HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013/10/15 Item 13 � _ ..�:.;�-_.
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OCTOBER 1�. 2013. Item i3
4/STHS VOTE: 1'ES � NO �
Staff has prepared a nvo-party agreement for professional sen ices �ti�ith E2 ?�4anaeetech;
Inc., to assist in the implementation of the US EPA Communin�-�4'ide Bro�vnfields
Assessment Grant. The purpose of the aereement is' to perform a Phase II site
investigation (SI) on a property in south��estern Ctiula Vista. Ihe propem� is located at
1130 Fifrh Avenue. The property is currently oH�ned by the Sweetwater Union High
School District.
The cost for the proposed �=ork is approsimatel�- �65,277. These funds aze an elieible
expense under the EPA Bro���nfields erant and ���11 be full}� reimbursed. �
The Environmental Revie��� Coordinator has re��ieN�ed the proposed amendment for
compliance ���ith the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined
tt�at the project is e�empt; pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the .State CEQA
Guidelines. Thus, no fiu-ther environmental re��ieti�is required.
Council adopt the Resolution.
Not Applicable
OCTOBER 15, 2013, Item�
Page 2 of 3
E2 Managtech, Inc., has recently completed a contract with the City of Chula Vista on a
scope of work for Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for four (4) properties
in westem Chula Vista under the Community-wide Brownfields Assessment grant.
Tonight`s action would approve a contract with E2 Managtech to complete a Phase II
assessment on one (1) of these four sites.
In May 2008, fhe Chula Vista Redevelopment Agency was awarded a Community-wide
Bro�mfields Assessment grant for $400,000 ("GranP'). The purpose of the grant was to
inventory, characterize; assess and plan for the cleanup of contaminated properties knowm
as "brov��field sites" in southwestem Chula Vista.
Shortly following the awazd of the Brownfelds Grant, tl�e Cl�ula Vista Redevelopment
Agency selected a consultant to do a community-wide assessment, as well as Phase I and
Phase II environmental studies as needed.
In April 20li a contract with E2 Managetech was executed to perform Phase I ESAs for
four (4) sites, as listed belo���; oNmed by the Sweetwater Union High School District and
being considered for redevelopment within westem Chula Vista. The first three sites
have begun the entitlement process for development into residential uses; and the
property at 461 Moss SVeet will be dedicated as a public park.
• 435 Third Avenue
• 1116 Fifth Avenue
• 610 L Street �
� • 461 D�oss Street
The purpose of the Phase I ESA is to identify the potential of any contaminants on the
property through extensive research on historical uses of the site, previous and current
ownership, and kno�m releases in the sunounding azea. The Phase I ESA for Fifrh
Avenue indicates the possible presence of petroleum contaminants. The next step is
performing a Phase II Site Investigation on the site to verify the presence of any
contaminants, determine the characteristics and extent of those elements, and make
recommendations for remediation. �
Phase II Agreement
E2 Managetech is an environmental e�gineering firm that staff is recommending to
implement the next step in Brownfields Grant implementation for the property at Fifrh
Avenue. The firm will perform a Phase II Site Investigation, identifying, assessing and
chazacterizing any contaminated materials that could impact the future use of the site.
Scope of l��ork
The scope of work includes fhe performance of a Phase II Site Investigation for the
subject property. Due to the use of EPA grant funds, the consultant will coordinate
closelti� �i�ith the EPA Officer in preparing`a Sampling and Analpsis Plan; and
OCTOBER 1�, 3013,Item_[3
Paee 3 of 3
follo«�ing through as tbe Phase II progresses. The Phase II is eligible under the
EPA Grant, and staff recommends entering into the a�reement to complete the
scope of work.
Consul�ant Selection Process
The E2 Managetech team possesses in-depth experience, skills and other
qualifications that aze unique to EPA erants and the strategic challenges of
implementins the BroNnfields Proeram. �These qualifications, coupled �vith the
recent experience and familiariri� ���th the subject site, make this firm uniquel��
qualified to continue the work and Phase II Site Investioation for the propem�.
Therefore; staff «aived the biddin� process for the ne�� contract and is
recommending E2 n4anaeetech for the task.
No Properh����ithin 500 feet -
Staff has reviewed the propem holdines of the Ciri� Council; and has found no propem�
holdings ��thin �00 feet of the boundaries of the property ���hich is the subject of this
action. Staff is not independently a«-are, nor has staff been informed b�� an}� Citv Council
member, of an�� other fact that ma�� constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of
interest in this matter.
The EPA grant funds aze sufficient to cover the contract costs, and staff has confirmed
that the proposed work is elieible under the grant aereement.
Not Applicable
Attachment 1 — Resolution
Attachment 2 — Scope of��'ork
Prepared by: Janice Kluth, Senior Project Coordinator, Development Services
WHEREAS; the Chula Vista Redevelopment Agency (RDA) was awarded a $400,000
US EPA Community-wide Brownfields Assessment Grant in May 2008 ("Grant"), and that
Grant does not require a match by the City; and
WI�EREAS; due to the dissolution of Redevelopment Agencies by the State of
Califomia, the EPA transferred the Bro��nfields Grant to the City of Chula Vista; and
WHEREAS, staff has prepared a two-party agreement for professional services with E2
Manage Tech, Inc.; ("Agreement ') to assist in the implementation of the US EPA Community-
Wide Brownfields Assessment Grant; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the Agreement is to perfonn a Phase II Site Investigation at
1130 Fifth Avenue; and
WHEREAS, E2 Manage Tech is uniquely qualified to perform under the Agreement, due
to its expertise in the area of EPA grants and implementation of Brownfields Programs and
recent experience and familiarity of the subject site, and, as such, it would be impractical to
conduct a formal selection process and the City's interests would be materially better served by
contracting with E2 Manage Tech as the sole source for providing the services contemplated in
the Agreement; and
WHEREAS, the cost for the proposed work is approximately $68,277; and
WHEREAS, the EPA grant funds are sufficient to cover the contract costs, and staff has
confirmed that the proposed work is eligible under the grant agreement. The grant will fully
reimburse the fiscal year 2013-14 budget for the Brownfields account; and
WHEREAS, the Environmental Review Coordinator has reviewed the proposed
amendment for compliance with the California �nviromnenta] Quality Act (CEQA) and has
determined that the project is exempt, pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA
Guidelines. Thus, no further environmental revieti� is required.
� J:�.4ttomea\FINAL RESOS AND ORDITANCES\2013U0 15 13\RESO-DSD-E2M'f-JDSM Rev.docx
10/7/2013 3:19 PM
Resolution No.
Paee 2
� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Cih� of Chula
Vista, that it:
1. Finds that E2 Manage Tech, Inc. is uniquely qualified to perform under the
Agreement, due to its expenise in the area of EPA 2rants and implementation
of Bro�mfields Pro�rams and recent experience and familiaritv of the subject
site. that it would be impractical to conduct a formal selection process, the
Cin�`s interests ���ould be materiallv better sen�ed b�� contractine �i�ith E2
Manage Tech as the sole source for providine the services contemplated in the
Aareement; and, as a result the Cih� Council ���ai�res the fortnal selection
process for this Agreement; and
2. Approves the Aereement bea��een the Cin� of Chula Vista and E2 D4anaee
Tech; Inc., in substantially the form presented; as mati ha��e been modified by
the Council prior to its approval and with such minor modifications as mav be
required or approved by the City Attorne}�, a copy of�i�hich shall be kept on
file in the Office of the City Clerk; authorizes and directs the vlayor to
esecute the Aereement.
Presented by Approved as to form by
�/ �
� i 1
Kelly Brouehton en . Crese �s
Director of De��elopment Services City�tto � ey
� 1:Wnomev�FI�AL RESOS A�\D ORDINANCESL013\10 15 13\RESO-DSD-E2MT-1DSb1 Rev.docs
]0/7/2013 3:19 PM
Fifth A��enue Scope of Work
E2 has prepared the following scope of work to address the RECs at the Site. The scope of the
investigation includes soil and soil vapor media. Groundwater conditions are not addressed by
this scope of work based on the historicalinformation regarding groundwater depth.
Task 1 —Project Management and Coordination
E2 will coordinate access and the schedule of field activities between the City,
SLJHSD management, personne] at the Site and subco�tractors. This task also includes regular
communication with the City to provide updates and progress reports.
Task 2— Coordinate EPA Authorization & Preparation and Submittal of SAP
E2 will notify the EPA of the proposed Phase ll SI and intent to use a ant funds per the Site
Eligibility Form that N�as submitted to the City for review on July 26, 2013 (approved by EPA on
August 15, 2013). E2 will prepare a SAP in general accordance with latesY EPA template dated
September 2009 and the City's Brownfield Assessment Grant Work Plan. The SAP template
requires historical information alone with the proposed scope of work including a quality
assurance/quality control plan and a health and safety plan. For the purposes of this cost
estimate, we ha��e assumed that the Phase I Report contains adequate background information to
meet the SAP template requirements. It is also assumed that, in consideration of the limited field
investigation activities, EPA will accept an abbreviated SAP that would not exceed 20 pages.
E2 will prepare a draft SAP document that will be submitted to the City for review and approval,
H�hich will then be submitted to EPA for approval. E2 will coordinate communications and
responses with the EPA to obtain SAP approval. This will ]ikely include revisions to the SAP to
address their review comments; and publication of a final version.
Task 3—Site Reconnaissance and Utility Clearance
E2 will request coordination H�ith SUHSD and/or their i3ST maintenance contractor to mark the
locations of product lines and tanks associated with the UST system and the subsurface sump.
We also request that plans shoH�ing these features or any Site utilities be provided.
E2 will then conduct a Site reconnaissance to mark the proposed boring and sampling locations,
and to evaluate the best locations for sampling near the Site features. The reconnaissance will
inc]ude fuRher inspection of the wastewater collection tank and the hydraulic lifr equipment
located in and around the Transportation Services building to help confirm appropriate
sampling depths. The selected drilling contractor may attend the reconnaissance to confirm
which types of equipment will be used to access the proposed drilling locations, to check the �
surface conditions for whether coring equipment will be required, and confirm that no overhead
utility conflicu are present. E2 will also review plans provided by SUHSD or markines shoH�ing
the UST s}�stem features.
Followine the initial Site reconnaissance and marking of the boring locations, E2 will notify
U�derground Service Alert (USA) of the pending drilling activities at least 48 hours before
starting work. Additionally, E2 will retain a contractor to conduct a geophysical survey at the
Site in order to clear subsurface utilities at the proposed boring locations. To the extent feasible
and within the time budgeted for the project the geophysical survey will also provide
information regardine the dimensions of subsurface features addressed by the Phase ll.
Task�—Soil Vapor Sun�e��
E2 will conduct a soil ��apor sun�e��to screen the subsurface for��olatile oroanic compounds
(VOCs) and to address conditions noted in the Phase I includine the UST s��stem (RECs 1 and
2), various current and historical hazardous materials and waste storage (RECs 3 and 4), the svip
drains and other fearures in the Transportation buildine(REC 6); and the �vash rack and
�vaste�i�ater collection tank (REC 7). Additional locations will be distributed across the propem
to address site conditions; and to pro��ide further covera�e of the proposed residential
Fifreen soil borings will be advanced using a truck-mounted Strataprobe direct push rig. to total
depths of fifreen feet beloH� eround surface (ft bes). or refusal; and com�erted to dual-nested
soil vapor probes at depths of� and 1� ft bgs. Soil ��apor samples ���ill be anahzed by a mobile
laborator��on Site. GroundH�ater is not expected to be encountered at this depth.
Soil vapor sample analysis will include 38 soil ��apor samples from 1� probes screened at 2
depths (30 priman�, � duplicates and 4 Purge Volume Samples) for VOCs by EPA Method 8260.
Tasl:�—Soil Sampling
E2 H�ill conduct soil sampline at 14 locations. The soil borines H�ill be ad��anced usine a truck-
mounted Strataprobe direct push rie to the tareeted depths. The followine sampling depths and
anah2ical testing are proposed and may be adjusted based upon information obtained during the
Site reconnaissance and the re��iew of additional historical records.
1. Residual contamination associated ���ith historical UST and dispensers based on the
proposed chanae to residential land use.
• Three borines around the present day UST system, ���ith samples collected at depths
of 10. 1�. and 19 feet bgs (or refusal), or as needed based on obsen�ation of soi]
conditions. Samples will be anah2ed for total petroleum hydrocarbons-cazbon chain
C4-C40 (TPH-cc) by EPA method 801�.
• Soil vapor sampling is planned in the three borings at � and 1� feet bgs.
2. Althoush there are no significant releases currently known from the eaisting USTs and
dispensing s}•stem, it is possible that releases have occurred. Apparent leakine around
the fuel dispensers; and leakaee from an AST on one of the dispenser islands, are some
areas that �+�arrant further in��estieation.
• Two borines at the fuel dispenser islands; ���ith samples collected at 2, 5, and 10 feet
bgs (or refusal); or as needed based on field conditions. Samples will be anal��zed for
TPH-cc bv EPA method 801�m.
3. The Site reconnaissance. combined ���ith revie�r of asencv files and historical records.
show a lone history of hazardous material/waste use and stora�e. Obsen�ations of leakine
containers; and regulaton� aeency violations suggest that unauthorized releases ha��e
happened at various locations throughout the Site.
• Two borines will be placed near staining observed on the outside of the above2round
oil storage; with samples collected at depths of 2 and 4 feet bgs. Samples will be
analyzed for TPH-cc by EPA method 8015 and CAM metals by EPA method
6000/7000 series
• No other specific soil or soil vapor samples planned for this REC.
4. The storaee of PCE w�aste in the small engine shop, and the historical use of this area as a
machine shop, suggests historical use of VOCs.
• No specific soil samples planned for this REC. Soil vapor sampling is planned in
three borines at 5 and I S feet bgs.
5. Imground hydraulic ]ifrs, reservoirs, and associated trenches in the Service Bays of the
Transportation buildi�g.
• Six borings with samples collected at ]0 and 15 feet bgs, or adjusted as needed based
on the depth of the lifrs. Two additional borings with samples collected
at 2 and 4 feet bgs in areas N�here hydraulic reservoirs or supply lines may be
located. Samples will be analyzed for TPH-cc by EPA method 8015m.
• Soil vapor sampling is planned in three borings at 5 and 15 feet bgs.
6. Strip drains with staining, and the unknown drainage destination in the Service Bays of
the Transportation buildine.
7. No specific soi] or soil vapor samples are planned for this REC; however soil and soil
vapor samples collected in the vicinity for REC 5 are in the same footprint as REC 6.The
wash rack area and wastewater collection tank located west of the Transportation
• Two borings with samples collected at 5, 10; and 15 feet bgs (to include
samples below the collection tank invert). Samples will be analyzed for TPH-cc by
EPA method 8015, VOCs by EPA method 8260B, and CAM metals by EPA method
6000/7000 series.
• Soil ��apor samplin� is planned in one borin� at 5 and 15 feet bgs.
Ten additional sample analyses have been budgeted for VOCs, metals, PCBs and SVOCs based
on results of field findings and primary analytical results. �
During the drilling and samplin2 activities; boring logs will be prepared by field personnel in
accordance with the Uniform Soil Classification System. Soil samples will be field screened for
VOCs using a photoionization detector. Afrer the soil and soil vapor samples have been
collected. each borehole will be backfilled H�ith a h}�drated bentonite pellets a�d the �ound
surface H�ill be repaired to match the existing surface.
In��estieation Derived �Vaste including soil cuttines and decontamination ���ater�vill be
containerized in Department of Transportation appro��ed drums pendine disposaL The cost
summan'has budoeted for one soil sample to be anal�zed for waste disposal characterization
Task 6—Repori Preparation .
E2 will prepare a Phase II SI report summarizine the subsurface investieation. 7-he Phase II
report will pro��ide a brief background summarv of the site; document the field activities that
were completed; describe the results of the anah2ical testing and provide our 5ndinss and
condusions. Tabies and figures will be used to detail the borine locations and anahtical results.
Borine logs �ti�ill be prepared and provided as an appendix in the Phase II report. Detected
concenffations of contaminants of concern ���ill be compared to published"health-based screeninQ
levels; or waste criteria, as aaailable. The scope of the report does not indude site-specific health
risk assessment or calculations.
A drafr copy of the Phase II SI report���ill be pro��ided to the City dieitallv for its review and
comment. Upon receivine comments from the Cirv, a 5nal Phase II SI report w�ill be prepared.
Two hard copies and one digital copy of the final report will be submitted to the City. EPA is
not anticipated to review and/or comment on the draft of final Phase II SI report. It is assumed
that EPA ���ill accept a PDF ��ersion of the report submitted electronicall��.
'`\ �
1 : �
, � ( ; 1
'�-Gleri �. G� ins
� �
Cit� At orney
Dated: �
� Agreement betc��een
Ciri' of Chula Vista
E2 ��anagetech, Inc.,
To Prepare a Phase II En�-ironmental Site In��esri�ation (Sn for
a Propert�' in the Cit�- of Chula V'ista
This a�eement (A�eement), effective , is between thz Citv-related
entity ��hose name and business form is indicated on Exhibit A, Pazasraph 2, (Citv), and the
entity ��hose name; business form; place of business and telephone numbers are indicated on
E}:hibit A, Paragraphs � throu�h 6; (Consultant), and is made �;�th reference to the follo��in2
� RECIT.�.LS _
�VHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista is the recipient of a Broti�ifields Assessment Grant
a erant from the liS En�uonmental Protection AQency (EPA) to identif�� brow-nfield sites in
�iestem Chula Vista: and
�V�REAS, using EPA Brownfields grant funds; a Phase I en�ironmental site
assessment (ESA) �i�as completed by E2 ManaeeTech for the propenv o�i�ned b�� the S�3�eern�atzr
Union Hish School District on Fifth A�enue in the erant area: and
«'HEREAS; the Phase I ESA for this property identified Recognized Environmental
Conditions (RECs) and recommended further evalutation; and
�'1'I�REAS, E2 ManaseTech has prepared a proposal to perform a Phase II
environmental site investieation (SI) on the District propert�� referenced above; and
�VHEREAS, as a result of E2 Manage Tech's unique performance capabilities; it would
be impractical to conduct a formal selection process and the Citv's interests w=ould be materiallv
better sen ed b��a�vazdins the contract to E2 I�4anase Tech as the solz source foi providina this
service. Accordin�l��, Cit�� staff recouunends that the City Council �oaive the formal selection
process with respect to this contract;' and -
�VI�REAS, Consultant �ti�arranu and represents that it is experienced and staffed in a
- manner such that it can deli��er the sen•ices required of Consultant to City in accordance �i-ith the
time &ames and the terms and conditions of this Aereement.
[Eod of Recitals. \'eit Page Starts Obligator} Pro�•isioos.]
Pase 1
Two Pam�A�reement Between t6e Gn�of Chu(a h'csta and E?:ifuna�e Tech�o Prepare a Ph¢se I/SI v
z m CO\TSliLT ?,GR- DSD - EZ\-iT
NOW, THEREFORE, for valuable consideration the City and Consultant do hereby mutually
aeree as follo„�s:
All of the Recitals above are incorporated into this Agreement by this reference.
A. General
' 1. General Duties. Consultant shall perform all of the services described on E�ibit A,
Paraeraph 7 (General Duties).
2. Scope of A'ork and Schedule. In performing and delivering the General Duties;
Consultant shall also perform the services, and deliver to City tbe "Deliverables"
described in E�ibit A, Paragraph 8, entitled "Scope of Work and Schedule," according
to, and within the time frames set forth in Exhibit A, Paragraph 8; time beine of the
essence of this agreement. The General Duties and the work and Deliverables required in
the Scope of Vdork and Schedule shall be referred to as the "Defined Services.'' Failure to
complete the Defined Services by the times indicated does not, except at the option of the
� City, terminate this Agreement.
a. Reducrions in Scope of Work. City may independently, or upon request from
Consultant, from time to time, reduce the Defined Services to be performed by the
Consultant under this Agreement. Upon doing so, City and Consultant agree to meet
in good faith and confer for the purpose of negotiating a conesponding reduction in
the compensation associated with the reduction.
b. Additional Services. In addition to performing the Defined Services, City may
require Consultant to perform additional consulting services related to the Defined
Services (Additional Services), and upon doing so in writing, if they are within the
scope of services offered by Consultant, Consultant shall perform same on a tune and
materials basis at the rates set forth in the "Rate Schedule" in Exhibit A,
Pazagraph 10(C); unless a separate fixed fee is otherwise agreed upon. All
compensation for Additional Services shall be paid monthly as billed.
3. Standazd of Care. The Consultant expressly ���arrants that the work to be performed
pursuant to this. Agreement, wbether Defined Services or Additional Services, shall be
performed in accordance with the standazd of care ordinarily exercised by members of
the profession cunently practicing under similar conditions and in similaz locations.
a. No W'aiver of Standard of Care. Where approval by City is requued, it is understood
to be conceptual approval only and does not relieve the Consultant of responsibility
for complying with all laws, codes, industry standazds, and liability for damages
caused by neeligent acts, errors, omissions, noncompliance with industry standards,
or the willful misconduct of the Consultant or its subcontractors.
Pa�e 2
Two Parry Agreement Between[he Cin•ajCfwfa VLrta and E2 D4mmge Tech m Prepare a Phase II SI
z arr CONSliLT AGR - DSD - E2MT
B. Applicatioo of Laws. Should a federal or state law pre-empt a local la�+�, or reeulation; the
Consultant must comply N�ith the federal or state law and implementine regulations. No
pro�rision of this 9�eement requires the Consultant to obsen�e or enforce compliance with
anv provision, pzrform an�� other act, or do anv other thino in contrarention of federal. state.
territorial; or local la���; rewiation; or ordinance. If compliance �;-ith anv provision of this
A�eement violates or would require the Consultant to violate any law; the Consultant a�ees
to notify Cin immediately in ��riting. Should this occur; the Cin� and the Consultant aQree
that the}� �rill make appropriate arranQements to proceed ��-ith or, if necessary, amend or
teiminate this A�reement, or portions of it, expeditiousl}�.
1. Subconuactors. Consultant aerees to take appropriate measures necessarv to ensure that
all participants utilized b}� the Consultant to complete its oblisations under this
�greement; such as subcontractors, comply with all applicable�laws; reeulations;
ordinances. and policies, ��hether federaL state; or local; affectine Project
implementation. In addition, if a subcontractor is expected to fulfill any responsibilities of
the Consultant under this Ageement; the Consultant shall ensure that the subcontractor
carries out the Consultanrs responsibilities as set forrh in this A�eemeut.
C. Insurance
1. General. Consuitant must procure and maintain, during the period of performance of this
?.ereement and for tw�eh e months after completion, policies of insurance from insurance
companies to protect aeainst ciaims for injuries to persons or damaees to property that
ma�� arise from or in connection �i ith the performance of the work under this Agreement
and the results of that �rork bv the Consultant; his agents; representatives; employees or
subcontractors, and provide documentation of same prior to commencement of�vork.
" 2. ?�4inimum Scope of Insurance. Coveraoe must be at least as broad as:
a. CGL. Insurance Senices Office Commercial General Liability coveraQe (occurrence
Form CG0001).
b..4uto. Insurance Sen•ices Office Form \TUmber CA 0001 coverine Automobile
Liabiliri�, Code 1 (any auto).
c.[��C. �4%orkers` Compensation insurance as required bv the State of Califomia and
Employers Liability Insurance.
d.E&O. Professional Liability or Errors R Omissions Liability insurance appropriate to
the Consultant's profession. :�rchitecu` and En�ineers' coveraoe is to be endorsed to
include contractual liabilirv.
;. \4inimum Limits of Insurance. Consultant must maintain limits no less than those
included in the table belo�i:
Paee 3
Two Pam Agreement Brtween rhe Cin•ojChula {'um and E?Afana�e Tech ro Prepare a PHase I!S! V
zr,v CO\�SliLT AGR - DSD - E2?�4T
i. General Liabiliri�: $1;000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury;
(Including (including death), and property damage. If Commercial General
operations, Liability insurance with a general aggregate limit is used, either
products and the general aggregate limit must apply sepazately to this
completed ProjecUlocation or the general aggregate limit must be twice the
operations, as required occurrence limit.
a licable)
ii. Automobile $1;000;000 per accident for bodily injury, including death, and
Liability: property damage.
iii. �T✓orkers� Statutory
Compensation $1,000_000 each accident
Employer's $1,000,000 disease-policy limit
Liability: $1;000,000 disease-each em loyee
iv. Professional $1,000,000 each occurrence _
Liability or Errors �
& Omissions
4. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must
be declared to and approved by the City. At the option of the City, either the insurer will
reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as they pertain to the City,
its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Consultant will provide a financial
guarantee satisfactory to the City guaranteeing payment of losses and related
investigations claun administration, and defense expenses.
5. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability, automobile liability, and where
appropriate; the worker's compensation policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain,
the following provisions:
a. Additional Insureds. City of Chula Vista, its officers, officials, employees, agents,
and volunteers aze to be named as additional insureds with respect to all policies of
insurance, includin2 those with respect to liability arising out of automobiles owned,
leased, hired or borrowed by or on behalf of the Consultant, where applicable, and,
with respect to liability arising ouf of work or operations performed by or on behalf of
the Consultant; including providing materials, parts or equipment furnished in
connection with such work or operations. The general liabiliry additional insured
covera�e must be provided in the form of an endorsement to the Consultant's
insurance using ISO CG ?O10 (11/85) or its equivalent. Specifically, the endorsement
must not exclude Products/Completed Operations coverage.
b. Primary Insurance. The Consultant's General Liability insurance coverage must be
primazy insurance as it pertains to the City, its officers, officials, employees, agents;
and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officers,
o�cials, employees, or volunteers is wholly separate from the insurance of the
PaQe 4
Two P¢m Agreement Berweert d�e Ciq�ojChula !�'um and E3 Manav e Teeh to Prepare u Phase/I SI �
Consultant and in no wav relieees the Consultant from its responsibiliri� to provide
c. Cancellation. The insurance policies required bv this 9�eement shaii not be canceled
by either pam�, except afrer thirt}� days` prior written notice to the Ciry bv cer[ified
mail; reriun receipt requested. The �ti�ords "�2ll endeavor' and "but failure to mail
such notice shall impose no obli�ation or liability of anv kind upon the compan�, iu
agents: or representatires ' shall be deleted from all certificates.
d. Active ���egligence. Coverage shall not extend to an�� indemnitv co��eraee for the
acti��e neslieence of the additional insureds in any case where an agreement to
indemnifi• the additional insured ���ould be invalid under Subdi��ision (b) of Section
2782 of the Civil Code.
e. i�%aiver ofSubrogation. Consultant`s insurer �vill pro�ide a ��jaiver of SubroQation in
favor of the City for each required policy providine co�zrage for the term requued by
this Aereement.
6. Claims Forms. If General Liabilirv; Pollution and/or Asbestos Pollution Liabilin and/or
Errors & Omissions coverase aze wTitten on a ciaims-made form:
a. Retro Date. The "Retro Date ' must be shonm, and must be beforz the daie of the
Agreement or the beginning of the Nrork required by the A�reement.
b. Maintenonce and EYidence. Insurance must be maintained and e��idence of insurance
must be provided for at least five yeazs after completion of the work required by the
c. Cancellation. If coverase is canceled or non-rene�-ed; and not replaced w�ith another
claims-made polic�� form �vith a "Retro Date ' prior to the effective date of the
Agreement_ the Consultant must purchase "extended reponina ' coverase for a
muumum of five }•ears afrer completion of the work requued by the=Aareement.
d. Copies. A copy of the claims reporting requirements must be submitted to [be Ciry
for revie�v.
7. 9cceptabilirv of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with licensed insurers admittzd to
transact business in the State of Califomia �;�ith a current a.M. Best's ratin2 of no less
than A V. If insurance is placed «2th a surplus lines insurer. insurer must be listed on the
State of Califomia List of Elieible Surplus Lines Insurers (LESLI) «•ith a current A.D4.
Best's ratina of no less than A X. Exception may be made for the State Compensation
Fund when not specificallv rated.
8. V'erification of Co��era�e. Consultant shall furnish the Cin �vith orieinal certificates and
amendaton endorsements effectine coveraee rzquired b� Section I.C. of this A�eement.
The endorsements should be on insurance industrv forms, provided those endorsemenu
' Paee �
Tw�o Parry�Agreement Beneeen the Cu}�ajChu[a Pcsre and E1 Afanage Tech to Prepare a Phase II S/ �
�pn� CONSULT AGR - DSD - E2?�4T
or policies conform to the requirements of this Agreement. All certificates and
endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. The
City reserves the right to require, at any time, complete, certified copies of all required
insurance policies including endorsements evidencing tbe coverage required by these
9. Subcontractors. Consultant must include all subconsultants as insureds under its policies
or fumish separate certificates and endorsements for each subconsultant. All coverase for
subconsultants is subject to all of the requirements included in these specifications.
10. Not a L'unitation of Other Oblieations. Insurance provisions under this Article shall not
be construed to limit the Consultant's obligations under this A�reement; includine
Indemnirv. V
D. Securitv for Performance
I. Performance Bond. In the event that Exhibit A, at Paragraph 18, i�dicates the need for
Consultant to provide a Performance Bond (indicated by a check mark in the
parenthetical space immediately preceding the subparaa aph entitled "Performance
Bond"), then Consultant shall provide to the City a performance bond, in the amount
indicated at Exhibit A, Pazagraph 18, in the form prescribed by the City and by such
sureties which aze authorized to transact such business in the State of Califomia. listed as
approved by the United S[ates Departrnent of Treasury Circular 570;
http://www.fms.treas.�ov/c570, and whose underwriting limitation is sufficient to issue
bonds in the amount required by the Agreement, and which also satisfy the requirements
stated in Section 99�.660 of the Code of Civil Procedure, except as provided otherwise
by laws or regulations. All bonds signed by an agent must be accompanied by a certified
copy of such agenYS authority to act. Surety companies must be duly licensed or
authorized in the jurisdiction in which the Project is located to issue bonds for the limits
so required. Form must be satisfactory to the Ri'sk Manager or City.
2. Letter of Credit. In the event that Exhibit A, at Paragraph 18, indicafes the need for
Consultant to provide a Letter of Credit (indicated by a check mark in the parenthetical
space unmediately preceding the subparagrapl-i entitled "Letter of CrediP`), then
Consultant shall provide to the City an irrevocable letter of credit callable by the City at
its unfettered discretion by submitting to the bank a letter, signed by the Ciry Manaoer,
stating that the Consultant is in breach of the terms of this Agreement. The letter of
credit shall be issued by a bank, and be in a form and amount satisfactory to the Risk
Manager or City Attomey which amount is indicated in the space adjacent to the term;
"Letter of Credit," in Exhibit A, Para2raph 18.
3. Other Securitv. In the event that E�ibit A, at Pazagraph 18, indicates the need for
Consultant to provide security other than a Performance Bond or a Letter of Credit
(indicated by . a check mazk in the parenthetical space immediafely preceding the
subparagraph entitled "Other Security'), then Consultant shall provide to the City such
Page 6
Two Parry A�reemen(Ben✓een Uie Cip'ojCHula ISstu and E?Manae e Teeh to Ptepare a P/ra.ce!!SI
other securin therein listed in a form and amount satisfactory to the Risk DZanagzr or
Cin Attornev.
E: Business License. Consultant a�ees to obtain a business license from the Cirv and to
otherwise comply ��ith Title � of the Chula V'ista�•funicipal Code.
A. Consultation and Cooperation. Cin� shall reeularlv consult the Consultant for the purpose
of reviewins the progress of the Defined Services and Schedule, and to proc ide direction and
euidance to achieve the objectives of this Aereement. The Cirv shall allow Consultant access
to iu office facilities, files and records, as deemed necessan and appropriate by the City,
throuohout the term of this A�reement. In addition; Cit�� agrees to pro�°ide the materials
identified at Exhibit A, Paza�raph 9; N�th the understandine �at dela}� in the provision of
those materials beyond thim davs after authorization to proceed; shall constirute a basis for
the justifiable delav in the ConsultanYs performance.
B. Compensation.
1. Follo�;�ine Receiot of Billine. lipon receipt of a properh- prepared bill from Consultant
submitted to the City as indicated in Ea:hibit A. Pazaeraph 17; but in no event more
frequently than monthly; on the da�� of the period indicated in Exhibit A; Pazaeraph 17;
Cin shall compensate Consultant for all services rendered b�� Consultant accordina to the
terms and conditions set forth in E�:hibit A; Pazaaraph 10, adjacent to the oovemino
compensation relationship indicated bv a "checkmark" next to the appropriate
arransement; subject to the requirements for retention set forth in Paragraph 18 of
E�ibit A, and shall compensate Consultant for out of pocket expenses as provided in
Exhibit A, Pazaaraph 11.
2. Supoortina Information. Anv billine submitted bv Consultant shall contain sufficient
information as to the proprien- of the billing, including properly executed payrolls, time
records, invoices. contracts; or �ouchers describing in detail the nature of the chazgzs to
the Project in order to pemvt the City to e�aluate that the amount due and pavable is
proper; and such billine shail speci5cally contain the Cih's account number indicated on
Exhibit A; Para�raph 17(C) to be chazeed upon makine such payment.
3. Esclusions. In detemunine the amount of thz compensation Cit�� «ill ezclude an� cost
I) incurred prior to the effecti�e date of this Aereemenr, or 2) arisins out of or related to
the errors, omissions; neQlieence or acts of ���illful misconduct of the Consultant, iu
agents, emplo��ees, or subcontractors.
a. Errors and Omissions. In the event that the Cit� Administrator determines that
the Consultant's neelieence; errors_ or omissions in the performance of �vork
under this A�reement has resulted in expense to Cirv. greater than ���ould ha��z
resulted if there were no such neelisence. errors. omissions. Consultant shall
reimburse City for an� additional expenses incurred by the Cirv. \othing in this
` Pase 7
Two Purt}�.4�reement Baween the Cin�of Chuln Dism and E1 Aforta�e Tech ta Prepare a Ph¢se/I SI � V
pazagraph is intended to limit City's rights under other provisions of this
4. Pa�Rnent I�'ot Final Approval. The Consultant understands and agrees that payment to the
Consultant for any Project cost does not constitute a City final decision about whether
that cost is allowable and eligible for payment under the Project and does not constitute a
waiver of any violation of Consultant of the tenns of the Agreement. The Consultant
acknowledges that City will not make a final determination about the eligibility of any
cost until the final payment has been made on the Project or the results of an audit of the
Project requested by the City has been completed, whichever occurs latest. If City
determines that the Consultant is not entitled to receive any portion of the compensation
due or paid, City will notify the Consultant in writing, stating its reasons. The Consultant
agrees that Project closeout will not alter the Consultant's responsibility to retum any
funds due City as a result of later refw�ds, corrections, or other sunilar transactions; nor
will Project closeout alter the right of City to disallow costs and recover funds provided
for the Project on the basis of a later audit or other review.
a. Consultant's Obligation to Pay. Upon notification to the Consultant that specific
amounts are o��ed to City, whether for excess payments or disallowed costs, the
Consultant a�rees to remit to City promptly the amounts owed; including applicable
A. Financial Interests of Consultaut
1. Consultant is Desi�nated as an FPPC Filer. If Consultant is designated on Exhibit A,
Pazagraph 14, as an "FPPC filer," Consultant is deemed to be a "Consultant" for the
purposes of the Political Reform Act conflict of interest and disclosure provisions; and
shall report economic interests to the City Cler�C on the required Statement of Economic
Interests in such reporting categories as are specified in Paragraph 14 of E�ibit A; or if
none aze specified, then as detemiined by the City Attomey.
2. No Participation in Decision. Regardless of whether Consultant is designated as an FPPC
Filer, Consultant shall not make, or participate in making or in any way attempt to use
Consultant's position to influence a governmenta] decision in which Consultant knows or
has reason to know Consultant has a financia] interest other than the compensation
promised by this Agreement.
3. Search to Determine Economic Interests. Regardless of whether Consultant is designated
as an FPPC Filer, Consultant warrants and represents that Consultant has dilisently
conducted a search and inventory of Consultant's economic interests, as the term is used
in the regulations promulgated by the Fair Political Practices Commission, and has
determined that Consultant does not, to the best of Consultant's knowledge, have an
economic interest which would conflict with Consultant's duties under this Agreement.
Pa�e 8
Two Partv Agreemercr Benveen rhe Cit��of Chula �sta m�d£3 Manage Teel�to Prepare a Please 17 S!
4. Promise Not to Acquire Conflictine Interests. Regardiess of ���hether Consultant is
designated as an FPPC Filer; Consultant fiuther w�arrants and represenu that Consultant
«ill not acquire; obtain, or assume an economic interest durins tt�e term of this
Aereement��hich would constitute a conflict of interest as prohibited bs�the Fair Political
Practices Act.
�. Durv to 3d��ise of Conflictine Interests. Re2azdless of���bether Consultant is desi�ated
as an FPPC Filer, Consultant fiir[her �varrants and represents that Consultant �i�ill
immediately advise the Cin� Attomey if Consultant leams of an economic interest of
Consultant's that ma}- result in a conflict of interest for the purpose of the Fair Political
Practices Act, and re�ulations promul�ated thereunder.
6. �ecific �V'arranties Aeainst Economic Interests. Consultant warrants; represents and
asrees that:
a. Neither Consultant, nor Consultant's immediate famih members. nor ConsultanPs
employees or agents (Consultant Associates) presently�have anv interest; d'uectl}• or
induectly, «�hauoei er in any property �3'hich mav be the subject matter of the Defined
Services, or in any propem� within 2 radial miles from the exterior boundaries of anv
propem� �;�hich may be the subject matter of the Defined Services; (Prohibited
Interest), other than as listed in E�ibit A; Para�raph 14.
b. No promise of futurz emplo«nent, remuneration, consideration, oraruin- or other
reward or sain has been made to Consultant or Consultant Associates in connection
�iith Consultant's performance of this Agreement. Consultant promises to advise City
of any such promise that mav be made durina the Term of this AQreement, or for
tweh e months thereafter.
c. Consultant Associates shall not acquue any such Piohibited Interest w�ithin the Term
of this A�eement, or for nvel�=e months'afrer the expiration�of this Agreement;
except�tiith the written permission of City.
d. Consultant may not conduct or solicit an�� business for an�� pam� to this Agreement;
or for anv third partv that ma�� be in conflict with Consultant's responsibilities under
this Agreement; except �vith the written permission of Cin�.
A. .�,pplication of Section. The provisions of this section appl�� if a Liquidated Dama�es Rate
is provided in Exhibit A, Paragraph 13.
1. Estimatins DamaQes. It is acl:no«ledsed b}� both parties that time is of the essence in the
completion of this Aereement. It is difficult to estunate the amount of damaQes resultine
from dela}� in performance. T1�e parties have used their judoment to arri��e at a reasonable
aznommt to compensate for delav.
Paae 9
T»•o Parry�.4�reement Sencem the Grv of Chu[a Ptria and E?.Mann�e Tech ro Prepa�e a Ph¢se II SI v
zPrv CO\TStiLT AGR - DSD - EZ?�4T
2. Amount of Penaltv. Failure to complete the Defined Services within the allotted time
period specified in this Aereement shall result in the following penalt}�: For each
consecutive calendaz day in excess of the time specified for the completion of the
respective work assigrunent or Deliverable, the Consultant shall pay to the City, or have
withheld from monies due; the sum of Liquidated Damages Rate provided in Exhibit A,
Para�-aph 13 (Liquidated Damages Rate).
3. Request for Extension of Time. If the performance of any act required of Consultant is
directly prevented or delayed by reason of strikes, lockoufs, labor disputes, unusual
govemmental delays, acts of God, fire, floods, epidemics, freight embargoes, or other
causes beyond the reasonable control of the Consultant, as determined by the City;
Consultant shall be excused from performing that act for the period of time equal to the
period of time of the prevention or delay. In the event Consultant claims the existence of
such a delay, the Consultant shall notify the City's Contract Administrator, or desi�nee, in
writing of that fact ���thin ten calendaz days after the beginning of any such clauned
delay. Extensions of time �vill not be granted for delays to minor portions of work unless
it can be shown that such delays did or will delay the pro�ress of the work.
A. Defense, Iodemnity, and Hold Harmless.
1. General Requirement. Except for liability for Design Professional Services covered
under Article V., Section A.2., Consultant shall defend, indemnify; protect and hold
harmless the City, its elected and appointed officers, agents and employees, from and
against any and all claims; demands, causes of action, costs, expenses, liability, loss,
dama�e or injury, in law or equity, to property or persons, including ��ongful death, in
any manner arising out of or incident to any alleged acts, omissions, negligence; or
willful misconduct of Consultant, its officials, officers, emplovees; a�ents, and
contractors; azising out of or in connection with'the performance of the Defined Services
or this Agreement. This indemnity provision does not include any daims, damages,
liability, costs and expenses (including without ]imitations, attomeys fees) arising from
the sole nesligence, active negligence or willful misconduct of the City, its officers,
employees. Also covered is liabilit�� arising from, connected with, caused by or claimed
to be caused by the active or passive ne�igent acts or omissions of the City, its aeents,
officers, or employees which may be in combination with the active or passive negligent
aas or omissions of the Consultant, its employees, agents or officers, or any third party.
2. Desim Professional Services. If Consultant provides design professional services; as
defined by Califomia Civil Code section 2782.5, as may be amended from time to tune,
Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officials, officers, employees,
volunteers, and agents free and harmless from any and all claims, demands, causes of
action; costs, expenses, liability, loss, damage or injury, in ]aw or equity, to property or
persons, including wrongful death; in any manner arising out of, pertaining to, or relatina
to the neeligence; recklessness, or willful misconduct of Consultant, its officials, officers,
employees, agents; consultants, and contractors arising out of or in connection with the
Page 10
Two Parh-Agreement Between the Cim ojChula Vrsia and E?Manage Tech to Prepare a Phase/I SI
performance of Consultant's sen ices. Consultant's dun� to defend; indemnifi, and hold
harmless shall not include an�� claims or liabilities azisinQ from tbe sole neglieence, active
nzelisence or �i�illful misconduct of the Cin-, its aQents, officers or employees. This
section in no ���a�� alters; affects or modifies the Consultant's obli�ations and duties under
this Ageement. � �
1. Costs of Defense and A�a�azd. Included in the obligations in Sections A.1 and A.2. abo��e.
is the Consultanrs oblioation to defend, at Consultanrs o«n cost, espense and risk; an�
and all suits, actions or other legal proceedines, that ma�� be broueht or instituted asainst
the Cin�; iu directors. officials; officers, employees, agents and/or ��olunteers; subject to
the limitations in Sections A.1. and A.Z. Consultant shall pay and satisfy an� judgment,
award or decree that mav be rendered aeainst Cin or its duectors, officials, officers,
zmplo}�ees; aeenu and/or volunteers, for anv and all related legal expenses and cosu
incurred bv each of them; subject to the limitations in Sections A.1. and A.2.
4. Insurance Proceeds. Consultanrs oblieation to indemnifi� shall not be restricted to
insurance proceeds; if an��; received bv the City; its directors; officials; officers.
employees; a�ents; and/or volunteers.
�. Declazations. Consultanrs obligations under �-ticle V' shall not be limited bv any prior
or subsequent declazation bv the Consultant.
6. Enforcement Costs. Consultant a�ees to pa�� any and all costs Cin incurs enforcinQ the
indemnity and defense provisions set forth in Article V.
7. Survival. Consultant's oblioations under P.rticle V shall survive the termination of this
A. Termination for Cause. If. throuah anv cause. Consultant shall fail to fulfill in a timeh� and
proper manner Consultant's oblioations.under this Agreement; or if Consultant shall violate
an� of the co�enants; a�reemenu or stipulations of this AQreement; City shall have the riQht
to terminate this A�eement bv ¢ivina ��ritten notice to Consultant of such termination and
specif}�ing the effective date thereof at least five (5) da��s before the effecti��e date of such
termination. In that e�ent, all finished or unfuushed documents. data. srudies, surve�s.
dra�2nss, maps; reports and other materials prepazed b�� Consultant shall, at the option of the
Cin�, become the properri� of the Cin�, and Consultant shall be entitled to receive just and
equitable compensation; in an amount not to exceed that pa�-able under this Aoreement and
less any dama�es caused Cin� by Consultant's breach; for an�� work satisfactorih° completed
on such documents and other materials up to the effective date ofNotice oFTermination.
B. Termination of?��reement for Con��enience.of City. Cit�� mav ternunate this A�eement
at an�� time and for anv reason; bv. si�ing specific �aritten notice to Consultant of such
termination and specifi�in� the effective date thereof at least thirty (30) da��s before the
effective date of such termination. In that e��ent. all fuushed and unfuushed documents and
Paae 11
7wo Pam Agreement Ba�.�eert the Ciry of Chuln VEttn and E2 Afana�e Jech to Prepare a Phase II S/ y
zr�-s� CONSULT:�GR - DSD - E2?�4T
other materials described hereinabove shall, at the option of the City, become City's sole and
exclusive property. If the A�eement is ternunated by City as provided in this paragraph,
Consultant shall.be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation, in an amount not to
exceed that pa}�able under this Agreement, for any satisfactory wark completed on such
documents and other materials to the effective date of such termination. Consultant hereby
expressl} �i�aives any and all claims for damages or compensation arisins under this
Agreement except as set forth in this section.
A. Record Retention. Durin� the course of the Project and for three (3) years followin�
completion, the Consultant agrees to maintain, intact and readily accessible, all data,
documents, reports, records, contracts; and supporting materials relating to the Project as City
may require.
B. Access to Records of Consultant and Subcontractors. The Consultant agrees to permit,
and require its subcontractors to permit City or its authorized representatives, upon request;
to inspect all Project work, materials, payrolls; and other data, and to audit the books,
records, and accounts of the Contractor and its subconYractors pertaining to the Project.
C. Project Closeout. The Consultant agrees that Project closeout does not alter the reportin�
and record retention requirements of this Agreement.
A. Project Completion. Within ninety (90) calendar days following Project completion or
termination by City, Consultant aa ees to submiY a final certification of Project expenses and
audit reports, as applicable.
B. Audit of Consultants. Consultant agrees to perform financial and compliance audits the
City may require. The Consultant also agrees to obtain any other audits required by City.
Consultant agrees that Project closeout will not alter Consultant's audit responsibilities. Audit
costs are allowable Project costs.
C. Project Closeout. Project closeout occurs when City notifies the Consultant that City has
closed the Project; and either forwazds the final payment or aclaiowledges that the Consultant
has remitted the proper refund. The Consultant agrees that Project closeout by City does not
invalidate anv continuing requirements imposed by the Agreement or any unmet
requirements set forth in a written notification from City
A. Assignability. The services of Consultant are personal to the City, and Consultant shall not
assi2n any interest in this Agreement; and shall not transfer any interest in the same (whether
by assi�nment or notation), without prior written consent of City.
PaQe 12
Two Parn�Agreemertt Between the Ciry•of Chu/a IQsta and E?D9axage Tech to Prepare a Plrase!/SI '
��Y covsuLT aGR - �s� - EzMT
1. Limited Consent. Citv hereb�� consenu to the assiQnment of the portions of the Defined
Services identified in ExYubit A, Para�aph 16 to the subconsultanu identified as
"Permitted Subconsultanu.°
B. O«�uership, Publication, Reproductioo and tise of DZaterial. All repons; studies,
information; data, statistics; forms, designs; plans; procedures; svstems and an�� other
materials or propenies produced under this A�reement shall be the sole and exclusive
property of City. \'o such materials or propenies produced in ���hole or in part under this .
Aareement shall be subject to pmate use; copyriahts or patent rights b}� Consultant in the
tinited States or in anv other country ��ithout the express �-ritten consent of Cin�. Ciry shall
have unrestricted authority to publish, disclose (e�cept as ma� be lunited bv the provisions of
the Public Records Act), distribute; and othernise use; cop}�right or patent in ���hole or in
part, any such reports; studies, data, statistics forms or other materials or propenies produced
under this Aareement.
C. Independent Contractor. Cih is interested onl} in the results obtained and Consultant shall
perform as an independent convactor ���ith sole control of the manner and means of
performing the services requued under this Agreement. Cit}� maintains the rieht only to
reject or accept Consultant's work products. Consultant and an}' of the ConsultanPs aeents;
employees or representatives aze, for all purposes under this Agreement; independent
conu�actors and shall not be deemed to be employees of Cin. and none of them shall be
entitled to an�- benefits to «�hich City emplo��ees are entitled includine but not limited to,
ovzrtime, retirement benefits, «orker's compensation benefits, injury leave or other leavz
benefits. Therefore, Ciri� �vill not «�ithhold state or federal income tax; social securitv tah or
any other payroll taY, and Consultant shall be solely responsible for the payment of same and
shall hold the CiN hannless with reeard to them.
1. Actions on Behalf of Ciri°. Except as City may specif�� in �;Titino, Consultant shall have
no authorit�; express or unplied; to act on behalf of Cit�° in anv capaciri whatsoever. as
an agent or othenvise. Consultant shall have no authorin°; eXpress or unplied, to bind
City or its members; a�ents, or emplo��ees; to anv obligation«hatsoever; unless expressiy
provided in this Agreement.
2. \o Obli�ations to Third Parties. In connection ��=ith the Project, Consultant agrees and
shall requue that its asents, emplo��ees; subcontractors a�ee that Cim shall not be
responsible for any oblieations or liabilities to anv third party, includine its. aQents;
employees, subcontractors, or other person or entity that is not a party to this Aareement.
\otwithstandine that Cir. may have concurred in or approved anv solicitation;
subagreement or third pam• contract at anq tier, Ciq� shall have no obliQation or liabilitv
to any person or entity not a party to this Aoreement.
D. Administrati�'e Claims Requiremeots and Procedures. \o suit or azbitration shall be
brought arisine out of this Agreement, against Cirv unless a claim has fust been presented in
�i-ritine and filed �vith Cin= and acted upon b}� City in accordance uith the procedures set
fonh in Chapter 134 of the Chula V"ista A•iunicipal Code, as same may from tune to time be
amended; the provisions of which are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth
Paee 13
Tuo Pam•A�reement Benaeen the Ciry ojChuln !%crta and E?Mana�e Tech�o Prepare n Phasell SI �
zr:� CO\SliLT AGR- DSD = E2LfT
herein, and such policies and procedures used by City in the implementation of same. Upon
request by City, Consultant shall meet and confer in good faith with City for the purpose of
resolvine any dispute over the terms of this Agreement.
E. Administration of Contract. Each party designates the individuals (Contract
Administrators) indicated on E�chibit A; Paragraph 12, as that party's contract administrator
who is authorized by the party to represent it in the routine administration of this Agreement.
F. Term. This Agreement shall terminate when the parties have complied w�ith all executory
provisions hereof.
G. Attorney's Fees. Should a dispute arising out of this Agreement result in litigation, it is
agreed that the prevailing party shall be entitled to a judgment against the other for an
amount equal to reasonable attomeys' fees and court costs incuned. The "prevailing party"
shall be deemed to be the party who is awarded substantially the relief soueht.
H. Statement of Costs. In the event that Consultant prepares a report or document, or
participates in the preparation of a report or document in performing the Defined Services,
Consultant shall include, or cause the inclusion of, in the report or document; a statement of
the numbers and cost in dollaz amounts of all contracts and subcontracts relating to the
prepazation of the report or document.
I. Consultant is Real Estate Broker and/or Salesman. If the box on Exhibit A, Pazagraph 15
is marked, the Consultant and/or its principals is/are licensed with the State of Califomia or
some other state as a real estate broker or salesperson. Otherwise, Consultant represents that
neither Consultant, nor its principals are licensed real estate brokers or salespersons.
J. Notices. All notices; demands or requests provided for or permitted to be given pursuant to
this Agreement must be in writing. All notices, demands and requests to be sent to any party
shall be deemed to have been properly given or served if personally served or deposited in
the United States mail, addressed to such party, postage prepaid, registered or certified, with
retum receipt requested; at the addresses identified in this Ab eement as the places of
business for each of the designated parties.
K. Integration. This Agreement, together with any other written document referred to or
contemplated in it, embody the entire Agreement and understandina between the parties
relatine to the subject matter hereof. Neither this A�reement nor any provision of it may be
amended, modified, �i�aived or discharged except by an instnunent in ��riting eaecuted by the
party a�ainst which enforcement of such aznendment, waiver or dischazge is sought.
L. Capacity of Parties. Each signatory and party to this Agreement warrants and represents to
the other party that it has leeal authority and capacity and direction from its principal to enter
into this Agreement; and that all necessary resolutions or other actions have been taken so as
to enable it to enter into this Agreement.
Paee 14
Two Parry�Agreement Between the Cin'of CNula Vsm and E2 Manage Tech(o Prepare u P/mse 77 SI
zrrr CONSliLT AGR - DSD - E2MT
I�4. Gocerning La��/��eoue. This Aareement shall be eovemed bv and construed in accordance
�;�ith the la��s of the State of Califomia. An�� action arisine under or relatine to this
Agreement shall be brousht onl�� in the federal or state courts located in San DieQo Count}=,
State of Califomiz and if applicable, the Cin� of Chula \%ista; or as close thereto as possible.
Venue for this .Aareement; and performance under it, shall be the Cin of Chula Vista.
(End of pa�e. Next page is signature pane.)
Paoz 1�
Tx•o Parry.dgreement Benoeen the Cry�ojChula 1•'uta and E?:Narsage Te[h to Prepare a Ph¢se 7!5/ �
2rrr CO\SULT AGR- DSD - E2�4T
Signature Page ;
to j
Agreement bet��een !
City of Chula Vista j
and I
�2 Manage Tech,
To Prepare a Phase II Environmental Site Investigation {Sn for �
a Property in fhe City> of Chula Vista
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CiTy and Consultant have executed this A�reement, �
indicating that they have read and understood same, and indicate their full and complete consent i
to its terms:
City of Chu1a Vista _
By: I
Cheryl Cox
Attest: J
Donnalloiris, City Clerk ;
Approved as to foim: i
. I
Gien R. Googins, City Attorney !
E2 Managetech,Inc.
B �
Julie Moe-Reynolds
Chief Financial Officer �
Exhibit List to Agreement: Exhibit A �
Eahibit B I
Page 16 �
Tivo Pnrty Agreeueen!Brlrveeri tLe Ciry ofQmlrt�stn m�d C2 Mannge Tec%ro Prepme n Plense II SI �
13-26 i
Agreement bericeen
Ciri' of Chula Vista
EZ �4aoaaetech, Inc.
1. Effective Date: The Agreement shall take effect upon full execution of the Aereement; as of
the effective dafe stated on paQe 1 of the 9�eement.
2. Ciri'-Related Entiri:
(k� Cin� of Chula Vista; a municipal chartered corporation of the State of Califomia
O The Chula V"ista Public Financina Authoriry; a
O I1�e Chula V"ista Industrial Development Authorih, a
( ) Other: , a [inaert business form]
3. Place of Business for City:
Cirv of Chula Vista
276 Fourth A�enue
Chula Vista. CA 91910 `
4. Consultant:
E2 lianagetech, Inc.
�. Business Form of Consultant:
( ) So]e.Proprietorship
( ) Partnership
(x) Corporation
6. Piace of Business; Telephone and F� Number of Consulfant:
12396 �4'orld Trade Dri��e, Suite 314
San Diego, CA 92128
(858) 217-5305
(858) 217-5310 faz
E-mail: dhernandez@e2managetech.com
Pase I i
Tx�o Pam�.4��eement Bmceert the Ciry of Chu(n {�ism and EI Mang e Teth to P�epare o Ph¢se II SI - v
7. General Duties:
Consultant shall prepare a Phase II Environmental Site Investigation (SI) for the following
property (Derailed property information is provided in Exhibit B):
1. Fifth Avenue - The Site consists of"T"-shaped area with approxunately 860
feet of frontage along Fifth Avenue, between Naples Street to the north and
Oxford Street to the south. The parcels are identified by Assessor's Pazcel
I�TUmbers (API�TS) 618-210-27-00 and 618-210-67-00.
8. Scope of Work and Schedule:
A. Detailed Scope of Work:
E2 shall perform a Phase II Environmental Sife Investigation (SI) for the properry listed
above in Section 7. The purpose of the Site Investigation will be to evaluate the RECs
identified in the Phase I environmental assessment and their pofential impacts for fuhue
redevelopment of the Site.
Fifth Avenue Scope of V1'ork
E2 has prepared the following scope of work to address the RECs at the Site. The scope of the
investigation includes soil and soil vapor media. Groundwater conditions are not addressed by
this scope of work based on the historicalinfonnation regarding groundwater depth.
Task 1 —Project Management and Coordination
E2 will coordinate access and the schedule of field activities between the City,
SUHSD management, personnel at the Site and subcontractors. This task also includes regulaz
communication with the City to provide updates and progress reports.
Task 2 —Coordinate EPA Authorization & Preparation and Submittal of SAP
E2 will notify the EPA of the proposed Phase II SI and intent to use grant funds per the Site
Eligibility Form that «�as submitted to the City for review on July 26, 2013 (approved by EPA on
August 15, 2013). E2 will prepaze a SAP in general accordance with latest EPA template dated
September 2009 and the City's Brow�nfield Assessment Grant Work Plan. The SAP template
requires historical information alona with the proposed scope of work includino a quality
assurance/quality control plan and a health and safety plan. For the purposes of this cost
estunate, we have assumed that the Phase I Report contains adequate background information to
meet ihe SAP template requirements. It is also assumed that, in consideration of the limited field
investigation activities, EPA will accept an abbreviated SAP that v�ould not exceed 20 pa�es.
E2 will prepare a drafr SAP document that will be submitted to the City for review and approval;
which will then be submitted to EPA for approval. E2 will coordinate communications and
responses with the EPA to obtain SAP approvaL This will likely include revisions to the SAP to
address their review comments, and publication of a final version.
Task 3 — Site Reconnaissance and Utility Clearance
E3 will request coordination with SLTHSD and/or theu UST maintenance contractor to mark the
Pa�e 18
Twn Parq�Agreement 8etween Ihe Ciry�of Cltula Pum and E2 Manae e TeCh to Prepare a Phase]I SI
locations of product lines and tanks associated ���th the UST svstem and the subsurface sump.
We also rzquest that plans sho��ing these features or an� Site utilities be provided.
E2 ��ill then conduct a Site reconnaissance to mazk the proposed boring and sampline locations,
and co evaluate the best locations for sampling near the Site features. The rzconnaissance «ill
indude furtber inspection of the waste��=ater collection tank and the hvdraulic lifr equipment
located in and around the Transportation Services buildina to help confirm appropriate
samplin� depths. The selected drillins contractor ma�� attend the reconnaissance to confirm
��hich ripes of equipment���ill be used to access the proposed drilline locations, to check the
surface conditions for��hether corins equipment ��-i11 be required, and confirm that no overhead
utilit�� conflicts are present. E2 will also review plans provided bv SUHSD or mazkings showin�
the liST s��stem features.
Follo��in�the initial Site reconnaissance and mazl:in� of the borina locations. E2 �;�Il notifi
Under�-ound Senice Alert (tISA) ofthe pending drilline activities at least 48 hours before
starting work. Additionalh�; E2 ���ll retain a contractor to conduct a Qeoph��sical sur��ey at the
Site in order to cleaz subsurface utilities at the proposed borins locations:To the estent feasible
and �t-ithin the time budeeted for the project; the geophysical sun ev �tizll also pro��ide
information regardina the dimensions of subsurface features addressed by the Phase II.
Task 4 — Soil Vapor Surve�•
E2 will conduct a soil vapor surve� to screen the subsurface for�olatile oreanic compounds
(V"OCs) and to address conditions notzd in the Phase I includina the UST s�stem (RECs 1 and
2); various current and historical hazardous materials and waste storage (RECs 3 and 4), the strip
drains and other features in the Transportation building (REC 6), and the wash rack and
���aste�;ater collection tank (REC 7). Additional locations will be distributed across the propem
to address site conditions, and to provide further coverase of the proposed residential
Fifreen soil borines ���ill be advanced usina a truck-mounted Strataprobe direct push rig; to total
�� depths of fifteen feet below around surface (fr b2s), or refusaL and converted to dual-nested
soil ��apor probes at depths of� and 1� fr bgs. Soil ��apor samples �ti�ll be analvzed bv a mobile
laboraton' on Site. Ground���ater is not expected to be encountered at this depth.
Soil vapor sample anah-sis will include 38 soil vapor samples from I� probes scrzened at 2
depths (30 primazti, 4 duplicates and 4 Purge Volume Samples) for VOCs by EPA D4ethod 8260.
Task �—Soil Samplina
E2 �rill conduct soil sampling at 14 locations. The soil borines ��ill be advanced usins a truck-
mounted Strataprobe d'uect push rio to the taz�eted depths. The follo��ine sampling depths and
anal�tical testine aze proposed and may be adjusted based upon information obtained durine the
Site reconnaissance and the review of additional historical records.
I. Residual contamination associated ���ith lustorical UST and dispensers based on the
proposed chanae to residential land use. ,
• Three borings azound the present day UST svstem. �i�th samples collected at depths
of 10, 1�; and 19 feet bas (or refusal), or as needed based on obsen�ation of soil
Pase 19
T»�o Parp•Agreemenr Ba»�een rhe GN af Chu[a Disw nnd E3 Afanage Tech m Prepare a Phase I/S/ �
z rrr CONSULT AGR - DSD - E2\-fT
conditions. Samples ��ill be analyzed for total petroleum hydrocarbons-cazbon chain
C4-C40 (TPH-cc) by EPA method 8015.
• Soil vapor sampling is planned in the three borings at > and 15 feet bes.
2. Althoueh there are no significant releases currently known from the existing USTs and
dispensing system; it is possible that releases have occurred. Apparent leakinQ around
the fuel dispensers; and leaka�e from an AST on one of the dispenser islands, are soine
areas that warrant further investieation.
• Two borings at the fue] dispenser islands, with samples collected at 2, 5, and 10 feet
bgs (or refusal), or as needed based on field conditions. Samples will be analyzed for
TPH-cc by EPA method 801�m.
3. The Site reconnaissance; combined with revie��of agency files_and historical records;
sho��� a long history of hazardous materiaUwaste use and storage. Observations of leaking
containers, and regulatory agency violations su�gest that unauthorized releases have
happened at various locations throughout the Site.
• Two borings will be placed near staining observed on the outside of the aboveground
oil storage, with samples collected at depths of 2 and 4 feet bgs. Samples will be
analyzed for TPH-cc by EPA method 8015 and CAM metals by EPA method
6000/7000 series
• I�'o other specific soil or soil vapor samples planned for this REC.
4. The storage of PCE «�aste in the small engine shop, and the historical use of this azea as a
machine shop, su2gests historical use of VOCs.
• \'o specific soil samples planned for this REC. Soil vapor sampling is planned in
three borings at � and 15 feet bgs.
5. In-ground hydraulic lifts, reservoirs, and associated trenches in the Service Bavs of the
Transportation building.
• Six borings w�th samples collected at 10 and 15 feet bgs, or adjusted as needed based
on the depth of the lifts. Two additional borings with samples collected
at 2 and 4 feet bgs in areas where hydraulic reservoirs or supply lines may be
located. Samples will be analyzed for TPH-cc by EPA method SO15m.
• Soil vapor sampling is planned in three borings at 5 and 15 feet bgs.
6. Strip drains with staining, and the unknown drainage destination in the Service Bays of
the Transportation building.
7. No specific soil or soil vapor samples are planned for this REC, however soil and soil
PaQe 20
Two Parn�Agreemen(Benveen the Cin'ojChula V'rsto and E?Manu�e Tech m Prep¢re a Pkase!I SI y
vapor samples collected in the �icuun for REC � are in the same footprint as REC 6.The
wash rack area and ��aste�j�ater collection tank located west of the Transportation
• Two borin�s ��ith samples collected at �; 10; and 1� feet b�s (to include
samples belo�i�the collection tank invert). Samples �ill be anal��zed for TPH-cc b}°
EPA method 801�, VOCs bv EPA method 3260B, and C�!\4 metals b��EPA method
6000/7000 series.
• Soil vapor sampling is planned in one borin� at � and 1� feet b2s.
Ten additionai sample anal�ses have been budeeted for VOCs, metals. PCBs and SVOCs based
on results of field findin�s and priman� anai�nical resulu.
Durino the drilline and sampline activities, borin� loes �;ill be prepazed.by field personnel in
accordance ��-ith the Uniform Soil Classification S��stem. Soil sampies will be field screened for
VOCs usine a photoionization detector. After the soil and soil vapor samples have been
collected, each borehole «�ill be bacl:filled �=ith a hvdrated bentonite pellets and the ground
surface �«ll be repaired to match the e�isting surface.
In�estieation Derived �Vaste indudins soil cuttines and decontamination ���ater will be
containerized in Department of Transportation approved drums pendine disposal. The cost
summary has budeeted for one soil sample to be anal��zed for waste disposal chazacterization
Task 6 —Report Preparation
E2 �vill prepare a Phase II SI report summarizin� the subsurface investieation. The Phase II
report �vill provide a brief back�round summary of the site, doc,ument the field activities that
�vzre completed, describe the results of the anal��tical testing and provide our findines and
conclusions. Tables and fisures ��ill be used to detail the borine locations and anal�tical results.
Borine lo�s ���ill be prepared and provided as an appendis in the Phase II repon. Detected
concentrations of contaminants of concem «�ill be compared to published health-based screenine
levels; or waste criteria, as available. The scope,of the repon does not include site-specific health
risk assessment or calculations.
A drafr copy of tbe Phase II SI repon will be provided to the City dieitally for its review and
comment. lipon receivine comments from the Ciri; a final Phase II SI repon w�ill be prepazed.
T�io hazd copies and one digital copy of the final repon «�ill be submitted to the City. EPA is
not anticipated to review and/or comment on the drafr of fmal Phase II SI report. It is assumed
that EPA ���ill accept a PDF version of the report submitted electronicall��.
B. Dare for Couunencement of Consultant Sen�ices:
(�) Same as Effecti�•e Date of A�eement
Pase 21
Two Pam•A�reement Bax�ern rhe Gry•of Chu(n Pisrn and E?Afnna�e Tech to Prepase a Ph¢se!I SI �
z=-r CO\SliLT:�GR - DSD - E2\4T
( ) Other:
C. Dates or Tune Lunits for Delivery of Deliverables:
• Deliverable No. 1: Draft Phase II SI for the property shall be provided to the City
within twelve to fourteen weeks from the auYhorization to proceed.
• Deliverable No. 2: Monthly status reports shall be provided to the City at the end
of each month.
• Deliverable No. 3: Final Phase II SI report for the property shall be provided to
the City by Mazch 1, 2014.
• Deliverable No. 4: The completed Phase II SI data shall be entered into the
EPA's Assessment; Cleanup and Redevelopment Exchange System (ACRES)
online database by June l, 2014.
D. Date for completion of all Consultant services: June 30, 2014. _ �
9. A�aterials Required to be Supplied by City to Consultant: None
10. Compensation:
Notwithstanding the below compensation terms, the total compensation for this Agreement shall
not exceed: Sixry eieht thousand two hundred and seventy six dollars and fi8y cents
A. (X)Sin�le Fixed Fee Arransement. �
For performance of all of the Defined Services by Consultant as herein required; Ciry shall
pay a single fixed fee in the amounfs and at the times or milestones or for the Deliverables set
forth below:
Single Fixed Fee Amount: $68,276.50, payable as follows:
Milestone or Event or Deliverable Amount or Percent of Fixed Fee
(X) 1. Monthly Payments. The City shall make interim monthly advances against the
compensation due for each Deliverable on a percentage of completion basis for each
given Deliverable. Any payments made hereunder shall be considered as interest free
loans that must be retumed to the City if the Deliverable is not satisfactorily
completed. If the Deliverable is satisfactorily completed, the City shall receive credit
against the compensation due for that Deliverable. The retention amount or
percentage set forth in Pazagraph 19 is to be applied to each interim pa}znent such
that, at the end of the phase, the full retention has been held back from the
compensation due for that phase. Percentage of completion of a phase shall be
assessed in the sole and unfettered discretion by the Contracts Administrator
desi�nated herein by the City, or such other person as the City Mana�er shall
designate, but only upon such proof demanded by the City that has been procided, but
PaQe 22
Two Parry Agreemenl Belween[he Cip�ojC/tula �s1a and E2 Manae e Tedr fn Prepure a Phase!1 SJ . �
z rn CONSliLT AGR - DSD - E2MT
in no event shall such interim advance pa�ment be made unless the Consultant shall
have represented in��ritina that said percentaoe of completion of tt�e phase has been
performed b��the Consultant The practice of makine interim monthlv advances shall
not convert this aereement to a time and materials basis of pa;�nent.
B. O Phased Fiaed Fee Arranaement.
For the performance of each phase or ponion of the Defined Services bv Consultant as aze
separateh� identified below, City shall pa� the fixed fee associated���ith each phase of Sen�ices,
in the amounts and at the tunes or milestones or Deli��erables set forth. Consultant shall not
commence Services under any Phase. and shall not be entitled to the compensation for a Phase;
unless Cirv shall have issued a notice to proceed to Consultant as to said Phasz.
O 1. Interim ?�4onthly Advances. The Cirv shall make interim monthl�� advances
asainst the compensation due for each phase on a percentase of completion basis for
each gi��en phase such that; at the end of each phase onlv the compensation for that
phase has been paid. An�� payments made hereunder shali be considered as interest
free loans that must be retumed to the City if the Phase is not satisfactorilv
completed. If the Phase is satisfactorilv completed, the City shall recei�e credit
against the compensation due for that phase. The retention amount or percentage set
forth in Pazagraph 18 is to be applied to each interim pa��ment such that, at the end of
the phase, the full retention has been held back from the compensation due for that
phase. Percentaoe of completion of a phase shali be assessed in the sole and
unfettered discretion by the Con�acts Administrator desianated herein bv the City, or
such other person as the Ciry D4anaeer shall desi�ate; but only upon such proof
demanded b�� the City that has been provided; but in no event shall such interim
advance pa�inent be made unless the Consultant shall have represented in NTitina that
said percentaQe of completion of the phase has been performed bv the Consultant.
" The practice of makina interim monthh advances shall not convzn this aereement to
a tune and materials basis of payment.
C. ( ) Hourl. Rate Arranaement
For performance of the Defined Sen�ices b}• Consulcant as herein required; Cit� shal] pay
Consultant for the productive hours of time spent by Consultant in the performance of said
Services; at the rates or amounts set forth in the Rate Schedule herein belo�v accordino to the
follotvin� terms and conditions:
O l. Not-to-Exceed Limitation on Time and Materials Arraneement
Nohtiithstanding the expenditure bv Consultant of tune and materials in excess of said
\�faximum Compensation amount; Consultant agrees that Consultant ��ill perform all of
the Defined Services herein required of Consultant for S68,2 i6.50; including all
A�iaterials; and other "reimbursables" (Maxunum Compensation).
Paee 23
Two Parp•A�reemeni Between the Ciry of Chula Gista arsd E2 Mano�e Tecfi ro Prepare o Phose II57 �
�.;.� CO\'SU-LT AGR - DSD - E2A4T
O 2. Limitation without Further Authorization on Time and Materials Arran�ement
At such tune as Consultant shall have incurred time and materials equal to
� (Authorization Limit), Consultant shall not be entitled to any additional
compensation without further authorization issued in writing and approved by the City.
Nothing herein shall preclude Consultant from providing additional Services at
Consultant's o�m cost and expense. See Exhibit B for wage rates.
O Hourly rates may increase by 6% for services rendered afrer [month], 20_; if delay
in providing services is caused by City.
ll. Materials Reimbursement Arran�ement
For the cost of out of pocket expenses incurred by Consultant in the performance of services
herein required, City shall pay Consultant at the raYes or amounts set forth below:
(x) I�TOne; the compensation includes all costs.
Cost or Rate
( ) Reports, not to exceed $ $
( ) Copies, not to exceed $ $
( ) Travel, not to eaceed $ $
( ) Printing; not to exceed $ $
( ) Postage; not to exceed $ $
( ) Delivery; not to exceed $ $
( ) Outside Services: $
O Other Actual Identifiable Direct Costs: $
, not to exceed $ - $
, not to exceed $ $
12. Contract Adminis�rators:
City: Janice HIuth
Senior Project Coordinator
Consultant: Travis L. Stravasnik
Senior Project Professional
13. Liquidated Damages Rate:
( ) $ per day.
( ) Other:
PaQe 24
Two Part��Agreement Ben✓een the Citv of Chulo VLsm and EI Murcup e Tech to Prepare a P/r¢re!!SI - y .
14. Statement of Economic Interests, Consultant Reponing Cate�ories, per Conflict of Interest
Code (Chula\'ista ?�4unicipal Code chapter 2.02):
(Y) ?�ot Applicable. \bt an FPPC Filer.
( ) FPPC Filer
O Cateeory\�o. I. Investments, sources of income and business interests.
O Categorv\TO. 2. Interests in rzal propem.
O Cateeon� No. 3. Investments, business positions, interests in real propem. and
sources of income subject to the regulatory, permit or licensing authoriri of the
department administering this Agreement.
O Category No. 4. Investmenu and business positions in business enuries and sources of �
income that engage in land development. construction or the acquisition or sale of
real propem'.
O Category No. �. Investments and business positions in business entities and sources
of income that ��ithin the past t�vo �ears; have contracted �ith the City of Chula
Vista or the Citds Redevelopment Aeency to provide sen�ices; supplies, materials;
machinerv or equipment.
O Catesorv No. 6. Investments and business positions in business entities and sources of
income that; �i2thin the past t��o �-eazs, have contracted ���ith the department
administerina this Asreement to pro�ide services; supplies, materials; machinen• or
O List Consultant Associates interests in real property �i�thin 2 radial miles of Project
Propem�; if an}�:
1�. O Consultant is Real Estate Broker and/or Salesman
16. Permitted Subconsultants:
Pase 2�
7wo Pam d�reement Benreen the Cur of Chuln Pisrn and E?:ifarsaae Tech m Prepare a Phase II S/ y
17. Bill Processing: � �
A. Consultant's Billin� to be submifted for the following period of time:
(x) Monthly
( ) Quarterly
( ) Other:
B. Day of the Period for submission of ConsultanYs Bil]ing:
( ) First of the Month
O 15th Day of each Month
(x) End of the Month
( ) Other: �
C. City's Account Number: 27240 �
18. Security for Performance
( ) Performance Bond, $
( ) Letter of Credit, $
( ) Other Securiry:
Amount: $
O Retention. If this space is checked, then notwithstanding other provisions to the contrary
requiring tbe payment of compensation to the Consultant sooner, the City shall be entitled
to retain, at their option, either tbe following "Retention Percentage" or "Retention
AmounY'until the City determines that the Retention Release Event, listed below, has
' occurred: •
( ) Retention Percentage:
( ) Retention Amount: $
Retention Release Event
O Completion of All Consul[ant Services
( ) Other:
O Other: The Retention Amount may be released on a monthly basis provided that
Consultant has performed said monthly services to the sole satisfaction of the Assistant City
Manaaer/Director of Development Sen�ices or his designee.
Paoe 26
Two Parp�Aereemem Berween the CiN af Chu(a I''um and£?:Nanae e Tech to Prepare a Pkase 17 S! . �v
zrrv CONSliLT AGR - DSD - E2MT