HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1975-1632� , � . �, �/� . ' p�ai`�;�r,-r--' .,r•:,.� .�t /1 i .,.:i i .k .?c:i;'.#;;_ ORDINANCE NO.1632 � � AN ORDIIQAC�CE OI' TIIE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AI•i}ii�TDING i 11'Lr 19 OF T[1T' CIIUL�, VISTA CITY CODF: BY r1�fEVDING SECTIO�S 19 . 56 . 040 , 19 . 14 . 450 aidD 19 . 12 . 120 ; ARD BY ADDING SECTIO�;S 19 . 56 . 041 THROUGII 19 . 56 . 047 Ar�D 19 . 14 . 570 T}I20UGH 19 . 14 . 578 ; �ND BY REP�ALI?�G SECTIOivS 19 . 58 . 250, 19 . 58 . 300 , 19 . 04 . 18E , 19 . 04 . 270 , � AiID 19 . 12 . 120 C , ALL Rr,LATI;�G TO THE "P" ?'RECISE � PLAV .eODIFYING DISTRICT The City Council of the City of Chula Vista does ordain as folloi�:s : SECTIOid I : That Sections 19 . 56 . 040 ,_19 _14 . 450 and _ - 19 . 12 . 120 oi -Title 19 of the Chufia-Vista City Code be, and the same -are hereby amended to read as follows : 19.56.040 P Precise plan_modi.fying district--Purpose. __ _-- - - - � � � See .also Sections 19.12.120 and 19.14.570 through 19.14.578. The purpose of the P precise plan .modifying distri.ct is to allow diversification in the spatial relationship of land uses, density, buildings, structures, landscaping . and open spaces, as well as design review of architecture and signs through the adoption of specific conditions of approval for development of property in the City of Chula Vista. Within the boundaries of the P district, [he location, � height, size and setbacks of buildings or structures, open spaces, signs and densities indicated on the precise plan shall take precedence ofer the other- � wise applicable regulations of the underlying zone. (Ord. . _ _ _ _ . Qrd. 1356 §1 (part), 1971; Ord. 1212 § 1 (part), 1969: prior code - - ' -� �33.601(A) (3) .) - 19.-14.450 Site lan and a�-chitectural a � p pproval--Accompanying n�aps and drawings required . 'Phe applicatio,i shall be accompanied by r.he in:ornation requi.red in Section 19. 56.042 for. a precise plan and other drowings as are necessary to enable the 7.o�iing Ad:�inistraCOr to mske the determinations under tliis section. (ora. ord. 1212 � 1 (part) , 1969 : prioi� code § 33.1313 ��+) �3) ) 19.12. 120 Attachment of conditions--Public improvements and precise olan requirements . A. (P;o change. ) B. In addition co Che requirement for Che installaCion oP puUlic inprove- ments in necessar}• dedicati.ons, the planning commission or the ci[y council may require Chat a precise plan be submitted for the develop- ment of the property by attaching the P precise plan nodifyin� district Co the undetlying z.oning. The precise plan incl.udes, hul' is not limi.ted Co Che locati^.^., heigt:t, .,_xe, and set!:ac?:� of buildings or strnctures, open spaces, signs, and densities. 'i'iie requirenenCS and ci.rcumstances for applying the P precise plan nodifying diserict are sc� f:orth in full in Sections 1S.5G. 040 through ].9.5G.0-'+7 . Tl�e procedures for submission and approval of. a preci^.e plan are set fo:t}i i.n Sections - 19.14.570 chrou�h 19. ]4 .578. (Ord . 1975; Ord. 1222 G ]. (parC) , 19G9: prior code § 33.1204. ) ' , _,_ . � � , S�C°iZON lI : That- Title 19 of the Chula Vista . City Cod'e be , and the same is her.eby amended by addin�; thereLo n�w SecCions 19 . 56 . 041 th;:ou�h 19 . 56 . 047 and neca Sections 19 . 14 . 570 thr.ou&h 19 . 14 . 578 , to read as follo�•7s : 19.56.041 P Precise plan roodifying district--Application. - The P u�odifying district may' Ue applicd Lo areas within the CiCy of Chula Vista only when one'or more of the Lolloiain�; circumsCances is evident: r A. 'Ihe subject property, or L-he nei.�liUorhood or. area in whicti the property is located, is unique Uy virtue of Copo�;raphy, �;eological characteri.stics, access, confi.guration, traffic circu].ation, or some social or historic situation requir.ing special handling of Che developmenc on a precise plan basis. r B. The propcity or area to which the P �aodifying district is appli.ed is an area adjacent and contiguous Co a zone allowing different land uses, and the developraent of a pr.ecise plan will all.ow the area so designatecl to coexist bet�:een land usages which mi�;ht other�aise prove incompacible. i C. The basic or underlyin& zone regulations do not allo�o the property o•mer and/or the Cit}� appropriate control or flexihility needed eo acl�ieve an efficicnt and proper relationship a�aong the uses all.owed in the underl.}•i.ng zene or bet�.•ecn such uscs perr.iitted on thc property and tlie uses alloiacd in Che adjacenc zones. i D. The area to which the P modifying district is applied consises of tcao or morc properti.es under separat-c o�.mer.shi_p wherein coordi-nation reFarding access, onsite circulation, siCe pl�nning, Uuildinf; design and ideueitica- tion is necessary to �hance the public convenience, health, safety ar.d general welfare. 19.56.042 P Precise plan modifying district--Required ir�aps and information An application for approval ot a precise plan• shall be accom�anied by ; a deCai.led dinensioned drawing of the project on a scale of sufficient size so as to readil}� indiclte all di:nension� ot t��e ��arious elements of che deeelopment. The required ele�ents are as Lollows: A. LeEal description, l.e�end , scal.e, north arrow, vicinity map, and idenCification of designer. B. The Uomldary lines of subject property, Lully diroensioned together with the name and dimensions of adjoining streets. C. Existino topography and proposed grading plan, showing slope, reeaining wall.s, pad elevations, and percent of sl.ope on streeCs, driveways and oLher graded areas. D. Cxisting and proposed streets, utilities, and easemen�s. E. Access: pedestrian, vehicular and service; noinCS of in�ress and egress, with driee�aay locations and dinensions. � F. Loading and trash areas, walls and/or fenc�s (including liei�htl , G. Prupo�eu lucation, l�eight, anti dimensions of Uuildings, i.ncluding color and materials on all. clevations. Ti�e floor area, number of stor.ies, nim�ber of units and bedrooms (when appli.cabl.r) shall Ue given. Yroposed � ,1/ ' uses shall he indicated incl.udiiig Lloor aYea devo�ed to each use. i�� li. Parking layout, including dimensions, number of stalls, a�id circulaCion flow. i ' ' , ! �I. Locati_oii, height, and size of signs proposed on the property. � . . ' . . � �. "-2= . _ i �. . . . . J�. A1T ]andscaped are�as. Such ru'eas shal.l he defined wi.;h 'a w;-itCr_n proposal ` outl.ininf the land.capin�; concepC, ns weiL as the propn::ed meL'hod of irri�;aCion. In ;�ddi.Cion al1 c>:isting t:rcc� on s:icc ::hrill. Uc �dcnCificd wil'h a note as to proposed dispositi.on. � K. Lighei.n;;, i.ncludin� li locaCi.on, type �nd hooding devices L'o shield ' adjoining properCies. L. Locati.on and desig❑ of recre�tiunal arcas. - • ; 19. 56.0;3 ' P Precise plan modifying district--Plan revieti•�. Plans shall be revie�aed by Che Plannin� Co�niss'ion with recomr.icncl�ti.ons i fort.ar.ded Co che CiCy Cour:cil in accordance �aitli the provi.sious o[ 5eceion 1n,7.4.570. 19. 56.0�4 P Precise plan modifying distric*--[xceptions. Excepeions to Che code requi.re�ornts of cl�e underl�dng zonc may Uc granted b�� che City Counci.l. providc•d that tl�ese exceptions are ;o no[ed in the puU).ic hearing no[ice and Li.nditig;; are made as specified in Section 19. 14 .570. 19.56.045 P Precise plan modifying district--Density.. The P modifying di.s�rict may be used to li.�ait densities witl�in the underlying zonc range. However, densities may no[ be increased aUove L-he mar.imum ran�e within [he underl}•in� zone. W,Len the City Cou::cil dee:.s it necessar}� to establish a density limitation in conjuncCion with the P Afodifyi.ng District, the density established shall be e�:pressed by a number following the P designator. The numbcr assi�ned�will represent the �e3ximum number of diaelling units all.owed per net acre oE land. (Net acreage is the � total land area remaining after dedication of public right of iaay.) 19.56.046 P Precise plan modifying district--Phasing. Precise plans may be suUmitted in phase� for projects �oithin Che P district. However, the submissi.on of the first phase musL- include al.l of the required submissions for sitc plan approval for that portion of the project included caitliin the boundaries of phase I. The submission of elevz- tions and proposed building m,aterials may Ue deferred in the first phase until speciFic architectural concepts are developed. In addition, a skeletal plan of closely related `uture phases must be suUr�iL-ted and approved concurrent with the sub;nittal of phase I. Such skeletal plans shall indicate circulation� L!l1lUlll� iocacions, preiiminary grading, areas devoCed to landscapin�, densixy, and parki.nU. The suUmission of each phase of the precise plan wi.11 require a new application and fee together �ritii the required site plsns. .' , ' ]9.56.047 P �recice plan modifying district--Scope of i'lanning c;omnission , and City Couiicil Action. In carryinE ouC this 'section tiic Pl.annin£; Cuaunission and City Council � ' : shall con::ider. [he pri.r.cipl.es set for.th in Sec�ion 14.14 .470 (Sice plan and �3 �_arr.l�l.cectt�ral appro��a1--P�r.i.nciples to be obscrvecl) appropriate Lo the revieia ot ei precisc plan.. ' . - . � , : ' '. .•.,_ - , � . � . . 19.14.570 Pi�ecise plan approval . l;q�er.e use is made of Che precise ��lan pr.ocedure, as pre�•ided in Chis � Citle, a zonin� pCrmi.t shal]. not Ue i:;sued fcir sucl� developa�ent or parc - thereof until Che Planu�int; Cor.cnissi.on and Ci.Cy Council h�ve approved a precise p7.an application fw- said devclo�r,nent as pruvided her.ein. , ]9. 14 . 57] Precise olan approval--I�pplication and fee, Application shall Ue made on a form pi-escri.Ucd for this pi�roose by the CiCy of Chula \'isca and shall be acco��panied or preceded Uy a :one change application establishing [he P modi.fyind districL-. 19. 14.572 Precise plan approval --Required information. ' A. Tiie applicat:ion sha11 include t-he name and addr.ess of Che app].icane and of all persons o�ani.ng any or all of Che property proposed eo be used. The applicat:icn must be >igned U� [h� o�aner/opr.ion hol.dcr, or. wricten perr�ission rusC be giacn authorizing an agent co sign Che applica�ion. B. lill data and maps as specified i.n Section 19 S G.042. 19. 14.573 Precise plan approval--Public hearings . A puUlic hcaring shall Ue held Uy the Plannin� ConLmissioa and CiL'y Council as provi.ded hcrein: A. Such hearing Lefore Che Planninb Co�anission shall oe held not more chan forty-fi��e (45) days Cror� d2tc of appli.cation. 13. Such liearing before the City Council. shalLbe set by Clie City C1crk within thirty (30) days aftcr PlanninE Commission action. C. The secreCar}• of the Ylarning Commission and City Clerk shall publish - noCice of hearing, in a newspaper of general circula�ion in che City of Chula ��ista not less tlian Cen (10) days pri.or to the date oi said hear.inGs. T'ailure ot owners to receive notice ot hearings shall. in no c:ay affecC Che validity o€ acti.on ta}:ci. An�• requested e�ceptions to the reGuirements of the under.lying zonc shall be specificd in Clie puSlic hearir� notice. 19. 14.574 Precise plan approval--Planning Conrnission action. 7'hc Planning Comnission shall act u�on an application for. preci.,c plan approval. caiti�in fort�-f.ive (45) days, pending any necessary �oning amcr.d�nent. In tal:i.ng action Che Commission m�y recommeuci co ciie i;ic}• Councii ue�iial oi a precise ;1an, approval of ttie precise plan as sub:nitted, or app:oval o� a , precise p].an subject to addi-t-ional conditions. The Plannin� Co�cmissi.on r�ay reco„c�end approval if, from rhe facts presented, �he Commi.ssi.on c:�n mal;e the necessary findi.ngs noted in SecCion 19.14.57G. Recom:�endacion for approval shall require the affixr�aCive vote of not less than a najority of the total membership of thc 1'launing Co.,vnissior�. Anj precise pl.an, as authorized, shail be subjecC to al1 condi.Lions imposed, and shall be e>:ceptr_d fro:n other . provisions of this tiile unly to thc �;ter.t specified in thc resolu[ion of approval or slio�:^.i by an approved plan. 3 � ' 'b . . : . . .�- . . . . � , . . . 1 ;.14 .575 f'recisc plan approval --City Council action. , The City Counci.l, after the public hearing and consideraCion oC the matter, may affir�a the acCion of the Planning Co,�roi._:sion, deny the acCion of the Planning Codmission, or modify cundition, recommended by the Pl.anning Com:�ission. An affirnative votc of at least Chree (3) me�ebcrs of: thc City Council. shall be neces;�ry tu cl�ange or nodi.fy the � ��-^^mr�ndaCions�f. th�. _ Planning Co:nmission. _� 19. 14.576 Precise plan approval--Findings. _ The Planning Coi:u�ission may recommend approval of thc plan and the City Council say grant approval of L-he plan ii all of the foll.ocaing f.acts . are found: A. Tnat such plan t.ill not, under tl�e circur.istai�ces of the particular case, be detriv��ntal to Chc hea].Ch, safety or general wclfarc of persons residinF or working in the vicinity, or injurious [o property or icprovements in tlie vicini[y. •B. That such plan satisfies the princi.ple Eor the app].ication of the P modifying di.strict as set for[h in Secti.on 19.SG.041. C. That any excc.�tions granCCd �Jhich deviate from Cl�c under).yinF •r.oning r.equi.re:�enCS shall be uar.ran[ed on].y �ahen necessary Lo r�ect Che purE;ose and applicacion ot the P precise plan modiLyi.nE dis[rict. D. 'Ph�t approva] of tliis plan will. conLorn� Co L-he Ceneral. Plan and l-he adopted policies ot che City of Chula Vista. 19.14.571 Precise plan approval--Ptodifications of the precise plan. Requests for modifications shall be submitted to Llie Planniug Director i.n c.-ritten forr.. and shall be accompanied Uy such additi.onal. maps, state�enCs or other ir.formacion as may be required to suppor.t chc modifi.caeion. If the Pr�P�sed modification is dee�ed by the llirector of P.l.anning l-o Ue insignif- icant in nature, the changes nay be approved by tha Ui.rector. subjec� to tl�e ' filin� of a written report to the Planning Comr,iission anci Cit}' Coimcil. If, in the opinion of L-he Direc[or of Plannin�, the proposed c!ian�es are signifi.cant in scope, the applicant tiill be notifi.ed within Cen (10) days of the caritten reques[ tiiae a new appli_cation and hearing will be required . 19.14. 578 Precise plan appro��al --Zoning F,dministrator. Foll.o:oing the recor�menda:ion by the Plaruting Commission and approval of a precise plan by the City Council, the Zoning Administrator shall issue a zoning perr�it as pro:�ided in Sections 19.14 .500 through 19.14.550 of this title, and the Building Inspec�or shall ensure that development is under- taken and conpleted in conformance with the approved plans. SECTION III : That- Sections i9 . 58 , 250 , 19 .58 . 300 , 19 . 04 . 186 , � 19 . 04 . 270 anci 19 . 12 . 120 C of- the Chula Vista City Code be , aad tne sane are hereby repealed. SECTION I�7 : This or.dinance shall take effect and be in full force on Lhe thirty-firs� day from and aiter its passage and approval . . Presented by Appr.oved as to form by . /4\''�\\ .�'�� �'�%��_'�C%a�Z.c��'!�—`� •-�'. . " `� � � � D. J . Pete - n` Director o�— S, George . Lind erg , City Attorney Planning . , . . . . - ADOPTED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA, this Sth day of �ugust ' 1975 , by the following vote, to-wit: ' �, — � AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hamilton, Hyde NAYES: CounciZmen None ABSENT: Councilmen Hobel ,✓��,�-•/��x�,��'- Mayor of the Ciiy of Chula Vista ATTEST �1i/�� � City Zer• STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ' COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) ss . CITY OF CHULA VISTA ) I, JENNIE M. FULASZ, City Clerk of the City of Chula Vista, CaZifornia, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a fuZl, true and correct copy of and that the same has not been ¢mended or repealed. D.�TED (SEAL) City CZerk �3'� CC-660