HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 2014/12/09 Special City of Chula Vista Meeting Minutes - Final Tuesday, December 9,2014 6:00 PM Council Chambers 276 4th Avenue, Building A Chula vsta,CA 91910 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CALL TO ORDER A Specia/ Meeting o/ the Ciry Councd o! the City of Chula Vista was called to oNer at 6�01 p.m. in the Council Chambers, locafed in City Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, CalHomia. ROLL CALL: Present: Deputy Mayor Aguilar, Councilmember Bensoussan, Counctilmembe� Rami2z, Councilmember Salas, and Ma}ror Cox Also Present C�ty Manager Halbert, Gty Attomey Googms, City Clerk Norris, and Assistant C�ty Gerk Bigelow 82nd AIRBORNE TO PRESENT COLORS The 82nd Airbome presented the mlors. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG LEAD BY MARISSA MICHELE HICE Marissa Michele Hice led the Pledge of Alle9iance. NATIONAL ANTHEM PERFORMED BY MARINA INSERRA Manna Inserra performed the National Antbem. INVOCATION BY ASSEMBLYWOMAN LORENA GONZALE2 Assemblywoman Gonzalez oNered the invocafion. ' 14-0711 PRESENTATION BY CHULA VISTA ANIMAI CARE FACILITY ANIMAL ADOPTION COUNSELOR LINDA SEPTON OF ZOEY, A DOG AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION AT THE FACILITY Mimal Ca/e Faciliry Adminisfrator Anfon presenfed Zcey, a dog availab/e for adoption at the Animal Ca2 FacJity. CONSENT CALENDAR (Item 1) 1. 14-0626 RESOLUTION NO. 2014-240 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA RECITING THE FACT OF THE SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION HELD IN THIS CITY ON NOVEMBER 4, 2014, DECLARING THE RESULTS THEREOF, ANO SUCH OTHER MATTERS AS ARE PROVIDED BY LAW Ciry of Chula Ysta Paga 7 City Council Meeting Minutes-Final December 9,2014 ACTION: A motion was made by Mayor Cox, seconded by Councilmember Salas, that Resolutlon No. 2014-240 be adopted, heading read, text waived. The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 5- Aguilar, Bensoussan, Ramirez, Cox and Salas No: 0 Absfain: 0 COMMENTS IN TRIBUTE TO AND BY DEPARTING ELECTED OFFICIALS: 2. 14-0675 COMMENTS BY OUTGOING MAYOR CHERYL COX COMMENTS BY OUTGOING COUNCILMEMBER RUDY RAMIREZ The following members of the public spoke in tnbute fo outgomg elected oycials. -Claudia Valenzue/a, representing San Diego Gas 8 Electnc -Cindy Gompper-Graves, representing the South Counry Economic Developmenf Council -Ben Vallejos and Susan Fuller, represenGng the Living Coast Discovery Cenfer � -Andrew Yuen, representing the San Diego National Wdd6fe Refuge -Pamela Bensoussan, Councilmember -John Hess, 2p2senting the Intemational Association of Fire Fighters -Melmda N�sh, represenGng the Southwestem Community College Distnct MayorCox raflected on herpast tertn in office Councdmember Ramirez re(lected on his pasf teim in oKce. OATHS OF OFFICE FOR NEWLY ELECTED AND RE-ELECTED OFFICIALS: 3. 14-0676 INTRODUCTION OF RE-ELECTED CITY ATTORNEY GLEN GOOGINS, OATH OF OFFICE TO BE ADMINISTERED BY SONYA MARIE GOOGINS COMMENTS BY CITY ATTORNEY GLEN GOOGINS INTRODUCTION OF RE-ELECTED COUNCILMEMBER PATRICIA AGUILAR, OATH OF OFFICE TO BE ADMINISTERED BY NICK AGUILAR COMMENTS BY COUNCILMEMBER PATRICIA AGUILAR INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY ELECTED COUNCILMEMBER JOHN McCANN, OATH OF OFFICE TO BE ADMINISTERED BY ASSEMBLYMEMBER ROCKY CHAVEZ COMMENTS BY COUNCILMEMBER JOHN McCANN INTRODUCTION OF NEWLY ELECTED MAYOR MARY CASILLAS SALAS, OATH OF OFFICE TO BE ADMINISTERED BY PAULA SILVA CAS I L LAS COMMENTS BY MAYOR MARY CASILLAS SALAS City o/Chula Vsta Pag¢2 City Council Meeting Minutes-Final December 9,2014 Sonia Mane Googins admimstered fhe ceremonial oath o� office to City Attomey Googins Gty Clerk Noms p2sented him with a certificate o/elec6on. City Attomey Googins reflected on his past term in office and spoke about upcoming events and issues. Nick A9uilar adminisfersd the ceremonia/ oafh of office to Counci/member Aguilac City Clerk Noms presented her with a ceR�cate o/election. Councilmember Aguilar 2//ected on her past lerm in office and spoke about upcoming evenfs and issues. Assemb/ymember Chavez adminisfered the ceramonial oafh of office to Councilmember McCann. City Clerk Norris presented him w�fh a certificafe ot election. Councilmember McCann spoke�agard�ng upcoming events and issues. Paula Silva Casillas administerad the ceremonial oath o/ ofice to Mayor Salas. City Clerk Norris plesented her with a certificate o/election Mayo�Salas raflected on her pasf ferm in office and spoke about upcoming evenfs and issues. RECESS Ma}ror Salas 2cessed the meeting at 7:47 p.m. The Council (econvened at 8:28 p.m., with all members p2senf. CALL TO ORDER At 8:28 p.m., Ma}ror Salas called fhe meeting to order. ROLL CALL: Present: Depury Mayor Aguilar, Councilmember Bensoussan, Councilmember McCann and Mayor Salas ACTION ITEMS 4. 14-0699 CONSIDERATION OF WHETHER TO HOLD A SPECIAL ELECTION OR APPOINT A PERSON TO FILL THE VACANCY OF CITY COUNCIL SEAT NO 4, AND, IF BY APPOINTING A PERSON, CONSIDERATION OF AND DIRECTION TO STAFF ON THE APPOINTMENT PROCESS A. RESOLUTION NO. 2014-241 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA DECLARING THE VACANCY OF CITY COUNCIL SEAT NO. 4, AND DECLARING ITS INTENTION TO APPOINT A PERSON TO FILL THE VACANT SEAT OR Crty o/Chula YuYa Pa9e 7 City Council Meeting Minutes-Final December 9,2014 B. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA DECLARING THE VACANCY OF CITY COUNCIL SEAT NO. 4; CALLING AND GIVING NOTICE OF A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD JUNE 2, 2015, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING ONE MEMBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL, PURSUANT TO CHULA VISTA CHARTER SECTION 303 C; REQUESTING THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO TO PERMIT THE REGISTRAR OF VOTERS TO CONDUCT THE ELECTION, AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK OR HER DULY AUTHORIZED AGENTS TO CARRY OUT THE NECESSARY PROCEDURES FOR THE ELECTION; AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR (4/5 VOTE REQUIRED) AND C. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADOPTING REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATES FOR ELECTIVE OFFICE PERTAINING TO MATERIALS SUBMITTED TO THE ELECTORATE AT A SPECIAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION TO BE HELD TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2015 City Clerk Norris presented mformation on[he item Mark Livag, Chula Vista fes�dent, spoke in support o/ Council appointing a person to fill the vacancy on the City Council ' Council discussion ensued on the mefhod by which the appointment would made There was consensus o( the Council fhat those interesfed in apply�ng for appomtment to the vacant seat would be required to comp/ete an application and submit a resume; Councilmembers would submit nominations to the Crty Clerk based on the applications received; any appbcant rece�v�ng hvo or more nominations by Councilmembers would be considered a "final�sY' and would be invded for an interv�ew befo2 the Council;and all final�sts wou/d be required to complete an economic interesfs disclosure form. Hecto� Gastelum, Chula Vista iesdent, spoke in support of holding a special election to fill the vacant seaf ACTION: A motion was made by Depuly Mayor Aguilar, seconded by Councilmember McCann, that Resolution No. 2014-241 (Item 4.A) be adopted, heading read, text waived, that the Cily Clerk be directed to make the Councilmember application available by December 15, 2014, and that the applications be accepted until December 29,2014.The motion carried by the following vote: Yes: 4- Aguilar, Bensoussan, McCann and Salas No: 0 Abstain: 0 CITY MANAGER'S REPORTS City Manager Halbert �epoRed that the Police Department had received a grant from the federal govemment m the amount of 5780,000 to improve secunty in the Po6ce station lobby and implement a training simulator. He also stated that the Development Services Department had approved consWCtion drawings for the consWction o/ Henfage Road from Olympic Parkway to Mam Street and that the projecf was slated to be comp/eted by June 2016 C�ry o!Chula Ysfa Page/ City Council Meeting Minutes -Final December 9,2014 MAYOR'S REPORTS Ma}ro� Salas expiessed he� gratifude to fhe residenfs o( Chula Vista for electing her to serve as Ma}ror and spoke regarding her upcoming term. COUNCILMEMBERS' COMMENTS Deputy Ma}ror Aguilar spoke in support of the Council oonsidenng changing the time o! regula� City Council meetings. Ma}ror Salas stated an �tem would be on the next Council agenda to allow the Council to discuss the issue. Councilmember Bensoussan cong2tulated Mayor Salas, Deputy Mayor Aguilar, Counci/member McCann and City Attomey Googins on the election or raelection to their respective offices. Councilmember McCann thanked those who supported him in the election and also dunng his recovery following a car accident. ADJOURNMENT At 9:07p.m., Mayo� Salas adjoumed the meefing to the Regular City Council Meeting on December f6, 2074, at 2�00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. i � Kerry K.By elow, ssistant City Clerk CrtyolChula Vsia PagaS