HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013/10/15 Item 12 _ --.-�� � _.-:��>;��-;� ` CITY COUNCIL �.c�_��.�� _ _.r: _:. '�- -=-s�- AGENDA STATEMENT �._ _ rr�; t^-:;��°� - ��Ili cirroF �`CHUTA ViSfA October 15, 20li. Item j� ITEDZ TITLE: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COLTi�'CIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUTHORIZII�'G THE CITl' I��\TAGER OR HIS DESIGI�'EE TO EXECUTE AI�' AGREEME\'T BETW�EEN SOUTH BAY COMI�4L7'ITY SERVICES Ai\'D THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA FOR IA4PLE�4EI�TTATION OF AI�i EMERGENCY SOLUTIOIvS GRANT RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAI�4 AND FUTHER AUTHORIZIi�'G THE CITY A4.4\'AGER OR HIS DESIGI�'EE. Ii�TCLUDII�TG THE PURCHASII�'G AGENT. TO EXECUTE TIIREE ONE- YEAR OPTIONS TO EXTEND BASED ON AVAILABITY OF ESG ENTITLE�4EI�TT F[T\fDS FROn4 THE U.S DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAi\' DEVELOPA4EI�TT SUBA�IITTED BY: DIRECTOR OF DE�'ELOPMEI�'T SERVICES I Gr�,, � " �J RE�TER'ED BI': ASSIST.aI�'T CITY A4A\'AGE 4hTHS VOTE: l'ES � NO �X SL1111AR1' The Cih� of Chula Vista ("Cin�-) solicited proposals for the management of the Ciri�'s Emeroenc}= Solutions Grant Rapid Re-Housing Program Rental Assistance ("Pro�ram'-) through a Request for Proposals ("RFP"). One response was recei��ed bv South Bav Communitt� Semices (SBCS) bv the submittal deadline. SBCS ���as selected based upon their extensi��e experience for this type of sen�ice and their abilitv to best meet the Ciri�`s ooals and objecti�=es in compliance with HUD`s ESG requirements. This action approves a contract ���ith South Bav Communiq� Services for administration of the rental assistance pro�ram; ���ith an initial "Authorization Limit ` up to �1�0,000 throueh June 2014, and authorizes the Cih� Manaeer or his Desienee; including the Purchasing Agent to execute three (3) additional one-year options to extend, based on future a��ailability of program funds from the U.S. Department of Housine and Urban Development. En`VIRONAIENTAL REVIEW The Environmental Review Coordinator has reviewed the proposed action for compliance witb the National Environmental Protection Act (I�rEPA) and has determined that tbe proeram qualifies for a Certification of Eaemption pursuant to Titie 24; Part �834(a)(2)&(3) of the Code Federal Resulations and pursuant to the U.S. Department of 12-1 Octoberl5, 2013, Item �Z Page 2 of 3 Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Environmental Guidelines. Thus, no further NEPA environmental review or documentation is necessary at this time. RECOMAZENDATION . Council adopt the resolution. BOARDS/COMA'IISSION RECOMMENDATION Not applicable. DISCUSSION The City of Chula Vista receives an annual entitlement of Emergency Solutions Grant ("ESG') funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") to fund activities that serve homeless persons. Council adopted Resolution Nos. 20li-077, 2012-073, and 2011-072, which approved funding for a Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing program (HPRP) with the intent of providing rental and security deposit assistance to house individuals who are facing homelessness. As a condition of receiving these rental assistance subsidies, families and individuals must meet program eligibility requirements that include demonstrating an economic hardship or housing crisis and that the recipients have recently become homeless. The Program's goal is to assist clients to regain stability in their living situation. Renta] assistance will be provided for an initial 6 months to qualified clients who can be re- housed and are able to meet the goals and objectives of a mutually agreed upon self sufficiency plan. Clients will be required to access mainstream resources and meet with a case manager on a monthly basis. Based on availabiliry of funding, an extension of assistance can be provided to those clients meeting their program goals and objectives towazds self sufficiency. The City of Chula Vista contracts for administration of the program since it is more cost-efFective than providing such.services in-house and ensures assistance from qualified and experienced third.-party professionals in this highly specialized field. On September 16, 2013; an RFP was issued for agencies interested in implementing a Rental Assistance Program using the City's ESG funds. The RFP was available through the City's Planet Bids system. One response was received by South Bay Community Services (SBCS) by the submittal deadline. SBCS was selected based upon their extensive experience for this type of service and tbeir ability to best meet tbe City's goals and objectives in compliance with HUD's ESG requirements. SBCS as Administrator: Administration of the program requires specialized knowledge of providing case management that leads to self sufficiency and calculation of rental assistance payments for eligible clients. SBCS, the proposed administrator for the implementation of a rental assistance pro�ram, has a regional presence and vast experience in case management services, rental and securit}� programs, and self-sufficiency programs. Additionally; they have direct experience in manaoing rental assistance programs. SBCS managed, as funding was available; the City's Tenant Based Rental Assistance Program from 2007 to 12-2 Octoberl�. 2013, Item�_ Pase 3 of 3 2009 and the one-time stimulus funded Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housine Pro�am from September 2009 to June 30; 2012. They currentl�� serve as the ESG HPRP administrator for the Counn� of San Diego sen�in� residents of Imperial Beach. The day-to-day implementation of the rental assistance pro�am aze to be performed b�° SBCS' bilin�ual staff with eapertise in the area of housins; as ���ell as social services. eo�emment sen ices. business. and data manaeement. Scope of R'ork: The followine itemizes the proposed scope of n�ork to be performed b�� SBCS, includin� � bat not limited to: • Processine of rental assistance applications to determine elieibilin� for potential clients: - _ • Pro��ide housing counseling and case management sen�ices to participants; • Develop a housina plan (���ith goals and objecti��es) �ti�th each client and recertifi� participant elieibility monthl��; • Outreach to landlords ���ho ���ish to participate in the program; • Process housins assistance pa}�ments on a monthly basis to participatine landlords; and � y • Provide outcome reports to the Cit�� on a quarterl}� basis. DECISION nZAKER CONFLICT Staff has re��ie«-ed the decision coniemplated by this action and has determined that it is not site specific and consequently the �00 foot rule found in California Code of Regulations section 18704.2(a)(1) is not applicable to this decision. CURRENT 1�:1R FISCAL IAIPACT The action ���ill utilize up to �1�0;000 in ESG funds for Fiscal Year 2013/2014 ("FI' 13/04"). FY li/14 funds are budeeted and available in the existinQ budget. Any options to extend ma�� be funded through the annual budget process based on the availabilin� of ESG funds. ONGOING FISCAL INIPACT There is no onooins fiscal impact to the City's General Fund as project and staff costs are co�ered bv the arants. ATTACIIl�IENT 1. Emeraenc�= Solution Grant Aereement Prepared b��: Jose Dorado, Project Coordinator, Dei�elopment Sen�ices Department, Housing Dirision 12-3 COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2013- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUTHORIZING TH� CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN SOUTH BAY COMMUNITY SERVICES AND THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF AN EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GFtANT (ESG) RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE, INCLUDING THE PURCHASING AGENT, TO EXECUTE THREE ONE-YEAR OPTIONS TO EXTEND THE AGREEMENT BASED ON AVAILABITY OF LSG ENTITLEMENT FUNDS FROM THE U.S DEPARTn4Ei�'T OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, as a Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) entitlement community, the City of Chula Vista receives grant funds under the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), and WHEREAS; pursuant to Council Resolution Numbers 2011-072, 2012-73, 2013-077 respectively, Ciry Council appro��ed the HUD Annual Action Plans which includes funding for a "Rental Assistance Program" using ESG funding; and WIIEREAS, HUD approved the City's FY 20ll/2012, 2012/2013, and 20li/2014 Annual Action Plans that included funding for a Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing; and WHEREAS, the City will allocate $147,519 ESG funds for a Rental Assistance Program to assist homeless families and individuals; and WHERAS, City staff through a Request for Proposals selected South Bay Community Services to implement a Rental Assistance Prograni; and WHEREAS, the City desires to enter into an Ae eement, which is on file with the City Clerk's OfSce, with South Bay Co�mnunity Services to implement the Rental Assistance Program; and WHEREAS, in the event that HUD withdraws the City's ESG funding, the City is not obligated to compensate South Bay Convnunity Services for,program expenditures. 1:Wttomev\FINAL RESOS An'D ORDWANCES\2013\IO IS 13\DSD-ESG 2013 Rcso SS ]0-9-13.docx 10/9/2013 12:01 PM 12-4 Resolution No. Paee 2 I�rOW, THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED, by the Citv Council of the City of Chula Vista that it authorizes the City Manaeer or his designee to execute an Agreement betvveen the Cit}• of Chula Vista and South Bay Communiry Services, a copy of which is on file with the Cin� Clerk's Office; for the implementation of an Emergency Solutions Grant Rental Assistance Program and further authorizes the Ciry Manager or his desienee, includine the Purchasine Aaent, to execute three one-year options to extend the Aereement based on availability of ESG entitlement funds from the U.S. Department of Housine and Urban Development. Presented b�� Approved as to form by � � Kelley G. Brou�hton Glen R. Gooeins Development Services Director Cip� Attornev J:V+nomev�Fl\.4L RESOS.�\`D ORDINANCES�2013\IO I S 13�DSD-ESG 2013 Reso SS IO-9-I3.docx 10/9/2013 12:01 PM ' . 12-5 " THE ATTACHED AGREEMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED AS TO FORM BY THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND WILL BE FORMALLY SIGNED UPON APPROVAL BY THE CITY COLTNCIL �,��—�='' `" Glen R. Googins City Attorney Dated: �� � AGREENIENT BETWEEN SOUTH BAY COMMLJNITY SERVICES AND THE CITY OF CHLJLA VISTA FOR MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATI . OF AN EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT PROJEGT RAPID RE-HOUSING PROGRAM 2013-2014 � 12-6 Attachment 1 CONTRACT FOR A4Ai�'AGENIENT A1��D I11�LEA�NTATION OF Al�` EDZERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANT PROJECT RAPID RE-HOUSInG PROGRAD4 2013-2014 The Contract numbered is entered into b�� and benreen South Bav Communin� Sen�ices ("Contractor') and the Cin�of Chula Vista (`City") on October 16, 2013. RECITALS �'1'HEREAS, there has been enacted the Emereency Shelter Grants (`ESG") Program contained in subtitle B of Title IV of the Ste���art B. I�9cKinney Homeless Assistance Act (the "Acr', 42 U.S.C. 1 li61. et seq.). The ESG Proeram authorizes the Secretary; U.S. Department of Housine and Urban Development ("HUD"), to make aranu to States; uniu of general local eo��emment, territories; and Indian Tribes for the rehabilitation or conversion of buildines�for use as emergenc�� shelter for the homeless; for payment of certain operatins espenses and essential senices in connection with emergency shelters for the homeless; and for homeless pre��ention activities: R`I�REAS, on May 20; 2009, the President signed in[o law "An Act to Pre��ent A4orteage Foreclosures and Enhance Mortgages Credit A��ailability" ���hich became Public Law 111-22. This new law implemenu a varieh� of new measures directed to�vard keepine individuals and families from losin2 their homes. Di�-ision B of this new law is the Homeless Emereency Assistance and Rapid Transition to the Housine Act 2009 (HEARTH Act), �ahich consolidates and amends the three separate homeless assistance pro�rams carried out under title IV of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 1 li7] et seq); R'FIEREAS; the HEARTH Act amendments to the \9cKinney-\'ento Act contains pro��isions requiring coordination; collaboration, and consultation bet��een Continuums of Care and ESG State and ]ocal eo��emment recipienu; «'f�REAS, the HEAR7'H Act; renames the former Emereency Shelter Grant proeram to the Emereenc�� Solutions Grant proeram to broaden existine emereenc}� shelter and homelessness pre��ention acti��ities to add rapid refocusin2 activities; y R'HEREAS, the Cataloe of Federal Assistance for the Emergency Solutions Grant program is 14.231: �4'HEREAS, the HEARTH Act also codifies in la�� and enhances the Continuum of Care plannina process; the coordinated response to addressino the needs of homelessness established adminisVati��el}� by HUD in 199�: �i'HEREAS.City of Chula Vista is authorized to apph� for and accept ESG funds and assist in the undertakina of ESG acti��ities: 2013-201�ESG Conman Paee 1 of 17 � 2—� WHEREAS, Ciry incorporated the Contractors proposal for the project described in Attachment "A" hereof (the "ProjecP') into the City's Community De��elopment Block Grant/HOME Investment Partnership/Emergency Solutions Grant Annual Funding Plan ("AFP") which was submitted to HUD; WHEREAS, Chula Vista City Council approved the Prqject on May 7, 2013 and HUD has approved the City's AFP far the ESG funds; and WHEREAS, Contractor warrants and represents that tl�ey are experienced and staffed in a manner such that they are and can deliver the services required of Contractor to City within the time frames herein provided all in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City and Contractor do hereby mutually agree as follows: All of the Recitals above are hereby incorporated into this Agreement. ARTICLE 1. CONTRACTOR OBLIGATIONS A. GeneraL 1. Work to be Performed. Contractor sha11 implement the Project described in Attachment "A" hereof(the "Scope of Work `) fully in accordance with the term of the AFP approved by the City and submitted to HUD in its application for funds to carry out the Project and the ceRifications which were submitted concurrently with the AFP ("Certifications"). The AFP and Certifications form is hereby incorporated by reference into this contract fully as if set � � forth herein. Contractor shall also undertake the same obligations to the City that the City has undertaken to HUD pursuant to said AFP and Certifications. Contractor's obligations include, but are not limited to, comp]iance witl� tl�e current and most up-to-date version of each of the followine: (a) The ESG Program contained in subtitle B of Title IV of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11361, et sey.) as amended; (b) The Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act of 2009 (HEARTH Act); (c) HiJD regulations relating to ESG Program (24 CFR Part 576), as amended; (d) HUD regulations relating to environmental review procedures for the ESG Pro�ram (24 CFR 576.57, subd. (e)); (e) Title VI of the Ci��il Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC § 2000d); Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Public Law 88-352); Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act, 42 USC § 3601, et seg.); § ]09 of the Housing and Community 20Li-2014 ESG Contract Page 2 of 17 12-8 Development Act of 1974; Eaecutive Orders 11246 (equal employment opportunirv) and 11063 (non-discrimination), as amended bv Executi��e Order 122�9; and anv HUD regulations heretofore issued or to be issued to implement these authorities relatine to civil riehts: � (� Section 3 of the Housing and Community De��elopment Act of 1974, which includes: 1. The ���ork to be performed under this contract is subject to the requireme�ts of section 3 ofthe Housing and Urban Development Act of]968, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701u). The purpose of section 3 is to ensure that emplo��ment and other economic opportunities eenerated by HUD assistance or HLJD-assisted projects co��ered b�� section 3, shall, to the greatest eatent feasible, be directed to low- and ven� low- income persons, particularly persons who are recipients of HIID assistance for housins. 2. The parties to this contract aeree to comph� with HUD's reQulations in 24 CFR Part 13�; which implement section 3. As evidenced by their e�ecution of this convact, the parties to this contract certifi� that theti� are under no contractual or other impediment that would prevent them from complying with the Part 13� reeulations. 3. The contractor agrees to send to each labor organization or representati��e of workers with which the contractor has a collective bareainine contract or other understandina, if an��. a notice advising the labor organization or �rorkers' representative of the contractors commitmenu under this section 3 clause. and will post copies of the notice i� conspicuous places at the�vork site H�here both employees a�d applicants for trainin� and employme�t positions can see the notice. The notice shall describe the section 3 preference, shall set forth minimum number and job titles subject to hire. availabiliq� of apprenticeship and [rainine positions; the qualifications for each; and the name and location of the person(s) takine applications for each o£the positions; and the anticipated date the N�ork shall begin. 4. Contractor shall include the section 3 dause in even� subcontract subject to compliance with reeulations in 24 CFR Part 13�, and shall take appropriate action, as pro��ided in an applicable pro��ision of the subcontract or in this section 3 clause, upon a finding that the subcontractor is in ��iolation of the regulations in 2� CFR Part 13�. Convactor will not subcontract ���ith am subcontractor where the contractor has notice or l:no�vledee that the subconvactor has been found in ��iolation of the reeulations in 24 CFR Pan 13�. �. Contractor N�ill certify that anv ��acant emplo��ment positions. includine trainino positions, that are filled (1) afrer the contractor is selected but before the contract is executed. and (2) H�ith persons other than those to H�hom the reeulations of 24 CFR Part 13� require employment opportunities to be directed.ywere not filled to circum��ent Contractors oblieations under 24 CFR part li�. 6. i�'oncompliance �vith I IUD`s reeulations in 24 CFR Part 13� ma}� result in sanctions; termination of this contract for default, and debarment or suspension from fumre I lUD � ZOli-2014 ESG Conmact Pase 3 of 17 � 2-9 assisted contracts. 7. �4�ith respect to work performed in connection with section 3 covered Indian housing assis[ance, section 7(b) of the Indian Self-Determination and�Education Assistance Act (2� U.S.C. 4�Oe) also applies to the work to be performed under this conuact. Section 7(b) requires that to the greatest extent feasible (i) preference and opportunities for training and employment shall be given to Indians, and (ii) preference in the award of contracts and subcontracts shall be given to Indian organizations and Indian-oH�ned Economic Enterprises. Parties to this contract that are subject to the provisions of section 3 and section 7(b) agree to comply with section 3 to the maximum extent feasible, but not in dero�ation of compliance with section 7(b); (g) The Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970; 42 USC § 4601, and implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24; (h) Office of Management and Budget Circular A-122 entitled "Cost Principles for Non- Profit Organizations '; Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133 entitled "Audits of States, Local Govemments, and Non-Profit Organizations" and with Office of Management and Budget Circular A-110 entit]ed "Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutio�s of Higher Education, Hospitals, and Other Non-Profit Oreanizations': (i) 24 CFR 576.�1, which requires each grantee to match the funding provided by HUD as set forth in 42 U.S.C. 1137�: (j) 24 CFR 576.53 conceming use of community facilities as an emergency shelter; (k) The folloH�ing laws and regulations relating to preservation of historic places: National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (Public Law 89-665),• the Archeological and Historical Preservation Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-291); and Executive Order 17593; (1) The Labor Standards Regulations set forth in 24 CFR 570.603; (m)The Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. § 4151, et seq.); (n) The Hatch Act relating to the conduct of political activities (Chapter l5 of Title 5, U.S.C.); (o) 'I`he Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1974 (42 USC § 4106 and the implementing regulations in 44 CFR parts 59 through 79; (p) The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-112) as amended, including Section 504 which relates to nondiscrimination in federal programs and HUD regulations set forth in 24 CFR Part 8: 2013-2014 ESG Contract Page 4 of 17 � � 2—� � (q) The Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. § 7401. et seg.) and the Federal R'ater Pollution Control Act, as amended (33 U.S.C. § 1251, er seg.) and the re�ulations adopted pursuant thereto (40 CFR, Part 6); (r) The Drug-Free �'�'orkplace Act of]988 (Public La��� 100-690): (s) No member, officer or emplo��ee of the Contractor, or iu desi�nee or aeenu, no member of the govemine bod}� of the locality in ���hich the proeram is situated, and no other public official of such localirv or localities who exercises am� functions or responsibilities H�ith respect to the program durine his/her tenure or for one ��ear thereafrer, shall have an�� interest; direct or indirect in any contract or subcontract, or the process thereof. for ���ork to be performed in connection with the program assisted under the Grant: and that it shall incorporate, or cause to be incorporated, in all such contracts or subcontracts a pro��ision prohibitine such interest pursuant to the purposes of this certification; (t) Contractor certifies, that in accordance with Section 319 of Public Law 101-121, to the best of his or her kno�i�ledee and belief that: (1) I�'o federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid; by or on behalf of the undersigned; to any person for influencing or attemptine to influence an officer or emplo��ee of any agencti�, a member of Conaress. an officer or employee of Congress; in connection H�ith the awardins of any federal contract; the making of am� federal erant, the makino of any federal loan; the enterine into of am� cooperative contract, and the extension; continuation, renewal, amendment or modification of am� federal contract. granL loan, or cooperative contract. (2) If any funds other than federal appropriated funds ha��e been paid or will be paid to any person for influencin� or attemptine to influence an officer or employee of an�� aeency; a member of Conaress; or an employee of a member of Coneress in connection with this federal contract �rant; loan, or cooperative contract the undersigned shall complete and submit Standard Form-LLL; "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbving"; in accordance �aith its instructions: (u) The American's w�ith Disabilities Act (42 U.S.C. sec. 41�1. et. seq.); (v) Contractor shall comply ���ith and make good faith and reasonable efforts to cam� out the purposes of Esecutive Order 12166 relatine to "Improving Access to Semices by Persons with Limited English Proficiency ("LEP")� (���)Contractor shall compl�- H�ith and make eood faith and reasonable efforts to cam out the purposes of Executi��e Orders 12432 and 11625 related to participation in federal programs by n4inorit}� Business Enterprises ("A4BE") and Executive Order 12138 related to paRicipation in federal proerams by R'omen`s Business Enterprises ("�VBE"); and (x) Contractor shall hold Citv harmless and indemnify Cin� against am� harm that it may suffer H�ith respect to IIUD on account of anti� failure on the part of the Contractor to comph� with the requiremenu of any such obligation. 2013-2014 ESG Contract � . PaeeSof]7 � 2—� � (y) Contractor shall comply with Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFAT) requirements established by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) concerning the Dun and Bradstreet Data Universal Numbering System (Di1NS), the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database, and the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act, including Appendix A to Part 25 of the Financial Assistance Use of Universal Identifier and Central Contractor Registration, 75 Fed. Reg.55671 (Sept. 14, 2010)(to be codified at 2 CFR part 25) and Appendix A to Part ]70 of the Requirements for Federal Funding Accountabi]ity and Transparency Act Implementation, 75 Fed. Reg. 55663 (Sept. 14, 2010) (to be codified at 2 CFR part 170), including any subsequent amendments. B. Compliance with Laws. Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local W laws, regulahons, and ordmances hen domg the work reqwred by this Contract. Contractor shall require sub-cont'ractors to similarly comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and ordinances when doing the work required by this-Co�tract. C. Insurance. Contractor agrees to comply with the insurance requirements as set forth below: 1. GeneraL Contractor must procure and maintain; during [he period of performance of this contract, and for twelve (12) months after completion, policies of i�surance from insurance companies to protect against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property that may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work under the contract and the results of that work by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors and provide documentation of same prior to commencement of work. 2. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage must be at least as broad as: (a) CGL. Insurance Sen�ices Office Commercial General Liability coverage (occurrence Form CG000]). (b) Auto. Insurance Services Office Form Number CA 0001 covering Automobile Liability, Code 1 (any auto). (c) N'C. Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employers Liability Insurance. (d) E&O. Professional Liability or Enors & Omissions Liability insurance appropriate to the Consultant's profession. Architects' and Engineers' coverage is to be endorsed to include contractual liability. 3. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Contractor must maintain limits no less than those i�cluded in the table below: 20li-2014 ESG Contract Page 6 of 17 � 2—� 2 General Liability: �1,000;000 per occurrence for bodilv injur��, personal injun�, (Including operations, (indudine death), and propem damaee. If Commercial products and General Liabilin� insurance �vith a eeneral ageregate limit is completed operations. used, either the aeneral ae_reeate limit must apply separateh� as applicable) to this projecdloca[ion or the eeneral aggreeate limit must be twice the required occurrence limit. . Automobile Liability: �1,000,000 per accident for bodih� injun�; indudins death, and propem� damaee. � i. l6rorkers' Statutorv Compensation $1.000;000 each accident Employers Liabilit��: 51.000;000 disease-policy limit �1.000.000 disease-each em lovee �. Professional Liabilirv �1.000.000 each occurrence - or Errors & Omissions Liabiliri�: 4. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and appro��ed by the City. At the option of the City, either the insurer ���ill reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as they pertain to the Cit��. its officers. officials; emplo��ees and ��olunteers; or the Conuactor w�ill pro��ide a financial guarantee satisfacton� to the City guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses. �. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability, automobile liability; and H�here appropriate, the workers compensation policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain. the follo�vine provisions: (a) .Additonal lnsureds. Ciry of Chula Vista; its officers, officials, emplo��ees; agents, and ��olunteers are to be named as additional insureds with respect all policies of insurance, including those with respect ro liabilit}� arisino out of automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by or on behalf of[he Contractor. where applicable, and. �vith respect to liabilin� arisine out of wrork or operations performed b�� or on behalf of the Contracror, including pro��idino materials. parts or equipment fumished in connection with such �ti�ork or operations. The eeneral liabiliti� additional insured co��erage must be provided in the form of an endorsement to the Contractors insurance using ISO CG 2010 (I1/8>) or iu equivale�t. Specifically, the endorsement must not exclude Producu/Completed Operations co��erage. (b) Prirnary Insurance. The Contractor's General Liability insurance co�•era�e must be primary insurance as it pertains to the Cip�; its officers; officials, employees, aeents, and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained bv the Cit��; its offcers, officials; employees; or volunteers is H�hollv separate from the insurance of the 20li-2014 ESG Contract Paee 7 of 17 12-13 contractor and in no H�ay relieves the contractor from its responsibility to provide insurance. (c) Cancellotion. The insurance policies required must be endorsed to state that coverage will not be canceled by either party, except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City by certified mail, return receipt requested. The words "will endeavor" and - "but failure to mail such notice shall impose no obligation or liability of any kind upon the company. its agents. or representatives" shall be deleted from all certi5cates. (d) Active A'egligence. Coverage shall not extend to any indemnity coverage for the active ❑egligence of the additional insureds in any case where an aereement to indemnify the additional insured would be invalid under Subdivision (b) of Section 2782 ofthe Civil Code. (e) Waiver of Subrogotion. Contractor insurer will provide a W.aiver of Subrogation i❑ favor of the City for each required policy providing coverage for the term required by this contract. 6. Claims Forms. lf General Liability, Pollution and/or Asbestos Pollution Liability and/or Errors & Omissions coverage are written on a claims-made form: (a) Ren-o Date. The "Retro Date" must be shown, and must be before the date of the I contract orthe beginning ofthe contract work. (b) Maintenance and Evidence. Insurance must be maintained and evidence ofinsurance must be provided for at least five (5) years afrer completion of the contract work. (c) Cuncellation. If coverage is canceled or non-renewed, and not replaced with another claims-made policy form with a "Retro Date" priorto the contract effective date, the Contractor must purchase "extended reporting" coverage for a minimum of five (5) years after completion of contract work. (d) Copies. A copy of the claims reporting requirements must be submitted to the City for review. 7. Acceptabilitv of Insurers. ]nsurance is to be placed with licensed insurers admitted to transact business in the State of California with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A V. If insurance is placed with a surplus lines insurer, insurer must be listed on the State of California List of Eligible Surplus Lines ]nsurers ("LESLP') with a current A.D4. Besrs rating of no less than A X. Exception may be made for the State Compensation Fund when not specifically rated. 8. Verification of Coveraee. Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates a�d amendatory endorsements affecting coverage required by Article I, section C. The endorsements should be on insurance industry forms, provided those endorsements or policies conform to the contract requirements. All certificates and 2013-2014 ESG Contract Page 8 of U 12-14 endorsemenu are to be received and appro��ed by the Cit�� before �vork commences. The City resen�es the risht to require; at any time, complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies; indudin2 endorsemenu e��idencine the co��eraee required by these specifications. 9. Subcontractors. Contractor must include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or fumish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractoc All co��eraee for subcontractors is subject to all of the requirements induded in these specifications. 10. Not a Limitation of Other Oblieations. Insurance pro��isions under this Article shall not be construed to limit the ConsultanYs obligations under this contract, indudin� Indemnin�. ARTICLE II. CITY OBLIGATIOI�S A. Compensation. 1. Amounts. City shall reimburse Contractor for the costs it incurs for work performed under this contract not to eaceed a maaimum reimbursement of S150,000. Contractor shall not submit claims to the Cim nor shall Ciry reimburse Contractor for costs for which Contractor is reimbursed from a source other than the funds allocated for H�ork under this contract. 2. Limitation. �Vith reeard to compensation stated in Article II, section A.1, above; Contractor may be reimbursed only to the extent and in the amounu that funds ha��e bee� made available pursuant to applications for Federal assistance. No City fu�ds in excess of those pro��ided by the.Federal go��emment under such applications may be the source of reimbursement under this Contract. 3. Compensation Schedule. Cit}� shall pa�� Contractor quarterly prooress paymenu upon certification and submittal by Contractor of a statement of actual espenditures incurred; pro��ided; ho�aever, that not more than 90% of the total agreed compensation will be paid durine the performance of this contract. The balance due shall be paid upon certification by Contractor that all of the required sen�ices have been completed. Payment by City is not to be construed as final in the e��ent IIUD disallows reimbursement for the project or any portion thereo£ The ]0% retention will not apply to acquisition or sen�ice contracts. a. Claim Due Dates. Contrac[or shall submit quarterly claims to the Ciry b}� the deadlines listed beloH� in order to meet HCTD's strict e�penditure standards: � Q1. July 1; 2013-September 30, 2013- Due Octotier 1�; 2013 Q2. October 1; 20li-December 31, 2013- Due January 1�, 2014 Q3. Februan� 1; 20li-A4arch 31, 20li- Due April l�; 2014 Q4. April; 2013-June 30, ZOli- Due Juh� 1�, 2014 ?0]3-2014 ESG Contract Paee 9 of]7 12-15 Failure to submit claims by these deadlines may result in recapturing of the grant funds. Any extension requests must be approved by all parties. 4. Exoenditure Standard. In order to insure effective administration and performance of approved ESG Projects and to meet HUD performance standards, Contractor agrees that it shall expedite implementation of the Project described herein expending all contracted funds within the term of the contract. In the event that reasonable progress has not been made and all funds are not expended within the term period, the City shall notify the Contractor of the expenditure and implementation deficiency. Contractor will have a , total of 60 days from the date of the City's written notificatio� to correct the deficiency. If the deficiencv is not corrected ti�ithin that time, Contractor agrees that the City may reallocate the amount of the eapenditure deficiency. ARTICLE III. ETHICS � - _ A. Financiallnterests of Contractor l. Disclosure Required. Contractor is required make the disclosures detailed in Attachment "C". Contractor may also be designated as a "ConsultanY' for the purposes of the Political Reform Act ("PRA") conflict of interest and disclosure provisions by the Cit}�; and shall report economic interests as required by the City to the Ciry Clerk on the required Statement of Economic ]nterests ("SEI ') i❑ such reporting categories as required by the City or the City Attomey; thereby becoming an "FPPC filer." 2. No Particiqation in Decision. Regardless of whether Contractor is designated as an FPPC Filer, Contractor shall not make, or participate in making or in any way attempt to use Consultant's position to influence a governmental decision in which Contractor knows or has reason to know Contractor has a financial interest other than the compensation promised by this contract. 3. Search to Determine Economic Interests. Regardless of whether Contractor is designated as an FPPC Filer, Contractor warrants and represents that Contractor has dilieently conducted a search and inventory of Contractor's economic interests; as the term is used in the regulations promulgated by the Fair Political Practices Commission, and has determined that Contractor does not, to the best of Contractor`s � knowledge, have an economic interest which would conflict with Contractors duties under this contract. � � 4. Promise Not to Acquire Conflictine Interests. Regardless of whether Contractor is designated as an FPPC Filer, Contractor further warrants and represe�ts that Contractor H-ill not acquire, obtain, or assume an economic interest during the term of this contract which would constitute a conflict of interest as prohibited by the Fair Political Practices Act. 2013-2014 ESG Contract Page 10 of 17 � 2-� 6 �. Dun� to Advise of Conflictine Interesu. Reeardless of whether Contractor is designated as an FPPC Filer, Contractor further w�arrants and represents that Contractor will immediately advise the City Attorney of City if Contractor leams of an economic interest of Contractors that may result in a conflict of interest for the purpose of the Fair Political Practices Act, and regulations promulsated thereunder. 6. Specific \Varranties Aeainst Economic Interests. Contractor warrants, represents and aerees: (a) Thai neither Contractor, nor Contractors immediate famih� members. ❑or Contractor's employees or a�ents ("Contractor Associates") presently have an�= interest, directly or indirectiy, whatsoe��er in any property which may be the subject matter of Attachment A, or in any propert�� within 2 radial miles from the exterior boundaries of any propert}� which may be the subject matter of the Attachment A, ("Prohibited Interest"), other than as listed on the SEI, if one��as required. (b) That no promise of future employment; remuneration, consideration, gratuity or other rew�ard or eain has been made to Contractor or Contractor Associates in connection with Contractor`s performance of this contract. Contractor promises to advise Citv of any such promise that may be made durine the term of this contract, or for twel��e months thereafrer. (c) That Contractor Associates shall not acquire anv such Prohibited Interest within the term of this contract, or for twelve months afrer the expiration of this contract, except w�ith the written permission of Cit��. (d) That Contractor may not conduct or solicit an}� business for any pam� to this contract, or for any third part}� that may be in conflict �+�ith Contractors responsibilities under this contract, except with the writte�permission of City. ARTICLE N. INDED'1NIFICATION � A. Defense, Indemnih�, and Hold Harmless. l. General Requirement. City shall not be liable for. and Contractor shall defend and indemnif}� City and its officers, agents; employees a�d ��olunteers, against any and all injury to person, includine death and dismemberment, or property (real or personal), claims; deductibles, self-insured retentions; demands, liability,judaments, awards, fines: mecha�ics' liens or other liens, labor disputes, losses; damases, expenses, charges or costs of any kind or character, includine attorneys` fees andycourt costs (collectively, "Claims'), which arise out of or are in an�� way connected ���ith the work co��ered by this Co�tract arising either directly or indirectly from any act error, omission or negliQence of Contractor or its officers. employees, agents, contractors; licensees or ser��anu, includine without limitation, Claims caused by the concurrent act; error: omission or negligence, whether acti��e or passive, of Citv, and/or its aeents, officers; employees or 20]3-2014 ESG Contract Pa�e 11 of 1 i � 2—� � volunteers. However, Contractor shall have no obligation to defend or indemnify City from a Claim if it is determined by a court of competentjurisdiction that such Claim-was caused by the sole negligence or willful misconduct of City or its agents or employees. 2. Additional Requirement. Contracfor and its successors, assigns, and guarantors, if any, jointly and severally agree to indemnify, defend (with counsel selected by Ciry), reimburse, and hold City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from any daims, judgments, damages, penalties, fines, costs, ]iabilities (induding sums paid in settlement of claims), or ]oss, including attorneys' fees, consultants' fees, and experts fees which arise duri�g or afrer the contract term for any losses incurred i� connection with investigation of site conditions, or any cleanup, remedial, removal or restoration work required by any hazardous materials laws because of the presence of hazardous � materials, in the soil, ground water or soi] vapors on the premises (hereinafter, "Premises'), and the release or discharge of hazardous materials by Contractor during the course of any alteration or improvements of the Premises of Cor.tractor, unless hazardous materials are present solely as a result of the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Ciry, its officers; employees, or agents. The indemnification provided by this sectio� shall also specifically cover costs incuned in responding to: (a) Hazardous materials present or suspected to be present in the soil, ground water to or under the Property before the Commencement date; (b) Hazardous materials that migrafe, flow, percolate, diffuse, or in any way move on to or under the Property following the Commencement Date; or (c) Hazardous materials present on or under the Property as a result of any discharge, release, dumping, spilling (accidental or otherwise), onto the Property during or after the Term of this contract by any person, corporation, partnership or entity other than City. The foregoing environmental indemnities shall survive the expiration or termination of the contract, any or any transfer of all or any porfion of the Premises, or of any i�terest in this contract, and shall be govemed by the laws of the State of California. 3. Costs of Defense and Award. Included in the obligations to defend indemnify and hold harmless, above, is the Contractor obligation to defend, at Contractor` s own cost, expense and risk, any and all aforesaid suits, actio�s or other legal proceedings of every kind that may be brought or instimted against the City, its directors, officia]s, officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers. Contractor shall pay and satisfy any judgment; award or decree that may be re�dered against City or its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents and/or volunteers, for any and all ]egal expense and cost incurred by each of them in connection therewith. � 4. Insurance Proceeds. Contractors obligatio❑ to indemnify shall not be restricted to - insurance proceeds, if any, received by the City, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents, and/or volunteers. 20li-2014 ESG Contract - Page 12 of 17 � 2-� 8 �. Dedarations. Convactors oblisations under Article IV shall not be limited by any prior or subsequent declaration by the Contractor. 6. Enforcement Costs. Contractor agrees to pa�� any and all costs Ciq� incurs enforcing the indemnin� and defense pro��isions set forth in Article IV. 7. SurvivaL The foreeoin� indemnities shall sun•ive the eapiration or termination of the contract any or any transfer of all or any portion of the Premises, or of any interest in this contract and shall be eovemed by the laws of the State of Califomia. ARTICLE V. TERIvII?�'ATION OF CONTRACT A. Termination for Convenience. Either pam� may terminate this-contract afrer thirty days N�itte� notice of inte�t to tertninate has been gi�Ten to the other pam�. Ho�vever, no �otice of termination given b�� Contractor shall be effecti��e unless HUD has aereed to release Cit}� from iu obligations pursuant to the Project. If the contract is terminated under this paragraph, all finished and unfinished documents and other materials described herein (inciudine, but not limited to items discussed in Attachment "A") shall; at the option of the Cirv, become City's sole and esclusi��e propertv. If the contract is terminated b�� City under this paragraph: Contractor shall be entitled to recei��e just and equitable compensation. in an amount based on a��ailable funds under the ESG Pro�ram or the Project. but not to exceed that payable under this contract for am� satisfactory ���ork completed to the effective date of such termination. Contractor herebv eapressly H�ai��es any and alI claims for dama�es or compensation arisine under this contract except as set forth herein. B. Automatic Termination. This contract shall terminate at the discretion of the City if the United States Government terminates the ESG Proeram or the Project. City shall provide N�itten notice to Contractor of the intent to terminate under such erounds. In that event. all finished and unfinished documents and other materials described�herein (including but not � limited to items discussed in Attachment "A") shall, at the option of the City, become City's sole and eadusive property. If the contract is terminated by City as provided in this paragraph; Contractor shall be entitled to recei��e just and equitable compensation, in an amount based on a��ailable funds under the ESG Pro�ram or the Project, but not in an amount to exceed that payabie under this contract, for any satisfactory w�ork completed to the effecti��e date of such tertnination. Contractor herebv expressly �vai��es any and all claims for damaees or compensation arisine under this A�reement except as set forth herein. C. Termination of Contract for Cause. Contractor and Cin� recoenize that the City is the eovernmental entity ��fiich executed the arant agreement recei��ed pursuant to the Cin�'s application and that Cih� is responsible for the proper performance of the Project. If Contractor fails to fulfill in a timely and proper manner its oblieations under this contract to undertake, conduct or perform the Project identified in this contract, or if Contractor��iolates any state la���s or reeulations or local ordinances or reeulations applicable to implementation of the Project; or if Contractor ��iolates any provisions of this contract. Cin� shall ha��e the right to terminate this 20li-201�ESG Contract Pa�e li of 1 i 12-19 contract by givine at least five days written notice to Contractor of the effective date of terminatioa Even if Ciry terminates the contract, Contractor shall remain liable to Ciry for all damages sustained by City due to Contractor's failure to fulfill any provisions of this contract; and City may withhold any reimbursement payments from Contractor for the purpose of set-off until the exact amount of damages due to City from Contractor is determined. Contractor hereby expressly waives any and all claims for damages for compensation arising under this contract except as set forth in this section in the event of such termination. ARTICLE VI. RECORDS RETENTION AND ACCESS A. Records and Reports. The Contractor shall maintain records and make such reports as required by the City Manager to enable the City to analyze and audit Contractor's project. All records of the Contractor related to this Contract or ti�ork performed under this Contract shall be open and available for inspection by HUD and/or City auditors during normal business hours. Records shall be maintained for a period of at least five (5) years after the end of the grant term. This provision also applies to subcontractors and Contractor will require subcontractors to comply ��ith this provision. B. Disclosure. The Contractor understands that client information collected under this contract is private and the use or disclosure of such information, when not directly connected with the administration of the City's or Contractor's responsibilities with respect to services provided under this contract, is prohibited by federal privacy laws unless written consent is obtained from such person receivine sen�ice and, in the case of a minor, that of a responsible parent/guardian. C. Quarterly Reports/Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER). Contractor shall provide the Ciry with a quarterly report, submitted no later than fifteen (15) days after the last day of the previous quarter, which includes a narrative of the services provided, progress towards meeting the timeline goals stated in the contract, and an itemized accounting of the eapenditures of ESG funds during the previous quarter, and number of unduplicated clients served. In addition, Co��tractor will submit an annual CAPER report. Failure to submit quarterly reports and CAPER report in a timely manner will result in withholding of ESG funds until the report has been submitted. Evidence of match must be submitted with each quartedy and annual report (CAPER). D. Due Dates. 1. Quarterly Report due dates are: October 15, January 15, April I5, and July 15 (Q4 and Year End Report). ARTICLE VII. PROJECT COMPLETION, AUDIT, AND CLOSEOUT A.Project Completion. Within ninety (90) calendar days 'following Project completion or termination by City, Contractor agrees to submit a final certification of Project expenses and audit reports, as applicable. B. Audit of Consultants. Contractor agrees to perform financial and compliance a�dits the � � - 2013-2014 ESG Contract � . Page 14 of U � 2-20 Ciq� may require. The Contractor also aerees to obtain anv other audits required by Citv. Contractor aerees that Project closeout will not alter Contractors audit responsibilities. C. Project Closeout. Project closeout occurs H�hen Cin� notifies the Contractor that Cim has closed the Project and either fonaards the final payment or acl:no���ledees that the Contractor has remitted the proper refund. The Contractor agrees that Project closeout b}� Cin� does not im�alidate any continuine requirements imposed b�� the Agreement or any unmet requiremenu set forth in a «�ritten notification from Cin� ARTICLE VIII. A4ISCELLA\'EOUS PROVISIONS A. Contract Administra(ion. The Cit}� Manaeer or designee sha11 administer this contract on behalf of the Cin•. The Executive Director of South Bay Communit�� Services shall administer this contract on behalf of the Contractor. Within a reasonable time after the Cin� makes a request, Contractor shall give the City progress reports or other documentation as required by the City's Contract Administrator to audit Contractors performance of this contract. B. Term. This contract shall commence �vhen executed b}� the parties and shall continue in effect until terminated as pro��ided herein or until Conuactor has carried out all its oblieations under the convact. Sen�ices of the Contractor shall start on the 16`h da�� of October 2013 and end ou the 30`" da�� of June 2013. �'�'ith Cit�� approval, this agreement ma�� also be extended by mutual aereement for up to three (3) years, in one year increments throueh June 30, 2017 . based on a��ailability of ESG Entitlement funds from the U.S Department of Housine and Urban . Development. C. Actions on Behalf of the Cih�. Except as Ciri ma�� specifi� in writine, Contractor shall ha��e no authority, express or implied, to act on behalf of Cit�� in any capacity H�hauoever, as an aeent or otherwise. Contractor shall have no authorih�. express or implied, to bind City or its members, a2enu. or employees; to any obligation whatsoe��er,_unless expressh� provided in this Aereement. D. No Obligations to Third Parties. In connection H�ith the Project, Contractor agrees and shall require that it's aeents, emplo��ees, subcontractors agree that the Ciq� shall not be responsible for any obli�ations or liabilities to am� third pam�, including iu aeents; employees. subwntractors, or other person or entity that is not a pam� to this Agreement. Nonrithstandine that the Cin� ma}� ha��e concurred in or appro��ed any solicitation, subconuact, or third pam� contract at an}�tier, neiiher Ciq� shall ha��e am� obligations or liabilities to such other pam�. E. Administratire Claims Requirements and Procedures. No suit or arbitration shall be brou�ht arising out of this contract. aeainst the Cin� unless a daim has first been presented in w�riting and filed with the Ciry and acted upon by the City in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 1.34 of [he Chula Vista Municipal Code, as same may from time to time be amended; the provisions of which are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth herein, and such policies and procedures used by the City in the implementation of same. Upon request by Citv; Contractor shall meet and confer in good faith H�ith Cit�� for.the purpose of resoh�ing any dispute over the terms of this A�reement. 20Li-2014 ESG Contract Paee-15 of 1 i � 2-2� F. Attorney's Fees. Should a dispute arising out of this contract result in ]itigation, it is agreed that the prevailino party shall be entitled to a judgment against the other for an amount equal to reasonable attorne��'s fees and court costs incurred. The "prevailing party" shall be deemed to be the party N�ho is aN�arded substantially the relief sought. G. Capacity of Parties. Each signatory and party hereto hereby warrants and represents to the other party that it has le�al authority and capacity and direction from its principal to enter into this conuact, and that all resolutions ar other actions have been taken so as to enable it to enter into this contract. H. Governing Law�/Venue. This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. Any action arising under or relating to this contract shall be brought only in the federal or state courts ]ocated in San Diego County, State of California, and if applicable, the City of Chula Vista, or as close thereto as possible. Venue for � this contract; and performance hereunder, shall be the City of Chula Vista. I. Audit Costs. Contractor shall reimburse City for all costs incurred to investigate and audit Contractor s performance of its duties under the Contract if Contractor is subsequently found to have violated the terms of the contract. Reimbursement shall include all direct and indirect expenditures incurred to conduct the investigation or audit. City may deduct all such costs from any amount due Contractor u�der this contract. J. Precedence. This contract constitutes the entire agreement of the parties and supersedes any previous oral or written understandings or contracts related to the matters covered herein. This contract may not be modified except by written amendment executed by each party. K. Notice. Any notice or notices required or permitted to be given pursuant to this contract shall be personally served by the party giving notice or shall be served by certi5ed mail. Notices shall be sufficient if personally served on or if senY by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to: Contractor: City: South Bay Community Services City of Chula Vista President and CEO Housing Manager 430 F Street 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista. CA 91910 Chula Vista, CA 91910 Signature Page to Follow 2013-2014 ESG Contract Page 16 of 17 � 2-22 SIGNATURE PAGE IT�T \�'ITI�?ESS WHEREOF, the Contracior and City have executed t}iis conh�act as;of tlie date first «Titten above. � CITY OF CHL7LA V15TA. James D. Saridoval Ciry Manage"r; Cifi of Chula Vista APPROVED ASTO FORM f Glen_R. Googips- � City At{bri�e}� i ; � j ' ATTEST � � ! City Cleik ' SOUTH.BAY COAIA7UNITY S�RVICES: �� � — - -i 1 / Ka4tuyn e . ;Presi ent and CEO � _ _. _. � - � � 2013-20I4 ESGContraa Page 17'of 17 12-23 ATTACHMENT A SCOPE OF WORK 50UTH BAY COMMUNITY SERVICES CITY OF CHULA VISTA I2APID REHOUSING RENTAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The Contractor shall provide the services to the homeless in accordance with the City of Chula Vista's approved application with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HiJD) for Community Development Block Grant and Emergency Solutions Grant Fu�ding. A: SERVICES: Contractor's Rapid Re-Housin� proeram provides financial assistance including security deposits; rental assistance, housing seazch assistance, housing stability services, mediation, financia] education includi�g credit repair, budgeting and money management; as well as rental assistance for extremely low income individuals and families, many of whom w�ill fall into Hi7D's definition of homeless (Category 1 and Category 4) that includes special needs populations (i.e. domestic violence victims, homeless youth, veterans, mentally ill, etc.). Contractor will recruit and screen each potential client for income qualifications and program eligibility, and provide those eligible with a number of housing related services: • For clients using Tenant Based Rental Assistance: Financial Assistance for security deposits of up to $1,000 and rental assistance for up to an initial 6-month period with the possibility of tN�o extensions, based on funding availability. Rental Assistance shall not to exceed $1,000 per month. Additional assistance includes the following: Utility deposits shall not exceed �125, credit checWapplication assistance shall not exceed $3�.00 per adult in the household. For tenant-based rental assi"stance, there is no requirement that the time period of the rental assistance agreement coincide with the term of the lease betti�een the program participant and the landlord. • For clients using Project Based Rental Assistance: Financial Assistance for securiry deposits of up to $1,000 and rental assistance for up to an initial 6-month period with the possibility of e�tensions not to exceed two years of assistance and based on funding availability. Rental Assistance shall �ot to exceed $1,000 per month. Additional assistance includes the following: Utility deposits shall not exceed $125, credit checWapplication assistance shall not exceed $35 per adult in the household. For project-based rental assistance, the initial terms of the lease and the rental assistance agreement must each be 1 year. • Housing Services includes, housing search assistance, housing placement, housing stability, mediation, financial literacy and credit repair. 20Li-2014 ESG Contract Attachment"A"—Scope of Work and Bud2et 12-24 • Provide HPRP seroices for up to 1� extremeh� low-income households (earnine less than 30%of the Area Median Income) who are homeless (Cate�orv 1 and 4) during the [erm of the contract. • Pro��ide sen�ices in accordance to the Cit}� of Chula Vista's \'�'ritten Standards for providing ESG assistance. All HPRP clients and their families w�ill have access to a ���ide arra�� of programmino includino individuaL group. and family counseline; shelter, transitio�al livin2, and support sen�ices to develop self-sufficienc�� lifestyles for homeless families, domestic ��iolence victims and their children, and homeless ��outh who ha��e aeed out of the foster s}�stem; transitional and other affordable housine programs; youth emplo��ment training and assistance; drug and alcohol prevention and inten�ention; domestic ��iolence pre��ention and inter��ention: community development semices and projects;juvenile diversion; gane intervention; afrer-school proerams; literac}�/tutoring; mentorine proerams; child abuse prevention and intervention; school-readiness services; and children's health and developmental screening. assessment and treatment. B: RECORD KEEPII�TG: Contractor ���ill utilize the Homeless Management Information S}�stem (H�4IS) to record client information and produce quarterly statistics for the City of Chula Vista. At a minimum, Contractor w�ill input the followine data elements: Entry Date, Exit Date, Aee, Gender; Veteran Status, Ethnicin�/Race, Special 1�'eeds/Disabilities, Prior Livine Situation, Amount and Source of Monthly Income (at entrance and at exit), Length of Stay (calculated automatically), Reason for Lea��ine and Destinatioa The Resional Task Force on the Homeless �vill provide Contractor implementation. trainine and technical support for using FII�41S. C: ESTIA�IATED BUDGET: Contractor H�ill make all eood faith and reasonable efforts to complete the work under this Contract within the following estimated budeet. In no case shall Contractor be entided to. or shall funds be reimbursed in excess of the total compensation described in ParaQraph I�'o. 3 of this contract. D. ELIGIBLE CLIEI�'TS: Contractor w�ill use the H[1D definition of homeless found in 24 CFR Part �76. as amended. Homeless Means: 1. Individuals and Families defined as Homeless under the followine cateeories are elisible for assistance in ESG projecu: � • Cateeory 1 —Literally Homeless • Cateeon� 4 —Fleeine/Attempting to Flee D\' 20li-2014 ESG Contract Attachment"A"—Scope of Norl:and Budeet 12-25 This final rule, published in the Federal Register (Vol. 76. No. 233) on December 5, 2011, integrates the regulation for the definition of"homeless," and the corresponding recordkeeping requirements, for the Emergency Solutions Grants program. E. Performance Measurements: Contractor H�ill serve up to 15 Chula Vista residents that are extremely low-income homeless individuals and families that meet HUD's definition of homelessness. Objectives Objective I: 80% of the program participants will find stable housing b�� the completion of their program. Objective 2: By June 30, 2014, program participants will complete a housine plan with goals and objecti��es that includes self sufficiency activities. Outcome Evaluation Outcome 1: Maintain case files documenting beginning status of activities (e.g. housing, no income, no bank account); compared to ending staws (e.g., finding stable housing; opening a bank account (if feasible), establishing income). Outcome 2: Staff H�ill administer Customer Satisfaction Questionnaires to help determine accomplishment of case plans. Outcome 3: Ensure each program paRicipant has applied for mainstream resources including Food Stamps; Medi-Cal, and affordable housing including Section 8 rental assistance and Public Housing. Outcome 4: Ensure clients are making program towards self sufficiency. F. Documentation of Homelessness (Recordingkeepine and Reportin2 Requirements &570.5001 Maintain adequate documentation of homelessness status to determine the eligibility of persons served by NCJD's homeless assistance programs. The documentation shall be obtained by the participant or a third parry at the time of the referral; entry, intake, or orientation to the ESG- funded project. Contractor shall maintain and follow writlen intake procedures to ensure compliance with the homeless definition in §576.2. A copy of the documentation shall be maintained in the client file. � G. Homeless Manaeement Information Svstem fHMISI &576.]07 Activities funded under this Agreement must comply with HUD's standards on participation; data collection, and reporting under a local HT47S. H. Shelter and Housine Standards &570.403 The habitability standards include Lead-Based Paint remediation and disclosure requirements. - � 2013-2014 ESG Contract Attachmeot"A"—Scope of Work and Budget � 2-26 Each assisted housine unit Emeroency Shelter must meet minimum habitabilin� standards adopted from the SHP�reeulations and current Emereencti� Solutions Grant euidance summarized below: Habitobiliq�srandards (24 CFR Part.i83.300(b). Except for such variations as aze proposed by the recipient and approved by HUD, supportive housine must meet the follo��ing requirements: Q) Structure and materiols. The structures must be structuralh� sound so as not to pose any threat to the health and safen� of the occupanu and so as to protect the residents from the elements. (2)Access. The housine must be accessible and capable of beins utilized n�ithout unauthorized use of other private properties. Structures must pro��ide altemate means of eeress in case of fire. - _ (3)Space and securih�. Each resident must be afforded adequate space and security for themselves and their beloneings. Each resident must be provided an acceptable place to sleep. (4) Interior air quality. E��ery room or space must be pro��ided with natural or mechanical ��entilation. Structures must be free of pollutants in the air at levels that threaten the health of reside�ts. (�) Woter supply. The H�ater supply must be free from contamination. (6)Sonimry facrlities. Residents must ha��e access to sufficient sanitam facilities that are in proper operating condition, may be used in privac��, and are adequate for personal cleanliness and the disposal of human waste. (7) Thermal emironment. The housine must ha��e adequate heatine and/or coolina facilities in proper operating condition. (8) Illumination ond elecniciry. The housine must ha��e adequate natural or artificial illumination to permit nortnal indoor activities and to support the health and safeh� of residents. Sufficient electrical sources must be provided to permit use of essential electrical appliances ���hile assuring safen� from fire. (9)Food preparation and refuse disposal. AIl food preparation areas must contain suitable space and equipment to store, prepare, and sen�e food in a sanitan�manner. (10)Sonitar��condirron. The housine and anv equipment must be maintained in sanitan� condition. (11)Fire safen�. 20li-2014 ESG Contract ' Attachment"A"—Scope of N'orA and Budeet � 2-2� (i) Each unit must include at least one battery-operated or hard-wired smoke detector, in proper working condition, on each occupied ]evel of the unit. Smoke , detectors must be located, to the extent practicable, in a hallway adjacent to a bedroom. If the unit is occupied by hearing-impaired persons, smoke detectors must have an alarm system designed for hearing-impaired persons in each bedroom occupied by a hearin�impaired person. (ii) The public areas of all housing must be equipped with a sufficient number, but not ]ess than one for each area, of battery-operated or hard-wired smoke detectors. Public areas include, but are not limited to, laundry rooms, community rooms, day care centers, hallways, stairwells, and other common areas. I. T4atchine Requirement §576.201 Contractor must make matching contributions to supplement th� ESG program funding received under this Aereement Matching contributions may be obtained from any source; including any Federal source other than the ESG program, as well as state, local and private sources. However, the following requirements apply to matching contributions from a Federal source of funds: (a) The recipient must ensure the ]aws governing any funds to be used as matching contributions do ❑ot prohibit those funds from being used to match Emergency Solutions Grant(ESG) funds. (b) If ESG funds are used to satisfy the matching requirements of another Federal program, then funding from that program may not be used to saYisfy the matching requirements under this section. (c)Recognition of matchiiag contribu�ions. (1) In order to meet the matching requirement, the matching contributions must meet all requirements that apply to the ESG funds provided by HUD; except for the eapenditure limits in § 576.100. (2)�The matching contributions must be provided afrer the date that HUD signs the grant agreeme�t. (3) To count toward the required match for the recipienPs fiscal year grant, cash contributions must be expended within tl�e expenditure deadline in § 576.203, and noncash co�tributions must be made �vithin the expendimre deadline in § 576.203. (4) Contributions used to match a previous ESG grant may ❑ot be used to match a subsequent ESG grant. � � � 2013-2014 ESG Contract Attachment"A"—Scope of Work and Budget � 2-28 (�) Convibutions that ha��e been or will be counted as satisfi�ing a matching requirement of another Federal erant or aw�ard ma}� not count as satisfi�ine the matching requirement of this section. (d) Eligrble h�pes of matching contributions. The matchine requirement ma}� be met by one or both of the followine: (1) Cosh contributions. Cash expended for allo�vable cosu; as defined in OD� Circulars A-87 (2 CFR part 22�) and A-122 (2 CFR part 230), of the recipient or Contractor. (2) A'oncash contributrons. The ��alue of any real propem�, equipment eoods, or services contributed to the recipient's or Convactor's ESG proeram, provided that if the recipient or Contrac[or had to pay for them with erant funds, the costs would ha�=e been allow•able. ?�joncash contributions ma}� also include the purchase value of any donated buildine. (e) Calculating d7e amow�t of»oncash contributrons. (1) To determine the value of any donated material or building, or of a�y lease; the recipient must use a method reasonably calculated to establish the fair market value. (2) Services pro��ided by individuals must be valued at rates consistent with those ordinaril�� paid for similar w�ork in the recipient's or Convactor's organization. If the recipient or Contractor does not have employees performing similar work, the rates must be consistent H�ith those ordinaril}� paid by other emplo��ers for similar H�ork in the same labor market. (3) Some noncash contributions are real property, equipment, goods; or services that, if the recipient or Contractor had to pay for them with grant funds, the pa}�ments would ha��e been indirect costs. A4atching credit for these contributions must be gi��en only if the recipient or Contractor has esfablished, along ���ith its reeular indirect cost rate, a special rate for allocatin� to individual projects or proerams the value of those.contributions. (� Costs poid by progrom income. Costs paid by program income shall count toward meeting the recipient's matching requiremenu; pro��ided the costs are eligible ESG cosu that supplement the recipient's ESG program. l. Estimated Budset: Contractor ���ill make all sood faith and reasonable efforts to complete the ���ork under this Contract �vithin the followine estimated budeet. In no case shall Contractor be entitled to, or shall funds be reimbursed in escess of; the total compensation described in Paraeraph I�'o. 3 (COD'IPEI�SATIOI�' SEC710\� ofthis Contract. 20li-2014 ESG Contract Attachment"A`—Scope of�1'orl:and Budeet � 2-29 I SOUTH BAY COMMUNITY SERVICES City of CV Rental Assistance � Oct 16,2013-Jun 30,2014 Annual %to PERSONNEL Salary Program TOTAL Reauested Match Department Director� 5102,000 10°h .5,10,2D0 �0 510,200 Program Coordinator S 50,925 i2°i, 6;111 3,565 2;546 FSS Associate � 5 52,a45 100% 52,445 � �-0 52,445 Contraa.Compliance S-44,782 �5°h� 2,239 .2,239 - - 0 Staff Accountant 5.50,000 i0°k �S,O�D 0 s,000 LISC-Vol 5 �15,000 100°k 15,000 15.000 0 Sub-TotalSalaries $90,995 $�2U,604 5, 70,191. FICA 6,961 444 6,51Z - SUI. 706 36. 671 Pension 9;100 580. 8,520 Health Insurence� 16;116 �8'16 15,300 -TOTAL PERSONNEL $123,878 $�22,680 5 707�,198 NON-PERSONNEI Equipment-PC 950 950 0 Insurence Liability� 1,D82 332 75D Insurance WlCompensation 7,542 138 1,404 Mileage 100 mis/mth x 5.56 672 0 672 Printing 900 9D0 � Office Supplies 2,400 0 2,400 Program Supplies - 3,600 0 3,600 Rental Asst Services 125,OD0 125,D00 0 Rent - 7,50D 0 7,500 Telephone 1,500 D 1,500 UGIiGes. 1,444 0 1;444 VJrapfunds 5.000 �0 5.000 TOTAL DIRECT COST $275,466 $15Q000� 5-125,468 Indirect @.12:9% 35:535 35:535 TOTAC COST � $�. '319,002 . $15D,000 $ 161,002 2013-2014 ESG Contract Anachment"A"-Scope of Work and Budget 12-30 ATTACHMENT"B" _ 2013 San Diego Income Limits& Self Certification Form Median Income: $72,300 . � � �� HH of 1: I $ 16,950 HH of 2: $ 19,400 HH of 3: $ . 21,800 HH of 4: $ 24,200 HH of 5: $ 26,150 HH of 6: $ 28,100 HH of 7: $ 30,050 HH of 8: $ 31,950 Saurce: http://www.huduser.or�/portal/datasets/i I/i113/index.html 20li-2014 ESG Contract - Attachment"B"—Income Limiu 12-31 City Disclosure Fonn on File 2013-2014 ESG Contract Attachmem"C°-Disclosure Statemen[ 12-32 � Contact: R0661NS, LOU-ELLEN Emai I: Irobbins@aeiger.com &andsp(ration� Quote Generaed on 2013-70-09 i2:04:37 for SOn 6780009,Cuslomer Order_P47595 Customer Shipping Billing a�vo�c�uU+wsra i; —� ' � ,, cirr o�cHU�a,visTn `: FINANCE DEPARTMENT(MC) ; ; FINANCE DEPARTMENT(MC) : DE?T OF CONSERVATION 8 ENV �� j i j DEPT OF CONSERVATION 8 ENV � SERVICES � i SERVICES � PO BOX 7087 j � PO BOX 1087 � CHUL4 VISTA C.4,91912-1087 i ; CHULA VISTA CA,91912-1087 � US.4 ' ! ' USA : 679397c'222 ' � � ; � � � � MANUcLM@CI.CHULA-VISTA.CA.US Products E ` � � RequestedShip , �� �. '-� . , ' �- `- �UnitSalel Descriphon - - ,� Shipping�Method' • Date . - In-Harids Date � . aty.`� ,� �Price� KEYCiiAIN,MINI FLASHLIGHT� UPS-Ground COMMERCIAL 10/2312013 500.0 50.850 Specifications for KEYCHAIN, MINI FLASHLIGHT Imprint insVUCtions and location: i �� _ -- . Art: ;Decorated Goods I SETUP CHARGE UPS-Ground COMMcRCIAL 1U123l2013 " 1.0 520.000 �Specifications for SETUP CHARGE- . �� � � - . r � . . � Imprint instructions and location: �_ �`-_—�` � • � Art: I Blank Goods � PAPE.R/EFAAIL PROOF S{item.get('mannerOtTranspon')} 1.0 50.007 Specifications for PAPER/EMAIL PROOF Art: � Blank Goods _ _� Estimated Total Sale 5445.00 Note:Freight and Taz costs are not inGuded in total shown. Nmen zpplicable,order is subject ro a 10%over or under run and appropriate prorated adjustment will be matle to the imoice rz�lecting ihe ac:ual quantip�shipped. This sampl=,bo;h product and wncept,are Ihe property of Geiger.By accepting this sample and idea the buyer acknowledges that Geiger has made both a 5nancial and conceptual investment and therefore agrees not to share either pricing or product concept. ClientAccepWnce � . �--- — –�– –- —�—� Signature: i � � � ` 1 I I j .�_ _____ -__ __� �' f 12-33 Print Name' �! . j � . . . q . . , . . .. , ..._.__..._�......�......�..�.�._'_...�._..�._.._._._:..._....�...................�_J..�..'_'_'.__..�._._...«.:.......,_...,...�..__._ , .........................�.:�...........�_........__.Y._� � , Date: � � � � � � (- � . " . � . � . � " � ., . . , �-j' ^ ' , . . : . .' . � .,. , � . i��. � i, . . . � . � . '� . 3. i�- ��...�.�� . .r.. ��y._Tt�._ �_" .....:.... r. . ._ .�.. .�_ �_J' F .. � . . . ��:- .. -. . .. . . ._.. ,...._._.. �.. .. .�.....__ . � ...._.L .__'... _ . ..1'_ .. : ..._.�_ . ._._�.PL...__ . ,� :.. .. . ...:. .i_I .�a__ . ��_'" 12-34