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The City Council of the City of Chula Vista does ordain as
follows :
SECTION I : That Ordinance No. 1459 be, and the same is hereby '
repealed. '
SECTION II : That Chapter 33 of the Chula Vista City Code be,
and the same ' is hereby amended by adding thereto a new Article 6, to
read as follows:
Sec . 35. 601 ,
A. Purpose and Intent .
It is the intent of the City Council to establish procedures
in accordance with the Environmental Quality Act of the State
of California to regulate the activities of private individuals
and corporations and public agencies which are found to have
an effect upon the quality �of the environment.
The purpose of this ordinance is to conform the policies
and regulations of the City of Chula Vista to the requirements
of federal and state law in developing and maintaining a sound
and livable environment. The procedures established herein are
intended to lead to the regulation of development activities
so as to prevent, insofar as possible, environmental damage.
In conjunction with the California Environmental Quality
Act, this ordinance is intended to achieve the goal of main-
taining a high quality environment for the people of Chula Vista.
Further, it is recognized that the management of our natural
resources requires a balancing of policies and practices based
on a systematic concerted effort by public and private interests
to enhance environmental quality and to control environmental
B. Conflicts with Requirements of the State of California.
Any conflicts arising in the interpretation of this ordin-
ance, or any of its provisions, including but not limited to
the Administrative Policy for Environmental Review, shall be
interpreted in the manner which most fully satisfies the require-
ments of C.E.Q.A. (Div . 13 of the Public Resources Code) and
Cal . Admin. Code (Title 14 , Division 6) .
Sec . 35 . 602. Definitions .
A. Definitions used in this ordinance shall be construed
in the context of definitions provided in the California
Environmental Quality Act of 1970 and the California Admin-
istrative Code, Division 6 , Title 14 , Chapter 3, Article 4 ,
Sections 15015-15040 . All subsequent citations of the Calif-
ornia Administrative Code in this ordinance pertain to the
above division, title and chapter .
I -��
B. The various laws, codes, documents and committees
shall generally be designated in this ordinance by the
following initials: '
California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 -CEQA
California Administrative Code -Cal . Admin. Code
Environmental Impact Report -EIR
Environmental Review Committee -ERC
Initial Study -Ig
Negative Declaration -ND
C. Environmental Impact Report (EIR) . An Environmental
Impact Report is' a document prepared from information supplied
by private persons or corporations or public agencies seeking
to carry out developments and projects requiring discretionary
actions by the City of Chula Vista in order to proceed with
said projects; e.g . , rezonings, subdivision approval, etc .
The report will inform public decision makers and the general
public of the environmental effects of projects which said
persons or agencies propose to carry out or approve.
The Environmental Review process is intended to enable the
City of ' Chula Vista to evaluate a project in order to determine
whether it may have a significant effect on the environment;
examine and institute methods of reducing adverse impact; and
consider alternatives to the project as proposed. These require-
ments must be fulfilled prior to approval or disapproval of the
project. An EIR may not be used as an instrument to rationalize
approval of a project, nor do indications of adverse impact, as
enunciated in an EZR, require that a project be disapproved.
While major consideration must be given to preventing environ-
mental damage, the City of Chula Vista has an obligation to
balance other public objectives, including economic and social
factors in determining whether a project should be approved or
under what conditions a project should be approved. To properly
evaluate a project' s economic and social consequences, informa-
tion on these factors may be included in the EIR.
D. Znitial Study (IS) . An Initial Study is an evaluation
of a non-categorically exempt project requiring discretionary
actions by the City of Chula Vista, to determine if the project
could have significant environmental effects. The IS is made
by the Environmental Review Committee based on information pro-
vided by the project applicant. If it is clear that there will
not be an adverse effect, a ND shall be made. If there could
be a significant effect, an EIR must be prepared.
E . Negative Declaration (ND) . A Negative Declaration is a
statement by the ERC that' a pro7ect; although not otherwise
exempt, clearly will not have a significant effect on the
environment and therefore does not require an EIR. The ND must
include a brief project description, the findings of the ERC,
a brief statement in support of the findings, and a statement
where a copy of the IS may be obtained.
F. Lead Agency. Where a project is to be carried out or
approved by more than one public agency, only one EIR or ND
shall be made, and it will be prepared by the Lead Agency.
, When the City of Chula Vista is a Lead Agency it shall consult
with all other responsible agencies in the preparation of an
EZR or in making a ND. The EIR or ND shall be made available
to the other responsible agencies for consideration prior to
acting on or appraising the project. Where two or more public
agencies are involved with a project, which agency shall be
- �,
the Lead Agency, shall be determined in accordance with the
Cal . Admin. Code, Section 15065 & 15065. 5 . Obligations of
the Lead Agency shall be in accordance with Cal . Admin. Code
Section 15066 .
Sec . 35. 603 . Projects Requiring Environmental Review.
A. General Rule. The requirements set forth in this
ordinance apply to projects which may have a significant
effect on the environment and which involve discretionary
action by the City of Chula Vista . An EIR shall be required
except where it can be determined with certainty that the
activity in question will not have a significant effect on
the environment.
B. Projects Requiring Preparation of EIR.
1 . Projects under control of the City of Chula Vista.
When the City of Chula Vista plans to carry out
or approve a project which may have a significant effect
on the environment and involves a discretionary act,
after an IS is conducted, a ND shall be made or an EIR
shall be prepared . '
(a) When a department of the City of Chula Vista
plans to carry out a project which is not categor-
ically exempt from review, the department shall
provide the information for an IS which may lead
to a ND or file . information for a draft EIR,
(b) When joint projects with other public and/or
non-governmental persons are contemplated, provisions
of Cal . Admin. Code Section 15061 (c) shall apply.
(c) When a project is subject to approval , financial
support or other support of City of Chula Vista and
is not categorically exempt from review, the project
applicant shall provide the information for an IS
which may lead to a ND or file information for a
draft EIR.
2 . Special considerations in Review Requirements.
(a) When an EIR has 'been prepared, no additional
EIR need be prepared unless there has been substantial
change in the project, the circumstances under which
the project is to be carried out, or the location
of the project which will involve new environmental
impacts not considered in the previous EIR on the
project. The ERC shall review project revisions to
insure that there will be no new environmental impacts
or require that an EIR be prepared. This action shall
be in conformance with Cal . Admin. Code, Sec . 15067 .
(b) When in conformance .with Cal . Admin. Code,
Sec . 15068, more than one project may be reviewed
by a single EIR.
(c) j9hen a project is to be phased, or when an
individual project is to be part of a large under-
taking, a single EIR must be prepared on the total
project or a ND made. (See Cal . Admin. Code, Sec.
15069) '
(d) If a project was approved or given support by
the City of Chula Vista prior to the effective date
of CEQA (NOV. 23 , 1970) , the State Guidelines
(April 5, 1973) or the revision to the State Guide-
lines (Feb. 15, 1974) the provision of Cal . Admin.
Code Sec . 15070 shall apply.
C. Projects Not Subject to Environmental Review.
1 . Emergency Projects .
The following emergency projects are exempt from
the requirement for Environmental Review:
(a) Projects undertaken, carried out, or approved
by a public agency to maintain, repair, restore,
demolish or replace property or facilities damaged
or destroyed as a result of a disaster in a stricken
area in which a state of emergency has been pro-
claimed by the Governor pur-suantttoCChapter77
(commencing with Sec . 8550) of Division 1, Title 2
of the Government Code.
(b) Emergency repairs to public service facilities
necessary to maintain service.
(c) Projects undertaken as immediate action necessary
to prevent or mitigate an emergency.
2 . Ministerial Projects.
Ministerial projects are not subject to the require-
ments of this ordinance and do not require Environmental
,� Review. The following actions will generally be consid-
ered ministerial in nature, however, this list is not
considered to be all inclusive and decisions as to whether
an action is ministerial, are reserved to the ERC.
(a) Issuance of building permits .
(b) Issuance of business licenses.
(c) Approval of final subdivision maps .
(d) Approval of individual utility service
connections or disconnections.
(e) Issuance of zoning permits.
(f) Issuance of inechanical permits.
(g) Issuance of electrical permits .
(h) Issuance of curb and sidewalk permits .
(i) Issuance of permit to store materials in street.
(j) Issuance of driveway painting permits.
(k) Permits issued for moving extra width loads or
for overloaded vehicles.
(1) Grading permits for grading plans approved
through tentative subdivision maps, precise
plan or planned unit developments.
n -4-
(m) Utility permits other than for utilities
transmission lines.
(n) Site plan and architectural approval of
projects previously reviewed as a precise
plan or planned unit development.
3 . Feasibility and Planning Studies.
A project involving only feasibility or planning
studies for possible future actions which the City of
Chula Vista has not approved, adopted, or funded does
not require environmental review, but does require
consideration of environmental factors as required by
Section 21102 of CEQA.
Sec . 35. 604 . Environmental Review Committee
Established; Powers and Duties
A. Established. There is hereby established an Environmental
Review Committee ERC) composed of the following officials of
the City of Chula Vista, or their designated representatives:
1 . The City Manager;
2 . The Director of Public works;
3 . The Director of Planning;
4 . The Environmental Review Coordinator; and
5 . The City Attorney.
B. Powers and Duties . The Environmental Review Committee
shall have the following powers and duties: '
1 . Prepare IS ' s to determine if the subject project
could' have a significant environmental effect or if a
ND can be made.
2. Issue draft EIR' s following independent analysis
and review of information supplied by a project applicant.
3 . Review all appeals of counter review to determine
if a project is subject to Environmental Review.
4 . Review revised projects for which EIR' s have been
prepared to determine if a new EIR must be prepared,
or if there will be no new adverse effects.
5. Adopt all forms and reporting formats.
6 . Periodically review the adequacy of fees to cover
the costs to the City for Environmental Review of
projects subject to approval or support and make
recommendations to the City Council for adjustments
in the fee schedule.
7 . Periodically review the Administrative Policies
for Environmental Review and make recommendations to
the City Council ori any necessary or desirable revisions .
C. Rules.
1 . Three (3) members of the ERC shall constitute
a quorum to do business, but a lesser number may
adjourn any meeting.
2 . The affirmative votes of at least a majority of
meribers present shall be required for any action of
the ERC.
3 . The ERC shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman
at the first meeting each calendar year.
Sec . 35. 605 . Administrative Policies for Environmental Review.
The City Council shall, by resolution, adopt detailed admin-
istrative policies to carry out the provisions of this ordinance.
The administrative procedures shall include the following:
1 . A detailed delineation of all procedures involving
the submission of an -application for an IS, and informa-
tion for a draft EIR by a project applicant.
2 . Detailed requirements, contents of IS ' s and EIR's.
3 . A listing of standard factors to be used in the
preparation of IS ' s and EIR' s .
4 . Guidelines as to when applicant may file information
for an IS or when it is clear there could be adverse
environmental effects and information for a draft EIR
should be submitted.
5 . Based on the requirements of Article 8 of Cal . Admin.
Code, a list of all projects which are categorically
exempt from Environmental " Review. '
Sec . 35. 606 . Preparation and Processing an IS .
The project applicant shall submit or cause to be submitted,
an application for an IS including information required on a
form prescribed by the' ERC to the Environmental Review Coordinator
along with the fee established 'in Section 35 .611 . The Environ-
mental Review Coordinator shall set the application for consid-
eration at the next available agenda of the ERC, not less than
seven days nor more than twenty-one days from the date of sub-
mission. The Environmental Review Coordinator shall prepare
an' evaluation, 'recommendation and findings for consideration
by the ERC. The ERC shall make an IS to determine if a ND can
be made, if an EIR must be prepared on' the project, or if the
review should be continued for further information.
Sec . 35.607 . Environmental Effect of Project
Determination o �Signi icance.
A. General Ru1e. The determination of whether a project
may have a signi icant ,effect on' the environment calls for
� careful judgment based to the extent possible on scientific
and factual data . An iron clad definition of significant
effect is not possible because the significance of an activity
may vary with the setting. For example, an activity which
may not be significant in a developed area may be significant
in an undeveloped area . There 'may be a difference of opinion
on whether a particular effect should be considered adverse
or beneficial, but where there is, or is anticipated to be,
a substantial body of opinion that considers or will consider
the effect to be adverse, an EIR to explore the environmental
effects involved must be prepared: .6_
` -6-
In evaluating the significance of the environmental effect
of a project, both primary and- secondary consequences shall
be considered. Primary consequences are immediately related
to the project (the construction of a new treatment plant may
facilitate' population growth in a particular area) , while
secondary -consequences are related more to primary consequences
than ' to the project itself (an impact upon the resource base,
including ' land, air, water and energy use of the area in question
may result from the population growth) . '
B. Examples . Some examples of project consequences which
may have a significant effect on the environment in 'connection
with most projects where they occur, include a change that:
1 . Is in conflict with environmental plans and
goals that have been adopted by the City of Chula
Vista; -
2 . Has a substantial and demonstrable negative
aesthetic effect;
3 . Substantially affects a rare or endangered species
of animal or plant, or habitat of such a species;
4 . Causes substantial interference with the movement
of any resident or migratory fish or wildlife species;
5. Breaches any published national, state or local
standards relating to solid waste or litter control;
6 . Results in a substantial detrimental effect on
air or water quality, or on ambient noise levels for
adjoining areas from within the project;
7 . Involves the possibility of contaminating a public
water supply system or adversely affecting ground water;
8 . Could cause substantial flooding, erosion or siltation;
9 , Expose people or structure to major geologic
hazards ' (such as an earthquake fault, a steep slope,
slide areas or an area containing highly expansive
or otherwise hazardous soils. )
10. Could locate a project in an area that may have
adverse conditions such as poor air quality or unacceptable
noise levels. '
Sec . 35.608 . Mandatory Findings - Significant
Environmental Impact
In every case where any of the following conditions are found
to exist as a result of a project, the project will be found
to have 'impact with a significant effect on ' the environment
and an EIR shall be required:
A. Impacts which have the potential to degrade the
quality of the environment or curtail the range of the
environment. ' '
B. Impacts which achieve short-term, to the disadvantage
of long-term, environmental goals . A short-term impact on
the environment is one' which occurs in a relatively brief,
definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure
well into the future.
C . Impacts for a project which are individually limited,
but cumulatively considerable. A project may impact on two
or more separate resources where the impact on each resource
is relatively small . If the effect of the total of those
impacts on the environment is -significant, an EIR must be
prepared. This finding of significance does not apply to
two or more separate projects where the impact of each is
insignificant. ' '
D. The environmental effects of a project will cause
substantial adverse effects on human beings; either directly
or indirectly. '
Sec . 35. 609 . Finding - No Significant Environmental Impact.
A. Negative Declaration (ND) . If on the basis of an IS,
the ERC clearly finds that there is no significant environmental
impact, a ND shall be made on the project. The finding of no'
significant environmental consequences shall be based on nega-
tive conclusions on the findings of significant environmental
impact. ' `
B. ND Contents . A ND shall include a brief description
of the project as proposed, findings made by the ERC, a state-
ment in support of the findings and where a copy of the IS
may be obtained. -
C. Appeals. For a period of fifteen days after a ND is
posted on subject property or mailed to adjoining property
owners, or after mailing of written notice of the decision
that an EIR is required, any person or organization may appeal
the findings of the ERC to the Planning Commission. No
discretionary action of a decision making body shall take place
during the appeal period, however, the processing and review
of projects may continue during the appeal period. Appeals
shall be made on a form adopted by the ERC and filed with' the
fee established in Sec. 35 . 611 : The appeal shall include
specific points in which the ERC erred in' its findings . If
appealed, the Planning Commission-shall within a twenty-one
day period either ' determine that the findings of the ERC are
correct and uphold the action of the ERC, or find that the
ERC erred in its findings and make an ND or require an EIR.
D. Public Availability. The ND and IS shall be available
at the Planning Department during the ND appeal period. Adjoin-
irig property owners shall be notified by mail or by the posting
of the property in conformance with the Administrative Policies .
The ERC may, if the project does not involve a specific pro-
perty, or involves a project of widespread interest, publish
the ND in a newspaper of general circulation.
.. -8-
E . Filing. After a ND has been made and a determination
made on the project, the Environmental Review Coordinator
shall file 'the ND and a Notice of Determination with the
County Clerk. The Notice of Determination shall include the
decision of the City of Chula'Vista to approve or disapprove
the project, the determination of 'the City of Chula Vista
whether the project will have-a significant effect on the
environment, and 'a statement that no EIR has been prepared
pursuant to the provisions of CEQA. '
Sec . 35. 610. Preparation and Processing of an
Environmental Impacf Report.
A. Preparation of Draft EZR, The project applicant shall
prepare or cause to be prepared information in compliance with
the requirements of the• Administrative Policies for Environ-
mental Review. With the filing of this information, the filing
fee shall be' paid in accordance with Sec . 35. 611 .
The Environmental Review Coordinator shall be responsible
for providing independent evaluation and analysis of this
information to the ERC and for consulting with any person or
organization concerned with' the environmental effects of the
project. -
B. Degree of Specificity. The degree of specificity
required in an EIR will correspond to the degree of specificity
involved in the underlying activity which is described in the
EIR. -
1 . An EIR on a construction project will necessarily
be more 'detailed in the specific effects of the pro=
ject than will be an EIR on the adoption of a general
plan, element thereof, or comprehensive zoning ordin-
ance because the effects of the construction can be
predicted with greater accuracy.
2 . An EIR on projects such as the adoption or amend-
ment of a 'comprehensive zoning ordinance, general plan,
or element thereof, should focus on the secondary
effects that can be expected to follow from the adoption,
but the EIR need not' be as detailed as an EIR on the
specific construction project- that might follow.
3 , The requirements for an EIR on a general plan or
element thereof will be satisfied by the general plan
or element document; i .e. , no separate EIR will be
required, if: ' (a) the general plan addresses all
the points required -to be in an EIR by Article 9 of
Cal . Admin. Code, and (b) the document contains a
special section or a cover sheet identifying where
the general plan document addresses each of the
points required-. '
C . Issuance of Draft EIR. After a minimum of 14 days,
the Environmenta Review Coordinator shall prepare a draft
EIR. The ERC shall review the draft EIR for conformance
to the Cal . Admin. Code, this ordinance and the Administrative
Policies for Environmental Review: The completeness of the -
environmental inventory analysis, the project' s impact on the
environment, impartiality of the report, and description 'of
the project are among the areas subject to this review. If
the draft EIR is inadequate in any major area, it shall be
returned to the Environmental Review Coordinator for
revision or additions. Further information may be required
from the project applicant. If the draft is acceptable or
can be modified to an acceptable form, the ERC shall issue
it 'as a draft EIR. The ERC shall make any and all revisions
necessary to the draft EIR to make it •an adequate draft EIR.
The draft EIR must reflect the independent analysis and '
evaluation of the ERC. .
D. Notification of Secretary for Resources Agency. As
soon as the draft 'EIR is completed, � but before copies are
sent out for review; an official notice stating that the
draft EIR has been completed shall -be filed with the Secretary
for the Resources Agency of the State of California. The
'notice shall include a brief description of the project, its
proposed location, and an address where copies of the EIR are
available. 'This notice shall be referred to as a Notice of
Completion. When the draft EIR is to be reviewed by the
State of California, a Notice of Intent shall be completed
by the Environmental Review Coordinator and filed with the
State Clearinghouse, a Notice of Intent shall serve as a
Notice of Completion.
E. Distribution of Draft. Copies of the draft EIR shall
be distributed to the Environmental Control Commission,
affected department heads, other affected agencies, all
responsible agencies when the City of Chula Vista is function-
ing as the Lead Agency, and copies shall be deposited with
the Chula Vista Public Library for 24 hour check-out. All
adjoining property owners shall be notified by mail or by
posting of the project site in conformance with the admini-
strative policy, any person or group having special interest
shall be notified (subject'to the fee established in Sec .
35 .611) and a legal notice shall be published in a newspaper
of general circul'ation.
F . Review Period. A minimum 30 day period for agency and
public review shall commence with the appearance of the legal
notice in a newspaper of 'general circulation in accordance
with the administrative policy for Environmental Review. The
review period shall terminate with the closing of 'the public
hearing by the Planning Commission. The ERC may specify a
longer review period upon their findings that a specific pro-
ject requires a longer review period for full public partici-
pation and input. During the review period, the Environmental
Review Coordinator shall consult with any agency having some
- jurisdiction in the project area, and persons or groups having
special interests . All input to the draft EIR shall be in '
written form: The Environmental Control Commission may review
the draft EIR and may prepare a recommendation for the Planning
Commission and forward it to the Environmental Review Coordinator.
G. Preparation of EIR and Appeal to City Council . The
Planning Commission- s all hold a public�ring to take additional
testimony. After the public hearing is closed, the Environmental
Review Coordinator shall have a minimum of 14 days to prepare
the EZR; a longer period may be necessary depending on the
extent- of revisions, the scale or controversy of the project or
the number of EIR' s in process . The Planning Commission shall
review the recommendation of the Environmental Review Coordin-
ator, the report, all public input and review any comments
from other agencies or City departments on the draft report.
If 'the Planning Commission finds the report has been prepared
in accordance with the requirements of this ordinance, the
Cal . Admin. Code, and CEQA of 1970, and all applicable state
laws, it shall by motion adopt the EIR. The Planning Commission
may also adopt the EIR subject to conditions or continue consid-
eration for more information. If the EIR is found to have
major inadequacies in light of the above requirements, the
Planning Commission may require that more information be includ-
ed in the EIR. A request for more information in an EIR may
be appealed to the City Council within 10 days of Planning
Commission action. 'Said appeals shall be made on forms approv-
ed by the ERC and shall pay a fee as provided in Sec. 35. 611 .
Said appeal must be based upon the grounds that the Planning
Commission erred, acted in abuse of discretion, or requested
inappropriate or unnecessary submission of information. All
appeals shall state specific objections to the action by the
Planning Commission and provide such information as necessary
to substantiate the appeal . The City Council may adopt the
EIR or uphold a Planning Commission request for more informa-
tion. -
H . Presentation to Decision Makers. After adoption of
the 'EIR by the Planning Commission, it shall be presented to
the decision 'making body. The body shall certify that the EIR
has been completed in compliance with CEQA and the Cal . Admin.
Code and that the body 'has reviewed and considered the informa-
tion contained in the EIR.
I . Notice of Determination. ' Upon the final decision on
the pro7ect; the Environmental Review Coordinator shall file
a notice of action' taken on the project. This notice shall
be referred to as a Notice of Determination and it shall be
filed with the County Clerk. The Notice of Determination
shall include: '
1 . The decision of the City to approve or disapprove
the project;
2 , The determination of the City whether the project
will or will not have a significant effect on the
environment; and
3 . Whether an EIR has been prepared pursuant to the
provisions of the CEQA.
J. Statement of Overriding Considerations. If the decision
making body decides to approve a ' pro�ect for which serious
adverse environmental consequences have been identified in
the EIR, the body shall issue a statement identifying the
other interests on which approval is based. Adverse conseq-
uences which have been mitigated need not be addressed in
this statement. ' The statement shall be attached to the Notice
of Determination.
K . Record Retention. Upon completion of the EIR process,
the 'EIR and comments received through the consultation process
shall be kept on file and available for public inspection for
a period of 3 years. The EIR shall contain the address where
this information is available. Comments received independently
of the review of the draft EIR shall also be kept on file.
Sec . 35,. 611 . Fees.
The fees for the Environmental Review Procedure shall
be as follows : �
A. EIR. The applicant £iling information for the
preparation of a draft EIR shall pay a non-refundable
minimum fee of $300 . 00 , Zf actual costs to the City
exceed this minimal fee, the additional cost shall be
paid by the proponent of the project.
B . IS . The applicant filing an IS shall pay a
fee of 100 .00 . '
C. ERC Appeal . An applicant filing an appeal of a
ND or a reguirement for an EIR, ' shall pay a fee of $25 . 00 .
D. Planning Commission Appeal . An applicant filing
an appeal of a Planning Commission request for more informa-
tion shall pay a fee of $50 . 00 . -
E. Counter Review Appeal . The proponent of a project
appealing a Counter Review decision requiring Environmental
' Review shall pay a fee of $10. 00 .
F. Mailing of Notices. Persons reguesting to receive,
through the mail, copies of all notices of Negative Declaration
of Environmental Impact and Notice of Completion, shall pay
an annual fee of $25 . 00 .
G. Procedures . The Administrative Policy for Environmental
Review shall be available for a fee of $3 .00 .
Sec . 35. 612. Severability.
The provisions of this ordinance, or any of its provisions,
including but not limited to the Administrative Policy for
Environmental Review, are to be liberally construed to the
end that all adverse environmental consequences of a proposed
project are fully disclosed to public decision makers and the
general public . If any provision of this ordinance or its
application to any project or circumstance is held invalid
for any reason, such invalidity shall not affect any other
provisions or application of this ordinance, or any of its
provisions, which can be effected without the invalid provi-
sion or application, and to this end the ' provisions of this
act are severable.
SECTION III : This ordinance shall take effect and be in full
force on the thirty-first day from and after its adoption.
Presented by � Approved as to form by
� < � �,�?� !�
D. J. Pete s n, Director of George D. Lindberg, City Attorney
Planning '
OF CHULA ��ISTi�, C71LIF022P:IA� this ZZnd day of Januarv _, _
197 4, by the follo�ain, vote , to-a�it :
JSYI:S : CU[:r.C�c�m�i: Hobel, Namilton, Hyde, Egdahl, Scott
i�'AYES : CUttlte.�c.Cr,tCn None . '
None . �
ABSE\T: Cuur.ac�me�1
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and .tha.t #he aame hae nu.t been ame�ided on neperP¢d. �
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