HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 1973-1486Ordinance No. 1486
City Council Organization and Procedures . . ;
. � . � '. � � ' � � -
ORDI1?AA;CE i30. 1486 � � �� �
-- �� � !
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. AN 02;DIid,'�NCI; (11' 7'Ill3 CIT]' OF CI1L1L,1 VIS"il1 I1DiL•'i�l)11:G �
' CiiT_1'1'I;R ]:, i�lt'PICi.L "J. , Oi� 1':1L: C!lU1,A V1STA CI7'Y COi)1?
)�)' [ill�)TiiG i111i1'�:1'O NE':1 E:1iC'I7:Ci�i 1 . :'O1 TIII?OU(Cil 1 . 2.°,9 '
I�i2ll i�"t:;Pi�iiI1�1;.� SL:i.'1`IL\S 1 . �.�} 7'iii;i?iJGiI �.. �!1. r ALL ]2i�Lli'1'-
I?vG TO T131; CITY COU?�CIL ORG?:��I�AI'IO�I i_i4ll P?:OC�DURliS �
1}:e City Ceuncil of tne City of Chula Vista does h�rebp j
ordain as ioilo;:s : � i
. ' (
SLCTIO.d 1: Tha; C_hartcr l , T.rticle 2 , Sectiori 1. 14 thro�c,h �
1.91,, ir.clusi��e, of th� Chula Vista City Cocie i�e , and tne sa*ne are �
hereby repealed . • }
SECTIC'r; 2 : That Chapter 1 , ;�rticle 2 , of the Chula Vista F
City Code be anu the �ame is hereby a;r.e.�ded 'uy addir.g thereto new {
Sections 1. 201 ±hr�ugh 1. 239 , inclusive, to read .as follo�as: �
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Sec. 1. 201. Purnose and Ir.tent o,`. Article. - ' ' �
It is the n��rpose ef this article to establish rules for the �
orgar.iza±ion of the �City Council of the City and procedures for :E
the cor.��::ct of •meetin�s of tne City Cour.cil , as ��ell as Council
CC]112T2P.C°S. It. �1S tY'i� iI1�E'7l� Oi 't?:2 (�1t.y COliI1Cll.r b�' �he dC�OJt10P. :j
Of L�115 dT�`.1CIc^ � t.0 esta`�lisl� SllC�l 2'll1E.'S 3;]C�i D�OCC'�ll1E'S t.0 facilitate �
the conduct o� Council mcetirgs and co^fe.rences, and to establish a ��
Ceu,^.cil polic�rlAdIIL'al to be aco�ted by resolution of the City Cour.cil. ;�
The Council ma}�, fro;� time to �ime, ado�t ny re�olu�ion necessary or il
(�PRI�Y?�l].P nnli_r..i.a� t� imnlemant the prt��:��nut-es esta�li.shed herein,
dl](i �i;�Cll �"vi1C1e3 Sfldl- L� 7i��i11L'dll'leU 111 3'LL(:tl l.C:;itC].� ':J01�LV 111Gi:i.a1 � '
a copy of r:hic� shall ne on file in the O`fice of the City Clerk. �
Such manual shall a].so contain �11 rules and policies adopted pur- ;
suant to other provisions o� this Code. +
. �
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Sec. 1. 202. Neetings and Conferences . . �
1. Regular lieetir..gs. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 306 �
�of the Charter of the' Ci•`_;, the Council of tne City shall hold regular
meetinas in tne Council Chamb�rs of the Civic Center, 276 Fourth Acenue � �
in the City, or in such o�??er pl�ce as map be determined by the Council , �
on the �irst , .seconl, third and fourth TL'25Qc1V of each month at 7: 00 p.m. }
h'hen the day for any regular ;:ieeting of tt:e Council falls on a legal . f
holiday , no meeting shall be nel� on sucn holiday, but a reqular meet- i
ing shall be_ held a� the same nour on tlie next succeeding busir.ess day
7 . Adjourned b:ecti�:go. Ar.y meeting may be adjourned to a time , �
place, and date cer.tain , but not beyond the next regular meetir.g. Once
adjourr.e3, the meetir.c nay not be reconver.ed. t•ieetings may be adjourn- f
ed by the presi3iTig or�icer by a simale declaratior. t�ereof in the absence ' �
of a orotest by any r.•�mber of t�e Council _ Aleetings may also - be adjourn- i
ed upon th� ma,:ing and secon3ing of such a noticn i;7 accordance with t
the procedLr�s cn notions established bp tl�is Article. �
. n
- 3: Speeial . 6!actir:.;s. Special meetings ma}� be called any time r
b�- the idayor , or by tl:r�c men�t�ers of- the City Council , by deliveria9 C
.yersonall}� or by mail :�ritten rotice to each Council member and tu' ;
each local nei.�spaper of general ci:culation , raQio or television �
.. •_�r . ' � �
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statiwi r�qucstinr, notice in �ariting . Suc}i not.i.ce mii�t be deliver.ed
personally or. by mail at ].caet t�•;cnty-four hours bc;ore the time oL
such mcetiny as ::pocifieu in the noti.ce . 'Phe ca11 and notice shall
specii}• iLe time a:�d nlace oi the sne�cial meeti.nq and L-iie husinrss
to b� trans<cted .: Alo o�her bu;ine;•a sh�ll be considerecl at- szcl; meet-
ings. SucPi written notice ma�� be ciis;�ensed �vith as to. any Cowicil-
member �eho at or prior to the time the meetinq convenes , files caith
.the City Clcrk a t:ritteii �aaiver of notice.� Sucl� �oaiver may be gi�-en
by telec;ra:n." Such ��:ritten notice map also be dispensed �•Jith as to �
any Councilmember �•:no i.s actually preseat at the meeting at the tim� `
it conve:?es. ' � " �
4 . Cou�:cii Co�: rers;:ees. The City Council may establish, by
motion, the time ar.d nlace ,`.or the holc?ing of regular Council
coniereaces , ldotice reqeirem�nis for special Cowicil conferences
shall be Lhe same as those for suecial Council mcetinys. The purpose
of the Council co�:ferences shall Ue to discuss items appearing on the
Council ag�n�ia for regular or special Cour.cil meetings and the nis-
cussion o� any business matters' of the City. nt such Council confer-
ences , the City Cour.cil may require the attendance of inembers of amr
boards or co;a;*.iissions , or members oi the administrative staff for �ite ,
.purpose oi �iscussi.r.g tnose items tnat apuear on the Council con�er-
ence ager,da. At such CoLncil conferences , no ].egislative matters mat�
be adopted either by ordinar.ce or resolution of the City Council.
Actions oi the City Council -at suL-h Council confer.ences shall be
restricted to requests for in�ormat_oti from the City i•ianager or mem- .
bers of the aeministrative staff, com.,-nis�� ons or boards, or directions
for actio� by the aumiristrative stafi. ��•c official ra�ording or
transcriation of Couricil conferences shal"1 be required.
5 . Ideetings and Cos�ferences Open to the Pv.bZi.e. All regular and
special r�eetings of the City Council , all re9ular and special con�er-
ences of the City Courcil and the meetings of all co.*nmissions and
. hnarng (?CT'A'(l� =C}1P�: }��r rha f_tv ('niinr_7 c}ial 7 hn nrien 1-n +}�o .».l.l i r. �
- ' - - ' - - .. _ r...J��... �
Hi. d11 ri'.Qii1d1 COU.1C11 aTi2C'�1P.C�TS � a1]. C1t1Z�.i1S Si1311 �ave 'ttlZ YlCJ!St LO�
persenally or through counsel present grievances or offer suggestions I
for the betterment of municipal affairs, in accordance caith the limit- �
ations provided h}� this .Article to establish reasonable regulation of i
said neetings. �ublic participation at special meetings of the City
Council or� �-eguiar or saecial Council con�erences shall be limited by !
Council action, and no citizens r,iay be heard at such meeti.ngs or co:�- i
£erences ur.].ess permission is granted or requested by the City Council.
Pursuant to the provisions of the laws of the State , the City Council (
may hold executive sessions from which the public may be excluded for
the consideration of the follocaing subjects: �
. • A. Personnel nie,tters . To consider appointment, employment, �I
or dismissal o= a }�ublic �officer, person or employee or to I
hear complaints or charges brought against an officer or
employee. unless =_uch officer or emplo}•ee requests a public
hearincj. The Cour.cil may e:;clude from any such executit�e i
, session duri�g the e::aninatioa of a witness' any or all other I
� witnesses in the matter being investigated. To consider
matters of labor negotiations with employee associations
or unions.
" �
B.. Attorney-Clien± 7•;atters. To consider proposed or I
pending litiga�ion to whicn the City is a party. I
C. Security Efforts for the P�iUlic and I'ublic Employees .
. To meet tL�i•th tne Chief of Police and .oth�r. law enforcement
' �officers on matters relating to securit�� efforts for the �
public , public emplo��ees and public buildings.
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Sec. 1 . 203 . Attenc3ance , �
- CouncilmcnUors •�re e:�:pec�ed to attend all neetinc;s of the City �I
Council . Ii ;:i Counci.lnt_mber absents hims�].f . r;itliw�t permission from �
all regular City Caw:cil me.tings ior .30 days co�secutively f:rom the i
last regular meetiny he attends , his office becomes vacant and shall
be filleci as an�• ot}ier vacancy. i
. I
Sec. 1. 20� . Quorum.
inree members of the Council shall constitute a quorum and shall I
� be sufiicient to tra�sac� regular busir.ess . Ii less than tnree �
Councilmembers appear at a recular meeting ar.y mema�r, or if all �
members are �bsent, the City Clerk, shall ar.journ the meeting to a
stated cay anc hour. Tne Clerk shall. cause a �•;ritten notice of the
adjo:irnmea� to be deli��ered personally to each Councilrember at least
three hours before l-tie edjourned N�eeti*ig. �
, . . . . . i
Sec. 1 . 205. Age;zda , Prepara±ion of. �
1. Sub�aission op". An agenda shall be prcpared for each regular
meetir.g co�taining the specific items of husiness to be transacted I
and the• brder thereof. Icems of besiness ma}> be placed on tne agenda
by the direction of a majority of the Council , the City t•fanager, the
City Clerk, or the City A*torr.ey. Agerda iiens; i . e. , bacl;groun3 and
requests for . particular zctior.s or reports, shall be delivered to the
City Clerk not later than 10: 00 a.m. on the Thurs3ay preceding the
regular meeting. Tne Cler}: shzl thereafter prepare the agenda under
the airectioa of the Citv t•ianager . Yihenecer. ieasihle; Parh ;.tPm nn f
LR2 �CC,._iCig SF?�-u].1 CO!lt:diil d $tdLi Y2CC.T!L?2:.Cn�lOi� aIId L}?C' SPECiL1C actioil �
requested to be taken by the Council. The 'agenda, together orith all
reports, resolutions and ordinances pertaining thereto, shall be deliv-
ered to the Council*�eTbers on the Friday precenir.g the regular meetina.
The agenda shall be nade available to the public as soon as praciicable .
No matters other than those listed on the agenda shall be finally
acted unon by the Council, provided hoo:ever , that matters not on �
the agenda but deemed to be of an important or urgent nature by any
Councilme;nber, the City t•Ianager or the City. Attorney may be submicted
for Council consideratior. znd action, subject to an e�;olanation of
the importar.ce or urgency scated in open Council meeting.
2. Ur.animvus Cor.sent. No matter may be considered by the Council �
other than those 'matters on the agenda without the ur.animous consent
of the Council present at the meeting. _
3. kppro,v'al of Ordi�zm�cas, Resolutio�zs ar¢d Contraets. All ordin-
ances, resolutions and contracL documents shall, before presentation
to t}ie Council , have been approved as to for:n and legality by the City �
Attorney or his aathorized represe�tative , and shall have been exumined
and approved for adminisLration by the City Alanager or his authorized -
representative, where there are substantitive matters of administration
involved. .
4 , t•.'ritten Cor:•asaor.d�r:ce. The City Clerk is authorized _to �
receive and open aZl m�il addressed to the City Council and he �
�hall give it im�iediate attention to the end that all administra-
tive business referred to in said communications and not necessaril}�
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requiri�ig Council action may Uc dis��osed of between Cowtcil meet- �
ings . . Provided, that all cocmnunications ar.d any aciion ta}:en pur- �
suant thereto shall ue r�porte3 to t}:e City Council . Any communica- �
tion requirine; Cour.cil action shall he placei3 upon the agenda for �
the next regular meetinR together with a report and recommendation �
by the City- Staff . Al1 correspondence shall be anscti�ered or acknow-
' ledged as soon as practicaUle . Sucti �aritten com,-nunications to be �
considered by the City Council sha11 be presented to the City Clerk
by 9 : 00 a.m. on the Friday. preceding each Council meeting and shall be �
listed on the ager.da as provided for under the order of business estab-
lished in this Article , provided ho�:=ever, that matters of urgency or
impor.tance' may at the determination of the City idanager be presented �
"to the Ci�ty Council at the Council meeting, although not listed on tre
5 . OraZ Commt�nications. All citizens requesting permission to �
address the City Council on any. matter not contained in the agenda !
of a regular. meeting may submit such request to the City Clerk not �
1"ater than 9: 00 a.m. on the Friday precedinq each Council meeting.
The nature of the oral co�ru�unication and the n�une of the person or
� persons desi�-irtg 'to be heard shall be clearly stated in such requests.
Such action v:ill assure priority of this class of communicaticn over
general oral addresses to the Co.yncil. Such oral communications
shall not be subject to debate or participation by other mem`aers of
the public present at the Council meeting/
Sec. 1. 206. Order of Business. -
At the time set for each regular meeting , the Councilmembers , Citv 1
Cler};, City hlanager, Citv Attorney and" such department heads as have ,
iiZc� T2�tucS�cu i,v uc PicSEii�� $iiaii �ni:c `u`��ii i:cyiiiaT �=.dC:c5 .1ia i.i:c :
Council Chamber. The Playor shall call the kneeting to order and the �
business of the Council shall be taken up for consideration and disposi- �
tion in the order set forth herein, except that with consent of a major-
ity of the Council, items may be taken up out of order. All business
brought before the Council will be promptly attende3 to, provided that �
upon the request of zny Councilmember the same shall be referred to the �
proper off�icial for investigation be£ore any action shall be taken the�e-
on. by the Council as a �:hole. The agenda shall contain the title nead-
ings and shall be conducted in the order set ,forth below:
1. Roll Call
2. . Pledge of Allegiance � - ,)
3. Invocation or silent prayer
4 . Approval of Minutes
5. . Special Orders of the Day
. 6.� Oral Cem.-n�•^.ications
7. Report of the City Planaaer �
' 8.. Reports of other City Officers and Department Heads `
�� � 9. Consent Calendar �
� �� 10, Public Hearings t
� 11. Resolutions ar.d Ordinances , first reading
� i� 12. Continued rlatters and second reading of Ordinances �
t` M���� ' 13. Requests and Statements of Councilmen �
�� � p� 19 . �•]ritten Communications
�y 15. Adjournment . }
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Sec. 1. 207 . Con�ent CalcndZr . �
C�rtain itemr, for. .iizclusi.on on the ayencla, �•rhich havc been reviec•:ed f
by. i_iir City i•i�u�ac,cr and Staff- , mc�iled to i_i�c Counci.l for stu�ly and �:hich �
are �aacc �:vr.iila'a1c• Lo the oublic pricr i�o and at: Council meeLiu�Js , �h111 ;
be groupeu to�ether for �ction at the beyim:iny of the Council meetinq
F:]lE'7: Sl:C�] I;l�li.;�Ci.`i dYC CO'.'.51LL"_�C':l 'c..0 �.):' P.O?]-0017�.10'JC1�1H�. �:71�1 11l t:�16: P.FI{=UYC ?
. or hou�c;e^_pir.r� iteT�s by the StaFi requiriny only rontine acti.on by the �
City Ccuncil�. Staff r�cen:�tendations o;l the aci�ion to be taken ior sai.d ,
items she.11 be indicateci in a concise and sum;nary iorm. These matters
shall be listcd under �•:ha� is to be }:no�an as the "Consent Calendar" i.n
the Order of �usiness as indicated in Sec. 1, 20G . Adoption of the Conser,t
-Caler.c:ar nay i>e mede by a simple motion approved by the Citp Council , '
provided ho�,�ever, that t?:e presidir.g o�fice-".r shall rirst advise the audiea��
that the Conseni Caler.c:ar n'�atters caill be so adopted , in toto, by one ;
action of thc Conncil u:�less any Councilmcmbcr or any individual or o�.-ya^- I
izatior. interested in or.e or more Consent Calendar items has any question I
or ���isi:es to ��a}:� a sta�e�:ent relative to such an item. In tl�at even� , I
the p?-esicin� offic�r mz�- defer action on tiie particular matter or matters !
an3 place the sa;ne on the regular agenda for con.sideration in such orcier
as he deems appronriate . '
It is intendeci that tl�e Cbnsent Calendar provide for the expeditious
}1d71Q111]C Of dCiV1SOTV con��unications � COaiL�illllllC"d{=10115 t0 be T2iL'Z'rECl �O
Staff , claims for damages and certain resoliitions, the nature to be listed
hzreinafter . The Conse.;'t Calendar snall include , but not be limited to,
the "iolloit�ing matteYS: .
' 1. Procedural annexations ar.d zoning matters
' (authorizing the circulatior. of petitions for
anner.ation, setting the dates ef public
- hearings , etc. ) ;
2. Setting hearings;
� � 3 . Routine req�iests to the Cou��� for aut::arity Lc
inspect construction of buildings and improve-
' ' ments in tracts in the process of annexation to
the City;
4 : Acceptance of' Improvements;
� 5. Release of bonds and filing of notices of completion;
, � 6. Transfer of funds within approved departmental budget;
7. Approval or denial of demands; _
' 8. . Assessmen� district procedural matters;
9. Second reading and adoption of ordinances;
10. Persor.nel• actions within approved budgetary
' limits ar.d prior authorizations;
11. ' Approval of Pfinutes;
12. Installation of traffic signs;
13. Claims ac,ainst the City;
. 14 .� ApQroval of agreements. •
It is undcrstood that the mot_on for a��proval of items on the
. Coasent Calendar enco;npasses thcrein a �;aiver of thc requircment oi
reading of the .text of ordinances and resolutions contained therein
_ , -5- ,
at a direction that the reading of the text be �aaived and that thc
heading only be read , and • in the case of or.dina�lces , that such ordin-
ancc be placcd on second�reading and adopted.
The �ari.tten agenda available to the public and to the City Council
shall provide the folloc•�ing notice of explanation to i:he public con-
cerning the Consent Calendar:
� "1�11 matters listed under CONSENT CALEA:DAR are
considered by the Council to be routine and �oill
be enacted by one motion in the form listed below.
�. There �•�ill be no separate discussion of these
items prior to the time t}ie Council votes on the
motion unless members of the Council , staff, or
'. the public request specific items to be discussed
and/or removed from the Consent Calendar for
separate action.
• "hiembers of the publi;c who caish to discuss a
Consent Calendar item should come for�;�ard to �
the lectern upon invitation by the riayor , state
. their name, address and Consent Calendar item
� � number. "
Sec. 1. 208. biayor To Preside.
The ldayor shall be the Presiding Officer at all meetings of the
City Council . In the absence of the i�layor, the Playor Pro Tempore, or
the City Clerk shall call the Council to order, whereupon a temporary
Presiding Of°icer shall be elected by the Councilmembers present to
serve until the arrival of the r4ayor or Diayor Pro Tempore or until
. adjournmenL.
Sec. 1. 209. Po�oers and Duties of Presiding Officer.
) . Participation. The presiding officer may move, second, debate ,
and vote from the Chair. He shall not be deprived of any of the rights
and privil'eges of a Councilmember by reason of his acting as Presiding
2 . Questions to be Stated. The Presic�ing Officer or such member
of the City Staff as he may designate may verbally restate each question
_ immediately prior to calling for the vote. Follotoing the vote the Pres-
iding Officer shall announce c,ihether the question carried or c��as defeated.
The Presicing Officer in his discretion may publicly explain the ef•`_ect
of a vote for the audience , or he may direct a member of the City Staff
to do so; before proceeding to the next item of business. ..
3. Mai.r.taining Order a�ad Decorum. The- Presiding Officer shall be
responsible for the maintenance of order and decorum at all meetings. '
He shall decide all questions of order subject, however, to an appeal '
to the Council. I
_ i
4. Signino of Documer.ts. The Presiding Officer shall sign all �
ordinances , resolutions, contracts , and other documents necessitating I
his signatLre cahich saere adopted in ;his presence, unless he is una�-ai1-
able in which case an alternate Presiding Officer may sign such docu-
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5 . /Ippoi.utm,^n� nf Comr.+;:ti:c<�� . 7'he hiayor may , subject to the �tivance
�PP�"oval of i:he Council , ai�point such conur.ittecs oi Cowtcilmembers ,
CiL-p SL-aft ��nd privat� citizens or a combination thereof as he deer.s_ I
necessary ancl e>:pcdient to assi�t and aclvise the Council in its woi-�:s.
, . �
Sec. 1 . 210. Call to Order--Presiclinq Officer.
' Tne i•9ayor , or i�a his absence the 2�?ayor Pro =Pempore ; shall ta}ce the
chair at the hour annointed for the meeting, and shall call the Council
to oroer. L•i tlie aLse;ice of the Ilagor a�ld the _Mayor Pro Tempore , a�d
the failure of the t•iayor to aF�point a temporary presiding ofiicer, ���e
City Cler}: or his assistant shall call the Council to order, 4.=herecpcn
a temoorary presidina cfiicer shall Ue clected by t17e Council�embe�s
present. lipon the arri�-a1 of the i�iayor o�- the t•layor Pro Tempore , tce
tem��orary presicii.ng ofricer shall relir.cuish the chair at the conclusion
of the busi�icss then before the Council.
Sec. 1: 211. Roll Call .
. I
Before proceeding �eith the bus�ness of the Council , the City C1er'.� I
shall call t11e roll o� the Councilmembers and the names of those p±-esent I
shall Ue entered in the minutes . . �
Sec. 1. 212 . Readinq of I�inut�s.
Unless the reading of the minutes of a Council ;aeeting is rec7ues��d
by a majoria,:y of the CiLy Council , sucn ninutes shall be approved c;ith-
Giii: icciiliiC� �.i Litt:'. 4iLy i..leSJC llct:: L%I'C,'V1011.",1y zurr.isned eacn (:GuIIC1l:.c.':�b2T �
with:a copv thereof.
Sec. 1.213 . Right to Address the Council .
Section �310 of tne Charter of the City of Chula Vista guarantees
the right of. c�tizens to oresent grie��ances at any regulaz meeting e`
the City Council; there�ore , every person in attendance shall hzve �he
absolute right to address the Council during consiceration of ite:ns
under the folloc•:ing headings of business upon 'obtaining recognition b}�
the presiding officer: '
1 . PubZic N_eari�:gs. Interested perso,s or their authorized
representatives may address the Council , cahile a matter is open to
public hearing in regard to remarks or questions relevant to the
matter under consideration.
• 2 . ' Comrr-:n.icatior.s. Any person in attendance may address the Co��ncil
by oral co;�tmunications on any matter concerning municipal business o��er
whicti the Council has influencc. or control .
3. L�ndted F.i�i:',. to Acdress the Coan:cil. In order to facilitate
the conduct of the business of the City and to insure that comments
of citizens are receivcd b�� the Council at the appropriate time 4:her.
matters are undex cor.sideration by tlie Council , rather than havirg
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such items being raised outsi.de of the conte:•:t and timing of such
consideration, in addi�ion 'to the absolutc right to address the Council
du�:i.ny con^idcration of the aUove itcm hca.ring of business , any inter-
ested per�en r, ny r.equcni: p:rmissi.en fr.om thc� Pr.esiclinc, Officer to addre�s
tlie Cou;icil r.elevant to tlie subject matter LUIC�CT consideration . Sucil
rec;uest snoulci, �:�heneeer pr.ac�icable, be made prior to a no�ion bai.^.c,
made on t.he .subjec�. The: �ra�:ting or. .denial of such a reyuest by tLe
. Pre�iding Officer nay be appealeci to the City Council by a member o�
the Council. , Tl�e I'residing O�ficer shall not permit any con-�unication ,
written or oral , to be made or read �,here iE does not .bear directly on ��
an agenda .item tlien ui�cier discussion. � �
. .. i
. . �
Sec.. 1. 214 . Iianner of lddressinq Council--'i'ime Limit. `
. �
no person sliall address or question a Counci.lmember, the Citti� Attorne�> , �
tlee City F;ariar,er, the Director of Public i'orks , t}ie Director. of P1an:?ir.q ,
or other officials at tLe Council table �:�ithout the prior consent o: the �
Presiciing Off'icer. i�nonymous communications shall not be consinerec nor ,
placed on tlie ar,endz: The Yresicir.� Office�- shall not permit any ce:nnr�ni-
'cation , �•;rittnn or oral, to be made or read �ahere it does not bear direct-
ly on an agenda item tiien uncer ciscussion. The follo�•:ing rules and ti�;�e
limits shall apply to persons addressing the City Cour_cil: �
1. Ir�divic?uals. Each person addr�ssing the Council shall step up �
to the microphone, give his name and address in an ae3ible tone oi -.-oice M
for the records ar.�3 unless furtner time is grar.ted by the P?-esiding Of�ic- �
er, shall limit his address to five (5) mir.utes . All remarks sh�l D2
addressed to the Council as a body and not to any member theree=.. ?io
persoa, otiier. than a Councilmember and tiie person having the floor, shall
be permitted to enter into any discussion c•�ithout tlie permission Df t;1e
Presiding Offi:cer.
2r Sookesman for Group of Persons. ldi�en any group of persans �•�ish�s E
to.•address t�l� (;OlI?]Cil OTl Y.I'i2 �niu2 Sliil]2C� +�uLL2T� � 5.^.c.11 �D° �:�Ot%E'� 1U.` '
the Presiding Officer to request that a spob;esman be chosen bp �he crou� i
to address the Council , and in case additional me.tters are to be present- �
ed at the time by any other member of such group, to limit the mm�ber of
persons so addressing the Council, so as to avoid unnecessary repetitio^
before tPe Council. Further, groups of oersons shall be lir.iited �o a
total presentation period of thirty (30) minutes . The Presidir.� O�_'icer �
shall first �call for representatives of groups in favor of the r�tter
under consideration and then for those persons ir. opposition tD t;ie ;�atter
under consi�eration, and tiier.eafter shall allow a rebuttal time limited �
to five (5) minutes to the oroponents �aho shall confine rebuttal re:�arks
to answerir.g conuner.ts made in Qpposition and not the introductian o' ne���
testimony. Further time may be granted at the discretion of t'�e presid- �
ing Of`icer and, in tlie case of� public hearir.gs , the Presiding 0=�icer
may, deoendent upon the necessity for insiiring adequate presentation of
testimony and evidence to provide a fair nearing and due process, set
longer time limitaticns . The decision of tne Presiding Dfficer in r27arc
to the setting of time limitations may be appealed to the Council.
. �
Sec. 1. 215 . Addressing the Council. After biotion is PSade. '
APter a public hearing has been closed and after a motion is inade 4
by the Council , no person shall address the Council wi'-�hout f-��T nbtain- �
ing the permission of the Courcil to ,cio so.
' . {
� -6-
. �
.��] . '
t J:.' i
. .. . C
Sec. 1. 2].6 . Gettinq �ihe Floor. �
Every Counci].member. desirin� to spea}: shall first nddress the Chair, I
gain recognition by the Presidi�:g Officer. , and shall confine himse]S
to the qucstion under deuat.c . �
Sec. 1. 217 . C�uestio��s to Staff . I
Every CouncilmemUer desirinq to question tlie City Staff shall, after
recognition by. the Presic'_inq Of:ficer, aduress his Guestions to the City ' I
idanayer , the City Clex1�, or. the City Tltton?ey. In the case of the City
!•;anager he sdial). be enti_tled to ans�eer tile inqniry himself or to designate
a member o� nis staff for that pur�ose . . ,
' �. f
Sec. 1. 215 . Interru�tions.
A CoLncilmember , once r.ecoqnize3, shall not be inten-upted a�hen
spea}:ing unless called to order by the Presidinc Officer, unless a . I
point of order or persor.al pr�ivilege is raised hy another Councilme.:�ber ,
o'r ur.less the spea}:er c�ooses to yield to a cnestion Uy anotner Counci.l- I
member. If a Cou:lcilmember, cahile sneakinc, is calleci to order, he �i
shall cease sneaking until the auestion of order is determined and, if I
determir:ed to be in order , he ma�� pzoceed . i�iembers of. the City Staff ,
after recognition by the Presiding Off-icer sliall. hold the floor until
completion of their remar}:s or until recognition is withdrawn by the '
Presiding Oii-icer. I
Sec. 1. 219 . Points of Order. !
The Presiding Officer shall determine all points of order subje�t to
L710'T1Q!1L 01 ]il}� Councilmem�er ±O nCin@81. i.0 u12 COli;lCli. i C PlA}' SCC1125L , ,
an opinion o� the City Attorney in mal:ing such decermination. If an ; �
appeal is taken, the auestioa shall be, "Shall the decision of the Presid- � !
ing Officer be sustained?" Council decision shall conclusi�ely determir.e
such question of order .
. ;
Sec. 1. 220 . Point of Personal Privileqe. � �
- • , ;
' The right of a Councilmember to address the Council on a question
of personal privileqe sliall be limited to cases in z•:hich his integrity
character or motives are questioned or F;here the welfare of the Council
is cor.cerned. A Councilnember raising a point of personal privilege
may interrupt anotlier Councilmember who has the floor subject only to-
the pok�er of the Presiding Officer to call him out of order. �
' • " t
Sec. 1.221. Remarks of Councilmembers and Synopsis of Debate .
Any Councilmember shall have the right of having an abstract of his I
statement and/or a synoosis of the debate on_ any subject under consiceratic-
by the Council entered in the minutes . Sucl: right shall i�e exercised i�y
specific direction to the City Clerk at the Council meeting. ..
� . . �
-9- .
, j
. \�, ' '
_ �`�� �. I
. . . .
Sec. 1. ?27 . Decorum and Urcler. , Council. and Ci_ty Staii.
j•Ihile tlie Counci.l is in �,essio�i, the Ctiunciliuenil�c�r.s and CiLy stafL
Ghal.1. ��rescrr.va or�3cr and dccorum. 7� membcr shall neither by conversati.on �
er other.wise dciay or ir.terr.u;�t the proceedi.�u�s or i�h� peace of- thc
Council. nor clisturL any meml�cr. r:Lil.e spea):inn or refuse to ob�y the
di�-ecti��es of i:he Presiciing O�`icer. �
• . i
Sec. 1. 223 . Decorur.i and Order, Auciience . !
Public ntemb�rs a*_tencing Council meetings shall observe the :sar�c rules
of order. and ciecorum a,�plicable to the Cour.cil and staff. Any perso?i y
ma}:inq imp�rtir!�nt a:�c slanderous remari:s or �•:ho beco:;�es boisterous �•:hile
addressine ttie Counc4l or c•:hile atten3ir.g t:he Council m2eting sha11 be
removed from the. roo�n if tlie SerGear.t-at-lnns is so di-rected by zne Pres- �
idir.y Officer, ar.d suc;i nerson may be barred from further audience beiore
the Council . Unautnorized rer:�arks froai the audience , sta-nping of feet,
iahi$tle�, yel�s , and similar ciemo.zstratior.s sliall not be permitted by
the Yresidinc, 0,`".ficer , c�:i�o snall �irect th� Sergeant-�:t-yrms to remove
such o�fenders °rom the room. Aggravated cases snall be prosecuted on (
aparoariate co:r��laint sic,r.ed 'ny the Presiding O�ficer or a Councilme,ibe*_-. �
Sec. 1. 224 . Enforcement of Decorum.
The Chief of Police, or suc:� member of the Police DeparLment as he
may desic,nate , shall be Sergeant-at-Arms of the City Council and :he shall
attend meetings at the request of- the Presiding O�ficer, Citp ^tanager,
or City Council . He shall be availuble to responc to all meetinas irunec-
iately upon call . He shall carry out all order.s g?ven by the Presiding
OfLicer or Council for t�e purpose of nainta_ning order and decor.um at
the Council meetinas . Any Councilmembe.r. may mnvP tn rarniira I'}1P PT'PCl (�—
nci; .. `.-. ..,i �i. .i ,. .a _r.c, _ -.L: ..`.. ..i ' i
1::y_ -.. �.Ci.a. ., i.0 OICc .c i:. .cS u:. Li,c u � 1:'�. �. .0 . .. ... v .. ..,, �.�L1 7
of the Councilmembers^�resent shall require `him to do so. i
1. Rules adopte3 to ezpedite the trar.saction of the business �� the
Council in an orderly fashion are deemed to be procedural only and tlie `s
failure to strictly observe such rules shall noc affect the juri�r3ictio:�
of the Council or invalidate any action taken at a meeting that :i� �ther-
�aise held in cdnformity �•:ith la�a.
2 . Any member of the Council or . otner person using vulgar, groiane , �
loud or boisterous languzge at any meeting o.r ot}ier�aise interrup�i.ng
the proceedings of the Coui:cil, or who refuses to carry out ord�.s and _
instructions given by the' Presiding Of`icer for the pnrpose of maintain-
ing orcer and decorum at the Council neetin9 , or who interrupts :.p�nceec-
ings, shall upon conviction be deen�ed guili:y of a misdemeanor. . �
3. Upon_ instructions of the Presidzng Officer, it shall be„ the duty
of the Sergeant-at-r�rms , or any of them oresent , to place any p�r.son
who violates the order and decorum of. the meeting under arrest.
4 . For the purpose of this Article, a criminal cos�plaint shall be
signed by the Presiding Ofiicer.
' • ' �
•-10- - �
' ;
I �
. I
� . �
'Sec. 1. 225. Condui�t c�f llcar. inRs . ." . I',
---. - �-- �
l. . F;vicic�:cc a��d Tc� t1=r,:on.� - Cc>tcral. Any a�itnesse:; off:ering e��i.- �
dence or testimony in I�uh].i.c henrinys as �i].lcx•,ecl in th:i.s ari:icle may
be placed undei �aCh and subject to ci:o::s-e>::mii.�iation �iL the reque^t oi
any meniber of thc Cc�uncil or. p.irtics �.ntcrec: L-�d i.n the matter ariti.ch is
the subject of the hcai-inq. i�hen the hea?�inry involves a deter.minat:ion
by t}ie Coiir�ci7. of ant• question oi fact, t;ze evi�ience or testimony must
' be relev:nt' or mate,'ial to tiie fact or �acts al issue . 'Phe Pr.esidir�
Officer shall determir.e al.l questions ,s to relevancy and materiality .
Hearsay e��ider.ce sl:all be ��dmissible in he�.ri.nc�s , buL- the fact that
evidence is hearsay may affeci; the ;;eiqhL to be given to the evidence ,
by the Council in r.eachin9 a determin�ltion of- anp question of fact . • :
Failure on the nart of the City Council to str. i.ctly enforce rules of
evi�ence aizd reject cer.tain matters �::hicn aia�� 1?e irrelevant or immaterial
shall not be sufficie;:t to constituL-e r.eversibl� error on the part of
the City Council if be.sic . procedura7. due prooess is r,ranted to all parties ,
and a fair hearinq hr�s been conducted . Errors �.>laich do not affect suU-
s�antial righ�s �:�ill b� disregardecl and no presumption of prejudicial
error is raised by the failure to stsictly acihere to procedural require- '
ments. '
2 . Presentatior. oj °vtidenee .
(a) Oral �vidence . A.11 oral statements �ehicli are relevant
, , to tlie subject ma�ter of the hearin; may be considered
by the Council. Oral e�-idence may be taken on oath or '
affirmation , at the request of any interested party or
, his authorized representative.
(b) Exhibits and Docunents. Exhibits a�zd documents used by
th� City Staf� and any persons participating in the hear-
ing may be considered as evicence .
(c) Communications and Petitions: All communications and
��i.iLlu!i5 c:c�:ec:eL:iii:y Liie SUUjC(:L !ll'dLLCi c�f Liie iieariiiy �
shall be r.ead aloud either in full or by synopsis thereo,`: , '
� provided that z reading in full snall be had a= the request
` of ar.y Co��.icilmember. nll s��ch comm�u:icatior.s and pet�_tions
may be considered as evidence by the Council. '
(d) Staff Renorts. hlhenever practicable a caritten staff
report s;iall be prepared and read aloud as part of the
'staff presentation. Said report shall be considered as
• (e) ilaps and Disolays . Large size maps and displays presented
for use at the hearing shall, w.henever practicable, be
displayed in full view oi the participants and the audi�r.ce.
Said maps or displays , or authentic reductions thereof , may
be considered as evidence .
(f) Admissible Evidence . The hearing need not be conducted
to technical rules relating to evidence and witnesses .
' Any relevant evidence s.iall be admitted if it is the
' sort of evidence on which responsible oersons are accusto�ed
to rely in ttie conduct of serious affairs , regardless of
• the existence of any common la��� or statutory rule which
mi�ht make improper the admission of such evidence in civil
actions . 3iearsay evidence may be used for ti�e purpose of
-11- �
' .+ ,
supplementinq or. e>:��lainir,g o�hcr evi.clencc but shall
not bc �uLficicilt i.it ii:::clf t.o su,L�ort, a decision unlcss
ii: �•:ould l�e aclmissiUle ove�.- objection in ci.vil actions .
Tlie rule� of privileye sitall be ef7`ecti.ve to the estent
that tlicy ar.c other�•:ise required i�y statute to be recog�ii�ed
at the hearinq , and i7:re].e��ant and unduly repetitious evi-
'dence sliall be e::cluded.
3 . Evidc��ec Outeice tlie :icari�ig. Any e��idence taken outside the --
Council Clia�n�xrs such as field tr.ips , vi.er:s of the pr.e:nises and discus-
sions o�ith ir.di��i.duals , sl:all not be considered l:�y the Council in reach-
ing its decision e::cep� under the follo�:ring circwnstances : •
(a) �•:hen, du_ring ti�e heariny , the meeting is adjourned
to a date , nlace and time certain f-or the specific
purpose of ta!�:i�ig visual or de„�onstr.ative evidence
sucl� evidenc� may be considered; or
(b) t4ith the conse»t, either oral or �•�ritten of all inter-
ested persons, or their authorizcd representatives ,
aupearing at or demonstrative evidence outside the
Council Cilam.bers , provided , that the hearing sha11 �
be contir.uec to a date and timn cer.tain and upon �
reconver.ing in tlie char,tbers each Councilf�e;�ber shall
' . ' . orally re;�or± his 'observations of such outside evi- �
der.ce .taken and he shall be subject to e}:amination � �I
. ther.eon' by an}� interested person or his authorized
' , representative .
4 . Con.tir.uar.ces. Any hearing being heln, or noticed or ordered to �'i
be held b}- the CounciT may , by minute action, be continued to any sub- I
sequent regular or adjourned meetina of th� Council, provided , that if
the hearing is continued to a time less t}�an 24 hours after tne time
specified in the or�er or. notice of hearing , a copy of the order or
notice of continuance shall be posted outside the Council Chambers forth-
; ��-'r_„ _ - - - t.- -_ ' --_ _t .�.. � ��. ,��. _u.. - ^f ^t� :. .. .. � :^.=de.
- ,,..� ,a :��t�..., � ., ,��.: .2 � �_ ., .,.... �..,. .. � _
No �i.earing shal� be cc7�inues for a pe_iod of more t:an fortv (4U) ciays
provided, hoc�:ever, that the Council nay continue hearinas from time to
time �aithin said .forty ('f0) day period ar.d, provided further, hearings
may be continued by �consent of the moving party for a period beyond
said time .limit.
5 . Deeisior.. The Council shall consider all evid=nce properly
presented in accordance �•:ith the rules statec3 •herein and, unless other-
wise provided by law., shall render a decision or determination on the
matter �•:ithin forty (40) days of the close bf the hearing, provided .
that the moaing party may consent to a contir.uance for a greater period
of tine for decision. Said decision or determination shall be by motion
made and action taken tnereon at a regular or .adjourned meeting of the
Council. Any Councilme�„uer who �•:as not present during the entire hear-
ing or caho, in the opinion of the City lttor.^.ey , has substantial conflict
of interest in the matter, shall disqualify himself from discussing or :
voting on said matter; provided, ho�:�ever, a Councilmember ti�ho c•ras in _
attendance for a substantial portion of the hear.ing aad who has reviec,ed
the �testimony by listening to the mechanical recording of the testimo;�y ;
and examining any evider.ce that has been presented may upon a representa-
tion of full understanding of the matt'e'r under consideration be allowed
to vote. � '
� �
Y�, .
,. .;
. � : � . • . r�Kiles� . .
6 . Ha.corcl of Hca��i»g. ,7� verbatim mec;�anical recording shall be
made of �he or.a]. evidence presc�ted at tL� heirinq . S��id recor.ding ,
tnc!ether. t:�ith al.l c�ocuments , map�; , e.�:l;ibi�s anu di,plays adr�iitted
into evidencc, s?la.il ]�e ?-etair.ed by tLe City Cler1: for a period of
aie year from the date ui the close of li�e hearing. In lieu of reta?n-
1TICJ 5�11C3 YCf'OSCIlIl� � �]1C C1j=V CIGY)C !11�V ��l"f'.j�:1TC: i,i 1:.yt�e4?11itE'71 �Tc111SC7"11��
thereof o.=]iich shall Y�e retained for tlic same ueried of ' time. Saici
' recozdi;.q cr transcript and eviuentiary docu;n��nts shall be m=de avail-
�ble for public inspeci�ion anci use at reasor.ablc times and under such
reasonable co�iditians a:, may be i�rescribecl by !�he City Cler7:; proviEed ,
hot��ever, thal- any party recues�ing transc.l-iptions of hearings shall be
required to pay sufficier.t fecs to cover the cost of transcribing tne
hearings and to pay any other fees zs prescriUed by ordinance.
Sec. 1 . 226. Pr.eparation of: D7inutes.
' 1. 1•ictl�od o; Keepi;�n 1•iin.�tes. The minutes of the Council shall bc
l:ept by ti,e City Cler.}: and si�all be neatly t}�ue�:�ritten in a book ):e:,�
for that purpose , r:itn a record of each narticular. type of business
transacted set oif in paragraphs , with proper subheads ; provi3ed tha�
the City Clei.-:; shull b� requircl to r.take a .record o�ily oi such business
as �•ras acruallv oassed unon by a vo±e of the Council and shall not be
YC'C7L1TeC� t0 I➢diie a verbatin transSript Of tlle pYOCG'2L31i1C�.�'_,� and PrOI'].G��L' � -
further, that a record shall be mzde of the names and addresses of p�r-
sons adciressing tLe Cour.cil , t:�e title of the subject matter to i�hich
their �re�nar?:s related and �•;hether they spc'.•:e in support of or in oNposi-
tion to such matter. Tne City Clerk shall have e>;clusive responsibili�y
for preparation of the ninutes, and any directions for changes in t'r.�
minutes shall be made only by action of Lhe City Council.
2 . Rem¢rl;s o;" CourciZmembers; iJh.en Er. Cered in l:+tinvtes. A Council-
memb�r nay reques� , .through the presiding o�ficer , the privilege oi i
1lavldi+.� $J: C'J:iLLZCL OS f115 SLflL°Il7(>'IIL OR Ei:7�� Sllb]G�Ct i1i1�2T COIISiu2IdC2v': �
yy :::--t' l,L`:1,^,C1J. �^L^cT2u iii te1C- i?liriiii.:S . 17= �I1L' C011P_r=l COP.SeP.�S ±hC'YC'l:Or -
such statement shall be entered in the minutes. .
' 3'. Syn.opsis of Debate; i�hen Entered in hfir:utec. The C1erY, may be
directed by the presiding o�ficer, �:�ith the consent of the Council, to
enter in the minutes a s�*:opsis of the discus.sion on any question co::�ing
regularly before the Council. �
4 . Delivery of -lfinutes. As soon as possible after each Council �
meetir.g, tne City Clerk shall cause a copy af the minutes thereof to t
be fon•:arded to each Councilmember, the City I•fanager, other ofiicers �
of the City and departnent heads . i
Sec. 1.227 . Presentation of hiotions. �
A motion is the formal statement of a proposal or questior. to the �
Cour.cil =or consideratio:i and action. Ever�� Council;,�ember has the risht �
to preser.t a motion. A s�otion is generallp not to be considered as a
legislative action of the Council but is in the nature of direction or ,
instruction; ho�aever, a motion will generall}� suf�ice unless a resolution �
is specifically callecl for by la�a or unless tnere is some reason £or �
desiring the particular actio�i formali�ed by se�arate instrument. In
most cases , a resolution is little more than a formal motion set fort'�
in a �or,al ciocur�ent. In so:�e natters, such as an assessment proceed- �
ing, or thc grant or der.ial of �-ariances , a resolution is required. el
resolution should be required un�ler any circumstances �,=here the action
even thouqh of a tcr�norary nature is desired to bc formally recordeci
in the office of t}ie City Cler1: and becomes a naml�ered document <<hicii
can be used for easy reference . Legislative actions as set forth in �
. i
Sec. 1.230: siiould be l�y ordinance or resolution. If the motion
; �
�3 ` �
- E
'. . . , . �
contai.n� t�ao or morc di.vi:iLlc propositiona , the presiding offi.ccr ma�' �
and i:pon reciuest of: a Counc;i.].member shall (wiless a�?pe�ilec]) diviclr� ttie
samc. !
. . k
Sec. L1?_E3 . � }'r.cc�c3ence of A1otions .
i�:hen a main mot.io.t is before the Council , no motion shall be entcr.-
tained except the folloi•�ing w]11C�7 Sticlll havc precedence, one over the
other, in tLe follo:�iny orde� -
� .
1 . Adjourn
. 2 : i:ecoss f
3 . Yo�:i:pone te�aporarily or definitely (table)
4 . Previous c?uestion
5 . Limit" or e>:tend debate .
G . Reier to committe� or staff
• 7 . Substitute
S . I�mend '
9 . Yostpo;ie .
10 . I4ain ilotion .I
� The rbove orcier of preference is subject to the following restrictions : . ,i
a. A motion shall not be repeated �•:ithout intervening 'I
business oz discussion.
b. A motion shall not be in order .�ahen the previous
. question has been orderen. 'I
c . A motion shall not be in order �ahile a vote is being ;
taken . •
SC�C: ~1. ...,. . ___�___ r,�..i --.. n4 ___ �nA f'r_#_ar=a' .
'�.'C11..11.Uint � �v�-i.v.,_. �
The purpose and salient crite'ria of the above listed motions is as
follows :
1. � hiotion to Adjourn.
Purpose. To terminate a meeting. •
Debatable or I+mendable. No, except a motion to adjourri to
atiother time is debatable and a,nendable as to the time to
which the meeting is to be adjourned .
2, riotion �to Recess . �
Purpose. To permit an interlude in the .meeting and to set -
a definite cime ior continuing t}:e meetitig .
bebatabl.e or l�mendable. " ]es , but restricted as to time or
duratioii o� recess .
3. D;otion to Postpone Temporarily. -
Purposc. To set aside , on a remporary basis , a pending main
motiott ��ro�=ided t:iat it ma}' be taken up again for conside_'�tion
during, tiie current mceting or at thc nexl- rc,ular meeting. It '
is• also referred to as a motion to lay on the table.
Debatahle or Amendable. It is deh::t-able but not amendable.
9 , idotion ior Previous �u�stion. � I
Purpose. To prevcnt or cto�? discussi.on on the �endinq I
yuc:;i:ion or rtuc�tions anC, to brinc; such qiicstio�z or �
yuestions co ��otc iimuccii�i�e].y. )"L 'ciic moi.ioii ��asses ,
• a vote �l�all be tu}:cn on thc pending motion or motions .
Deba-���i�].e or. T�i���n�iahle. i]o .
7. Niotion to I.imit or Lxtend I��bate .
Pur.no�c. To limit: or detennine the time that will be
de��oted to di�cussior. of a pendi?ig .tnotion or to estend
or re;:o��e limitations alrcady i.mposed on its discussion. ' .
llebatable or. Amenc�ble. Idot debatable; amendments are
' restricteci co p�rioci of time of the proposed limit or '
6: F�;otion to Rcfer to Conunittee or Staff . ' - -
Purpose." To refer the question be�or.e the Council to a
' conLmitiee or to the City St�ff- �or the purpose of investi-
gating or studying the prc�osal ar.d to mal;e a report back
to the Council. If the motion fail.s discussion or vote
on tiie questior. resumes ,�
Debatable or Amendable. Yes . '
7 . Subs=itute rSotion.
Purpose . To stri}:e out one main motion and insert anotner �
main motion in its place cvhich may be done so long as it
is related to ttie subject oi the original motion.
-� Deuatab.le or Amendable. The substitute motion is left
- - UIlaC��tli O:? Urti=il CGllI?C1i??l:9Ri✓CYS hdV(? i.i1C.' OL'•;]GY�liP.itJ �O �
perfect the main motion by anendme�nts if desired. The
substitute motien is debatable and subject to amer.dment.
After amendments have been offered, tlie substitute motion
, is voted upon and, if adopted, strikes the main motion.
8. Funend. .
Purpose . To mo3ify or chanae a mqtion that is
bei—' ng considered by the Council so that it �aill
express more satisfactorily the �•�ill of the members. _
If the motion nasses then the main motion should be
voted on as amended. �
Debatable or Amendable . It is debatable unless
applied to an undebatable nain moti.on. It is � �
• amendable. . �
9 . Postpone Indefinitely.
, Purpose . To prevent further discussion and voting on the
main motion. If the motion fails discussion and voting
on the r,iain mot3en resumes . I� it passes , tlle subject of
the main motion shall no� be broucTht up agai.n for� the
remainder of tlie mceting or the netit regular meetinq.
Debatzble or Amendable. It is debntable but not amendablc.
` • �
-15- ,
• . ; . �
10. 1•iain 14oi:iwi.
Pur.pose. The prim��ry proposc�l or question Ucfore the
Council for discussion anc3 decisi.on.
DebataLle or Rmendable. Yes.
Sec. 1. 230. L�gislati��e flction.
All legislative act_on underta}:en by the Cit� Council shall be
by mear.s of a=: or.di�ance or resolution. Legislation of a permanent
natur� r�hicn .is to re�-ain in Lorce unt'il amended or repealed, which
establishes rights and 'obligations and the fai].ure to comply �•.=ith
rrhich nzy rest:li in a pena.lt}�, shall be by ordinance . 1�11 matters
of a special or te�r.�,orary nature , or aut]iorizi�iG an action on t.he
part oi ti�e presiding officer , member of the Council or member_s of !
the admir.isLrati�=e staff sl:all be by resolution. }
Sec. 1. 231. Preparatioii of Ordinanc�s.
All ordinances , escent ordinances initiated by the electors of �
the City pursuar.t to t:ne provisio.�s or". Section 1003 of the City Chartcr, I
shall t•e prepared in �•:riting by .the City Attorney. No ordinance s?iall
be prepar.ed for presenta±ion to the Council unless ordered by a major-
ity vote of the Council or requested in �ariting by the City Manager or
prepared by the City Attorney on his o�.an initiative .
Sec. .]. . 232 . Prior Approval . 'I
�All orninances , except orc3inances initiateu i�}� ti�e electors of ;!,
the City pursuznt to the provisions of Secti_on 1003 of the City Charter, ,
and' all resolutions and contract documents, shall be approved as to
form by the City Attorney before presentation to the Cou�cil, and �:here
substantive matters of administration are involved, shall have been
e�:amined for admi,istration purposes by the City t�tanager or his author- �
ized representative . All ordinances and resolutions sliall indicate the
sponsoring or presenting authority thereon .
. • �
Sec. 1:233 . Introducing for . Passage and Approval. �
1. Ordinances , resolutions and other matters or subjects requiring '
action by the Council must be introduced and spor.sored by a member of •
the Coencil , e::cept tl�at *_he City Pianager or the City 7�ttorney, may
present the ordinances , resolutions or other matters or subjects to the
Council for consideration .
2. Witn the sole exception of ordinances �•�hich take effect upon
adoption , referred to in this article , no ordinance shall be passe3 by
the Council on the day oi its introduction or within five (S) days .
thereafter, or at any other time than at a regular or special meeting.
3 . In accordance with Section 311 of the .City Charter of the City
of Chula Vista , zt the time of the acsoption of. an ordinance or resolution,
the text of said ordinance or resolution shall be read in full , unless ,
-].G- .
� ' � , ,. ,� • . " �
after. thc rccidinq of thc ti.tle tlicr.cof , tlic f:urther. reading thereof �
is �•.��.ivcd h�- t.he unruiimous consent o,`: the Council.ntemher, present.; �
proei.deci, ho�rcvcr , that i.f i.n conjwicti.on ��ritli thc motio�l introduc- I
iny oruinaeccs an�i oLierir.q resolution: at tho time of adopti.on , thc
IliOV1P.CJ COLi'1Cl�.11l(>1�IJt'.l: ll]C�LI4GS �l P.10{:lOtl t0 �':�ilVi: t1?C t(_'i:�; Or the ICu!�-
in9 of thc te>:t and to reaci i:l�e heading or tii�le onl.y . Said motion
to �•��i�ae shal]. be iieerncci i.o htive ri�cei_�-ed 111?A1111110115 consent of th�^_
Council;��c:m�crs n�-esent, aiici ttte City Cler}: shall so record in ttie m:nutcs I
o` the Counci:l meetirzc t:hat unanimotis co�75e�it tio the waiver of th;: re�c:-
ing of the te:;� oi an .orcir.a;ice or resoltition �:�as dul}�. obtained. P10
second shall be recuired to a mo'cion ir.troduci�:�g an orc3i�iaace or ofier- i
ing a resolution . . _ '
9 . A proposed crdinance may be a,�er.ded bet�•:een the time of its
introduction a::d the tit�e oi its fi�:al passaqe , provic?in9 its general �
scope and oric7ir.al. incer.cion ar� r.etained . The correction of typo-
graphical or clerical errors shall no� constitut� an amencment �•:ithin
the meai:ing of this sectior. .
Sec. 1. 234 . Title. I
Each 'ordinance shall be preceded by a brief- title, �•:hich shall
indicate ttie subject purport thereof. I
, I
Sec. 1 . 235. Orda?nir.g Clause . •�
The ordaining clause of all ordinances adopted by the Council :
snall be substantially as follo�as: '
"The Cour.cil of the City of Chula Vista does ordain as follor:s , "
and �t?�e ordzining clau,e o= a.li ordinanc�s a�opced bLL� tne peopie snail �,
be;" "'I�hC` Y°Oyl° QS L-^-�= C1L1' Of i,+1lli8 iT15i=n ia0 OiGd1P. i�S LC11CP:5 � " .
' {II,
Sec. 1. 236 . Effective Date .
No ordiriance adoated by the Council shall become e�fective until
thirty (3Q) days from ar.d after the. date of its adoption, except the -
folloi•�ing �ahich shall take effect upon adoption:
1. An ordinance call.ing or othere:ise relating to an election.
- 2 . An improvement proceedirig ordinance adopted under some laz•: or
procedural ordinance.
3 . An ordinance declaring the ar.iount of ineney necessary to be
raised by tasation, or fixing the rate of *_a}:ation, or� le��yina
• the annual tati upon property or adoptin, a budget.
4 . An emergency ordinance adopted in the manner grovided for
in Section 311 0� the City Charter.
5. An ordinance anne�ing areas to the City.
6 . An ordinince providing for a tax levy or appropriation for tne
usual current expenses of the. City.
Sec. 1. 237 . Voting . ,
' �totinq shal.]. he conducted by the use of ttie votiny liqht system �
installed in the� Council Giambers. ?� red light designates a "i�o or j
negative" vote , a green light designates a "Yes or T�ffirmative" vote ,
and �n anwe r light designates a vo;:e to "Abstain" . ��;hen a member. of �
the Council votes to "abst-ain" he must audibly state his reason for �
abstaining , and in the event he. fails to ma?:e any such s*_atement his �
silence shall be recorded as an affirnative vote , although he may '
have designated his vote' by the use of -the amber light.
Every memi�er should vote unless disqualified £or cause accepted $
by vote of the Council or by the opinion of the City Attorney. Self- �
, disqualifica�ion, �oithout approval , cahich results in a tie vote shall �
be avoided as th�•,arting Couiicil action, but no Councilmer*�er shall be �
forced to �vote . A Councilmember who abstains shall in effect consent
that a majority of the quorum may act for him. Tie votes shall be los� �
motions and nay be reconsidered . f
A Councilmemb�r =.•�ho has a direct personal financial interest in ar,y �
matter coming before the City Council shall disclose said interest and
sliall disqualify himself from discussing or votiny on said matter. �•iher.e �
it is not clear �•:hether such interest is of a disqualifying nature the I
Council;r.ember shall state the facts o� the matter to the City At�orney �
and request an opinion 'thereon prior to the meeting .
The Council may at any time , or from time to time, dispense with
the us� of the voting light system b}� voice vote of the majority. . Sn
such an event voting shall be conducted by voice vote until such :.�,ne
as a determination is made .to again use the voting light system, Dr
some other system.
S9hen the Council is voting by voice vote , unless a member states
_ that_ he is abstaining from voting and gives his reasons therefor, his
• 1 .� l.�l l L.� �.. .]_� L -y • _ _ • _ �_ _L_ � � l
oJ-1�l��..G JtIQ11 A/C 1Gl.V1LLCll 2J RI3 Cltll:l!¢'_1VC VVIC• ' L] 11C��^ l.1\'C VVlC ..L'G11
be registered by the oral statement of "no"' by the CounciL-�ember votir.c. 1
Upon roll call on any voice vote taken, silence by any Councilmember �
when his name is called constitutes a "Yes or Affirmative" vote.
All ordinances , resolutions and other matters submitted to the Co�.�ncil �
shall be passed or defeated by a majority vote of the Council unless a �
greater number of votes may be required by laca. The word "majority" f
shall mean three affirmative votes for purposes of approval, or .three �
negative votes for purposes of denial. In instances where a majority �
vote cannot be obtained and no additional action is taken, such natter �
shall automatically be added to the neat agenda of the Council. �
� - �
Sec. 1.238. Change of Vote . - '
A member may change his vote only if he makes a timely reauest to' �
do so im�nediately �ollo:aing the announcement of the vote by the City �
Clerk and prior to the time that the next item in the order of business !
is taken up. �
Sec. 1.239 . Recor.sideration and Rescission of Prior Action. �
After motion and vote by the Council , such action may be recansidered
or rescinded only in the following manner:
-18- .
. ��1,:
1. 7� mction tn set aside a vate (to reconsi_der) on a miin moti-;m
S!]d.�l. =l�':?�t}'S �)C :Lll OLt�^Y Ri: t:�1C Scl�iC Ii1Ci_`{,=1f7<J. '1�17C 170i1.07] t0 1CCGi151(�—
cr is i.;ncndabl.e a:id dcbaLable . Such motion ca�i bc madc by anp Counc.il-
n?^_r.:her regarciles�. oi l�o�•r iie �_�revious].y voted on the mattcr. If thc
moL-ion t.o reconsidcr passes the eff:ect the�:cof is to overrule and cancel '
the nrior nctio;i,
. 2 . Ia motio:i t-o rescind (repeal , c��nccl , nul.lify) prior Council action
on a mair. motion ;LaL� be in order at any meeting of the Council. The
effect o�: r.�scindir.g prior Cour.cil action shall oper.ate prospect-:-ely
� O.TIl)� clR(] IIVt- iGt:YO<�C:t.1Ve�V i:0 �?1L' (3c1tC-� OL' tI1G-` OY'1(Jlll"cl�. 3C:`i.10i1 , li?dt 15 � '
it shall not ocerat� L-o adversely af_ect inte?-vening legal rights i:hich
cr2ate an es�op,�el �itLatio�:.
3. A lost mo�io;� is ene that fails to receice the necessary nu�:�ber .
oi votes to carry. Tie votes result in a lost motion. Lost motior:s
may be rene�aed at any subsequent Coun^il r,teeting. To revive a lcst �
motion at the same �,eeting the proper action is a motion to reco::sider ;
discussed above .
9 . Any member snall have the right to have his reasons for his
dissent. from, or aroiest aqainst, any action of the Council entered
in che ninutes . �
� .
' SECTIOid 3 : This ordir.ance sha11 take effect and be in '
full force �nd effect on the thirty.-first day from and after its
acioption. � - .
Presented by _ Approved as to form by �
- � � �� �� � .
, ��
� - /�/'�`L''���.,r.� %`i.'�-4'��%c-�;i'i-v:�::/
Geor ll. Lindberg, City A rney Georgc ll. Linciberg, City ?:tt�rney
. �
-19= . i
• i
I .: 4_`� � - .
.. .. ,. _ .' �• • � �
OF CHULA VISTA, CAI,IFORNIA, this 21st day of pugust �
197 ; by the follocaing vote , to-wit :
AYES : COUnc-i.QmEn Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Scott
NAYES : Counc�c�men None
ABSENT : Counc�.Cmen Egdahl
ayo� o xhe .czy o4 hu a • .co a
ATTE S '<y,-���
/ ` Deputy .czy e2 ' • ' ,
I , JENNIE M, fULASZ , C�,.ty C2e�.k o � �he C�..t� ob Chu�a V�.a.ta,
Ca£�.bonn�.a, DU HEREBy CERTTFY .tha.t .the above and �ohego�.ng .i� a auCk,
.tnue and connec.t copy ob
and .tha.t .tlte eame hae no.t been amended an 2epeaked.
" ti y en.lz