HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013/12/10 Item 19 ,.�. -- .�-�-- - -�-��..�.•-�i CITY COUNCIL _. :� `��= � -T ���� � � -��-� AGENDA STATEMENT - _ . - ._. i.'_ .__. . _ `. -� � 4__•�=4� � \\1/� _ _ �.�.�;A �� CIN OF CHUTAVISfA , /y� 12/10/13, Item �%•' ITE1I TITLE: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUi�'CIL OF THE CITl' OF CHULA VISTA AMEI�'DII�'G THE COMPEI�'SATION SCHEDULE AND CLASSIFICATIOI�i PLAI�T TO REFLECT THE ADDITION OF A FLEET INVENTORY CONTROL SPECIALIST RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COiINCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMEI�'DING THE FISCAL YEAR 20li-14 AUTHORIZED POSITION COiNT FOR THE CENTRAL GARAGE OPERATIONS FUND TO ADD A 1.0 FTE EQUIPMEI�'T MECHANIC AND A 1.0 FTE FLEET I\'VENTORY CONTROL SPECIALIST AI�'D APPROPRIATII�TG FUNDS ACCORD Y SUBAIITTED BY: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC �VO ASSISTANT DIREC R OF PU �� REVIER'ED BY: CITY MANAGER ASSISTANT CI MANAGER.3'�J ' 4/STHS VOTE: YES � NO ❑ SiTi4IAiARY The Public Works Department implemented continuous improvement tools to increase the percentage of scheduled vehicle preventive maintenance inspections that aze completed each month in an effort to reduce repair costs and vehicle failures. Staff identified a number of countermeasures to reduce or remove non-��alue added steps, reducing the pre��entive maintenance process from 32 to 15 steps and saving an estimated 3.4 mechanic hours per day. Adding an equipment mechaniq and, discontinuin� a contract �rith NAPA for parts procurement and reallocating the savings to an in-house fleet inventory control specialist are recommended. The proposed resolutions amend the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Central Garage operating budget to add the positions and appropriate S70,114 to fund the proeram. ENVIRONNIENTAL REVIE�V The Development Services Director has reviewed the proposed activity for compliance with the Califomia Em�ironmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has detemuned that the activity is not a 19-1 12/10/13, Item �g Page 2 of 7 "ProjecP' as defined under section 15378 of the State CEQA Guidelines because the activity consists of govemmental administrative/fiscal activity that will not result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment; therefore, pursuant to Section 15060(c)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines the activity is not subject to CEQA. Thus, no environmenta] review is required. RECOMAZENDATION • City Council adopt the resolutions. DISCUSSION The City of Chula Vista is committed to matimizing its service delivery through continually looking to eliminate waste in its delivery processes and maximizing the value of those services to our customers. One of the initiatives under the citywide strategic plan is to implement continuous improvement efforts tliroughout the organization. The Fleet Management Section (Garage) within the Public Works Department services vehicles and equipment for City departments. Tl�e fleet includes approximately 350 light- to medium-duty vehicles that are used by Parks, Streets, Wastewater, Traffic Operations, Construction Inspection, Code Enforcement, Police, and Fire. The Garage schedules preventive maintenance inspections of vehicles based on manufacturer specifications to ensure that vehicles are operating safely and meet various state and federal standards. The performance goal is to have properly functioning vehicles that are up to date and specific to their missions. By keeping Police, Fire, and Public Works vehicles in good working condition, the Garage helps ensure that public services are not disrupted. Since 2006, the Garage has lost seven staff, and now only has a team of seven that manage the City's 560 vehicles (�vhich includes the 350 light- to medium-duty vehicles and also Fire apparatus, full-size vehicles like wastewater vactors .and small equipment ]ike mowers). In addition, the number of non-safety vehicles that are replaced each year has been reduced significantly due to limited resources. With the reduced staffing and aging fleet, the Garage has not been able to meet its goal for the percentage of scheduled preventive maintenance inspections (PMs) that are completed each month, resulting in increased repairs at higher costs. The following table represents the percentage of scheduled PMs completed each year. PM's Completed on Time 100% ,.,.�„ r.. 90% �. 80% T 70% 60% � - 50% ^ � 40% � � 30% "' Y i k y 20% �� 10% 4"�k " r 6� or . 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 19-2 12/10/13, Item �� Page 3 of 7 One of the Continuous Improvement principles is that investment in preventive maintenance is much more cost effective than performing repairs. Given the importance of this metric; a continuous improvement team comprised of representatives from Police, Fire; and Public �Vorks (Team) held multiple working sessions over a seven ���eek period to map out the process to complete PMs and identify non-value added steps that could be reduced or eliminated to increase the percentage of scheduled PMs that aze completed each month. Spa�hetti diagams and the review of the current state process indicate that the mechanics are productive. How�ever, with the age of the fleet and the high ��ehicle to mechanic ratio, it �vas calculated prior to the continuous improvement inter��ention that an additional 3.1 full-time equivalent (FTE) of inechanic staff time is needed. A number of countermeasures were identified to reduce or remove non-value added steps in the pre��entive maintenance process, reducing ihe process from 32 to l i steps. This saves an estimated 3.4 mechanic hours per day, reducing ihe estimated additional mechanic need to 1.9 FTE. The Team is only recommending adding one mechanic no��� and undertaking additional kaizen events in early 2014 to LEAN out the vehicle repair process and the process for maintenance and repair of small equipment (mowers, etc.), which is anticipated to save additional mechanic time. Hirin� an additional equipment mechanic is anticipated to have a net benefit as highlighted below: • Repairs and vehicle failures cause unplanned do�vntime (vehicles out of service) that prevents field crews from performing city services, such as park maintenance. It is conservatively estimated that at least 1,000 hours per year are lost due to vehicles being unavailable. Assuming a reduction of 300 to �00 hours per year at an averaee rate of S45 per hour, the value of the productivity gains is estimated at S 15,000 per year. • Increased pre�=entive maintenance generates future cost avoidance by reducing the cost of fleet care. A number of unanticipated repairs and vehicle failures occur due to insufficient preventive maintenance. Based on recent experience, more preventive maintenance is estimated to eenerate at least 530;000 in annual cost avoidance (i.e. six engines were lost in FYli at a cost of��,000 to S6;000 each to replace and many vehicles were sent to outside vendors for repair work). • The largest area of cost a��oidance is extending vehicle life. On average, six to eieht General Fund vehicles are replaced each year at a cost of approximately �250,000 (plus one or ri�-o unplanned replacements during the year due to eneine failures, etc.). Extending the life of vehicles throu�h additional preventive maintenance reduces the number of vehicles needed to be replaced each year, for an estimated annual savings of S30,000 to �50,000. • Additional savines are derived from a second recommendation to staff an in-house fleet inventory control specialist as discussed in detail below. Fleet Automotive Parts Inventorv In 2003, the City entered into a contract �;�ith I�'APA to provide parts services for the Gazage. The City was in the midst of a fiscal crises and the contract provided a one-time savings of approximately �90;000 through the sale of on-hand inventory to NAPA, �vhich helped lessen the impact of layoffs and drastic budget cuts. The contract was for a five-year term with five one- year options and is currently set to eYpire in June 2014. 19-3 12/10/13, Item �9 Page 4 of 7 The contract ���ith NAPA includes a Parts Manager on site. The contract allows the Garage to procure NAPA-branded parts at ���holesale costs; but NAPA charges a ]0% surcharge on all parts as �vell as reimbursement for the Parts Manager salazy & benefits and a guaranteed monthly profit margin. Based on a review of parts espenditures, the NAPA contract has not pro��ided ongoing budget savings due to the follo���ing t���o reasons: 1) NAPA does not purchase non NAPA-branded parls at lo��er rates than the Garage would pay and NAPA adds the 10% surcharge; and 2) NAPA sells NAPA-branded parts at wholesale, but also adds the same 10% mark up; diminishing the benefit of purchasing at wholesale. The City incuned $�3;000 in additional compensation to NAPA in Fiscal Year 2012-li. The Team recommends discontinuing the contract and redirecting the savings to�i�ards hiring a fleet inventory control specialist to manage the inventor}� in-house. Benefits of managing the im�entory in-house include: • Competitive bidding to reduce parts costs (estimated annual savings of$25,000) • Greater availability of parts/reduced wait time • Greater coordination ��ith the mechanics to reduce disruptions Classification Revie�� The department has worked ���ith the Human Resources Department to determine the appropriate classification and compensation for the new Fleet Inventory Control Specialist position. The new classification, bareaining �roup and E-Step bi-weekly salary is included in the table below: x � . �; � ,«_., . '�.� Fleet Inventory Control Specialist CVEA $2,209.23 Im�entorv Management Svstein To improve the availability of parts, the Team recommends implementing an inventory management s}'stem applying LEAN principles such as Kanban. A Kanban is a signal �vhich authorizes replacement of���hat has been used. Belo�v is an example of a rii�o-bin Kanban. The number of parts in each bin is set based on the frequency of demand and order deliverv time so that when the first bin is emptied; parts are reordered and received prior to the second bin being depleted. The replenishment of the parts is triggered by actual consumption allo���ine for minimal inventory levels while also maintaining sufficient parts on-hand. Two-Bin Kanban p:�� a:� ;-F,� .�n� � ,_. �. !y� r' :4_�..t,'aJ t:aY�.f.�nnri_ �a� '4i� �a�i''�f-idfy?�et . ',�tr��! cnpn¢�.s::��- . tY�l;z�', ,..: �� �.'C3.>� �:�JarJ.W',...7 .. [:i :^^^ :'�".e�`y� �° - � . ;� ' _.,� . _ :, � �.�� . • �;,i: � ,�d�ti xM:a..rs � ,, -":'^`�,�_. ^ e + S � `R� �� ���� � � - ..t�+Ff�-^ � ♦' ... .....:... �`��' � . . � :H+s�•• . . ��� . -wc .� a�,�n. y�" '� �C��a niid; '" 5 }-. M., i� "^.n}1��'z':�rj ._,�-�S:_t; §_ ` ^'�1_=:3• _1 — �.._ s n.�u..�om..nm�o-n�no 19-4 12/10/13, Item /� Pape 5 of 7 The Team recommends enaaging a LEA\i consultant to desien and implement the im=entory manaeement s��stem and train the fleet in��enton� control specialist. The fleet inventor�� control specialist «�ould be hired b� April, 2014 to have the inventory svstem implemented and the ne�ti� person trained prior to expiration oF the I��APA contract in June, 2014. The strateev �rill prevent disruption of sen�ice. The ne��� person n�ill be responsible for manaeing the imentor} manaeement system; proactively obtainine competiti��e bids for parts, and stasine parts for mechanics to improve ���orl:flo«�. Mechanic Intemship Proeram The Team also recommends allocating S2;000 to support stipends to support the internship proeram «�ith South���estem Colieee. The funds ���ill be used to provide several stipends. The internship proeram increases the capacity of the Gazage. Students 2ain valuable n ork experience to pursue cazeers ��'ith the City or others. Proeram Summarv The proposed resolutions add one Equipment D4echanic and Fleet Inventon� Control Specialist positions and amend the Fiscal 1'ear 2013-14 Central Garage operatino bud�et to appropriate �6�,114 for the positions and S�;000 to eneaee the consultant to set up the inventory manaeement system. RELATIONSHIP TO CTTP'S STRATEGIC PL�\' The Citv's Strategic Plan has five major goals: Operational Excellence, Economic Vitalitv; Healthy Communih�. Strong and Secure Neiehborhoods and a Connected Communitv. This action supports the goal of providine Healthy Communities; as keeping sen�ice vehicles in 2ood ���orkine condition allo���s staff to maintain and operate communiry and neiehborhood facilities. This action also supports the eoal of providine Svong and Secure Nei2hborhoods; as keeping police and fire ��ehicles in Qood���orkine condition helps ensure that the public is protected. DECISION A'IAKER CONFLICT Staff has revie���ed the decision contemplated by this action and has determined that it is not site specific and consequentl}, the �00-foot rule found in California Code of Regulations section 18704.2(a)(1); is not applicable to this decision. Staff is not independentiv an�are, and has not been informed b}� an�� Cit�� Councilmember, of am� other fact that mav constimte a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. CtiRRENT YEAR FISCAL I�4PACT Approval of the resolution �eill result in the appropriation of 570,114 to the Central Garage Fund's personnel semices expenditure category. These expenditures will be offset by increased billings to other departments revenue that is generated b}� fleet maintenance chazges that are budseted �vithin various City funds. In addition; the supplies and services budgets of various affected funds ��ill be amended to reflect increased fleet maintenance charees. The total impact to other funds is �70;114, of��hich ��8;136 ���ill be reflected in the General Fund. The impacts to other funds affected by this action ���ill be offset from the available fund balances within these funds. These impacts are summarized on the follo��ing tables: 19-5 12/10/13, Item �n'/ Page 6 of 7 Central Garage O erations Fiscal Impact E�EA'DITURES • CURRENT ' ONGOING -- - PEAR . E�ui ment Mechanic $43,7�0 $87,500 Invento - Control S ecialist $21,364 $87,200 Lean Consultant $5,000 Internshi Pro�ram Sti ends $2,000 Parts Procurement Savin s ($25,000) Contract Com ensation Sa��in s ($53,000 TOTAL BUDGET ADJUSTMENT $70,114 $98,700 REVEA'UE BILLIIVGS TO OTAER DEPTS. 570,114 �98,700 NET IMPACT $0 $0 Other Funds Fiscal Im act - - FLEET•MAIIvTTENANCE CIIARGES' ' .;:.;;:.� �� CURRENT:'°, ' ONGOING, �,,' � - - �YEAR GENERAL FUND: Animal Care Facili � $701 $986 Develo ment Svcs. General Fund $3�3 $42� Police $27,420 $38,600 Fire $10,006 $14,085 Public Works $19,282 $27,143 Recreation $424 $597 TOTAL GENEItAL FiTND �58,136 $81,838 OTHER FUIVDS: Em�ironmental Services $531 $747 Central Garaee $240 $338 Transit $4,708 $6,628 Develo ment Services $501 $705 Sewer Service $5,998 $8,444 TOTAL OTHER FUNDS 511,978 $16,862 >TOTAL`BUDGET ADJUSTIVIENT :"i>- --:'.�"' ' ' ' - �70,1-14; ��..`�-�' '`.598;700 If the contract ���ith NAPA is discontinued, the Garage �vill be required to purchase all remaining non-NAPA branded inventor}� on hand. However, only a small portion of the existing inventory is non-I�'APA branded and the Garage staff will ���ork �vith the Parts Manager to limit excess orders of non-NAPA branded inventary for the remainder of the fiscal year, such that parts expenditures are not anticipated to eaceed the current operating budget. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT The ongoing net fiscal impact to the Central Garage operating budget and corresponding increase in billings to other departments is �98,700 as reflected in the fiscal impact tables. Departments are anticipated to realize reductions in unanticipated repair and replacement costs and increased productivity due to decreased ��ehicle donmtime. � 1 9-6 • 12/10/13, Item /� Page 7 of 7 ATTACHbfENTS 1. Fleet Continuous Impro�ement Po���erPoint Presentation 2, NAPA On-Site Store Aereement Preparedbv: d�ichaelLen�vel, SenrorManagement.9nalvsr H:�PUBLIC WORf:S- EK'GWGEtKDA\C.AS2013U?-10-131FIttt Continous Improvcmena Aecnda StarementULEPORT-P\1'-Flee[ Connnous Improvemrnt A_enda S[acementdoc 19-7 RESOLUTION NO. 2013- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AMENDING THE COMPENSATION SCHEDULE AND CLASSIFICATION PLAN TO REFLECT THE ADDITION OF A FLEET' INVENTORY CONTROL SPECIALIST �T�HEREAS, the City has a contract with NAPA to provide parts services for the Gara�e that is set to espire in June 2014 and it is being recommended to discontinue the contract and to hire a new employee to implement and manage an in-house im�entory management system; and WHEREAS, the Human Resources Department worked with the Public V✓orks Department to determine the appropriate classification and compensation for the position based on the proposed workload and scope of responsibility; and _ _ R'HEREAS, the recommended Fleet Inventory Control Specialist position is a ne�� classification title that is not currently reflected in the Compensation Schedule and Classification Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BL IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the Cit}� of Chula Vista does hereby amend the Compensation Schedule and Classification Plan to reflect the addition of the Fleet Inventory Control Specialist. Presented by Approved as to form by % //�� /�� /Ylrt�iyl // v Richard A. Hopkins Glen R. Googins Director of Public Works City Attorney J:�Attornev\FINAL RESOS AND ORDINANCES4013\I2 10 13\RESO-PN'-A-Pleet Inventorr Control Specialist doc I V25/2013 12:48 PD1 19-8 RESOLUTION N0. 2013- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY.COUI�iCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA A��fENDIi�'G THE FISCAL YE.AR 2013-1� AUTHORIZED POSITION COUi�TT FOR THE CENTRAL GARAGE OPERATIOI�'S FUND TO ADD A 1.0 FTE EQUIPA7EI�'T n4ECHANIC AI�TD A 1.0 FTE FLEET Il�iVENTORY COI�'TROL SPECI.ALIST A\TD APPROPRIATII�TG FUNDS ACCORDINGLY \�'HEREAS, the City of Chula Vista is committed to ma�:imizin2 its service deliven� through continuall}� looking to eliminate waste in its deliven� processes and maximizing the value of those semices to our customers an one of the initiatives under the cit��ride strateeic plan is to implement Continuous Improvement efforts throuehout the or2anization; and \'�'HEREAS, the Central Garaee Operations ���ithin the Public �'�'orks Department sen�ices vehicies and equipment for Cit}� departments and «ith reduced staffina and an agine fleet, the Central Gazaee Operations has not been able to meet its eoal for the percentase of scheduled pre��entive maintenance inspections ("PMs ') that aze completed each month; andy NHEREAS, a Continuous Improvement principle is that investment in preventive maintenance is much more cost effective than performin2 repairs and addine one additional equipment mechanic to the Central Gazage Operations is being recommended to increase the percentaees of P�4s that aze completed each month; and �'�'HEREAS, the City has a contract ���ith NAPA to provide parts services for the Garaee that is set to eapire in June 2014 and it is beine recommended to discontinue the contract and hire a Lean consultant to implement an inventorv manaeement system and to hire a fleet in��entory control specialist to have the s}�stem implemented and the ne�+� person trained prior to expiration of the\'APA contract in June to prevent any disruption of service. \'OW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Cirv Council of the Citv of Chula Vista does hereby amend the fiscal ��ear 2013-14 position count for the Central Gazaee Operations Fund to add an equipment mechanic and a fleet im�enton control specialist; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Citv Council of the Citv of Chula Vista does hereby appropriate �6�,114 to the fiscal vear 2013-14 Personnel Services cateeory and 5�;000 to Supplies and Sen�ices cateeor}� of the Central Gazage Operations budeet ��ithin the Central Gazaee Fund to add the equipment mechanic and the fleet im�enton� control specialist and to hire a Lean consultant to set up an in��entorv management system and does herebv appropriate to the Supplies and Services category of the follo��ing funds to reimburse the Central Gara2e for the additional expenditures. 1:Wttomey�FMAL RESOS AND ORDINA\CES�?Oli11? 10 liUtESO-PN'-B-Fleet Continous Improvement Agenda " Statementdoc 1?l3l?013 9:31 �4\9 � 9-9 Resolution No. Page 2 . -- - - — . . - --- _-..--.:e..�.-. ,.. _. . - ;ELEET:MAINTENANCE�CHARGESr�aF:P:e:�i:€i�iCURRENT„YEAR t;;j GENERALFUND: Animal Care Facility $701 Development Svcs. General Fund $303 Police $27,420 Fi re $10,006 Public Works $19,282 Recreation $424 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $58,136 OTHER FUNDS: Environmental Services $531 Central Garage $240 Transit $4,708 Development Services 5501 " Sewer Service $5,998 TOTAL OTHER FUNDS $11,978 TOTAL: . . . . _. _.. ___E.:�..x V'i4;�:<:., n,:c�a:��-:-...__ . . _...__ BUDGET�ADIUSTMENT.`,-;-�,j;•�..;;;..•" ;;,�;4„y;':,:-� , ;S70:1i4 Presented b}� Approved as to form by �- Richard A. Hopkins G en R. Googins Director of Public Works City Attomey J:Wtrorney\FINAL RESOS AND ORDINANCES\?013V2 10 13\RESO-VN'-B-Fleet Continous Improvement Agenda StatemenLdoc 12/3/?013 9:31 M9 19-10 � � � � < ° � � � a� �5t� \ ; � rlp��\ N � � Q O � ` � T 1 �',t4..v;.` � L �� U =� � � U � � N � M �- o _ � � � � � N � � � o � � o _ � V � � •— a� � o .� � Z � � � °' U Q � U n. o - - W - - -- =- - - - _ -z-� - . . .. _ _ ■- ,. : y�� ,°�-.� _ ___ _ J � - - -- _ �:�-.�- �,_ �. _ :. i.-.r� . � 3 �. .3 .}y i �'ei�:_ -„u' �`,.:. . -� � �w, - ' - � t' �!�, � . -� __ W - _ , ' -_ .n�.''� � �`_� - - - �`!�� - -. �. �_� •r � - _- _ _- - _" -- .'(�Fa.��tY' i'T'��- . -__ � . _ _ [;6':",.� y..�� -Fc:�_�_�_ _ . (y��i.�-.� -y� � �±-' ' _ ' � _ . . . . ' _ P .., fg�•_:�:: _ _ i.���r Y �_'ti fi ��v � �,�:� I'�'dl--� y •' r - _ L _ _ . . . _��'�a%l , "- ._ _ - — T - - ' ` y 4�� . ;-�� . - _ _ _ - _ `�3��"��� -` ' , _-� - � " - -�t� ���-:�, Y�- s ' L•`..� . 6 _ � �:. . 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V F i ` �� (- � s� � i- �- C `t6� -�+. d 'i"Y x� �-- (6`-�- (6 N - �i ��(n ��y�_ Q_ ���a� � �.� �f > - ---- �_-.ti..-' -=�= - --_.�C.�._._„�,�_ � i v<=''.-_`_i� _ _ :"L`.�'_� L �' E� L� i. � �� _�� f d � � � . �Ot^ e3- �(n� �? � _f1` Y �4- _-i ���n �n 3�� ! N -_ � �-- ON-SITE STORE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this tenth day of June, 2008 ("Effective Date"), by and between the CITY OF CHULA VISTA ("City"}, a municipal corporation, 276 4�' Avenue, Chula Vista, California 91910; and "��'s��� ��=`R" ' f`-�=��="��", a Georgia Corporation ("Contractor"), with its principal place of business at 2999 Circle 75 Parkway, AUanta, Georgia 30339. City and Contractor are sometimes hereinafter individually referred to as "Party" and hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties". RECITALS _ _ WHEREAS, Contractor desires to establish inventory in a City location to service the fleet paRs needs of City and to serve as the primary supplier of automotive replacement parts and other goods as required by the City (the "Inventory"); and WHEREAS, City desires to provide space for the Inventory on the premises of the City for use by Contractor ("On-Site Store") and agrees that Contractor will be its primary supplier of the Inventory pursuant to the terms herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: ARTICLE 1 - DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CONTRACTOR Contractor's duties include, but are not limited to, the foliowing duties and responsibilities: 1. Contractor will establish and operate the On-Site Store at 1800 Maxwell Rd., Chula Vista, California 91911, (John Lippit Public Works Center) and provide the �nventory as agreed upon by Contractor and City. 2. Contractor shall provide all personnel management, parts and supplies. 5>45?"_ .ZOOb' — /7"�f 19-24 3. Contractor shall suppiy all paRs and shop supplies necessary to maintain, repair and operate a fleet of vehicles and equipment including a full line of heavy duty equipment parts, Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) parts, small engine parts, agricultural parts, hydraulic hoses, fasteners, chemicals, tools and equipment. 4. Contractor shall accept industry standard cores for rebuilding where the parts are acceptable as core exchanges including water pumps, altemators, etc. 5. Contractor shall have access to and control over sufficient Inventory, either by Coniractor's on-site or off-site stock in its own warehouse, which must be within a 30 minute driving distance from the On-Site Store. 6. Contractor shall furnish at least eighty-fve (85%) percenl of the City's parts requiremenis on demand and at least ninety-five (95%) percent of Citys parts requirements by staR of next business day. 7. Contractor shall inventory City's present parts stock and supplies, and shall purchase from City a mutually agreed upon amount of stocked parts and supplies, so long as such parts and supplies are undamaged, in saleable condition, and non-obsolete. Contractor shall resell these items to City on consignment. City's purchase price to be consistent with the purchase plan listed in Article 3. 8. Contractor shall provide stock and non-stock original equipment parts, supplies and equipment, or aftermarket items in equal or higher quality. Contractor shall provide a minimum Grade 5 for all fasteners. All hydraulic equipment, components and parts must meet OEM and the Society of Automotive Engineers {SAE) specifications. 9. Contractor shall not issue parts or supplies to City personnel without a proper work order requisition. Contractor shall provide a receipt containing specific information with items delivered to City employees for each work order requisition. Said receipt shall contain specific tracking information, i.e., equipment number, reference number, receiving employee name, parts quantities, part number and alpha description, price detail and any other data deemed necessary for effective tracking and accounting. 10. Conlractor shall maintain warranty records of items sold to"city and issued any credits including labor and parts, due to City that are covered under these warranties. 11. Contractor shall provide City with full manufacturer's warranties and Guarantees of Merchantability. Contractor shall pass through to the City the benefit of all manufacturer's warranties that Contractor receives. ssssz;i 19-25 12. Coniractor shall use current state of the art computer hardware and software to control and report on its operations. Contractor shall work in good faith to interface its computer system with City's computer tracking system. The payment of any out of pocket costs of such interface shall be mutually agreed upon by Contractor and City prior to commencing the interface. 13. Contractor shall use a bar coding system to identify by manufacturer part number and track all parts. Said bar coding system will be readable by the computer system used by Contractor and Contractor shall work in good faith to integrate the bar coding system with the City system's inventory control plan. The payment of any out of pocket costs of such integration shall be mutually agreed upon by Contractor and City prior to commencing the integration. 14. Contractor shall enter auto parts supply dale into City's Fleet Management software system. Contractor shall provide sufficiently trained, knowledgeable and service oriented personnel to efficiently and effectively operate the total parts function as detailed. 15. Contractor shall be responsible for hiring, slaffing, promoting, transferring and dismissing any person employed in the performance of this Agreement. Said employed persons shall be Contractor's employees. Contractor shall be responsible for all wages, taxes, fringe benefits, work schedules and training of these employees. 16. Contractor is responsible for any changes to the physical fayout or capital improvements of the parts room. Upon termination of this Agreement, Contractor shall repair and restore the Service Center to such condition as existed prior to installation of the Inventory and to repair and to restore any damage caused by the repossession; 17. Contractor shall provide specialized equipment required to successfully operate the parts room, such as, printers, office machines, file cabinets, and other equipment as needed. 18. Contractor, pursuant to this Agreement, shall only sell parts and supplies to meet the City's Service Center needs. Contractor shall not sell or distribute parts, supplies, goods, or services to any person or entity other than City from the On-Site Store. 19. Contractor shall comply with all federal, state and City laws, directives, orders, rules and regulations. ARTICLE 2 - DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY 556527: 19-26 City shall have the following duties and responsibilities during the term of this Agreement: �. City shali provide, at its sole expense, usable space for the On-Site Store and Inventory. City shall provide access to restroom facilities for Contractor employees. Further, City shall fumish, at its sole expense, all utilities for the On- Site Store including: water, sanitation, sewer, light, telephone, heat, gas, electricity and all other utilities and services rendered or delivered to the On-Site Store. 2. City reserves the right to purchase parts and or services from other sources (i) if Contractor cannot obtain the desired part(s) by start of business day following City's request, o� (ii) in emergency situations, including, but not limited to, when any part is needed during a period outside of City's normal working hours of 6:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 3. City shall, at all times during the term of this Agreement, at City's sole expense, maintain in good condition and repair (so as to prevent any damage or injury to Contractor's Inventory or other personal property located in the On-Site Store) the roof, exterior walls, foundation, and structural portions of the On-Site Store and all portions of the electrical and plumbing systems lying outside of the On-Site Store but serving the On-Site Store. ARTICLE 3 - PAYMENT TERMS/PRICING City shall purchase Inventory from Contractor, and Contractor shall provide services hereunder, according to the pricing terms of Exhibit A attached hereto. The Parties agree that the total amount paid by City to Contractor over the course of any single fiscal year for Inventory (but not including other costs set forth on Exhibit A) will not exceed Four Hundred Seventy-five Thousand Dollars (�475,000), unless approved by the City Council. City shall not procure Inventory from Contractor that shall cause the Ciry to exceed this amount, unless City has received approval for additional funds from the City Council. Contractor shalf invoice the City for ail Inventory purchased pursuant to this Agreement on a weekly basis. All invoices will be paid �viihin 30 (thirty) days of City's receipt of invoice. Contractor shall keep complete, accurate, and detaited accounts of Contractors cost for all Inventory purchased by City, and shall provide City with all such accounting records upon request. ?56!2].2 19-27 ARTICLE 4— TERM The initial term of this Agreement shall be for a five (5) year period beginning on the Effective Date. The City Manager may extend the contract for an additionai five years, however such extension, if any, shall be in one year increments. To extend this Agreement the City shall notify the contractor in writing of its intent to renew the Agreement at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the initial term. ARTICLE 5—TERMINATION This Agreement shall be subject to tertnination by either party upon sixty days (60) written notice. City may also terminate this Agreement if the City is prevented from proceeding with the Agreement by law or official action of a public a�thority oiher than the Ciiy, by the unavailability of City Funds, or if the Contractor violates any material provisions of this Agreement. The City, may, by written notice to the Contractor, terminate the contract if the Contractor has failed to perform its services in a manner satisfactory to the City as per specifications, including delivery as specified. Prior to cancellation of this agreement, the non-offending party shall advise the offending party of any deficiencies and shall allow the offending party a ten (10) day period to correct any deficiencies at the offending party's expense. Any notice of termination tendered by either party pursuant to this Article 5 shall be provided by a method of notification specified in ARicle 6 of this Agreement. EFFECT OF TERMINATION. Immediately upon the expiration of this Agreement or the termination of this Agreement by either party for any reason: 1. Contractor shall vacate the space being utilized ior the On-Site Store and repair and restore the space to the condition existing prior to this Agreement, normal wear and tear excepted. 556577.2 19-28 2. City shall purchase all non-NAPA branded Inventory, and shall have the option to purchase NAPA branded Inventory, which is located in the On-Site Store, at Contractor's acquisition cost. 3. Each party shall immediately retum to the other party all equipment, software, books, records, tools and any other personal properry owned by the other party that are in such party's possession. City shall aliow Contractor full and unrestricted access to enter into the On-Site Store and immediately remove all equipment and other items of personal property owned by Contractor without being deemed guilty of trespass or any other violation of the law. All Inventory records, sales history, sales analysis and all other information generated by Contractor under this Agreement will be retumed to City. 4. Should Contractor fail to remove the Inventory not purchased by City or other property of Contractor within sixty (60) days after written nolice from City as provided by this Agreement, Contractor agrees that said Inventory or property shall be deemed abandoned by Contractor. In the event of such abandonment by Contractor, City may take possession of such Inventory or property and shall not thereafter be liable to Contractor or its successors or assigns with respect to the abandoned Inventory or property, including as any manne� of baifee of the Inventory or property. ARTiCLE 6 — NOTICES Whenever any notice, demand or request is required or permitted hereunder, such notice, demand or request shall be hand-delivered in person or sent via facsimile, by overnight mail through a reputable service, or by certified mail, retum receipt requested, to the addresses set forth below: t<657i2 19-29 CITY CONTRACTOR City of Chula Vista Genuine Parts Company Steve Dorsey, Fleet Manager Mike Harris, District Manager 180Q Maxwell Rd. 7440 Convoy Court Chula Vista, Califomia 91911 San Diego, CA 92111 Each such notice shall be deemed delivered (i) on the date of receipt if delivered by hand, overnight courier service, or(ii) on the date five (5) business days after depositing with the United States Postal Service if mailed by registered or certrfied mail. Either party may change its address specified for this notice by giving the other paRy at least ten (10) days written notice in accordance with this Section. ARTICLE 7 - INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS OF CONTRACTOR Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance againsl claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. The cost of such insurance shall be borne by the Contractor. Failure to maintain or renew coverage or to provide evidence of renewal may be treated by City as a materiai breach of contract. Minimum Scope of Coverage Coverage shall be at least as broad as indicated below: 1. Insurance Service Office Commercial General Liability coverage (occurrence form CG 0001). 2. Insurance Services Office Form Number CA 0001 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). 3. Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the State of California. Such worker's compensation insurance shall be endorsed to provide for a waiver of subrogation against City. 4. Employer's Liability insurance. Minimum Limits of Insurance 556577.3 19-30 Contractor shall maintain these policies and shall cause all parties supplying services, labor, or materials to maintain the following insurance in amounts not less than those specified below: 1. General Liability (including operations, products and completed operations): $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this projecUiocation or ihe general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2. Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or property damage. - - 3. Worker's Compensation: Statutory amount as required by the State of CaliFomia. 4. Employers Liability: S1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. Other Insurance Provisions The general liability policy,and automobile liability policy are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1. The City of Chula Vista, its officers, council members, officials, and employees, are to be covered as additional insureds with respect to liability arising out of automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by or on behalf of the Contractor, and with respect to liability arising out of work or operations perFormed by or on behalf of the Contractor, including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such woric or operations. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to additional insureds. General insurance, liability coverage can be provided in the form of an endorsement to the Contractors insurance, or as a separate owner's policy{CG 20 10 11 85). 2. For any claims related to this project, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance with respect to 'the City, its o�cers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be in excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute to it. 3. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be canceled or materially changed by either party, except ssasz;� 19-31 after thirty (30) days prior written notice has been given to the City by certified mail, return receipt requested. 4. Coverage shall not extend to any indemnity coverage for the aciive negligence or misconduct of the additional insured in any case where an agreement to indemnify the additional insured would be invalid under Subdivision (b) of Section 2782 of the Civil Code. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. Verification of Coverage - Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and amendatory endorsements affecting coverage required by this clause. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the Chula Vista City Attorney's Office before work commences. Contractor shall provide to the City insurance certificates certifying such coverage upon renewal of its policies, or upon the City's request. ARTICLE 8— INDEMNIFICATION Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City and its officers, City Council Members, officials, employees, agents, and volunteers ("Indemnitees") from and against any and all liability, claims, judgments, arbitration awards, settlements, costs (including attorneys fees), demands, orders and penalties (collectively, "Claims") including, but not limited to, demands arising from injuries or death of persons {Contractor's employees included) and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of, relating to, or pertaining to the performance of the program or work described herein which is caused by any negligent or intentional wrongful act or omission of Contractor, any subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, except where caused by the acfive negligence, or wiliful misconduct of the City. sses2�.: 19-32 If any action or proceeding is brought against indemnitees by reason of any of the matters against which Contractor has agreed to indemnify Indemnitees as provided � above, Contractor, upon notice from City, shall defend Indemnitees at Contractor's expense by counsel acceptable to City, such acceptance not to be unreasonably withheld. Indemnitees need not have first paid for any of the matters to which Indemnitees are entitled to indemnification in order to be so indemnified. The provisions of this Article shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE 9 - WARRANTY DISCLAIMER All automotive parts supplied pursuant to this Agreement are subject to the terms of written warranties provided by the manufacturer of each part, and Contractor shall use reasonable commercial efforts to assist the City in processing all warranty claims that the City may have against a manufacturer. This will include a) Researching the sale of the part in question, b) Collecting all necessary documents for processing the warranty claim, c) Processing the claim wifh the manufacturer, d) Credit the City's account properly. Copies of the manufacturers' warranties shall be made available to City upon request. ARTICLE 10 - NO LIENS ' Except in the case of a breach of contract, the City warrants that it shall take no action, including but not limited to the granting of a security interest, or fail to take any action, ' which would operete or does operate in any way to encumber the Inventory of Contractor located in the On-Site Store. ARTICLE 91 - pUIET ENJOYMENT City represents and warrants to Contractor that so long as Contractor performs all Yhe obligations of Contractor under this Agreement, Contractor shall have quiet and 5565?i.] 19-33 peaceful possession of the On-Site Store during the entire term of this Agreement and City. ARTICLE 12 — RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES No Agency relationship between the City and Contractor is intended or created by this Agreement. Contractor is not authorized and shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it is an agent, servant or employee of the City, it being expressly understood that Contractor and its employees, officers and agents are and at all times shail remain wholly independent under this Agreement and shail-not be construed for any purpose to be employees of City. ARTICLE 13 - LlMITATIONS OPl RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES All obligations of a party under this Agreement are imposed solely and exclusively for the benefit of the parties, and no other person shall, under any circumstances, be deemed to be a beneficiary of such obligations. ARTICLE '14 - SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNMENTS The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective officers, directors, employees, successors and assigns. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the rights and obligations of either paRy to this Agreement may not be assigned without the prior written consent of the other party hereto, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. ARTICLE 15 - CONFIDENTIALITY 55632]2 19-34 City and Contractor may, from time to time, acquire or otherwise receive confidential or proprietary information conceming the other party's products, pricing, business affairs and practices. In consideration of the confidential and proprietary nature of this information, each party agrees as follows: 1. All confidential or proprietary knowledge and information received from the other party shall for all time and purposes be regarded by the receiving party, iis employees and agents as strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to any third parties or to any of the other affiliates of the receiving party except to perform obligations required herein, or except as otherwise required by law. Contractor understands and acknowledges that City is a public local agency subject to the California Public Records Act, Califomia Government Code Section 6250, et seq. (the "CPRA"). In the event that City receives a request under the CPRA for documents in the Cit�s possession or control that Contractor has previously advised the City it considers to be proprietary, City wili notify Contractor of such request and allow Contractor the opportunity to seek relief in the appropriate court to prevent disclosure of the documents prior to expiration of the statutory time period in which the City is required to respond to the request. In the event any legal action or proceeding is brought against City seeking to compel the disclosure of documents by Gity that Contractor considers to be proprietary and has requested City not to disclose, Contractor shall indemnify and defend City against such action or proceeding at Contractor's expense, with counsel acceptable to City, such acceptance not to be unreasonably withheld. 2. Each party agrees to utilize any information provided by the other party only for the purposes of carrying out this Agreement and further acknowledges that it will not utilize any information provided by the other parly for any other purpose including but not limited to directly"or indirectly competing with the other party or otherwise assisting another person or entity in doing the same. 3. Within three (3) business days of the termination of this Agreement all confidential or proprietary infortnation relating to the other party's products, pricing, business affairs or practices shall be retumed to such other party. ARTICLE 16 - EQUAL EMPLOYMENT Contractor agrees that during the performance of this Agreement, it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religious creed, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical handicap, medical condition or marital status. ARTICLE 17 - CNANGES, AMENDMENTS AND MODIFICATIONS sas.�.� 19-35 No amendment to this Agreement shall be binding on either party hereto unless such amendment is in writing and executed by both parties wiih the same formality as this Agreement is executed. ARTICLE 'IS — SEVERABILITY In the event that any condition or covenant herein is held to be invalid or void by any court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall be deemed severable from the remainder of the Agreement and shall in no way affect any other covenant or condition herein contained as long as the invalid provision does not render the Agreement meaningless with regard to a material term in which event the entire Agreement shall be void. If such condition, covenant, or other provision shail be deemed invalid due to its scope or breadth, such provision shall be deemed valid to the extent of the scope or breadth permitted by law. I ARTICLE 19 —WAIVER Waiver by any party to this Agreement of any term, condition, or covenant of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any. other term, condition, or covenant. Waiver by any party of any breach of the provisions of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of any other provision, nor a waiver of any subsequent breach or violation of any provision of this Agreement. Acceptance by the City of any work or services by Contractor shall not constitute a waiver of any of the provisions of this Agreement. ARTICLE 20 - ATTORNEYS FEES, COST.S AND EXPENSES In the event litigation or other proceeding is required to enforce or interpret any provision of this Agreement, the prevailing party in such litigation or other proceeding 55652].7 19-36 shafl be entitled. to an award of reasonable attorney's fees, costs and expenses, in addition to any other relief to which it may be entitled ARTICLE 21 - ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, including Exhibit "A", is the entire, complete, final and exclusive expression of the paRies with respect to the matters addressed therein and supersedes all other Agreements or understandings, whether oral or written, or entered into between Contractor and City prior to the execution of this Agreement. No statements, representations or other Agreements, whelher oral or written, made by any party which are not embodied herein shall be valid and binding unless in writing and duly executed by the parties or their authorized representatives. ARTICLE 22 - GOVERNING LAW; VENUE This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and governed according to the laws of the State of Califomia. In the event of litigation between the parties, venue in state trial courls shall lie exGusively in the County of San Diego, Superior Court, South County Division, located at 500 3rd Avenue, Chula Usta . In the event of litigation in the United States District Court, venue shall lie exclusively in. the Southem District of Califomia, in San Diego. ARTICLE 23 - MISCELLANEOUS 1. The parties waive any benefits from the principles of contra proferentum and inierpreting ambiguities against drafters. No party shall be deemed to be the drafter of. this Agreement, or of any particular provision or provisions, and no part of this Agreement sha�l be construed against any party on the basis that the particular party is the drafter of any part of this Agreement. swsnl 19-37 2. A4reement Execution Authorization._Each of the undersigned represents and warrants that he or she is duly authorized to execute and deliver this Agreement and that such execution is binding upon the entity for which he or she is executing this Agreement. 3. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, and when each party hereto has signed and delivered at least one such counterpart, each counterpart shall be deemed an original and, when taken together with the other signed counterparls, shall constitute one Agreement, which shall be binding upon and effective as to all parties hereto. 4. Article titles, paragraph titles or captions contained herein are inserted as a matter of convenience and for reference, and in no way define, limit, extend, or describe the scope of this Agreement or any provision hereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first above written. CITY OF CHULA VlSTA GENUINE PARTS COMPANY �� Cheryl Cox Brad haffer Mayor Division Vice President ATTEST: /I Gz,,�a � �h�,�� D nna Norris, C�ity Cler�i APPROVE �AS' O FORM: / �M� � ity Attornley I 556527 2 19-38 Exhibit "A" Compensation Conttactor shall im�oice the City for all Inventory purchased, and all services rendered, pursuant to this Ageement on a monthly basis according co the pricing plan below. The overall ��oal of City's pricing plan is to achieve a ten percent (10%) net profit for Contractor(the"]�et Profit TazgeY`) by adjusting the pricing of two elements: (a) Prnduct Cosrs The pncing of[he Im�entory to be supplied to City by Contractor pursuant ro this Ageement. Product Costs shalf be funher divided into `11'APA Product Cn.crs," which is Ihe pricing of products manufactured by suppliers in Contractor's normal supply chain; and "Nnn-A'APA Prndnc� Cnsts." which is the pricing of products which have not been manufactured by Contractor's nortnal suppliers but �vhich have been acquired for City by Contractor punuan[ to this Agreement. (b) Opera�ionaf Cosrs. Any and a11 costs and expenses associated with the operation of the On Site Store(s) or the vehicles used by Contrac[or in ihe operation of the On Site Store(s), including, but not limited to, salary and benefits payable to Contractor emplo��eu at the On Site Store(s), worker's compensation benefits and insurance, unemplo}Tnent insurance, personal property insurance for the On Site Store(s) and Inventory; any deductible for losses co��ered under the personal property, automobile liability or general liability insurance policies of Contractor and all equipment supplied by Contractoc An example of a profit and loss statement reflecting such costs and expenses is attached hereto. PRICING PLAN Sli117i11AR1' NAPA Product Costs Billed co City at a 10%�oss profit rate Non-NAPA Product Costs Billed to City at a 10%gross profit rate Operational Costs Billed to City at cost Net Profit Target 10%net profit for Con[ractor Both NAPA Product Costs and Non-\'APA Product Costs shall be set by Contractor to yield a s�ross profit of ten percent (10%). Operational costs �+�ill be chareed [o City at cost, with all such charges for Operational Costs to be included in City's month]y billing statement. City will be billed at the end of each month for operational costs on an "in arrears"basis. 55652i2 19-39 I