HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 2014/11/06 City of Chula Vista Meeting Minutes - Final Thursday,November 6,2014 4:00 PM Council Chambers 276 4th Avenue,Building A Chula Vsta,CA 91910 REGULAR WORKSHOP MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL CALLTO ORDER A Regular Wo/kshop Meeting of the City Council of the City of Cbula Vsta was called to order at 4:03 p.m.in the Council Chambers, located in Ciry Hall, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, Califomia. ROLL CALL: Present: Deputy Mayor Aguilar, Councilmember Bensoussan, Councilmember Ramirez, Councilmember Salas and Mayor Cox Counci/memberRamirez anived at 4:09 p.m. Also Present: City Manager Halbert, City Attomey Googins, City Clerk Norris, and Assistant City Gerk Bigelow PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG AND MOMENT OF SILENCE Councilmember Salas led the Pledge of AIlegiance. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were none WORKSHOP 14-0621 HOMELESSNESS IN OUR REGION Staff will present an update on the homeless population within the City of Chula Vista, the complex social issues associated with homelessness, and the City's current effoRs to improve the lives of those at risk or experiencing homelessness and reducing the impacts of homelessness on the community. City Manager Halbert and Deputy City Manager Kachadoonan introduced[be item. Housing Manager Hines p2sented infoimation on the homeless populafion within Chula Vista and the San Diego County region. Lieutenant Redmond presented information on the impacts of homelessness in the Ch�la Vista community.He provided information on calls fo�service and transient hotspots Housing Manager Hines spoke 2garding the homeless services offered through the Development � Services DepaRment and local service oiganizations. She presented infonnation on altemative housing best practices Ciry o1 Chula Vsta Page 7 City Council Meeting Minutes-Final November 6,2014 Housmg Manager Hmes stafed that four issues associated with unsheltered persons are: congregation and use of public facilRies, littering, panhandbng and solicitation, and pub6c misconduct She and Lieufenant Redmond spoke regarding the following bes[ practices implemented to address the issues: educahng the community and staff, community policing [hrough environmental design, cleanup and shut down o( encampments, and restricting public feeding of transients Lieutenant Redmond also spoke regarding o[her efforts to address issues associated with unsheltered persons Housing Manager Hines presented information on how community members could get involved to help address the issues Councilmembe� Ramirez expressed concem regarding the resources used to address issues related to homelessness and suggested staff inveshgafe ordinances and othe� pofentia/ tools to address the issues. Chief Be�arano spoke 2garding the Police DepaRment response and programs related to add2ssing homelessness issues m fhe community, such as the Psychiatnc Emergency Response Team (PERT) program CRy Attomey Googms prowded rnforma6on regarding the importance of enforcmg laws consistentty. Councdmember Salas spoke regaiding the socia/ cost and impact on City and other community services, such as hospitals Couna/member Bensoussan acknowledged the Police Department and its work wifh the PERT program She suggested inveshgating the cost ol providmg housing in relation [o the cost of prowding services to members of the home/ess populat�on. In response to a question from Deputy Mayo� Aguilar, Chie( Be�arano stated theie was not a significant change in the /evel o( home/essness due to AB109, Pubbc Safety RealignmenL In response to Deputy Mayor Aguilar, City Attomey Googms and Chief Bejarano d�scussed potenhal impacts based on the passage of Prop 47, the Reduced Penalties for Some Cnmes Initiative. She requested a report m six to fwelve months on the impact o/Prop 47 Councilmember Ramirez spoke regarding the need to consider new, innovatroe programs and services Councilmember Salas suggested investigating potentia/funds availab/e to assist homeless veterans. Mayor Cox commended sta/f on ds efforts to address the issues related to home/essness. ADJOURNMENT At 5 32 p m., Mayor Cox adjourned the meeting [o the Regular City Counal Meetmg on November 18, 2014, at 2.00 p.m., in the Council Chambers. i l�� Y Kerry K. i elow, A� istant City Clerk City o/Chula Ysta Page 1