HomeMy WebLinkAboutApn B - Traffic AnalysisAPPENDIX B Traffic Impact Analysis OTAY RANCH VILLAGE 8 WEST TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS REPORT Prepared for City of Chula Vista Prepared by 5050 Avenida Encinas, Suite 260, Carlsbad, CA 92008 CONTACT: DAWN WILSON 760.476.9193 dwilson@rbf.com 55-100535.001 Final Draft Submittal: April 17, 2012 Updated: March 8, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1 Project Description ...................................................................................................................... 2 Study Area .................................................................................................................................. 3 Analysis Methodology ................................................................................................................. 4 Thresholds of Significance .......................................................................................................... 6 CEQA Guidelines ........................................................................................................................ 8 Roadway Circulation System ...................................................................................................... 8 Existing Conditions ................................................................................................................... 12 Study Scenarios and Land Use Assumptions ............................................................................ 15 Project Trip Generation and Trip Distribution ............................................................................ 18 Existing Plus Project Conditions ................................................................................................ 21 2015 Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 25 2020 Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 32 2025 Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 41 2030 Conditions ........................................................................................................................ 50 Analysis of Caltrans Facilities .................................................................................................... 63 Significant Impacts and Mitigation Measures ............................................................................ 65 Public Facilities Financing Program (PFFP) .............................................................................. 68 On-Site Operational Analysis .................................................................................................... 72 Multimodal Access Analysis ...................................................................................................... 73 Construction Activity.................................................................................................................. 74 APPENDICES Appendix A: Traffic Count Sheets Appendix B: Existing Conditions HCM Worksheets Appendix C: Interim Year Land Use Data & SANDAG Model Plots Appendix D: Post Processing Worksheets Appendix E: Internal Capture Rates & Transit Reduction Calculations Appendix F: SANDAG Select Zone Model Plots Appendix G: Existing Plus Project Conditions HCM Worksheets Appendix H: 2015 Conditions HCM Worksheets Appendix I: 2015 Conditions Mitigated HCM Worksheets Appendix J: 2020 Conditions HCM Worksheets Appendix K: 2020 Conditions Mitigated HCM Worksheets Appendix L: 2025 Conditions HCM Worksheets Appendix M: 2025 Volume Analysis and Mitigated HCM Worksheets & SANDAG Model Data for SR-125 as Free Facility Appendix N: 2030 Conditions HCM Worksheets Appendix O: 2030 Conditions Mitigated HCM Worksheets Appendix P: HCS Freeway Mainline Calculations Appendix Q: ILV Worksheets LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Intersection LOS & Delay Ranges ............................................................................... 4 Table 2: Level of Service Thresholds for Roadway Segments .................................................. 4 Table 3: Intersection Lane Volume (ILV) Operational Thresholds .............................................. 5 Table 4: Existing Study Intersection LOS ................................................................................... 13 Table 5: Existing Study Roadway Segment LOS ....................................................................... 14 Table 6: Summary of Land Uses by Study Year ........................................................................ 18 Table 7: Trip Generation Rates ................................................................................................. 18 Table 8: Forecast Project – Generated Trips ............................................................................. 20 Table 9: Existing Plus Project Study Intersection LOS ............................................................... 22 Table 10: Existing Plus Project Study Roadway Segment LOS ................................................... 23 Table 11: 2015 Project Trip Generation ....................................................................................... 25 Table 12: 2015 Study Intersection LOS ....................................................................................... 26 Table 13 2015 Roadway Segment LOS ..................................................................................... 27 Table 14: 2015 Summary of Recommended Mitigation Measure ................................................. 29 Table 15: 2020 Project Trip Generation ....................................................................................... 32 Table 16: 2020 Peak Hour Intersection LOS ............................................................................... 34 Table 17: 2020 Baseline Roadway Segment LOS ....................................................................... 35 Table 18: 2020 LOS Without and With Recommended Mitigation ............................................... 37 Table 19: 2025 Project Trip Generation ....................................................................................... 41 Table 20: 2025 Conditions Peak Hour Study Intersection LOS .................................................... 44 Table 21: 2025 Roadway Segment LOS ..................................................................................... 45 Table 22: 2025 LOS Without and With Proposed Mitigation ........................................................ 48 Table 23: 2030 Project Trip Generation....................................................................................... 50 Table 24: 2030 Study Intersection LOS ....................................................................................... 53 Table 25: 2030 Roadway Segment LOS ..................................................................................... 54 Table 26: 2030 LOS Without and With Proposed Mitigation ........................................................ 59 Table 27: 2030 Study Intersection LOS With Mitigation ............................................................... 61 Table 28: 2030 Study Roadway Segment LOS With Mitigation ................................................... 62 Table 29: 2030 Conditions Freeway Mainline Segment LOS Analysis (I-805) ............................. 63 Table 30: 2030 Intersection ILV Analysis .................................................................................... 64 Table 31: Recommended Mitigation Measures – Access and Frontage ...................................... 65 Table 32: Recommended Mitigation Measures - Intersections .................................................... 66 Table 33: Recommended Mitigation Measures Roadway Segments ........................................... 67 Table 34: Village 8 West PFFP Analysis ..................................................................................... 70 Table 35: 2030 Internal Intersection Operational Analysis ........................................................... 72 Table 36: 2030 Traffic Signal Warrants and Daily Traffic Volumes .............................................. 73 Table 37: Comparison of Construction and Project Trips by Study Year ..................................... 74 LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit 1: Regional Project Vicinity Exhibit 2: Village 8 West Site Utilization Plan Exhibit 3: Study Area Exhibit 4: City of Chula Vista Circulation Plan Exhibit 5A: Existing Intersection Geometry Exhibit 5B: 2015 Intersection Geometry Exhibit 5C: 2020 Intersection Geometry Exhibit 5D: 2025 Intersection Geometry Exhibit 5E: 2030 Intersection Geometry Exhibit 6: Existing Peak Hour Volumes Exhibit 7: Existing Conditions ADT Volumes Exhibit 8: Existing Plus Project Conditions Project Trip Distribution Exhibit 9: 2015 Project Trip Distribution Exhibit 10: 2020 Project Trip Distribution Exhibit 11: 2025 Project Trip Distribution Exhibit 12: 2030 Project Trip Distribution Exhibit 13: Existing Plus Project Build-Out Peak Hour Project Trips Exhibit 14: 2015 Project Trip Assignment Exhibit 15: 2020 Project Trip Assignment Exhibit 16: 2025 Project Trip Assignment Exhibit 17: 2030 Project Trip Assignment Exhibit 18: Existing Plus Project Build-Out Conditions Daily Project Trips Exhibit 19: 2015 Conditions Daily Project Trips Exhibit 20: 2020 Conditions Daily Project Trips Exhibit 21: 2025 Conditions Daily Project Trips Exhibit 22: 2030 Conditions Daily Project Trip s Exhibit 23: Existing Plus Project Build-Out Peak Hour Volumes Exhibit 24: Existing Plus Project Build-Out Conditions ADT Exhibit 25: Village 8 West Phasing Plan Exhibit 26: Village 8 West 2015 Roadway Network Exhibit 27: 2015 Peak Hour Volumes Exhibit 28: 2015 Conditions ADT Volumes Exhibit 29: Village 8 West 2020 Roadway Network Exhibit 30: 2020 Peak Hour Volumes Exhibit 31: 2020 Conditions ADT Exhibit 32: Village 8 West 2025 Roadway Network Exhibit 33: 2025 Peak Hour Volumes Exhibit 34: 2025 Conditions ADT Exhibit 35: Village 8 West 2030 Roadway Network Exhibit 36: 2030 Peak Hour Volumes Exhibit 37: 2030 Conditions ADT Exhibit 38: Village 8 West 2030 Mitigated Roadway Network and ADT Exhibit 39: 2030 Mitigated Peak Hour Volumes Exhibit 40: Internal Intersection Geometry & Traffic Control Exhibit 41: 2030 Internal Intersection Traffic Volumes 1 INTRODUCTION This traffic impact analysis (TIA) has been prepared for the proposed Village 8 West Sectional Planning Area (SPA) Plan within the Otay Ranch community in the City of Chula Vista. The project is planned to be located around the future intersection of La Media Road and Main Street, continuing southeasterly along Otay Valley Road to State Route 125 (SR-125). The project location is shown in Exhibit 1. Otay Ranch is a master-planned community of approximately 23,000 acres in size and includes a mix of land uses within 20 villages and planning areas. From the newly adopted 2012 General Plan, a General Development Plan (GDP) and Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for Otay Ranch was adopted in October 1993. The GDP outlines the uses anticipated for each village. A General Plan Amendment (GPA) and General Development Plan Amendment (GDPA) were prepared for Village 8 West to account for changes in circulation network and land use from the 2005 Adopted General Plan. The GPA and GDPA were approved as part of PCM-09-11 and GPA 09-01. Sectional Planning Area (SPA) Plans are required for each village p rior to consideration of final development permits and entitlements. The Village 8 West SPA Plan includes 320.1 gross acres, consisting of a mix of residential, commercial, parks and open space, and community uses, including two schools. The future La Media Road and Main Street within the Village 8 West Town Center are designated as Town Center arterials and will be designed as a pair of one-way couplets. Both Main Street and La Media Road will serve as the primary access routes in and out of Village 8 West. A town center will be located within the couplet and surrounded by mixed use and park space. Single family housing is planned to be developed in the southern portion of Village 8 West. The vision for Village 8 West is to develop a cohesive community with inter-connected uses and densities. The mix of proposed residential, commercial and community uses are intended to provide a mixed-use environment that serves the needs of residents and employees. The densities and design patterns envisioned for the village focus on promoting a walkable and bikeable community with less emphasis on automobile trips. To account for trips internal to the village and for trips replaced by walking, biking, or transit, internal capture and trip reductions were applied to the traffic analysis. The project will be built in several phases. At maximum buildout, the proposed project is forecast to generate approximately 43,084 (total gross) trips per day which includes 3,467 a.m. peak hour trips and 4,283 p.m. peak hour trips, based on SANDAG’s (Not So) Brief Guide of Vehicular Traffic Generation Rates (April 2002), internal capture calculations, and transit trip reductions. In addition to traffic operating conditions, this report discusses the phasing of future roadways, access to transit, pedestrian and bicycle linkages, and activity within and surrounding the project site. Traffic impact analysis was conducted for existing, 2015, 2020, 2025, and 2030 conditions. As required by the City of Chula Vista, this traffic impact study has been prepared in accordance with the City’s Adopted General Plan. The City’s goal for acceptable levels of service is generally LOS D or better at signalized and unsignalized intersections and LOS C along roadway segments. 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed development of Village 8 West will be located in the southwest portion of Otay Ranch and is one of 20 planned community villages. Village 8 West will be developed around the future intersection of La Media Road and Main Street, which is designed to be constructed as a pair of couplets, with a town square located in the center and surrounded by mixed use and park space. Single family housing is planned to be developed in the southern portion of Village 8 West. Land Use Description Altogether, the Village 8 West SPA plan includes 320.1 gross acres and a range of allowable uses and quantities. The following land uses and quantities represent the maximum allowed per the Village 8 West SPA plan, thereby representing the most intensive scenario for the purposes of this traffic study: • 2,050 residential dwelling units; • 250,000 square feet of commercial retail; • 50,000 square feet of office; • 28.0 acres of park; • 26.0 acres of open space; • 11.4 acres for one elementary school; • 21.0 acres for one middle school; and • 5.8 acres of community purpose facilities. The proposed elements and site utilization of the Village 8 West SPA are shown in Exhibit 2, which includes a range of residential units and densities, mixed use, parks and open space, and community facilities. The proposed land uses are consistent with the land use designations outlined in the Otay Ranch GDPA. Transportation facilities will be provided to meet the existing and future demand for motorists, transit, pedestrians and bicyclists. Project Access The project will construct a couplet at Main Street / La Media Road to provide access to and from Village 8 West. The couplet will be two lanes in each direction through the town center. All intersections through the couplet will be signalized. Street “A” will be constructed as a two -lane street. Street “A” will intersect with Main Street and connect with internal roadways. Traffic signals are also planned for all access points along Otay Valley Road. The internal roadway network for Village 8 West is depicted in Exhibit 2. Pedestrian and bicycle access to the site will be provided via bicycle lanes and sidewalks along all circulation element roadways. To help maintain lower traffic speeds, traffic calming devices are recommended on internal streets including intersection bulb-outs, one-way street bulb-outs and narrow streets. Transit service will be provided by MTS along Main Street. Both Rapid Bus service and local circulator service will be accessible from this village. 3 STUDY AREA The project study area was defined based on the distribution of project-generated trips on the roadway network and the requirements of the Congestion Management Plan (CMP). The list of study intersections was determined based on the trip threshold, which includes all intersections where 50 or more peak hour project-generated trips forecast to be added, including several future intersections and roadway segments. Study intersections and roadway segments are illustrated in Exhibit 3. The study area consists of the following intersections and roadway segments: Study Intersections 1. Olympic Parkway / I-805 Southbound Ramps 2. Olympic Parkway / I-805 Northbound Ramps 3. Olympic Parkway / Brandywine Avenue 4. Olympic Parkway / Santa Victoria 5. Olympic Parkway / Heritage Road 6. Olympic Parkway / La Media Road 7. Olympic Parkway / SR-125 Southbound Ramps 8. Olympic Parkway / SR-125 Northbound Ramps 9. Olympic Parkway / Eastlake Parkway 10. Olympic Parkway / Hunte Parkway 11. Santa Victoria/ Heritage Road 12. Birch Road / La Media Road 13. Birch Road / SR-125 Southbound Ramps 14. Birch Road / SR-125 Northbound Ramps 15. Birch Road / Eastlake Parkway 16. Main Street / I-805 Southbound Ramps 17. Main Street / I-805 Northbound Ramps 18. Main Street / Heritage Road 19. Main Street / La Media Road (Couplet) 20. Main Street / Magdalena Avenue 21. Main Street / SR-125 Southbound Ramps 22. Main Street / SR-125 Northbound Ramps 23. Main Street / Eastlake Parkway 24. Otay Valley Road / SR-125 Southbound Ramps 25. Otay Valley Road / SR-125 Northbound Ramps Study Roadway Segments Olympic Pkwy: I-805 to Brandywine Ave Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd Heritage Rd to La Media Rd La Media Rd to SR-125 SR-125 to Eastlake Pkwy Eastlake Pkwy to Hunte Pkwy East of Hunte Pkwy Birch Rd: La Media Rd to SR-125 SR-125 to Eastlake Pkwy Main St: I-805 to Brandywine Ave Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd Heritage Rd to Couplet Couplet to Magdalena Ave Magdalena Ave to SR-125 SR-125 to Village 9 Access Road Village 9 Access Road to Eastlake Pkwy Hunte Parkway: Eastlake Pkwy to Olympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy to Otay Lakes Rd Heritage Rd: Telegraph Cyn Rd to Olympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy to Main St Main St to Entertainment Cir *Entertainment Cir to Ave de las Vistas (*City of SD) La Media Rd: Telegraph Cyn Rd to Olympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd Birch Rd to Couplet Magdalena Ave: Birch Rd to Main St Eastlake Pkwy: Otay Lakes Rd to Olympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd Birch Rd to Main St Main St to Otay Valley Rd Otay Valley Rd: Couplet to Village 8 West Street “C” Village 8 West Street “C” to SR-125 SR-125 to Village 9 Street “A” Village 9 Street “A” to Eastlake Parkway 4 ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY The 2000 Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodology for Signalized Intersections was used to determine the operating Levels of Service (LOS) of the study intersections. The HCM methodology describes the operation of an intersection using a range of levels of service (LOS) from LOS A (free-flow conditions) to LOS F (severely congested conditions), based on corresponding average stopped delay per vehicle shown in Table 1. Table 1 Intersection LOS & Delay Ranges LOS Delay (seconds/vehicle) Signalized Intersections Unsignalized Intersections A < 10.0 < 10.0 B > 10.0 to < 20.0 > 10.0 to < 15.0 C > 20.0 to < 35.0 > 15.0 to < 25.0 D > 35.0 to < 55.0 > 25.0 to < 35.0 E > 55.0 to < 80.0 > 35.0 to < 50.0 F > 80.0 > 50.0 Source: 2000 Highway Capacity Manual. The roadway segment analysis of the study area roadways is based upon roadway classifications and capacity thresholds defined in the City of Chula Vista Transportation Element. The roadway segment level of service criteria is included in Table 2. Table 2 Level of Service Thresholds for Roadway Segments Classification (# Lanes) Level of Service (percent of capacity) A (60%) B (70%) C (80%) D (90%) E (100%) Expressway (8) 52,500 61,300 70,000 78,800 87,500 Prime Arterial (6) (1) 37,500 43,800 50,000 56,300 62,500 Major Street (6) 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 Major Street (4) 22,500 26,300 30,000 33,800 37,500 Class I Collector (4) 16,500 19,300 22,000 24,800 27,500 Class II Collector (2) 9,000 10,500 12,000 13,500 15,000 Class III Collector (2) 5,600 6,600 7,500 8,400 9,400 Town Center Arterial (6) (2) 37,500 43,800 50,000 56,300 62,500 Gateway Arterial (6) (2) 40,500 47,500 54,500 61,200 68,700 Source: City of Chula Vista General Plan, Land Use and Transportation Element Notes: (1) The technical analysis includes the evaluation of augmented arterials near the freeway on and off ramps. The augmented arterials include auxiliary lanes in advance of the freeway ramps to serve the higher traffic volumes that typically occur. When auxiliary lanes are provided, the capacity of the segment is increased by the equivalent single lane capacity (10,500 vpd per lane for LOS E) to account for the benefit in overall operations that is achieved with the construction of auxiliary lanes near the ramps. (2) Town Center and Gateway arterials are “urban core” classifications. Urban Core facilities are evaluated against a LOS D or better standard. 5 Analysis of Caltrans Facilities In accordance with City of Chula Vista and Caltrans requirements, the following analysis was conducted for 2030 conditions using the City of Chula Vista Traffic Impact Study Guidelines, the 2000 Highway Capacity Manual, and the Caltrans Highway Design Manual: • Freeway Mainline o City of Chula Vista TIS Guidelines • Intersections o Caltrans Intersection Lane Volume (ILV) Methodology Basic Freeway Segment Analysis Segments of northbound and southbound I-805 between Telegraph Canyon Road and Main Street were analyzed under 2030 Without and With Project peak hour conditions using the 2000 HCS Basic Freeway Segment analysis methodology. A 4% heavy truck factor was applied in addition to a measured free-flow speed of 65 mph was used in the HCS calculations for multi-lane segments. Intersection Lane Volume (ILV) Analysis The ILV methodology evaluates the traffic demand at an intersection to the available capacity at the intersection. Combining traffic signal phasing and intersection geometry with peak hour traffic volumes, the ILV method ology determines if a ramp is either “stable”, “unstable” or at “capacity”. The thresholds for operating conditions using the ILV methodology are summarized in Table 3. Table 3 Intersection Lane Volume (ILV) Operational Thresholds ILV/hr Description <1,200 “Stable” Stable flow with slight, but acceptable delay. Occasional signal loading may develop. Free midblock operations. 1,200 to 1,500 “Unstable” Unstable flow with considerable delays possible. Some vehicles occasionally wait two or more cycles to pass through the intersection. Continuous backup occurs on some approaches. >1,500 “Capacity” Stop-and-go operation with severe delay and heavy congestion. Traffic volume is limited by maximum discharge rates of each phase. Continuous backup in varying degrees occurs on all approaches. Where downstream capacity is restrictive, mainline congestion can impede orderly discharge through the intersection. Notes: Caltrans Highway Design Manual, Table 406. 6 THRESHOLDS OF SIGNIFICANCE Project impacts are defined as either project specific or cumulative. Project specific impacts are those impacts for which the addition of project trips results in an identifiable degradation in LOS, triggering the need for specific project-related improvements. Cumulative impacts are those in which project trips contribute to an unacceptable LOS. The City of Chula Vista goal for acceptable operating conditions is LOS D or better for signalized and unsignalized intersections and LOS C or better for roadway segments. For urban core arterials (Town Center and Gateway classifications), the threshold for acceptable level of service is LOS D along roadway segments. For intersections, roadway segments and freeway sections, impacts are defined when the acceptable level of service is breached either by the project or as a cumulative affect of multiple projects. The criteria for determining whether the project results in either a project specific or cumulative impact are defined both for short term and long term conditions. The criteria for each condition is defined below. Short Term Impacts (0-4 years) Per the City’s thresholds of significance for short-term analyses, (0 to 4 years), roadway sections may be defined as either links or segments. A link is typically that section of roadway between two adjacent Circulation Element intersections and a segment is defined as that combination of contiguous links used in Growth Management Plan Traffic Monitoring Program. Analysis of roadway links under short-term conditions may require a more detailed analysis using the Growth Management Oversight Committee (GMOC) methodology if the typical planning analysis using volume to capacity ratios on an individual link indicates a potential impact to that link. The GMOC analysis uses the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) methodology of average travel speed based on actual measurements on the segments as listed in the Growth Management Plan Traffic Monitoring Program. Intersections: a. Direct Project Impact if both the following criteria are met: i. LOS E or LOS F. ii. Project trips comprise 5% or more of entering volume. b. Cumulative impact if only (i) above is met. Street Links/Segments If the planning short-term analysis of street links or segments using the volume to capacity ratio indicates LOS C or better, there is no impact. IF the planning analysis indicates LOS D, E or F, the GMOC method should be utilized. The following criteria would then be utilized: a. Direct Project Impact if all the following criteria are met: i) LOS D for more than 2 hours or LOS E/F for 1 hour ii) Project trips comprise 5% or more of segment volume. iii) Project adds greater than 800 ADT to the segment. b. Cumulative impact if only (i) above is met. 7 Long Term Impacts (5 or more years) Per the City’s thresholds of significance for long-term analyses, (5 or more years), the City of Chula Vista adopted General Plan identifies a project to result in a significant impact if one of the following criteria is met: Intersections a. Direct project impact if both the following criteria are met: i. Level of service is LOS E or F ii. Project trips consist of five percent or more of entering volume b. Cumulative impact if only (i) is met. Street Links/Segments a. Direct project impact if all the following criteria are met: i. Level of service is LOS D, E, or F ii. Project trips consist of five percent or more of segment volume iii. Project adds greater than 800 ADT to the segment b. Cumulative impact if only (i) is met. However, if the intersections along a LOS D or E segment all operate at LOS D or better, the segment impact is considered not significant since intersection analysis is more indicative of actual roadway system operations than street segment analysis. If a segment is LOS F, an impact is significant regardless of intersection LOS. Direct impacts must be mitigated by the project. This includes the construction of improvements that reduce the project impacts to less than significant. Cumulative impacts will be mitigated to a less than significant level, which may include payment of TDIF fees for projects included in the TDIF program. Roadways and intersections along the project frontage are required to be constructed concurrently with the project to mitigate impacts and provide access. These improvements are assumed to be constructed in the technical analysis. 8 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) GUIDELINES The environmental impacts of a project are evaluated based on criteria established in the CEQA guidelines. The six guidelines pertaining to Transportation/Traffic were updated in 2010 and focus on providing a balanced transportation system. As stated in the 2010 CEQA Guidelines, a project may result in a significant impact if any of the following criteria are met: a. Would the project conflict with an applicable plan, ordinance, or policy establishing measures of effectiveness for the performance of the circulation system, taking into account all modes of transportation including mass transit and non-motorized travel and relevant components of the circulation system, including but not limited to intersections, streets, highways, and freeways, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and mass transit? b. Would the project conflict with an applicable congestion management program, including, but not limited to level of service standards and travel demand measures, or other standards established by the county congestion management agency for designated roads or highways? c. Would the project result in a change in air traffic patterns, including either an increase in traffic levels or a change in location that results in substantial safety risks? d. Would the project substantially increase hazards due to a design feature (e.g. sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g. farm equipment)? e. Would the project result in inadequate emergency access? f. Would the project conflict with adopted policies, plans or programs regarding public transit, bicycle or pedestrian facilities, or otherwise decrease the performance or safety of such facilities? ROADWAY CIRCULATION SYSTEM A field investigation of the existing roadway and intersection conditions was conducted specifically for this project at the time the traffic data was collected. Traffic signal operations, lanes, parking and other factors that may affect the capacity of the roadway were identified and included in this analysis. A description of existing and future roadways in the project study area is provided below. Roadway classifications as identified in the City GPA Transportation Element are illustrated in Exhibit 4. Existing and future intersection geometry is shown in Exhibit 5. Interstate 805 (I-805) provides regional access through the South San Diego County area as a major freeway facility and is oriented in a north-south direction. Regional project access is provided at Olympic Parkway and Main Street. I-805 is generally an eight-lane freeway between I-5 and SR- 54. By Horizon Year 2030, I-805 is planned to include eight lanes plus four managed lanes north of East Palomar Street. 9 State Route 125 (SR-125) is a combination freeway/tollway that provides north-south access through eastern Chula Vista, east of I-805. SR-125 is a four-lane freeway facility that extends from State Route 52 (SR-52) in Santee to State Route 54. The southern portion of SR-125 from SR-54 to SR-905 is a toll road, also known as the South Bay Expressway. Olympic Parkway is classified as a six-lane Prime Arterial from I-805 to Hunte Parkway and as a four-lane Major Road east of Hunte Parkway. To serve high traffic volumes in the vicinity of SR- 125, Olympic Parkway is classified as an 8 -lane Expressway from SR-125 to Eastlake Parkway. Olympic Parkway provides local access to and from I-805 and east-west connections through the surrounding areas to Otay Ranch. Bike lanes are provided and on-street parking is prohibited. The posted speed limit is 45 mph. Main Street is classified as a six-lane Prime Arterial from I-805 to its existing terminus at Heritage Road. The extension of Main Street is identified in the City of Chula Vista Transportation Element to extend from the existing terminus to connect with Hunte Parkway. The extension of Main Street will provide an additional east-west route between I-805 and SR-125, parallel to Olympic Parkway. Through Village 8 West, Main Street will be constructed as a four-lane couplet with two lanes eastbound and two lanes westbound. The speed through the couplet will be set at 25 to 35 mph to complement the pedestrian oriented development and to support on-street parking within the town center. Sidewalks and bicycle lanes will be provided along Main Street. Brandywine Avenue is currently a four-lane Class I Collector road and narrows to two lanes with a two-way left-turn lane north of Main Street. Brandywine Avenue is oriented in a north-south direction and provides connections to Telegraph Canyon Road, East Palomar Street, Olympic Parkway, and Main Street. Bike lanes are provided along Brandywine Avenue. The posted speed limit is 25 mph. On-street parking is prohibited except along the two-lane section of Brandywine Avenue. Heritage Road is constructed as a six-lane Prime Arterial north of Olympic Parkway and is generally oriented in a north-south direction, providing access from Olympic Parkway north to Telegraph Canyon Road where the road turns into Paseo Ranchero. There is currently a gap in Heritage Road between Olympic Parkway and Main Street. South of Main Street, Heritage Road is located within the City of Chula Vista up to Entertainment Circle. South of Entertainment Circle Heritage Road is located within the City of San Diego. Currently, Heritage Road south of Main Street is striped as a two- to four-lane Collector with a posted speed limit of 40 mph. Bike lanes and sidewalks are provided; on-street parking is prohibited. The future extension of Heritage Road will be constructed as a six-lane Prime Arterial from Olympic Parkway to Main Street and will be the only circulation roadway connection from Chula Vista to the Otay Mesa in the City of San Diego between I-805 and SR-125. La Media Road is constructed as a six-lane Prime Arterial road oriented in a north-south direction, providing access between Telegraph Canyon Road, the northerly property line of Village 8 West, and south of Birch Road. The City Transportation Element includes the extension of La Media 10 south into Village 8 West as a six-lane Prime Arterial. The posted speed limit is 40 mph. On-street parking is prohibited to accommodate bike lanes. Through Village 8 West, La Media Road will be constructed as a four-lane couplet with two lanes southbound and two lanes northbound. Through the couplet speeds will be set between 25 and 35 mph to complement the pedestrian oriented development and to support the proposed on-street parking. Sidewalks are also provided both within the couplet and along the six-lane sections of La Media Road. Eastlake Parkway is constructed as a six-lane roadway between Olympic Parkway and Hunte Parkway and is oriented in a north-south direction immediately east of SR-125. Eastlake Parkway is a four-lane roadway north of Olympic Parkway, a six-lane roadway between Olympic Parkway and Hunte Parkway/Main Street, and is proposed to be a four-lane roadway from Hunte Parkway/Main Street to Otay Valley Road. Eastlake Parkway provides access from its southern terminus at Hunte Parkway to north of Otay Lakes Road. The City Transportation Element includes the extension of Eastlake Parkway south of Hunte Parkwa y into the future university sit e. Bike lanes are provided. On-street parking is prohibited. Hunte Parkway is constructed as a six-lane Prime Arterial from Olympic Parkway to Eastlake Parkway. Bike lanes and sidewalks are provided. The greenbelt trail is located along the south side of Hunte Parkway. The posted speed limit is 45 mph. Birch Road is constructed as a six-lane road from La Media Road to Eastlake Parkway and is oriented in an east-west direction, providing access to La Media Road, SR-125, and Eastlake Parkway. Birch Road is classified as a six-lane Major Arterial from La Media Road to SR-125. From SR-125 to Eastlake Parkway, Birch Road is classified as a six-lane Prime Arterial. Magdalena Avenue is currently a two to four lane local road that connects Main Street to Birch Road through Village 7. It provides access to the local high school and residential areas on the west side of SR-125. Although local roads are typically not subject to the LOS requirements established for Circulation Element roads, the segment of Magdalena Avenue from Birch Road to Main Street is included in the analysis because of its close proximity to the project site and because the intersection of Main Street/Magdalena Avenue is a direct access point to the project. Santa Victoria (Future) Santa Victoria is currently partially constructed. At buildout, the roadway will be a two-lane road that will extend west from the Birch Road/La Media Road intersection and head northwesterly to connect with Olympic Parkway. The road is planned as part of the Village 2 roadway network. Otay Valley Road (Future) Otay Valley Road is a future four-lane major road that will be connected to the southern terminus of the Main Street/La Media Road Couplet and will continue southeasterly to the future extension of Eastlake Parkway. MTS plans to use the Otay Valley Road bridge as part of the Bus Rapid Transit route. 11 Main Street / La Media Road Couplet The intersection of La Media Road and Main Street will be constructed as a pair of one-way streets that form a couplet. A total of four new signalized intersections will be constructed within the couplet to allow higher volumes traffic to move efficiently between Main Street and La Media Road. By separating the intersection of Main Street/La Media Road into four smaller intersections, left turn phases can be eliminated thereby improving the efficiency of the signal cycle. Shorter cycle lengths and fewer phases result in lower delay and improved traffic flows. The width of the intersection is also significantly decreased, improving access for pedestrians and reducing pedestrian green time at the traffic signal. Total conflicting traffic volume through the series of four smaller intersections is lower than the total intersection volume of a single point intersection, thereby allowing shorter cycle lengths and improved safety for pedestrians. Combined, these operational benefits of the couplet allow the series of intersections to carry a higher volume of traffic more efficiently and with acceptable levels of service. The four signalized intersection are connected by 200 to 500 feet long roadway segments. The operations of the segments are dictated by the operating conditions of the adjacent signalized intersection. Therefore, there are no typical roadway segments through the couplet. The performance of the roadways between the intersections is a reflection of the signal coordination and signal timing. The peak hour analysis conducted for intersections is a better determinant for levels of service than a V/C daily roadway analysis. Thus, the individual intersections within the couplet were analyzed and included in the traffic study to determine the levels of service at each location. Acceptable levels of service through the intersections are a clear indication that traffic will flow through the couplet at acceptable levels of service. 12 EXISTING CONDITIONS To determine the existing conditions at the study intersections, turning movement counts were taken on a typical weekday during the a.m. (7:00 to 9:00 a.m.) and p.m. (4:00 to 6:00 p.m.) peak periods. Average daily traffic (ADT) volumes were also collected along most roadway segments over a 24-hour period. Exhibits 6 and 7 show existing peak hour and daily traffic volumes, respectively. Detailed count data is contained in Appendix A. Table 4 summarizes the existing a.m. and p.m. peak hour levels of service (LOS) of the study intersections based on the existing peak hour intersection volumes and existing intersection geometry. Detailed HCM calculation sheets are contained in Appendix B. As shown in Table 4, most intersections are currently operating at an acceptable LOS (LOS D or better) during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours, with the exception of Olympic Parkway / I-805 Northbound Ramps, which operates at LOS F during the a.m. peak hour. Roadway segment levels of service were calculated based on established capacity thresholds defined by roadway classification and ADT volumes. Table 5 presents the results of the existing conditions roadway segment level of service analysis. As shown in Table 5, all roadway segments currently operate at acceptable levels of service, except for Olympic Parkway from Heritage Road to La Media Road. 13 Table 4 Existing Study Intersection LOS Study Intersection Control AM Peak Hour Delay-LOS PM Peak Hour Delay-LOS 1. Olympic Parkway / 805 Southbound Ramps Signalized 41.7 D 41.6 D 2. Olympic Parkway / 805 Northbound Ramps Signalized 118.4 F 37.8 D 3. Olympic Parkway / Brandywine Ave Signalized 30.2 C 31.6 C 4. Olympic Parkway / Santa Victoria Rd Does Not Exist 5. Olympic Parkway / Heritage Road Signalized 18.5 B 15.6 B 6. Olympic Parkway / La Media Road Signalized 37.6 D 25.4 C 7. Olympic Parkway / 125 Southbound Ramps Signalized 2.8 A 4.7 A 8. Olympic Parkway / 125 Northbound Ramps Signalized 1.3 A 2.4 A 9. Olympic Parkway / Eastlake Parkway Signalized 29.2 C 31.5 C 10. Olympic Parkway / Hunte Parkway Signalized 33.4 C 34.2 C 11. Santa Victoria Rd / Heritage Road Does Not Exist 12. Birch Road / La Media Road Signalized 27.0 C 22.6 C 13. Birch Road / SR125 Southbound Ramps Signalized 7.411.8 AB 7.611.2 AB 14. Birch Road / SR125 Northbound Ramps Signalized 1.6 A 5.7 A 15. Birch Road / Eastlake Parkway Signalized 35.2 D 32.7 C 16. Main Street / 805 Southbound Ramps Signalized 27.8 C 29.7 C 17. Main Street / 805 Northbound Ramps Signalized 27.7 C 28.9 C 18. Main Street / Heritage Street Signalized 2.8 A 0.9 A 19. Main Street / La Media Road (Couplet) Does Not Exist 20. Main Street (Rock Mtn Rd) / Magdalena Avenue Uncontrolled 2.8 A 0.9 A 21. Main Street / SR125 Southbound Ramps Does Not Exist 22. Main Street / SR125 Northbound Ramps Does Not Exist 23. Main Street / Eastlake Parkway Signalized 13.6 B 12.9 B 24. Otay Valley Road / SR125 Southbound Ramps Does Not Exist 25. Otay Valley Road / SR125 Northbound Ramps Does Not Exist Note: Deficient intersection operation shown in bold 14 Table 5 Existing Study Roadway Segment LOS Roadway Segment Existing Conditions Classification (# Lanes) LOS C Capacity ADT V/C LOS Count Year Count Source Olympic Parkway 805 to Brandywine Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 47,000 0.75 C 2008 City of Chula Vista Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 48,721 0.78 C 2009 LLG Heritage Rd to La Media Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 50,538 0.81 D 2009 LLG La Media Rd to SR-125 Ramps Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 43,563 0.70 C 2008 City of Chula Vista SR-125 Ramps to Eastlake Pkwy Prime Arterial (8) 70,000 40,478 0.46 A 2008 City of Chula Vista Eastlake Pkwy to Hunte Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 13,926 0.22 A 2009 LLG East of Hunte Pkwy Major Street (4) 30,000 7,846 0.21 A 2010 RBF Consulting Birch Road La Media to SR-125 Major Street (6) 40,000 11,084 0.22 A 2011 City of Chula Vista SR-125 to Eastlake Parkway Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 10,250 0.16 A 2008 Estimated Volume Main Street I-805 to Brandywine Ave Prime Arterial (6A) 58,500 26,896 0.37 A 2011 City of Chula Vista Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 18,729 0.30 A 2008 City of Chula Vista Heritage Rd to Couplet Does Not Exist Couplet to Magdalena Ave Does Not Exist Magdalena Ave to SR-125 Ramps Does Not Exist SR-125 Ramps to Village 9 Access Road Does Not Exist Village 9 Access Road to Eastlake Pkwy Does Not Exist Hunte Pkwy Eastlake Pkwy to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 1,406 0.02 A 2010 RBF Consulting Olympic Pkwy to Otay Lakes Rd Major Street (4) 30,000 9,580 0.26 A 2010 RBF Consulting Heritage Rd Telegraph Cyn Rd to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 12,383 0.20 A 2006 City of Chula Vista Olympic Pkwy to Main St Does Not Exist Main Street to Entertainment Circle Class II Collector (2A) 12,000 10,035 0.67 B 2009 LLG Entertainment Circle to Ave. de Las Vistas (City of SD) Class II Collector (2A) 12,000 9,846 0.66 B 2009 LLG La Media Rd Telegraph Cyn Rd to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 12,658 0.20 A 2006 City of Chula Vista Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 11,037 0.18 A 2009 LLG Birch Rd to Couplet Does Not Exist Magdalena Ave Birch Road to Main Class II Collector (2) 12,000 9,122 0.61 B 2011 City of Chula Vista Eastlake Pkwy Otay Lakes Rd to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 18,945 0.30 A 2006 City of Chula Vista Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 9,199 0.15 A 2008 City of Chula Vista Birch Rd to Hunte Parkway-Main St Major Street (6) 40,000 1,310 0.03 A 2008 City of Chula Vista Main St to Otay Valley Rd Does Not Exist Otay Valley Rd Couplet to Village 9 Access Road Does Not Exist Village 9 Access Road to SR-125 Ramps Does Not Exist SR-125 Ramps to University Does Not Exist Note: Deficient roadway segment operation shown in bold. 6A = 6 lane augments arterial. Augmented arterials include additional turn lanes that provide the necessary capacity in advance of key intersections such as freeway ramps. The additional lanes improve the overall performance of the link nearest the intersection where the greatest delay typically occurs. The performance of the segment benefits from this additional capacity; therefore, the overall capacity of the link is increased by the equivalent single lane volume for this classification (10,500 vpd per lane). 15 STUDY SCENARIOS AND LAND USE ASSUMPTIONS The traffic impact analysis was conducted for several scenarios. Initially, the project's traffic impacts to the existing physical environment as of the date of this study are analyzed. Recognizing that this large project likely will be constructed over time in several phases, this study analyzes the impacts of the project in years 2015, 2020, 2025, and 2030. For existing conditions, the project was overlaid on the existing conditions traffic volumes and evaluated against the existing circulation network. Each future year scenario included land use assumptions for all undeveloped or partially developed villages through the Otay Ranch community as well as a phased project development approach by scenario year. Roadway Network Assumptions The baseline roadway network for this study is the existing roadway network based on the conditions observed in the field at the time this report was initiated. Throughout the study, impacts are identified and mitigation measures are recommended. As a result, improvements to the roadway network are assumed to occur as part of this planning document. The roadway network improvements are either a result of improvements constructed by the project through project frontage or direct impact mitigation or improvements constructed through payment of TDIF fees by the project and by others. If the project equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) limit for each study year (2015, 2020, 2025, & 2030) is reached prior to any of the assumed roadway or intersection improvements being constructed and open to traffic, then one of the following steps shall be taken as determined by the City Engineer: 1. Development in Village 8 West will stop until those assumed future roadways are constructed by others; or 2. City and OLC shall meet to determine the need for the incomplete roadway segments. A number of factors, including changes to the tolling structure at SR-125, may affect the traffic patterns in the Otay Ranch. Additional traffic analysis of the roadway network and levels of service assessment may be necessary to determine if such improvements are necessary and the scope and timing of additional circulation improvements; or 3. Developer shall construct the missing roadway links and receive TDIF credit for those improvements as applicable; or 4. An alternative measure is selected by the city in accordance with the city of Chula Vista Growth Management Ordinance. 5. All to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Background Land Use Assumptions Future year land use information for the City of Chula Vista, City of San Diego, and County of San Diego were based upon the current General Plan or Community Plan information available. For the County of San Diego, General Plan 2020 land use data was used and in the City of San Diego the 16 Otay Mesa Community Plan land uses were applied. For City of Chula Vista, the General Plan land use data was updated to reflect approved or pending projects in the Otay Ranch. All updated land use data was integrated into the SANDAG database prior to running the traffic model. For background land use data, the interim year development assumptions were estimated using a straight line methodology from 2015 to 2030, with full buildout assumed by year 2030. Once the land uses and street networks were coded appropriately, the model was run for each of the study scenarios. The model volumes were further refined to produce forecasted average daily traffic (ADT) volumes for all street segments. Model Methodology Future year traffic volumes were forecast using the Series 11 South Bay Sub Area traffic model developed by SANDAG. In collaboration with City of Chula Vista and SANDAG, RBF Consulting provided the land use and network designations for each scenario year. Interim year land use data and model plots are provided in Appendix C. Interim forecast data was determined for each study year beginning in year 2015. The model provides average daily traffic (ADT) for roadway segments. When the model runs were conducted for the study area, they included future roads in order to understand how future traffic patterns may change when new capacity is added to the roadway network. The traffic analysis in this report assumes that the existing roadway network exists until mitigation measures are determined to be necessary, which may include the addition of links modeled with the SANDAG traffic model. In each study scenario, manual adjustments were made to the model volumes to remove the future links. The future link volumes were reassigned to existing roadways in order to forecast traffic volumes on the existing roadway network. Manual adjustments and forecast traffic patterns for the future year conditions were compared to existing traffic patterns and volumes to ensure reasonable growth and traffic flow. Peak hour intersection turning volumes were post-processed for each study year based on the model ADT and the relationship between existing peak hour volumes to existing ADT as well as anticipated growth in the surrounding area. For new intersections, peak hour volumes were post processed based on the distribution of ADT volumes on the network. Relationships between links, understanding of proposed land and traffic trends on existing, similar roadways were used to refine the peak hour volumes. Post-processing worksheets prepared for this report are provided for each horizon year (2015, 2020, 2025 and 2030) are provided in Appendix D. The SANDAG model assigned limited volumes to the ramps along SR-125. This is primarily due to the model methodology used to assess the impact of tolls on the facility. At the time this analysis was conducted, SANDAG reduced the speeds along SR -125 to 35 mph or less to simulate the affect the toll has on driver’s decision making process. This resulted in lower than anticipated ADT volumes along the SR-125 corridor and at ramps. There was a large disparity between ramp volumes within a single interchange. In many cases one or two of the ramp volumes were less than 17 100 vpd and other ramp volumes at the interchange exceeded 10,000 vpd. Because of the disparity in ramp volumes, the post-processing of ramp volumes were refined to equalize the use of ramps through each of the interchanges to reflect existing traffic patterns at existing ramps along the SR-125 corridor. The post-processing assumes that drivers enter and exit the SR-125 at the same interchange. Further refinements to the distribution of traffic during the peak hour were made around the ramps to reflect peak period demand and turning movement volumes. Village 8 West Land Use Assumptions The development of Village 8 West will occur over several phases and will not be fully constructed for many years. In addition to an analysis of the project's impacts to the existing physical environment as of the date of this study, referred to as the "Existing Plus Project" scenario, this traffic analysis includes an evaluation of years 2015, 2020, 2025, and 2030 with incremental developments of the proposed project in order to more accurately reflect how actual development is expected to occur. The following sections summarize the findings of the analysis for each study scenario. Table 6 provides a summary of land uses assumed for each phase. • Existing Plus Project includes project-generated trips associated with buildout of Village 8 West. The project-generated trips were added to the existing roadway network. Frontage improvements to be completed by the project applicant include construction of La Media Road north of Main Street and Main Street east of La Media Road. • 2015 includes project-generated trips associated with the construction of 105 single family and 246 multi-family residential dwelling units in Village 8 West. In addition to the existing street network, this scenario assumes partial construction of the couplet at La Media Road and Main Street. Frontage improvements to be completed by the project applicant include construction of two lanes of the four lane couplet along La Media Road north of Main Street and Main Street east of La Media Road. • 2020 includes development assumed in 2015, plus project-generated trips associated with the construction of 354 single family and 824 multi-family residential dwelling units, 50,000 square feet of office use, 40,000 square feet of commercial retail, and 5.5 acres of park within Village 8 West. • 2025 includes development assumed in 2020 plus project-generated trips associated with the construction of 162 single family dwelling units, 359 multi family dwelling units, an elementary school, 150,000 square feet of commercial retail, and 13.1 acres of park space. Half of the couplet is built by 2025, and the remainder of the couplet is constructed by 2030. • 2030 includes development assumed in 2025 plus a middle school, 60,000 square feet of commercial retail, and 9.4 acres of park space. 18 Table 6 Summary of Land Uses by Study Year(1) Land Use Total Units 2015 2020 2025 2030 Park (Active Recreation) 17.4 acres 8.0 acres 9.4 Acres Urban & Neighborhood Park 10.6 acres 5.5 acres 5.1 acres Single Family Residential 621 DU 105 DU 354 DU 162 DU Multi-Family Residential 1,429 DU 246 DU 824 DU 359 DU Elementary School 11.4 acres 11.4 acres Jr. High/Middle School 21 acres 21.0 Acres Office (< 100 KSF) 50 KSF 50 KSF Commercial Retail 250 KSF 40 KSF 150 KSF 60.0 KSF Community Purpose Facility 5.8 acres 5.8 Acres TOTAL EDU 302 1,388 2,234 2,610 Notes: KSF = thousand square feet DU = dwelling units (1) Land use phasing assumptions in this table were provided by the applicant for the purposes of this TIA. PROJECT TRIP GENERATION AND TRIP DISTRIBUTION SANDAG trip generation rates were utilized to determine the daily and peak hour trips to be generated by the proposed project. Table 7 summarizes the Village 8 West trip generation rates applied to the proposed uses. Table 7 Trip Generation Rates Land Use Units Daily Rate AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Total Inbound Outbound Total Inbound Outbound Park (Active Recreation) Acres 50 4% 50% 50% 8% 50% 50% Urban/Neighborhood Park Acres 5 4% 50% 50% 8% 50% 50% Single Family Residential DU 10 8% 30% 70% 10% 70% 30% Multi-Family Residential DU 8 8% 20% 80% 10% 70% 30% Elementary School Acres 100 32% 60% 40% 9% 40% 60% Middle School Acres 105 32% 60% 40% 9% 40% 60% Office (<100 KSF) KSF 20 14% 90% 10% 13% 20% 80% Commercial Retail KSF 80 4% 60% 40% 10% 50% 50% Community Purpose Facility Acres 30 5% 60% 40% 8% 50% 50% Source: SANDAG (Not So) Brief Guide to Trip Generation Rates (2002) DU = Dwelling Units KSF = Thousand Square Feet The proposed project is planned to be mixed use with a range of residential densities and variety of land uses. Because of the mix of uses and comprehensive network of bicycle and pedestrian facilities, it is reasonable to assume that a portion of the trips made will be either non-motorized or transit-oriented. Therefore, trip reduction factors were applied to the forecasted trip generation for Village 8 West to reflect internally captured trips (trips that do not leave the village), non-motorized trips (pedestrian and bike trips), and transit trips. The concept of Otay Ranch Villages is 19 comprehensive and designed to keep a portion of traffic internal to the project as residential, commercial, and community land uses will be within close proximity to one another. Internal trips will result in traffic circulating within the village, but will not add traffic on the surrounding roadway network outside of the Village 8 West boundaries. Internal capture rates were calculated for retail, residential, office, and recreational uses as outlined in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook. This methodology applies attractiveness factors between uses to determine the propensity for short vehicle trips and/or non-motorized trips. Internal capture rates range from 2% to 60% depending on the combination of land uses. Internal trip capture reductions are lower in 2015 and 2020 when Village 8 West is primarily residential. As commercial office and retail develop in 2025 and 2030, internal capture within the village increases. At buildout, internal capture accounts for an approximate 32% reduction in daily trips. In addition, a 5% reduction was applied for transit uses for all study years 2020 through 2030 based on SANDAG transit reduction rates. MTS is planning both Rapid Bus service and local circulator service that will be accessible from Village 8 West. Rapid Bus Service provides efficient, limited stop service along Main Street. A stop is planned within the town center and will be within walking distance of much of Village 8 West. Local circulator service will travel along La Media Road and circulate through the ranch. This service will have frequent stops. Although Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is also planned for the Otay Ranch, there are not stops that are within the Village 8 West boundary. Nearest access to the proposed BRT line is east of Village 8 West in Village 9. Therefore, no credit for access to BRT is included in the internal capture assessment for Village 8 West. Internal capture rate and transit reduction calculations are provided in Appendix E. Table 8 shows the forecast project-generated daily and peak hour trips, including internal capture and transit reductions, for the proposed project. As shown, at buildout the proposed project is forecast to generate a total of approximately 43,084 daily trips, which includes 3,467 a.m. peak hour trips and 4,286 p.m. peak hour trips before internal capture and transit reductions With internal capture and transit reductions, the project is forecast to generate approximately 26,104 trips per day, including 2,662 a.m. and 2,769 p.m. peak hour trips. Distribution of project-generated traffic was determined using the SANDAG Series 11 South Bay Sub Area Select Zone analysis for each study year: 2015, 2020, 2025, and 2030. Exhibits 8 through 12 illustrate the project trip distribution for each study scenario. SANDAG Select Zone model runs for each year are provided in Appendix F . Exhibits 13 through 17 illustrate the peak hour project trip assignment based on the trip distribution percentages for each respective study scenario. Exhibits 18 through 22 illustrate the daily project trip assignment for each study scenario. 20 Table 8 Forecast Project-Generated Trips Land Use Size Daily Trips AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Total Inbound Outbound Total Inbound Outbound Park (Active Recreation) 17.4 AC 870 35 17 17 70 35 35 Urban/Neighborhood Park 10.6 AC 53 2 1 1 4 2 2 Single Family Residential 621 DU 6,210 497 149 348 621 435 186 Multi-Family Residential 1,429 DU 11,432 915 183 732 1,143 800 343 Elementary School 11.4 AC 1,140 365 219 146 103 41 62 Middle School 21 AC 2,205 706 423 282 198 79 119 Office (<100KSF) 50 KSF 1,000 140 126 14 130 26 104 Commercial Retail 250 KSF 20,000 800 480 320 2,000 1,000 1,000 Community Purpose Facility 5.8 AC 174 9 5 3 14 7 7 SUBTOTAL 43,084 3,467 1,604 1,864 4,283 2,425 1,858 Internal Capture1 -14,826 -632 -316 -316 -1,300 -650 -650 Transit Reduction2 -2,154 -173 -80 -93 -214 -121 -93 TOTAL 26,104 2,662 1,208 1,455 2,769 1,654 1,115 Note: based on SANDAG, Not So Brief Guide, April 2002 1 Internal Capture Rates provided from ITE Trip Generation Handbook. Internal capture rates vary by each combination of land uses. 2 Transit Reduction Rates provided from SANDAG; a transit reduction of 5% is assumed by project buildout. 21 EXISTING PLUS PROJECT CONDITIONS The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) mandates the assessment of existing (ground) conditions with project buildout conditions. The Existing Plus Project study scenario assumes the existing street network with existing traffic count data as the baseline in order to analyze impacts from the project at buildout. Table 8 showed that the project is forecast to generate 43,084 trips per day at buildout. Because of the lack of existing transit service and the isolated nature of the project in this study scenario, neither internal capture nor transit reductions were applied in this analysis. Access to Village 8 West will be provided along the future Otay Valley Road, future La Media Road, future Main Street and Magdalena Avenue. Exhibit 23 illustrates the Existing Plus Project conditions peak hour volumes. Table 9 summarizes the peak hour level of service for Existing Plus Project conditions. Detailed HCM Worksheets are provided in Appendix G of this report. As shown, the intersections of Olympic Parkway / I-805 Northbound Ramps and Main Street / Magdalena are forecast to operate at deficient levels of service and are forecast to be significantly impacted by the project. Exhibit 24 illustrates the Existing Plus Project conditions average daily volumes. Table 10 presents the results of the Existing Plus Project conditions roadway segment level of service analysis. As shown, the segments of Olympic Parkway from I-805 to Brandywine Avenue (LOS E), Brandywine Avenue to Heritage Road (LOS E), and Heritage Road to La Media Road (LOS F) are forecast to operate at deficient levels of service. 22 Table 9 Existing Plus Project Study Intersection LOS Study Intersection AM Peak Hour Delay-LOS PM Peak Hour Delay-LOS LOS E or F % Project Trips Impact 1. Olympic Pkwy / 805 Southbound Ramps 40.4 D 47.9 D 2. Olympic Pkwy / 805 Northbound Ramps 120.6 F 49.7 D X 13.5% Direct 3. Olympic Pkwy / Brandywine Ave 31.6 C 41.5 D 4. Olympic Pkwy / Santa Victoria Does Not Exist 5. Olympic Pkwy / Heritage Rd 21.9 C 20.2 D 6. Olympic Pkwy / La Media Rd 51.5 D 38.8 D 7. Olympic Pkwy / 125 Southbound Ramps 15.8 B 17.0 B 8. Olympic Pkwy / 125 Northbound Ramps 1.3 A 2.4 A 9. Olympic Pkwy / Eastlake Parkway 29.8 C 32.1 C 10. Olympic Pkwy / Hunte Pkwy 33.6 C 34.7 C 11. Santa Victoria / Heritage Rd Does Not Exist 12. Birch Rd / La Media Rd 30.6 C 25.1 C 13. Birch Rd / SR125 Southbound Ramps 9.815. 8 AB 11.017 .0 B 14. Birch Rd / SR125 Northbound Ramps 5.2 A 12.4 B 15. Birch Rd / Eastlake Pkwy 35.8 D 33.8 C 16. Main St / 805 Southbound Ramps 27.8 C 31.9 C 17. Main St / 805 Northbound Ramps 27.0 C 28.9 C 18. Main St / Heritage Rd 2.7 A 0.9 A 19. Main St / La Media Rd (Couplet) Westbound Main St / Southbound La Media Rd 0.0 A 0.1 A Westbound Main St / Northbound La Media Rd 8.5 A 8.4 A Eastbound Main St / Southbound La Media Rd 0.0 A 0.1 A Eastbound Main St / Northbound La Media Rd 4.5 A 6.3 A 20. Main St / Magdalena Ave 78.8 E 164.1 F X 100% Direct 21. Main St / SR125 Southbound Ramps Does Not Exist 22. Main St / SR125 Northbound Ramps Does Not Exist 23. Main Street / Eastlake Pkwy 13.6 B 12.9 B 24. Otay Valley Rd / SR125 Southbound Ramps Does Not Exist 25. Otay Valley Rd / SR125 Northbound Ramps Does Not Exist Note: Deficient intersection operation shown in bold 23 Note: Deficient LOS operation shown in bold Table 10 Existing Plus Project Study Roadway Segment LOS Roadway Segment Existing Plus Project Conditions Project/Cumulative Impacts Classification (# Lanes) LOS C Capacity ADT V/C LOS ≥800 Project Trips ≥5% Project Trips? Impact Olympic Parkway 805 to Brandywine Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 56,478 0.90 E 9,478 16.8% Direct Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 59,061 0.94 E 10,340 17.5% Direct Heritage Rd to La Media Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 65,617 1.05 F 15,079 23.0% Direct La Media Rd to SR-125 Ramps Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 48,302 0.77 C SR-125 Ramps to Eastlake Pkwy Expressway (8) 70,000 44,786 0.48 A Eastlake Pkwy to Hunte Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 18,324 0.26 A East of Hunte Pkwy Major Street (4) 30,000 10,000 0.25 A Birch Road La Media to SR-125 Major Street (6) 40,000 22,717 0.45 A SR-125 to Eastlake Parkway Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 18,005 0.29 A Main Street I-805 to Brandywine Ave Prime Arterial (6A) 58,500 27,327 0.37 A Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 18,729 0.30 A Heritage Rd to Couplet Does Not Exist Couplet to Magdalena Ave Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 11,633 0.19 A Magdalena Ave to SR-125 Ramps Does Not Exist SR-125 Ramps to Village 9 Access Road Does Not Exist Village 9 Access Road to Eastlake Pkwy Does Not Exist Hunte Pkwy Eastlake Pkwy to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 2,699 0.04 A Olympic Pkwy to Otay Lakes Rd Major Street (4) 30,000 10,734 0.28 A Heritage Rd Telegraph Cyn Rd to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 17,553 0.28 A Olympic Pkwy to Main St Does Not Exist Main Street to Entertainment Circle Class II Collector (2A) 12,000 10,035 0.67 B Entertainment Circle to Ave. de Las Vistas (City of SD) Class II Collector (2A) 12,000 9,846 0.66 B La Media Rd Telegraph Cyn Rd to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 19,982 0.32 A Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 38,180 0.68 A Birch Rd to Couplet Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 31,458 0.62 A Magdalena Ave Birch Road to Main Class II Collector (2) 12,000 20,755 1.38 F 11,633 56.0% Direct Eastlake Pkwy Otay Lakes Rd to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 24,115 0.36 A Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 14,369 0.22 A Birch Rd to Hunte Parkway-Main St Major Street (6) 40,000 3,895 0.08 A Main St to Otay Valley Rd Does Not Exist Otay Valley Rd Couplet to Street “A” Does Not Exist Street “A” to SR-125 Ramps Does Not Exist SR-125 Ramps to Village 9 Access Does Not Exist 24 Significant Impacts & Mitigation The results of the Existing Plus Project analysis show that two intersections are forecast to operate at deficient LOS under Existing plus Project conditions. For each of the two impacted intersections, listed below, the project trips added to the intersections exceed the City of Chula Vista’s five percent threshold of significance. Therefore, both intersections are forecast to result in direct project impacts: • Olympic Parkway / 805 Northbound Ramps (13.5%) • Main Street /Magdalena Avenue (100%) Four roadway segments are forecast to operate at deficient LOS under Existing plus Project conditions. The project trips added to the deficient segments listed below exceed the City of Chula Vista’s five percent threshold of significance. Therefore, all four segments are forecast to be directly impacted by the project: • Olympic Parkway: from I-805 to Brandywine Avenue (16.8%) from Brandywine Avenue to Heritage Road (17.5%) from Heritage Road to La Media Road (23%) • Magdalena Ave from Birch Road to Main Street As shown, the project is forecast to result in direct impacts under the Existing Plus Project scenario. The improvements identified for the 2015, 2020, 2025 and 2030 development scenarios, as listed in Tables 29, 30 and 31 would mitigate these direct impacts. The project, however, is planned to be constructed in a series of phases over a period of nearly 20 years. This phasing would not require construction of all the improvements at once, but rather such improvements will be constructed as is needed to mitigate impacts of the phased development. Exhibit 25 illustrates the proposed phasing plan for Village 8 West. The Otay Ranch is largely undeveloped around Village 8 West. Existing infrastructure within the Otay Ranch services currently vacant properties. Therefore, substantial capacity is currently available to serve the Village 8 West project. As other projects within the Ranch develop over time and consume portions of the available capacity, the overall impacts of the project will be greater than those identified in the Existing plus Project study scenario. A phased analysis of this project was therefore conducted that includes both the proposed project and the cumulative projects throughout the City. The project traffic and the cumulative traffic was phased in five year increments beginning in 2015. Although the cumulative projects may provide improvements to the circulation system as either mitigation or project frontage improvements, the analysis conducted in this study assumes the existing roadway network until mitigation measures are required to offset project impacts. Once a mitigation measure is identified in a future year scenario, including the payment of TDIF fees for cumulative impacts, the subject improvements are integrated into future year analysis This methodology more accurately evaluates the overall project impact on the circulation system as this project and other projects develop over time. 25 2015 CONDITIONS By 2015, Village 8 West is planned to include up to 105 single family and 246 multi-family residential dwelling units. Table 11 summarizes the Village 8 West 2015 project trip generation. Table 11 2015 Project Trip Generation Land Use Size Daily Trips AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Total Inbound Outbound Total Inbound Outbound Single Family Residential 105 DU 1,050 84 25 59 105 74 32 Multi-Family Residential 246 DU 1,968 157 31 126 197 138 59 SUBTOTAL 3,018 241 57 185 302 211 91 Internal Capture1 - - - - - - - Transit Reduction2 - - - - - - - TOTAL 3,018 241 57 185 302 211 91 TOTAL EDU’S 302 EDU 1 No internal capture is applied to the 2015 Project scenario 2 No transit reduction is applied to the 2015 Project scenario The design and topography of the project requires a logical progression of on-site infrastructure improvements. The on-site access improvements will be constructed from the north end of the property to the south end of the property. This is necessary to connect Village 8 West to the existing roadway network in Otay Ranch. To provide access to Village 8 West in the year 2015, the project will construct the following on-site roadway improvements: • Two lanes of La Media Road from existing terminus to Main Street • Two lanes of Main Street from La Media Road to Magdalena Avenue. Exhibit 26 illustrates the 2015 circulation system evaluated for year 2015. Access to Village 8 West will be provided along Main Street, La Media Road and Magdalena Avenue in this study scenario. Year 2015 traffic volumes were calculated using the SANDAG Series 11 South Bay traffic model. The SANDAG traffic model provides average daily traffic (ADT) for roadway segments, from which peak hour intersection turning volumes were post-processed. The relationship between existing peak hour volumes to existing ADT as well as anticipated growth in the surrounding area was used as a basis for post processing. Exhibit 27 shows 2015 peak hour intersection volumes. Exhibit 28 illustrates 2015 ADT volumes. 2015 Operational Analysis Table 12 summarizes the results of the 2015 a.m. and p.m. peak hour intersection level of service analysis. Detailed HCM calculation sheets are contained in Appendix H . As shown in Table 12, the intersection of Olympic Parkway and I-805 Northbound Ramps is forecast to operate at a deficient level of service under 2015 conditions. 26 Table 12 2015 Study Intersection LOS Study Intersection AM Peak Hour Delay-LOS PM Peak Hour Delay-LOS LOS E or F % Project Trips Impact 1. Olympic Pkwy / 805 Southbound Ramps 48.4 D 49.0 D 2. Olympic Pkwy / 805 Northbound Ramps 116.2 F 42.7 D X 0.6% Cumulative 3. Olympic Pkwy / Brandywine Ave 23.1 C 29.6 C 4. Olympic Pkwy / Santa Victoria Does Not Exist 5. Olympic Pkwy / Heritage Rd 33.1 C 41.9 D 6. Olympic Pkwy / La Media Rd 42.3 D 32.8 C 7. Olympic Pkwy / 125 Southbound Ramps 5.2 A 4.8 A 8. Olympic Pkwy / 125 Northbound Ramps 2.2 A 4.0 A 9. Olympic Pkwy / Eastlake Parkway 31.5 C 32.6 C 10. Olympic Pkwy / Hunte Pkwy 34.6 C 34.7 C 11. Santa Victoria / Heritage Rd Does Not Exist 12. Birch Rd / La Media Rd 33.0 C 31.8 C 13. Birch Rd / SR125 Southbound Ramps 7.2 A 8.2 A 14. Birch Rd / SR125 Northbound Ramps 16.0 B 15.8 B 15. Birch Rd / Eastlake Pkwy 35.3 D 34.9 C 16. Main St / 805 Southbound Ramps 30.2 C 40.5 D 17. Main St / 805 Northbound Ramps 29.6 C 30.7 C 18. Main St / Heritage Street 4.1 A 4.8 A 19. Main St / La Media Rd: 10.4 B 9.0 A 20. Main St / Magdalena Ave 13.5 B 17.5 B 21. Main St / SR125 Southbound Ramps Does Not Exist 22. Main St / SR125 Northbound Ramps Does Not Exist 23. Main Street / Eastlake Pkwy 14.0 B 13.6 B 24. Otay Valley Rd / SR125 Southbound Ramps Does Not Exist 25. Otay Valley Rd / SR125 Northbound Ramps Does Not Exist Note: Deficient intersection operation shown in bold Table 13 presents the results of the 2015 conditions roadway segment level of service analysis. As shown in Table 13, the following segments are forecast to operate at deficient levels of service (LOS D, E, or F): • Olympic Parkway: from I-805 to Brandywine Avenue (LOS D) from Brandywine Avenue to Heritage Road (LOS D) from Heritage Road to La Media Road (LOS D) from La Media Road to SR-125 Ramps (LOS E) • Heritage Road: from Main St to Entertainment Circle (LOS E) from Entertainment Circle to Avenida de Las Vistas (LOS E) 27 Note: Deficient LOS operation shown in bold 1 A “Direct” project impact occurs if a project meets all three significance criteria; otherwise impacts are identified as “Cumulative ”. Table 13 2015 Roadway Segment LOS Roadway Segment Classification LOS C Capacity ADT LOS Significance Criteria1 Impact LOS D/E/F? ≥5% Project Trips? Project ADT ≥800? Olympic Parkway 805 to Brandywine Prime Arterial (6A) 50,000 52,150 D X 1.3% 664 No Impact Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 54,000 D X 1.3% 724 No Impact Heritage Rd to La Media Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 55,350 D X 1.9% 1,056 No Impact La Media Rd to SR-125 Ramps Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 57,300 E X 0.1% 60 No Impact SR-125 Ramps to Eastlake Pkwy Expressway (8) 70,000 45,000 A Eastlake Pkwy to Hunte Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 31,400 A East of Hunte Pkwy Major Street (4) 30,000 11,700 A Birch Road La Media to SR-125 Major Street (6) 40,000 17,700 A SR-125 to Eastlake Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 17,400 A Main Street I-805 to Brandywine Ave Prime Arterial (6A) 58,500 37,800 B Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 24,500 A Heritage Rd to La Media Rd Does Not Exist La Media Rd to Magdalena Ave Class II Collector (2) 12,000 1,000 A Magdalena Ave to SR-125 Ramps Does Not Exist SR-125 Ramps to Village 9 St “A” Does Not Exist Village 9 St “A” to Eastlake Pkwy Does Not Exist Hunte Parkway Eastlake Pkwy to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 7,300 A Olympic Pkwy to Otay Lakes Rd Major Arterial (4) 30,000 11,000 A Heritage Road Telegraph Cyn to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 32,300 A Olympic Pkwy to Main St Does Not Exist Main St to Entertainment Circle Class II Collector (2A) 12,000 14,700 E X 0% 0 No Impact – No project volume Entertainment Circle to Avenida de Las Vistas (City of San Diego) Class II Collector (2A) 12,000 14,900 E X 0% 0 No Impact – No project volume La Media Road Telegraph Cyn to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 13,000 A Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 15,700 A Birch Rd to Main St Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 2,500 A Magdalena Ave Birch Rd to Main St Class II Collector (2) 12,000 10,400 B Eastlake Parkway Otay Lakes Rd to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 17,200 A Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 18,200 A Birch Rd to Main St Major Street (6) 40,000 15,100 A Main St to Otay Valley Rd Does Not Exist Otay Valley Road Couplet to Street “A” Does Not Exist Street “A” to SR-125 Ramps Does Not Exist SR-125 Ramps to Village 9 Does Not Exist Village 9 Access to University Does Not Exist 28 2015 Significant Impacts and Recommended Mitigation Measures As discussed above, one intersection and six roadway segments are forecast to operate at deficient levels of service by 2015. Each of the deficient locations were evaluated to determine the project impact at those locations using the City’s thresholds of significance as outlined previously in the “Thresholds of Significance” section of this report. The intersections and roadway segments forecast to operate at deficient LOS are listed below along with the percentage of project trips at each location: • Olympic Parkway / I-805 Northbound Ramps (0.6%) • Olympic Parkway: from I-805 to Brandywine Avenue (1.3%) from Brandywine Avenue to Heritage Road (1.3%) from Heritage Road to La Media Road (1.9%) from La Media Road to SR-125 (0.1%) • Heritage Road: from Main St to Entertainment Circle (0.0%) from Entertainment Circle to Avenida de Las Vistas (0.0%) Mitigation measures are required at intersections or along roadway segments forecast to be significantly impacted by the project based on the City’s Thresholds of Significance: Intersections a. Direct project impact if both the following criteria are met: i. Level of service is LOS E or F ii. Project trips consist of five percent or more of entering volume b. Cumulative impact if only (i) is met. Street Links/Segments a. Direct project impact if all the following criteria are met: i. Level of service is LOS D, E, or F ii. Project trips consist of five percent or more of segment volume iii. Project adds greater than 800 ADT to the segment b. Cumulative impact if only (i) is met. However, if the intersections along a LOS D or E segment all operate at LOS D or better, the segment impact is considered not significant since intersection analysis is more indicative of actual roadway system operations than street segment analysis. If a segment is LOS F, an impact is significant regardless of intersection LOS. For cumulative impacts, the project would mitigate impacts through payment toward the City- established TDIF program. Direct impacts need to be fully mitigated by the project. Access is a requirement of development and a public safety issue (Municipal Code 12.24). Access related impacts would occur if appropriate access and frontage improvements are not provided as required. 29 Table 14 summarizes the project impacts and recommended mitigation measures for each deficient location as well as the forecast levels of service without and with the proposed mitigation for year 2015. Appendix I includes the mitigated HCM worksheets. A detailed description is provided below for each of the recommended mitigation measures. Table 14 Year 2015 Summary of Recommended Mitigation Measures PROJECT ACCESS AND FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENT (BY 1ST EDU) (1) Location Recommended Mitigation Main Street: Construct Main Street from La Media Road to Magdalena Avenue as a two-lane, two-way street to provide access to Village 8 West La Media Road: Construct La Media Road From Existing Terminus South of Santa Luna Street to Planning Areas N, I & J South of Main Street as a two-lane, two-way street to provide access to Village 8 West Main Street/La Media Road Intersection Install Traffic Signal at Intersection Main Street / Magdalena Avenue Intersection Construct West Leg of Intersection and Modify Existing Striping Install Stop Sign on Southbound Approach MITIGATION (BY 302nd EDU) (1) Study Intersection Peak Hour 2015 with Project without Mitigation Impact & Recommended Mitigation 2015 with Project with Mitigation Delay LOS Delay LOS Olympic Pkwy / 805 Northbound Ramps AM 116.2 F Cumulative Impact Payment of TDIF Fees 116.2 F Study Roadway Segment ADT LOS C Capacity LOS ADT LOS Olympic Parkway: I-805 to Brandywine 52,150 50,000 D No Impact: GMO thresholds not exceeded. 52,150 D Olympic Parkway: Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd 54,000 50,000 D No Impact: GMO thresholds not exceeded 54,000 D Olympic Parkway: Heritage Rd to La Media Rd 55,350 50,000 D No Impact: GMO threshold not exceeded 55,350 D Olympic Parkway: La Media Road to SR-125 57,300 50,000 E No Impact: GMO threshold not exceeded 57,300 E Heritage Road: Main Street to Entertainment Circle 14,700 12,000 E No Impact: GMO threshold not exceeded 14,700 E Heritage Road: Entertainment Circle to Avenida de las Vistas 14,900 12,000 E No Impact: GMO threshold not exceeded 14,900 E (1) EDU calculations are based on assumptions regarding phasing as defined by the applicant and summarized in this TIA. Mitigation may also be required as shown in the PFFP section of this report and summarized in Table 32. Olympic Parkway / I-805 NB Ramps: At the intersection of Olympic Parkway / I-805 Northbound Ramps, the percentage of project trips added in year 2015 is 0.6%. This does not exceed City of Chula Vista thresholds of significance for determining a “direct impact”. Therefore, the impact at this location is considered a cumulative impact. Recommended Mitigation Measure: Payment of TDIF fees. 30 This facility is within Caltrans ROW and is not within the City’s TDIF program. Physical widening through the intersection was evaluated and determined to be infeasible due to limited available right-of-way and potential impacts to the surrounding land uses. However, there are a number of planned improvements within the TDIF program as well as planned improvements by Caltrans for the I-805 corridor which will reduce the traffic volume through the Olympic Parkway/I-805 interchange. These improvements include the construction of the Palomar Street Direct Access Ramps (anticipated completion 2014) and the construction of Heritage Road (included in TDIF program). The construction of these projects will reduce the traffic demand on the interchange at I-805/Olympic Parkway and will result in improved LOS. Olympic Parkway: From I-805 to SR-125 Four segments along Olympic Parkway from I-805 to SR-125 are forecast to operate at LOS D or LOS E. As stated previously in the “Thresholds of Significance” section of this report, three of the criteria for short term impacts must be met in order for the impact to be identified as “direct”: i) LOS D for more than 2 hours or LOS E/F for 1 hour ii) Project trips comprise 5% or more of segment volume. iii) Project adds greater than 800 ADT to the segment. For all four segments, the project adds less than 800 trips and/or the total trips added is less than 5% of the total volume of the segment. Since at least one of the three criteria are not met, there are no direct project impacts to Olympic Parkway. If the planning analysis indicates an impact of LOS D, E or F, the Growth Management Ordinance (GMO) method shall be utilized. Under the City’s GMO, the threshold for a cumulative impact is considered LOS D for more than 2 hours. The GMO states that if the LOS D threshold is exceeded for more than 2 hours, then all development may be suspended until acceptable operating conditions can be achieved. As a part of the City’s Growth Management Program (GMP), the City monitors the operating conditions along Olympic Parkway on an annual basis. As part of the GMP, an expanded traffic analysis was prepared and documented as the Olympic Parkway Capacity Enhancement Analysis (LLG, 2011) to monitor new development in the Eastern Territories with respect to the existing available capacity on Olympic Parkway east of I-805. The study determined if GMO thresholds are projected to be reached or exceeded, and whether mitigation measures are necessary to remain compliant with the requirements of the GMP. In conformance with the requirements of the GMP, a peak-hour arterial analysis was conducted on the segment of westbound Olympic Parkway between Heritage Road and Oleander Avenue under near-term conditions (Years 0-4) based on the City of Chula Vista’s Traffic Monitoring Program (TMP) methodology. The Chula Vista TMP is used to assess the operating performance of the City’s arterial street system in order to determine compliance with the Threshold Standards of the GMP. Based on the LLG study, the segment of westbound Olympic Parkway between Heritage Road and Oleander Avenue during a.m. peak hours would be the first to fall below GMO traffic threshold 31 standards as traffic volumes increase over time with this project and other projects east of I-805. The analysis demonstrated that GMO thresholds would not be reached along Olympic Parkway until building permits for 2,463 dwelling units have been issued for projects east of I-805. The projected 2,463 dwelling unit threshold is used by the City to determine when cumulative impacts may occur along the corridor. The following mitigation measure has been identified in the event the GMO threshold is reached: Recommended Mitigation Measures: Prior to the issuance of the building permit for the 2,463rd dwelling unit for development east of I-805 (commencing from April 4, 2011), the applicant may: i. Prepare a traffic study that demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, that the circulation system has additional capacity without exceeding the GMO traffic threshold standards, or ii. Demonstrate that other improvements are constructed which provide the additional necessary capacity to comply with the GMO traffic threshold to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, or iii. Agree to the City Engineer's selection of an alternative method of maintaining GMO traffic threshold compliance, or iv. Enter into agreement, approved by the City, with other Otay Ranch developers that alleviates congestion and achieves GMO traffic threshold compliance for Olympic Parkway. The Agreement will identify the deficiencies in transportation infrastructure that will need to be constructed, the parties that will construct said needed infrastructure, a timeline for such construction, and provide assurances for construction, in accordance with the City's customary requirements, for said infrastructure. If GMO compliance cannot be achieved through i, ii, iii or iv above, then the City may, in its sole discretion, stop issuing new building permits within the Project Area after building permits for 2,463 dwelling units have been issued for any development east of I-805 after April 4, 2011, until such time that GMO traffic threshold standard compliance can be assured to the satisfaction of the City Manager. These measures shall constitute full compliance with growth management objectives and policies in accordance with the requirements of the General Plan, Chapter 10 with regard to traffic thresholds set forth in the GMO. Heritage Road: From Main Street to Avenida de las Vistas The project does not add any trips to the two deficient segments along Heritage Road. Therefore, the project does not result in an impact, either direct or cumulative to this segment. No mitigation measures are required. 32 2020 CONDITIONS In addition to the development assumed in 2015, an additional 354 single family and 824 multi- family residential dwelling units, 50,000 square feet of office use, 40,000 square feet of commercial retail, and 5.5 acres of park are planned by 2020 within Village 8 West. Table 15 summarizes the forecasted Village 8 West 2020 project trip generation. Table 15 2020 Project Trip Generation Land Use Size Daily Trips AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Total Inbound Outbound Total Inbound Outbound Urban & Neighborhood Park 5.5 acres 28 1 1 1 2 1 1 Single Family Residential 459 DU 4,590 367 110 257 459 321 138 Multi-Family Residential 1,070 DU 8,560 685 137 548 856 599 257 Office (<100 KSF) 50 KSF 1,000 140 126 14 130 26 104 Commercial Retail 40 KSF 3,200 128 77 51 320 160 160 SUBTOTAL 17,378 1,321 450 871 1,767 1,108 660 Internal Capture1 -2,634 -104 -52 -52 -256 -128 -128 Transit Reduction2 -869 -67 -23 -44 -88 -55 -33 TOTAL 13,875 1,150 375 775 1,422 924 498 Total EDU’s 1,388 Note: based on SANDAG, Not So Brief Guide, April 2002 1 Internal Capture Rates provided from ITE Trip Generation Handbook. Internal capture rates vary by each combination of land uses. 2 Transit Reduction Rates provided from SANDAG; a transit reduction of 5% is assumed by project buildout. The traffic analysis assumes the 2015 roadway network plus roadway improvements necessary to provide access to Village 8 West including the following: • Construction of Otay Valley Road from south of Main Street to Village 8 West Street “A” as a four lane Major Street. Road network assumptions for year 2020 are provided in Exhibit 29. Access to Village 8 West will be provided along Main Street, La Media Road, Otay Valley Road and Magdalena Avenue in 2020. The forecast 2020 volumes include the project traffic and traffic associated with existing and planned development in Chula Vista, City of San Diego, and County of San Diego. Cumulative project volumes were forecast using the SANDAG Series 11 South Bay model, which included straight lined development assumptions for all other undeveloped or partially developed properties. Exhibit 30 illustrates the forecasted 2020 peak hour intersection volumes. Forecast 2020 daily traffic volumes are illustrated in Exhibit 31. 33 2020 Operational Analysis Table 16 summarizes the 2020 peak hour intersection LOS. HCM Worksheets are provided in Appendix J. As shown, the following intersections are forecast to operate at deficient levels of service under 2020 conditions: • Olympic Parkway / I-805 Northbound Ramps (a.m. – LOS F) • Olympic Parkway / Brandywine Avenue (p.m. – LOS F) Table 17 presents the results of the 2020 conditions roadway segment level of service analysis. As shown, the following segments are forecast to operate at deficient levels of service (LOS D, E, or F): • Olympic Parkway: from I-805 to Brandywine Avenue (LOS D) from Brandywine Avenue to Heritage Road (LOS E) from Heritage Road to La Media Road (LOS E) from La Media Road to SR-125 Ramps (LOS D) • Heritage Road: from Main Street to Entertainment Circle (LOS F) from Entertainment Circle to Avenida de Las Vistas (LOS F) • Magdalena Avenue: from Birch Road to Main Street (LOS D) 2020 Significant Impacts & Recommended Mitigation Measures As discussed above, two intersections and seven roadway segments are forecast to operate at deficient levels of service by 2020. Each of the deficient locations were evaluated to determine the project impact at those locations using the City’s thresholds of significance as outlined previously in the “Thresholds of Significance” section of this report. The intersections and roadway segments forecast to operate at deficient LOS are listed below along with the percentage of project trips at each location: • Olympic Parkway / I-805 Northbound Ramps (4.3%) • Olympic Parkway / Brandywine Avenue (6.2%) • Olympic Parkway: from I-805 to Brandywine Avenue (3.6%) from Brandywine Avenue to Heritage Road (4.3%) from Heritage Road to La Media Road (8.2%) from La Media Road to SR-125 Ramps (0.7%) • Heritage Road: from Main Street to Entertainment Circle (0%) from Entertainment Circle to Avenida de Las Vistas (0%) • Magdalena Avenue: from Birch Road to Main Street (0%) 34 Table 16 2020 Peak Hour Intersection Levels of Service Study Intersection AM Peak Hour Delay-LOS PM Peak Hour Delay-LOS LOS E or F % Project Trips Impact 1. Olympic Pkwy / 805 Southbound Ramps 51.9 D 54.0 D 2. Olympic Pkwy / 805 Northbound Ramps 117.7 F 50.5 D X 4.3% Cumulative 3. Olympic Pkwy / Brandywine Ave 42.9 D 80.4 F X 6.2% Direct 4. Olympic Pkwy / Santa Victoria Does Not Exist 5. Olympic Pkwy / Heritage Rd 46.7 D 54.6 D 6. Olympic Pkwy / La Media Rd 40.0 D 35.1 D 7. Olympic Pkwy / 125 Southbound Ramps 5.3 A 5.6 A 8. Olympic Pkwy / 125 Northbound Ramps 4.3 A 5.0 A 9. Olympic Pkwy / Eastlake Parkway 33.5 C 32.6 C 10. Olympic Pkwy / Hunte Pkwy 35.4 D 35.9 D 11. Santa Victoria / Heritage Rd Does Not Exist 12. Birch Rd / La Media Rd 45.9 D 51.1 D 13. Birch Rd / SR125 Southbound Ramps 5.1 A 5.2 A 14. Birch Rd / SR125 Northbound Ramps 13.4 B 14.3 B 15. Birch Rd / Eastlake Pkwy 40.4 D 47.3 D 16. Main St / 805 Southbound Ramps 30.6 C 43.6 D 17. Main St / 805 Northbound Ramps 29.8 C 35.7 D 18. Main St / Heritage Street 4.0 A 5.8 A 19. Main St / La Media Rd 11.2 B 10.2 B 20. Main St / Magdalena Ave 22.5 C 24.3 C 21. Main St / SR125 Southbound Ramps Does Not Exist 22. Main St / SR125 Northbound Ramps Does Not Exist 23. Main Street / Eastlake Pkwy 22.5 C 24.1 C 24. Otay Valley Rd / SR125 Southbound Ramps Does Not Exist 25. Otay Valley Rd / SR125 Northbound Ramps Does Not Exist Note: Deficient intersection operation shown in bold 35 Table 17 2020 Conditions Roadway Segment LOS Roadway Segment Classification LOS C Capacity ADT LOS Significance Criteria1 Impact LOS D/E/F? ≥5% Project Trips? Project ADT ≥800? Olympic Parkway 805 to Brandywine Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 54,600 D X 3.6% 1,943 Cumulative Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 58,200 E X 4.3% 2,498 Cumulative Heritage Rd to La Media Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 60,800 E X 8.2% 4,995 Direct La Media Rd to SR-125 Ramps Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 58,700 E X 0.7% 416 No impact2 SR-125 Ramps to Eastlake Pkwy Expressway (8) 70,000 46,700 A Eastlake Pkwy to Hunte Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 33,600 A East of Hunte Pkwy Major Street (4) 30,000 14,700 A Birch Road La Media to SR-125 Major Street (6) 40,000 37,000 C SR-125 to Eastlake Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 37,200 B Main Street I-805 to Brandywine Ave Prime Arterial (6A) 58,500 39,400 A Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 27,700 A Heritage Rd to Couplet Does Not Exist Couplet to Magdalena Ave Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 12,000 A Magdalena Ave to SR-125 Does Not Exist SR-125 Ramps to Village 9 St A Does Not Exist Village 9 St “A” to Eastlake Pkwy Gateway (6) 61,200 17,900 A Hunte Parkway Eastlake Pkwy to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 11,700 A Olympic Pkwy to Otay Lakes Rd Major Street (4) 30,000 12,800 A Heritage Road Telegraph Cyn to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 40,500 B Olympic Pkwy to Main St Does Not Exist Main St to Entertainment Circle Class II Collector (2A) 12,000 17,300 F X 0% 0 Cumulative Entertainment Circle to Avenida de Las Vistas (City of San Diego) Class II Collector (2A) 12,000 16,300 F X 0% 0 Cumulative La Media Road Telegraph Cyn to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 19,500 A Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 34,600 A Birch Rd to Couplet Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 33,700 A Magdalena Ave Birch Rd to Main St Class II Collector (2) 12,000 12,500 D X 25.5% 3,191 No Impact(3) Eastlake Parkway Otay Lakes Rd to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 20,700 A Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 23,200 A Birch Rd to Main Major Street (6) 40,000 31,400 B Main St to Otay Valley Rd Does Not Exist Otay Valley Road Couplet to Street “A” Major Street (4) 30,000 4,300 A La Media to SR-125 Ramps Does Not Exist SR-125 Ramps to Village 9 St A Does Not Exist Village 9 St “A” to University Major Street (4) 30,000 1,600 A Deficient conditions shown in bold. 1 A “Direct” project impact occurs if a project meets all three significance criteria; otherwise impacts are identified as “Cumulative.” 2According to the City of Chula Vista significance thresholds, an impact along a deficient roadway segment operating at LOS D or E is considered NOT significant if: the intersections along a roadway segment operate at LOS D or better, the project contributes less than 800 ADT, or if the project contributes less than 5% total volume. 3Magdalena is a local street, not on the city’s circulation network and not subject to General Plan LOS standards. The intersection of Main/Magdalena is forecast to operate at acceptable LOS with the project. Therefore, the project is not forecast to have a significant impact on Magdalena Avenue. 36 For cumulative impacts, the project would mitigate impacts through payment toward the City- established TDIF program. Direct impacts need to be fully mitigated by the project. Access is a requirement of development and a public safety issue (Municipal Code 12.24). Access related impacts would occur if appropriate access and frontage improvements are not provided as required. Table 18 summarizes the project impacts and recommended mitigation measures for each significantly impacted location, as well as the forecast levels of service without and with the proposed mitigation for year 2020. All improvements identified as mitigation measures will be bonded or constructed prior to approval of the Final Map associated with the number of EDU’s listed in Table 18. Appendix K includes the mitigated HCM worksheets. A detailed description of recommended project mitigation measures is provided below. 37 Table 18 Year 2020 Levels of Service Without and With Recommended Mitigation PROJECT ACCESS AND FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENT (BY 302nd EDU) (1) Location Recommended Mitigation Otay Valley Road: Construct from south of Main Street to Village 8 West Street “A” as 4-lane Major MITIGATION (BY 1,388TH EDU) (1) Study Intersection Peak Hour 2020 With Project Without Mitigation Recommended Mitigation 2020 With Project With Mitigation Olympic Pkwy / I-805 NB Ramps AM 117.7 F Cumulative Impact Payment of TDIF fees 117.7 F Olympic Pkwy / Brandywine Ave PM 80.4 F Direct Impact Install NB right turn overlap phase. Extend westbound left turn pocket (CIP Project), if not completed by 2015. 46.4 D Study Roadway Segment LOS C Capacity ADT LOS Recommended Mitigation ADT LOS Olympic Parkway: I-805 to Brandywine 50,000 54,600 D Cumulative Impact Payment of TDIF 54,600 D Olympic Parkway: Brandywine to Heritage Rd 50,000 58,200 E Cumulative Impact Payment of TDIF 58,200 E Olympic Parkway: Heritage Rd to La Media Rd 50,000 60,800 E Direct Impact Construct Santa Victoria Road from Heritage Road to La Media Road & Heritage Road from Olympic Parkway to Santa Victoria 55,600 D Olympic Parkway La Media Road to SR-125 50,000 58,700 D No Impact Intersections along the corridor operate at LOS D or better, 58,700 D Heritage Road Main Street to Avenida de las Vistas 12,000 17,300 F Cumulative Impact Payment of TDIF 17,300 F Magdalena Avenue Main Street to Birch Road 12,000 12,500 D No Impact (2) 12,500 D (1) EDU calculations are based on assumptions regarding phasing as defined by the applicant and summarized in this TIA. Mitigation may also be required as shown in the PFFP section of this report and summarized in Table 32. (2) Magdalena is not a circulation element road and is not subject to GDP LOS standards. 38 Olympic Parkway/I-805 Northbound Ramps: At Olympic Parkway / I-805 Northbound Ramps, the percentage of project trips added to the intersection is less than five percent. Therefore, the impacts fall below the thresholds of significance and the impacts are considered cumulative. Recommended Mitigation Measures: Payment of TDIF fees. This facility is within Caltrans ROW and is not within the City’s TDIF program. Physical widening through the intersection was evaluated and determined to be infeasible due to limited available right-of-way and potential impacts to the surrounding land uses. However, there are a number of planned improvements that have been assumed for this traffic analysis and are within the TDIF program and as well as planned improvements by Caltrans for the I-805 corridor that will reduce the traffic volume through the Olympic Parkway/I-805 interchange should these improvements be constructed within the timeframe analyzed in this traffic report. These improvements include the construction of the Palomar Street Direct Access Ramps (anticipated completion 2014) and the construction of Heritage Road (included in TDIF program). The construction of these projects will reduce the traffic demand on the interchange at I-805/Olympic Parkway and will result in improved LOS. Olympic Parkway / Brandywine Avenue: At Olympic Parkway / Brandywine Avenue, the percentage of project trips added to the intersections is more than five percent, resulting in direct project impacts. The obvious mitigation measure for this intersection is the construction of westbound dual left turn lanes to address the high left turn volumes that occur during the a.m. peak period. However, existing right of way constraints make this improvement infeasible, expensive and not reasonable. Based on future forecast of volumes in the study area, and at this location in particular, modifications to the roadway system would in fact reduce the demand at Olympic Parkway at Brandywine Avenue and make this improvement unnecessary in the future. Currently, Brandywine is the main north-south connection between Main Street & Olympic Parkway. During the a.m. peak period, there is a heavy westbound left turn volume. As a result the left turning volume queues in the through lane, blocking access to westbound through vehicles, or the through vehicles block access for the left turning vehicles. When Heritage Road is constructed to provide parallel and redundant access between Olympic Parkway and Main Street, the north-south demand on Brandywine is greatly reduced. As a result the future left turn volumes for this intersection are also greatly reduced. Recommended Mitigation Measures: There are two mitigations identified that when combined fully mitigate the identified project impacts for the Olympic Parkway and Brandywine Avenue intersection: 1. Install northbound right turn overlap phase. This will reduce delay to the northbound right turning volume and provide an overall capacity improvement to the intersection. This improvement will offset the projects’ direct impact. 39 2. Extend westbound left turn pocket (CIP Project), if not completed by 2015. To reduce the short term lane blockage issue, the City has developed a CIP project, that is fully funded through TransNet funds to lengthen the existing westbound left turn pocket. Although traditional methods of measuring levels of service do not accurately measure the benefits of this improvement, the ability for vehicles to decelerate in the left turn lane and the ability for the queue to be maintained within the provided left turn pocket will provide operational benefits to the intersection and corridor. This is a short-term solution toward mitigating existing queuing issues at the intersection. Olympic Parkway: From I-805 to Brandywine This segment of Olympic Parkway is forecast to operate at LOS D. The project contributes 1,943 daily trips (3.6% to the total volume of the segment), which falls below the threshold of significance for a direct impact. Therefore, the impact is cumulative. Recommended Mitigation Measures: Payment of TDIF fees. Olympic Parkway: From Brandywine to Heritage Road Based on this analysis, the project will add 2,498 trips (4.3% percent of the total daily traffic) to Olympic Parkway from Brandywine Avenue to Heritage Road. As this falls below the thresholds of significance for a direct impact, the impact is determined to be cumulative Recommended Mitigation Measures: Payment of TDIF fees. Olympic Parkway: From Heritage Road to La Media Road The project is forecast to add 4,995 trips (8.2% of the total daily traffic) to the segment of Olympic Parkway from Heritage Road to La Media Road. As this exceeds the City’s thresholds of significance, the impacts to this segment are a direct project impact. Therefore, improvements are required to offset the project impacts. Recommended Mitigation Measures: Construct Santa Victoria from Heritage Road to La Media Road and Heritage Road from Olympic Parkway to Santa Victoria. Santa Victoria is a future road that runs parallel to Olympic Parkway between Heritage Road and La Media Road. The construction of Santa Victoria will reduce the demand on Olympic Parkway by providing an alternative route through Village 2. The trip distribution analysis conducted using the SANDAG model demonstrated that project traffic from Village 8 West will use Santa Victoria as an alternative route to Olympic Parkway. As this road is not included in the TDIF program, TDIF credits would not be allocated for the construction of this road. 40 Olympic Parkway: From La Media Road to SR-125 Olympic Parkway from La Media Road to SR-125 is forecast to operate at LOS E, but all intersections along the segment operate at LOS D or better. According to the City’s thresholds of significance, when this occurs, there is no impact to this segment. No mitigation measures are required. Heritage Road: Main Street to Avenida de las Vistas Heritage Road is forecast to operate at LOS F by the year 2020. The distribution of project trips using the SANDAG model showed that the project is not forecast to add any project trips to the segment of Heritage Road from Main Street to Entertainment Circle to Avenida de las Vistas. Recommended Mitigation Measures: Payment of TDIF Fees Future plans to widen Heritage Road to six lanes will increase the roadway capacity and the segment is forecast to operate acceptably once the road is widened. The payment of TDIF fees will mitigate any cumulative impacts this project would have on Heritage Road. Magdalena Avenue: Birch Road to Main Street Magdalena Avenue is not a Circulation Element road and is not subject to General Plan LOS thresholds according to the Otay Ranch General Development Plan. Analysis of Magdalena Avenue shows that this road operates at LOS D in the year 2020. A level of service D operating condition indicates that the forecast ADT volume in the year 2020 is approximately 70 to 80% of the overall capacity of the road and acceptable traffic flow will occur. As the forecast year 2020 volumes are well below the capacity of the road, the project not forecast to impact Magdalena Avenue in the 2020. Therefore, the project impacts to this road are determined to be not significant and mitigation measures are not required. 41 2025 CONDITIONS In addition to the development assumed in 2015 and 2020, an additional 162 single family dwelling units, 359 multi family dwelling units, an elementary school, 150,000 square feet of commercial retail, and 13 acres of park space are planned in Village 8 West by 2025. Table 19 summarizes the forecasted Village 8 West 2025 project trip generation. Table 19 2025 Project Trip Generation Land Use Size Daily Trips AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Total Inbound Outbound Total Inbound Outbound Park (Active Recreation) 8.0 acres 400 16 8 8 32 16 16 Urban & Neighborhood Park 10.6 acres 53 2 1 1 4 2 2 Single Family Residential 621 DU 6,210 497 149 348 621 435 186 Multi-Family Residential 1,429 DU 11,432 915 183 732 1,143 800 343 Elementary School 11.4 acres 1,140 365 219 146 103 41 62 Office (<100 KSF) 50 KSF 1,000 140 129 14 130 26 104 Commercial Retail 190 KSF 15,200 608 365 243 1,520 760 760 SUBTOTAL 35,435 2,542 1,051 1,492 3,553 2,080 1,473 Internal Capture1 -11,326 -484 -242 -242 -1,043 -522 -522 Transit Reduction2 -1,772 -127 -53 -75 -178 -104 -74 TOTAL 22,338 1,932 756 1,175 2,332 1,454 878 Total EDU’s 2,234 Note: based on SANDAG, Not So Brief Guide, April 2002 1 Internal Capture Rates provided from ITE Trip Generation Handbook. Internal capture rates vary by each combination of land uses. 2 Transit Reduction Rates provided from SANDAG; a transit reduction of 5% is assumed by project buildout. The 2025 traffic analysis assumes the 2020 mitigated roadway network plus the following roadway improvements: • Construction of additional two lanes of Main Street through couplet (project frontage improvement) • Construction of additional two lanes of La Media Road through couplet (project frontage improvement) • Construction of Otay Valley Road from Street “A” to the southeastern project boundary as a four lane Major arterial (project frontage improvement) • Construction of Santa Victoria Road from Heritage Road to La Media Road (2020 project mitigation) • Construction of Heritage Road (from Olympic Parkway to Main Street); re-stripe southbound Heritage Road to include dual left turn lanes, three through lanes and one right turn lane (constructed by others) • Widening of Heritage Road from Main Street to Avenida de las Vistas from a Class II Collector to a six lane Prime (constructed by others) 42 The 2020 mitigated roadway network is required to be constructed prior to the construction of the first EDU following the 2020 development phase (1,388 EDUs). Any additional development cannot occur until the 2020 mitigated roadway network is in place. If the project equivalent dwelling unit limit exceeds the 2020 development phase (1,388 EDUs) prior to the completion of all of the above- listed assumed and planned off-site and on-site improvements being constructed and open to traffic, then one of the following steps shall be taken as determined by the City Engineer: 1. Development in Village 8 West will stop until those assumed future roadways are constructed by others; or 2. City and OLC shall meet to determine the need for the incomplete roadway segments. A number of factors, including changes to the tolling structure at SR-125, may affect the traffic patterns in the Otay Ranch. Additional traffic analysis of the roadway network and levels of service assessment may be necessary to determine if such improvements are necessary and the scope and timing of additional circulation improvements; or 3. Developer shall construct the missing roadway links and receive TDIF credit for those improvements as applicable; or 4. An alternative measure is selected by the city in accordance with the city of Chula Vista Growth Management Ordinance. 5. All to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The roadway network used in this analysis is illustrated in Exhibit 32. Village 8 West will gain access from Main Street, La Media Road, Otay Valley Road and Magdalena Avenue. The forecast 2025 volumes include the project traffic and traffic associated with existing and planned development in Chula Vista, City of San Diego, and County of San Diego. Cumulative project volumes were forecast using the SANDAG Series 11 South Bay model, which included straight-lined development assumptions for all other undeveloped or partially developed properties. Exhibit 33 illustrates the forecasted 2025 peak hour intersection volumes. Forecast 2025 daily traffic volumes are illustrated in Exhibit 34. 43 2025 Operational Analysis Table 20 summarizes the 2025 peak hour intersection level of service analysis. HCM analysis worksheets for the year 2025 conditions are provided in Appendix L. As shown, the following intersections are forecast to operate at deficient levels of service under 2025 conditions: • Birch Road / La Media Road (a.m. – LOS F, p.m. – LOS F) • Birch Road / Eastlake Parkway (a.m. – LOS F, p.m. – LOS F) • Main Street / Eastlake Parkway (a.m. – LOS F, p.m. – LOS F) Table 21 presents the results of the 2025 conditions roadway segment level of service analysis. As shown, the following segments are forecast to operate at deficient levels of service (LOS D, E, or F): • Olympic Parkway: from Heritage Road to La Media Road (LOS F) from La Media Road to SR-125 Ramps (LOS D) • Birch Road: from La Media to SR-125 (LOS F) • Magdalena Avenue: from Birch Road to Main Street (LOS F) • Eastlake Parkway: from Birch Road to Main Street (LOS F) 44 Table 20 2025 Conditions Peak Hour Study Intersection Level of Service Study Intersection AM Peak Hour Delay-LOS PM Peak Hour Delay-LOS LOS E or F % Project Trips Impact 1. Olympic Pkwy / 805 Southbound Ramps 43.3 D 46.2 D 2. Olympic Pkwy / 805 Northbound Ramps 43.5 D 34.3 C 3. Olympic Pkwy / Brandywine Ave 30.0 C 36.8 D 4. Olympic Pkwy / Santa Victoria 26.6 C 37.8 D 5. Olympic Pkwy / Heritage Rd 37.8 D 50.5 D 6. Olympic Pkwy / La Media Rd 45.7 D 47.9 D 7. Olympic Pkwy / 125 Southbound Ramps 5.4 A 5.8 A 8. Olympic Pkwy / 125 Northbound Ramps 4.1 A 4.9 A 9. Olympic Pkwy / Eastlake Parkway 34.9 C 36.8 D 10. Olympic Pkwy / Hunte Pkwy 36.9 D 36.6 D 11. Santa Victoria / Heritage Rd 37.5 D 39.5 D 12. Birch Rd / La Media Rd 234.8 F 190.5 F X 13.2% Direct 13. Birch Rd / SR125 Southbound Ramps 10.6 B 11.4 B 14. Birch Rd / SR125 Northbound Ramps 46.7 D 46.1 D 15. Birch Rd / Eastlake Pkwy 443.0 F 454.5 F X 9.6% Direct 16. Main St / 805 Southbound Ramps 32.6 C 53.0 D 17. Main St / 805 Northbound Ramps 39.0 D 48.3 D 18. Main St / Heritage Street 21.2 C 16.5 B 19. Main St / La Media Rd (Couplet): Westbound Main St / Southbound La Media Rd 10.4 B 12.3 B Westbound Main St / Northbound La Media Rd 18.7 B 17.3 B Eastbound Main St / Southbound La Media Rd 0.1 A 0.1 A Eastbound Main St / Northbound La Media Rd 9.5 A 14.2 B 20. Main St / Magdalena Ave 26.2 C 41.4 D 21. Main St / SR125 Southbound Ramps Does Not Exist 22. Main St / SR125 Northbound Ramps Does Not Exist 23. Main Street / Eastlake Pkwy 274.4 F 242.8 F X 10.2% Direct 24. Otay Valley Rd / SR125 Southbound Ramps Does Not Exist 25. Otay Valley Rd / SR125 Northbound Ramps Does Not Exist Note: Deficient intersection operation shown in bold 45 Table 21 2025 Roadway Segment Level of Service Roadway Segment Classification LOS C Capacity ADT LOS Significance Criteria1 Impact LOS D/E/F? ≥5% Project Trips? Project ADT ≥800? Olympic Parkway 805 to Brandywine Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 43,300 B Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 42,600 B Heritage Rd to La Media Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 62,900 F X 4.8% 3,051 Cumulative La Media Rd to SR-125 Ramps Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 56,200 D X 1.2% 670 No impact2 SR-125 Ramps to Eastlake Pkwy Expressway (8) 70,000 49,700 A Eastlake Pkwy to Hunte Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 35,300 A East of Hunte Pkwy Major Street (4) 30,000 18,400 A Birch Road La Media to SR-125 Major Street (6) 40,000 51,100 F X 20.1% 10,275 Direct SR-125 to Eastlake Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 47,000 C Main Street I-805 to Brandywine Ave Prime Arterial (6A) 58,500 41,600 C Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 31,200 B Heritage Rd to Couplet Does Not Exist Couplet to Magdalena Ave Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 5,200 A Magdalena Ave to SR-125 Ramps Does Not Exist SR-125 Ramps to Village 9 St “A” Does Not Exist Village 9 St “A” to Eastlake Pkwy Gateway (6) 61,200 22,600 A Hunte Parkway Eastlake Pkwy to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 24,800 A Olympic Pkwy to Otay Lakes Rd Major Street (4) 30,000 16,000 A Heritage Road Telegraph Cyn to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 43,100 B Olympic Pkwy to Main St Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 32,500 A Main St to Entertainment Circle Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 19,500 A Entertainment Circle to Avenida de Las Vistas (City of San Diego) Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 19,500 A La Media Road Telegraph Cyn to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 19,600 A Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 35,900 A Birch Rd to Couplet Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 35,000 A Magdalena Ave Birch Rd to Main St Class II Collector (2) 12,000 20,100 F X 26.6% 5,337 Direct Eastlake Parkway Otay Lakes Rd to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 21,200 A Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 24,700 A Birch Rd to Main Major Street (6) 40,000 54,600 F X 10.2% 5,584 Direct Main St to Otay Valley Rd Does Not Exist Otay Valley Road Couplet to Street “A” Major Street (4) 30,000 7,600 A Street “A” to SR-125 Ramps Does Not Exist SR-125 Ramps to Village 9 Does Not Exist Village 9 Access Rd to University Major Street (4) 30,000 9,700 A Note: Deficient LOS operation shown in bold 1 A “Direct” project impact occurs if a project meets all three significance criteria; otherwise impacts are identified as “Cumulative. 2According to the City of Chula Vista significance thresholds, an impact along a deficient roadway segment operating at LOS D or E is considered NOT significant if: the intersections along a roadway segment operate at LOS D or better, the project contributes less than 800 ADT, or if the project contributes less than 5% total volume. 46 2025 Significant Impacts & Recommended Mitigation Measures As discussed above, three intersections and five roadway segments are forecast to operate at deficient levels of service by 2025. Each of the deficient locations were evaluated to determine the project impact at those locations using the City’s thresholds of significance as outlined previously in the “Thresholds of Significance” section of this report. The intersections and roadway segments forecast to operate at deficient LOS are listed below along with the percentage of project trips at each location: • Birch Road / La Media Road (13.2%) • Birch Road / Eastlake Parkway (9.6%) • Main Street / Eastlake Parkway (10.2%) • Olympic Parkway: from Heritage Road to La Media Road (4.8%) from La Media Road to SR-125 (1.2%) • Birch Road: from La Media Road to SR-125 (20.1%) • Magdalena Avenue: from Birch Road to Main Street (26.6%) • Eastlake Parkway: from Birch Road to Main Street (10.2%) For cumulative impacts, the project would mitigate impacts through payment toward the City- established TDIF program. Direct impacts need to be fully mitigated by the project. Access is a requirement of development and a public safety issue (Municipal Code 12.24). Access related impacts would occur if appropriate access and frontage improvements are not provided as required. Table 22 summarizes the project impacts and recommended mitigation measures for each of the deficient locations, as well as the forecast levels of service without and with the proposed mitigation for year 2025. All improvements identified as mitigation measures will be bonded or constructed prior to approval of the Final Map for the associated number of EDU’s identified in Table 22. Appendix M includes the volume analysis worksheets for Olympic Parkway and Birch Road as well as the mitigated HCM worksheets. A detailed description of each of the recommended mitigation measures is provided in the following paragraphs. Olympic Parkway: From Heritage Road to La Media Road Olympic Parkway is forecast to operate at LOS F by year 2025 from Heritage Road to La Media Road. The project traffic is approximately 4.8% of the total traffic on this segment. Therefore, the project is forecast to have a cumulative impact on Olympic Parkway. Recommended Mitigation Measure: Payment of TDIF Fees. Olympic Parkway: La Media Road to SR-125 Olympic Parkway is forecast to operate at LOS D by year 2025 from La Media Road to SR- 125. Intersections along this segment are forecast to operate at acceptable LOS. Therefore, the project is not forecast to impact this segment and mitigation measures are not required. 47 Birch Road: From La Media Road to SR-125, and the intersections of Birch Road / La Media and Birch Road / Eastlake Parkway Birch Road operates at LOS F under 2025 conditions from La Media Road to SR-125, including the intersection of Birch Road / La Media Road. The intersection of Birch Road / Eastlake Parkway is also forecast to operate at LOS F under 2025 conditions. Birch Road is currently constructed to its Circulation Element classification. Therefore, no capacity enhancements can be made to Birch Road to offset the impacts. The construction of Main Street as a six lane Prime arterial between the Village 8 West eastern boundary and Eastlake Parkway would reduce the demand on Birch Road between La Media Road and Eastlake Parkway by as much as 40%. This shift in traffic would reduce the volume on Birch Road to an acceptable level of service, thereby mitigating the impact on the deficient segment and identified intersections. Recommended Mitigation Measure: Construct Main Street from existing terminus east of Village 8 West to Eastlake Parkway, including the overcrossing at SR-125. The impacted segment of Birch Road from La Media Road to SR-125, and the intersections of Birch Road / La Media Road and Birch Road / Eastlake Parkway are directly impacted by the project. Therefore, the project should construct Main Street between the eastern project boundary and Eastlake Parkway, including the overcrossing at SR-125. The construction of Main Street between the Village 8 West boundary and Eastlake Parkway would offset the project impacts at the following locations: • Birch Road / La Media Road • Birch Road / Eastlake Parkway • Birch Road: from La Media Road to SR-125 48 Table 22 Year 2025 Levels of Service Without and With Proposed Mitigation PROJECT ACCESS AND FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENT (BY 1,388th EDU) (1) Location Recommended Mitigation Main Street: Construct remaining two lanes of Main Street through the couplet and install traffic signals at new couplet intersections. Restripe Main Street as one-way for each leg of couplet. La Media Road: Construct remaining two lanes of La Media Road through the couplet and install traffic signals at new couplet intersections. Restripe La Media Road as one-way for each leg of couplet. Main Street/Magdalena Avenue Re-stripe Main Street/Magdalena Avenue intersection to include dual eastbound left turn lanes and one eastbound through lane. Install traffic signal. Otay Valley Road: Construct as a 4-lane Major from Village 8 West Street “A” to Village 8 West eastern project boundary. Install stop control on side streets until traffic signal is warranted MITIGATION (BY 2,234th EDU) (1) Study Intersection Peak Hour 2025 With Project Without Mitigation Recommended Mitigation 2025 With Project With Mitigation Birch Rd / La Media Rd AM 234.8 F Direct Impact Construct Main Street from Village 8 West eastern boundary to Eastlake Parkway including bridge over SR-125. 37.9 D PM 190.5 F 37.1 D Birch Rd / Eastlake Pkwy AM 443.0 F 39.0 D PM 454.5 F 40.3 D Main St / Eastlake Pkwy AM 274.4 F 24.6 C PM 242.8 F 24.1 C Study Roadway Segment LOS C Capacity ADT LOS Recommended Mitigation ADT LOS Olympic Parkway: Heritage Rd to La Media Rd 50,000 62,900 F Cumulative Impact Pay TDIF Fees 62,900 F Olympic Parkway: La Media Rd to SR-125 50,000 56,200 D No Impact Intersections operate at acceptable LOS. 56,200 D Birch Road La Media to SR-125 40,000 51,100 F Direct Impact Construct Main Street from Village 8 West eastern boundary to Eastlake Parkway including bridge over SR-125 23,200 A Magdalena Avenue Birch Rd to Main St 12,000 20,100 F 11,500 C Eastlake Parkway Birch Rd to Main St 40,000 54,600 F 35,400 C (1) EDU calculations are based on assumptions regarding phasing as defined by the applicant and summarized in this TIA. Mitigation may also be required as shown in the PFFP section of this report and summarized in Table 32. 49 Magdalena Avenue: From Birch Road to Main Street Magdalena Avenue operates at LOS F under 2025 conditions from Birch Road to Main Street. Recommended Mitigation Measure: Construct Main Street from existing terminus east of Village 8 West to Eastlake Parkway, including the overcrossing at SR-125. The construction of Main Street will reduce traffic demand on Magdalena thereby mitigating the direct project impact of this segment. Eastlake Parkway: From Birch Road to Main Street including the intersection of Main Street and Eastlake Parkway Eastlake Parkway operates at LOS F under 2025 conditions from Birch Road to Main Street. Eastlake Parkway provides the primary access to future villages on the east side of SR-125. Recommended Mitigation Measure: Construct Main Street from existing terminus east of Village 8 West to Eastlake Parkway, including the overcrossing at SR-125. The construction of Main Street from its existing terminus east of Village 8 West to Eastlake Parkway including the overcrossing at SR-125 would reduce the traffic demand on Eastlake Parkway thereby mitigating the identified direct project impact at the following locations: • Main Street / Eastlake Parkway • Eastlake Parkway: from Birch Road to Main Street 50 2030 CONDITIONS In addition to the developments assumed through 2025, this scenario assumes buildout of Village 8 West to include the construction of a middle school, an additional 60,000 square feet of commercial retail, and 9.4 acres of park space. This scenario assumes the 2025 mitigated street network. Table 23 summarizes the forecasted Village 8 West 2030 project trip generation. Table 23 2030 Project Trip Generation Land Use Size Daily Trips AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Total Inbound Outbound Total Inbound Outbound Park (Active Recreation) 17.4 acres 870 35 17 17 70 35 35 Urban & Neighborhood Park 10.6 acres 53 2 1 1 4 2 2 Single Family Residential 621 DU 6,210 497 149 348 621 435 186 Multi-Family Residential 1,429 DU 11,432 915 183 732 1,143 800 343 Elementary School 11.4 acres 1,140 365 219 146 103 41 62 Jr. High/Middle School 21.0 acres 2,205 706 423 282 198 79 119 Office (<100 KSF) 50 KSF 1,000 140 129 14 130 26 104 Commercial Retail 250 KSF 20,000 800 480 320 2,000 1,000 1,000 SUBTOTAL 43,084 3,467 1,604 1,864 4,283 2,425 1,858 Internal Capture1 -14,826 -632 -316 -316 -1,300 -650 -650 Transit Reduction2 -2,154 -173 -80 -93 -214 -121 -93 TOTAL 26,104 2,662 1,208 1,455 2,769 1,654 1,115 Total EDU’s 2,610 Note: based on SANDAG, Not So Brief Guide, April 2002 1 Internal Capture Rates provided from ITE Trip Generation Handbook. Internal capture rates vary by each combination of land uses. 2 Transit Reduction Rates provided from SANDAG; a transit reduction of 5% is assumed by project buildout. The 2030 scenario includes analysis of the forecasted traffic volumes from the SANDAG model run for year 2030, including anticipated land uses and traffic associated with projects expected to be constructed by 2030. The traffic analysis assumes the 2025 mitigated network plus the following: • Street “A” will be constructed from Main Street to Otay Valley Road as a two-lane Collector • Construction of Main Street from Heritage Road to La Media Road (constructed by others) The 2025 mitigated roadway network is required to be constructed prior to the construction of the first EDU following the 2025 development phase (2,234 EDUs). Any additional development cannot occur until the 2025 mitigated roadway network is in place. If the project equivalent dwelling unit exceeds the 2025 development phase (2,234 EDUs) prior to the completion of all of the above- listed assumed and planned off-site and on-site improvements being constructed and open to traffic, then one of the following steps shall be taken as determined by the City Engineer: 51 1. Development in Village 8 West will stop until those assumed future roadways are constructed by others; or 2. City and OLC shall meet to determine the need for the incomplete roadway segments. A number of factors, including changes to the tolling structure at SR-125, may affect the traffic patterns in the Otay Ranch. Additional traffic analysis of the roadway network and levels of service assessment may be necessary to determine if such improvements are necessary and the scope and timing of additional circulation improvements; or 3. Developer shall construct the missing roadway links and receive TDIF credit for those improvements as applicable; or 4. An alternative measure is selected by the city in accordance with the city of Chula Vista Growth Management Ordinance. 5. All to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The roadway network used in evaluating the 2030 conditions is illustrated in Exhibit 35. The 2030 roadway network does not represent the City’s ultimate Circulation Element network. The 2030 roadway network lacks a few components of the ultimate infrastructure that is planned in the study area, and it has been determined that these remaining components of the ultimate roadway network are not necessary to mitigate the project’s impacts. Access to Village 8 West will be provided along Main Street, La Media Road, Otay Valley Road, Street “A” and Magdalena Avenue. Street “A” is not included in the roadway segment analysis as it is a local street not subject to LOS requirements. Operating conditions of Street “A” and the associated internal intersections are discussed in the On-Site Street Improvements Phase and Operational Analysis section provided later in this report. 52 2030 Operational Analysis The forecast traffic volumes for year 2030 were utilized to evaluate year 2030 operating conditions at the study intersections and along roadway segments. Exhibit 36 shows 2030 peak hour intersection volumes. Exhibit 37 illustrates 2030 ADT volumes. Detailed HCM calculation sheets are contained in Appendix N. Table 24 summarizes the 2030 a.m. and p.m. peak hour intersection LOS. As shown in Table 24, the following intersections are forecast to operate at deficient levels of service (LOS E or F) under 2030 conditions: • Birch Road / La Media Road (a.m. – LOS F, p.m. – LOS F) • Birch Road / SR-125 Northbound Ramps (a.m. – LOS F) • Birch Road / Eastlake Parkway (a.m. – LOS F, p.m. – LOS E) • Main St / 805 Southbound Ramps (p.m. – LOS E) • Main St / 805 Northbound Ramps (p.m. – LOS E) • Main Street / La Media Road Couplet o Westbound Main Street / Northbound La Media (a.m. – LOS E) o Eastbound Main Street / Southbound La Media (a.m. – LOS E, p.m. – LOS F) o Eastbound Main Street / Northbound La Media (a.m. – LOS E) • Main Street / Magdalena (a.m. – LOS F, p.m. – LOS F) • Main Street / Eastlake Parkway (a.m. – LOS F, p.m. – LOS E) Table 25 presents the results of the 2030 conditions roadway segment level of service analysis. As shown in Table 25, the following segments are forecast to operate at deficient levels of service (LOS D, E, or F): • Olympic Parkway: from east of Hunte Parkway (LOS D) • Birch Road: from La Media to SR-125 (LOS F) from SR-125 to Eastlake Parkway (LOS F) • Main Street: from I-805 to Brandywine Ave (LOS D) from Brandywine to Heritage Road (LOS D) • Heritage Road: from Telegraph Canyon to Olympic Parkway (LOS D) from Main Street to Entertainment Circle (LOS E) from Entertainment Circle to Avenida de Las Vistas (LOS D))? • Magdalena Avenue: from Birch Road to Main Street (LOS D) • Eastlake Parkway: from Birch Road to Main Street (LOS D) 53 Table 24 2030 Study Intersection LOS Study Intersection AM Peak Hour Delay-LOS PM Peak Hour Delay-LOS LOS E or F % Project Trips Impact 1. Olympic Pkwy / 805 Southbound Ramps 29.1 C 34.8 C 2. Olympic Pkwy / 805 Northbound Ramps 23.7 C 23.2 C 3. Olympic Pkwy / Brandywine Ave 27.9 C 39.2 C 4. Olympic Pkwy / Santa Victoria 12.7 B 13.3 B 5. Olympic Pkwy / Heritage Rd 37.4 D 54.4 D 6. Olympic Pkwy / La Media Rd 37.6 D 39.2 D 7. Olympic Pkwy / 125 Southbound Ramps 6.6 A 7.8 A 8. Olympic Pkwy / 125 Northbound Ramps 2.6 A 3.0 A 9. Olympic Pkwy / Eastlake Parkway 33.8 C 36.5 D 10. Olympic Pkwy / Hunte Pkwy 38.9 D 39.2 D 11. Santa Victoria / Heritage Rd 37.0 D 42.3 D 12. Birch Rd / La Media Rd 91.0 F 116.2 F X 8.3% Direct 13. Birch Rd / SR125 Southbound Ramps 7.8 A 6.1 A 14. Birch Rd / SR125 Northbound Ramps 112.4 F 31.8 C X 6.4% Direct 15. Birch Rd / Eastlake Pkwy 117.2 F 65.8 E X 10.7% Direct 16. Main St / 805 Southbound Ramps 46.2 D 55.9 E X 4.2% Cumulative 17. Main St / 805 Northbound Ramps 39.6 D 57.8 E X 7.0% Direct 18. Main St / Heritage Street 32.2 C 42.0 D 19. Main St / La Media Rd (Couplet): Westbound Main St / Southbound La Media Rd 26.9 C 23.3 C Westbound Main St / Northbound La Media Rd 103.2 F 48.0 D X 13.0% Direct Eastbound Main St / Southbound La Media Rd 140.3 F 95.2 F X Eastbound Main St / Northbound La Media Rd 80.9 F 42.5 D X 20. Main St / Magdalena Ave 131.3 F 143.8 F X 20.2% Direct 21. Main St / SR125 Southbound Ramps Does Not Exist 22. Main St / SR125 Northbound Ramps Does Not Exist 23. Main Street / Eastlake Pkwy 141.9 F 52.1 D X 10.8% Direct 24. Otay Valley Rd / SR125 Southbound Ramps Does Not Exist 25. Otay Valley Rd / SR125 Northbound Ramps Does Not Exist Note: Deficient intersection operation shown in bold 54 Table 25 2030 Roadway Segment LOS Roadway Segment Classification LOS C Capacity ADT LOS Significance Criteria1 Impact LOS D/E/F? ≥5% Project Trips? Project ADT ≥800? Olympic Parkway I-805 to Brandywine Ave Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 48,300 C Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 34,800 A Heritage Rd to La Media Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 33,300 A La Media Rd to SR-125 Ramps Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 43,900 C SR-125 Ramps to Eastlake Pkwy Expressway (8) 70,000 49,400 A Eastlake Pkwy to Hunte Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 34,200 A East of Hunte Pkwy Major Street (4) 30,000 30,100 D X 0.9% 261 No impact; acceptable intersection LOS along segment2 Birch Road La Media to SR-125 Major Street (6) 40,000 54,200 F X 1.9% 1,044 Cumulative SR-125 to Eastlake Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 65,200 F X 1.6% 1,044 Cumulative Main Street I-805 to Brandywine Ave Prime Arterial (6A) 58,000 61,300 D X 6.4% 3,916 Direct Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 52,200 D X 8.5% 4,438 Heritage Rd to Couplet Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 44,900 C Couplet to Magdalena Ave Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 25,100 A Magdalena Ave to SR-125 Ramps Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 33,100 A SR-125 to Village 9 St “A” Gateway (6) 68,700 35,400 A Village 9 St “A” to Eastlake Pkwy Gateway (6) 68,700 24,500 A Hunte Pkwy Eastlake Pkwy to Olympic Pkwy Prime (6) 50,000 40,000 B Olympic Pkwy to Otay Lakes Rd Major Street (4) 30,000 20,700 A Heritage Road Telegraph Cyn to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 50,700 D X 0.5% 261 No impact; acceptable intersection LOS along segment 2 Olympic Pkwy to Main St Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 42,300 B Main St to Entertainment Circle Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 61,400 E X 2.6% 1,566 Cumulative Entertainment Circle to Avenida de Las Vistas (City of San Diego) Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 52,600 D X 3.0% 1,566 La Media Road Telegraph Cyn to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 29,900 A Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 28,300 A Birch Rd to Couplet Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 38,000 B Magdalena Ave Birch Rd to Main St Class II Collector (2) 12,000 12,700 D X 12.3% 1,566 No impact 3 Eastlake Parkway Otay Lakes Rd to Olympic Pkwy Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 24,000 A Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd Prime Arterial (6) 50,000 27,600 A Birch Rd to Main Major Street (6) 40,000 41,300 D X 0.6% 261 Cumulative Main St to Otay Valley Rd Does Not Exist Otay Valley Road Couplet to Street “A” Major Street (4) 30,000 7,300 A Street “A” to SR-125 Ramps Does Not Exist SR-125 Ramps to Village 9 Does Not Exist Village 9 Access Rd to University Major Street (4) 30,000 9,500 A Note: Deficient LOS operation shown in bold. 1 A “Direct” project impact occurs if a project meets all three significance criteria; otherwise impacts are identified as “Cumulative. 2According to the City of Chula Vista significance thresholds, an impact along a deficient roadway segment operating at LOS D or E is considered NOT significant if the intersections along a roadway segment operate at LOS D or better. 3 3Magdalena is a local street, not on the city’s circulation network and not subject to General Plan LOS standards. The intersection of Main/Magdalena is forecast to operate at acceptable LOS with the project. Therefore, the project is not forecast to have a significant impact on Magdalena Avenue. 55 2030 Significant Impacts & Recommended Mitigation As discussed above, eight intersections and nine roadway segments are forecast to operate at deficient levels of service by 2030. Each of the deficient locations were evaluated to determine the project impact at those locations using the City’s thresholds of significance as outlined previously in the “Thresholds of Significance” section of this report. The intersections and roadway segments forecast to operate at deficient LOS are listed below along with the percentage of project trips at each location: • Birch Road / La Media Road (8.3%) • Birch Road / SR-125 Northbound Ramps (6.4%) • Birch Road / Eastlake Parkway (10.7%) • Main Street / 805 Southbound Ramps (4.2%) • Main Street / 805 Northbound Ramps (7.0%) • Main Street / La Media Couplet (13.0%) • Main Street / Magdalena Avenue (20.2%) • Main Street / Eastlake Parkway (10.8%) • Olympic Parkway: East of Hunte Parkway (0.9%) • Birch Road: from La Media Road to SR-125 (1.9%) from SR-125 to Eastlake Parkway (1.6%) • Main Street: from I-805 to Brandywine Ave (6.4%) from Brandywine to Heritage Road (8.5%) • Heritage Road: from Telegraph Canyon to Olympic Parkway (0.5%) from Main Street to Entertainment Circle (2.6%) from Entertainment Circle to Avenida de Las Vistas (3.0%))? • Magdalena Avenue: from Birch Road to Main Street (12.3%) • Eastlake Parkway: from Birch Road to Main Street (0.6%) For cumulative impacts, the project would mitigate impacts through payment toward the City- established TDIF program. Direct impacts need to be fully mitigated by the project. Access is a requirement of development and a public safety issue (Municipal C ode 12.24). Access related impacts would occur if appropriate access and frontage improvements are not provided as required. Table 26 summarizes the recommended mitigation measures for each of the identified impacts, as well as the forecast levels of service without and with the proposed mitigation for year 2030. All improvements identified as project mitigation shall be bonded or constructed prior to approval of the Final Map for the associated number of EDU’s identified in Table 26. Table 27 provides a comprehensive summary of all study area intersection operating conditions for the year 2030 with the mitigation measures summarized in Table 26. Roadway segment operating conditions for all study segments in year 2030 with mitigation are summarized in Table 28. 56 Appendix O includes the mitigated HCM worksheets. The following paragraphs summarize the recommended mitigation measures for the year 2030 conditions. The mitigated roadway network and daily traffic volumes are provided in Exhibit 38. Peak hour volumes for the mitigated conditions are illustrated in Exhibit 39. Olympic Parkway: East of Hunte Parkway Olympic Parkway east of Hunte Parkway is forecast to operate at LOS D by year 2030. Intersection operational analysis along this segment shows that the signalized intersections operate at LOS D or better. Therefore, the project has no impact on this segment and no mitigation measures are recommended. Birch Road: From La Media Road to SR-125 and from SR-125 to Eastlake Parkway including the intersections of Birch Road / La Media Road, Birch Road / SR-125 NB Ramps and Birch Road / Eastlake Parkway Birch Road operates at LOS F under 2030 conditions from La Media Road to Eastlake Parkway. Birch Road is currently constructed to its Circulation Element classification. Therefore, no capacity enhancements can be made to Birch Road to offset the impacts. Recommended Mitigation Measure: Construct Main Street / SR-125 Ramps Traffic volumes along Birch Road exceed the available capacity primarily due to the demand for access to SR-125 ramps. Therefore, the construction of northbound and southbound ramps to SR-125 at Main Street will reduce the demand on Birch Road between La Media Road and Eastlake Parkway. This shift in traffic would reduce the volume on Birch Road to an acceptable level of service, thereby mitigating the impact on the deficient segments. Providing ramps at Main Street would relieve traffic along Birch Road and mitigates the impacts at the following locations: • Birch Road / La Media Road • Birch Road / SR-125 Northbound Ramps • Birch Road / Eastlake Parkway • Birch Road: from La Media Road to SR-125 from SR-125 to Eastlake Parkway Main Street: Intersections of Main Street / La Media Road (Couplet), Main Street / Magdalena Avenue and Main Street Eastlake Parkway Main Street is forecast to operate at an acceptable LOS by year 2030. However, intersections along Main Street through this segment operate at LOS E or F. The high demand of traffic and deficient operating conditions are due to a high demand of east-west traffic across SR-125 and heavy turning movements at these intersections. The high demand stems from limited access to development south of Main Street. Village 8 West, Village 8 East and Village 9 must cross SR-125 at Main Street or points north of Main Street to travel between villages. Although improvements to the intersections could be made to 57 offset the impacts, the circulation between villages would be improved if a secondary connection was made between villages. Recommended Mitigation Measure: Construct Otay Valley Road from Village 8 West eastern boundary to Village 9 Street ”A” including the overcrossing at SR-125 Constructing Otay Valley Road as a four-lane Major from Village 8 West eastern boundary to Village 9 including the bridge over SR-125 would relieve traffic along Main Street, reduce turning movements at key intersections. This improvement would mitigate the impacts at the following locations: • Main Street / La Media Road Couplet • Main Street / Magdalena • Main Street / Eastlake Parkway Main Street: From I-805 to Brandywine Avenue, including Main Street / I-805 NB Ramp and Main Street / I-805 SB Ramp Intersections Main Street is forecast to operate at LOS D by year 2030 from I-805 to Brandywine Road. Based on the project volume at this location, the segment is forecast to be directly impacted by the project as well as the intersections at the Main Street/ I-805 interchange. Construction of the Main Street Ramps at SR-125 will reduce the demand on the I-805 ramps, thereby mitigating the impact at this location. Recommended Mitigation Measure: Construct Main Street / SR-125 Ramps Construct northbound and southbound ramps to provide access to SR -125 from Main Street. Providing ramps at Main Street would mitigate the impacts at the following locations: • Main Street / I-805 Northbound Ramps • Main Street / I-805 Southbound Ramps • Main Street: from I-805 to Brandywine Avenue 58 Main Street: From Brandywine Avenue to Heritage Road Main Street is forecast to operate at LOS D by year 2030 from I-805 to Brandywine Road. Based on the project volume at this location, the segment is forecast to be directly impacted by the project. Construction of the Main Street Ramps at SR-125 is forecast to reduce the demand on Main Street from Brandywine Avenue to Heritage Road. Recommended Mitigation Measure: Construct Main Street / SR-125 Ramps Construct northbound and southbound ramps to provide access to SR -125 from Main Street. Providing ramps at Main Street would relieve traffic demand along Main Street from Brandywine Avenue to Heritage Road. Heritage Road: From Telegraph Canyon Road to Olympic Parkway Heritage Road is forecast to operate at LOS D by year 2030 from Telegraph Canyon Road to Olympic Parkway. Intersection operational analysis shows that the signalized intersections along this segment operate at LOS D or better. Therefore, the project has no impact on this segment and no mitigation measures are recommended. Heritage Road: Main Street to Avenida de las Vistas Heritage Road is forecast to operate at LOS E from Main Street to Entertainment Circle and LOS D from Entertainment Circle to Avenida de las Vistas by year 2030. The project adds less than 5% of the total traffic to this segment resulting in a cumulative impact. Recommended Mitigation Measure: Payment of TDIF Fees Magdalena Avenue: Birch Road to Main Street Magdalena Avenue is not a circulation element road and is not subject to General Plan LOS thresholds. The analysis shows that in 2030, Magdalena Avenue is forecast to operate at LOS D. According to the city’s thresholds of significance, segments operating at LOS D or E are not impacted by a project if the intersections along the segment operate at LOS D or better. As shown in the analysis, mitigated construction of Otay Valley Road from Village 8 West eastern boundary to Village 9 Street “A” including the overcrossing at SR-125 reduces through traffic volumes on Main Street. This improves the operation of the intersection at Main/Magdalena to LOS D or better. Therefore this segment is not impacted by the project under mitigated 2030 conditions. Eastlake Parkway: Birch Road to Main Street Eastlake Parkway is forecast to operate at LOS D from Birch Road to Main Street by year 2030. The project adds less than 5% of the total traffic to this segment resulting in a cumulative impact. Recommended Mitigation Measure: Payment of TDIF Fees 59 Table 26 Year 2030 Levels of Service Without and With Proposed Mitigation PROJECT ACCESS AND FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENT (BY 2,234th EDU) (1) Location Recommended Mitigation Village 8 West Street “A” Construct as a local street from Main Street to Otay Valley Road. Provide signalized access at Otay Valley Road and at Main Street when signal warrants are met. MITIGATION (BY 2,610th EDU) (1) Study Intersection Peak Hour 2030 With Project Recommended Mitigation 2030 With Project With Mitigation Birch Rd / La Media Rd AM 91.0 F Direct Impact Construct SR-125 northbound and southbound ramps at Main Street 37.6 D PM 116.2 F 41.9 D Birch Rd / SR-125 Northbound Ramps AM 112.4 F Direct Impact Construct SR-125 northbound and southbound ramps at Main Street 13.0 B PM 31.8 C 6.2 A Birch Rd / Eastlake Pkwy AM 117.2 F Direct Impact Construct SR-125 northbound and southbound ramps at Main Street 37.2 D PM 65.8 E 38.7 D Main Street / 805 Southbound Ramps AM 46.2 D Cumulative Impact Construct SR-125 northbound and southbound ramps at Main Street 34.5 C PM 55.9 E 55.0 D Main Street / 805 Northbound Ramps AM 39.6 D Direct Impact Construct SR-125 northbound and southbound ramps at Main Street 39.2 C PM 57.8 E 54.7 D Main Street / La Media Couplet WB Main Street / NB La Media Direct Impact Construct Otay Valley Road from Village 8 West eastern boundary to Village 9 “Street A” including the SR-125 Overcrossing AM 103.2 F 43.0 D PM 48.0 D 41.1 D EB Main Street / SB La Media AM 140.3 F 44.0 D PM 95.2 F 47.5 D EB Main Street / NB La Media AM 80.9 F 26.7 C PM 42.5 D 36.1 D Main Street / Magdalena Avenue AM 131.3 F Direct Impact Construct Otay Valley Road from Village 8 West eastern boundary to Village 9 “Street A” including the SR-125 Overcrossing 32.1 C PM 143.8 F 35.7 D Main Street / Eastlake Parkway AM 141.9 F Direct Impact Construct Otay Valley Road from Village 8 West eastern boundary to Village 9 “Street A” including the SR-125 Overcrossing 52.5 D PM 52.1 D 27.2 C 60 Table 26 Year 2030 Levels of Service Without and With Proposed Mitigation Study Roadway Segment LOS C Capacity ADT LOS Recommended Mitigation ADT LOS Olympic Parkway: East of Hunte Parkway 30,000 30,100 D No Impact Intersections forecast to operate at acceptable levels of service 30,100 D Birch Road: La Media Road to SR-125 40,000 54,200 F Cumulative Impact Construct SR-125 northbound & southbound ramps at Main Street 26,200 A Birch Road SR-125 to Eastlake Pkwy 40,000 65,200 F Cumulative Impact Construct SR-125 northbound & southbound ramps at Main Street 37,200 C Main Street I-805 to Brandywine Ave 58,000 61,300 D Direct Impact Construct SR-125 northbound & southbound ramps at Main Street 59,300 D Main Street Brandywine to Heritage Rd 50,000 52,200 D Direct Impact Construct SR-125 northbound & southbound ramps at Main Street 50,200 D Heritage Road Telegraph Canyon Road to Olympic Parkway 50,000 50,700 D No Impact Intersections forecast to operate at acceptable levels of service 50,700 D Heritage Road Main to Entertainment Cir 50,000 61,400 E Cumulative Impact Payment of TDIF Fees 61,400 E Heritage Road Entertainment Cir to Avenida de las Vistas 50,000 52,600 D Cumulative Impact Payment of TDIF Fees 52,600 D Magdalena Avenue Birch Road to Main Street 12,000 12,700 D No Impact(2) 12,300 D Eastlake Parkway Birch Road to Main Street 40,000 41,300 D Cumulative Impact Payment of TDIF Fees 41,300 D (1) EDU calculations are based on assumptions regarding phasing as defined by the applicant and summarized in this TIA. Mitigation may also be required as shown in the PFFP section of this report and summarized in Table 32. (2) Magdalena is not a circulation element road and is not subject to GDP LOS standards. 61 Table 27 2030 Study Intersection LOS With Mitigation Study Intersection 2030 Without Mitigation 2030 With Mitigation AM Peak Hour Delay-LOS PM Peak Hour Delay-LOS AM Peak Hour Delay-LOS PM Peak Hour Delay-LOS 1. Olympic Pkwy / 805 Southbound Ramps 29.1 C 34.8 C 29.1 C 34.8 C 2. Olympic Pkwy / 805 Northbound Ramps 23.7 C 23.2 C 23.7 C 23.2 C 3. Olympic Pkwy / Brandywine Ave 27.9 C 39.2 C 27.9 C 39.2 C 4. Olympic Pkwy / Santa Victoria 12.7 B 13.3 B 12.7 B 13.3 B 5. Olympic Pkwy / Heritage Rd 37.4 D 54.4 D 37.4 D 54.4 D 6. Olympic Pkwy / La Media Rd 37.6 D 39.2 D 37.6 D 39.2 D 7. Olympic Pkwy / 125 Southbound Ramps 6.6 A 7.8 A 6.6 A 7.8 A 8. Olympic Pkwy / 125 Northbound Ramps 2.6 A 3.0 A 2.6 A 3.0 A 9. Olympic Pkwy / Eastlake Parkway 33.8 C 36.5 D 33.8 C 36.5 D 10. Olympic Pkwy / Hunte Pkwy 38.9 D 39.2 D 38.9 D 39.2 D 11. Santa Victoria / Heritage Rd 37.0 D 42.3 D 37.0 D 42.3 D 12. Birch Rd / La Media Rd 91.0 F 116.2 F 37.6 D 41.9 D 13. Birch Rd / SR125 Southbound Ramps 7.8 A 6.1 A 4.3 A 6.7 A 14. Birch Rd / SR125 Northbound Ramps 112.4 F 31.8 C 13.0 B 6.2 A 15. Birch Rd / Eastlake Pkwy 117.2 F 65.8 E 37.2 D 38.7 D 16. Main St / 805 Southbound Ramps 46.2 D 55.9 E 34.5 C 55.0 D 17. Main St / 805 Northbound Ramps 39.6 D 57.8 E 39.2 C 54.7 D 18. Main St / Heritage Street 32.2 C 42.0 D 32.2 C 42.0 D 19. Main St / La Media Rd (Couplet): Westbound Main St / Southbound La Media Rd 26.9 C 23.3 C 31.4 C 54.1 D Westbound Main St / Northbound La Media Rd 103.2 F 48.0 D 47.8 D 37.1 D Eastbound Main St / Southbound La Media Rd 140.3 F 95.2 F 49.0 D 34.5 C Eastbound Main St / Northbound La Media Rd 80.9 F 42.5 D 28.1 C 25.3 C 20. Main St / Magdalena Ave 131.3 F 143.8 F 32.1 C 35.7 D 21. Main St / SR125 Southbound Ramps Does not exist 19.8 B 19.7 B 22. Main St / SR125 Northbound Ramps Does not exist 41.8 D 20.7 C 23. Main Street / Eastlake Pkwy 141.9 F 52.1 D 52.5 D 27.2 C 24. Otay Valley Rd / SR125 Southbound Ramps Does not exist 25. Otay Valley Rd / SR125 Northbound Ramps Does not exist Note: Deficient intersection operation shown in bold 62 Table 28 2030 Roadway Segment LOS With Mitigation Roadway Segment 2030 ADT / LOS Without Mitigation Adjusted Volume For Mitigation 2030 Mitigated ADT / LOS ADT LOS ADT LOS Olympic Parkway I-805 to Brandywine Ave 48,300 C 48,300 C Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd 34,800 A 34,800 A Heritage Rd to La Media Rd 33,300 A 33,300 A La Media Rd to SR-125 Ramps 43,900 C 43,900 C SR-125 Ramps to Eastlake Pkwy 49,400 A 49,400 A Eastlake Pkwy to Hunte Pkwy 34,200 A 34,200 A East of Hunte Pkwy 30,100 D 30,100 D Birch Road La Media Rd to SR-125 54,200 F -28,000 26,200 A SR-125 to Eastlake Parkway 65,200 F -28,000 37,200 B Main Street I-805 to Brandywine Ave 61,300 D -2,000 59,300 D Brandywine Ave to Heritage Rd 52,200 D -2,000 50,200 D Heritage Rd to La Media Rd 44,900 C 44,900 C La Media Rd to Magdalena Ave 25,100 A 15,000 40,100 B Magdalena Ave to SR-125 33,100 A 15,000 48,100 C SR-125 to Village 9 "Street A" 35,400 A 18,000 53,400 D Village 9 "Street A" to Eastlake Pkwy 24,500 A 18,000 42,500 B Hunte Pkwy Eastlake Pkwy to Olympic Pkwy 40,000 B 40,000 B Olympic Pkwy to Otay Lakes Rd 20,700 A 20,700 A Heritage Rd Palomar St to Olympic Pkwy 50,700 D 50,700 D Olympic Pkwy to Main St/Hunte 42,300 B 42,300 B Main St to Entertainment Circle 61,400 E 61,400 E Entertainment Circle to Avenida de Las Vistas (City of SD) 52,600 D 52,600 D La Media Rd E. Palomar St to Olympic Pkwy 29,900 A 29,900 A Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd 28,300 A 28,300 A Birch Rd to Main St 38,000 B 38,000 B Magdalena Ave Birch Rd to Main St 12,700 D -400 12,300 D Eastlake Pkwy Otay Lakes Rd to Olympic Pkwy 24,000 A 24,000 A Olympic Pkwy to Birch Rd 27,600 A 27,600 A Birch Rd to Main St 41,300 D -18,500 22,800 A Otay Valley Rd Couplet to Street “A” 7,300 A 7,300 A Street “A” to SR-125 Ramps Does Not Exist 11,400 A SR-125 Ramps to Village 9 Does Not Exist 11,400 A Village 9 Access Rd to University 9,500 A 9,500 A Note: Deficient LOS operation shown in bold. 63 ANALYSIS OF CALTRANS FACILITIES Freeway Mainline Segment Analysis Segments of northbound and southbound I-805 between Telegraph Canyon Road and Main Street were analyzed under 2030 Without and With Project conditions using the 2000 HCS Basic Freeway Segment analysis methodology, which is the methodology supported by the City of Chula Vista. Mainline segment volumes are based on SANDAG forecast 2030 ADT. A 4% heavy truck factor was applied in addition to a measured free-flow speed of 65 mph was used in the HCS calculations for multi-lane segments. The results of the freeway segment level of service are shown in Table 29. HCS worksheets used to calculate the freeway segments are included in Appendix P to this report. The acceptable LOS for freeways is generally LOS D. As shown in Table 29, the freeway mainline segments operate at acceptable levels of service (LOS D or better) under 2030 Without and With Project conditions except for I-805 Northbound between Main Street and Telegraph Canyon Road, which is forecast to operate at LOS E during the PM Peak Hour. According to the City of Chula Vista Traffic Study Guidelines, a significant project impact is identified if a project adds 1 mph speed delay or greater to a segment operating at LOS D, E, or F. The results of the 2030 With Project mainline segment analysis demonstrate a change in delay (Average Passenger Car Speed) less than 1 mph for each study segment. Therefore, no direct impacts are identified. Table 29 2030 Conditions Freeway Mainline Segment Level of Service Analysis (I-805) From To 2030 Without Project Conditions Volume LOS APCS D Volume LOS APCS D 2030 Conditions (Northbound) AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Main St Olympic Pkwy 7,810 C 64.6 25.9 10,113 E 57.8 37.6 Olympic Pkwy Telegraph Canyon Rd 7,738 C 64.7 25.7 10,020 E 58.3 36.9 2030 Conditions (Southbound) AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Telegraph Canyon Rd Olympic Pkwy 9,544 D 60.6 33.8 9,261 D 61.6 32.3 Olympic Pkwy Main Street 9,633 D 60.2 34.4 9,347 D 61.3 32.7 From To 2030 With Project Conditions Volume LOS APCS D Volume LOS APCS D 2030 Conditions (Northbound) AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Main St Olympic Pkwy 7,886 D 64.6 26.2 10,172 E 57.5 38.0 Olympic Pkwy Telegraph Canyon Rd 7,839 D 64.6 26.0 10,099 E 57.9 37.5 2030 Conditions (Southbound) AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Telegraph Canyon Rd Olympic Pkwy 9,628 D 60.2 34.3 9,377 D 61.2 32.9 Olympic Pkwy Main Street 9,696 D 59.9 34.8 9,434 D 61.0 33.2 Note: Deficient freeway segment operation indicated in bold where applicable. APCS Average Passenger Car Speed (mph) D Density, Passenger Cars per Mile per Lane 64 Intersection Lane Volume (ILV) Analysis Caltrans requires that an Intersection Lane Volume (ILV) analysis be conducted for all state-owned facilities that may be impacted by a proposed project. As this project is located near the ramp to I- 805, the ILV method was conducted for the interchanges within the project study area. Table 30 summarizes the results of the ILV analysis. ILV Calculation worksheets are provided in Appendix Q. The results of the analysis for 2030 Without and With Project conditions show that the peak hour volumes during the a.m. and p.m. peak hours exceed the threshold for the “unstable” flow classification at Main Street/I-805 Northbound Ramps. Under With Project conditions, Main Street/I-805 Southbound Ramps is also forecast to exceed the threshold for “unstable” conditions. Traffic conditions that experience “unstable” flow usually experience considerable delays during the morning and evening peak hours. I-805 Northbound and Southbound Ramps at Main Street are forecast to operate at “Capacity” conditions, according to the Caltrans ILV thresholds. The “Capacity” condition consists of stop-and-go operations with severe delay and heavy congestion. Table 30 2030 Intersection Lane Volume (ILV) Analysis Intersection 2030 Without Project 2030 With Project Olympic Parkway / I-805 Southbound Ramps AM Stable Stable PM Unstable Unstable Olympic Parkway / I-805 Northbound Ramps AM Unstable Unstable PM Unstable Unstable Main Street / I-805 Southbound Ramps AM Stable Unstable PM Capacity Capacity Main Street / I-805 Northbound Ramps AM Capacity Capacity PM Capacity Capacity 65 SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS & MITIGATION MEASURES Significant impacts for each study scenario were determined based on the peak hour intersection and daily roadway segment analysis, as identified by City of Chula Vista significance thresholds. Tables 31 through 33 summarize the intersections and roadway segments with project impacts for each study scenario year and the recommended mitigation measures. Table 31 Recommended Mitigation Measures – Access and Frontage Location Impact Recommended Mitigation 2015 Main Street Direct Construct from La Media Road to Magdalena Avenue as a two-lane, two-way street. La Media Road Direct Construct from south of Santa Luna Street to Planning Areas N, I & J south of Main Street as a two-lane, two-way street . Main Street / La Media Road Direct Install Traffic Signal Main Street / Magdalena Avenue Intersection Direct Construct west leg of intersection and stripe to include a dedicated left turn lane and one through lane and install stop sign on the southbound approach. 2020 Otay Valley Road Direct Construct from south of Main Street to Village 8 West Street “A” as 4-lane Major to provide access to Village 8 West. 2025 Main Street Direct Construct remaining two lanes of Main Street through the couplet and install traffic signals at new couplet intersections. Restripe Main Street as one-way for each leg of the couplet. La Media Road Direct Construct remaining two lanes of La Media Road through the couplet and install traffic signals at new couplet intersections. Restripe La Media Road as one-way for each leg of the couplet. Main Street/Magdalena Avenue Direct Re-stripe Main Street/Magdalena Avenue intersection to include dual eastbound left turn lanes and one eastbound through lane. Install traffic signal. Otay Valley Road Direct Construct as a 4-lane Major from Village 8 West Street “A” to Village 8 West eastern project boundary. Install stop control on side streets until traffic signal is warranted. 2030 Village 8 West Street “A” Direct Construct as a 2-lane Collector from Main Street to Otay Valley Road. Provide signalized access at Otay Valley Road and at Main Street when signal warrants are met. 66 Table 32 Recommended Mitigation Measures - Intersections Location Study Year LOS Impact Recommended Mitigation LOS with Mitigation AM Delay - LOS PM Delay – LOS AM Delay - LOS PM Delay – LOS 2015 (302 EDU’s) Olympic Pkwy / 805 Northbound Ramps 116.2 – F 41.9 – D Cumulative Payment of TDIF fees 116.2-F 41.9 – D 2020 (1,388 EDU’s) Olympic Pkwy / 805 Northbound Ramps 117.7 – F 50.5 - D Cumulative Payment of TDIF fees 117.7 – F 50.5 - D Olympic Pkwy / Brandywine Ave 42.9 – D 80.4 – F Direct Install northbound right turn overlap. Extend westbound left turn pocket (CIP Project), if not completed by 2015. 42.9 - D 46.4 - D 2025 (2,234 EDU’s) Birch Road / La Media Road 234.8 – F 190.5 – F Direct Construct Main Street from Village 8 West eastern boundary to Eastlake Parkway including bridge over SR-125 37.9 – D 37.1 – D Birch Road / Eastlake Pkwy 443.0 – F 454.5 - F Direct 39.0 – D 40.3 – D Main Street / Eastlake Pkwy 274.4 – F 242.8 - F Direct 24.6 – C 24.1 – C 2030 (2,610 EDU’s) Birch Road / La Media Road 91.0 – F 116.2 – F Direct Construct SR-125 northbound and southbound ramps at Main Street 37.6 – D 41.9 – D Birch Road / SR-125 NB Ramps 112.4 – F 31.8 - C Direct 13.0 – B 6.2 – A Birch Road / Eastlake Parkway 117.2 – F 65.8 – E Direct 37.2 – D 38.7 – D Main St / 805 SB Ramps 46.2 – D 55.9 – E Cumulative 34.5 – C 55.0 – D Main St / 805 NB Ramps 39.6 – D 57.8 – E Direct 39.2 – D 54.7 – D Main Street / La Media Road Couplet WB Main St / NB La Media 103.2 – F 48.0 – D Direct Construct Otay Valley Road from Village 8 West eastern boundary to Village 9 Street “A” including SR-125 overcrossing 43.0 – D 41.1 – D EB Main St / SB La Media 140.3 – F 95.2 – F 44.0 – D 47.5 – D EB Main St / NB La Media 80.9 – F 42.5 - D 26.7 – C 36.1 – D Main Street / Magdalena Avenue 131.3 – F 143.8 – F Direct 32.1 – C 35.7 – D Main Street / Eastlake Pkwy 141.9 – F 52.1 - D Direct 52.5 – D 27.2 - C 67 Table 33 Recommended Mitigation Measures Roadway Segments Study Roadway Segment LOS C Capacity ADT LOS Impact Recommended Mitigation ADT LOS 2015 (302 EDU’s) No forecasted impacts - - - - - - - 2020 (1,388 EDU’s) Olympic Parkway: I-805 to Brandywine 50,000 54,600 D Cumulative Payment of TDIF fees 54,600 D Olympic Parkway: Brandywine to Heritage Rd 50,000 58,200 E Cumulative Payment of TDIF fees 58,200 E Olympic Parkway: Heritage Rd to La Media Rd 50,000 60,800 E Direct Construct Santa Victoria from Heritage Road to La Media and Heritage Road from Olympic Parkway to Santa Victoria 55,600 D Heritage Road Main Street to Avenda de la Vistas 12,000 17,300 F Cumulative Payment of TDIF fees 17,300 F 2025 (2,234 EDU’s) Olympic Parkway: Heritage Rd to La Media Rd 50,000 62,900 F Cumulative Payment of TDIF fees 62,900 D Birch Road La Media to SR-125 40,000 51,100 F Direct Construct Main Street from Village 8 West eastern boundary to Eastlake Parkway including bridge over SR-125 23,200 A Magdalena Avenue Birch Rd to Main St 12,000 20,100 F Direct 11,500 C Eastlake Parkway Birch Rd to Main St 40,000 54,600 F Direct 35,400 C 2030 (2,610 EDU’s) Birch Road: La Media Road to SR- 125 40,000 54,200 F Cumulative Construct SR-125 northbound and southbound ramps at Main Street 26,200 A Birch Road SR-125 to Eastlake Pkwy 40,000 65,200 F Cumulative 37,200 C Main Street 805 to Brandywine Ave 58,000 61,300 D Direct Impact 59,300 D Main Street Brandywine to Heritage Rd 50,000 52,200 D Direct Impact 50,200 D Heritage Road Main Street to Avenida de la Vistas 50,000 61,400 E Cumulative Impact Payment of TDIF fees 61,400 E Eastlake Parkway Birch Rd to Main St 40,000 41,300 D Cumulative Impact Payment of TDIF fees 41,300 D 68 PUBLIC FACILITIES FINANCING PROGRAM (PFFP) A Public Facilities Financing Program (PFFP) report is required for developments in the Otay Ranch according to the City’s Growth Management Program. A separate document will be prepared to assess all elements of the PFFP, however the information provided in this section outlines the specific traffic related thresholds for each phase of development that will trigger the need for future roadway and/or intersection improvements in the City. This analysis is based on the planning assumptions used in this traffic report to evaluate the impacts of development in five year increments. These improvements are based on both the Growth Management Program thresholds and the CEQA thresholds for determining project impacts. Growth Management Ordinance Olympic Parkway is forecast to operate at a deficient LOS by year 2015 based on the standard volume to capacity ratio methodology. As a part of the City’s Growth Management Program, an expanded traffic analysis was prepared to determine if GMOC thresholds for Olympic Parkway are projected to be reached or exceeded, and whether mitigation measures are necessary to remain compliant with the requirements of the Growth Management Program. Recent GMOC traffic studies have indicated that the segment of westbo und Olympic Parkway between Heritage Road and Oleander Avenue during the a.m. peak hours would be the first to fall below City Growth Management Traffic threshold standards as traffic volumes increase over time with this project and other projects east of I-805. In conformance with the requirements of the Growth Management Program, a peak-hour arterial analysis was conducted on the segment of westbound Olympic Parkway between Heritage Road and Oleander Avenue under near -term conditions (Years 0-4) based on the City of Chula Vista’s TMP methodology. The Chula Vista TMP is used to assess the operating performance of the City’s arterial street system in order to determine compliance with the Threshold Standards of the Growth Management Program. At the time this study was completed, the GMOC thresholds of 2,463 EDU’s was not forecast to be exceeded by the year 2015. Therefore, the project is not forecast to have a significant impact on Olympic Parkway based on the forecast findings of this study. However, the City will continue to monitor to actual performance of Olympic Parkway on an annual or bi-annual basis. In the event the GMOC threshold of LOS D for a period of 2 hours, the city shall stop issuing new building permits for Village 8 West. Therefore, development of Village 8 West may be suspended if either of two conditions occur: 1. Building permits for a total of 2,463 dwelling units (DU) have been issued for projects east of I-805 or, 2. An alternative measure is selected by the city in accordance with the city of Chula Vista Growth Management Ordinance. The start date for counting the 2,463 dwelling units is April 4, 2011. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the City may issue building permits to Village 8 West if the City determines in its sole discretion that 69 either traffic studies demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, that the circulation system has additional capacity without exceeding the GMOC traffic threshold standards; other improvements are constructed which provide additional necessary capacity; or the City selects an alternative method of implementing the GMOC standards. CEQA Thresholds of Significance and Mitigation Cumulative impacts and direct impacts identified in the traffic report will be fully mitigated by the project. Direct impacts will be mitigated through the construction of specifically identified projects. Cumulative impacts are mitigated through the payment of TDIF fees. TDIF fees paid by the project are not directly tied to any one road or intersection improvement project. However, it is reasonable to assume that as TDIF fees are collected by this project and others, new roads and intersections will be constructed over time. Therefore, year 2025 and 2030 include road improvements that are assumed to be constructed through the TDIF program. If the project EDU limit for each study year (2015, 2020, 2025, & 2030) is reached prior to one of the assumed roadway or intersection improvements is constructed and open to traffic, then one of the following steps must need to be taken: 1. Development in Village 8 West will stop until those assumed future roadways are constructed by others; or 2. City and OLC shall meet to determine the need for the incomplete roadway segments. Additional traffic analysis of the roadway network and levels of service assessment may be necessary to determine if such improvements are necessary and the scope and timing of additional circulation improvements; or 3. Developer shall construct the missing roadway links and receive TDIF credit for those improvements; or 4. An alternative measure is selected by the city in accordance with the city of Chula Vista Growth Management Ordinance. 5. All to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Project Access and Frontage Phasing Village 8 West will be constructed in a series of phases. With each phase of development, internal roadways will be constructed to support not only the traffic associated with that phase, but also the public works infrastructure such as water and sewer service. Although the project has been evaluated in five year increments based on phasing illustrated previously in Exhibit 25, the development of Village 8 West will occur based on market demands and other external factors. As this project is not currently connected to the circulation system or public works infrastructure, a logical progression of on-site improvements has been designed from the north end of the property to the south end of the property. Table 34 summarizes the phasing of on-site street improvements within Village 8 West. 70 Table 34 Village 8 West PFFP Analysis(1) PHASE/PLANNING AREAS INFRASTRUCTURE DESCRIPTION UNIT TRIGGERS WITHIN EACH PHASE ORANGE NORTH B, G, H-A, H-2 La Media (Bi-directional )– north Project boundary to ”C” St. 1ST EDU Main Street (Bi -directional)– La Media to Easterly Project Boundary 1st EDU Appropriate Internal Streets Street “A” north of Main Street Access/Frontage ORANGE SOUTH I, J, N La Media Road (Bi-directional) from northerly Project boundary to Street “C”. 1st EDU Appropriate internal streets C, F, & G Street “D” from St. “C” to St. “H” Access/Frontage BLUE P, Q La Media (Bi-directional )– north Project boundary to Street “A”. 1st EDU Provide secondary access by constructing either; - Street “D” - Otay Valley Road to Easterly project access point - Street “A” connecting to Magdalena Ave. @ 120th EDU Appropriate internal streets Access/Frontage YELLOW WEST A, E, F La Media (Bi-directional )– north Project boundary to eastbound Main Street 1ST EDU Main Street couplet (as a pair of one way streets) west of La Media. 1st EDU Appropriate internal streets Access/Frontage YELLOW NORTH EAST C, D La Media (Bi-directional )– north Project boundary to eastbound Main Street 1st EDU Main Street (Bi -directional)– La Media to Easterly Project Boundary 1st EDU YELLOW SOUTH L La Media (Bi-directional )– north Project boundary to eastbound Main Street 1st EDU Main Street (Bi -directional)– La Media to Easterly Project Boundary 1st EDU Street “A” –Main St. to Planning Area L southern boundary 1st EDU Appropriate Internal Streets Access/Frontage GREEN M, O, R, S La Media (Bi-directional )– north Project boundary to eastbound Main Street 1st EDU Main Street (Bi -directional)– La Media to Easterly Project Boundary 1st EDU Street A - Main Street to Otay Valley Road, south of school 1st EDU Otay Valley Road - St. “A” to easterly project boundary Access/Frontage Street “B” – St. “A” to easterly project boundary 1st EDU Appropriate Internal Streets Access/Frontage PURPLE - La Media (Bi-directional ) /Otay Valley Road - north Project boundary to easterly project boundary -Otay Valley Road - eastbound Main Street to easterly Project boundary -Street “A” south of Otay Valley Road 1st EDU Appropriate Internal Streets Access/Frontage 71 Triggers for Circulation Element Road Improvements (TDIF or Project Improvements) INFRASTRUCTURE DESCRIPTION LIMITS EDU TRIGGER Type of Mitigation Heritage Road Olympic Parkway to Main Street 1,388th EDU Cumulative / TDIF Improvement Heritage Road Main Street to Avenida de la Vistas Cumulative / TDIF Improvement Santa Victoria La Media Road to Olympic Parkway Direct / Project Improvement Complete the couplet From northern boundary to eastbound Main Street and from westerly project boundary to Magdalena Avenue Direct / Project Improvement Main Street Magdalena Avenue to SR-125 as six lane Major 2,234th EDU Direct / Project Improvement SR 125 to Eastlake Parkway including overcrossing as a six lane Town Center Arterial Direct / Project Improvement Heritage Road to La Media Road Cumulative / TDIF Improvement Main Street/SR125 Ramps Northbound and Southbound Ramps 2,610th Direct / Project Improvement Otay Valley Road Village 8 West boundary to Village 9 Street A including SR-125 overcrossing Direct / Project Improvement 1. Agree to construct or secure the facility prior to the final map that triggers the EDU or cumulative EDU as shown in table. 2. City and Otay Land Company shall meet to determine their need for the incomplete roadway segments. Additional traffic analysis of the roadway network and levels of service assessment may be necessary to determine if such improvements are necessary and the scope and timing of the improvements. 72 ON-SITE OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS Traffic control devices for internal and external road connections were determined based on traffic demand and project phasing. Exhibit 40 illustrates the proposed intersection geometry and proposed traffic control devices for each of the internal intersections and traffic control devices for roads connecting the project to the external circulation network. Operational analysis of all intersections where the project connects to the roadway network was conducted for the year 2030. Forecast year 2030 traffic volumes for the project intersections are illustrated in Exhibit 41. Table 35 summarizes the results of the operational analysis of the key project intersections. As shown in Table 35, all intersections are forecast to operate at acceptable levels of service. Table 35 2030 Internal Intersection Operational Analysis Internal Intersection AM PM Delay LOS Delay LOS Westbound Main Street / Street “A” 6.1 A 5.1 A Eastbound Main Street / Street “A” 30.0 C 29.9 C Otay Valley Road / Street “C” 5.5 A 5.4 A Otay Valley Road / Street “A” 34.5 C 45.0 D Street “A” / Street “B” 20.4 C 24.4 C For each of the proposed signalized intersections, a preliminary traffic signal warrant analysis was conducted to demonstrate that, by year 2030, traffic signals would be appropriately placed at these intersections. The traffic signal warrant analysis was conducted based on the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) planning level warrant which uses daily traffic volume as a threshold for analysis. Table 36 provides the forecast daily traffic volume for the intersections where traffic signals are warranted along with the thresholds established in the MUTCD. As shown, all proposed traffic signal locations meet the minimum traffic signal warrants by year 2030. The volumes used in this analysis are the forecast year 2030 mitigated cond itions which include the Otay Valley Road connection over SR-125 and the Main Street interchange at SR-125. It should be noted that during interim years, the traffic signals may not be warranted. As an interim traffic control measure stop signs may be a more appropriate traffic control device until the traffic on the side street or along the major street approaches the thresholds identified in Table 36. The appropriate traffic control device should be determined during each phase of construction based on traffic volume, connections to the overall circulation system and other factors. 73 Table 36 2030 Traffic Signal Warrants and Daily Traffic Volumes Intersection Street (Major or Minor) Year 2030 ADT ADT Thresholds1 Signal Warranted? Condition A: Minimum Volume Condition B: Interruption of Continuous Traffic WB Main St / Street “A” MAJOR: Main St 12,550 9,600 14,400 Yes (Condition A) MINOR: Street “A” 2,730 2,400 1,200 EB Main St / Street “A” MAJOR: Main St 12,550 9,600 14,000 Yes (Condition A) MINOR: Street “A” 5,460 2,400 1,200 Otay Valley Rd / Street “C” MAJOR: Otay Valley 12,400 9,600 14,000 Yes (Combination) MINOR: Street “C” 2,000 2,400 1,200 Otay Valley Rd / Street “A” MAJOR: Otay Valley 11,400 9,600 14,000 Yes (Combination) MINOR: Street “A” 1,975 2,400 1,200 Street “A” / Street “B” MAJOR: Street “A” 9,000 8,000 12,000 Yes (Condition A) MINOR: Street “B” 2,500 2,400 1,200 1 California MUTCD Minimum Estimated Average Daily Traffic thresholds for Major and Minor Streets . Daily traffic volume on the major street is two-way volume and ADT volume on the Minor Street is the highest one-way approach volume. Volumes are baaed upon the Year 2030 with Mitigation conditions. When either Condition A or Condition B are not met, then the Combination of Warrants should be considered. The Combination of Warrants is met if both Condition A and Condition B are fulfilled 80% or more. MULTIMODAL ACCESS ANALYSIS Village 8 West will be accessible by both local circulation bus service and Rapid Bus Service provided by MTS. The Rapid Bus route is proposed to serve Main Street and circulate through eastern Chula Vista. Class II bicycle facilities are planned along all circulation element roadways through Village 8 West. Roadways internal to the Village are designed to local street standards with speed limits of 25 to 30 mph. Slow traffic speeds are conducive to bicycling and provide the necessary linkage the regional bicycle circulation network. Sidewalks will be provided throughout Village 8 West and will include bulb-outs at key locations to reduce pedestrian crossing distances. With pedestrian scale development, wide sidewalks and slower traffic speeds, the community and roadways are designed to provide a comfortable walking environment. 74 CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY Construction of the project will occur in several phases. During grading of the site, it is anticipated that cut and fill will be balanced on-site; therefore, there will be limited need to haul material to or from the site. Material will be screened on-site, thereby reducing the need to remove materials from the site during construction activity. Material hauled to the site for backfill material and road construction will be provided from the existing quarry located within Village 4. Therefore, most if not all material hauling will occur within the Otay Ranch reducing the sphere of potential construction impacts. As evaluated in the TIA, the Village 8 West project is forecast to generate between 3,000 trips per day (2015 analysis) and 26,100 trips per day (2030 analysis) when fully occupied. During the development of Village 8 West, typical construction activity will occur including the grading and construction of new roads, grading of lots and parks, utility installation and construction of new structures. Initially, traffic generated by Village 8 West will be construction traffic. Typical construction traffic will include: • Grading Operations – Up to 30 Workers • Underground Utility Construction – Up to 10 Workers • Builders (2-3 builders constructing at one time) – Up to 100 Workers Assuming each worker drives to and from the jobsite in their own personal vehicle, and approximately 50% of them leave the site once a day for lunch, materials, meetings, etc, the trip generation rate per construction worker is approximately 3 trips per day with one trip occurring the a.m. peak and one trip occurring in the p.m. peak. Based on the average number of workers on a jobsite, as described above, the average daily trip generation would 420 trips per day with 140 trips occurring in the a.m. peak and 140 occurring during the p.m. peak. As project traffic increases due to the completion of various phases of the project, the construction traffic will gradually decrease. At any given time during the project, the number of construction staff on site on a given day will vary and will extend over a period of several years. Table 37 compares the forecast construction related traffic to the forecast traffic generation at each phase of the project. Table 37 Comparison of Construction and Project Trips by Study Year Forecast Construction Traffic Total Project Trips through Year… 2015 2020 2025 2030 ADT 420 3,018 13,875 22,338 26,104 A.M. Peak Inbound 112 57 375 756 1,208 A.M. Peak Outbound 28 185 775 1,175 1,455 P.M. Peak Inbound 28 211 924 1,454 1,654 P.M. Peak Outbound 112 91 498 878 1,115 75 As shown, the construction traffic is less than the net increase in traffic for each five year increment. The peak volumes are greater inbound in the a.m. peak and outbound in the p.m. peak when the construction traffic is compared to the year 2015 traffic. Throughout this study, the project generated traffic was evaluated against the existing and mitigated roadway networks to determine the impacts associated with the development of this Village. Since the traffic associated with the development of the site exceed the volume of traffic generated during construction, the impacts identified in this study for each study year would more than exceed the potential impacts associated with construction related traffic. The findings of this study show that all impacts associated with the project will be fully mitigated with the project. Although the construction traffic may occur prior to and/or during the construction of mitigation measures, the construction impacts will be temporary. Therefore, it is reasonable to state that construction traffic to and from the site would not result in any unidentified impacts. Figure 5-13E N.T.S. East H St anyo 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 CITY OF CHULA VISTA CIRCULATION PLAN EXHIBIT 4 EXISTING INTERSECTION GEOMETRY EXHIBIT 5A Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy La Media RdOlympic Pkwy 125 SBBirch Rd 125 NBBirch Rd Eastlake PkwyMain St 805 SBRMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwyOlympic Pkwy Hunte PkwyBirch Rd La Media RdBirch Rd 125 SB1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 Olympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaSanta Victoria Heritage Rd16 5 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 Main St Magdalena AveDOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST Main St La Media RdDOES NOT EXIST Main St /Eastlake PkwyHunte Pkwy 21 22 23 24 EXISTING INTERSECTION GEOMETRY EXHIBIT 5A 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBROtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBROtay Valley Rd 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST 2015 INTERSECTION GEOMETRY EXHIBIT 5B Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy La Media RdOlympic Pkwy 125 SBBirch Rd 125 NBBirch Rd Eastlake PkwyMain St 805 SBRMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwyOlympic Pkwy Hunte PkwyBirch Rd La Media RdBirch Rd 125 SB1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 Olympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaSanta Victoria Heritage Rd16 5 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 Main St Magdalena AveMain St La Media RdDOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST Main St /Eastlake PkwyHunte Pkwy 21 22 23 24 2015 INTERSECTION GEOMETRY EXHIBIT 5B 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBROtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBROtay Valley Rd 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST 2020 INTERSECTION GEOMETRY EXHIBIT 5C Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy La Media RdOlympic Pkwy 125 SBBirch Rd 125 NBBirch Rd Eastlake PkwyMain St 805 SBRMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwyOlympic Pkwy Hunte PkwyBirch Rd La Media RdBirch Rd 125 SB1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 Olympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaSanta Victoria Heritage Rd16 5 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 Main St Magdalena AveDOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST Main St La Media Rd Main St /Eastlake PkwyHunte Pkwy 21 22 23 24 2020 INTERSECTION GEOMETRY EXHIBIT 5C 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBROtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBROtay Valley Rd 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST 2025 INTERSECTION GEOMETRY EXHIBIT 5D Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy La Media RdOlympic Pkwy 125 SBBirch Rd 125 NBBirch Rd Eastlake PkwyMain St 805 SBRMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwyOlympic Pkwy Hunte PkwyBirch Rd La Media RdBirch Rd 125 SB1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 Olympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaSanta Victoria Heritage Rd16 5 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 Main St Magdalena Ave* SEE NOTE "A" FOR MAIN ST & LA MEDIA COUPLET GEOMETRY Main St /Eastlake PkwyHunte Pkwy 21 22 23 24 2025 INTERSECTION GEOMETRY EXHIBIT 5D 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBROtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBROtay Valley Rd 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST EB Main St WB Main St WB Main St EB Main StSB La MediaNB La MediaSB La MediaNB La MediaNOTE "A": Main St / La Media Couplet Geometry 2030 INTERSECTION GEOMETRY EXHIBIT 5E Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy La Media RdOlympic Pkwy 125 SBBirch Rd 125 NBBirch Rd Eastlake PkwyMain St 805 SBRMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwyOlympic Pkwy Hunte PkwyBirch Rd La Media RdBirch Rd 125 SB1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 Olympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaSanta Victoria Heritage Rd16 5 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 Main St Magdalena Ave* SEE NOTE "A" FOR MAIN ST & LA MEDIA COUPLET GEOMETRY Main St /Eastlake PkwyHunte Pkwy 21 22 23 24 2025 INTERSECTION GEOMETRY EXHIBIT 5D 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBROtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBROtay Valley Rd 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST EB Main St WB Main St WB Main St EB Main StSB La MediaNB La MediaSB La MediaNB La MediaNOTE "A": Main St / La Media Couplet Geometry Olympic Pkwy Hunte Pkwy1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 16 5 Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaOlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy 125 SBOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwySanta Victoria Heritage RdMain St 805 SBREastlake Pkwy125 NB125 SBMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdMain St 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 La Media RdBirch Rd La Media RdBirch RdBirch RdBirch Rd La Media RdMain St Magdalena AveEXHIBIT 6 LEGEND EXISTING PEAK HOUR VOLUMES XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST 21 22 24 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBRMain St/Eastlake PkwyOtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBRHunte Pkwy 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 23 EXISTING PEAK HOUR VOLUMES EXHIBIT 6 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST Olympic Pkwy Hunte Pkwy1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 16 5 Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaOlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy 125 SBOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwySanta Victoria Heritage RdMain St 805 SBREastlake Pkwy125 NB125 SBMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdMain St 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 La Media RdBirch Rd La Media RdBirch RdBirch RdBirch Rd La Media RdMain St Magdalena AveEXHIBIT 13 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME DOES NOT EXIST EXISTING PLUS PROJECT BUILD-OUT PEAK HOUR PROJECT TRIPS Olympic Pkwy Hunte Pkwy1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 16 5 Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaOlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy 125 SBOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwySanta Victoria Heritage RdMain St 805 SBREastlake Pkwy125 NB125 SBMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdMain St 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 La Media RdBirch Rd La Media RdBirch RdBirch RdBirch Rd La Media RdMain St Magdalena Ave* SEE NOTE "A" FOR MAIN ST & LA MEDIA COUPLET VOLUMES 21 22 24 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBRMain St/Eastlake PkwyOtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBRHunte Pkwy 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 23 EXHIBIT 13 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST EXISTING PLUS PROJECT BUILD-OUT PEAK HOUR PROJECT TRIPS 21 22 24 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBRMain St/Eastlake PkwyOtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBRHunte Pkwy 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 23 EB Main St WB Main St WB Main St EB Main StSB La MediaNB La MediaNOTE "A": Main St / La Media Couplet Geometry Olympic Pkwy Hunte Pkwy1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 16 5 Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaOlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy 125 SBOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwySanta Victoria Heritage RdMain St 805 SBREastlake Pkwy125 NB125 SBMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdMain St 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 La Media RdBirch Rd La Media RdBirch RdBirch RdBirch Rd La Media RdMain St Magdalena AveEXHIBIT 14 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME 2015 PROJECT TRIP ASSIGNMENT DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST 21 22 24 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBRMain St/Eastlake PkwyOtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBRHunte Pkwy 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 23 2015 PROJECT TRIP ASSIGNMENT EXHIBIT 14 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST Olympic Pkwy Hunte Pkwy1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 16 5 Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaOlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy 125 SBOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwySanta Victoria Heritage RdMain St 805 SBREastlake Pkwy125 NB125 SBMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdMain St 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 La Media RdBirch Rd La Media RdBirch RdBirch RdBirch Rd La Media RdMain St Magdalena AveEXHIBIT 15 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME 2020 PROJECT TRIP ASSIGNMENT DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST 2020 PROJECT TRIP ASSIGNMENT EXHIBIT 15 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXISTDOES NOT EXIST2122 24 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBRMain St/Eastlake PkwyOtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBRHunte Pkwy 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 23 Olympic Pkwy Hunte Pkwy1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 16 5 Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaOlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy 125 SBOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwySanta Victoria Heritage RdMain St 805 SBREastlake Pkwy125 NB125 SBMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdMain St 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 La Media RdBirch Rd La Media RdBirch RdBirch RdBirch Rd La Media RdMain St Magdalena AveEXHIBIT 16 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME 2025 PROJECT TRIP ASSIGNMENT * SEE NOTE "A" FOR MAIN ST & LA MEDIA COUPLET TRIP ASSIGNMENT 21 22 24 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBRMain St/Eastlake PkwyOtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBRHunte Pkwy EB Main St WB Main St WB Main St EB Main StSB La MediaNB La MediaSB La MediaNB La MediaNOTE "A": Main St / La Media Couplet Geometry 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 23 2025 PROJECT TRIP ASSIGNMENT EXHIBIT 16 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXISTDOES NOT EXIST EXHIBIT 17 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME 2030 PROJECT TRIP ASSIGNMENT Olympic Pkwy Hunte Pkwy1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 16 5 Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaOlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy 125 SBOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwySanta Victoria Heritage RdMain St 805 SBREastlake Pkwy125 NB125 SBMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdMain St 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 La Media RdBirch Rd La Media RdBirch RdBirch RdBirch Rd La Media RdMain St Magdalena Ave* SEE NOTE "A" FOR MAIN ST & LA MEDIA COUPLET TRIP ASSIGNMENT 2030 PROJECT TRIP ASSIGNMENT EXHIBIT 17 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME 21 22 24 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBRMain St/Eastlake PkwyOtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBRHunte Pkwy EB Main St WB Main St WB Main St EB Main StSB La MediaNB La MediaSB La MediaNB La MediaNOTE "A": Main St / La Media Couplet Geometry 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 23 DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST 905905 15805Olympic PkwyOlympic PkwyBirchRdBirchRdPalomarStPalomarStTelegraphCanyonRdTelegraphCanyonRdBrandywin e Av e Brandywin e Av e O l e a n d e r Ave O l e a n d e r AveNaplesStNaplesStPase o L a d e r aPase o L a d e r a EJStEJStP a s eo d el ReyP a s eo d el ReyEastla k e Pkwy Eastla k e PkwyHunte PkwyHunte PkwyOcean V i e w H i l l s PkwyOcean V i e w H i l l s PkwyDenneryRdDenneryRdH e r itag e R d H e r itag e R d Lone Star RdLone Star RdM a g d ale na M a g d ale na A vA e Main StMain StEntertainment CirEntertainment CirAve. De Las VistasAve. De Las VistasH e r i t a g e R d 125125La M e d i aRd 55-100535.001 JANUARY 201212512566460607241,05691151 272 91 362 513 1,630 1,7506060815543 2015 CONDITIONS DAILY PROJECT TRIPSEXHIBIT 19LEGENDLEGENDAverage Daily TrafficX,XXX0ee 8W8W1,2681,268 905905 15805Olympic PkwyOlympic PkwyBirchRdBirchRdPalomarStPalomarStTelegraphCanyonRdTelegraphCanyonRdBrandywin e Av e Brandywin e Av e O l e a n d e r Ave O l e a n d e r AveNaplesStNaplesStPase o L a d e r aPase o L a d e r a EJStEJStP a s eo d el ReyP a s eo d el ReyEastla k e Pkwy Eastla k e PkwyHunte PkwyHunte PkwyOcean V i e w H i l l s PkwyOcean V i e w H i l l s PkwyDenneryRdDenneryRdH e r itag e R d H e r itag e R d Lone Star RdLone Star RdM a g d ale na M a g d ale na A vA e Main StMain StEntertainment CirEntertainment CirAve. De Las VistasAve. De Las VistasH e r i t a g e R d 125125La M e d i aRd 55-100535.001 JANUARY 2012125125ee 1,9431392782,4984,995833278 278 278 833 2,081 1,66 5 833 2,081 7,493 9,7134164,8563,0532020 CONDITIONS DAILY PROJECT TRIPSEXHIBIT 20LEGENDLEGENDAverage Daily TrafficX,XXX139278694 139 1392782788333,1918W8W3,191 905905 15805Olympic PkwyOlympic PkwyBirchRdBirchRdPalomarStPalomarStTelegraphCanyonRdTelegraphCanyonRdBrandywin e Av e Brandywin e Av e O l e a n d e r Ave O l e a n d e r AveNaplesStNaplesStPase o L a d e r aPase o L a d e r a EJStEJStP a s eo d el ReyP a s eo d el ReyEastla k e Pkwy Eastla k e PkwyHunte PkwyHunte PkwyOcean V i e w H i l l s PkwyOcean V i e w H i l l s PkwyDenneryRdDenneryRdH e r itag e R d H e r itag e R d Lone Star RdLone Star RdM a g d ale na M a g d ale na A vA e Main StMain StEntertainment CirEntertainment CirAve. De Las VistasAve. De Las VistasH e r i t a g e R d 125125La M e d i aRd 55-100535.001 JANUARY 2012125125SantaVictoriaee 1,5648932,6812,0103,051447447 670 447 5,584 2,23 4 2,904 9,058670447670 2025 DAILY PROJECT TRIPSEXHIBIT 21LEGENDLEGENDAverage Daily TrafficX,XXX8932,904447 4477,14810,2751,1171,3401,340 1,1178932,334446 14,07 3 8W8W5,337 Olympic Pkwy Hunte Pkwy1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 16 5 Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaOlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy 125 SBOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwySanta Victoria Heritage RdMain St 805 SBREastlake Pkwy125 NB125 SBMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdMain St 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 La Media RdBirch Rd La Media RdBirch RdBirch RdBirch Rd La Media RdMain St Magdalena AveLEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME EXISTING PLUS PROJECT BUILD-OUT PEAK HOUR VOLUMES EXHIBIT 23 DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST * SEE NOTE "A" FOR MAIN ST & LA MEDIA COUPLET VOLUMES 21 22 24 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBRMain St/Eastlake PkwyOtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBRHunte Pkwy EB Main St WB Main St WB Main St EB Main StSB La MediaNB La MediaSB La MediaNB La MediaNOTE "A": Main St / La Media Couplet Geometry 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 23 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME EXISTING PLUS PROJECT BUILD-OUT PEAK HOUR VOLUMES EXHIBIT 23 DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST Olympic Pkwy Hunte Pkwy1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 16 5 Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaOlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy 125 SBOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwySanta Victoria Heritage RdMain St 805 SBREastlake Pkwy125 NB125 SBMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdMain St 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 La Media RdBirch Rd La Media RdBirch RdBirch RdBirch Rd La Media RdMain St Magdalena AveLEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME 2015 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES EXHIBIT 27 DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST 21 22 24 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBRMain St/Eastlake PkwyOtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBRHunte Pkwy 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 23 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME 2015 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES EXHIBIT 27 DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST 905905 15805Olympic PkwyOlympic PkwyBirchRdBirchRdPalomarStPalomarStTelegraphCanyonRdTelegraphCanyonRdBrandywin e Av e Brandywin e Av e O l e a n d e r Ave O l e a n d e r AveNaplesStNaplesStPase o L a d e r aPase o L a d e r a EJStEJStP a s eo d el ReyP a s eo d el ReyEastla k e Pkwy Eastla k e PkwyHunte PkwyHunte PkwyOcean V i e w H i l l s PkwyOcean V i e w H i l l s PkwyDenneryRdDenneryRdH e r itag e R d H e r itag e R d Lone Star RdLone Star RdM a g d ale na M a g d ale na A vA e Main StMain StEntertainment CirEntertainment CirAve. De Las VistasAve. De Las VistasH e r i t a g e R d 125125La M e d i aRd 55-100535.001 JANUARY 2012125125ee 52,15037,80024,5007,30054,00055,35011,70011,000 17,2 0 0 18,200 15,100 32,3 0 0 14,700 14,900 13,000 15,700 2,50031,40057,30017,70017,4002015 CONDITIONS AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFICEXHIBIT 28LEGENDLEGENDAverage Daily TrafficX,XXX45,0008W8W10,400 Olympic Pkwy Hunte Pkwy1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 16 5 Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaOlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy 125 SBOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwySanta Victoria Heritage RdMain St 805 SBREastlake Pkwy125 NB125 SBMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdMain St 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 La Media RdBirch Rd La Media RdBirch RdBirch RdBirch Rd La Media RdMain St Magdalena AveEXHIBIT 30 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME 2020 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME EXHIBIT 30 2020 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXISTDOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST2122 24 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBRMain St/Eastlake PkwyOtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBRHunte Pkwy 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 23 905905 15805Olympic PkwyOlympic PkwyBirchRdBirchRdPalomarStPalomarStTelegraphCanyonRdTelegraphCanyonRdBrandywin e Av e Brandywin e Av e O l e a n d e r Ave O l e a n d e r AveNaplesStNaplesStPase o L a d e r aPase o L a d e r a EJStEJStP a s eo d el ReyP a s eo d el ReyEastla k e Pkwy Eastla k e PkwyHunte PkwyHunte PkwyOcean V i e w H i l l s PkwyOcean V i e w H i l l s PkwyDenneryRdDenneryRdH e r itag e R d H e r itag e R d Lone Star RdLone Star RdM a g d ale na M a g d ale na A vA e Main StMain StEntertainment CirEntertainment CirAve. De Las VistasAve. De Las VistasH e r i t a g e R d 125125La M e d i aRd 55-100535.001 JANUARY 2012125125ee 54,60039,40011,70058,20060,80014,70012,800 20,7 0 0 23,200 31,400 40,5 0 0 19,500 34,600 33,70 058,70037,00037,2002020 CONDITIONS AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFICEXHIBIT 31LEGENDLEGENDAverage Daily TrafficX,XXX27,70017,300 16,30046,70033,60017,90012,0008W8W10,30 0 12,50 0 Olympic Pkwy Hunte Pkwy1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 16 5 Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaOlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy 125 SBOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwySanta Victoria Heritage RdMain St 805 SBREastlake Pkwy125 NB125 SBMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdMain St 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 La Media RdBirch Rd La Media RdBirch RdBirch RdBirch Rd La Media RdMain St Magdalena AveLEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME 2025 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES EXHIBIT 33 * SEE NOTE "A" FOR MAIN ST & LA MEDIA COUPLET VOLUMES 21 22 24 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBRMain St/Eastlake PkwyOtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBRHunte Pkwy EB Main St WB Main St WB Main St EB Main StSB La MediaNB La MediaSB La MediaNB La MediaNOTE "A": Main St / La Media Couplet Geometry 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 23 2025 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES EXHIBIT 33 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXISTDOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST 905905 15805Olympic PkwyOlympic PkwyBirchRdBirchRdPalomarStPalomarStTelegraphCanyonRdTelegraphCanyonRdBrandywin e Av e Brandywin e Av e O l e a n d e r Ave O l e a n d e r AveNaplesStNaplesStPase o L a d e r aPase o L a d e r a EJStEJStP a s eo d el ReyP a s eo d el ReyEastla k e Pkwy Eastla k e PkwyHunte PkwyHunte PkwyOcean V i e w H i l l s PkwyOcean V i e w H i l l s PkwyDenneryRdDenneryRdH e r itag e R d H e r itag e R d Lone Star RdLone Star RdM a g d ale na M a g d ale na A vA e Main StMain StEntertainment CirEntertainment CirAve. De Las VistasAve. De Las VistasH e r i t a g e R d 125125La M e d i aRd 55-100535.001 JANUARY 2012125125SantaVictoria43,30041,60024,80042,60062,90018,40016,00 0 21,2 0 0 24,700 19,600 35,00056,20051,10047,0002025 CONDITIONS AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFICEXHIBIT 34LEGENDLEGENDAverage Daily TrafficX,XXX31,20022,60019,500 19,50049,70035,300ee 8W8W5,20043,10 0 32,50035,900 54,600 20,10 0 Olympic Pkwy Hunte Pkwy1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 16 5 Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaOlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy 125 SBOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwySanta Victoria Heritage RdMain St 805 SBREastlake Pkwy125 NB125 SBMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdMain St 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 La Media RdBirch Rd La Media RdBirch RdBirch RdBirch Rd La Media RdMain St Magdalena AveEXHIBIT 36 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME 2030 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES * SEE NOTE "A" FOR MAIN ST & LA MEDIA COUPLET VOLUMES 21 22 24 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBRMain St/Eastlake PkwyOtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBRHunte Pkwy EB Main St WB Main St WB Main St EB Main StSB La MediaNB La MediaSB La MediaNB La MediaNOTE "A": Main St / La Media Couplet Geometry 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 23 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME EXHIBIT 36 2030 PEAK HOUR VOLUMES DOES NOT EXIST DOES NOT EXIST Olympic Pkwy Hunte Pkwy1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 16 5 Olympic Pkwy 805 SBROlympic Pkwy 805 NBROlympic Pkwy Brandywine AveOlympic Pkwy Santa VictoriaOlympic Pkwy Heritage RdOlympic Pkwy Olympic Pkwy 125 SBOlympic Pkwy 125 NBOlympic Pkwy Eastlake PkwySanta Victoria Heritage RdMain St 805 SBREastlake Pkwy125 NB125 SBMain St 805 NBRMain St Heritage RdMain St 55-100535.001 AUGUST 2011 La Media RdBirch Rd La Media RdBirch RdBirch RdBirch Rd La Media RdMain St Magdalena AveLEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME 2030 MITIGATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES * SEE NOTE "A" FOR MAIN ST & LA MEDIA COUPLET VOLUMES EXHIBIT 39 21 22 24 25 Main St 125 SBRMain St 125 NBRMain St/Eastlake PkwyOtay Valley Rd 125 SBROtay Valley Rd 125 NBRHunte Pkwy EB Main St WB Main St WB Main St EB Main StSB La MediaNB La MediaSB La MediaNB La MediaNOTE "A": Main St / La Media Couplet Geometry 55-100535.001 MARCH 2013 23 LEGEND XX(XX) AM/PM PEAK HOUR VOLUME 2030 MITIGATED PEAK HOUR VOLUMES EXHIBIT 39