HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1972/06/27 Item 20 Item No. 20 Ordinance No. 1402 June 27, 1972 C��y A�tenney� Pkeaae pnepane �he n"ecebaaay (neao2u�tionl o,Y jahd���ancel . � Staff Commentary on Aqenda Item No. 20 CHULA VISTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING OF June 27 , 1972 Item Title: Ordinance No. �1402 - Amending City Code relating to Art Figure Studios - Second reading and adoption Initiated by : Chief of Police Aftached is a copy o£ Resolution [ ] Ordinance [ ] Agreement [ ] Plat [ ] 3ackground: At the meeting of 6-20-72 , after consideration of a report from Chief of Police Winters on this subject, The Council placed this ordinance on its first reading. See EXHIBITS [ ] No. Financial Statement : N.A. Commission-BOard Recommendation : N.A. Department Head Recommendatzon : Recommend adoption City Manager Recommendation : Concur A � 113 (Send urie copy .tu : Adm�n.Cb.tna.t.Eoi1; C�.zy C2enh; C.i.ty A.t.tozney; D2p.t. � } _ _ . . _ � _ ' . ... . - ; . . . : " ' � . . �. _ - . , - - . . . _ . . - : i .. f . . - : _ " -' _ ' ' , . � .. . . _ - . . � , i ' I . SF.G 33.1501 . .. � - � � . . , ._ - . 12'6-4 ' . t � � � - .. . .-: _ - • . } DIVISIO\ 18 ' - . � � SWIDfSSI\G IYSTP.L�CTOR � _ , ' ' ' SEC. 33.1S01—QUALIFICATIOY E%.4>II\�TIO\ . . � _ i � E��ery person condutting or carr}�ing on the busine;s or octupation of a swim- ' � � ; ming in;tructo: shal! b� required te Suz!E!}'.as a sx�iv:mir.g instruc;or by passing � ' ' ' ' . _ an examina.ien to be conduc.ed :b}� ofticiais o: the Li!e Guanl Senite of The � ! ' ' � _ _ City o: San Dieeo. . . � - � - " , - . � � � � � .. . . DIVISIO\ 19 � ' � . . � - � . � � - � . _ i . �. . . �. � . PROFESCIOY�L SASEB.4LL ..: ... .. - . • ' . - - . � .. � - ' S�C. 33.1901 APpLIC:1T10\ FOY. PER>IIT ' ' � � '� � � " � �- � ` _ �:. _ . Every person operating or condccting a pzof<_ssionz( baseball tezm or club, in� - � - f � , the City of San Diego, u�h=re such tear.i cr c1uS i3 a mcmbzr o; an organized i � � '. professionxl league, ;hall n:a,:e appiicz:ion [o the Ci.}� Co�nci! for a pe:m;t to � � � . ' operate� such business. The Citp Couneit may, in i!s discreticn eit}:er grant �or " . � . i . deny such apptica:ion. . _ . � I ._ . � _ " - DI�'ISIOY ?0 _ ' - - '" -. - " � - - ' ' . . ' FIGU2L STCDIOS - - � - � - ." _ � � . (RePCaicd ]]-2;-SG b)" Ord. �?29 \.S.) - . . . � . ' � � (Addcd i-1?-G2 by Otd. bG�9 \'.S.) � � . . . . - � _ S6C. 33.?001 FIGCEE STI;DIOS - POLICS' - . ' " ' � � . In adop:i^g the .oilo�.ein6 sec:ior.s, :h^ Ci;p Council in!ends to pro:id? Cor such regu]a:io� a; :h= p1u'.ic in!eres! ;�al' re�::i:e c. the operz[ion o' [i;urz s.udios. xs � � . " - 6ereina'ter d�:`iaed, :n c,drr to aid bona :de a:!is.5 aed a;: scude::•s :o p:zt.ice � r` . . � a�d de��eloD tteir calen,s in por,:ayi.-,g the tuc,zn (o�r, and in o;de: to pre��eat � the opetz.ie� o! fig��e s:udios as p!ates �.�-hich 2 ea! � `'" " � . 1 . " ' ' -inte;es;s oC rer:.Se:� o; :he yublic. , DD D�iez;ify to tGe p.urient � .. ' .. � � (2epe:JeJ il''_7-i,G b>' Ord. i229 \.S.) ' '� _ . . . . . . � - " lAdded ]-1?-G2 by Ord. S6T9 \.S.) � .. . . . . - . � . � -- � SGC. 33.?D01.1 fIGf,12ESTL�D105-DLFINITIOYS � � - �' � - i (x) STUUSO . , �_ . � . � � . . . � " � (1> ��U" Dtz„lses on ahich there is`coadutted�the busi�ess oC�(crr,ishing � � uho<!s v:;.o Dose fo[ the Gc:oose ui beiag P;:o:ob:apled i� tF> nude bp persc�s — - - ' �- . j . P�J' a ;ee. oc ochr, conside:a,ion o: compz�sa:io�. o�-a �;�•�i:}�.�.to; che �� ' � . �tigh: o: c;pa:uni.y so :o depic. the .�edel. OS [0: 2r'::�;551G:1 :G. OI ;o; per-i�sio❑ " t . to (e�ai� u�e�. e; as x cr;d[,io; ci:er:,:;i^- ucoa !h2 :[2:,^.!SPS. . � i - - �. f2) Ar.y prz�ise> •n�he:e :h�:e is ca:cc�:=d:;z tcsir.zss e. !uraisher.s or ,:o- ' . �� vi��g or yrocu�:r� :or ao.ee �: o:he: cor.sideraee� o; co-:peasscio� o[ i;�.uie�, - - models o oe p. ,.o;I�p;.,,d in :he �ude. � - - - i . � (b) ttODEL. d1v p�,so❑. nalz er ,e:�zl^_, x.ho pose> Co 5^ photog;sph^d in the . . � � � � nude. . . . . . � . (c) \tiDE sha!! i❑dude: � - - " � - " . - � . � _ U) Co�:ote:zi�� «�i:hout clothing: � . " - ' � . . " � .(2) P:i:S 2�v GL`JiC 2:ea expcsed: o: x�ich .hs Dubic a;ea core;ed in s��c� a-� . �- . " - � . mz��e; [Fz: che � i��z:e Pucs 2•� � o: .•.., . � . „ ; :�isiSL . :or^� :`;=:ecS disce�ciS!=: . . . . . (3 Pf:_ t z�b;<zs:� esJOeaC b>� 2 _:ale so . � � � thzc :ne nippl=s ch=:eo( a;e . . . expo:ed. , . . . _ " ' (Ad.�ed 7-19-6? t�� Ord. cG;9 \.S.) � . - " - " - " - � (Ar,tcr.ded 10-^_3-5^ L•y Ord. 873S \.S.) ' � '� " ' . . � SFC. a3.?002 FIGC:;E c:CDIOS - PLl:lIIT I:E2LlY,ED . ' . � : . , � . The eF':_:Ecn o€ z >:eGic is .":e:ey�� ,,e�i;r.s;-d '•;elice : . . . _ z;alac_d." \o ce:sc� . .. � . shtEi c�e:__'_ a s:^7ia � Eaa_� :in: �b[�ir.�^; e n-:-i: ,�c- � . � • - . . . .. _ . . . `. ::e C:f-,? o, ?ol:cr, . as r.:a:2 C_':[r_;t.�:: <_, ',,.;: i: �i•:ti�ic:s i. 3 e�^_ 5 0` :nis Ar,ic!t. - - . � ' � (ReU2a:nd 1l-?�•.i6 Gc O:d. ��?g Y.S.) . . . - . �: � - L4ddo� �'1''G' L) Otd. g;i:5 \'.S.) . , . . SEC. 33.'?CO3 F'IGI�i:E 57"CDfUS -- PER>;1T F}_E �� . ' � ' � . . � . � ' (a) \o pe:;^❑ sL?(t .�•:•� 2 Si:l.'�:G lCl'?1:92 Pf:r ^�Y;�'6 39 er;i,-.ai p>;-�; T (ee ct C.:e i5:.ad;ec�_:';;<��i?C0.091. ' . � •' � - - (S) �o L�:sr,i _^:. I o-....,..,, 1 r�dio . _, � . . . . • � � Gae F;er.?:e; D�ii�:s (iiOU.GOL � _'o �'•tr.°_ a ;�..e•x-zi pr.,e: :ea of . . . " ::az:Lq •. .,, :!,�~d�!� ,,f iss�zace c: !h= eriSir.zl � � . G��r-i:. . .'. .. . - (i:P7aa!ed 1(-'_'-.i: ;iy O:d. ';_'9 ]'.S) " � ' _ "' _' ' _ ' " ' " , . . ii ' . _ . . ..: . �l:ld[•-.J 7-._'•r:_ r,_: :I:l'.�;i�iiY S.S.) . . _ . � 5'_• ' bJ . °-�� '� . .. - - - �-- - ----- - � . . _ : . I , _' ... .._"_ ' " "_ ' ' ' "_ ' � . _ _.._. ._..__... _""_" ' 1 _ ' . " _ . ' "'.. . - " . i` . � - � . . � ' - ' : . , � `..:. � � � ]-63 � ' . � -�. . . � SEC. 33.2005 -- � � � � 6EC.�33.206} FIGC'P.}i STCDIOS—STdSDAI;ll FOR 15SG:1XCE OF STUDiO � ' - ' � PG21I11' � � � ' ' � (a) ho s.udio De;mit shall De fssued excep: upon a tinding by Ch_ Chief o: � 4 � . . - Police tha: the scudio is preposed to be ope;2:?d tor the � � �� � facilities [o[ us� b>� persons purpose of D�o��idin3 � � � pcscing a cov;se o: study�, tncludino th= aztiscic ;� �� _ . . � pho.ograLyic por.rz.:at o( che nvd? hun2n forr,.. 2r.d by Derso,s r.ho engage in � - I � � ; , _ _ artistic pho:oeraphic po;,;apal as a :�=a1s o:lir?lihocd. - � � { : . . . (b) 5o s:udio G°��it shali 5e issu=d to anp person und=r %e�!p-o�e (21) years � � 1� � � - � � of age, no[ to a corpo;z,ion, 2n�� of •a�hose oCficprs ue�und=; tv:e�:;-o�e (21) ye2:s � � � . � � . � of age. . ' � _ - (c) ho's.udio pe;mi[ sMl1 be (ssued upo� a finding that the aPVIlcant 1s not �1 � � � , of ga�d moral characcer. dny-one eonvic.ed o; a mu;2?s o:fense shali be deened � _ � - � -, � IIot to be of good morzl �h�rac:er [or c!:e p�rposes of this serion. ' � � (AQded 7-12-G2 by Ord. SG;9 \.S.) � . ' � _ - -. ' __ . . � � � " � (Amended 10-25-G2 by Ord. Si3S Y.S.) � .. • � ._' ' � '_ � ' SEC: 33.?005 FIGCR6 STGDIOS-- EYCEPT]0\'S TO Per,�ars � .� � . � � � ' ' �_ 'To D"rmiLshall be reaui[ed `o; zny� stvdlo u�hich is opera;ed 5y� the Univ?;sity � � � . � " _ . .ot Califd;nia, or z�� Sea�e Co!!ege or public Junio� collese. o< <xh=re :he Chi�; o; � - � � . _ � Police is fucnished sa,is[aror. e�idence Biat che Derson, (irm, zssocia!;on, ' . - _ ' Dartne;>hip oc corCOra.io❑ ope;2t(�g i[ h2s met the i!'QJ3[?:112;IC5 es'�51ish?din • � _ � �Dicision 2t o! :h^ cCuca;ioa CoC^ Cor th_ iswance or confe[:ir.g of, xnd is in �1 � . ' laet autho:ized ;he;eunde� to issve znd eon;er a diDloma o� hor.orary� diD:oma. I � . (Added i•12-G? b5' Ord. SG;9 \'.S.) . � - � SEC. 33.2006 fiGCRE STL"UIOS -- PEC>1IT 1tGQLlCED F OR FE\tAf.E - . . " - - E?1PL0]'CIiS � � - ' ' �ho fe:�aie shall b^come the emplc.�ee of a s:udio �r9thout :i�s: obtainin� a � - � ' . . �. Derrit from the C!:ief o; Police 2u;ho:izing such emplo��ment, ti. . . � (Added i-I?•6? G�� Ord. S6T9 \'.S.) � . " . . • ' . � SEC. 33.2007 FIGGRG STL'DIOS - GF:OI:\DS FOP. SGSPG\S!O\ dXU !:G• � J . , . . � �'OCATIOY OF STUD10 PEIt�IIT _ . . . . � � � � � The Ch[et ot Police shall suspe;d o� ce:oF:e a studio pe�nit und=r th� Dro- . - vis[ons of Scttio.^. 33.0;01 0: upon a (ind•.ng o( an. onc e: th^ folio,e�r.g czuses: � � ' . . !a) That the s[udio is not b=ing operxced fur the pu;Pose u: pre:id?r,� lacilities � "—' . (or use br pe�sor.; purscino a coarse of s:udy�, indud'uig the aCisic�po:::xyal ot .. . th^_ nude hcnaa [o::�, and Gp pe;so�s i•:ho eaoage in ar.istic pe;[�2ya! as a ne2ns : � : . y� ot li��el?�ood. i . _ - _ '(b) 'I'naC the eer^ictee is no: ot ga�d �o;al charact^,. :l:,y�or.e cer.�•icted o; a � . � ------- — mo�zls o;€ea;e shall b> C�c:�eG_.o� .o_be_of_good_no[zl_charsuer-:ouhe-pu�voses - . . . —of-[fi's"sec'.io�---- - I �. :.. .- : �- . (c) Tha[ a (e^ale r.�odel uadz� =ip:>en (lol }�ears o( a;e, o; a r21= model --- ---- under_t«en.;•oa� (?i) rez:s oLage_:r�s-D-��it'ed-or_!Ier:eC :o pos•: :n t`t^_ r.ude t - � _ . ', on the D�e�?ses; cr tha. a persun under ;:rea:yor,e (?i) pears o:' z-�, o'h=; thz� s � � fenal^ mod?i orec ^igh:een (?&) S'aa:s of z�e o; a Derson e.�ce;.[ed undzr Sectio� � - � . 33.2005 h=;aof, �e2s adritced [0 2r.p part o( the Premises i� �r�ich ar�ei n�zs ` . - . - Desiao in :h., nade. � . . .� . � " ' - � (d) Tha: aico�ctic 6ece;aoes, as def;ned in Sec:io� 33.0?0^, ha�e teea so!d, � � � - . � eons::m=d o; Pe;c:i.:ed c,o� che p;e.�ises of a studio •::it:^. G:r ::^ov:ledoe of tnr 1 , : Dermi; � - ; � . (e) Tta: thz D:�mi.t2e t2s e-p[c:ed a (ec2le o: DCf,:�efCEd a t^�ale'o be ^ ' . � . . .. Dlo}�ed in U: abo_: succ s:udio, fi:.`.ec r:lt� o: :ei!!:CUf c,hn�. xi:`ou: feCUirfrz ` . � , such (e;nak .o :��::�n a pernit C;r.: che Chief o: Polic� au:te:izing such ec: � � � . . . pto•,-��;c - : �� :=a n,� s��:�c: as.^ccc. - t:aa���a ;•1'?-f•Y-by OrJ. BG;s �._.� . . " . . � ' . SC.C. 33.^_00$ FIGL'CF STL�lliUS — :1PYE:1Ll'O COC\CIL � � � : ' - � Alt decis!s, s��sp^csions c: •=•:nca:io�s u' s!udio Germits a ;;��io enploi"z . . � . � _ - � � perTi:� sF.sll n.� seblect to re:ie�v by� t,`.e Cih: Uo�ncii. unCe; :ie O�ocisier.s � � . o[ Di��isioa 5 o( :tis A;:icfe. � ' � - - . _ (.4dded 7-1?-C? b)' Ord. SG;9 \'.S.) � � � - � " . � . . . . . .. -_1 ".. -.._ . .- . � . ' . � .._ ._ '. . ." ' _. _ . - _ _ .. � . 1 ' . ' , . . - � � . ��.,�J . -- - -- � -� -- - �- - - -- -: --- -... .:_.. ... _ .. . --- .. --. .:- :. .. _' I -- . � -