HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1980/01/22 Item 21 Item No. 21 01/22/15 Ordinance 1891 CITY OF CHULA VISTA � COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMEyT � Item No. XI"�� �z For meeting of 1���80 ITEM TITLE ���� ��9� - �ndirxJ Chula Vista Mimicipal Code Relating to Purchasing Agent ---SECOND READING AND ADOPTION SUBMITTED BY �tY �a9er� ITEM EXPLANATION (4/5TH'S VOTE REQUIRED YES_ NO X ) Sections 2.56.020, 2.56.030 and 2.56.230 provide for the appointrre.nt, paaers, duties and authority of the City's Purchasing Pgert. A central purchasing sYsten is required imder ` Section 1010 of the Gity Charter. 'ri�e proposed amenc�re.nts to the referenced sections do not alter the centralized purchasing systen but make the ftimction a division within the Finance Department. t�hen the City established a central purchasing syst�n, it created a Purchasing I�gartrrest directed by a Purchasing Agent responsible to the City Manager. The system has c4orked reasonably well over the years but, in our continuing effort to i�rove achninistrative efficiencies, we believe the purchasing systan will function better if supervision is pro- vided by the Director of Finance. For this and other reasons outlined belaa, we are xECatr mending the change. 1. puring our xeorganization study, sane consideration csas given to restructuring the Finance Department to provide for this change. It oras not included beczuse the assicgung of all onerating and staff departlnents to thnee 4io�s provided reasonable "span of oontrol" limits �nong the two Depirty City I`7ana5ers and Assistant Gity Manager. P1hen we canbined police and fire ac3ninistration imder Chief 4linters and deleted one Deputy Gity Manager position, all operating and staff departments were assigned to tox� groups. Under this arrang�rent, the Assistant Gity Manager's "span of control" appears somewhat excessive when his role in budget pzeparation, eriployee negotiation anA other responsibilities is considered. hh believe better supesvision and overall mordination of the purchasing fimction can be achieved by olacing the Purchasing AcTent imder the u�mec�iata-stmervision of the Director of Finanoe. It will relieve the Assistant Gity P�lanager of this department's supe� vision and, at the same time, place te+o clasely related activities imder the _ direction and oontrol of the City's Chief Fiscal Officer. oontinued on S�ppl�ntal Page 2 EXHIBITS Agreement Resolution_ Ordinance x Plat_ Notification List_ Other ENVIRONMENTAL DOCUMENT: Attached Submitted on FINANCIAL IMPACT None • STAFF RECOMMENDATION Place ordinance on first reading BOARD/COMMISSION RECOhUIENDATION COUNCIL ACTION �j . � (/'-��'./�Gs� �Gd-��ii4� a49��p� by the City C^'!.�ci' � (L �T`'`e �1� Chula Vista, Califc�r�i� by thz City Cour,cil of � Chula Visia, California Dated �—�`S� �� — Dated � 'e2 � - 80 orm'A=�1'1'3 ev. 5/77) _ _ . . �� . - It.PI[I NO. � 2�- . " . ' Meeting �of 1%`5-/R.0 ' • • S�pple�ntal Page 2 2. The Assistant Gity t�fanaqer, in addition to his continuing responsibility for Police and.Fire, Library, Finanoe, Personnel and Parks & Recreation, will also perfonn as mydiief oonfidante in overseeing total'city operations and serve,as Acting City Nanager in r.iy absenoe. 3. Zhe Dizector of Finance, as the Gity's fiscal offioer,, carries first line zesponsibility for budget execution. �his inwlves accoimting £or the expenditure of all fimds disbursed. �e acquisition of su�plies and materials by the Purdiasing Agent requiies close 000xdination with Finance in the � . pxocessing of purchase ordess, inwices and the ultim3te payment for the � materi.als_ and services omvided. Because of the intes-relationship that im�st exist on a day-ta-day basis bet� Purrl�asirx� and Finance, it makes good arganizational sense tn olace Purchasing with the' Finance Depaxtii�ent. . 4. All literat�e suggests an integiated depar�trnent of finance, with major � divisions for acootimting, treasury, budget and purchasing, best sevves the . City's (�ief E7�cutive in canyiny out his overall xesponsibility for over seeing the expenditure of fluuis. Consolidati.ng Rschasing with Fi.nance essentially provides the vphicle for better accoimtability and control. �e proposal does nat offer mich oost savi.ngs initially but it should provide a greater opportimity for better utilization of existing personnel. It may also delay the necessity to hire additional personnel in the future. Similar to any reorganization, individuals.axe inwlved. In this instance, the inc�nnbent Purchasing Agent, a departr�nt head, will lose that status. T,llzile the change for t]ie inclmi�t coill be xelatively minar monetarily, the loss of deparl�rent head status is xeal. It is pronosed that 'the Purchasing Agent position remain an imclass'ified position, appointed by the Director of Finanoe, and'receive those benefits offered middle manag�ient e�lcryees. Undes the proposal, the Purcliasing Agent will lose $120 p2r year toc+rard lif2 �T����T�C2 benefits and $328.12 pez' year in dependes�t health insurance benefits. As a mic3dle manager, he will xeceive seven (7) floating holidays in lieu of five (5) as a depa�.-trnent head. He will o�tinue to receive the othar benefits currently accruing to deoartment :ieads and middle managers alike. Action to effect these changes will be pxooessed follaaing adoption of the proposed code xevisions. ' ERA:mab /��/