HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPPX-B_V8-AQIP_05-00-13Air Quality
Improvement Plan
Appendix B
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Otay Land Company Village 8 West
May 2013
Project Sponsor / Applicant
1903 Wright Place, Suite 220
Carlsbad, CA 92008-6528
(760) 918-8200
Contact: Jeff O’Connor
Prepared by
William Hezmalhalch Architects Inc.
2850 Redhill Ave, Suite 200
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(949) 250-6007
Contact: Cathy Baranger/Johanna Crooker
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary................................................................................................1
Plan Design..............................................................................................................1
Figure 1: SPA Regulation Plan ..............................................................................2
2. Introduction..........................................................................................................5
3. Purpose & Goals...................................................................................................6
Federal State, and Local Rules and Regulations Related to Air Quality........................6
Figure 2: Ambient Air Quality Standards Matrix......................................................8
Figure 3:Thresholds of Significance for Air Quality Impacts....................................9
Summary of Energy Efficiency Standards..................................................................9
Summary of Carbon Dioxide CO2 Reduction............................................................10
4. Project Description..............................................................................................12
Figure 4: SPA Site Utilization Plan.......................................................................14
Figure 5: SPA Site Utilization Summary...............................................................15
5. Effect of Project on Local/Regional air Quality......................................................17
Construction Related Emissions..............................................................................18
Figure 6: Mitigated Construction Emissions
(Atkins August 2012)........................................................................................20
Operational Related Emissions................................................................................21
Figure 7: Mitigated Operational Emissions (Atkins August 2012).........................22
6. Quantitative Project Design Evaluation.................................................................23
Figure 8: Chula Vista CO2 INDEX Model for Village 8 West
dated Sept. 16, 2010 (from Criterion) .............................................................23
Compliance with Modeling Thresholds....................................................................24
Figure 9: Intersection Density .............................................................................25
7. Community Design and Site Planning Features.....................................................26
Figure 10: Village 8 West Community Design and Site Plan Features.................26
8. Chula Vista CO2 Reduction Plan...........................................................................27
Figure 11: Summary of Village 8 West Consistency with CO2 Reduction
Action Measures ..............................................................................................30
9. Credit Towards Increase Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards...........................33
10. Compliance Monitoring......................................................................................34
Figure 12: Village 8 West Air Quality Improvement Plan Compliance Checklist.....34
The purpose of the AQIP is to provide an analysis of air pollution impacts that would result from
development of Village 8 West and to demonstrate how the design for Village 8 West reduces
vehicle trips, maintains or improves traffic flow, reduces vehicle miles traveled, and reduces
direct or indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This AQIP also demonstrates how Village 8
West has been designed consistent with the City’s Green Building and Increased Energy
Efficiency Standards, (CVMC 15.12 and 15.26.030) and represents the best available design in
terms of improving energy efficiency and reducing GHG emissions. GHG emissions include
gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), and Nitrous Dioxide (N20). They occur both
naturally, and are produced by human activities, such as by automobile emissions and
emissions from production of electricity to provide power to homes and businesses. These
gases prevent heat from escaping the earth’s atmosphere, while allowing in sunlight, which has
the affect of warming the air temperature. Applicable action measures contained in the City’s
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Reduction Plan are also addressed.
Plan Design
Otay Ranch is a 23,000-acre master-planned community and includes a mix of land uses within
20 villages and/or planning areas. Within Village 8 West, a range of residential units and
densities, a mix of uses that blends commercial and residential together, parks and open space,
and community facilities including two school sites are planned for development. The project will
be located around the future intersection of La Media Road and Main Street, (designed to be a
pair of couplets) with a town square located in the center and surrounded by mixed-use and park
The Village 8 SPA plan includes 300.3 gross acres (320.1 gross acres including the San Diego
Reservoir) and a range of allowable uses. The following land uses represent the maximum
allowed per the Village 8 West SPA plan:
• 2,050 residential dwelling units,
• 250,000 square feet of commercial retail,
• 50,000 square feet of office,
• 27.9 acres of park,
• 39.1 acres of open space,
• One elementary school,
• One middle school,
• 5.8 acres of community purpose facilities, and
• 32.5 acres of arterial rights-of-way/basin.
The vision for Village 8 West is to develop a cohesive community with inter-connected uses and densities.
The mix of proposed residential, commercial, and community uses are intended to provide a mixed-use
environment that serves the needs of residents and employees. The densities and design patterns
envisioned for the village focus on promoting a walkable and bikeable community with less emphasis
on automobile trips. Figure 1 depicts the SPA Regulating Plan for Village 8 West.
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Figure 1: SPA Regulating Plan
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Village 8 West concentrates its highest density housing, retail/commercial uses as well as a
school and parks in or adjacent to its Town Center. The resulting land use plan features an
integrated circulation system that provides Town Center residents and adjacent neighborhoods
non-automobile related circulation options that include walking, bicycling, Low Speed Vehicles
(LSVs), and transit. With travel speeds of 25 to 35 mph along Main Street and La Media Road
through the couplet, the Town Center is designed to provide a comfortable walking environment.
Class II bicycle facilities are planned along all circulation element roadways through Village 8
West. Sidewalks will be provided throughout Village 8 West. With the exception of Otay Valley
Road south of the couplets, all roadways internal to the Village are designed to local street
standards with speed limits of 25 to 30 mph. Slow traffic speeds are conducive to both walking
and bicycling and provide the necessary linkage to the regional bicycle circulation network.
Village 8 West is transit ready. In conformance with General Plan policy, public transportation is
an integral part of Otay Ranch. The Village 8 West plan provides for potential transit services with
options available depending on what future transit service program is implemented. Public transit
lines and stops are integrated into the plan and are located within or in close proximity to the
highest intensity neighborhoods. By design, higher density uses will be provided along the new
couplets at La Media Road and Main Street. This is intended to help reduce the dependence on
the passenger vehicle and encourage walking, biking, and transit trips.
The current regional transit plan includes transit lines on East “H” Street, East Palomar Street, La
Media Road, and Eastlake Parkway. Transit stations are planned to be located approximately five
to six miles apart with the nearest station to Village 8 West located in the Eastern Urban Center.
In conformance with the General Plan, a future transit line also is located on Main Street and two
transit stops are planned in the Town Center, one along west-bound Main Street and one along
east-bound Main Street. The actual transit plan will be developed in conjunction with the San
Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). Specific access points as well as the internal
circulation for bicycle riders and pedestrians and exact roadway crossings will be approved
during the Tentative Tract Map (TM) process.
An additional means to reduce GHG emissions is the use of LSVs. LSVs are envisioned as
alternative modes of travel within and between the Otay Ranch villages. In Village 8 West, LSVs
may travel on all village streets with a maximum travel speed of 35 mph. All village streets,
except the segment of Otay Valley Road south the couplets, are planned for maximum travel
speeds of 25 mph. Street B also provides a connection for LSVs to the remaining portion of
Village 8 (Village 8 East).
Vehicle trip generation is based on the project traffic study, which was prepared by RBF
Consulting (2012). The projected Average Daily Trips (ADT) rate for the Village 8 West is 26,104
trips. The projected ADT accounts for internal capture from mixed-use development and the
reduction in vehicle trips compared to similar developments that do not provide access to transit.
Two bus stops are proposed in the Village 8 West Town Center, one along west-bound Main
Street and one along eastbound Main Street. The projected ADT also takes into account the
Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program included in the Village 8 West SPA Plan.
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
The TDM includes strategies to reduce vehicle trips and miles traveled and to design a multi-
modal transportation system, and establishes a Transportation Management Association to
provide transportation services in a particular area to reduce vehicle miles and implement other
TDM strategies. According to the Otay Ranch Village 8 West Air Quality Technical Report dated
August 28, 2012 prepared by Atkins, the project trip generation rates account for the
approximately 40 percent reduction in vehicle trips that would occur as a result of the mixed-use
areas, transit use, and availability of pedestrian and bicycle facilities proposed as part of the SPA
plan. In addition, future vehicular emissions may be lower than estimated due to increasingly
stringent California fuel efficiency requirements. As determined by SANDAG as part of the
GPA/GDPA EIR process, the average daily trip length for the Village 8 West will be 4.62 miles
(less than the regional average trip length of 5.8 miles).
The Village 8 West SPA Plan incorporates several additional features into the site design that
promote alternative transportation use, reduce traffic congestion, encourage energy efficiency,
and reduce area source pollutants. These measures include the following:
1. Provide shower and locker facilities at offices with more than ten occupants to encourage
bicycle use.
2. Design parking lots to promote use of mass transit and car pools.
3. Synchronize the traffic lights included as part of an individual development project with
previously installed traffic lights in order to reduce traffic congestion.
4. Utilize solar heating technology as practical. Generally, solar panels can be cost-effectively
used to heat water for domestic use and for swimming pools. Advances in solar technology
in the future may make other applications appropriate.
5. Enhance energy efficiency in building designs and landscaping plans.
6. Identify an environmental coordinator to be responsible for education and disseminating
information on ridesharing and/or mass transit opportunities, recycling, energy conservation
programs, etc.
7. Install only electric or natural gas fireplaces in new development. No wood burning fireplaces
are permitted.
8. When siting sensitive land uses such as residences, schools, day care centers, playgrounds
and medical facilities the recommendations set forth in Table 1-1 of California Air Resources
Board’s (CARB) Land Use and Air Quality Handbook (CARB 2004) will be use as a guideline.
Specifically, new sensitive uses would not be located within 50 feet of any typical-sized gas
station (one that has a throughput of less than 3.6 million gallons per year). No gas stations
with a throughput of 3.6 million gallons per year or greater shall be developed within Village
8 West.
The Village 8 West Air Quality Technical Report also identifies air pollutant emission sources that
would occur during construction of the project. Theses include exhaust and particulate
emissions generated from construction equipment; fugitive dust from site preparation, grading,
and excavation activities; and volatile organic compounds (VOC) that evaporate during site
paving and painting of structures. Construction activities are anticipated to occur in 5 phases
over the course of 8 years and will disturb 261 acres of the 300-acre site. An additional 1.95
acres would be disturbed for installation of the offsite improvements and 4.57 acres would be
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
graded on the city of San Diego reservoir property, for a total disturbance area of approximately
268 acres.
Project related emissions would be below the significant thresholds during underground utility
construction, building construction, and coating activities. Grading activities would exceed the
significant threshold for Nitrous Oxides (NOx), Particulate Matter (PM10, and PM2.5), and surface
improvements (paving) would exceed the NOx thresholds, resulting in potentially significant
impacts. Actual emissions may be less than calculated by the URBEMIS model (a software
model designed to estimate air emissions from land use development projects) since this model
does not take into account additional standards adopted by California Air Resources Board
(CARB) after 2007 and assumed a worst-case scenario. Mitigation measures implemented
during grading activities would reduce NOx, PM10, and PM2.5 emissions but not to a less than
significant level, resulting in significant and unavoidable impacts.
In conclusion, there are construction and operation air quality impacts anticipated during either
the construction or operation phases of the project after all mitigation measures have been
utilized. Village 8 West will be consistent with the City’s General Plan, as amended. However, the
growth projections for the Regional Air Quality Strategy (RAQS) were based on the 2005 General
Plan. Even though the proposed project would be consistent with all the applicable transportation
and area source control measures proposed in the RAQS to reduce emissions in the region, the
project exceeds the growth projections in the RAQS and would exceed the significant thresholds
for ozone precursors and particulate matter during construction and operation for the San Diego
Air Basin.
The purpose of the AQIP is to provide an analysis of air pollution impacts that would result from
development of Village 8 West and to demonstrate how the design for Village 8 West reduces
vehicle trips, maintains or improves traffic flow, reduces vehicle miles traveled, reduces direct or
indirect Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, and minimizes pollutant emissions during
construction to the greatest extent practical. This AQIP also demonstrates how Village 8 West
has been designed consistent with the City’s Green Building and Increased Energy Efficiency
Standards, (CVMC 15.12 and 15.26.030) and represents the best available design in terms of
improving energy efficiency and reducing GHG emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions include
gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), and Nitrous Dioxide (N20). They occur both
naturally, and are produced by human activities, such as by automobile emissions and
emissions from production of electricity to provide power to homes and businesses. These
gases prevent heat from escaping the earth’s atmosphere, while allowing in sunlight, which has
the affect of warming the air temperature. Applicable action measures contained in the City’s
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Reduction Plan are also addressed.
As the result of rapid development not keeping pace with the demand for facilities and
improvements, the City Council adopted Growth Management policy measures that would
prohibit new development to occur unless adequate public facilities, improvements and
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
environmental quality of life standards were put in place. The City of Chula Vista’s Growth
Management ordinance (CVMC Chapter 19.09) purpose is to provide the following:
1. Provide quality housing opportunities for all economic sections of the community;
2. Provide a balanced community with adequate commercial, industrial, recreational and open
space areas to support the residential areas of the City;
3. Provide that public facilities, services and improvements meeting City standards exist or
become available concurrent with the need created by new development;
4. Balance the housing needs of the region against the public service needs of Chula Vista
residents and available fiscal and environmental resources;
5. Provide that all development is consistent with the Chula Vista general plan;
6. Prevent growth unless adequate public facilities and improvements are provided in a phased
and logical fashion as required by the general plan;
7. Control the timing and location of development by tying the pace of development to the
provision of public facilities and improvements to conform to the City’s threshold standards
and to meet the goals and objectives of the growth management program;
8. Provide that the air quality of the City of Chula Vista improves from existing conditions;
9. Provide that the City of Chula Vista conserves water so that an adequate supply be
maintained to serve the needs of current and future residents.
The objective of this AQIP is to fulfill the City of Chula Vista’s Growth Management policy to
provide that the air quality of the City of Chula Vista improves from existing conditions. This AQIP
is provided in accordance with CVMC 19.09.950B. The Growth Management Ordinance requires
that no application for a SPA Plan or Tentative Map shall be deemed complete or accepted for
review unless an AQIP is provided and approved as part of the approval of the SPA Plan or
Tentative Map by the City. The AQIP has been prepared based on the best available design
practices and also serves to implement several of the key aspects of the City’s CO2 Reduction
Plan, the Green Building Standards (CVMC Chapter 15.12) and the energy efficiency
requirements (CVMC 15.26.030).
There are a number of actions that Federal, State and Local jurisdictions have taken to improve
air quality, increase energy efficiency, and reduce GHG emissions. This section summarizes
those actions.
Federal, State, and Local Rules and Regulations Related to Air Quality
Air quality is defined by ambient air concentrations of specific pollutants determined by the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to be of concern with respect to the health and welfare
of the public. The subject pollutants monitored by the EPA include the following:
Carbon Monoxide (CO),
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2),
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2),
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Ozone (O3),
Respirable 10- and 2.5-micron particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5),
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC),
Reactive Organic Gasses (ROG),
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S),
Lead (Pb),
Vinyl Chloride, and
Visibility reducing particles (VRP).
The EPA has established ambient air quality standards for these pollutants. These standards are
called the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). The California Air Resources Board
(CARB) subsequently established the more stringent California Ambient Air Quality Standards
(CAAQS). Both sets of standards are shown in Figure 2 on the following page. Areas in California
where ambient air concentrations of pollutants are higher than the state standard are considered
to be in “non-attainment” status for that pollutant.
Regulation of air emissions from non-mobile sources within San Diego County has been
delegated to the San Diego County Air Pollution Control District (APCD). As part of its air quality
permitting process, the APCD has established thresholds for the preparation of Air Quality Impact
Assessments (AQIAs) and/or Air Quality Conformity Assessments (AQCAs). APCD has also
established an “emissions budget” or Regional Air Quality Strategy (RAQS) for the San Diego Air
Basin. This budget takes into account existing conditions, planned growth based on General
Plans for cities within the region, and air quality control measures implemented by the APCD.
The applicable standards are show in Figure 3 on page 9.
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Figure 2: Ambient Air Quality Standards Matrix
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Figure 3: Thresholds of Significance for Air Quality Impacts
Summary of Energy Efficiency Standards
Title 24, Part 6 of the California Building Standards Code regulates energy uses including space
heating and cooling, hot water heating, and ventilation. The energy code allows new buildings to
meet a “performance” standard that allows a builder to choose the most cost effective energy
saving measures to meet the standard from a variety of measures. These choices may include
the following:
Added insulation,
Radiant barriers,
Cool roofs,
Improved HVAC systems,
Alternative heating and cooling systems,
More efficient water heating systems, and
More efficient lighting systems.
The energy code was updated in 2008 to continue to reduce the amount of energy needed for
new buildings. This update reduced the electricity needed to operate central air conditioning for
residential uses between 19.7% and 22.7% and the natural gas needed to operate gas water
heaters between 7% and 10%. For non-residential buildings, the most recent update reduced the
electricity needed to operate heating equipment 37.2%, cooling equipment 8.3% and interior
lighting 5.9%. The non-residential natural gas need for heating was reduced 15.9%.1
The City of Chula Vista has adopted Green Building Standards (CVMC Chapter 15.12) and
Energy Efficiency standards (CVMC Section 15.26.030) that requires increased energy efficiency
15% beyond 2008 Title 24 Part 6 Energy Code levels. For residential uses, this requirement
represents a .75-1.35% reduction in electricity use and an 11.85%-12.45% reduction in natural
1 Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measures; California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA),
August 2010, Tables D-1 and D-2
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
gas usage. For commercial uses this represents a 4.35% reduction in electricity use and a 9.9%
reduction in natural gas usage.2
Water-related energy use consumes 19 percent of California’s electricity, 30 percent of its
natural gas, and 88 billion gallons of diesel fuel every year. The water-related energy use
includes water and wastewater treatment as well as the energy needed to transport the water
from it source (either northern California or the Colorado River). California Green Building Code
Title 24, Part 11 (CALGreen) requires that indoor water use be reduced a minimum of 20%. The
City has also reduced the demand for outdoor water use through the adoption of the Landscape
Water Conservation requirements (CVMC 20.12).
CALGreen also requires that a minimum of 50% all new construction waste generated at the site
be diverted to recycle or salvage. Additionally, the State has set per capita disposal rates of 5.3
pounds per person per day for the City of Chula Vista. The City requires new construction to
divert 90% of the inert waste and not less than 50% of the remaining waste generated during
construction (CVMC 8.25.095).
Summary of Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Reduction
CO2 is produced by both natural and anthropogenic (human) sources. CO2 will be emitted by
Village 8 West permitted uses through the combustion of fossil fuels in vehicles, from electricity
generation and natural gas consumption, and from solid waste disposal. As directed by
Assembly Bill (AB) 32, the Climate Change Scoping Plan (December 2008 prepared by CARB)
includes measures to reduce statewide CO2 to 1990 levels by 2020 from forecasted business-
as-usual (BAU) 2020 emissions. The majority of the reduction strategies are to come from the
two sectors that generate the most CO2 emissions statewide: transportation and electricity
generation. The majority of the reduction in transportation-related and energy-related CO2
emissions are to be achieved through statewide regulatory mandates affecting vehicle emissions
and types of fuel the vehicles use, public transit, and public utilities. The remaining reductions
are to be achieved through direct regulation and price incentive measures affecting oil and gas
extraction industries and forestry practices (including increased tree planting programs).
To address emissions from vehicles, CARB is proposing a comprehensive three-prong strategy:
reduce GHG emissions from vehicles, reduce the carbon content of the fuel these vehicles burn,
and reduce the miles these vehicles travel.
AB 1493 (Pavley) required CARB to develop and adopt regulations to reduce GHG emissions
from passenger motor vehicles, beginning with the 2009 model year. The Pavley regulations
establish specific GHG emissions levels for both passenger cars and light-duty trucks. The
standards become more stringent each year through 2016. The GHG emission reductions to be
achieved by the Pavley regulations are substantial. It is expected that the Pavley regulations will
reduce GHG emissions from California passenger cars by 22% in 2012 and 30% in 2016
2 Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measures; California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA),
August 2010, Tables BE-1.1 and BE-1.2
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
CARB has also adopted the Low Carbon Fuel Standards (LCFS) that set carbon reduction
standards for the types of fuels that can be sold in California, particularly renewable fuels. This
will reduce the GHG emissions even if total fuel consumption is not reduced.
Finally, CARB is to set regional targets for reducing passenger vehicle emissions. SB 375
requires Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) in California to update their Regional
Transportation Plans to adopt a Sustainable Communities Strategy (SCS) that prescribes land
use allocations that promote smart growth development. SANDAG is the San Diego region’s
MPO. According to the San Diego SCS plan, the CARB target of a 7 percent per capita reduction
in 2020 and a 15 percent per capita reduction by 2035 would be met with the SCS
The three most applicable measures to land use planning and development within the City of
Chula Vista’s control include the Regional Transportation-related GHG targets, support for the
Million Solar Roofs program, and energy efficiency measures. Since the early 1990s, the City
has been engaged in multiple climate change forums including the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Cities for Climate Protection campaign and the
U.S. Conference of Mayor’s Climate Protection Agreement. The key plans and ordinances that
the City has adopted and implemented to achieve citywide GHG emissions reductions are
summarized below.
Each participant in the International Council of Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) was to create
local policy measures to ensure multiple benefits in the City and at the same time identify a
carbon reduction goal through the implementation of those measures. In its CO2 Reduction Plan
developed in 1995 and officially adopted in 2000, Chula Vista committed to lowering its CO2 emissions by diversifying its transportation system and using energy more efficiently in all
sectors. To focus efforts in this direction, the City adopted the CO2reduction goal of 20% below
1990 levels by 2010. In order to achieve this goal, seven actions were identified (see page 28),
which when fully implemented, were anticipated to save 100,000 tons of CO2each year.
The 2008 GHG Emissions Inventory has noted that compared to 1990, Chula Vista’s citywide
GHG emissions have increased by 29%, however, per capita and per housing unit levels are
approximately 25% and 17% below 1990 levels, respectively. The Climate Change Working
Group (CCWG) has helped develop recommendations to reduce the community’s GHGs in order
to meet the City’s 2010 GHG emissions reduction targets.
The CCWG ultimately chose seven measures that were adopted by the City Council and the
horizon date was delayed until 2012 instead of 2010. The measures that relate to new
development include the following:
A minimum energy efficiency of 15% above the 2005 Title 24, and
Implementation of smart growth principles.
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Otay Ranch is a 23,000-acre master-planned community and includes a mix of land uses within
20 villages and/or planning areas. Within Village 8 West, a range of residential units and
densities, a mix of uses that blends commercial and residential together, parks and open space,
and community facilities including two school sites are planned for development. The project will
be located around the future intersection of La Media Road and Main Street, (designed to be a
pair of couplets) with a town square located in the center and surrounded by mixed-use and park
The Village 8 SPA plan includes 300.3 gross acres (320.1 gross acres including the San Diego
Reservoir) and a range of allowable uses. The following land uses represent the maximum
allowed per the Village 8 West SPA plan:
• 2,050 residential dwelling units;
• 250,000 square feet of commercial retail;
• 50,000 square feet of office;
• 27.9 acres of park;
• 39.1 acres of open space;
• One elementary school;
• One middle school; and
• 5.8 acres of community purpose facilities, and
• 32.5 acres of arterial rights-of-way/basin.
The vision for Village 8 West is to develop a cohesive community with inter-connected uses and
densities. The mix of proposed residential, commercial, and community uses are intended to
provide a mixed-use environment that serves the needs of residents and employees. The
densities and design patterns envisioned for the village focus on promoting a walkable and
bikeable community with less emphasis on automobile trips.
Figure 4: Site Utilization Plan and Figure 5: Site Utilization Summary implement the land uses
contemplated by the Otay Ranch. The site utilization plan and site utilization summary work
together and assign a general utilization to each transect within the SPA. In addition to defining
each transect’s utilization, individual planning areas are also assigned a targeted number of
dwelling units and commercial square feet. The number of units and commercial square feet
shown in Figure 5 are only estimates. Units and commercial uses may be transferred between
planning areas provided that uses being transferred are consistent with the site utilization of the
receiving planning area, that the overall density of each transect remains consistent with the
density ranges (du/ac) specified for each transect, and that the transfer meets all of the
requirements specified in §9.3.2 of the SPA.
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
The Village 8 West SPA plan creates a new community centered around a pedestrian oriented,
mixed-use Town Center. Uses are envisioned to include retail, office, high density residential,
institutional, social, and community services that support adjacent residential neighborhoods.
Such uses might include restaurants, coffee shops, dry cleaners, grocery stores, and
opportunities for shopping and entertainment. These interchangeable mixed-use components
create a 24-hour activity center for the community ensuring a safe, healthy, and vibrant heart for
the community.
The mixed-use Town Center is organized to create a series of corridors that emulate a traditional
urban neighborhood within a system of “blocks” or planning areas. Block sizes and circulation
through the Town Center have been carefully defined to maximize walkability and promote a
vibrant and active Town Center area. Blocks are defined by two urban couplets. Rather than
divert traffic away from and around the Town Center, the couplets bring arterial traffic through
the Town Center to promote activity, increase visibility, and ensure the long-term viability of
businesses within. Couplets, which consist of a pair or “couple” of one-way streets, are
designed to accommodate similar volumes of traffic as traditional two-way arterials with
improved turning movements, through movements, and pedestrian scale. The reduced overall
width of the street creates a more intimate streetscape, benefiting the overall appearance and
environment for all users including drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The increased activity
also supports transit use, thereby achieving the goal of a multi-modal, pedestrian oriented Town
Projections for Village 8 West indicate that approximately seventy percent (70%) of the
residential dwelling units will be small single family and multi-family residences. It has been
demonstrated that these smaller detached and attached building designs use less energy for
heating and cooling when compared to larger single-family detached homes.
It has also been demonstrated that passive solar design, including the orientation of buildings,
can take advantage of the suns warmth in winter to assist with heating as well as minimize heat
gain in summer months to assist with cooling. The Village 8 West Town Center is oriented
primarily on a north/south and east/west axis to take advantage of solar orientation.
Village 8 West concentrates its highest density housing, retail/commercial uses as well as a
school and parks in or adjacent to its Town Center. The resulting land use plan features an
integrated circulation system that provides Town Center residents and adjacent neighborhoods
non-automobile related circulation options that includes walking, bicycling, LSVs, and transit.
With travel speeds of 25 to 35 mph along Main Street and La Media Road through the couplets,
the Town Center is designed to provide a comfortable walking environment.
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Figure 4: SPA Site Utilization Plan
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Figure 5: SPA Site Utilization Summary
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
All the streets within Village 8 West are designed as “complete” streets. As defined by
the Complete Street Coalition, complete streets are defined as roadways that are “...designed
and operated to enable safe access for all users. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists and
transit riders of all ages and abilities must be able to safely move along and across a
complete street.”
Class II bicycle facilities are planned along all circulation element roadways through Village 8
West. Sidewalks will be provided throughout Village 8 West. With the exception of Otay Valley
Road south of the couplets, all roadways internal to the Village are designed to local street
standards with speed limits of 25 to 30 mph. Slow traffic speeds are conducive to walking and
bicycling and provide the necessary linkage to the regional bicycle circulation network.
Village 8 West is transit ready. In conformance with General Plan policy, public transportation is
an integral part of Otay Ranch. The Village 8 West plan provides for potential transit services with
options available depending on what future transit service program is implemented. Public transit
lines and stops are integrated into the plan and are located within or in close proximity to the
highest intensity neighborhoods. By design, higher density uses will be provided along the new
couplets at La Media Road and Main Street. This is intended to help reduce the dependence on
the passenger vehicle and encourage walking, biking, and transit trips.
The current regional transit plan includes transit lines on East “H” Street, East Palomar Street, La
Media Road, and Eastlake Parkway. Transit stations are planned to be located approximately five
to six miles apart with the nearest station to Village 8 West located in the Eastern Urban Center.
In conformance with the General Plan, a future transit line also is located on Main Street and two
transit stops are planned in the Village 8 West Town Center, one along west-bound Main Street
and one along east-bound Main Street. The actual transit plan will be developed in conjunction
with the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). Specific access points as well as
the internal circulation for bicycle riders and pedestrians and exact roadway crossings will be
approved during the Tentative Tract Map (TM) process.
An additional means to reduce GHG emissions is the use of LSVs. LSVs are envisioned as
alternative modes of travel within and between the Otay Ranch villages. In Village 8 West, LSVs
may travel on all village streets with a maximum travel speed of 35 miles per hour. Street B also
provides a connection for LSVs to the remaining portion of Village 8 (Village 8 East).
Vehicle trip generation is based on the project traffic study, which was prepared by RBF
Consulting (2012). The projected Average Daily Trips (ADT) rate for the Village 8 West is 26,104
trips. The projected ADT accounts for internal capture from mixed-use development and the
reduction in vehicle trips compared to similar developments that do not provide access to transit.
The projected ADT also takes into account the Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
program included in the Village 8 West SPA Plan. The TDM includes strategies to reduce vehicle
trips and miles traveled and to design a multi-modal transportation system, and establishes a
Transportation Management Association to provide transportation services in a particular area to
reduce vehicle miles and implement other TDM strategies. According to the Otay Ranch Village 8
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
West Air Quality Technical Report dated August 28, 2012 prepared by Atkins, the project trip
generation rates account for the approximately 40 percent reduction in vehicle trips that would
occur as a result of the mixed-use areas, transit use, and availability of pedestrian and bicycle
facilities proposed as part of the SPA plan. In addition, future vehicular emissions may be lower
than estimated due to increasingly stringent California fuel efficiency requirements. As
determined by SANDAG as part of the GPA/GDPA EIR process, the average daily trip length for
the Village 8 West will be 4.62 miles (less than the regional average trip length of 5.8 miles).
The Village 8 West SPA Plan incorporates several additional features into the site design that
promote alternative transportation use, reduce traffic congestion, encourage energy efficiency,
and reduce area source pollutants. These measures include the following:
1. Provide shower and locker facilities at offices with more than ten occupants to encourage
bicycle use.
2. Design parking lots to promote use of mass transit and car pools.
3. Synchronize the traffic lights included as part of an individual development project with
previously installed traffic lights in order to reduce traffic congestion.
4. Utilize solar heating technology as practical. Generally, solar panels can be cost-effectively
used to heat water for domestic use and for swimming pools. Advances in solar technology
in the future may make other applications appropriate.
5. Enhance energy efficiency in building designs and landscaping plans.
6. Identify an environmental coordinator to be responsible for education and disseminating
information on ridesharing and/or mass transit opportunities, recycling, energy conservation
programs, etc.
7. Install only electric or natural gas fireplaces in new development. No wood burning fireplaces
are permitted.
8. When siting sensitive land uses such as residences, schools, day care centers, playgrounds
and medical facilities the recommendations set forth in Table 1-1 of California Air Resources
Board’s (CARB) Land Use and Air Quality Handbook (CARB 2004) will be use as a guideline.
Specifically, new sensitive uses would not be located within 50 feet of any typical-sized gas
station (one that has a throughput of less than 3.6 million gallons per year).
This section includes a generalized discussion of Village 8 West’s short-term and long-term
effects on local and regional air quality including its contribution to global climate change.
Utilizing all the Federal, State, and Local strategies for reducing GHGs, Village 8 West is
projected to reduce GHG emissions a total of 24% from BAU through the incorporation of smart
growth vehicle circulation patterns, lower-emitting vehicles, and the advanced energy efficiency
and water conservation design requirements that reduce GHG emissions. The advanced energy
efficiency and water conservation design requirements include both the California Title 24
requirements for energy as well as the CALGreen requirements which are then furthered through
the City of Chula Vista’s green building and energy requirements.
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Construction Related Emissions
Air pollutant emission sources during project construction include exhaust and particulate
emissions generated from construction equipment; fugitive dust from site preparation, grading,
and excavation activities; and volatile compounds that evaporate during site paving and painting
of structures. Construction activities are anticipated to occur in 5 phases over the course of 8
years and will disturb 261 acres of the 300-acre site. An additional 1.95 acres would be
disturbed for installation of the offsite improvements and 4.57 acres would be graded on the city
of San Diego reservoir property, for a total disturbance area of approximately 268 acres. The
remaining area consists of designated open space.
The following construction-related mitigation measures will be implemented in Village 8 West:
5.4-1 Short-term Air Quality Violations Reduction Measures.
The following techniques to reduce construction emissions shall be implemented during all
construction activities:
1. Minimize simultaneous operation of multiple construction equipment units (i.e., phase
construction to minimize impacts).
2. Use low pollutant-emitting construction equipment.
3. Use electrical construction equipment as practical.
4. Use catalytic reduction for gasoline-powered equipment.
5. Use injection-timing retard for diesel-powered equipment.
6. Water the construction area twice daily to minimize fugitive dust.
7. Stabilize (for example hydroseed) graded areas as quickly as possible to minimize
fugitive dust.
8. Pave permanent roads as quickly as possible to minimize dust.
5.4-2 Dust Control Measures.
Mitigation of PM10 impacts requires active dust control during construction. As a matter of
standard practice, the City shall require the following standard construction measures be
included on all grading plans to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, and shall be implemented
during construction to the extent applicable:
1. All unpaved construction areas shall be sprinkled with water or other acceptable San Diego
APCD dust control agents twice daily during dust-generating activities to reduce dust
emissions. Additional watering or acceptable APCD dust control agents shall be applied
during dry weather or on windy days until dust emissions are not visible.
2. Trucks hauling dirt and debris shall be properly covered to reduce windblown dust
and spills.
3. A 20-mile-per-hour speed limit on unpaved surfaces shall be enforced.
4. On dry days, dirt and debris spilled onto paved surfaces shall be swept up immediately to
reduce re-suspension of particulate matter caused by vehicle movement. Approach routes
to construction sites shall be cleaned daily of construction-related dirt in dry weather.
5. On-site stockpiles of excavated material shall be covered or watered.
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
6. Disturbed areas shall be hydroseeded, landscaped, or developed as quickly as possible and
as directed by the City and/or APCD to reduce dust generation.
7. To the maximum extent feasible:
i. Heavy-duty construction equipment with modified combustion/fuel injection systems for
emissions control shall be utilized during grading and construction activities.
ii. Catalytic reduction for gasoline-powered equipment shall be used.
8. Equip construction equipment with pre-chamber diesel engines (or equivalent) together with
proper maintenance and operation to reduce emissions of NOx, to the extent available and
9. Electrical construction equipment shall be used to the extent feasible.
10. The simultaneous operations of multiple construction equipment units shall be minimized
(i.e., phase construction to minimize impacts).
V8W Air-1 Construction Best Management Practices
During all construction activities for the proposed project, the project applicant shall ensure
implementation of the following BMPs to reduce the emissions of NOx and fugitive dust (PM10 to
PM2.5). Prior to issuance of a grading permit, the City Engineer shall verify that these practices
are specified on the grading plan.
1. All construction equipment shall use aqueous diesel fuel and be outfitted with best available
control technology devices certified by CARB. A copy of each unit’s best available control
technology documentation shall be provided at the time of mobilization of each applicable
unit of equipment.
2. Approach routes to the site shall be cleaned daily of construction-related dirt.
3. Apply chemical stabilizer or pave the last 100 feet of internal travel path within the
construction site prior to public road entry.
4. Install wheel washers or rumble plates adjacent to a paved apron prior to any vehicle entry
on public roads.
5. Remove any visible track-out into traveled public streets within 30 minutes of occurrence.
6. Wet wash the construction access point at the end of each workday if any vehicle travel on
unpaved surfaces has occurred.
7. Provide sufficient perimeter erosion control to prevent washout of silty material onto public
8. General contractors shall maintain and operate construction equipment so as to minimize
exhaust emissions. During construction, trucks and vehicles in loading and unloading
queues should turn their engines off when not in use to reduce vehicle emissions.
Construction emissions should be phased and scheduled to avoid emissions peaks and
shall be discontinued during second stage smog alerts.
9. During construction, site grading activities within 500 feet of a school in operation shall be
discontinued or all exposed surfaces shall be watered to minimize dust transport off-site to
the maximum degree feasible, when the wind velocity is greater than 15 miles per hour in
the direction of the school.
10. During blasting, utilize control measures to minimize fugitive dust. Control measures may
include, but are not limited to, blast enclosures; vacuum blasters; drapes; water curtains; or
wet blasting.
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Project related construction emissions are shown in Figure 6. Project related emissions would be
below the significant thresholds during underground utility construction, building construction,
and coating activities. Grading activities would exceed the significant threshold for Nitrous
Oxides (NOx), Particulate Matter (PM10, and PM2.5), and surface improvements (paving) would
exceed the NOx thresholds, resulting in potentially significant impacts. Actual emissions may be
less than calculated by the URBEMIS model (a software model designed to estimate air
emissions from land use development projects) since this model does not take into account
additional standards adopted by California Air Resources Board (CARB) after 2007 and assumed
a worst-case scenario. Mitigation measures implemented during grading activities would reduce
NOx, PM10, and PM2.5 emissions but not to a less than significant level, resulting in significant and
unavoidable impacts, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: Mitigated Construction Emissions (Atkins December 10, 2012)
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Operational Related Emissions
The major source of emissions related to the day-to-day operations of full build-out of the Village
8 are produced by project-generated vehicle trips, a shown in Figure 7. Secondary sources of
emissions include space and water heating, fireplaces, landscape maintenance equipment,
consumer products, and periodic repainting of interior and exterior surfaces. These sources also
emit significant volatile organic compounds (VOCs) There are no feasible mitigation measures
available at the project level to reduce vehicular emissions other than reducing vehicle trips.
The Otay Ranch GDP Final Program EIR includes land use policies, siting/design policies, and
transportation-related management actions to mitigate operational emissions (Ogden 1992). All
applicable measures have already been incorporated into the SPA plan, such as provision of bike
lanes, providing services near residences, and providing transit support facilities such as bus
stops. There are no other feasible mitigation measures available at the project level to reduce
vehicular emissions other than reducing vehicle trips.
The project trip generation rates account for the approximately 40 percent reduction in vehicle
trips that would occur as a result of the mixed-use areas, transit use, and availability of
pedestrian and bicycle facilities proposed as part of the SPA plan. In addition, future vehicular
emissions may be lower than estimated due to increasingly stringent California fuel efficiency
requirements. Some measures cannot be implemented at the SPA level, such as providing video-
conference facilities in work places or requiring flexible work schedules. Additionally, there are
no feasible mitigation measures currently available to reduce area sources of emissions without
regulating the purchases of individual consumers. Operation emissions of VOCs, NOx, and PM10 would be significant and unavoidable as shown in Figure 7.
Implementation of the project would result in a less than significant impact with respect to the
exposure of sensitive receptors to carbon monoxide hot spots and Toxic Air Contaminants
(TACs). However to assure compliance with established criteria, the following mitigation
measure is required:
V8W Air-2 SDAPCD TAC Emission Criteria Compliance
Prior to approval of the building permit for any uses that are regulated for TAC emissions by the
SDAPCD, the project applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning
and Building that the use complies with established criteria (such as those established by
SDAPCD Rule 1200).
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Figure 7: Operational Emissions (Atkins August 2012)
In conclusion, there are construction and operation air quality impacts anticipated during either
the construction or operation phases of the project after all mitigation measures have been
utilized. Village 8 West will be consistent with the City’s General Plan, as amended. However, the
growth projections for the Regional Air Quality Strategy (RAQS) were based on the 2005 General
Plan. Even though the proposed project would be consistent with all the applicable transportation
and area source control measures proposed in the RAQS to reduce emissions in the region, the
project exceeds the growth projections in the RAQS and would exceed the significant thresholds
for ozone precursors and particulate matter during construction and operation for the San Diego
Air Basin.
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Criterion Planners Inc. has performed a quantitative analysis for Village 8 West using the INDEX
PlanBuilder (INDEX) model developed specifically for the City. INDEX is an interactive GIS-based
planning tool designed to evaluate proposed community/site designs against a set of
performance standards. Village 8 West has been compared against a set of “key indicators” that
measure the performance characteristics of the project in relation to required minimum baseline
scores. The key indicators, minimum scores and compliance status are listed below in Figure 8
Chula Vista CO2 INDEX Model for Village 8 West.
Figure 8: Chula Vista CO2 INDEX Model for Village 8 West dated Sept 16, 2010 (from Criterion)
Element Indicator Definition Threshold
8 Score
Status (YN)
Use Mix
Proportion of mixed or dissimilar developed land-
uses among a grid of cells of user-defined size,
expressed on a scale of 0-1. Includes vertical
dissimilarity in mixed-use cells.
0.11 0.42 Yes
Use Balance
Proportional balance of developed land-use, by
land area, expressed on a scale of 0 (low) to 1
0.59 0.87 Yes
Land Use
Percent of the following key uses present inside
the SPA: 1)fire/police station, 2)library, 3)park,
4)school, and 5)general retail opportunities.
60 60 Yes
School Proximity
to Housing
Average walk distance from all dwellings to
closest designated school (measured in feet). 3,248 1,432 Yes Housing
Transit Proximity
to Housing
Average walk distances from all dwellings to
closest designated transit stop (measured in feet). 2,857 1,954 Yes
Transit Proximity
to Employment
Average walk distances from all businesses to
closest designated transit stop (measured in feet). 2.550 863 Yes
Park Proximity to
Average walk distance from all dwellings to closest
public or private park (measured in feet). 1,699 1,470 Yes
Internal Street
Ratio of street intersections versus intersections
and cul-de-sacs or dead-ending streets. 0.70 0.73 Yes
The number of street intersection per square mile
including intersections between two or more local,
collector, and/or arterial streets, and primary auto
entrances to multi-family residential and non-
residential parcels. Trails and cul-de-sac ends are
not counted.
130 18 No
Percent of total street frontage with improved
sidewalks on both sides. 81.1 100 Yes
Residential Multi-
Modal Access
Percent of dwellings within 1/8 mile of three or
more travel modes (bike, car, transit, or walk). 39.7 90.1 Yes
Daily Auto
Driving (3Ds
Average daily vehicle miles traveled per capita.
Threshold value is used as the baseline score;
proposed SPA plan value calculated from 3D
Methodology indicator elasticities.
25.0 24.86 Yes
Building Energy
Annual MMBtu per capita from residential
structural energy use. Units in MMBtu/year/capita. 29.0 24.6 Yes
(Continued on next Page)
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Figure 8: Chula Vista CO2 INDEX Model for Village 8 West dated Sept 16, 2010 (Continued)
Element Indicator Definition Threshold
8 Score
Status (YN)
Building Energy
Annual MMBtu per employee for retail, office, and
general commercial building operations energy
use. Units in MMBtu/year/employee.
19.3 21.9 No
Building CO2
CO2 pollution emitted from residential buildings,
including operations and embodied CO2. Units in
4,778 4,043 Yes
Building CO
CO2 pollution emitted from retail, office, and
general commercial buildings, including
operations and embodies CO2. Units in
3,139 3,585 Yes
Compliance with Modeling Thresholds
Village 8 West complies with the City’s adopted strategies for improving air quality and energy
conservation, since its performance threshold scores for each key indicator shown on Figure 8
with two exceptions: Intersection density and CO2 pollution emitted from retail, office and general
commercial buildings. These exceptions can be justified because of the unique circumstances
described below.
Intersection density measures the number of street intersection per square mile including
intersections between two or more local, collector, and/or arterial streets, and primary auto
entrances to multi-family residential and non-residential parcels. The INDEX model was based
upon the SPA’s regulating plan and did not account for primary auto entrances to multi-family
residential and non-residential parcels or many of the intersections shown at the tentative map
level. Furthermore, the model included the San Diego Reservoir site, which is not part of the
project, as well as schools, parks, and open space areas in the overall project area. These types
of uses are typically excluded from such analyses. Although the intent of most intersection
density analyses is to demonstrate and promote walkability, the INDEX model also does not
account for trail connections. When all of these additional factors are considered, the
intersection density in Village 8 exceeds 145 intersections per square mile. Refer to Figure 9:
Intersection Density.
CO2 pollution emitted from retail, office, and general commercial buildings measures the amount
of CO2 generated by the operation of these types of building based upon an the number of
employees. Since the number of employees within the SPA cannot be determined at the SPA
level, an assumed number of employees was assigned to the amount of commercial square
footage permitted within the SPA. This assumed number may or may not be accurate. In
addition, the SPA plan requires that new commercial buildings be constructed to meet Title 24,
Part 6 of the California Building Standards Code; California Green Building Code Title 24, Part 11
(CALGreen); the City of Chula Vista’s Green Building Standards (CVMC Chapter 15.12); and the
City’s energy efficiency requirements (CVMC 15.26.030). These measures are designed to
significantly reduce the amount of CO2 emitted and are anticipated to create energy efficient
buildings that operate at acceptable levels, which may not be accurately depicted by the model.
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Figure 9: Intersection Density
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
This section describes the specific strategies that have been integrated in the project to create a
sustainable community, including those project attributes designed to reduce air quality impacts
by promoting walking and alternative travel modes, reducing vehicle miles traveled, and
improving energy conservation. Figure 10: Village 8 West Community Design and Site Plan
Features includes the list of specific measures that have been included in the Village 8 West.
Figure 10: Village 8 West Community Design and Site Plan Features
Transportation Related Measures
An integrated circulation system provides residents of the Town Center and adjacent neighborhoods non-
automobile related circulation options that include walking, bicycling, LSV, and transit.
The mix of proposed residential, commercial, and community uses provide a complementary, mixed-use
environment with a focus on promoting a walkable and bikeable community that promotes pedestrian
Higher density uses will be provided along the new couplets at La Media Road and Main Street. The
couplets provide improved safety for bicycle and pedestrian crossings, increased roadway capacity, less
turn restrictions, reduced disruptions to traffic flow from curb parking/loading needs which leads to
reduced GHG emissions from vehicles.
Direct pedestrian links extend from the surrounding neighborhoods directly to the Town Center.
Class II bicycle facilities are planned along all Transportation Element roadways.
Except for Otay Valley Road south of the couplets, all roadways internal to the Village are designed to local
street standards with speed limits of 25 to 30 mph. Slow traffic speeds are conducive to walking and
bicycling and provide the necessary linkage to the regional bicycle circulation network.
Land uses designed in the Town Center (adjacent to the couplet) are intended to be pedestrian and bicycle
friendly. With travel speeds of 25 to 35 mph along Main Street and La Media Road through the couplet,
the Town Center is designed to provide a comfortable walking environment.
The Town Center provides the opportunity for employee services to be located within walking distance of
employer-based businesses.
Live/work and shopkeeping opportunities are provided in the Town Center.
LSVs may travel on all village streets with a maximum travel speed of 35 miles per hour.
The current regional transit plan includes transit lines on East “H” Street, East Palomar Street, La Media
Road, and Eastlake Parkway. Transit stations are planned to be located approximately five to six miles
apart with the nearest station is located in the Eastern Urban Center.
A future transit line is located on Main Street and a transit stop is planned in the Town Center at Main
street and Otay Valley Road.
The actual transit plan will be developed in conjunction with the San Diego Association of Governments
(SANDAG). Specific access points as well as the internal circulation for bicycle riders and pedestrians and
exact roadway crossings will be identified at that time.
Provide shower and locker facilities at offices with more than ten occupants to encourage bicycle use.
Design parking lots to promote use of mass transit and car pools.
Synchronize the traffic lights included as part of an individual development project with previously installed
traffic lights in order to reduce traffic congestion.
Identify an environmental coordinator to be responsible for education and disseminating information on
ridesharing and/or mass transit opportunities, recycling, energy conservation programs, etc.
(Continued on next Page)
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Figure 10: Village 8 West Community Design and Site Plan Features (Continued)
Energy Conservation Related Measures
Approximately 70% of the residential dwelling units will be small single family and multi-family residences
that use less energy for heating and cooling when compared to larger single-family detached homes.
The Village 8 West Town Center is oriented primarily on a north/south and east/west axis to take
advantage of solar orientation. It has been demonstrated that passive solar design including the orientation
of buildings can take advantage of the suns warmth in winter to assist with heating as well as minimize
heat gain in summer months to assist with cooling.
California Green Building Code Title 24, Part 11 (CALGreen) requires that a minimum of 50% all new
construction waste generated at the site be diverted to recycle or salvage. Additionally, the State has set
per capita disposal rates of 5.3 pounds per person per day for the City of Chula Vista. Reducing waste
could reduce the amount of vehicle trips transporting materials to and from the site.
CVMC 8.25.095 requires all new construction and demolition projects to divert 90% of inert waste
(asphalt, concrete, bricks, tile, trees, stumps, rocks and associated vegetation and soils resulting from
land clearing from landfill disposal); and 50% of all remaining waste generated. Contractors will be
required to put up a performance deposit and prepare a Waste Management Report form to ensure that all
materials are responsibly handled. Upon verification that the diversion goals have been met the
performance deposit will be refunded.
Utilize solar heating technology as practical. Generally, solar panels can be cost-effectively used to heat
water for domestic use and for swimming pools. Advances in solar technology in the future may make
other applications appropriate.
Enhance energy efficiency in building designs and landscaping plans.
Other Measures to Improve Air Quality
Install only electric or natural gas fireplaces in new development. No wood burning fireplaces are
When siting sensitive land uses such as residences, schools, day care centers, playgrounds and medical
facilities the recommendations set forth in Table 1-1 of California Air Resources Board’s (CARB) Land Use
and Air Quality Handbook (CARB 2004) will be use as a guideline. Specifically, new sensitive uses would
not be located within 50 feet of any typical-sized gas station (one that has a throughput of less than 3.6
million gallons per year). No gas stations with a throughput of 3.6 million gallons per year or greater shall
be developed within Village 8 West.
This section provides a comparative evaluation between the community /site design features and
the energy efficiency emission reduction action measures contained in the City’s Carbon Dioxide
CO2 Reduction plan Appendix C.
The City of Chula Vista original CO2 Reduction Plan adopted in November 2000 was intended to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% below 1990 levels. The CO2 Reduction Plan outlined
steps for Chula Vista to reduce energy consumption, promote alternative transportation and
design transit-friendly, walkable communities. The City staff conducted a GHG emissions
inventory for 2005 to evaluate the City’s progress in reaching its emissions goals. The 2005
inventory indicated that Chula Vista’s annual citywide GHG levels had increased by 35% since
1990 due primarily to residential growth. During the same period, the City did make significant
progress in reducing annual per capita emissions by 17% and avoiding nearly 200,00 tons of
GHG emissions annually. In addition, GHG emissions from municipal sources decreased by 18%
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
mainly due to traffic signal energy-efficiency improvements. As a result of the 2005 Greenhouse
Gas Emissions Inventory Report, in 2008, the City Council directed the re-evaluated of the
program and convened a Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) to develop recommendations
to reduce the community’s greenhouse gas emissions or “carbon footprint” in order to meet the
City’s 2010 greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. The CCWG (comprised of residential,
business and community-group representatives) selected seven measures which the City
Council adopted on July 10, 2008. These Implementation measures include the following:
1. Clean Vehicle Replacement Policy for City Fleet
When City fleet vehicles are retired, they are replaced through the purchase or lease of alternative
fuel or hybrid substitutes. In addition, the City fleet has begun installing new fuel tanks to allow
heavy-duty vehicles to convert to biodiesel fuel immediately.
2. Clean Vehicle Replacement Policy for City-Contracted Fleets
As contracts for City-contracted fleet services (such as transit buses, trash haulers, and street
sweeper trucks) are renewed, the City encourages contractors to replace their vehicles with
alternative fuel or hybrid substitutes through the contract bid process.
3. Business Energy Assessments
Although not mandatory, businesses are encouraged to participate in a no cost energy
assessment of their facilities to help identify opportunities for them to reduce monthly energy
costs. The business assessment will be integrated into the existing business licensing process
and codified through a new municipal ordinance.
4. Green Building Standard
This strategy stated that Chula Vista would implement a citywide, mandatory green building
standard for new construction and major renovations. The new standard would have 3 main
components: (1) a minimum energy efficiency (carbon equivalent) requirement of 15% above
Title 24 - 2005, (2) the early adoption of the new California Green Building Codes for all
residential and commercial projects and (3) a Carbon Offset Fee available for projects not
meeting the 15% above Title 24 threshold. As identified in the following paragraphs, in November
2009, the City adopted a Green Building Standards ordinance (and in January 2010, an Increase
Energy Efficiency Standards ordinance. Together these two ordinances implement the City’s
Green Building strategy identified in 2009.
5. Solar & Energy Efficiency Conversion Program
In accordance with this strategy, the City has created a community program to provide residents
and businesses a streamlined, cost-effective opportunity to implement energy efficiency
improvements and to install solar/renewable energy systems on their properties. To help
stimulate the private-sector renewable market and lower the cost for installing renewable energy
systems on new homes, the City will require all new residential buildings to include pre-wiring
and pre-plumbing for solar photovoltaic and solar hot water systems, respectively.
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
6. Smart Growth Around Trolley Stations
The City has continued to implement “Smart Growth” design principles, which promote mixed-
use and walkable and transit-friendly development, particularly in and around the E, H and
Palomar trolley stations. These principles were emphasized in the revised Chula Vista General
Plan and the Urban Core Specific Plan. In addition, the City has initiated site planning, design
studies and Specific Area Plan development to further support “Smart Growth” development that
complements greenhouse gas reductions.
7. Turf Lawn Conversion Program
The City has created a community program to provide residents and businesses a streamlined,
cost-effective opportunity to replace their turf lawns with water-saving landscaping and irrigation
systems. Some municipal turf lawn areas (such as medians, fire stations and non-recreational
park areas) have been and will continue to be converted to act as public demonstration sites and
to reduce monthly water costs. The City has also established the model for water-wise
landscaping for new development through an update of its Municipal Landscape Ordinance and
Water Conservation Plan Guidelines.
Figure 11 includes a summary as requested in the AQIP guidelines (October 2009).
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Figure 11: Summary of Village 8 West Consistency with CO2
Reduction Action Measures
Action Measure Project/Community
Design Features
Describe how project
design will Implement
CO2 Reduction Action
Measure 6 (Enhanced Pedestrian
Connections to Transit): Installation of
walkways and crossings between bus stops
and surrounding land uses.
The SPA provides a detailed Circulation
Network (Section 5.5.2) that links with the
potential transit stops. In addition Section
5.8 provides traffic calming measures that
promote pedestrian safety near the
potential transit stops.
Reduces vehicle-miles
traveled that in turn
reduces the GHG
Measure 7: Increased Housing Density
near Transit: General increase in land use
and zoning designations to reach an
average of at least 14-18 dwelling units per
net acre within ¼ mile of major transit
The site utilization summary identifies
densities of 18-45 du/ac and 11-18 du/ac
adjacent to the potential transit stops.
Reduces vehicle-miles
traveled that in turn
reduces the GHG
Measure 8 (Site Design with Transit
Orientation): Placement of buildings and
circulation routes to emphasize transit rather
than auto access; also includes bus turn-
outs and other transit stop amenities.
Section 4.3.2 Town Center Design
Fundamentals lists the characteristics for
mixed-use design: the primary emphasis
of the public street elevation should be
building entries and common areas while
parking is to be located to the side and
rear of buildings.
Promotes bicycling that
can reduce vehicle-miles
traveled that in turn
reduces the GHG
Measure 9 (Increased Land Use Mix):
Provide a greater dispersion/variety of land
uses such as siting of neighborhood
commercial uses in residential areas and
inclusion of housing in commercial and light
industrial areas.
The Town Center (TC) zone permits a mix
of residential, offices, and retail uses that
allows shared parking facilities.
Reduces vehicle-miles
traveled that in turn
reduces the GHG
Measure 10 (Reduced Commercial Parking
Requirements): Lower parking space
requirements; allowance for shared lots and
shared parking; allowance for on-street
The SPA provides for a process to create
a City-approved parking agreement or
district in the Town Center. Also on-site
parking is permitted on all streets except
Otay Valley Road south of the couplets.
Promotes alternatives to
vehicle use thereby
reducing vehicle-miles
traveled that in turn
reduces the GHG
Measure 11 (Site Design with
Pedestrian/bicycle Orientation): Placement
of buildings and circulation routes to
emphasize pedestrian and bicycle access
without excluding autos; includes pedestrian
benches, bike paths, and bike racks.
Section 4.3.2 Town Center Design
Fundamentals lists the characteristics for
mixed-use design: building and site
design anticipates and accommodates
pedestrian and vehicle circulation to
reduce traffic impacts on neighboring
streets and jointly optimize pedestrians
and vehicles. Buildings are oriented
toward sidewalks. Bike parking is required
for all uses. Street furniture is required to
enhance the pedestrian environment.
Promotes bicycling and
walking thereby reducing
vehicle-miles traveled
that in turn reduces the
GHG emissions.
(Continued on next Page)
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Figure 11: Summary of Village 8 West Consistency with CO2
Reduction Action Measures (Continued)
Action Measure Project/Community
Design Features
Describe how
project design will
Implement CO2
Reduction Action
Measure 12 (Bicycle Integration with
Transit and Employment): Provide storage
at major transit stops and employment
areas. Encourage employers to provide
showers at the place of employment near
major transit nodes.
The SPA requires 1 secure space for 3
units + 10% of the vehicle parking
required for each commercial use.
CALGreen requires nonresidential
buildings anticipated to generate visitor
traffic to provide short-term bicycle racks
within 200 feet of the visitors’ entrance.
For buildings with over 10 tenant-
occupants changing/shower facilities
shall be provided per CALGreen.
Promotes bicycling that
can reduce vehicle-miles
traveled that in turn
reduces the GHG
Measure 13 (Bike Lanes, paths, and
Routes): Continued implementation of the
City’s bicycle master plan. Emphasis is to
be given to separate bike paths as opposed
to striping bike lanes on streets.
The SPA implements the City’s bicycle
master plan. The Village Pathway has
been extended through the SPA with
connections to Villages 3, 4 and 8 East.
These 10-foot wide, paved trails run
parallel to public roadways. Class II bikes
lanes have also been provided. Some park
pathways may be designed to
accommodate bicycles subject to the City
approval. A Greenbelt trail (which doubles
as a maintenance road for the sewer) will
connect to the Salt Creek Trail.
Promotes bicycling that
can reduce vehicle-miles
traveled that in turn
reduces the GHG
Measure 14 (Energy Efficient Landscaping):
Installation of shade trees for new single-
family homes as part of an overall City-wide
tree planting effort to reduce ambient
temperatures, smog formation, energy use,
and CO2.
Residential public streets will include an
eight-foot parkway that includes shade
trees as provided in Section 5.6.11
Parkway Residential.
Reduces energy
consumption that
reduces GHG emissions.
Measure 15 (Solar Pool Heating):
Mandatory building code requirements for
solar heating of new pools or optional
motorized insulated pool cover.
Compliance with CVMC 20.04.040
that requires solar water heater
preplumbing in all new residential
Compliance with CVMC 20.04.040
that requires solar photovoltaic
prewiring in all new residential units.
Reduces energy
consumption that
reduces GHG emissions.
Measure 16 (Traffic Signal & System
Upgrades): Provide high-efficiency LED
lamps or similar as approved by the City
Chula Vista Public Works Department is
testing the use of induction/LED lighting
for public streets in a pilot program. If it is
determined that one of these lighting
systems is feasible on a citywide basis,
the applicable lighting system will be used
in Village 8 West.
Reduces energy
consumption that
reduces GHG emissions.
(Continued on next Page)
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Figure 11: Summary of Village 8 West Consistency with CO2
Reduction Action Measures (Continued)
Action Measure Project/Community
Design Features
Describe how
project design will
Implement CO2
Reduction Action
Measure 18 (Energy Efficient Building
Program): Reducing CO2 emissions by
applying building standards that exceed
current Title 24 Energy Code requirements.
Compliance with the updated 2008
Title 24, part 6 energy standards.
Compliance with CVMC Chapter
15.12 and Section 15.26.030 that
requires energy efficiency standard
of 15% above 2008 Title 24 Part 6
energy levels.
Installation of the following water
saving devices:
• Hot Water Pipe Insulation
• Pressure Reducing Valves
• Water Efficient Dishwashers
(residential only)
• Dual Flush Toilets
• Water Efficient Landscape
Installation of a recycled water
system where feasible.
Installation of energy efficient
appliances such Energy Star
dishwashers and Energy Star ceiling
fans in each home.
For nonresidential uses, installation
an Energy Star refrigerators in
grocery stores.
Compliance with CVMC 8.25.050
that requires all generators of
recyclables to separate them from
Compliance with the Recycling and
Solid Waste Planning Manual to
provide for adequate space allocated
to recycling and solid waste within
individual projects.
Compliance with CVMC 8.25.095
that all new construction and
demolition projects divert from
landfill disposal 90% of inert waste
and 50% of all remaining waste
Reduces energy
consumption that
reduces GHG emissions.
Measure 20 (Increased Employment Density
Near Transit): General increase in land-use
and zoning designations to focus
employment-generating land-uses within ¼
mile of major transit stops throughout the City.
The Town Center allows for a mix of land
uses that include employment-generating
land uses near the potential transit stops.
Reduces vehicle-miles
traveled that in turn
reduces the GHG
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Note: Detailed provisions related to the calculation and application of credits are currently under
development and subject to subsequent review and approval of City Council.
CVMC 15.26.030E provides the following:
E. Compliance Credit Option for Buildings within Sectional Planning Area (SPA)
Plan Projects. For building construction within sectional planning area (SPA) plan
project areas whose SPA is approved subsequent to the effective date of the
ordinance codified in this section, the developer may meet a portion of the
requirements set forth under subsection (C) of this section [15% over Title 24],
provided the SPA plan has met the qualifying energy savings thresholds for
community design and site planning features pursuant to the requirements as set
forth in the SPA’s approved air quality improvement plan (AQIP). If the approved
AQIP has met the qualifying thresholds, the applicant may request and receive an
energy savings credit towards a portion of the requirements specified in
subsection (C) of this section subject to approval by the Director of Development
Services, provided the project fully complies with the 2008 Building Energy
Efficiency Standards (Title 24, Part 6) which are in effect at the time of
permitting, and conforms to applicable guidelines in effect at the time of the
request for credit.
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
10. Compliance Monitoring
This section includes a written description and a checklist (Figure 12) summarizing the project
design features and mitigation measures that have been identified to reduce Village 8 West’s
effects on air quality and improve energy efficiency.
Figure 12: Village 8 West Air Quality Improvement Plan Compliance Checklist
Method of
Timing of
Project Consistency
& Compliance
AQIP Project Design Features/Principles
Integrated circulation system in Town Center Plan Review Precise Plan City of Chula
Mix of uses in Town Center Plan Review Precise Plan City of Chula
Higher density in Town Center Plan Review Precise Plan City of Chula
Class II Bicycle facilities Plan Check
Tentative Tract
Final Map,
City of Chula
Opportunity for employee services to be
located near employers Plan Review Precise Plan City of Chula
Village circulation pattern w/less than 35mph Plan Review
Tentative Tract
Final Map,
City of Chula
Transit Plan Transit Review Per SANDAG SANDAG/City
Air Quality Mitigation Measures
Construction related emissions Permit Review Grading Permit City of Chula
Siting of sensitive land uses Permit Review Building Permit City of Chula
TAC Emission Compliance Permit Review Building Permit City of Chula
Green Building Standards
New Construction Recycling Plan
Report Review
Construction or
demolition permit
City of Chula
Space of recycling in projects Plan Check Tentative Tract OR
Building Permit
City of Chula
(Continued on next Page)
Air Quality Improvement Plan
Village 8 West
Figure 12: Village 8 West Air Quality Improvement Plan Compliance Checklist (Continued)
Method of
Timing of
Project Consistency
& Compliance
Energy Efficiency Standards
Size of dwellings units Plan Check Building Permit City of Chula
Orientation of Town Center Plan Check
Tentative Tract
Final Map,
City of Chula
Building comply with 15% above 2008 Title 24
Part 6 energy levels. Plan Check
Building Permit/
Title 24 Energy
City of Chula
Installation of energy efficient appliances Plan Check Building Permit City of Chula
Indoor water fixture requirements::
Hot Water Pipe Insulation
Water Efficient Dishwashers (residential
Dual Flush Toilets
Plan Check Plumbing Permit City of Chula
Installation of Pressure Reducing Valves Plan Check Plumbing Permit Otay Water
Landscape Water Conservation Plan Check Landscape Plan City of Chula
Installation of Recycled Water for street
parkway landscape, parks, manufactured
slopes and landscape common areas of
commercial and multi-family residential sites.
Plan Check
Tentative Tract
Final Map,
Otay Water
District/ City
of Chula Vista
1. Method of verification may include, but is not limited to, plan check, permit review, site inspection.
2. Identify the party responsible for ensuring compliance (City of Chula Vista, San Diego APCD, Other)
3. This column shall include all pertinent information necessary to confirm compliance including document type, date of
completion, plan/permit number, special notes/comments, and contact information.