HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013/11/19 Item 14 t�.�_ -«�- T_� -_�--;:��-� CITY COUNCIL -��._� - _ ,�� �.._ ._ `� � -��.� - AGENDA STATEMENT �_ _ .. _ . _ _ -�� � `�` � _, ` .� � .v�� e _ - _ �� CITY Of CHUTA VISfA I`TO��ember 19; 2013, Item L ITEDZTTTLE: �SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUIvCIL OF.THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUTHORIZII�rG THE SUBI�4ITTAL OF AI�T APPLICATIO\' FOR DESIGI�'ATION OF A CHULA VISTA PROMISE ZONE FROn4 THE U.S. DEPARTA9ENT OF HOUSII�TG P�ND URBAi\' DEVELOPA4ENT AI�iD. IF SELECTED. TO AUTHORIZE THE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOP\4ENT SERVICES OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE AI`TY 1�TECESSARY OR REQUIRED DOCUn4ENTS TO SECURE SAID DESIGNATIOI�' SUB�IITTED B1': DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMEI�TT SERVICES I�� REVIE�V�D Bl': CITY A�\'AGER 4/STHS VOTE: 1'ES � NO � S1JNIi�4ARY The Ciri- of Chula Vista was im�ted by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to appl}� for a Promise Zone designation and meets the initial eligibilin- criteria. This program provides opportunities to deepen the revitalization efforts ���ithin ��estem Chula Vista. The Promise Zones initiati��e ���ill re��italize areas esperiencine high poverty rates across the country bv amacting private in��estment, improvine affordable housina; unprovins educational oppominities; creatine jobs, reducine serious and violent crime, and assistins local leaders in navieatin¢ federal programs and cutting throueh red tape. Staff recommends Council support submission of the application for consideration of the Promise Zone designation. ENVIRONA'IEl�`TAL REVIE�i' The Environmental Revie�v Coordinator has re��ie�i�ed the proposed activit�� for compliance ��2th the Califomia Environmental Qualin� Act (CEQA) and has determined that the acti��ity is not a `Project' as defined under Section 1�378 of the State CEQA Guidelines because the proposed action consists of a eo��emmental fiscal acti��itv �ti�hich, on its o���n; ���ould not result in a potentiallv sienificant ph}�sical impact on the environment. Ho���e��er; ���hen the actual project(s) for �vhich the grant monies are earmarked are adequately defined and read�� to be carried out; the appropriate 14-1 November 19, 2013; Item � Page 2 of 3 environmental revie«� and documentation will be required. Therefore, pursuant to Section 15060(c)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines, the activity is not subject to CEQA. RECOMn'IENDATION Council adopt the resolution. BOARDS/COMMISSION RECOMMEIVDATION Not Applicable DISCUSSION HUD recently advised the City of Chula Vista that it is eligible to apply for a Promise Zone designation by the November 26, 2013 deadline. Under -the Promise Zone initiative, the federal govemment will invest and partner with selected urban, rural, and tribal communities to create jobs, increase economic activity, improve educational opportunities, leverage private investment, and reduce violent crime. The Obama administration «�ill designate � communities nationwide this year. Designated Promise Zones «�ill potentiall}� receive: • Promise Zone ta�c incentives, if enacted: Should Congress enact the Promise Zone ta� credit (crafred on the proven model of Empowerment Zones tax credits), private businesses �i�ould receive taa incentives for hiring and investing in Promise Zones, to create jobs and attract additional private investments. • Intensive Federal partnership: Federal staff will collaborate with the Promise Zone community and provide specialized technical assistance. These partnerships help communities break do��m regulator}� and bureau,cratic barriers, use existing funds more effectively, and implement their local revitalization visions. • Additional proven tools: Promise zones will have increased access to im�estments that further the goals of job creation, additiona] private investment, increased economic development activity, improved educational opportunity, and reduction in violent crime. Designees will receive competitive preference priority (e.g. additional , points in competition) for the Administration's signature place-based investments. These funding sources will include: Choice Neighborhoods (Department of Housing and Urban De��elopment), Promise Neighborhoods (Depariment of Education), and Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation (Department of Justice) grants. Preference points, technical assistance, access to grantee networks and other benefits will be directed to Promise Zone communities from additional federal programs of the Small Business Administration, Department of Labor, Depariment of Health Services, Department of Agriculture, Depariment of Justice, HUD and potentially other federal agencies. 14-2 November 19; 2013, Item �y Pase 3 of 3 2013 Promise Zone Desienation Promise Zones w�ill not receive direct fundine. but will benefit from technical assistance, federal staff support; and more extensive preference points and access to other federal grant programs. Should Coneress enact proposed Promise Zone ta� credits, private businesses «�ould recei�e ta.i incentives for hiring and investing in Promise Zones. Essentiallv, the Promise Zone is desienated based upon qualif}�ine census tracts using HUD's mappine tool (Attachment 1). The Promise Zone boundary is comprised of Communim Development Block Grant eligible census tracu; the �vestem Enterprise Zone, as �vell as the Promise I�'eishborhood. DECISION A�IAKER CONFLICT Staff has re��ie���ed the propem� holdings of the City Council members and has found that Councilmembers Salas, Ramirez, and Bensoussan ha�e propem� holdinss �vithin �00 feet of the boundaries of the proposed Promise Zone. Ho���e��er; to the extent this decision may have a material effect on those economic interests: it ���ill not unpact these interests differentl�� than it �vill those of the public Qenerall}�. Accordineh, pursuant to California Code of Reeulations Section 15707.1, the economic effect on the public officials is considered indistineuishable from that of the public eenerallv; thus; no disqualif��ing conflict exists. V Staff is not independentl}� a���are, nor has staff been informed bv any City Councilmember. of an�� other fact that ma�� constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IAIPACT There is no fiscal impact to the General Fund as a result of this action. The.application is beine submitted for a Promise Zone desienation and no fundine is available at this time. ONGOI\�G FISCAL IAZPACT There is no ongoine fiscal impact. ATTACHAIENT Attachment 1: Promise Zone Boundary Map Prepared by: Jose Dorado. Housing/Grants Project Coordirzator, Dei�elopnre�7t Sen rces Deparlment 14-3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUTHORIZING THE SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION FOR DESIGNATION OF A CHULA VISTA PROMISE ZONE FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND, IF SELECTED, TO AUTHORIZE THE DiRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE ANY NECESSARY OR REQUIRED DOCUMENTS TO SECURE SAID DESIGNATION WHEREAS, the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") has invited the City of Chula Vista ("Cit}� ') to apply for a Promise Zone designation; and WHEREAS, the five primary goals of a designated Promise Zones aze creating jobs, increasing economic activity, improving educational opportunities, reducing violent crime, and leveraging private investment; and WHEREAS, the City desires to apply to be designated as a Promise Zone and submit the application released by HUD; and WHEREAS, the City's 2013-2020 Housing Element, 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan, Urban Core Specific Plan, Palomar Gateway Specific Plan, and General Plan, all include elements of the City's commitment in creating job opportunities, increasing economic activity; increasing educational opportunities, reducing serious and violent crime, and leveraging private � resources within Chula Vista including the areas within the Promise Zone; and WHEREAS, Hi1D and representatives from several participating federal agencies; including the Department of Education, the Department of Justice, the Department of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Agriculture will be reviewing the applications for Promise Zone designation; and WHEREAS, if approved, the designation will provide potential ta� incentives for hirine and investing in Promise Zones (subject to Congressional action), specialized technical assistance from federal agencies, additional proven tools including Choice I�ieighborhood, Promise Neighborhoods, and Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation grants, and preference points and access to other federal grant programs. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista that the Development Services Director or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to ' apply for and submit to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) an Application Package released November 2013. J:�Attorney�FINAL RESOS AND ORDiNAnCES\2013\l] 19 13\Resolution-Promise Zone App.docx ]I/12/2013 12:02 PM 14-4 Resolution I�'o. Page 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Ciri� Council of the Cih� of Chula Vista, that if the application is appro��ed; the Director of Development Sen�ices or his designee is herebv authorized and directed to enter into; esecute, and deli��er any and all other documents required or deemed necessarv or appropriate to secure the Promise Zone designation from HliD, and all amendments (collectivelv, the "Promise Zone Desienation Documents") for the complete performance of the pro2ram. Presented by Approved as to form b�� ��i':� � Kelle�� G. Brouahton �len R. GooQins ' Development Services Director City Attorney - � ]:�4ttorne}�F'I\AL RESOS.AND ORDINANCES�ZOli\i l 19 liUtesolution-Promise Zone App.doca ll/i?/?OI3 12:02 PM 14-5