifee (added on 10/06/2008, Resolution 03-09) 4.City of Wildomar (added on 08/04/2008, Resolution 01-09) 23 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 84 THE WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Participating Agencies 5.Eastern Municipal Water District (membership on the Governing Board of WRCOG, 05/11/2009) 6.Western Municipal Water District (membership on the Governing Board of WRCOG, 05/11/2009) 7.Riverside County Superintendent of Schools (membership as an ex- officio, advisory member of WRCOG, 11/07/2011) 8.Morongo Band of Mission Indians (membership as an ex-officio, advisory member of WRCOG, 6/4/2013) 24 20323.00002\\1494125.6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 85 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 86 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 87 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 88 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 89 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 90 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 91 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 92 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 93 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 94 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 95 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 96 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 97 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 98 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 99 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 100 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 101 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 102 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 103 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 104 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 105 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 106 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 107 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 108 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 109 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 110 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 111 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 112 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 113 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 114 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 115 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 116 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 117 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 118 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 119 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 120 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 121 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 122 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 123 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 124 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 125 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 126 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 127 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 128 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 129 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 130 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 131 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 132 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 133 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 134 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 135 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 136 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 137 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 138 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 139 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 140 RESOLUTION NO. ______________ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITYOF CHULA VISTACONSENTING TO INCLUSION OF PROPERTIES WITHIN THE CITY’S JURISDICTION IN THE CALIFORNIA HERO PROGRAM TO FINANCE DISTRIBUTED GENERATION RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES,ENERGY AND WATER EFFICIENCY IMPROVEMENTS AND ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE,APPROVING ANAMENDMENT TO THE WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTSJOINT POWERS AGREEMENT TO ADD THE CITY AS A MEMBER, AND APRPOVING AN INDEMNITY AGREEMENT WITH THE PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR WHEREAS, the Western Riverside Council of Governments(“WRCOG”) (the “Authority”) is a joint exercise of powers authority established pursuant to Chapter 5 of Division 7, Title 1 of the Government Code of the State of California (Section 6500 and following) (the “Act”) and the Joint Power Agreement entered into on April 1, 1991, as amended from time to time (the “Authority JPA”); and WHEREAS, Authority has established the California HERO Program to provide for the financing of renewable energy distributed generation sources, energy and water efficiency improvements and electric vehicle charging infrastructure (the “Improvements”) pursuant to Chapter 29 of Part 3 of the Improvement Act of 1911, being Division 7 of the California Streets and Highways Code (“Chapter 29”),within counties and cities throughout the State of California that elect to participate in such program; and WHEREAS, the Cityof Chula Vista(the “City”) is committed to development of renewable energysources and energy efficiency improvements, reduction of greenhouse gases, protection of our environment, and reversal of climate change; and WHEREAS, in Chapter 29, the Legislature has authorized cities and counties to assist property owners in financing the cost of installing Improvementsthrough a voluntary contractual assessment program; and WHEREAS, installation of such Improvements by property owners within the jurisdictional boundaries of the counties and cities that are participating in the California HERO Program would promote the purposes cited above; and WHEREAS, the Citywishes to provide innovative solutions to its property owners to achieve energy and water efficiency and independence, and in doing so cooperate with Authorityin order to efficiently and economically assist property ownersinthe City in financing such Improvements; and A -1 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 141 WHEREAS, Authority has establishedthe California HERO Program, which is such a voluntary contractual assessment program,as permitted by the Act, the Authority JPA, originally made and entered into April 1, 1991, as amended to date, and the Amendment to Joint Powers Agreement Adding the City of Chula Vistaas an Associate Member of the Western Riverside Council of Governments to Permit the Provision of Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Program Services within the City (the “JPA Amendment”), by and between Authority and the City, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit “A” to this Resolution, to assist property owners within the jurisdiction of the City in financing the cost of installing Improvements; and WHEREAS, Pursuant to the JPA Amendment, the Authority agrees to defend and indemnify the City and to conduct the Program in accordance with state and local law, and the City’s PACE Program Guidelines; and WHEREAS, Renovate America, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the “Administrator”), is the administrator of the Authority’sCalifornia HERO Program, and agrees to fully indemnify the City with respect to the HERO Program,and to administer the Program in accordance with state and local law, and the City’s PACE Program Guidelines,pursuant to an indemnification agreement, attached as Exhibit B to this Resolution (the “Indemnification Agreement”; and WHEREAS, the City will not be responsible for the conduct of any assessment proceedings; the levy and collection of assessments or any required remedial action in the case of delinquencies in the payment of any assessments or the issuance, sale or administration of any bonds issued in connection with the California HERO Program. 1.NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista,that: TheCity Councilfinds and declares that it is in the City’s best interest to allow property owners to choose from multiple PACE programs,such asthe California HERO Program,to finance the installation of the Improvements. 2.TheCity Councilconsents to inclusionin the California HERO Programof all of the properties in the jurisdictional boundaries of the Cityand to the Improvements, upon the request by andvoluntary agreement of owners of such properties, in compliance with all local and statelaws, rules and regulationsapplicable to such program;and to the assumption of jurisdiction thereover by Authorityfor the purposes thereof, provided that a.The legalowners of the properties that participate in the HERO Program enter into a contract pursuant to Chapter 29 and comply with all other applicable provisions of California law; and b.The City will not be responsible for the conduct of any assessment proceedings, the levy of assessment, any required remedial action in the case of delinquencies in such assessment payments, or the issuance, A -2 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 142 sale or administration of any bonds issued in connection with the HERO Program; and c.The Authority and the Administrator will defend and indemnify the City against any actions arising out of the HERO Program, pursuant to the Indemnification Agreement. 3.The consent of theCity Councilconstitutes assent to the assumption of jurisdiction by Authorityfor all purposes of the California HERO Program and authorizes Authority, upon satisfaction of the conditions imposed in this resolution,to take each and every step required for or suitable for financing the Improvements, including the levying, collecting and enforcement of the contractual assessments to finance the Improvements and the issuance and enforcement of bonds to represent such contractual assessments. 4.TheCity Council hereby approves the JPA Amendment in the form presented, with such minor modifications as may be required or approved by the City Attorney, a copy of which shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and authorizes and directs the Mayorto execute same. 5.The City Council hereby approves the Indemnification Agreementin the form presented, with such minor modifications as may be required or approved by the City Attorney, a copy of which shall be kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk, and authorizes and directs the Mayorto execute same. 6.City staff is authorized and directed to coordinate with Authoritystaff to facilitate operation of the California HERO Programwithin the City, and report back periodically to this City Councilon the successof suchprogram. 7.This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. The City Clerk is directed to send a certified copy of this resolution to the Secretary of the Authority Executive Committee. Presented byApproved as to form by Richard A. HopkinsGlen R. Googins Director of Public WorksCity Attorney A -3 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 143 EXHIBIT A AMENDMENT TOTHE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT ADDING CITY OF CHULA VISTA AS AN ASSOCIATE MEMBER OF THE WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS TO PERMIT THE PROVISION OF PROPERTY ASSESSED CLEAN ENERGY (PACE) PROGRAM SERVICES WITHIN SUCH CITY This Amendment to the Joint Powers Agreement (“JPA Amendment”) is made and entered into on the ___day of _____,2015, by City of Chula Vista(“City”) and the Western Riverside Council of Governments (“Authority”) (collectively the “Parties”). RECITALS WHEREAS, Authority is a joint exercise of powers authority established pursuant to Chapter 5 of Division 7, Title 1 of the Government Code of the State of California (Section 6500 and following) (the “Joint Exercise of Powers Act”) and the Joint Power Agreement entered into on April 1, 1991, as amended from time to time (the “Authority JPA”); and WHEREAS, as of October 1, 2012, Authority had 18 member entities (the “Regular Members”). WHEREAS, Chapter 29 of Part 3 of the Improvement Act of 1911, being Division 7 of the California Streets and Highways Code (“Chapter 29”),authorizes cities, counties, and cities and counties to establish voluntary contractual assessment programs, commonly referred to as a Property Assessed Clean Energy (“PACE”) program, to fund certain renewable energy sources, energy and water efficiency improvements, and electric vehicle charging infrastructure (the “Improvements”) that are permanently fixed to residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural or other real property; and WHEREAS, Authority has established aPACE program to be known as the “California HERO Program” pursuant to Chapter 29 which authorizes the implementation of such PACE financing program for cities and counties throughout the state; and WHEREAS, City desires to allow owners of property within its jurisdiction to participate in the California HERO Program and to allow Authority under Chapter 29, as it is now enacted or may be amended hereafter, to finance Improvements to be installed on such properties; and WHEREAS, this JPA Amendment will permit City to become an Associate Member of Authority and to participate in California HERO Program for the purpose of facilitating the implementation of such program within the jurisdiction of City; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Joint Exercise of Powers Act, the Parties are approving this JPA Agreement to allow for the provision of PACE services through the California HERO Program, including the operation of such PACE financing program, within the incorporated territory of City; and A -4 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 144 WHEREAS, the JPA Amendment sets forth the rights, obligations and duties of City and Authority with respect to the implementation of the California HERO Program within the incorporated territory of City. MUTUAL UNDERSTANDINGS NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions hereinafter stated, the Parties hereto agree as follows: JPA Amendment. A. 1.The Authority JPA. City agrees to the terms and conditions of the Authority JPA, attached, as it applies to Associate Members. 2.Associate Membership. By adoption of this JPA Amendment, City shall become an Associate Member of Authority on the terms and conditions set forth herein and the Authority JPA and consistent with the requirements of the Joint Exercise of Powers Act. The rights and obligations of City as an Associate Member are limited solely to those terms and conditions expressly set forth in this JPA Amendment for the purposes of implementing the California HERO Program within the incorporated territory of City. Except as expressly provided for by thisJPA Amendment, City shall not have any rights otherwise granted to Authority’s Regular Members by the Authority JPA, including but not limited to the right to vote on matters before the Executive Committee or the General Assembly, the right to amend or vote on amendments to the Authority JPA, and the right to sit on committees or boards established under the Authority JPA or by action of the Executive Committee or the General Assembly, including, without limitation, the General Assembly and the Executive Committee. City shall not be considered a member for purposes of Section 9.1 of the Authority JPA. 3.Rights of Authority. This JPA Amendment shall not be interpreted as limiting or restricting the rights of Authority under the Authority JPA. Nothing in this JPA Amendment is intended to alter or modify Authority Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Program, the PACE Program administered by Authority within the jurisdictions of its Regular Members, or any other programs administered now or in the future by Authority, all as currently structured or subsequently amended. Implementation of California HERO Program within City Jurisdiction. B. 1.Boundaries of the California HERO Program within City Jurisdiction. The boundaries within which contractual assessments may be entered into under the California HERO Program (the “Program Boundaries”) shall include the entire incorporated territory of City. 2.Determination of Eligible Improvements. Authority shall determine the types of distributed generation renewable energy sources, energy efficiency or water conservation improvements, electric vehicle charging infrastructure or such other improvements as may be authorized pursuant to Chapter 29 (the “Eligible Improvements”) that will be eligible to be financed underthe California HERO Program. A -5 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 145 3.Implementation of California HERO Program Within the Program Boundaries. Authority will undertake such proceedings pursuant to Chapter 29 as shall be legally necessary to enable Authority to make contractual financing of Eligible Improvements available to eligible property owners within the Program Boundaries. 4.Financing the Installation of Eligible Improvements. Authority shall implement its plan for the financing of the purchase and installation of the Eligible Improvements under the California HERO Program within the Program Boundaries. 5.Ongoing Administration. Authority shall be responsible for the ongoing administration of the California HERO Program, including but not limited to producing education plans to raise public awareness of the California HERO Program, soliciting, reviewing and approving applications from residential and commercial property owners participating in the California HERO Program, establishing contracts for residential, commercial and other property owners participating in such program, establishing and collecting assessments due under the California HERO Program, adopting and implementing any rules or regulations for the California HERO Program, and providing reports as required by Chapter 29.Authority shall administer the HERO Program in a manner that is consistent with state and local law, and the City’s PACE Program Guidelines, as such may be amended from time-to-time. City will not be responsible for the conduct of any proceedings required to be taken under Chapter 29; the levy or collection of assessments or any required remedial action in the case of delinquencies in such assessment payments; or the issuance, sale or administration of any bonds issued in connection with the California HERO Program. 6.Phased Implementation. The Parties recognize and agree that implementation of the California HERO Program as a whole can and may be phased as additional other cities and counties execute similar agreements. City entering into this JPA Amendment will obtain the benefits of and incur the obligations imposed by this JPA Amendment in its jurisdictional area, irrespective of whether cities or counties enter into similar agreements. Miscellaneous Provisions. C. 1.Withdrawal. Authority may withdraw from this JPA Amendment upon six (6) months written notice to City; provided, however, there is no outstanding indebtedness of Authority within City. The provisions of Section 6.2 of the Authority JPA shall not apply to City under this JPA Amendment. City may withdraw approval for conduct of the HERO Program within the jurisdictional limits of City upon thirty (30) written notice to WRCOG without liability to the Authority or any affiliated entity. City withdrawal shall not affect the validity of any voluntary assessmentcontracts (a) entered prior to the date of such withdrawal or (b) entered into after the date of such withdrawal so long as the applications for such voluntary assessment contracts were submitted to and approved by WRCOG prior to the date of City’s noticeof withdrawal. A -6 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 146 2.Indemnification and Liability. Authority shall defend, indemnify and hold the Cityand its directors, officials, officers, employees and agents,free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, liabilities, losses, damages or injuries of any kind, in law or equity, to property or persons, including wrongful death, to the extent arising out of the willful misconduct or negligent acts, errors or omissions of the Authorityor its directors, officials, officers, employees or agents in connection with the California HERO Program administered under thisJPA Amendment, including without limitation the payment of expert witness fees and attorneys fees and other related costs and expenses, but excluding payment of consequential damages. Without limiting the foregoing, Section 5.2 of the Authority JPA shall not apply to this JPA Amendment. In no event shall any of Authority’s Regular Members or their officials, officers or employees be held directly liable for any damages or liability resulting out of this JPA Amendment. 3.Environmental Review. Authority shall be the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act for any environmental review that may required in implementing or administering the California HERO Program under this JPA Amendment. 4.Cooperative Effort. City shall cooperate with Authority by providing information and other assistance in order for Authority to meet its obligations hereunder. City recognizes that one of its responsibilities related to the California HERO Program will include any permitting or inspection requirements as established by City. 5.Notice. Any and all communications and/or notices in connection with this JPA Amendment shall be either hand-delivered or sent by United States first class mail, postage prepaid, and addressed as follows: Authority: Western Riverside Council of Governments 4080 Lemon Street, 3rd Floor. MS1032 Riverside, CA 92501-3609 Att: Executive Director City: City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue ChulaVista, CA 91910 Attn: Director of Public Works 6.Entire Agreement. This JPA Amendment, together with the Authority JPA, constitutes the entire agreement among the Parties pertaining to the subject matter hereof. This JPA Amendment supersedes any and all other agreements, either oral or A -7 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 147 in writing, among the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and contains all of the covenants and agreements among them with respect to said matters, and each Party acknowledges that no representation, inducement, promise of agreement, oral or otherwise, has been made by the other Party or anyone acting on behalf of the other Party that is not embodied herein. 7.Successors and Assigns. This JPA Amendment and each of its covenants and conditions shall be bindingon and shall inure to the benefit of the Parties and their respective successors and assigns. A Party may only assign or transfer its rights and obligations under this JPA Amendment with prior written approval of the other Party, which approval shall notbe unreasonably withheld. 8.Attorneys’ Fees. If any action at law or equity, including any action for declaratory relief is brought to enforce or interpret the provisions of this JPA Amendment, each Party to the litigation shall bear its own attorneys’ fees and costs. 9.Governing Law. This JPA Amendment shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, as applicable. 10.No Third Party Beneficiaries. This JPA Amendment shall not create any right or interest in the public, or any member thereof, as a third party beneficiary hereof, nor shall it authorize anyone not a Party to this JPA Amendment to maintain a suit for personal injuries or property damages under the provisions of this JPA Amendment. The duties, obligations,and responsibilities of the Parties to this JPA Amendment with respect to third party beneficiaries shall remain as imposed under existing state and federal law. 11.Severability. In the event one or more of the provisions contained in this JPA Amendment is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed severed from this JPA Amendment and the remaining parts of this JPA Amendment shall remain in full force and effect as though such invalid, illegal,or unenforceable portion had never been a part of this JPA Amendment. 12.Headings. The paragraph headings used in this JPA Amendment are for the convenience of the Parties and are not intended to be used as an aid to interpretation. 13.Amendment. This JPA Amendment may be modified or amended by the Parties at any time. Such modifications or amendments must be mutually agreed upon and executed in writing by both Parties. Verbal modifications or amendments to this JPA Amendment shall be of no effect. 14.Effective Date. This JPA Amendment shall become effective upon the execution thereof by the Parties hereto. 15.Administrative Claims Requirements and Procedures. No suit or arbitration shall be brought arising out of this JPA Amendment, against City unless a A -8 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 148 claim has first been presented in writing and filed with City and acted upon by City in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 1.34 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code, as same may from time to time be amended, the provisions of which are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth herein, and such policies and procedures used by City in the implementation of same. Upon request by a Party, the Partiesshall meet and confer in good faith for the purpose of resolving any dispute over the terms of this JPA Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this JPA Amendment to be executed and attested by their officers thereunto duly authorized as of the date first above written. \[SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGES\] A -9 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 149 WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS By:Date: Executive Committee Chair Western Riverside Council of Governments CITY OF CHULA VISTA By:Date: Mary Casillas Salas, Mayor Attest: ____________________________________ Donna Norris, City Clerk Approved as to form: ____________________________________ Glen R. Googins, City Attorney A -10 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 150 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0362, Item#: 3. RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAACCEPTINGAGRANT FROMTHESANDIEGOFOUNDATION-COMMUNITYIMPACTDIVISIONANDTHE BLOOMBERGAWARDFORLOCALSUSTAINABILITYMATCHINGFUND,TODEVELOPA WATERREUSEFRAMEWORK,APPROPRIATING$135,000TOTHEWASTEMANAGEMENT ANDRECYCLINGFUND,ANDAUTHORIZINGTHEPUBLICWORKSDIRECTORORDESIGNEE TOEXECUTEALLGRANTDOCUMENTSANDIMPLEMENTPROJECTSFUNDEDBYTHE GRANT (4/5 VOTE REQUIRED) RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolution. SUMMARY TheCityofChulaVistahasbeenselectedtoreceivea$67,500grantfromtheCommunityImpact DivisionatTheSanDiegoFoundationtodevelopacomprehensive WaterReuseFramework that incorporatespublicrecommendationsandinputtoguidetheCityofChulaVista’sexpansionofwater reuse and conservation efforts. Additionally,TheSanDiegoFoundationandtheCityofChulaVistahavebeenselectedtoreceive matchingfunds($67,500)viatheBloombergAwardforLocalSustainabilityMatchingFund,aproject oftheFunders’NetworkforSmartGrowthandLivableCommunities.Thismatchingfundisa collaborativematchinggrantprogramthatconnectslocalgovernmentandphilanthropytoinvestin sustainabilityprojectsthatpromoteahealthyenvironment,astrongeconomyandwell-beingforall residents.Thematchingfundsbringthetotalgrantamountto$135,000viatheSanDiego Foundation. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW TheDevelopmentServicesDirectorhasreviewedtheproposedactivity,acceptanceofagrantfrom theSanDiegoFoundation-CommunityImpactDivisionandtheBloombergAwardforLocal SustainabilityMatchingFund,todevelopawaterreuseframework,andappropriationofsaid $135,000forcompliancewiththeCaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andhasdetermined thattheactivityisnota"Project"asdefinedunderSection15378(b)(4)oftheStateCEQAGuidelines becausetheactivityisacceptanceandappropriationsoffundsforthedevelopmentofawaterreuse frameworkonly,therefore,pursuanttoSection15060(c)(3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelinestheactivity is not subject to CEQA. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION TheResourceConservationCommissionrecommendsCouncilacceptthegrant,appropriatethe City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 4Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 151 File#:15-0362, Item#: 3. fundsandauthorizethePublicWorksDirectororDesigneetoexecuteallgrantdocumentsand implement projects funded by the grant. DISCUSSION Accordingto theSanDiego2050isCallingHowWillWeAnswer?reportreleasedbytheSanDiego FoundationandClimateEducationPartnersin2014,regionalwaterdemandfromSanDiegoCounty isexpectedtoincrease46percentby2035duetoourgrowingpopulation,risingtemperatures, longerintervalswithoutrain,andincreasedevaporationfromthesoilandwaterreservoirs.Local watersupplieswillbeunderstressfrommoreintenseandfrequentdrought,moreevaporationand increasingwaterdemandduetorisingtemperaturesandpopulation.Wateravailabilityfromboththe SierraNevadaMountains(viaStateWaterProject)andtheColoradoRiverwillalsobemorestressed fromwarmingtemperaturesandextendeddroughtsthatreducetheamountofsnowpackandriver flow. But, there is a lot we can do today to manage these changes and prepare for a “new normal”. Whythisproject?TheCityofChulaVistaandtheSanDiegoFoundationchosetopartnerona waterreuseprojectforconsiderationinRound6ofthePartnersforPlacesgrant,AdvancingChula Vista’sResiliencyThroughWaterReuseOpportunities.Theresultofthisgrantpartnershipwillbea formalWaterReuseFrameworktoguidetheCity’sexpansionofwaterreuseandconservation efforts. Theprojectwillbuilduponthecurrentmomentumofstatewideaction,communitydesire,citycouncil supportandexistingworkofkeyagenciestojumpstarttheanalysisneededtoimplementsuccessful and sustainable methods of water reuse. TheFrameworkwillincludeacost-benefitanalysisofshortandlong-termwaterreusestrategies(i.e. on-sitewaterharvesting,centralizedstormwatercaptureandreuse,wastewaterreuse,and graywater)thatincorporatespublicrecommendationsandinput.Inaddition,theFrameworkwill assistinrevealingthebeststrategiesforimplementationinChulaVista,whichcanbesupported throughstate,federaland/orprivatefunding.Keyactivitiesincluderesearchandanalysis;public presentationsandconveningstoencourageresidentactionandmaintainthealreadydocumented publicsupportforwaterreuse;andidentificationofstrategiesthathavethehighestlikelihoodof success. TheCityhasalreadystartedcollectingrecommendationsthroughtheClimateActionPlanupdate work.Cityresidentsandstakeholderswillremainengagedbyrecommendingstrategiestoreview andassisttheCityinprioritizingstrategiesfollowingtheanalysisactivitiesinthegrantscopeofwork. Maintainingthisstakeholderengagementnotonlyincreasescommunityunderstandingand knowledgeaboutwaterreuse,ithelpsensurethatimplementedstrategiesaresustainedand supported over time by residents, businesses and agencies. Intended Outcomes and Impacts The project’s outcomes and impacts include: AssesstheCity’sreuseshortandlong-termopportunitiesforstormwater,wastewater,and graywater, to include suggestions from community members Create a cost-benefit analysis for prioritized strategies Host at least 3 events to engage and educate the public City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 4Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 152 File#:15-0362, Item#: 3. DrafttheWaterReuseFrameworkforResourceConservationCommissionandCityCouncil approval Initiatedesignofawaterreusestrategyproject,tobefundedbystate,federal,and/orprivate sources BydevelopingtheFrameworkandidentifyingthebeststrategiestoimplement,thisprojectleadsto moreequitableandsustainedaccesstowaterforallmembersofthecommunity,includingfuture generations of water users. Evaluation Throughouttheproject’sduration,datawillbecollectedfromthewateranalysis,onlinecomments, andtranscribedpublicworkshopdiscussions.TheSanDiegoFoundationisalsocommittedtoshare findingswithnotonlyprojectpartnersandtheirstakeholders,butalsothroughitsCenterforCivic Engagement,whichhostspubliceducationalprograming,anditsphilanthropicnetworkssuchasthe FSGCollectiveImpactForumandtheCouncilofFoundations.Additionally,asamemberofGreen CitiesCalifornia(aregionalnetworkoftheUrbanSustainabilityDirectorsNetwork),theCityofChula Vista is committed to sharing results of this projwith other California cities. ect DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Staffhasreviewedthedecisioncontemplatedbythisactionandhasdeterminedthatitisnotsite- specificandconsequently,the500-footrulefoundinCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,section 18705.2(a)(11),isnotapplicabletothisdecisionforpurposesofdeterminingadisqualifyingreal property-relatedfinancialconflictofinterestunderthePoliticalReformAct(Cal.Gov'tCode§87100, et seq.). Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyCouncilmember,ofanyother fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheWaterReuseFrameworkprojectfundedbythisgrantsupportstheCity’sStrategicPlangoalsof EconomicVitalityandHealthyCommunityasaninvestmentintosustainabilityprojectsensuresand promotes a healthy environment, a strong economy and well-being for all. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT TheSanDiegoFoundationgrantprojectwillsupportupto$21,600ofstafftimeassociatedwith developingacomprehensiveWaterReuseFramework,aswellas$102,200ofconsultantservices and$11,200forcommunityengagementandreports.Additionalstafftime,includinga$4,600in-kind grant match requirement will be covered by existing departmental budgets. Approvaloftheresolutionwillresultintheappropriationof$135,000totheWasteManagementand Recycling Fund; these program expenditures will be offset by grant funding. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT Thereisnoongoingfiscalimpact.Thisisapproximatelyatwelve(12)monthprojectculminatingMay 30, 2016. ATTACHMENTS City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 4Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 153 File#:15-0362, Item#: 3. Community Impact Grants Award Letter Detailed Work Plan Staff Contact: Lynn France, Environmental Services Manager City of Chula VistaPage 4 of 4Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 154 CIGP OMMUNITY MPACT RANTS ROGRAM June 24, 2015 Grant ID #: CLMT201571214 Lynn France Please use this number in all Environmental Services Program Manager Public Works Department correspondence. City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth Ave Chula Vista, CA 91910 Dear Ms. France: Congratulations! The City of Chula Vista has been selected to receive a grant from the Community Impact Division at The San Diego Foundation to develop a comprehensive ‘ğƷĻƩ wĻǒƭĻ CƩğƒĻǞƚƩƉ that incorporates public recommendations and input to guide the City of Chula Vista expansion of water reuse and conservation efforts. The San Diego Foundation is excited to have received, with the City of Chula Vista, the Bloomberg Growth and Livable Communities. This Matching Fund is a collaborative matching grant program that connects local government and philanthropy to invest in sustainability projects that promote a healthy environment, a strong economy and well-being for all residents. With this letter The San Diego Foundation is providing our half of the matching grant, an initial $67,500, and the remaining $67,500 will be provided as soon as we receive it from 2015). The total of this award will be $135,000. thth The period for this grant is July 15, 2015 through May 30, 2016. A brief progress report will be thth due to The San Diego Foundation by January 15, 2016 and a final report will be due by May 30, 2016. Reporting templates will be sent to you electronically at least one month in advance of either date. To be eligible for future funding, you must submit this report informing us of your project outcomes. In your final report, please inform us of your successes and challenges in attaining the results outlined in our proposal arized below: Achieve more equitable and sustained access to water for all members of the Chula Vista community, including future generations of water users through the following: Identify and Prioritize Municipal Water Reuse Strategies: Work with the Otay Water District - and long-term water reuse opportunities for storm water, wastewater, and graywater, and create a cost-benefit analysis for prioritized strategies. Develop a Water Reuse Framework: Draft the Framework that incorporates the analysis and community input and submit for approval by the Resource Conservation Commission and ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 155 Raise Community Awareness. Host at least three events to engage community input and educate the public Corridors Project including walking tours, social media, and surveying. Launch Pilot Reuse Project: Initiate design of a water reuse pilot project and seek leveraged funding from federal, state, and/or private sources. Collaboration: Work with The San Diego Foundation and our affiliates, as well as the San Diego Regional Climate Collaborative to share results from this project. All grants are approved by the Board of Governors of the San Diego Foundation and funds may be expended only for charitable, scientific, literary or educational purposes. This grant is made only for the purposes stated in this letter and it is understood that these grant funds will be used for such purposes. It is also understood that approval. Any grant funds not expended for the purpose of the grant will be returned to The San Diego Foundation. If funding for this project is received from other sources grant dollars will be returned to The San Diego Foundation. In any acknowledgement, please announce this grant and publicize your project on your website, newsletter and/or other in-house publications in the following manner: This grant was made possible by The San Diego Foundation and the Bloomberg Award for Local Sustainability files can be found on our website. and Livable Communities regarding this grant and the Partners for Places program. Please feel free to send us any thanks in writing rather than sending material items, such as plaques. We prefer that your non-profit dollars are spent on the programs and people you serve. agreement to such terms by having the appropriate officer sign the enclosed original of this letter and return it to The San Diego Foundation. Please retain the enclosed Best wishes, Kathlyn Mead President & CEO Accepted on behalf of The City of Chula Vista (Grantee) by: Authorized Signature Printed Name Title Date Grant ID #: CLMT201571214 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 156 The San Diego Foundation Community Impact Division Grant Work With Matching Grant from the Bloomberg Award for Local Sustainability - Funders’ Network for Smart Growth and Livable Communities Detailed Work Plan StepTimelineMajor Activities and DeliverablesLead(Supporting * Partners) 1.Expand and Month 1 a.Share project brief with at least 10 existing a.City (SDF) solidify partner partners to solidify support and receive leads for b.City (SDF) networkpartners b.Meet with key stakeholders to gain input on consultant scope 2.Hire research Month 2-4c.Present project to Resource Conservation c.City (SDF) consultantCommission (RCC)d.City d.Draft consultant’s scope of worke.City e.Post competitive bid & confirm consultant 3.Begin analysisMonth 4-8f.Research on-site water harvesting, centralized f.Consultant storm water reuse, wastewater reuse, and g.Consultant (City, graywaterSDF) g.Conduct cost-benefit analysis on strategies, as is possible, and identify early-action opportunities 4.Provide add’lMonth 5-8h.Host at least 2 creative engagement activities to h.City & Consultant engagement share project and seek input online and through (SDF & nonprofits) optionssocial media 5.Prioritize water Month 8-9i.Review analysis results; Present early findings i.City & Consultant strategiesto RCC(SDF) j.Host community engagement event for j.City, SDF & community to prioritize strategiesnonprofits k.Consolidate findings/finalize prioritized k.City & Consultant strategies 6.Draft Water Month 9-l.Draft Framework document and incorporate l.City & Consultant Reuse11findings and public inputm.City & Consultant Frameworkm.Present to City Council and RCC for approval(SDF) 7.Initial Month 11-n.Develop initial water reuse ordinance and/or n.City & Consultant framework 12site-specific project design (SDF) implementationo.Pursue other funding for expanded framework o.City implementation 8.Share lessons Month 12p.Share plan and lessons with other local cities p.City & SDF with partnersand local government networks *Some steps may occur concurrently ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 157 RESOLUTION NO. __________ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM THE SAN DIEGO FOUNDATION –COMMUNITY IMPACT DIVISION AND THE BLOOMBERG AWARD FOR LOCAL SUSTAINABILITY MATCHING FUND, TO DEVELOP A WATER REUSE FRAMEWORK;APPROPRIATING $135,000TO THE WASTE MANAGEMENT AND RECYCLING FUNDAND AUTHORIZING THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR OR DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE ALL GRANT DOCUMENTS AND IMPLEMENT PROJECTS FUNDED BY THE GRANT WHEREAS,regional water demand from San Diego County is expected to increase 46 percent by 2035 due to growing population, rising temperatures, longer intervals without rain, and increased evaporation from the soil and water reservoirs due to rising temperatures; and WHEREAS, water availability from both the Sierra Nevada Mountains (via State Water Project) and the Colorado River will also become more stressed from warning temperatures and extended droughts that reduce the amount of snowpack and river flow; and WHEREAS, The City of Chula Vista and the San Diego Foundation chose to partner on a water reuse project, Advancing Chula Vista’s Resiliency through Water Reuse Opportunities to develop a formal Water Reuse Framework; and WHEREAS, the Water Reuse Framework will be a guide to the City’s expansion of water reuse and conservation efforts; and WHERAS, The Water Reuse Framework will include a cost-benefit analysis of short and long-term water reuse strategies such as, on-site water harvesting, centralized storm water capture and reuse, wastewater reuse, and graywater, incorporating public recommendations and input. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it acceptsthe grant from the San Diego Foundation –Community Impact Division and the Bloomberg Award For Local Sustainability Matching Fund for $135,000; and appropriates $113,400 to Supplies and Services and $21,600 to theOtherExpensescategoryof the Waste Management and Recycling Fund. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it authorizes the Public Works Director or Designee to execute all grant documents and implement projects funded by the grant. Presented byApproved as to form by Richard Hopkins Glen R. Googins Director of Public Works DepartmentCity Attorney ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 158 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0364, Item#: 4. RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAPPROVINGAN AGREEMENTFORDEVELOPINGATELEGRAPHCANYONCHANNELNEXUSSTUDY BETWEEN THE CITY AND ATKINS NORTH AMERICA, INC. RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolution. SUMMARY In1990,theCityestablishedtheTelegraphCanyonDrainageDevelopmentImpactFee(DIF)byCity CouncilOrdinance2384tofundthenecessaryimprovementstotheTelegraphCanyonDrainage Channel(Channel).Sincethattime,severalimprovementswithintheChannelhavebeencompleted. Currently,thereisaChannelerosionrepairprojectunderconstruction.Anewstudyisneededto determinethereasonablerelationshipbetweentheuseofthefeefortheconstructionoftheplanned drainagefacilitiesandthedevelopmentofthepropertywithintheTelegraphCanyonDrainageDIF basin.Asaresult,staffrecommendsthatacontractbeawardedtoAtkinsNorthAmerica,Inc.for developing a Telegraph Canyon Channel Nexus Study. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW TheDevelopmentServicesDirectorhasreviewedtheproposedactivity,approvinganagreementfor developingaTelegraphCanyonChannelNexusStudy,forcompliancewiththeCalifornia EnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andhasdeterminedthattheactivityisnota“Project”asdefined underSection15378(b)(4)oftheStateCEQAGuidelinesbecausepreparationofanexusreportisa fiscalactivitythatdoesnotinvolveaphysicalchangetotheenvironment;therefore,pursuantto Section 15060(c)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines the actions proposed are not subject to CEQA. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable DISCUSSION In1990,theCityestablishedtheTelegraphCanyonDrainageDevelopmentImpactFee(DIF)byCity CouncilOrdinance2384tofundthenecessaryimprovementstotheTelegraphCanyonDrainage Channel (Channel). Sincethattime,severalimprovementswithintheChannelhavebeencompleted.Currently,thereis aChannelerosionrepairprojectunderconstruction.In1993,Citystaffpresentedaprioritized drainagedeficiencylistofcorrectivemeasuresthatwouldrelievefloodingwithinthevicinityofthe Channel.AspartoftheCity’s2004DrainageMasterPlan,theknownexistingfloodingproblems withinthesubjectbasinareawereidentifiedwithadiscussionofpossiblesolutions.In2007,City staffrecommendedanupdatedprioritizationofidentifieddrainageprojectsandprovidedanoverview ofstormdrainneedswithintheChannel.Anewstudyisneededtodeterminethereasonable City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 3Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 159 File#:15-0364, Item#: 4. relationshipbetweentheuseofthefeefortheconstructionoftheplanneddrainagefacilitiesandthe development of the property within the DIF basin. Consultant Selection Process OnJuly6,2015,Citystaffreceivedproposalsfrom6firms.Thetoptwofirmswereinvitedtotheinterviewprocess.The selection committee conducted interviews based on the following criteria: Summary of project staffing level for engineering services Discussionoftheprojectscheduleandmajortaskcomponentsandthecriticalpaththroughsubstantial completion Approach as it relates to the objectives of the project Other relevant information that might affect the project The interviews were held on July 10, 2015. The results of the interview process are as follows: FirmFinal RankCost Proposal Atkins North America, Inc. (formerly PBS&J)1$175,000 Rick Engineering Company2$148,000 Afteranin-depthreviewofthefinalists,theselectioncommitteeconcludedthatAtkinsNorthAmerica,Inc.(Atkins)should berankedasthenumberonenegotiationpreference.Atkinshasanexcellentreputationintheindustryandhaddone satisfactoryworkfortheCityinthepastwiththecompletionoftheCity’s2004DrainageMasterPlan.Someoftheteam membersarefamiliarwiththescopeofworkforthisprojectduetotheirpreviousworkinthepreparationoftheCity’s 2004DrainageMasterPlan.Inaddition,oneoftheteammembersalsoledtheCity’s2014AlternativeCompliance Strategy Plan, which is one of the major tasks related to this project. Atkinshasextensivelocalandregionalexperienceinthepreparationofmajorwaterstudies.Atkinshassuccessfully completedmorethan50planningprojectsforover25publicagenciesandspecialdistricts.In2006,Atkinswasinvolved intheCountyofSanDiego’sHydrologyManualCalibrationStudyandservedonthecommitteetoupdatetheCountyof SanDiego’sDrainageDesignManual.Currently,AtkinsisprovidingconsultantservicesfortheFederalEmergency ManagementAgency(FEMA).Thecostisreasonablewhencomparedwiththeotherfiveproposals.Theirpresentation andresponsesdemonstratedthattheyhaveastrongunderstandingofwaterfinancialandplanningissuesintheCityof ChulaVista.Theconsultantteamisexpectedtocompletetheirproject’scostestimatesbyNovember2015.These estimatesareneededinthepreparationoftheTelegraphCanyonDrainageDIFUpdatethatwillbepresentedtoCouncil in December 2015. Aftercompletionoftheproject’scostestimates,itisanticipatedthattheconsultantwillcontinuetoworkwiththeresource agenciesaddressingkeyenvironmentalconstraintslikelytoimpactthefeasibilityofimplementingtherecommended improvements. TheconsultantwillprovidepreliminarydrawingsandafinalreportbyAugust2016thatwillbeneededindeveloping future CIP projects in the Channel. StaffrecommendsthatCounciladopttheresolutionawardingthecontracttoAtkins.Thenegotiatedcontractpricewas set at $175,000. Wage Statement TheContractoranditsSubcontractorsarerequiredbyCity’sagreementtopayprevailingwage(“PrevailingWageRates”) topersonsemployedbythemforworkunderthiscontract.InaccordancewiththeprovisionsofSection1773ofthe LaborcodeoftheStateofCalifornia,theCityofChulaVistahasascertainedthegeneralprevailingwagescales applicabletotheworktobedone.TheprevailingwagescalesarethosedeterminedbytheDirectorofIndustrial Relations, State of California. City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 3Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 160 File#:15-0364, Item#: 4. Disclosure Statement Attachment 1 is a copy of the consultant’s Disclosure Statement DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT StaffhasreviewedthepropertyholdingsoftheCityCouncilmembersandhasfoundthatCouncilMemberJohnMcCann hasrealpropertyholdingswithin500feetoftheboundariesofthepropertywhichisthesubjectofthisaction.However, totheextentthatanydecisionwouldhaveareasonablyforeseeablefinancialeffectonthemember’srealproperty,the effectwouldbenominal,inconsequential,orinsignificant.Consequently,pursuanttoCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle 2,sections18700and18702(b),thisitemdoesnotpresentarealproperty-relatedconflictofinterestunderthePolitical Reform Act (Cal. Gov't Code § 87100, et seq.). Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyCouncilmember,ofanyotherfactthatmay constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,HealthyCommunity,Strong andSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.ThisprojectsupportstheEconomicVitalitygoalintheCity’s StrategicPlan.Itprovidesfundingforplanningdrainageinfrastructureofnewdevelopment,whichisakeyCityfunction in supporting new growth. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT AllcostsassociatedwiththisprocurementandpreparationofthenexusstudywillbebornebytheTelegraphCanyon DrainageDIFfund.ApprovaloftheresolutionwillresultinnoadditionalimpacttotheTelegraphCanyonDrainageDIF fund as sufficient funding is available for this project in DR203. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT BasedonthefindingsoftheTelegraphCanyonChannelNexusStudy,futureappropriationsfromtheTelegraphCanyon Drainage DIF fund will be needed to fund future CIP projects required in the Channel. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1: Atkins’ Disclosure Statement Attachment 2: Atkins Agreement Staff Contact: Luis Pelayo, Acting Senior Civil Engineer City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 3Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 161 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 162 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 163 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 164 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 165 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 166 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 167 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 168 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 169 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 170 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 171 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 172 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 173 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 174 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 175 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 176 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 177 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 178 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 179 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 180 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 181 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 182 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 183 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 184 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 185 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 186 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 187 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 188 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 189 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 190 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 191 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 192 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 193 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 194 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 195 RESOLUTION NO. __________ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVINGAN AGREEMENT FOR DEVELOPING A TELEGRAPH CANYON CHANNEL NEXUS STUDY BETWEEN THE CITY AND ATKINS NORTH AMERICA, INC. WHEREAS,in 1990, the City established the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Development Impact Fee (DIF) by City Council Ordinance 2384 to fund the necessary improvements to the Telegraph Canyon Drainage Channel; and WHEREAS, a new study is needed to determine the reasonable relationship between the use of the fee for the construction of the planned drainage facilities and the development of the property within the DIFbasin; and WHEREAS, on June 12, 2015, the City of Chula Vista’s Engineering Division advertised the Request for Proposal (RFP) to provide consultant services necessary for developing a Telegraph CanyonChannelNexus Study (Nexus Study); and WHEREAS, on July 6, 2105, the City of Chula Vista’s Engineering Division received six(6) proposals for developing a Nexus Study; and WHEREAS,the consultant selection process has been conducted in accordance with Section 2.56.110 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, consultant warrants and represents that it is experienced and staffed in a manner such that it can deliver the services required of consultant to City in accordance with the time frames and the terms and conditions of the agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it approves theagreement for developing a Telegraph Canyon Channel Nexus Study, between the City and Atkins North America, Inc., inthe form presented, with such minor modifications as may be required or approved by the City Attorney, a copy of which shall be , kepton file in the Office of the CityClerkand authorizesand directsthe Mayorto execute same. Presented byApproved as to form by Richard A. HopkinsGlen R. Googins Director of Public Works City Attorney C:\\Users\\GRANIC~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\BCL Technologies\\easyPDF 7\\@BCL@3405631A\\@BCL@3405631A.doc ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 196 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0252, Item#: 5. RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAPPROVING ASSIGNMENTOFDELINQUENTTAXRECEIVABLESTOTHECALIFORNIASTATEWIDE COMMUNITIESDEVELOPMENTAUTHORITYFORPRIORFISCALYEARS,ANDAUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF RELATED DOCUMENTS AND ACTIONS RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolution. SUMMARY Staffhasidentifiedadelinquentpropertytaxprogram(theProgram)beingofferedbytheCalifornia StatewideCommunityDevelopmentAuthority(astatewidejointpowersauthoritysponsoredbythe LeagueofCaliforniaCitiesandtheCaliforniaStateAssociationofCounties)(the“CSCDA”)under whichqualifiedtaxdelinquencieswillbeadvancedinfullbytheCSCDA,alongwitha10%premium, inexchangeforanassignmentorsaleoftherightstothepaymentslatermadebytheproperty ownersalongwithallpenaltiesandinterestthereon.Thisprogramisdesignedtobelikea“Teeter Plan”foragenciesthatdonotalreadyparticipateinaTeeterPlan.TheTeeterPlan(firstenactedin 1949)providesCaliforniacountieswithanoptionalalternativemethodforallocatingdelinquent propertytaxrevenues.TheTeeterPlanallowscountiestofinancepropertytaxreceiptsforlocal agenciesbyborrowingmoneytoadvancecashtoeachtaxingjurisdictioninanamountequaltothe currentyear'sdelinquentpropertytaxes.Inexchange,thecountiesreceivethepenalties(10%)and interestonthedelinquenttaxeswhencollected.TheCitydoesnotparticipateintheTeeterPlanbut isrequestingauthoritytopursuethetheProgramfortaxleviesrelatedtoCommunityFacilityDistricts (CFD)andAssessmentDistricts(AD).TheprogramwillnotincludeanyGeneralFundpropertytax leviesasthecurrentpracticeofcollecting100%ofthepenaltiesandinterestassociatedwith delinquenciesoveralongperiodoftimedoesnotposeanadministrativeburdenontheCitynordoes it create an issue with meeting current operating obligations. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW TheDevelopmentServicesDirectorhasreviewedtheproposedactivityforcompliancewiththe CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andhasdeterminedthattheactivityisnota“Project”in accordancewithSection15378(b)(5)oftheStateCEQAGuidelinesbecauseitinvolvesonlya financialtransaction;thereforeitisanorganizationaloradministrativeactivityofgovernmentthatwill notresultinadirectorindirectphysicalchangeintheenvironment;therefore,pursuanttoSection 15060(c)(3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelinestheactivityisnotsubjecttoCEQA.Thus,no environmental review is necessary. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 3Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 197 File#:15-0252, Item#: 5. DISCUSSION TheCityreceivesrevenuesfrompropertytaxleviesmadeforavarietyofdifferentpurposes.The1% “AdValorem”levyisleviedcounty-wideandallocatedtopublicagenciesinaccordancewithcertain allocationfactorsandotherapplicablestatelaws.Otherlevies,likethosemadeforweedabatement, nuisanceabatement,sewerorrefuseservice,specialtaxesandassessmentsleviedforcommunity facilitiesdistricts(“CFD”s)and/orassessmentdistricts(“ADs”)andleviesmadeinanylandscapeand lighting districts, and so on, are considered “direct levies and are remitted 100% to the City Eachyear,asmallpercentageofpropertyowners(usuallybetween2%and5%ofallproperties)fail topaytheirpropertytaxesandthereafterbecome“delinquent.”EachyeartheCountyproducesa “DelinquentPropertyTaxRoll”showingallofthedelinquentpropertytaxesCounty-wide.TheCityis entitledtodelinquentpropertytaxrevenuesalongwithpenaltiesandinterestaccruedthereon.One waytoviewthesedelinquenttaxesisasa“receivable”oftheCitybutunavailableforcurrent expenditures. CSCDAfinancestheProgrambypoolingthetaxdelinquenciesofdifferentlocalagencies,andselling oneormoreCertificatesofParticipationfortheamountofalloftheaccumulateddelinquenciesto TowerCapitalManagement(TCM).Inthefirstyearofanagency’sparticipation,CSCDAwill purchasedelinquenciesthatareupto6yearsold,meaningCSCDAwillpaytheCity100%forthe qualifiedtaxesremainingdelinquentfromanytimeduringthelast6years.TheCitywillbeableto immediatelyrealizecashintheCFDandADfunds.TheCitywillreceivea10%premiumonthe purchaseofthedelinquencieswhichcanbeusedinanylawfullyavailablefund,includingtheGeneral Fund. CSCDArequiresathree-yearcommitmenttosellthedelinquencies.Iftheproposedresolutionis approved,TCMwillthenconductduediligencetodeterminewhichdelinquenciesqualifyforthe program,andonwhatterms.TheCitywillalsoreviewanddeterminewhichtaxreceiptcategoriesit desirestoincludeintheprogram.Thereafter,theresultswillbereviewedbytheFinanceDirector andCityAttorneyortheirdesigneesandthensetascheduletoproceedtoclosing.Afterthefirst year,andeachyearthereafter,TCMwilllikelyrequesttheCitytoextendtheagreementforone additionalyear.Thiswaya2to3year“evergreen”termalwaysexists.IftheCityeverwantstoexit the program, it need only decline to extend the term and wait out the completion of the existing term. ParticipatingintheProgramwillprovidereliablecashflowtothevariousCFDandADfunds managedbytheCity.Itwillcreategreatersecuritytothebondeddistrictsbyensuringcollectionof thefundswhichwillthenbeavailablefortheannualdebtservicerequirements.Inaddition,the administrativeburdenofthecollectionprocessrequiredbyexistingbondcovenantswillbereduced as the funds will be available for meet debt service requirements. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Staffhasreviewedthedecisioncontemplatedbythisactionandhasdeterminedthatitisnotsite- specificandconsequently,the500-footrulefoundinCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,section 18705.2(a)(11),isnotapplicabletothisdecisionforpurposesofdeterminingadisqualifyingreal property-relatedfinancialconflictofinterestunderthePoliticalReformAct(Cal.Gov'tCode§87100, et seq.). City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 3Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 198 File#:15-0252, Item#: 5. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community,StrongandSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.Thisprogram supportstheOperationsExcellencegoalasitseekstostabilizethenaturalvarianceinspecialtax receipts and provide the City with additional unrestricted revenues. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT TherewillbeapositivefiscalimpacttotheCFDandADfundsincludedintheprogramduetothe collectionofoutstandingdelinquencies.Itisestimatedthatthecurrentfiscalyearimpacttothe variousCFD’sandAD’scouldbeapproximately$70,000.Inaddition,theGeneralFundcouldhavea positiveimpactofapproximately$70,000relatedtothe10%premiumpaid.Theactualamountwillbe calculated once all eligible districts have been selected for inclusion in the program. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT Basedonapreliminaryanalyses,thepositiveimpacttotheCFD’sandADincludedintheprogram couldrangefrom$25,000to$75,000annually.ItisestimatedthattheGeneralFundwillreceive approximately$50,000perfiscalyearbyparticipatinginthisprogram.Theactualamountwill depend on the level of delinquencies in each fiscal year. Staff Contact: David Bilby, Finance & Purchasing Manager City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 3Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 199 RESOLUTION NO. ____ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCILOF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING ASSIGNMENTOF DELINQUENT TAX RECEIVABLES TO THE CALIFORNIA STATEWIDECOMMUNITIES DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYFOR PRIORFISCAL YEARS, AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF RELATED DOCUMENTS AND ACTIONS WHEREAS, under Section 6516.6 of the Government Code of the State of California (the “Law”), a cityis authorized to sell and assign to a joint powers authority any or all of its right, title, and interest in and to the enforcement and collection of delinquent and uncollected ad valorem property taxes, special taxes and assessments, and property-related fees and charges that have been levied by or on behalf of such cityfor collection on the secured, unsecured, or supplemental property tax rolls (collectively, “Delinquent Taxes and Assessments”) in accordance with such terms and conditions as are set forth in an agreement with the joint powers authority; and WHEREAS, the California Statewide Communities DevelopmentAuthority (the “Authority”) is an existing joint powers authority and, as such, is authorized under the Law to issue its bonds, notes, certificates of participation or other obligations for the purpose of providing funds to purchaseDelinquent Taxes and Assessmentsin accordance with the Law upon terms and conditions which are acceptable to the local agency from whom such Delinquent Taxes and Assessments are acquired; and WHEREAS, the Authority has requested the Cityto authorize the sale of its Delinquent Taxes and Assessments to the Authority for the fiscal years ending June30 in each of the years 2010through 2016 (the “Covered Fiscal Years”)at a purchase price equal to 110% of the principal amount of Delinquent Taxes and Assessments which are eligible for sale and assignment; and WHEREAS, the Authority has made arrangements to issue and sell one or more series ofcertificatesof participation representinga participation interest in all of the Delinquent Taxes and Assessments received from theCityand from other participating local agencies, which will be sold to a designee of Tower Capital Management, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Tower Capital”); and WHEREAS, the City Councilwishes at this time to approve the foregoing financing plan and authorize the execution and delivery of all related documents and actions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Councilof the City of Chula Vistaas follows: Section 1. Authorization of Sale of Delinquent Taxes and Assessments. The City Councilhereby approves and authorizes the sale of Delinquent Taxes and Assessments, in whole or in part, for any one or more of the covered fiscal years, to the Authority for a minimum purchase price of 110% of the amount thereof. Section 2. Authorization to Execute Financing Documents. In order to implement the financing plan approved under Section 1, the City Councilhereby authorizes the City Manager -1- ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 200 and/or the Director of Finance (each, an “Authorized Officer of the City”), to execute anddeliver one or more agreements between the Authority and the City whereby the City sells Delinquent Taxes and Assessments to the Authority upon terms and conditions which are acceptable to an Authorized Officer of the City. An Authorized Officer of the City is hereby authorized and directed to execute such agreementsin the name and on behalf of the City. The material terms of each such agreement shall include the following: (a)the Delinquent Taxes and Assessments shall be sold to the Authorityfor a purchase price at least equal to 110% of their par amount, which shall be paid to the City upon the closing of the transactionin funds that are immediately available to the City; (b)as a result of such sale, the Authority shall be entitled to receive all amounts collected in respect of such Delinquent Taxes and Assessments, including applicable interest and penalties, provided that all such collections shall continue to be made in the manner prescribed by law; (c)such sale of Delinquent Taxes and Assessments shall be without recourse to the City, and the City shall not incur any liability or assume any responsibility to the Authority for the collection of the Delinquent Taxes and Assessments; (d)all costs of financing the purchase of DelinquentTaxes and Assessments by the Authority shall be the sole responsibility of the Authority, and the City shall not have any liability for payment of such costs; and (e)in order to provide funds for the financing of the Delinquent Taxes and Assessments,the Authority shall be authorized to sell one or more series of certificates of participation to Tower Capital. Section 3. Official Actions. The Mayor, the City Manager, the Director of Finance, the City Clerk and all other officers of the City are hereby authorized and directed, for and in the name and on behalf of the City, to do any and all things and take any and all actions, including execution and delivery of any and all assignments, certificates, requisitions,agreements, notices, consents, amendments to existing bond indentures or similar instruments, instruments of conveyance, warrants and other documents, which they, or any of them, may deem necessary or advisable in order to consummate the sale of Delinquent Taxes and Assessments to the Authority for the Covered Fiscal Years. Whenever in this Resolution any officer of the Cityis authorized to execute or countersign any document or take any action, such execution, countersigning or action may be taken on behalf of such officer by any persondesignated by such officer to act on his or her behalf if such officer is absent or unavailable. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect from and after the date of approval and adoption thereof. -2- ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 201 Presented byApproved as toform by ____________________________________________________________________ Maria KachadoorianGlen R. Googins Deputy City Manager/CFOCity Attorney -3- ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 202 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0369, Item#: 6. A.RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAPPROVINGAN AGREEMENTTOPROVIDEINVESTMENTBANKINGANDBONDUNDERWRITING SERVICESFORTHEBAYFRONTPROJECTBETWEENTHECITYANDJ.P.MORGAN SECURITIES,LLCANDAUTHORIZINGTHECITYMANAGERTOEXERCISEFIVEONE-YEAR OPTIONS TO EXTEND THE AGREEMENT B.RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAWAIVINGTHE COMPETITIVEFORMALBIDREQUIREMENT,APPROVINGANAGREEMENTTOPROVIDE ECONOMICADVISORYSERVICESFORTHEBAYFRONTPROJECTBETWEENTHECITY ANDECONOMIC&PLANNINGSYSTEMS,INC.,ANDAUTHORIZINGTHECITYMANAGER TO EXERCISE TWO ONE-YEAR OPTIONS TO EXTEND THE AGREEMENT RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolutions. SUMMARY TheCityofChulaVistaandtheSanDiegoUnifiedPortDistrictareparticipatinginajointplanning efforttodeveloptheChulaVistaBayfront.Insupportofthisprocess,contractingwithJ.P.Morgan SecuritiesforinvestmentbankingandbondunderwritingservicesandEconomic&PlanningSystems (EPS) for economic advisory services is recommended. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW TheDevelopmentServicesDirectorhasreviewedtheproposedactivityforcompliancewiththe CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andhasdeterminedthattheactivitywascoveredin previouslyadoptedEnvironmentalImpactReportUPD#83356-EIR-65B/SCH#2005081077.The DevelopmentServicesDirectorhasalsoreviewedtheproposedactivityforadditionalcompliance withCEQAandhasdeterminedthatthereisnopossibilitythattheactivitymayhaveasignificant effectontheenvironment;therefore,pursuanttoSection15061(b)(3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelines the activity is not subject to CEQA. Thus, no environmental review is required. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not applicable DISCUSSION In2002,theCityofChulaVistaandtheUnifiedPortDistrictofSanDiego(the“Port”)begana collaborativeplanningprocesstocreateamasterplanfortheapproximately535-acreChulaVista Bayfrontarea.TheChulaVistaBayfrontMasterPlan(CVBMP)wasdesignedtotransformChula Vista’sunderutilizedindustrialBayfrontlandscapeintoathrivingresidentialandworld-class waterfrontresortdestination.TheCVBMPwillcreatethousandsofnewjobs,createnewpublic parks,protectnaturalcoastalresources,provideconferenceandvisitor-servingamenitiesandbuild City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 4Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 203 File#:15-0369, Item#: 6. animportantassetfortheSanDiegoregion,theSouthBay,ChulaVistaresidentsandcoastal visitors.TheCVBMPrepresentsthelastsignificantwaterfrontdevelopmentopportunityinSouthern California. ThemasterplanwillbeimplementedjointlybytheCityofChulaVistaandthePortinfourmajor phasesovera24-yearperiod.Phaseoneofimplementationincludesthedevelopmentofaresort conferencecenter,thecreationofpublicparksandopenspace,therestorationofhabitatareas,and the construction of a new fire station and mixed-use residential development. Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services Overthenextseveralyears,theCityanticipatestheCVBMP’snewdevelopmentprojectswillrequire financingofmajorinfrastructureprojects.TheCityandPortexpectaneedtofinancebetween$75 millionand$100millionininfrastructurecostsbeforetheconventioncenterandhotelcanopenfor business.Additionalfundsmayberequiredtofinanceaportionoftheconventioncenterandan associated public parking structure. Tothisend,theCityissuedaRequestforProposals(RFP)inFebruaryof2015seekingproposals fromfirmsqualifiedtoserveasseniormanagingand/orco-managingunderwriterforavarietyof potentialfinancingsthatincludeCertificatesofParticipation(COPs)andCommunityFacilities Districts(CFDs)andotherfinancingmechanismsrelatingtothedevelopmentoftheChulaVista Bayfront.TheRFPwaspostedelectronicallyonPlanetBids.com,aweb-basedvendorandbid managementsystemthatiswidelyusedbyotherlocalagencies.Inaddition,theRFPwas advertised in The Bond Buyer, a publication focusing on the municipal bond market. Fiveproposalswerereceived,andfourfirmswereinterviewedbyaSelectionCommittee.The Selection Committee’s evaluation was based on the following technical criteria: Experience and ability of firm; Experience and ability of project team; Directly relatable experience in public/private partnerships and leasehold financing; Understanding of the City’s financing needs for the CVBMP project; and Fee proposal ProposalswerereceivedfromJ.P.Morgan;MorganStanley;Stifel,Nicolaus&Company;Estrada Hinojosa;andRockfleet.Baseduponscoresassignedfortheabovereferencedcriteria,the Selection Committee recommends awarding the contract to J.P. Morgan. Abondunderwriterisasecuritiesdealerwhohelpsgovernmententitiesbringbondissuestomarket. ThekeyroleitplaysistoassisttheCityinstructuringthefinancing,securingratingsifappropriate, andpremarketingandunderwritingbonds.Asanunderwriter,J.P.Morganwillbuythebondsfrom the City and then resell them to investors. J.P.MorganisthetopunderwriterofmunicipalbondsintheU.S.,aswellasthetopunderwriterin thestateofCalifornia(basedonparvalueoffinancingssince2010).Theyhaveastrongpresencein theSanDiegoArea,underwritingover$5billionintheregionsince2010.Theyalsobringextensive experiencestructuringcomplicatedprojectfinance,privateactivity,andpublic/privatepartnership transactions for issuers throughout the country. City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 4Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 204 File#:15-0369, Item#: 6. Economic Advisory Services ThePortandtheCityarecurrentlydevelopingaplanoffinancetofundthepublicimprovements requiredforthefirstphaseoftheCVBMP.Indevelopingtheplanoffinanceandthestrategies necessary to implement it, it is critical that the City secure independent economic advice. Economic&PlanningSystems(EPS)hasprovidedeconomicanalysisandadvisoryservicesforthe Bayfrontprojectsince2005.Inaddition,EPSbringsexperienceinlarge-scaleredevelopmentand reuse,public/privatedevelopment,andwaterfrontdevelopmentthatwillbevaluabletotheCity’s efforts to develop the Bayfront. ChulaVistaMunicipalCodeSection2.56.070(B)(3)&(4)authorizestheCityCounciltowaivethe formalcompetitivebidprocess.AwaiverisrequestedforthisagreementbecauseEPS’sprior experienceanduniqueperformancecapabilitiesanalyzingtheCVBMPgivesthemanin-depth understandingoftheproject’seconomicdrivers.ThisexperiencewillbecriticaltotheCity’sabilityto continueforwardexpeditiouslyinfinalizingtheplanoffinanceforthefirstphaseoftheCVBMP.As such,theCity’sinterestswouldbemateriallybetterservedbywaivingthecompetitivebidprocess and awarding the contract to EPS. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT StaffhasreviewedthepropertyholdingsoftheCityCouncilandhasfoundthatMayorCasillasSalas hasrealpropertyholdingswithin500feetoftheboundariesofthepropertywhichisthesubjectof thisaction.Consequently,pursuanttoCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,sections18700and 18705.2(a)(11),thisitempresentsadisqualifyingrealproperty-relatedfinancialconflictofinterest under the Political Reform Act (Cal. Gov't Code § 87100,et seq.) for the above-identified member. Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyCityCouncilmember,ofany other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community,StrongandSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.Approvalofan agreementwithJ.P.Morganforinvestmentbankingandbondunderwritingservicesandan agreementwithEconomic&PlanningSystems(EPS)foreconomicanalysisservicesfortheBayfront projectbothsupporttheEconomicVitalitygoalbysecuringservicescriticaltothesuccessofthe BayfrontProject,whichwillinturncreatelocalandregionaljobsandprovideamenitiestovisitorsand residents. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services ApprovalofaresolutionapprovinganagreementwithJ.P.MorganSecuritiestoprovideinvestment banking&bondunderwritingserviceshasnofiscalimpactinthecurrentyear.Allfeestobepaidto J.P.Morganarecontingentuponissuingbonds,orenteringintootherfinancingagreements.Allfees tobeincurredwillbepaidsolelyfromtheproceedsofeachparticulartransactionandtherefore become part of the cost of issuance. Economic Advisory Services City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 4Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 205 File#:15-0369, Item#: 6. ApprovaloftheresolutionapprovinganagreementwithEconomic&PlanningSystemstoprovide EconomicAdvisoryServiceswillresultintheexpenditureofanot-to-exceedamountof$25,000,on anannualbasis.FundsareavailableintheFY2015-16budgetforthispurposeandnoadditional appropriation is required. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services ThereisnoongoingfiscalimpacttotheGeneralFundasaresultofthisaction.Allfeestobepaidto J.P.Morganarecontingentuponissuingbonds,orenteringintootherfinancingagreements.Allfees tobeincurredwillbepaidsolelyfromtheproceedsofeachparticulartransactionandtherefore become part of the cost of issuance. Economic Advisory Services TheinitialtermoftheagreementwithEconomic&PlanningSystemstoprovideEconomicAdvisory Servicesisoneyear,withtwoone-yearoptionstoextend.ShouldtheCityexercisetheseoptions, theywillresultintheexpenditureofanadditionalnot-to-exceedamountof$25,000annually.Future funding will be requested via the regular budget process. ATTACHMENTS 1.Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services Agreement 2.Economic Analysis Services Agreement Staff Contact: Tiffany Allen, Finance Department City of Chula VistaPage 4 of 4Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 206 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 207 ACN: 15009 Agreement between City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, To Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project This agreement (Agreement), effective June 1, 2015, is between the City-related entity whose name and business form is indicated on Exhibit A, Paragraph 2, (City), and the entity whose name, business form, place of business and telephone numbers are indicated on Exhibit A, Paragraphs 4 through 6, (Consultant), and is made with reference to the following facts: R ECITALS WHEREAS, the City and the San Diego Unified Port District (Port) have been participating in a joint planning effort to develop the Chula Vista Bayfront (the WHEREAS, when completed, the Bayfront will create thousands of new local and regional jobs, create new public parks, protect natural coastal resources, and provide conference and visitor-serving amenities; and WHEREAS, over the next several years, the City anticipates new development projects in the Bayfront will require financing for infrastructure and other project costs; and WHEREAS, the City intends to contract for investment banking and bond underwriting services to be performed WHEREAS, the Finance Department issued a Request for Proposals (RFP P09-14/15) to provide Investment Banking and Underwriting Services for the Bayfront project; and WHEREAS, the City completed an evaluation of the proposals for Investment Banking & Underwriting Services and selected J.P. Morgan Securities LLC; and WHEREAS, Consultant warrants and represents that it is experienced and staffed in a manner such that it can deliver the services required of Consultant to City in accordance with the time frames and the terms and conditions of this Agreement. \[End of Recitals. Next Page Starts Obligatory Provisions.\] Page 1 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 208 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 OPP BLIGATORY ROVISIONS AGES NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the City and Consultant do hereby mutually agree as follows: All of the Recitals above are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference. General A. 1.General Duties. Consultant shall perform all of the services described on Exhibit A, Paragraph 7 (General Duties). 2.Scope of Work and Schedule. In performing and delivering the General Duties, described in Exhibit A, Paragraph 8, entitled Scope of Work and Schedule, according to, and within the time frames set forth in Exhibit A, Paragraph 8, time being of the essence of this agreement. The General Duties and the work and Deliverables required in the Scope of Work and Schedule shall be referred to as the efined Services. Failure to complete the Defined Services by the times indicated does not, except at the option of the City, terminate this Agreement. a.Reductions in Scope of Work. City may independently, or upon request from Consultant, from time to time, reduce the Defined Services to be performed by the Consultant under this Agreement. Upon doing so, City and Consultant agree to meet in good faith and confer for the purpose of negotiating a corresponding reduction in the compensation associated with the reduction. b.Additional Services. In addition to performing the Defined Services, City may require Consultant to perform additional consulting services related to the Defined Services (Additional Services), and upon doing so in writing, if they are within the scope of services offered by Consultant, Consultant shall perform same on a time and materials basis at the rates set forth in the Rate Schedule in Exhibit A, Paragraph 10(C), unless a separate fixed fee is otherwise agreed upon. All compensation for Additional Services shall be paid monthly as billed. 3.Standard of Care.The Consultant expressly warrants that the work to be performed pursuant to this Agreement, whether Defined Services or Additional Services, shall be performed in accordance with the standard of care ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing under similar conditions and in similar locations. a.No Waiver of Standard of Care. Where approval by City is required, it is understood to be conceptual approval only and does not relieve the Consultant of responsibility for complying with all laws, codes, industry standards, and liability for damages Page 2 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 209 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 caused by negligent acts, errors, omissions, noncompliance with industry standards, or the willful misconduct of the Consultant or its subcontractors. Application of Laws. B.Should a federal or state law pre-empt a local law, or regulation, the Consultant must comply with the federal or state law and implementing regulations. No provision of this Agreement requires the Consultant to observe or enforce compliance with any provision, perform any other act, or do any other thing in contravention of federal, state, territorial, or local law, regulation, or ordinance. If compliance with any provision of this Agreement violates or would require the Consultant to violate any law, the Consultant agrees to notify City immediately in writing. Should this occur, the City and the Consultant agree that they will make appropriate arrangements to proceed with or, if necessary, amend or terminate this Agreement, or portions of it, expeditiously. 1.Subcontractors. Consultant agrees to take appropriate measures necessary to ensure that all participants utilized by the Consultant to complete its obligations under this Agreement, such as subcontractors, comply with all applicable laws, regulations, ordinances, and policies, whether federal, state, or local, affecting Project implementation. In addition, if a subcontractor is expected to fulfill any responsibilities of the Consultant under this Agreement, the Consultant shall ensure that the subcontractor Insurance C. 1.General. Consultant must procure and maintain, during the period of performance of this Agreement, and for twelve months after completion, pertaining claims-made forms, policies of insurance from insurance companies to protect against claims for wrongful acts that may arise from or in connection with the performance of the professional services under this Agreement and the results of that professional services by the Consultant, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors, and provide documentation of same prior to commencement of professional services. 2.Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage must be at least as broad as: a.E&O . Professional Liability or Errors & Omissions Liability insurance appropriate to include contractual liability. 3.Minimum Limits of Insurance. Consultant must maintain limits no less than those included in the table below: Professional $5,000,000each wrongfulact Liability or Errors & Omissions Liability: 4.Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Consultant shall be solely responsible for all deductibles or self-insured retentions to which such policies are subject. Page 3 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 210 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 5.Claims Forms.If Professional Liability or Errors & Omissions coverage are written on a claims-made form: a.Maintenance and Evidence. Insurance must be maintained for one year after completion of the professional services and, upon request, evidence of insurance must be provided for at least one (1) year after completion of the professional services required by the Agreement. b.Non-Renewal. If coverage is canceled or non-renewed, and not replaced with another claims- coverage for a minimum of one (1) year after completion of the work required by the Agreement. 6.Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with licensed insurers admitted to than A-V, or is a captive insurer that meets the statutory requirements of its domiciled state. Exception may be made for the State Compensation Fund when not specifically rated. 7.Verification of Coverage. Consultant shall furnish the City with standard ACORD certificates and endorsements effecting coverage required by Section I.C. of this Agreement.All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved reasonable discretion, by the City before professional services commence. 8.Not a Limitation of Other Obligations. Insurance provisions under this Article shall not Security for Performance D. 1.Performance Bond. In the event that Exhibit A, at Paragraph 18, indicates the need for Consultant to provide a Performance Bond (indicated by a check mark in the parenthetical space immediately preceding the subparagraph entitled Performance Bond), then Consultant shall provide to the City a performance bond, in the amount indicated at Exhibit A, Paragraph 18, in the form prescribed by the City and by such sureties which are authorized to transact such business in the State of California, listed as approved by the United States Department of Treasury Circular 570, http://www.fms.treas.gov/c570, and whose underwriting limitation is sufficient to issue bonds in the amount required by the Agreement, and which also satisfy the requirements stated in Section 995.660 of the Code of Civil Procedure, except as provided otherwise by laws or regulations. All bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified companies must be duly licensed or authorized in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located to issue bonds for the limits so required. Form must be satisfactory to the Risk Manager or City. Page 4 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 211 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 2.Letter of Credit. In the event that Exhibit A, at Paragraph 18, indicates the need for Consultant to provide a Letter of Credit (indicated by a check mark in the parenthetical space immediately preceding the subparagraph entitled Letter of Credit), then Consultant shall provide to the City an irrevocable letter of credit callable by the City at its unfettered discretion by submitting to the bank a letter, signed by the City Manager, stating that the Consultant is in breach of the terms of this Agreement. The letter of credit shall be issued by a bank, and be in a form and amount satisfactory to the Risk Manager or City Attorney which amount is indicated in the space adjacent to the term, Letter of Credit,in Exhibit A, Paragraph 18. 3.Other Security. In the event that Exhibit A, at Paragraph 18, indicates the need for Consultant to provide security other than a Performance Bond or a Letter of Credit (indicated by a check mark in the parenthetical space immediately preceding the subparagraph entitled Other Security), then Consultant shall provide to the City such other security therein listed in a form and amount satisfactory to the Risk Manager or City Attorney. Business License E.. Consultant agrees to obtain a business license from the City and to otherwise comply with Title 5 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code. ARTICLE II. CITY OBLIGATIONS Consultation and Cooperation A.. City shall regularly consult the Consultant for the purpose of reviewing the progress of the Defined Services and Schedule, and to provide direction and guidance to achieve the objectives of this Agreement. The City shall allow Consultant access to its office facilities, files and records, as deemed necessary and appropriate by the City, throughout the term of this Agreement. In addition, City agrees to provide the materials identified at Exhibit A, Paragraph 9, with the understanding that delay in the provision of those materials beyond thirty days after authorization to proceed, shall constitute a basis for the justifiable delay in the Consultant's performance. Compensation. B. 1.Following Receipt of Billing. The Consultant shall be compensated pursuant to the terms of a Bond Purchase Agreement or similar Agreement approved by the City Council. Such payment will be contingent on the successful closing of the financing program. 2.Supporting Information. Any billing submitted by Consultant shall contain sufficient information as to the propriety of the billing, including properly executed payrolls, time records, invoices, contracts, or vouchers describing in detail the nature of the charges to the Project in order to permit the City to evaluate that the amount due and payable is proper, and such billing shall specifically contain the City's account number indicated on Exhibit A, Paragraph 17(C) to be charged upon making such payment. 3.Exclusions. In determining the amount of the compensation City will exclude any cost: 1) incurred prior to the effective date of this Agreement; or 2) arising out of or related to Page 5 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 212 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 the errors, omissions, negligence or acts of willful misconduct of the Consultant, its agents, employees, or subcontractors. a.Errors and Omissions. In the event that the City Administrator determines that the Agreement has resulted in expense to City greater than would have resulted if there were no such negligence, errors, omissions, Consultant shall reimburse City for any additional expenses incurred by the City. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to limit City's rights under other provisions of this Agreement. 4.Payment Not Final Approval. The Consultant understands and agrees that payment to the Consultant for any Project cost does not constitute a City final decision about whether that cost is allowable and eligible for payment under the Project and does not constitute a waiver of any violation of Consultant of the terms of the Agreement. The Consultant acknowledges that City will not make a final determination about the eligibility of any cost until the final payment has been made on the Project or the results of an audit of the Project requested by the City has been completed, whichever occurs latest. If City determines that the Consultant is not entitled to receive any portion of the compensation due or paid, City will notify the Consultant in writing, stating its reasons. The Consultant funds due City as a result of later refunds, corrections, or other similar transactions; nor will Project closeout alter the right of City to disallow costs and recover funds provided for the Project on the basis of a later audit or other review. a.. Upon notification to the Consultant that specific amounts are owed to City, whether for excess payments or disallowed costs, the Consultant agrees to remit to City promptly the amounts owed, including applicable interest. ARTICLE III. ETHICS Financial Interests of Consultant A. 1.Consultant is Designated as an FPPC Filer. If Consultant is designated on Exhibit A, Paragraph 14, as an FPPC filer, Consultant is deemed to be a Consultant for the purposes of the Political Reform Act conflict of interest and disclosure provisions, and shall report economic interests to the City Clerk on the required Statement of Economic Interests in such reporting categories as are specified in Paragraph 14 of Exhibit A, or if none are specified, then as determined by the City Attorney. 2.No Participation in Decision. Regardless of whether Consultant is designated as an FPPC Filer, Consultant shall not make, or participate in making or in any way attempt to use Consultant's position to influence a governmental decision in which the Underwriting Team knows or has reason to know Consultant has a financial interest other than the compensation promised by this Agreement. Page 6 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 213 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 3.Search to Determine Economic Interests. Regardless of whether Consultant is designated as an FPPC Filer, Consultant warrants and represents that the Underwriting Team has diligently conducted a search and inventory of economic interests, as the term is used in the regulations promulgated by the Fair Political Practices Commission, and has determined that the Underwriting Team does not, to the best of the knowledge, have an economic interest which would conflict with Consultant's duties under this Agreement. 4.Promise Not to Acquire Conflicting Interests. Regardless of whether Consultant is designated as an FPPC Filer, Consultant further warrants and represents that the Underwriting Team will not acquire, obtain, or assume an economic interest during the term of this Agreement which would constitute a conflict of interest as prohibited by the Fair Political Practices Act. 5.Duty to Advise of Conflicting Interests. Regardless of whether Consultant is designated as an FPPC Filer, Consultant further warrants and represents that the Underwriting Team will immediately advise the City Attorney if the Underwriting Team learns of an economic interest of Consultant's that may result in a conflict of interest for the purpose of the Fair Political Practices Act, and regulations promulgated thereunder. 6.Specific Warranties Against Economic Interests. Consultant warrants, represents and agrees that: a.Neither the Underwriting Team, nor immediate family members, nor employees or agents (Consultant Associates) presently have any interest, directly or indirectly, whatsoever in any property which may be the subject matter of the Defined Services, or in any property within 2 radial miles from the exterior boundaries of any property which may be the subject matter of the Defined Services, (Prohibited Interest), other than as listed in Exhibit A, Paragraph 14. b.No promise of future employment, remuneration, consideration, gratuity or other reward or gain has been made to Consultant or Consultant Associates in connection with Consultant's performance of this Agreement. Consultant promises to advise City of any such promise that may be made during the Term of this Agreement, or for twelve months thereafter. c.Consultant Associates shall not acquire any such Prohibited Interest within the Term of this Agreement, or for twelve months after the expiration of this Agreement, except with the written permission of City. d.The Underwriting Team may not conduct or solicit any business for any party to this Agreement, or for any third party that may be in conflict with Consultant's responsibilities under this Agreement, except with the written permission of City. Page 7 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 214 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 IV. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Application of Section A.. The provisions of this section apply if a Liquidated Damages Rate is provided in Exhibit A, Paragraph 13. 1.Estimating Damages. It is acknowledged by both parties that time is of the essence in the completion of this Agreement. It is difficult to estimate the amount of damages resulting from delay in performance. The parties have used their judgment to arrive at a reasonable amount to compensate for delay. 2.Amount of Penalty. Failure to complete the Defined Services within the allotted time period specified in this Agreement shall result in the following penalty: For each consecutive calendar day in excess of the time specified for the completion of the respective work assignment or Deliverable, the Consultant shall pay to the City, or have withheld from monies due, the sum of Liquidated Damages Rate provided in Exhibit A, Paragraph 13 (Liquidated Damages Rate). 3.Request for Extension of Time. If the performance of any act required of Consultant is directly prevented or delayed by reason of strikes, lockouts, labor disputes, unusual governmental delays, acts of God, fire, floods, epidemics, freight embargoes, or other causes beyond the reasonable control of the Consultant, as determined by the City, Consultant shall be excused from performing that act for the period of time equal to the period of time of the prevention or delay. In the event Consultant claims the existence of such a delay, the Consultant shall notify the City's Contract Administrator, or designee, in writing of that fact within ten calendar days after the beginning of any such claimed delay. Extensions of time will not be granted for delays to minor portions of work unless it can be shown that such delays did or will delay the progress of the work. ARTICLE V. INDEMNIFICATION Defense, Indemnity, and Hold Harmless A.. 1.General Requirement. Notwithstanding any other indemnification provision in the Request for Proposal (RFP P09-14/15), to the maximum extent allowed by law, Consultant shall defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City, its elected and - against any and all third party claims, demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, (including reasonable attorney's fees and actual costs), liability or loss, in law or equity, for physical damage or injury to property or persons, including wrongful death ng out of or incident to the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Consultant, its officials, officers, employees, agents, and contractors with the performance of the Defined Services, the results of such performance, or this Agreement. Consultant shall have an affirmative duty to defend and protect City from any and all Liability as provided hereunder, including a duty to pay any and all related Page 8 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 215 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 indemnity obligations hereunder with respect to Liability (a) shall not be triggered until a mutually agreed upon settlement or adjudication thereof; and (b) shall not extend to (i) any Liability adjudicated to be arising from the sole negligence or sole willful misconduct of the City-Related Parties; or (ii) City-Related Parties Liability adjudicated to be greater than fifty percent (50%) of the overall Liability at issue. For the avoidance of doubt, this provision supersedes any other indemnification provisions included in the Request for Proposal (RFP P09-14/15), including Section VIII of the Request for t for Proposal. 2.Design Professional Services. Notwithstanding the forgoing, ifthe services provided under this Agreement are design professional services, as defined by California Civil Code section 2782.5, as may be amended from time to time, the defense and indemnity obligation under Section 1, above, shall be limited to the extent required by California Civil Code section 2782.8. 3.Costs of Defense and Award. Included in the obligations in Sections A.1 and A.2, above, and all suits, actions or other legal proceedings, that may be brought or instituted against the City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, subject to the limitations in Sections A.1. and A.2. Subject to the limitations in Sections A.1. and A.2., Consultant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against City or its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, for any and all related legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them. 4.Insurance Proceeds insurance proceeds, if any, received by the City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents, and/or volunteers. 5.Declarations or subsequent declaration by the Consultant. 6.Enforcement Costs. Consultant agrees to pay any and all costs City incurs enforcing the indemnity and defense provisions set forth in Article V. 7.Survival Agreement. 8.No Alteration of Other Obligations. This Article V, shall in no way alter, affect or ARTICLE VI. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT Termination for Cause A.. If, through any cause, Consultant shall fail to fulfill in a timely and proper manner Consultant's obligations under this Agreement, or if Consultant shall violate any of the covenants, agreements or stipulations of this Agreement, City shall have the right Page 9 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 216 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to Consultant of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof at least five (5) days before the effective date of such termination. In that event, all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, reports and other materials prepared by Consultant shall, at the option of the City, become the property of the City, and Consultant shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation, in an amount not to exceed that payable under this Agreement and less any damages caused City by Consultant's breach, for any work satisfactorily completed on such documents and other materials up to the effective date of Notice of Termination. Termination of Agreement for Convenience of City B.. City may terminate this Agreement at any time and for any reason, by giving specific written notice to Consultant of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof, at least thirty (30) days before the effective date of such termination. In that event, all finished and unfinished documents and other materials described hereinabove shall, at the option of the City, become City's sole and exclusive property. If the Agreement is terminated by City as provided in this paragraph, Consultant shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation, in an amount not to exceed that payable under this Agreement, for any satisfactory work completed on such documents and other materials to the effective date of such termination. Consultant hereby expressly waives any and all claims for damages or compensation arising under this Agreement except as set forth in this section. ARTICLE VII. RECORD RETENTION AND ACCESS Record Retention A.. During the course of the Project and for three (3) years following completion, the Consultant agrees to maintain, intact and readily accessible, all data, documents, reports, records, contracts, and supporting materials relating to the Project as City may require. Access to Records of Consultant and Subcontractors B.. The Consultant agrees to permit, and require its subcontractors to permit City or its authorized representatives, upon request, to inspect all Project work, materials, payrolls, and other data, and to audit the books, records, and accounts of the Contractor and its subcontractors pertaining to the Project. Project Closeout C.. The Consultant agrees that Project closeout does not alter the reporting and record retention requirements of this Agreement. ARTICLE VIII. PROJECT COMPLETION, AUDIT, AND CLOSEOUT Project Completion A..Not applicable. Audit of Consultants B.. Consultant agrees to perform financial and compliance audits the City may require. The Consultant also agrees to obtain any other audits required by City. Consultant agrees that Project closeout will not alter Consultant's audit responsibilities. Audit costs are allowable Project costs. Page 10 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 217 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 Project Closeout C.. Project closeout occurs when City notifies the Consultant that City has closed the Project, and either forwards the final payment or acknowledges that the Consultant has remitted the proper refund. The Consultant agrees that Project closeout by City does not invalidate any continuing requirements imposed by the Agreement or any unmet requirements set forth in a written notification from City ARTICLE IX. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Assignability A.. The services of Consultant are personal to the City, and Consultant shall not assign any interest in this Agreement, and shall not transfer any interest in the same (whether by assignment or notation), without prior written consent of City. 1.Limited Consent. City hereby consents to the assignment of the portions of the Defined Services identified in Exhibit A, Paragraph 16 to the subconsultants identified as Permitted Subconsultants. Ownership, Publication, Reproduction and Use of Material B.. All reports, studies, information, data, statistics, forms, designs, plans, procedures, systems and any other materials or properties produced under this Agreement shall be the sole and exclusive property of City. No such materials or properties produced in whole or in part under this Agreement shall be subject to private use, copyrights or patent rights by Consultant in the United States or in any other country without the express written consent of City. City shall have unrestricted authority to publish, disclose (except as may be limited by the provisions of the Public Records Act), distribute, and otherwise use, copyright or patent, in whole or in part, any such reports, studies, data, statistics, forms or other materials or properties produced under this Agreement. Independent Contractor C.. City is interested only in the results obtained and Consultant shall perform as an independent contractor with sole control of the manner and means of performing the services required under this Agreement. City maintains the right only to reject or accept Consultant's work products. Consultant and any of the Consultant's agents, employees or representatives are, for all purposes under this Agreement, independent contractors and shall not be deemed to be employees of City, and none of them shall be entitled to any benefits to which City employees are entitled including but not limited to, overtime, retirement benefits, worker's compensation benefits, injury leave or other leave benefits. Therefore, City will not withhold state or federal income tax, social security tax or any other payroll tax, and Consultant shall be solely responsible for the payment of same and shall hold the City harmless with regard to them. 1.Actions on Behalf of City. Except as City may specify in writing, Consultant shall have no authority, express or implied, to act on behalf of City in any capacity whatsoever, as an agent or otherwise. Consultant shall have no authority, express or implied, to bind City or its members, agents, or employees, to any obligation whatsoever, unless expressly provided in this Agreement. Page 11 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 218 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 2.No Obligations to Third Parties. In connection with the Project, Consultant agrees and shall require that its agents, employees, subcontractors agree that City shall not be responsible for any obligations or liabilities to any third party, including its agents, employees, subcontractors, or other person or entity that is not a party to this Agreement. Notwithstanding that City may have concurred in or approved any solicitation, subagreement, or third party contract at any tier, City shall have no obligation or liability to any person or entity not a party to this Agreement. Administrative Claims Requirements and Procedures D.. No suit or arbitration shall be brought arising out of this Agreement, against City unless a claim has first been presented in writing and filed with City and acted upon by City in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 1.34 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code, as same may from time to time be amended, the provisions of which are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth herein, and such policies and procedures used by City in the implementation of same. Upon request by City, Consultant shall meet and confer in good faith with City for the purpose of resolving any dispute over the terms of this Agreement. Administration of Contract E.. Each party designates the individuals (Contract Administrators) indicated on Exhibit A, Paragraph 12, as that party's contract administrator who is authorized by the party to represent it in the routine administration of this Agreement. Term F.. This Agreement shall terminate when the parties have complied with all executory provisions hereof. Statement of Costs G.. In the event that Consultant prepares a report or document, or participates in the preparation of a report or document in performing the Defined Services, Consultant shall include, or cause the inclusion of, in the report or document, a statement of the numbers and cost in dollar amounts of all contracts and subcontracts relating to the preparation of the report or document. Consultant is Real Estate Broker and/or Salesman H.. If the box on Exhibit A, Paragraph 15 is marked, the Consultant and/or its principals is/are licensed with the State of California or some other state as a real estate broker or salesperson. Otherwise, Consultant represents that neither Consultant, nor its principals are licensed real estate brokers or salespersons. Notices I.. All notices, demands or requests provided for or permitted to be given pursuant to this Agreement must be in writing. All notices, demands and requests to be sent to any party shall be deemed to have been properly given or served if personally served or deposited in the United States mail, addressed to such party, postage prepaid, registered or certified, with return receipt requested, at the addresses identified in this Agreement as the places of business for each of the designated parties. Integration J.. This Agreement, together with any other written document referred to or contemplated in it, embody the entire Agreement and understanding between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Neither this Agreement nor any provision of it may be Page 12 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 219 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 amended, modified, waived or discharged except by an instrument in writing executed by the party against which enforcement of such amendment, waiver or discharge is sought. Capacity of Parties K.. Each signatory and party to this Agreement warrants and represents to the other party that it has legal authority and capacity and direction from its principal to enter into this Agreement, and that all necessary resolutions or other actions have been taken so as to enable it to enter into this Agreement. Governing Law/Venue L.. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Any action arising under or relating to this Agreement shall be brought only in the federal or state courts located in San Diego County, State of California, and if applicable, the City of Chula Vista, or as close thereto as possible. Venue for this Agreement, and performance under it, shall be the City of Chula Vista. Municipal Advisor Rules M.. The City acknowledges that Consultant may not be able to perform some of the services the City may request of Consultant from time to time in - 70462 (Sept. 20, 2013) (such final rules and to the extent referenced therein, Section 975, the -Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. (End of page. Next page is signature page.) Page 13 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 220 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 Signature Page to Agreement between City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, ToProvide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and Consultant have executed this Agreement, indicating that they have read and understood same, and indicate their full and complete consent to its terms: City of Chula Vista By: ______________________________ Mary Casillas Salas, Mayor Attest: ____________________________________ Donna Norris, City Clerk Approved as to form: ____________________________________ Glen R. Googins, City Attorney J.P. Morgan Securities LLC By: ______________________________ John Houlberg, Executive Director* * Consultant to provide signature authority for signatory. Exhibit List to Agreement: Exhibit A Exhibit B: RFP P09-14/15 Exhibit C Page 14 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 221 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 Exhibit A to Agreement between City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC 1.Effective Date:The Agreement shall take effect upon full execution of the Agreement, as of the effective date stated on page 1 of the Agreement. 2.City-Related Entity: (X) City of Chula Vista, a municipal chartered corporation of the State of California ( ) The Chula Vista Public Financing Authority, a __________________________________________ ( ) The Chula Vista Industrial Development Authority, a __________________________________________ ( ) Other: ___________________________________________, a \[insert business form\] 3.Place of Business for City: City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 4.Consultant: J.P. Morgan Securities LLC 5.Business Form of Consultant: ( ) Sole Proprietorship ( ) Partnership (X) Corporation 6.Place of Business, Telephone and Fax Number of Consultant: 560 Mission Street, Floor 3 San Francisco, CA 94105 Phone: (415) 315-5958 Fax: (415) 240-4088 Page 15 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 222 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 7.General Duties: Consultant shall provide investment banking and bond underwriting services and preform related duties for the Chula Vista Bayfront project. 8.Scope of Work and Schedule: A.Detailed Scope of Work: 1)Consultant shall work collaboratively with City staff, San Diego Port District staff, financing plan for the Chula Vista Bayfront project that minimizes debt service costs. 2)Consultant shall participate throughout the planning process, including attending meetings related to financing, performing necessary research and quantitative analysis, and providing input regarding pricing implications of various debt structuring options. 3)Consultant shall assist in final structuring of project debt issue, including recommendations on the timing of the debt sale, maturity schedule, call provisions, lien structure and security, restrictions and covenants to be included in the financing documents, bond ratings, cash flow modeling of revenues, and debt service requirements. 4)Consultant shall participate in the preparation and review of bond and legal documents. 5)Consultant shall assist the City in preparing materials for review by, and presentations to, the City council, credit rating agencies, bond insurance companies, and investors, as appropriate. 6)Consultant shall develop a sale strategy and marketing plan, and conduct such bond marketing activities as the City and Consultant agree are necessary or desirable in marketing project bonds. 7)Consultant shall assist in the preparation and documentation necessary to timely close each bond issue and shall timely deliver the necessary funds to purchase each bond issue in accordance with the terms of the respective bond purchase agreements. 8)Consultant shall manage the Underwriting Team prior to and during the debt financing process. 9)Consultant shall prepare and present timely and comprehensive summary analysis of project debt issue and other financing mechanisms. B.Date for Commencement of Consultant Services: Page 16 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 223 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 (X) Same as Effective Date of Agreement ( ) Other: _________________________ C.Dates or Time Limits for Delivery of Deliverables: Deliverable No. 1:_________________________. Deliverable No. 2: _________________________. Deliverable No. 3: _________________________. D.Date for completion of all Consultant services: This agreement shall be effective upon execution for a period of one year, with five one-year options. The City may exercise each one-year option at its sole discretion, upon written notification by the City Manager, or designee, to the Consultant. 9.Materials Required to be Supplied by City to Consultant: 10.Compensation:The Consultant shall be compensated pursuant to the terms of a Bond Purchase Agreement or similar Agreement approved by the City Council. Such payment will be contingent on the successful closing of the financing program. A.( ) Single Fixed Fee Arrangement. For performance of all of the Defined Services by Consultant as herein required, City shall pay a single fixed fee in the amounts and at the times or milestones or for the Deliverables set forth below: Single Fixed Fee Amount:______________, payable as follows: Milestone or Event or Deliverable Amount or Percent of Fixed Fee 1.( ) Interim Monthly Advances. The City shall make interim monthly advances against the compensation due for each phase on a percentage of completion basis for each given phase such that, at the end of each phase only the compensation for that phase has been paid. Any payments made hereunder shall be considered as interest free loans that must be returned to the City if the Phase is not satisfactorily completed. If the Phase is satisfactorily completed, the City shall receive credit against the compensation due for that phase. The retention amount or percentage set forth in Paragraph 19 is to be applied to each interim payment such that, at the end of the phase, the full retention has been held back from the compensation due for that phase. Percentage of completion of a phase shall be assessed in the sole and unfettered discretion by the Contracts Administrator designated herein by the City, or such other person as the City Manager shall designate, but only upon such proof demanded by the City that has been provided, but in no event shall such interim advance payment be made unless the Consultant shall have represented in writing that Page 17 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 224 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 said percentage of completion of the phase has been performed by the Consultant. The practice of making interim monthly advances shall not convert this agreement to a time and materials basis of payment. B.( ) Phased Fixed Fee Arrangement. For the performance of each phase or portion of the Defined Services by Consultant as are separately identified below, City shall pay the fixed fee associated with each phase of Services, in the amounts and at the times or milestones or Deliverables set forth. Consultant shall not commence Services under any Phase, and shall not be entitled to the compensation for a Phase, unless City shall have issued a notice to proceed to Consultant as to said Phase. PhaseFee for Said Phase 1.$ _________________________ 2.$ _________________________ 3.$_________________________ 1.( ) Interim Monthly Advances. The City shall make interim monthly advances against the compensation due for each phase on a percentage of completion basis for each given phase such that, at the end of each phase only the compensation for that phase has been paid. Any payments made hereunder shall be considered as interest free loans that must be returned to the City if the Phase is not satisfactorily completed. If the Phase is satisfactorily completed, the City shall receive credit against the compensation due for that phase. The retention amount or percentage set forth in Paragraph 18 is to be applied to each interim payment such that, at the end of the phase, the full retention has been held back from the compensation due for that phase. Percentage of completion of a phase shall be assessed in the sole and unfettered discretion by the Contracts Administrator designated herein by the City, or such other person as the City Manager shall designate, but only upon such proof demanded by the City that has been provided, but in no event shall such interim advance payment be made unless the Consultant shall have represented in writing that said percentage of completion of the phase has been performed by the Consultant. The practice of making interim monthly advances shall not convert this agreement to a time and materials basis of payment. C.( ) Hourly Rate Arrangement For performance of the Defined Services by Consultant as herein required, City shall pay Consultant for the productive hours of time spent by Consultant in the performance of said Services, at the rates or amounts set forth in the Rate Schedule herein below according to the following terms and conditions: 1.( ) Not-to-Exceed Limitation on Time and Materials Arrangement Page 18 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 225 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 Notwithstanding the expenditure by Consultant of time and materials in excess of said Maximum Compensation amount, Consultant agrees that Consultant will perform all of the Defined Services herein required of Consultant for $________________________, including all Materials, and other reimbursables (Maximum Compensation). 2.( ) Limitation without Further Authorization on Time and Materials Arrangement At such time as Consultant shall have incurred time and materials equal to $________________________ (Authorization Limit), Consultant shall not be entitled to any additional compensation without further authorization issued in writing and approved by the City. Nothing herein shall preclude Consultant from providing additional Services at Consultant's own cost and expense. See Exhibit B for wage rates. ( ) Hourly rates may increase by 6% for services rendered after \[month\], 20___, if delay in providing services is caused by City. D.(X) Other See Exhibit C. 11.Materials Reimbursement Arrangement For the cost of out of pocket expenses incurred by Consultant in the performance of services herein required, City shall pay Consultant at the rates or amounts set forth below: (X) None, the compensation includes all costs. Cost or Rate ( )Reports, not to exceed$__________:$__________ ( )Copies, not to exceed $__________:$__________ ( )Travel, not to exceed $__________:$__________ ( )Printing, not to exceed $__________:$__________ ( )Postage, not to exceed $__________:$__________ ( )Delivery,not to exceed $__________:$__________ ( )Outside Services:$__________ ( )Other Actual Identifiable Direct Costs:$__________ _____________________, not to exceed $__________:$__________ _____________________, not to exceed $__________:$__________ Page 19 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 226 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 12.Contract Administrators: City: Tiffany Allen Treasury & Business Manager City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910-2631 (619) 691-5179 Consultant: John Houlberg Executive Director J.P. Morgan 560 Mission Street, Floor 3 San Francisco, CA 94105 (415) 315-5958 13.Liquidated Damages Rate: ( ) $__________ per day. ( ) Other: _________________________ (X) None 14.Statement of Economic Interests, Consultant Reporting Categories, per Conflict of Interest Code (Chula Vista Municipal Code chapter 2.02): (X) Not Applicable. Not an FPPC Filer. ( ) FPPC Filer ( ) Category No. 1. Investments, sources of income and business interests. ( ) Category No. 2. Interests in real property. ( ) Category No. 3. Investments, business positions, interests in real property, and sources of income subject to the regulatory, permit or licensing authority of the department administering this Agreement. ( ) Category No. 4. Investments and business positions in business entities and sources of income that engage in land development, construction or the acquisition or sale of real property. Page 20 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 227 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 ( ) Category No. 5. Investments and business positions in business entities and sources of income that, within the past two years, have contracted with the City of Chula machinery or equipment. ( ) Category No. 6. Investments and business positions in business entities and sources of income that, within the past two years, have contracted with the department administering this Agreement to provide services, supplies, materials, machinery or equipment. ( ) List Consultant Associates interests in real property within 2 radial miles of Project Property, if any: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 15.( ) Consultant is Real Estate Broker and/or Salesman 16.Permitted Subconsultants: None. 17.Bill Processing: A.Consultant's Billing to be submitted for the following period of time: ( ) Monthly ( ) Quarterly ( ) Other: _________________________ B.Day of the Period for submission of Consultant's Billing: ( ) First of the Month ( ) 15th Day of each Month ( ) End of the Month ( ) Other: _________________________ C. City's Account Number: 09100-6301 18.Security for Performance (X) None Page 21 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 228 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx ACN: 15009 ( ) Performance Bond, $ _________________________ ( ) Letter of Credit, $_________________________ ( ) Other Security: Type: _________________________ Amount: $_________________________ ( ) Retention. If this space is checked, then notwithstanding other provisions to the contrary requiring the payment of compensation to the Consultant sooner, the City shall be entitled to retain, at their option, either the following Retention Percentageor Retention Amountuntil the City determines that the Retention Release Event, listed below, has occurred: ( ) Retention Percentage: ________________________ ( ) Retention Amount: $_________________________ Retention Release Event: ( ) Completion of All Consultant Services ( ) Other: _________________________ ( ) Other: The Retention Amount may be released on a monthly basis provided that Consultant has performed said monthly services to the sole satisfaction of the Assistant City Manager/Director of Development Services or his designee. Page 22 Two Party Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC to Provide Investment Banking & Bond Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 229 J:\\Attorney\\MichaelSh\\Bayfront\\Finance-2015\\Bond Issuance\\Agreements\\TwoParty-JPMorgan-8.6.15-RevFINAL.docx RFP P09-14/15 REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE INVESTMENT BANKING AND UNDERWRITING SERVICES RFP P09-14/15 RFP Issue Date: February 19, 2015 Proposal Due Date and Time: March 18, 2015 4:00 pm City of Chula Vista FinanceDepartment ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 230 RFP P09-14/15 Page 2 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Notice is hereby given, that Sealed Proposal, including four (4) copies of the proposal plus one th day of March 2015 at the Finance (1) unbound copy, will be received until 4 P.M. on the 18 Department, Purchasing Division located at 276 Fourth Ave, Building “A”, Chula Vista, CA 91910. Bidders must be registered on-line for the City of Chula Vista with Planet Bids at: http://www.planetbids.com/portal/portal.cfm?CompanyID=15381 Bid Opportunities/Vendor Registration. Category 94600 Financial Services The Proposals requested are for furnishing the City of Chula Vista with: INVESTMENT BANKING AND UNDERWRITING SERVICES All bidders are hereby referred to the bidding instruction, general provisions, specification, and terms and conditions included in Proposal P09-14/15. Mailingand PhysicalAddress: City of Chula Vista Finance Department/Purchasing Division Attn: Maria Kachadoorian 276 Fourth Avenue, Building “A” Chula Vista, CA 91910 Proposal shall not contain discounts, incentives, or other forms of financial consideration unrelatedto the specific services to be provided under this request for proposal. Any discount, incentive, or other form of financial consideration may only be presented in the formof a reduction in the proposal amount. All Bids must be submitted to the Finance Department in sealed envelopes plainly marked with the RFP number and due date and time.PROPOSALS RECEIVED AFTER THE ESTABLISHED DEADLINE WILL BE REJECTED. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids and any portion of any bid, or to waive any irregularities or informalities in the bids or the bidding.. Maria KachadoorianDated:February 19, 2015 Director of Finance ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 231 Page 3 I.CLIENT INTRODUCTION Chula Vista is located at the center of one of the richest cultural, economic and environmentally diverse zones in the United States. It is the second-largest City in San Diego County with a population of nearly 250,000. Chula Vista boasts more than 50 square miles of coastal landscape, canyons, rolling hills, mountains, and a variety of natural resources and quality infrastructure. Established neighborhoods, contemporary communities, start-up firms, corporations, nationally recognized entertainment venues, the nation’s only warm-weather Olympic Training Center, an award winning nature center and a historic downtown all contribute to Chula Vista’s attraction for both families and businesses. Chula Vista means “beautiful view”. It has great year-round weather; miles of trails, coastline, mountains and open space beckon runners, hikers, cyclists, birders, and outdoors enthusiasts from the bay to lakes. II BAYFRONT PROJECT AT A GLANCE The Chula Vista Bayfront is a prime area for development. A joint planning effort between the City of Chula Vista(“City”) and the San Diego Unified Port District (“Port”) created the Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan (CVBMP) which envisions developing a world-class waterfront using sound planning and economics. The CVBMP project area encompasses a total of approximately 550 acres that includes approximately 490 acres of land area and 60 acres of water area. http://www.chulavistaca.gov/City_Services/Development_Services/Planning_Building/Imag es/CVB_DRAFT_conceptualRendering_v2B.jpgThe Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan (CVBMP) transforms Chula Vista's underused industrial bayfront landscape into a thriving residential and world-class waterfront resort destination. The Plan establishes thousands of new jobs, creates new public parks, protects natural coastal resources, provides conference and visitor-serving amenities and builds an important asset for the San Diego region, the South Bay, Chula Vista residents and coastal visitors. The CVBMP is the result of a decade- long joint planning effort by a broad coalition of stakeholders, the Port of San Diego, the City of Chula Vista and Pacifica Companies.The CVBMPwas approved by the California Coastal Commission on August 9, 2012. http://www.chulavistaca.gov/City_Services/Development_Services/Planning_Building/Imag es/CVB_DRAFT_HSt_conceptualRendering_v2B.jpg The Bayfront project was collaboratively planned through more than 100 community meetings to ensure broad community stakeholder support. ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 232 Page 4 Protects sensitive wildlife habitat, species and other coastal resources with extensive buffers Permanent protection of habitat and open space from a land exchange between Pacifica Companies and San Diego Unified Port District-providing a net gain of 62 acres of public land Public promenades, bike trails, and other public access areas connecting the entire bayfront Expands overnight visitor-serving accommodations, with three additional hotels Protects existing lower-cost RV camping uses, maintaining 236 RV sites in the bayfront Bayfront Resort and conference center (up to 1,600 rooms and 415,000 square feet of meeting space) Mixed-use commercial recreation, office, and residential with a portion of the 1,500 proposed units reserved for low and moderate income families Waterfront visitor-serving retail uses and public gathering spaces Reconfigured marina and improved commercial harbor and navigation channel Projected to revitalize the waterfront and generate $1.3 billion for the region over 20 years Creates more than 2,200 permanent jobs, nearly 7,000 construction jobs and numerous indirect jobs in the regional economy Public Benefit When completed, more than 40 percent of the project area (230 acres) will be dedicated to parks, open space and habitat restoration/preservation; with 130 new acres identified for parks and open space that provide public access and use. The visitor-serving amenities and mixed-uses will be clustered in the Harbor District to reduce impact on environmentally sensitive areas. Economic Benefits The Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan is expected to be economically sustainable. The plan is designed to create local and regional jobs and produce new public revenues for the region. The project is projected to generate $1.3 billion during its first 20 years, including more than $11.5 million in annual tax revenues. Implementation of the plan will create more than 2,200 permanent jobs, nearly 7,000 construction jobs and numerous indirect jobs in the regional economy. From Planning to Implementation Planning efforts began in 2002 and were guided by the Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 233 Page 5 Citizens Advisory Committee. The resulting draft land use plans were shaped through an extensive public participation program, including a comprehensive environmental study, which was certified in 2010. The master plan will be implemented jointly by the Port of San Diego and the City of Chula Vista in four major phases over a 24-year period. Phase one of implementation includes the development of the resort conference center, the creation of public parks and open space, the restoration of habitat areas, and the construction of a new fire station and mixed-use residential development. Over the next several years, the City anticipates the CVBMP’s new development projects will require financing between $180 million to $510 million in capital and infrastructure projects. The City and Port expect a need to finance approximately $180 million in infrastructure costs before the convention center and hotel can open for business. A further amount is likely to be required to finance a portion of the cost of the convention center. To this end, the City of Chula Vista is seeking proposals from firms qualified to serve as senior managing and/or co-managing underwriterfor a variety of potential financings that include Certificates of Participation (COPs) and Community Facilities Districts (CFDs) and other financing mechanisms relating to the development of the Chula Vista Bayfront. Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan Financing Agreement On May 8, 2012, the City of Chula Vista and the San Diego Unified Port District approved the Bayfront Master Plan Finance Agreement. The purpose for the agreement was to identify the rights and obligations of each agency with respect to the financing, development and construction of public improvements, infrastructure and conference center for the implementation of the Bayfront Master Plan in accordance with the certified Final Environmental Impact Report approved by the City and the Port District on May 16, 2010. RIDA Corporation On October 14, 2014, the Board of Port Commissioners selected RIDA Development Corporation to enter negotiations to develop a destination resort and convention center on the Chula Vista Bayfront (CVB). RIDA has developed and owns several other large-scale hotels including the 720-room Omni Orlando Resort at ChampionsGate and the 1,400-room Hilton Orlando. RIDA broke ground in April 2014 on the 1,000-room Marriott Marquis Houston which will be attached to the 1.2 million square foot convention center. On February 10, 2015, the Board of Port Commissioners approved an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement (ENA) with RIDA. The ENA establishes a timeline of deliverables during the term of the agreement, including programming the type and size of hotel and convention ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 234 Page 6 center. RIDA may also identify additional infrastructure or other sites within the Chula Vista Bayfront for the District to consider, including in RIDA’s proposed development. III. SCOPE OF SERVICES Successful Respondents shall provide investment banking and underwriting services as a part of the City’s financing team. The selected underwriting team will be expected to work with the City’s finance team and other project participants in identifying methods of minimizing debt service costs and formulating future debt financing strategies for the development of the Chula Vista Bayfront which may include the issuance of CFDs, COPs and other financing mechanisms. The underwriting team could be composed ofa pool of firms from which a senior manager and possible co-manager(s) may be chosen to execute a transaction. The selected underwriter will be expected to perform all duties associated with the negotiation and sale of debt instruments including but not limited to: 1.Participate in planning process. Attend meetings related to the financing, perform necessary research and quantitative analysis, and provide input regarding pricing implications of structuring options. 2.Develop a sale strategy and marketing plan. 3.Assist in final structuring of the debt issue, make recommendations on the timing of debt sale, maturity schedule, call provisions, lien structure and security, restrictions and covenants to be included in the financing documents, bond ratings, cash flow modeling of revenues and debt service requirements. 4.Assist City’s finance team in the preparation and review of bond and legal documents. 5.Assist in document preparation related to the debt issue, presentations to the City Council, rating agencies, and investors as appropriate. 6.Manage the underwriting team prior to and during the debt financing process. 7.Present timely and comprehensive summary analysis of the debt issue. 8.Other duties as assigned by City and/or its financial advisor. IV. PROPOSAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A.Length The Respondent should submit a Cover Letter signed by an officer who is legally authorized to enter into a binding agreement and to make changes to the scope, terms, and conditions of the agreement if selected. Contact information such as Name and ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 235 Page 7 Title, Name of Firm, Address, City, State, Zip, Telephone number, Fax number, and E-mail address should be included. Also the Cover Letter should include a summary of why the Respondent believes they should be selected to provide investment banking and underwriting services to the City. B.Questions Proposers shall submit proposals in the following format,with a table of contents and include allelements listed below. 1.Firm Experience Provide an overall descriptive summary of your firm and its scope of business, specifically as it relates to preparing financial strategies and experience in large infrastructure projects. This description should also include a case study that illustrates your experience in this area where the proposed financing team members have served as lead consultants. Describe your firm’s bond distribution capabilities including the experience of the individual primarily responsible for underwriting the proposed bonds. The firm’s ability to access both retail and institutional investors should be described. 2.Technical a.Describe the firms understanding of the issuer’sfinancial situation, including ideas on how the issuer should approach the financing issues such as bond structures, credit rating strategies and investor marketing strategies. b.Describe the recommendations and financing techniques that your firm proposes to structure the City of Chula Vista’s Bayfront financing plan. Include your recommendation for either a competitive, negotiated or a private placement and why. c.Describe how your firm would work with bond counsel to ensure acceptance of the financing structure and work through any legal issues that may arise. d.From a timing perspective, provide a pro-forma timeline on when the City could anticipate coming to market. 3.Personnel ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 236 Page 8 Identify the lead investment banker and underwriter who will be responsible for day-to-day management of the bond sale. Provide a summary of the professional qualifications of those personnel in your firm who would be assigned to the City. Outline briefly their areas of expertise, their office location and availability, and the extent to which they may be available at all times, upon reasonable request, to meet with City staff and other consultants in order to carry out their duties. What firm(s) do you propose to use as underwriter’s counsel? Discuss why you propose them and the value they bring to the program. Include any other information that you consider appropriate and which will be helpful in the City of Chula Vista’s choice of selecting an underwriter. 4.Fees Provide a fixed feeproposal for negotiated sale, competitive sale and private placement scenarios depending on your proposed financing structure. The City will pay quoted fees contingent upon the closing of the financing. V.PROPOSAL INSTRUCTIONS A. Inquiries March 2, Inquiries regarding this RFP must be e-mailed and submitted no later than 2015 to: Maria Kachadoorian, Director of Finance City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 E-mail address – mkachadoorian@chulavistaca.gov Responses from the City will be by email notification from Planet Bids posted as an March 9, 2015by 5 p.m addendum to the RFP on .Inquiries made after the date stated above will be returned to the sender without a response. No question will be answered via the telephone. B.Submission of Proposals 4:00 p.m. on March 18, 2015 Proposals are due by . The Respondent shall submit one original (marked accordinglyand unbound) and four copies of the proposal in a ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 237 Page 9 sealed envelope bearing the Respondent’s name and address, and clearly marked with the RFP name, number, date, and time due to: City of Chula Vista Attn: Finance Department/Purchasing Division 276 Fourth Avenue Building “A” Chula Vista, CA 91910 The City will conduct a preliminary review of the proposals to determine if the above itemsand copies are included as required in the RFP. If a proposal does not include all items fully completed, the proposal shall be considered asnot responsive. C.Rights of City This RFP does not commit the City to enter into an Agreement, nor does it obligate the City to pay for any costs incurred in preparation and submission of proposals or in anticipation of an Agreement. The City may investigate the qualifications of any Respondent under consideration, require confirmation of information furnished by the Respondent, and require additional evidence or qualifications to perform the Services described in this RFP. The City reserves the right to: 1.Reject any or all proposals. 2. Issue subsequent Requests for Proposal. 3. Postpone opening for its own convenience. 4.Remedy technical errors in the Request for Proposal process. 5. Negotiate with any, all, or none of the Respondents. 6. Solicit best and final offers from all or some of the Respondents. 7.Select one or more Respondents. 8. Accept other than the lowest proposed fees. 9.Waive informalities and irregularities in proposals. D. Collusion By submitting a proposal, each Respondent represents and warrants that its proposal is genuine and not false or collusive or made in the interest of, or on behalf of any person not named therein; that the Respondent has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other person to submit a false proposal, or any other person to refrain from submitting a proposal; and that the Respondent has not, in any manner, sought collusion to secure any improper advantage over any other person submitting a proposal. ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 238 Page 10 E. Withdrawal of Proposals A Respondent may withdraw their proposal before the expiration of the time for submission of proposals by delivering to the Finance Department a written request for withdrawal signed by, or on behalf of, the Respondent. VI.AGREEMENTS Respondent shall be required to enter intoa consultant agreement with the City. Attached is a copy of the City’s standard consultanttwo-partyagreement (Attachment D). If Respondent has an exception to any of the terms in the Consultant Agreement, Respondent must describe the exception in its Response. Respondent waives the right to object to any term of the Consultant Agreement if it fails to declare an exception in its Response. Respondent shall be required to provide the following levels of insurance, at its expense, during the term of the Consultant Agreement. VII.INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 1.General. Consultant must procure and maintain, during the period of performance of this Agreement, and for twelve months after completion, policies of insurance from insurance companies to protect against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property that may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work under this Agreement and the results of that work by the Consultant, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors, and provide documentation of same prior to commencement of work. 2. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage must be at least as broad as: a. CGL. Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage (occurrence Form CG0001). a.Auto. Insurance Services Office Form Number CA 0001 covering Automobile Liability, Code 1 (any auto). WC. Workers’ Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and b. Employer’s Liability Insurance. E&O. Professional Liability or Errors & Omissions Liability insurance appropriate to c. the Consultant’s profession. Architects’ and Engineers’ coverage is to be endorsed to include contractual liability. ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 239 Page 11 3.Minimum Limits of Insurance. Consultant must maintain limits no less than those included in the table below: i. General Liability: $1,000,000per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, (Including (including death), and property damage. If Commercial General operations, Liability insurance with a general aggregate limit is used, either products and the general aggregate limit must apply separately to this completed Project/location or the general aggregate limit must be twice the operations, as required occurrence limit. applicable) ii. Automobile $1,000,000per accident for bodily injury, including death, and Liability:property damage. iii. Workers’ Statutory Compensation $1,000,000each accident Employer’s $1,000,000 disease-policy limit Liability:$1,000,000 disease-each employee iv. Professional $1,000,000each occurrence Liability or Errors & Omissions Liability: If the Consultant maintains higher limits than the minimums shown above, the City requires and shall be entitled to coverage for the higher limits maintained by the Consultant. 4.Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. At the option of the City, either the insurer will reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as they pertain to the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Consultant will provide a financial guarantee satisfactory to the City guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses. 5.Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability, automobile liability, and where appropriate, the worker’s compensation policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: a.Additional Insureds. City of Chula Vista, its officers, officials, employees, agents, and volunteers are to be named as additional insureds with respect to all policies of insurance, including those with respect to liability arising out of automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by or on behalf of the Consultant, where applicable, and, ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 240 Page 12 with respect to liability arising out of work or operations performed by or on behalf of the Consultant, including providing materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work or operations. The general liability additional insured coverage must be provided in the form of an endorsement to the Consultant’s insurance using ISO CG 2010 (11/85) or its equivalent. Specifically, the endorsement must not exclude Products/Completed Operations coverage. b.Primary Insurance. The Consultant’s General Liability insurance coverage must be primary insurance as it pertains to the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents, and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officers, officials, employees, or volunteers iswholly separate from the insurance of the Consultant and in no way relieves the Consultant from its responsibility to provide insurance. c.Cancellation. The insurance policies required by this Agreement shall not be canceled by either party, except after thirty days’ prior written notice to the City by certified mail, return receipt requested. The words “will endeavor” and “but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company, its agents, or representatives” shall be deleted from all certificates. d.Waiver of Subrogation. Consultant’s insurer will provide a Waiver of Subrogation in favor of the City for each required policy providing coverage for the term required by this Agreement. In addition, Consultant waives any right it may have or may obtain to subrogation for a claim against the City. 6.Claims Forms. If General Liability, Pollution and/or Asbestos Pollution Liability and/or Errors & Omissions coverage are written on a claims-made form: a.Retro Date. The “Retro Date” must be shown, and must be before the date of the Agreement or the beginning of the work required by the Agreement. b.Maintenance and Evidence. Insurance must be maintained and evidence of insurance must be provided for at least five years after completion of the work required by the Agreement. c.Cancellation. If coverage is canceled or non-renewed, and not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a “Retro Date” prior to the effective date of the Agreement, the Consultant must purchase “extended reporting” coverage for a minimum of five years after completion of the work required by the Agreement. ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 241 Page 13 d.Copies. A copy of the claims reporting requirements must be submitted to the City for review. 7.Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with licensed insurers admitted to transact business in the State of California with a current A.M. Best’s rating of no less than A V. If insurance is placed with a surplus lines insurer, insurer must be listed on the State ofCalifornia List of Eligible Surplus Lines Insurers (LESLI) with a current A.M. Best’s rating of no less than A X. Exception may be made for the State Compensation Fund when not specifically rated. 8.Verification of Coverage. Consultant shall furnish the City with original certificates and amendatory endorsements effecting coverage required by Section I.C. of this Agreement. The endorsements should be on insurance industry forms, provided those endorsements or policies conform to the requirements of this Agreement. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. The City reserves the right to require, at any time, complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements evidencing the coverage required by these specifications. 9.Subcontractors. Consultant must include all subconsultants as insureds under its policies or furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subconsultant. All coverage for subconsultants is subject to all of the requirements included in these specifications. 10.Not a Limitation of Other Obligations. Insurance provisions under this Article shall not be construed to limit the Consultant’s obligations under this Agreement, including Indemnity. 11.Additional Coverage. To the extent that Insurance coverage exceeds the minimums identified in section 3, recovery shall not be limited to the insurance minimums, but shall instead extend to the actual policy limits. B. VIII.INDEMNIFICATION Respondent shall be required to indemnify the City pursuant to the following language: A. Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement To the fullest extent provided by law with respect to all liability except liability for Professional Services, covered under Section B, the Service Provider agrees to defend, ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 242 Page 14 indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers and employees, from and against any claim, demand, action, proceeding, suit or liability for damages, costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) or expenses for damages to property or the loss of use thereof or injuries or death to any person (including Respondent’s employees), caused by, arisingout of or related to the performance of, Service Provider as provided in the Scope of Services, or failure to act by Respondent, its officers, agents and employees. The Respondent’s duty to defend, indemnify, protect, and hold harmless shall not include any claims or liabilities arising from the active negligence, sole negligence or willful misconduct of the City, its agents, officers, or employees. The Respondent further agrees that the indemnification, including the duty to defend the City, requires the Respondent to pay reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs the City incurs that are associated with enforcing the indemnification provision, and defending any claims, demands, or liabilities arising from the services of the Respondent performed pursuant to this Agreement. The City may, at its own election, conduct its defense, or participate in the defense of any claim demand related in any way to the Agreement. If the City chooses as its own election to conduct its own defense, participate in its own defense or obtain independent legal counsel in defense of any claim, demand or liability related to Respondent’s Scope of Services, the Respondent agrees to pay the reasonable value of attorneys’ fees and all of the City’s costs. B. Indemnification for Professional Services: As to the Respondent’s professional obligation, work or services involving this Project, the Respondent agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers and employees from and against any and all liability, claims, costs, and damages, including but not limited to, attorney’sfees, that arise out of, or pertain to, or relate to the negligence, recklessness or willful misconduct of Respondent and its agents in the performance of services under this agreement,but this indemnity does not apply liability for damages for death or bodily injury to persons, injury to property, or other loss, arising from the sole negligence, willful misconduct or defects in design by City or the agents, servants, or independent contractors who are directly responsible to City, or arising from the active negligence of City. IX. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS All reports, studies, information, data, statistics, forms, designs, plans, procedures, systems and any other materials or properties produced for the Project shall be the sole and exclusive property of City. No such materials or properties produced in whole or in part for the Project shall be subject to private use, copyrights or patent rights by ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 243 Page 15 Respondent in the United States or in any other country without the express written consent of City. City shall have unrestricted authority to publish, disclose (except as may be limited by the provisions of the Public Records Act), distribute, and otherwise use, copyright or patent, in whole or in part, any such reports, studies, data, statistics, forms or other materials or properties produced for this project. X.PUBLIC DISCLOSURE All proposals submitted in response to this RFP become the property of the City and are public records, and as such may be subject to public review. Under the California Public Records Act (California Government Code Section 6250 et seq.) records in the custody of a public entity generally have to be disclosed unless the information being sought falls into one or more of the exemptions to disclosure set out in Government Code Sections 6254 through 6255. The cover letter of the proposal should contain a paragraph that states whether or not Respondent believes that its proposal does or does not contain information that falls into one of the exemptions of Government Code Sections 6254 through 6255 and whether or not Respondent considers such information to be confidential. City may be obligated to disclose proposal to any party that requests it. Regardless of assertions of confidentiality, proposal contents may still be disclosed if City, or a court with jurisdiction, determines that such proposal is a public record requiring disclosure. XI. RATING AND SELECTION PROCESSAND TIMELINE A. Evaluation Criteria The proposals will be ranked by a selection panel using the following criteria: Experience and capabilities of the firm in similar transactions Experience of the assigned individuals Quality and suitability of the proposed financing plan Price/cost B. Evaluation Procedure A Selection Review Panel, generally made up of City staff, will review the proposals and establish a list of finalists based on evaluation criteria/matrix. The City will interview the finalists and rank the finalists. The names of the Review Panel members are not revealed prior to the interviews. The composite rating and evaluation forms prepared by Panel members will not be revealed. Approximately 1 hour will be allowed for the oral interview and a question and answer session. ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 244 Page 16 The Respondent must lead a brief presentation before the Review Panel. Interviews shall be April 6, 2015 conducted during the week of . Each Respondent is asked to keep these dates If your firm is selected to make a open. No other interview dates shall be provided. presentation and be interviewed, please limit the participants to only those who will have direct responsibility for the structuring, underwriting,and marketing of bonds. C. Award When the Review Panel has completed its work, City staff will then recommend an investment banking and underwriting firm to the City Council for approval. Estimated Timeline (Subject to change without notice): Release of RFP February 19, 2015 Deadline for questions March 2, 2015 by 4:00 pm Responses to questions posted on PlanetBids.comMarch 9, 2015 by 5:00 pm Proposals are due March 18, 2015 by 4:00 pm Interviews Week of April 6, 2015 Contractor(s) selection Week of April 13, 2015 XIISTANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The proposal shall be signed by an individual authorized to bind the Contractor, and shall contain a statement to the effect that the proposal is a firm offer for a 90-day period. The proposal shall also provide the name, title, address and telephone number of individual(s) with authority to negotiate and contractually bind the company for this period and who also may be contacted during the period of proposal evaluation. Public Agency Participation Other public agencies (e.g. city, county, public corporation, political subdivision, school district, or water authority) may want to participate in any award as a result of this proposal. The City of Chula Vista shall incur no financial responsibility in connection with any contract by another public agency. The public agency shall accept sole responsibility for entering into contractsand making payments to the successful respondent. This option will notbe considered in proposal evaluation. Please indicate whether this will be granted. ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 245 Page 17 Yes ________ No ________ Proposal & Offer to Contract This Proposal and Offer to Contract, subject to the specifications, terms and conditions, and General Provisions (Attachment A) herein, when duly accepted by the City shall constitute the contract between the parties. In consideration of the payments to be provided by the City, and in accordance with the conditions expressed in the proposal forms and specifications attached and by this reference incorporated herein, contractor agrees to provide investment banking and underwriting services to the City of Chula Vista. Company Name Address CityStateZip Telephone Fax Email address Print NameTitle SignatureDate Information that must be completed and returned with proposal: Public Agency Participation Option Proposal & Offer to Contract Disclosure Statement (Attachment C) If addendum(s) is issued it must be signed and returned with proposal. ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 246 Page 18 GENERAL CONDITIONS Award This RFP does not commit the City to award a contract, to pay any costs incurred in the preparation of the proposal to this request, or to procure or contract for services or supplies. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this request, to negotiate with any qualified source, or to cancel in part or entirely this RFP, if it is in the best interest of the City to do so. The City further reserves the right to waive any technicalities or minor irregularities in bids received. The City may require the selected bidder to participate in negotiations and to submit such price, technical or other revisions of their proposals as may result from negotiations. The City shall be the sole judge in determining award of contract. Period of Coverage & Option Renewals This agreement shall be effective upon execution for a period of one-year with five one-year options upon mutual consent. Prices quoted shall remain firm for initial period of coverage. Insurance Successful bidder shall, throughout the duration of this agreement, maintain comprehensive general liability ($1,000,000 per occurrence), automotive liability ($1,000,000 per accident), worker’s compensation and professional liability insurance covering all operations of the bidder; its agents and employees, including but not limited to premises and automobile, with minimum coverage of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) combined single limit. Evidence of such coverage, in the form of a Certificate of Insurance and Policy Endorsement that names the City of Chula Vista as an additional insured, shall be submitted to the Purchasing Division within ten (10) days of notification of award. This endorsement must be on a separate "Schedule B". Thirty (30) day written notice to the City of Chula Vista of cancellation or material change shall be provided. Insurance Certificates shall not include "Modified Occurrence" restrictions. No substitutions shall be allowed. Insurance requirements may also be obtained by visiting: http://www.chulavistaca.gov/City_Services/Administrative_Services/Finance/Purchasing/sell.asp. The City of Chula Vista may require additional insurance. Business License A business license is required in the City of Chula Vista by any person who transacts, engages in or carries on any business within the corporate limits of the city (Chula Vista Municipal Code 5.02.020). Local Business Consideration According to the Chula Vista Municipal Code, Chapter 2.56.090, letter G, In accordance with ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 247 Page 19 Section 1011 of the Charter, in the event two or more bids are received which are for the same total amount or unit price and in all other respects are equal, the contract shall be awarded to a local bidder. In the event, however, that such tie bids are all from vendors either wholly inside or all outside of the city, then the contract shall be awarded by drawing lots in public. In evaluating bids for award, the City ofChula Vista considers the 1% sales tax allocated back to the City from vendors located in Chula Vista. City’s Best Interests The City of Chula Vista reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received as a result of this Request for Proposal. The City further reserves the right to negotiate with qualified contractors, to amend, or to cancel, in part or in whole, this Request for Proposal if it is in the City’s best interest to do so. Public Disclosure All proposals submitted in response to this RFP become the property of the City and are public records, and as such may be subject to public review. Under the California Public Records Act (California Government Code Section 6250 et seq.) records in the custody of a public entity generally have to be disclosed unless the information being sought falls into one or more of the exemptions to disclosure set out in Government Code Sections 6254 through 6255. The cover letter of the proposal should contain a paragraph that states whether or not Respondent believes that its proposal does or does not contain information that falls into one of the exemptions of Government Code Sections 6254 through 6255 and whether or not Respondent considers such information to be confidential. City may be obligated to disclose proposal to any party that requests it. Regardless of assertions of confidentiality, proposal contents may still be disclosed if City, or a court with jurisdiction, determines that such proposal is a public record requiring disclosure. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A - General Provisions Attachment B - Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan Financing Agreement Attachment C –Disclosure Statement Attachment D –Sample Two-Party Agreement ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 248 Exhibit C to Agreement between City of Chula Vista and J.P. Morgan Securities LLC Extendible Fixed Rate CommercialCommercialVariable Rate ProductBondsPaperPaperDemand Bonds Per Bond $5.00 –N/AN/AN/A Takedown$7.50 per bond RemarketingN/A8 bps10 bpsDaily: 10 bps Agent FeesWeekly: 8 bps Credit Facility N/ATo be NegotiatedTo be NegotiatedTo be FeeNegotiated Fees related to other forms of financing subject to future negotiation and separate financing agreements. ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 249 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 250 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 251 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 252 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 253 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 254 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 255 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 256 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 257 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 258 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 259 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 260 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 261 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 262 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 263 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 264 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 265 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 266 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 267 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 268 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 269 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 270 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 271 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 272 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 273 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 274 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 275 RESOLUTION NO. __________ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVINGAN AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE INVESTMENT BANKING AND BOND UNDERWRITING SERVICES FOR THE BAYFRONT PROJECT BETWEEN THE CITY ANDJ.P. MORGAN SECURITIES, LLC AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXERCISE FIVE ONE-YEAR OPTIONS TO EXTEND THE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista and the San Diego Unified Port District (Port) have beenparticipating in a joint planning effort to develop the Chula Vista Bayfront (the “Bayfront”); and WHEREAS, when completed, the Bayfront will create thousands of new local and regional jobs, create new public parks, protect natural coastal resources, and provide conference and visitor-serving amenities; and WHEREAS, over the next several years, the City anticipates new development projects in the Bayfront will require financing for infrastructure and other project costs; and WHEREAS, the City intends to contract for investment banking and bond underwriting services to be performed in connection with the development of the Bayfront project (the “Bayfront Project”); and WHEREAS, the Finance Department issued a Request for Proposals (RFP P09-14/15) to provide Investment Banking and Underwriting Services for the Bayfront Project; and WHEREAS, the City completed an evaluation of the proposals for Investment Banking & Underwriting Services and selected J.P. Morgan Securities, LLC; and WHEREAS, the Finance Department will bring any contemplated bond issuances or other financing mechanisms for City Council consideration and approval prior to issuing bonds or otherwise incurring debt. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it approves theagreement to provide investment banking and bond underwriting services for the Bayfront Project,between the City andJ.P. Morgan Securities, LLC, inthe form presented, with such minor modifications as may be required or approved by the City Attorney, a copy of which shall be kepton file in the Office of the CityClerk,and authorizesand directsthe Mayorto execute sameand authorizes the City Manager to exercise five one-year options to extend the agreement. C:\\Users\\GRANIC~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\BCL Technologies\\easyPDF 7\\@BCL@D0053DCE\\@BCL@D0053DCE.docx ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 276 Resolution No. Page 2 Presented byApproved as to form by Maria KachadoorianGlen R. Googins Deputy City Manager/CFOCity Attorney ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 277 RESOLUTION NO. __________ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA WAIVING THE COMPETITIVE FORMAL BID REQUIREMENT, APPROVINGAN AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE ECONOMIC ADVISORY SERVICES FOR THE BAYFRONT PROJECT BETWEEN THE CITY AND ECONOMIC &PLANNING SYSTEMS, INC., AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXERCISE TWO ONE-YEAR OPTIONS TO EXTEND THE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the City and the San Diego Unified Port District (Port) are participating in a joint planning effort to develop the Chula Vista Bayfront (the “Bayfront”); and WHEREAS, Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. (EPS)will provide independent economic advice in the City’s efforts related to the Bayfront; and WHEREAS, EPSbrings experience in large-scale redevelopment and reuse, public/private development, and waterfront development that will be valuable to the City’s efforts to develop the Bayfront; and WHEREAS, in February 2015, the Board of the Commissioners of the Port approved an exclusive negotiating agreement with RIDA Development Corporation(Developer)to develop a destination resort and convention center on the Chula Vista Bayfront(the “Bayfront Project”), the terms of which will eventually be incorporated in agreements which will have financial and fiscal implications for the City that need to be carefully vetted and considered from the City’s perspective; and WHEREAS, EPSwill work with City and Port staff and consultants to develop a plan of finance and implementation strategies necessary to execute itfor the Bayfront Project; and WHEREAS, EPS will review financial and economic analyses prepared by City and Port staff and consultants in order to understand the overall financial structure of the Bayfront Project and key economic issues; and WHEREAS, EPS will serve as an advisor to the City, providing strategic, analytic, and negotiation support as the City works through issues associated with the governance and financing of the Bayfront Project, and the negotiation of the terms of agreements between the City, the Port, and the Developer; and WHEREAS, Chula Vista Municipal Code Section 2.56.070(B)(3)& (4)allows for a City Council waiver of the formal competitive bid process if the city’s interests would be materially better served by applying a different purchasing procedure approved by the purchasing agent as being consistent with good purchasing practices; and C:\\Users\\GRANIC~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\BCL Technologies\\easyPDF 7\\@BCL@D00577D4\\@BCL@D00577D4.docx ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 278 Resolution No. Page 2 WHEREAS, EPS previously provided these services to the City for the Bayfront Project, and therefore has a thorough and unique understanding of the project and potential financing structures that are being considered; and WHEREAS, based upon the prior experience of EPS providing economic analysis services for the Bayfront Project, the city’s interest would be materially better served by continuing to contract with EPS for these services rather than conducting a competitive formal bid process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it approves theagreement to provide economic advisory services for the Bayfront Project, between the City andEconomic & Planning Systems, Inc., inthe form presented, with such minor modifications as may be required or approved by the City Attorney, a copy of which shall be kepton file in the Office of the CityClerk, and authorizesand directsthe Mayorto execute sameand authorizes the City Manager to exercise two one-year options to extend the agreement. Presented byApproved as to form by Maria KachadoorianGlen R. Googins Deputy City Manager/CFOCity Attorney ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 279 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0353, Item#: 7. ORDINANCEOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAMENDINGCHAPTER15.24OFTHECHULA VISTAMUNICIPALCODEADDINGSECTION15.24.070SMALLRESIDENTIALROOFTOPSOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS (FIRST READING) RECOMMENDED ACTION Council place the ordinance on first reading. SUMMARY Section65850.5(g)(1)oftheCaliforniaGovernmentCodeprovidesthat,onorbeforeSeptember30, 2015,everycity,county,orcityandcountyshalladoptanordinancethatcreatesanexpedited, streamlinedpermittingprocessforsmallresidentialrooftopsolarenergysystems.Theproposed ordinance is intended to satisfy the requirement. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW TheDirectorofDevelopmentServiceshasreviewedtheproposedactivityforcompliancewiththe CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andhasdeterminedthattheactivityfallswithinthe Class8CategoricalExemptionpursuanttoCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle14,Chapter3,Article 19(the“StateCEQAGuidelines”)section15308andthereforeisexemptfromenvironmentalreview; andnotwithstandingtheClass8CategoricalExemption,theDirectorofDevelopmentServiceshas furtherdeterminedthatthereisalsonopossibilitythattheactivitymayhaveasignificanteffectonthe environment;therefore,pursuanttosection15061(b)(3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelinestheactivityis exempt from the provisions of CEQA. Thus, no environmental review is required. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not Applicable. DISCUSSION AssemblyBill2188(2014)amendedSection65850.5oftheGovernmentCode(GC)torequirecities andcounties,onorbeforeSeptember30,2015,toadoptanordinancethatcreatesanexpedited, streamlined permitting process for small residential rooftop solar energy systems. As defined in GC Section 65850.5, a small residential rooftop solar energy system is: a.Asolarenergysystemthatisnolargerthan10kilowattsalternatingcurrentnameplaterating or 30 kilowatts thermal. b.Asolarenergysystemthatconformstoallapplicablestatefire,structural,electrical,andother buildingcodesasadoptedoramendedbytheCityandallstateandCityhealthandsafety standards. City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 3Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 280 File#:15-0353, Item#: 7. c.A solar energy system that is installed on a single or duplex family dwelling. d.Asolarpanelormodulearraythatdoesnotexceedthemaximumlegalbuildingheightas defined by the City. Section 65850.5 of the GC provides that in developing an expedited permitting process, the city shall: a.Adoptachecklistofallrequirementswithwhichsmallrooftopsolarenergysystemsmustcomplywithtobe eligible for expedited review. b.Theexpediteprocess,standardplan(s),andchecklist(s)shallsubstantiallyconformtorecommendations containedinthemostcurrentversionofthe CaliforniaSolarPermittingGuidebook(CSPG)adoptedbythe Governor’s Office of Planning and Research. c.Alldocumentsrequiredforthesubmissionofanexpeditedsolarenergysystemapplicationshallbemade available on the publicly accessible City website. d.ElectronicsubmittaloftherequiredpermitapplicationanddocumentsbytheInternettobemadeavailabletoall small residential rooftop solar energy system permit applicants. e.Onlyoneconsolidatedinspectiontoberequiredanddoneinatimelymanner.Re-inspectionsareallowedifthe system fails inspection. Staffhasdevelopedeligibilitychecklistsandimplementedanexpediteprocessforeligibleresidentialroof-topsystems. Thechecklists,standardplansandexpediteprocessdosubstantiallyconformtothecurrentversionoftheCSPG.In addition,staffdevelopedawebpageontheCity’swebsitededicatedtothestreamlinedprocesscontainingallrequired submittaldocumentsandreferencetoresources.Furthermore,staffisintheprocessofdevelopinganonlinesubmittal process where applicants can submit the application and documents, and pay fees via the City’s Citizen Access portal. Theproposedordinanceauthorizesthebuildingofficialtodevelopandmaintaintheeligibilitychecklists.Anapplication thatsatisfiestherequirementsoftheeligibilitychecklists,asdeterminedbythebuildingofficial,willbedeemedcomplete andeligiblefortheexpeditedpermittingprocess.Uponconfirmationbythebuildingofficialoftheapplicationand supportingdocumentationbeingcompleteandthatthesolarenergysystemsubstantiallyconformstoallapplicablelocal, state,andfederalhealthandsafetyrequirements,thebuildingofficialwilladministrativelyapprovetheapplicationand issuetherequiredpermits.Asforinspections,oneconsolidatedbuildinginspectionisrequired,whichwillbeperformedin a timely manner. If the system fails inspection, re-inspections will be required. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT Staffhasreviewedthedecisioncontemplatedbythisactionandhasdeterminedthatitisnotsite-specificand consequently,the500-footrulefoundinCaliforniaCodeofRegulationsTitle2,section18705.2(a)(11),isnotapplicable tothisdecisionforpurposesofdeterminingadisqualifyingrealproperty-relatedfinancialconflictofinterestunderthe Political Reform Act (Cal. Gov't Code § 87100, et seq.). Staffisnotindependentlyaware,andhasnotbeeninformedbyanyCityCouncilmember,ofanyotherfactthatmay constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,HealthyCommunity,Strong andSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.TheproposedordinancesupportstheHealthyCommunitygoal asitseekstofacilitatetheinstallationofrenewableenergysystemsthatwillhelptheCityandStatereachedtheirenergy and environmental goals. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT Therearenoincreasesinfeesproposedinthisadoption.Currently,theCitysubsidizesthepermitfeesforresidential solarsystems.Thetotalpermitfeeiscurrently$250.BetweenFY10andFY15,thenumberofprocessedresidential solarpermitsincreasedbyabout1900%.InFY15,staffprocessedaround1,750solarpermitapplications.Expediting suchalargenumberofpermitsmayhaveanimpactonresources.StaffwillcontinuetomonitorthisandupdateCity Council as necessary. City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 3Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 281 File#:15-0353, Item#: 7. TheGeneralFundimpactforthissubsidyinfiscalyear2014wasapproximately$445,000andisexpectedtobeinthe same range in fiscal years 2015 and 2016. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT StaffiscurrentlyworkingonanupdatetotheDevelopmentServiceDepartment’sfeescheduleandwillbringthatforward toCityCouncilforconsiderationatafuturemeeting.AfullcostrecoverymodelwillbeusedforthisexpeditedPVreview service fee. ATTACHMENTS No attachments. Staff Contact: Lou El-Khazen, Building Official, Development Services City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 3Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 282 ORDINANCE NO.__________ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING CHAPTER 15.24 OF THE CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE ADDING SECTION 15.24.070 SMALL RESIDENTIAL ROOFTOP SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS WHEREAS,Subsection (a) of Section 65850.5 of the California Government Code provides that it is the policy of the State to promote and encourage the installation and use of solar energy systems by limiting obstacles to their use and by minimizing the permitting costs of such systems; and WHEREAS,Subdivision (g)(1) of Section 65850.5 of the California Government Code provides that, on or before September 30, 2015, every city, county, or city and county shall adopt an ordinance, consistent with the goals and intent of subdivision (a) of Section 65850.5, that creates an expedited, streamlined permitting process for small residential rooftop solar energy systems. NOW THEREFORE the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does ordain as follows: Section I.Added Section 15.24.070 That Section 15.24.070 is hereby added to Chapter 15.24 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code and reads as follows: 15.24.070 Small residential rooftop solar energy systems. A. Definitions. Thefollowing definitions are adopted from California Government Code section 65850.5, as may be amended from time to time. These definitions shall apply to this Chapter 15.24 and are restated here for reference. 1.A “feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific, adverse impact” includes, but is not limited to, any cost-effective method, condition, or mitigation imposed by the city on another similarly situated application in a prior successful application for a permit. The city shall use its best efforts to ensure that the selected method, condition, or mitigation meets the conditions of subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 714 of the Civil Code. 2. “Small residential rooftop solar energy system” means all of the following: a.A solar energy system that is no larger than 10 kilowatts alternating current nameplate rating or 30 kilowatts thermal. C:\\Users\\GRANIC~1\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\BCL Technologies\\easyPDF 7\\@BCL@6C05526A\\@BCL@6C05526A.doc ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 283 Ordinance Page 2 b.A solar energy system that conforms to all applicable state fire, structural, electrical, and other building codes as adopted or amended by the City and all state and City health and safety standards. c.A solar energy system that is installed on a single or duplex family dwelling. d.A solar panel or module array that does not exceed the maximum legal building height as defined by the City. 3. “Solar Energy System” means either of the following: a.Any solar collector or other solar energy device whose primary purpose is to provide for the collection, storage, and distribution of solar energy for space heating, space cooling, electric generation, or water heating. b.Any structural design feature of a building, whose primary purpose is to provide for the collection, storage, and distribution of solar energy for electricity generation, space heating or cooling, or for water heating. 4. “Specific, adverse impact” means a significant, quantifiable, direct, and unavoidable impact, based on objective, identified, and written public health or safety standards, policies, or conditions as they existed on the date the application was deemed complete. B. Purpose. The purpose of this section is to adoptan expedited solar permittingprocess for small residential rooftop solar energy systems pursuant to Government Code 65850.5(g). C. Applicability. This Section applies to the permitting of eligible small residential rooftop solar energy systems in the City. D.Permitting. Applicants desiring to qualifyfor the expedited reviewshall submit an application to the City, in a form approved by the City’s building official. The building official is authorized to administratively act on such applications, pursuant to this section. Notwithstanding any other provisionof this Code, decisions made by the building official pursuant to this Chapter may be appealed to the Planning Commission. E.Eligibility checklists. The City building official is authorized and directed to develop checklistsof all requirements with which small rooftop solar energy systems shall comply to be eligible for expedited review.The initial checklistsshall be developed on or before September 30, 2015, and shall be the City’s adopted checklists, in accordance with Government Code section 65850.5. The building official shall maintain the checkliststo substantiallyconform with the recommendations contained in the most current version of the California Solar Permitting Guidebook and adopted by the Governor's Office ofPlanning and Research. F. An applicationthat satisfies the requirements ofthe eligibility checklists, as determined by the building official, shall be deemed completeand eligible for the expedited permitting process. Upon receipt of an incomplete application, the building official shall issue a written ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 284 Ordinance Page 3 correction notice detailing all deficiencies in the application and any additional information required to be eligible for the expedited permittingprocess. G. Upon confirmation by the building official of the application and supporting documentation being complete and that the solar energy system substantially conforms to all applicable local, state, and federal health and safety requirements, the building official shall administratively approve the application and issue required permits. Such approval does not authorize an applicant to connect the small residential rooftop energy system to the local utility provider’s electricity grid. The applicant is responsible for obtaining such approval or permission from the local utility provider. H. For a small residential rooftop solar energy system eligible for expedited review, one consolidated building inspection shall be required, which shall be done in a timely manner.If a small residential rooftop solar energy system fails inspection, re-inspections are required. I.Fees. Permit fees for eligible small residential rooftop solar systems shall be as specified in the Master Fee Schedule of the City of Chula Vista. J.Use Permit. If the building officialmakes a finding, based on substantial evidence, that the proposed solar energy system could have a specific, adverse impact on the public health and safety, the building official may require the applicant to apply for a use permit. K.Denial. The City may deny an application if it makes written findings based on substantial evidence in the record that the proposed installation would have a specific, adverse impact on the public health or safety, and there is no feasible method to satisfactorily mitigate or avoid the specific, adverse impact. Section II.Severability If any portion of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, is for anyreason held to be invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional, by a court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed severable, and such invalidity, unenforceability or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, or its application to any other person or circumstance. The City Council of the City of Chula Vista hereby declares that it would have adopted each section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sentences, clauses or phrases of the Ordinance be declared invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional. Section III. Construction The City Council of the City of Chula Vista intends this Ordinance to supplement, not to duplicateor contradict, applicable state and federal law and this Ordinance shall be construed in light of that intent. Section IV. Effective Date This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the thirtieth day after its final passage. ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 285 Ordinance Page 4 Section V. Publication The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published or posted according to law. Presented byApproved as to form by _________________________________________________________________________ Kelly G. Broughton, FASLAGlen R. Googins Director of Development ServicesCity Attorney ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 286 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0412, Item#: 8. A.RESOLUTIONOFTHECITYCOUNCILOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAMENDING RESOLUTIONNO.2014-150OFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTABYADOPTINGTHE CALIFORNIACOASTALCOMMISSION’SMARCH11,2015ACTIONSONTHECITYOF CHULAVISTALOCALCOASTALPROGRAMANDACCEPTINGANDINCORPORATING ONE MODIFICATION TO EXHIBIT 8a OF THE LAND USE PLAN B.ORDINANCEOFTHECITYOFCHULAVISTAAPPROVINGTHEAMENDEDSPECIFIC PLANOFTHECHULAVISTALOCALCOASTALPROGRAM,AMENDINGCHULAVISTA MUNICIPALCODECHAPTERS19.81THROUGH19.87ANDMAKINGCERTAINFINDINGS WITHREGARDTHERETO(SECONDREADING)(ThisordinancewasintroducedJuly22, 2014) RECOMMENDED ACTION Council adopt the resolution and ordinance. SUMMARY OnJuly22,2014CitystaffpresentedaResolutionandOrdinancetotheCityCounciloftheCityof ChulaVistamakingsomeminorclean-upmodificationstothecertified2012LocalCoastalProgram (LCP).TheChulaVistaLCPcoverstheareashowninAttachment1andiscomposedoftheLand UsePlanandSpecificPlandocuments.Theclean-upmodificationstotheLCPweredescribedand analyzedintheassociatedstaffreportpackage,attachedheretoforreference(seeAttachment2). Atthatmeeting,theCouncilapprovedResolution2014-150adoptinganaddendumtothe EnvironmentalImpactReport(UPD#83356-EIR-65B/SCH#2005081077),andapprovingthe AmendedLandUsePlanoftheLocalCoastalProgram.TheCouncilalsoconductedthefirstreading oftheOrdinanceapprovingtheAmendedSpecificPlanoftheChulaVistaLocalCoastalProgram andAmendingChulaVistaMunicipalCodeChapters19.81through19.87,anddirectedstaffto forwardtheapprovedLCPdocumentstotheCaliforniaCoastalCommission(CoastalCommission) for approval and certification. CaliforniaStateLawrequiresthatcoastalcitiesadoptanLCPorLCPamendment,whichmustbe certifiedbytheCoastalCommissionbeforetheLCPcanbecomeeffectiveandimplementedbythe localjurisdiction.AtCouncil’sdirection,staffforwardedthemodifieddocumentstotheCoastal Commissionforitscertification.TheCoastalCommissionconsideredthemodifieddocumentsatits meetingofMarch11,2015andadoptedthemodifiedLCPasapprovedbytheCityCouncilwithonly onesuggestedmodificationtotheLandUsePlan(LUP)(seeAttachment3,LetterfromCoastal Commission).ThesuggestedmodificationrevisesLUPExhibit8atoextendtheviewcorridortothe area next to the newly designated building footprint on Parcel 2-h (see Attachment 4). ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 4Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 287 File#:15-0412, Item#: 8. TheproposedmodificationstotheLCPhavebeenreviewedforcompliancewiththeCalifornia EnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andtheCityCouncilhasdeterminedthattheprojecthasbeen coveredinpreviouslyadoptedEnvironmentalImpactReportUPD#83356-EIR- 65B/SCH#2005081077.TheCityCouncilhasfurtherdeterminedthatonlyminortechnicalchangesor additionstothisdocumentarenecessaryandthatnoneoftheconditionsdescribedinSection15162 oftheStateCEQAGuidelinescallingforthepreparationofasubsequentdocumenthaveoccurred; therefore,theCityCouncilhasadoptedanAddendumtoEnvironmentalImpactReportUPD#83356- EIR-65B/SCH#2005081077 in accordance with Section 15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines. BOARD/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION None. DISCUSSION TheCity,PortandCommunitybeganpreparationoftheBayfrontMasterPlanandLCPin2002.The LCPwascertifiedbytheCaliforniaCoastalCommissioninAugust2012andadoptedbytheChula VistaCityCouncilonSeptember25,2012.AtthetimethattheLCPwasunderpreparation, processingandadoption,theCityundertooksignificantMunicipalCodechangesparticularlyrelated totheboardsandcommissionsinchargeofreviewingprojectsandmakingrecommendationstothe CityCouncil.ThesechangeswerenotreflectedinthefinalLCP.Therefore,attheendoftheprocess variouscleanuprevisionswereneeded,noneofwhichcauseanysubstantialchangesintheLUP andSPprovisions.TheminorchangespresentedtoandadoptedbytheCityCouncilatitsmeetingof July 22, 2014 are listed and summarized below: ¤Update references to City Council documents approving the LCP on September 25, 2012; ¤Remove references to non-applicable and non-existing boards and committees; ¤Include new applicable boards/committees; ¤Makeaminorchangetomaps/graphicsrelatedtocoastalareaboundariestoexcludea Caltrans property at the interchange of I-5 and SR-54; ¤Remove outdated specific business names and replace with general business types; ¤Add a building footprint to Parcel 2-h on Exhibits 8a, 8b, and 14; ¤AddlanguagetofurtherclarifythataretailmarketispermittedonParcel2-hinthe Commercial - Professional and Administrative Zone; ¤Include44-footheightlimitationforParcel3-LonHeightTable,consistentwiththe requirements of the I-G zone; and ¤RemoveTax-IncrementFinancingandSetAsideFundsassourcesoffundingforthe implementation of the LCP due to the closure of Redevelopment Programs by the State. City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 4Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 288 File#:15-0412, Item#: 8. Sincetheproposedamendmentsdidnotconstituteasubstantialchangeinthedocuments’ objectives,policiesorregulations,nordidtheyaffectcompliancewiththepoliciesoftheCalifornia CoastalAct,theCityCouncilapprovedthemodificationsanddirectedstafftoforwardthemtothe CoastalCommissionforcertification.TheCoastalCommissionreviewedtheproposedchangesto theLCPatitsmeetingofMarch11,2015andconcurredwiththeCityCouncilbyadoptingtheLCP modificationswithonlyoneadditionalmodificationtoreviseExhibit8aoftheLUPtoextendtheview corridornexttothenewlydesignatedbuildingenveloponParcel2-h,asshownontheattached Exhibit 8a. ANALYSIS StaffhasanalyzedthesuggestedmodificationfromtheCoastalCommissiontoreviseExhibit8a,and hasdeterminedthatthemodificationisminorandinconsequentialforthelandusepolicyand regulatorynatureofthedocuments.TherevisiontoExhibit8aisintendedtoextendtheviewcorridor intheareabetweenthetwofuturebuildingsonParcel2-h.Thisisnecessarybecausetheadditionof abuildingfootprintandstructureatthenorth-endofParcel2-hcouldpotentiallyaffectviewsofthe Bayfromtheeastsideoftheparcels.Thesuggestedviewcorridorwouldcreatea70’to95’setback betweenbuildings,preservingbayviewsfromBayBoulevardandInterstate5freeway.Theinclusion ofthesuggestedviewcorridorcreatesconsistencyinthedevelopmentofthefutureprojectswithin Parcels2-fandParcel2-h.Staff,therefore,recommendsthattheCityCounciladoptthesuggested modificationtotheLCPandapprovetherevisionaspresentedintheattachedCityCouncil Resolution. ThesuggestedmodificationtoExhibit8aonlyaffectstheLUPanditsapprovingresolution,because theSpecificPlan(whichisthesubjectoftheOrdinance)doesnotcontainsaidexhibit.Aspartofits prioractionsonJuly22,2014,theCouncilplacedtheOrdinanceapprovingtheSpecificPlanonfirst reading.ThesecondreadingoftheOrdinance,however,hadtobeputonholduntilafteritsadoption andcertificationbytheCoastalCommission.SincetheCoastalCommissionhasadoptedand certifiedtheSpecificPlanastheregulatorydocumentoftheLCPwithoutmakinganymodifications thereto,thesecondreadingoftheOrdinancemaybedonenow.Therefore,staffrequeststhat Council set the Ordinance for second reading in order to complete the process. DECISION-MAKER CONFLICT StaffhasreviewedthepropertyholdingsoftheCouncilMembersandhasfoundthatMayorCasillas Salashaspropertyholdingswithin500feetoftheboundariesofthepropertywhichisthesubjectof thisaction.Staffisnotindependentlyaware,norhasstaffbeeninformedbyanyotherCouncil Member,ofanyotherfactthatmayconstituteabasisforadecisionmakerconflictofinterestinthis matter. LINK TO STRATEGIC GOALS TheCity’sStrategicPlanhasfivemajorgoals:OperationalExcellence,EconomicVitality,Healthy Community,StrongandSecureNeighborhoodsandaConnectedCommunity.Theamendmentto theLocalCoastalProgramanditsimplementationattheprojectlevelsupportalloftheCity’smajor City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 4Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 289 File#:15-0412, Item#: 8. goalsbyprovidingalanduseandregulatorydocumentthatwillservetopromoteandfacilitatethe implementationofdevelopmentprojectssuchasthePacificaproject,aswellasothercommercial, industrialandopenspaceprojects.DevelopmentoftheprojectscontemplatedintheLCPwillcreate jobs(EconomicVitality/OperationalExcellence),provideawellplannedcommunityontheBayfront (Healthy,StrongandSecureNeighborhoods)thatwillimprovethewesternpartoftheCityand connect the Bayfront to the rest of the City (Connected Community). CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT There is no current fiscal impact to the General Fund as a result of this action. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT CostsrelatedtothePacificaprojectandanyassociatedapprovalprocessingand/ormitigation monitoring efforts would be funded directly by a developer deposit account. ATTACHMENTS 1.Local Coastal Area Map 2.City Council Report - July 22 2014 3.Coastal Commission Certification Letter 4.Modified Exhibit 8a of LCP LUP Staff Contact: Miguel Z. Tapia, AICP, Senior Planner City of Chula VistaPage 4 of 4Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 290 ¯ ¯ Chula Vista Bayfront Local Coastal Plan Feet 09501,9003,8005,7007,600 Chula Vista, California LCP Planning Area LCP Planning Area City of Chula Vista ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 291 Land Use Plan This map is for illustrative purposes only and does not provide precise design details. ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 292 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 293 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 294 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 295 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 296 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 297 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 298 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 299 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 300 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 301 ATTACHMENT 4 Coastal Commission suggested modification - additional view corridor EXHIBIT 8a ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 302 RESOLUTION NO. ________ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 2014-150OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA BY ADOPTING THE CALIFORNIA COASTAL COMMISSION’S MARCH 11, 2015 ACTIONS ON THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAMAND ACCEPTING AND INCORPORATINGONEMODIFICATION TOEXHIBIT 8a OF THE LAND USE PLAN WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista (City) and the San Diego Unified Port District (Port District), in a collaborative effort with the community began working on a comprehensive Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan in 2002; and WHEREAS, the area of land, which is the subject of this Resolutionis diagrammatically represented in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and for the purpose of general description is the Chula Vista Bayfront generally located west of Interstate 5, south of the Sweetwater Marsh, east of the San Diego Bay, and north of Palomar Street, including two territory islands one generally located south of State Route 54 between Broadway and Fifth Avenue, and the other generally located on the west end of Faivre Street; and WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vistaprepared minor modifications to the Local Coastal Program, comprising the Land Use Plan and Specific Plan, for submittal to the California Coastal Commission for consideration; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted ResolutionNumber 2014-150on July 22, 2014 approving, on conditions, the Land UsePlanmodifications, and making certain findings with regard thereto, and directing the City Managerto submit said Local Coastal Program modifications, including the Land Use Planto the California Coastal Commission for consideration; and WHEREAS, the City Manager subsequently submitted the Chula Vista Local Coastal Program modifications to the California Coastal Commissionfor review, public hearing and action; and WHEREAS, on March 11, 2015, the California Coastal Commission reviewed the Local Coastal Program modifications(LCP-6-CHV-14-0824-1), held a public hearing, and approved the Local Coastal Program modificationswith one suggested modificationto the Land Use Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the suggested modification revises LUP Exhibit 8a to extend the view corridor to the area next to the newly designated building footprint on Parcel 2-h as shown in Exhibit B of this Resolution; and ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 303 WHEREAS, the California Coastal Commission subsequently forwarded a copy of its resolution of certification, including the suggested modification to the to the Land UsePlan, to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council acknowledges receipt of the California Coastal Commission resolution ofcertification, including the suggested modificationto the Land Use Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Chula Vista reviewed the California Coastal Commission’s suggested modificationto the Land Use Planand determined that it isacceptable. I.NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby findand determine as follows: A.ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The proposed modifications to the LCP have been reviewed for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the City Council has determined that the project has been covered in previously adopted Environmental Impact Report UPD#83356-EIR-65B/SCH#2005081077. The City Council has further determined that only minor technical changes or additions to this document are necessary and that none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the State CEQA Guidelines calling for the preparation of a subsequent document have occurred; therefore, the City Council has adopted an Addendum to Environmental Impact Report UPD# 83356-EIR- 65B/SCH#2005081077 in accordance with Section 15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines. B.CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN AND CALIFORNIA COASTAL ACT The City Council finds that the modificationto the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan, including the California Coastal Commission suggested modificationthereto, are consistent with the City of Chula Vista General Plan and the California Coastal Act Policies. The proposed suggested modificationisbased on sound planning principles and practices that will provide for the protection and conservation of sensitive natural resources. The revision to Exhibit 8a is intended to extend the view corridor in the area between the two future buildings on Parcel 2-h. This is necessary because the addition of a building footprint and structure at the north-end of Parcel 2-h could potentially affect views of the bay from the east side of the parcels. The suggested view corridor would create a 70’ to 95’ setback between buildings, preserving bay views from Bay Boulevard and Interstate 5 freeway. The inclusion of the suggested view corridor will contribute to provide and conserve bay views and provide more direct access to the Bayfront creating better connection to the rest of the city and the region. This will open up the Bayfront for the enjoyment of residents and visitors. The suggested modification will be conducive to the development of the Bayfront and the creation of a world-class destination for residents and visitors. ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 304 C.ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND ACCEPTANCE OF RESOLUTION The City Council does hereby acknowledge receipt of the California Coastal Commission resolution of certification, including the suggested modification to the Local Coastal Program Land Use Plan, and accept the same. II.BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council does hereby adopt this Resolution approving modification to the Local Coastal Program and the California Coastal Commission’s suggested modificationto the Land Use Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference. Presented byApproved as to form by _____________________________________________________________ Kelly Broughton, FASLAGlen R. Googins Development Services DirectorCity Attorney ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 305 ¯ ¯ Chula Vista Bayfront Local Coastal Plan Feet 09501,9003,8005,7007,600 Chula Vista, California Exhibit LCP Planning Area LCP Planning Area City of Chula Vista ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 306 Land Use Plan This map is for illustrative purposes only and does not provide precise design details. ATTACHMENT 4 Coastal Commission suggested modification - addditional view corridor EXHIBIT 8a ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 307 EXHIBIT B Coastal Commission suggested modification - addditional view corridor ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 308 SECOND READING AND ADOPTION ORDINANCE NO.______________ ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING THE AMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN OF THE CHULA VISTA LOCAL COASTAL PROGRAM, AMENDING CHULA VISTA MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTERS 19.81 THROUGH 19.87, AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS WITH REGARD THERTO WHEREAS, during the past twelve years the City of Chula Vista (City) and the San Diego Unified Port District (Port District), in a collaborative effort with the community worked on the preparation of a comprehensive Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan and Local Coastal Program; and WHEREAS, on September 25, 2012, the City Council approved and adopted the California Coastal Commission-certified Local Coastal Program (LCP);and WHEREAS, the area of land covered by the LCP and which is the subject of this Ordinance, is diagrammatically represented in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and for the purpose of general description is the Chula Vista Bayfront generally located west of Interstate 5, south of the Sweetwater Marsh, east of the San Diego Bay, and north of Palomar Street, including two territory islands one generally located south of State Route 54 between Broadway and Fifth Avenue, and the other generally located on the west end of Faivre Street; and WHEREAS, California State law requires that coastal cities adopt a LCP and said LCP must be certified by the California Coastal Commission before the LCP can become effective and implemented by the local jurisdiction; and WHEREAS, the LCP is composed of a Land Use Plan (LUP) and a Specific Plan (SP); and WHEREAS, the LCP was certified by the California Coastal Commission on August 9,2012; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption and certification of the LCP it was determined that the documents needed clean-up changes related to certain corrections, clarification of language and processes to render them consistent with current conditions and ; and practices WHEREAS, the proposed changes do not cause substantial changes to the objectives, policies, and regulations contained in the documents nor the Coastal Act policies; and WHEREAS, the proposed changes to the SP component of the LCP documents are shown in strikeout and underline format and said documents are attached to this City ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 309 SECOND READING AND ADOPTION Ordinance No. __________ Page2 Ordinance as Exhibit B; and WHEREAS, the Proposed LCP Amendment is contained in a document known as Local Coastal Program Amendment on file inthe Office of the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission set the time and place for a hearing on the LCP Amendment and notice of the hearing, together with its purpose, was given by its publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the city, and its mailing to property owners within the boundary of the LCP, at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing; and WHEREAS, a hearing at the time and place as advertised, namely June 11, 2014, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 276 Fourth Avenue, was held before the Planning Commission and said hearing was thereafter closed; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed and considered the Proposed LCP Amendment; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission after considering all evidence and testimony presented recommended with a vote of 5-0-2-0 that the City Council approve the LCP Amendment, including the Specific Plan; and WHEREAS, the City Clerk set the time and place for the hearing on the LCP Amendment, including the Specific Plan, and notices of the hearing, together with its purpose, was given by its publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the city, and its mailing to property owners within exterior boundary of the LCP at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing; and WHEREAS, the duly called and noticed public hearing on the LCP Amendment, including the SP, was held before the City Council on July 22, 2014, in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, City of Chula Vista Civic Center, 276 Fourth Avenue, at 2:00 p.m. to receive the recommendations of the Planning Commission and to hear public testimony with regard to the same. SECTION I. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby find and determine as follows: A.ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION That the proposed project has been reviewed for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and City Council has determined that the project was covered in previously adopted Environmental Impact Report UPD#83356-EIR- 65B/SCH#2005081077. The City Council has further determined that only minor technical changes or additions to this document are necessary and that none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the State CEQA Guidelines calling for the ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 310 SECOND READING AND ADOPTION Ordinance No. __________ Page3 preparation of a subsequent document have occurred; therefore, the City Council has considered an Addendum to Environmental Impact Report UPD#83356-EIR- 65B/SCH#2005081077 in accordance with Section 15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines. B.CONSISTENCY WITH GENERAL PLAN AND CALIFORNIA COASTAL ACT That the proposed amendment to the Local Coastal Program, consisting of the Land Use Plan (LUP) and Specific Plan (SP), is consistent with the City of Chula Vista General Plan and the policies of the Coastal Act. The proposed changes to the LUP and SP are minor and unsubstantial and leave all of the provisions of the LUP and SP intact. With the changes in place the provisions of the documents are still based on sound planning principles and practices that will provide for the protection and conservation of sensitive natural resources. The provisions of the documents continue to allow the transfer of development from the Sweetwater District to the Harbor District, which is a previously developed and less sensitive area of the Bayfront, leading to the development of a project that will minimize potential negative impacts. The provisions of the documents will also contribute to provide more direct access to the Bayfront and create better connection to the rest of the city and the region. This will open up the Bayfront for the enjoyment of residents and visitors. The provision of the LUP and SP will be conducive to the development of the Bayfront and the creation of a world-class destination for residents and visitors. SECTION II. BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista does hereby approve the amendment to the LCP Specific Plan contained in a document known as Local Coastal Plan Amendment attached to this Ordinance and Council Resolution and on file at the Office of the City Clerk, and incorporated herein by this reference and thereby amending Chula Vista Municipal Code Chapters 19.81 thru 19.87. SECTION III. SUBMISSION TO COASTAL COMMISSION BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the City Council does hereby certify after a duly called and duly noticed public hearing that the LCP is intended to be carried out in a manner fully in conformity with the California Coastal Act of 1976 (Public Resources Code Section 30510(a)). BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that the City Council finds that the LCP complies with the guidelines established by the Coastal Commission and contains materials sufficient for a thorough and complete review (Public Resources Code Section 30510(b)). BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, that after a duly called and noticed public hearing the City Council does hereby direct the City Manager or his designee to submit this subject Ordionance and the LCP, consisting of both the LUP and the SP, to the Coastal Commission and that the Coastal Commission certify the same (Public Resources Code Section 30514). ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 311 SECOND READING AND ADOPTION Ordinance No. __________ Page4 SECTION IV. SEVERABILITY If any portion of this Ordinance, or its application to any person or circumstance, is for any reason held to be invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional, by a court of competent jurisdiction, that portion shall be deemed severable, and such invalidity, unenforceability or unconstitutionality shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the remaining portions of the Ordinance, or its application to any other person or circumstance. The City Council of the City of Chula Vista hereby declares that it would have adopted each section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other sections, sentences, clauses or phrases of the Ordinance be declared invalid, unenforceable or unconstitutional. SECTION V. CONSTRUCTION The City Council of the City of Chula Vista intends this Ordinance to supplement, not to duplicate or contradict, applicable state and federal law and this Ordinance shall be construed in light of that intent. SECTION VI. EFFECTIVE DATE This Ordinance shall take effect after the City Council acknowledges receipt of the Coastal Commissions resolution of certification on the LCP Amendment pursuant to Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations Sections 13544 and 13551 but no sooner than the thirtieth day from SECTION VII. PUBLICATION The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published or posted according to law. Presented byApproved as to form by __________________________________________________________________ Kelly Broughton, FLSAGlen R. Googins Director ofDevelopment ServicesCity Attorney Exhibit A LCP Area Map Exhibit B LCP Specific Plan Amendment ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 312 ¯ ¯ Chula Vista Bayfront Local Coastal Plan Feet 09501,9003,8005,7007,600 Chula Vista, California Exhibit LCP Planning Area LCP Planning Area City of Chula Vista ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 313 Land Use Plan This map is for illustrative purposes only and does not provide precise design details. ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 314 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 315 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 316 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 317 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 318 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 319 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 320 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 321 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 322 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 323 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 324 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 325 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 326 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 327 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 328 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 329 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 330 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 331 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 332 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 333 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 334 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 335 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 336 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 337 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 338 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 339 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 340 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 341 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 342 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 343 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 344 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 345 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 346 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 347 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 348 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 349 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 350 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 351 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 352 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 353 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 354 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 355 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 356 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 357 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 358 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 359 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 360 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 361 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 362 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 363 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 364 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 365 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 366 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 367 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 368 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 369 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 370 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 371 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 372 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 373 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 374 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 375 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 376 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 377 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 378 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 379 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 380 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 381 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 382 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 383 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 384 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 385 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 386 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 387 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 388 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 389 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 390 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 391 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 392 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 393 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 394 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 395 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 396 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 397 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 398 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 399 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 400 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 401 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 402 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 403 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 404 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 405 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 406 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 407 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 408 ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 409 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0462, Item#: 9. CONFERENCEWITHLEGALCOUNSELREGARDINGEXISTINGLITIGATIONPURSUANTTO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9 (a) A.JohnHessv.DaveHanneman,etal.,UnitedStatesDistrictCourt,CaseNo.14cv2271CAB JMA B.TommyLaNierv.CityofChulaVista,etal.,SanDiegoSuperiorCourt,CaseNo.37-2014- 00019774-CU-DF-CTL C.ValerieTaylorv.CityofChulaVista,etal.,SanDiegoSuperiorCourt,CaseNo.37-2014- 00028754-CU-OE-CTL D.RudolphDiazv.CityofChulaVista,etal.,SanDiegoSuperiorCourt,CaseNo.37-2014- 00016795-CU-OE-CTL City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 410 City of Chula Vista Staff Report File#:15-0470, Item#: 10. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54957.6 Agency designated representatives: Gary Halbert, Glen Googins, Kelley Bacon, Maria Kachadoorian, Courtney Barrett and Simon Silva. Employee organization(s): --Chula Vista Employees Association/Service Employees International Union, Local 221 (CVEA/SEIU); --Mid-Managers/Professional Association/Service Employees International Union, Local 221 (MM/PROF/SEIU); and --Western Council of Engineers (WCE). City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 1Printed on 8/6/2015 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΔȃΏΗȃΐΐ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 411