HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013/10/01 Item 05 -- - -- �= -� CITY COUNCIL � � . � AGENDA STATEMENT , . � _ '. �: `��'I'�—, crrv oF CHULA VISTA 10/O1/20li. Item 5 ITED1 TITLE: RESOLUTION OF Tf� CITY COLT\'CIL OF THE CITY OF CHUZA V"ISTA n�fAICING VARIOUS ���;NDl��TS TO TI-IE FISCAL 1'EAR 2012/l.i BUDGET TO ADNST FOR \%ARLA\TCES tL\�D APPROPRIATL�'G FL�'DS TI-IEREFOR SU�B��IITTED BI': DIl2ECTOR OF FIN.Si\'CElTREASURER � � M K' ASSIST.�\'T CITY MP\AGER�' REVTER'ED BI': CITY ntiANAGER C4f forJ.S. 4/�THS VOTE: PES ❑X NO CI StiAZ!�•LaR1' In preparine the �ear-end financial repoR, staff has identified various budget chanses that are needed to alien the budaet �vith veaz-end actuals. For eovernment entities. a budset creates a leeal frame�iork for spending during the fiscal pear. After the budget is approved there are circumstances, which arise that could require adjustments to the appro��ed budget. Council Policy 220-02 "Financial Reporting and Transfer Authorih�" ���as established in Januazy of 1996 and allows for budget transfers to be completed. Transfers exceedinQ �1�,000 require Council approval. Funher, Council may amend the budeet at anv meeting afrer the adoption of the bud�et �r•ith a 4/�ths vote. Staff is recommendine chanees in the General Fund as �vell as �°arious other funds that requue Council approval. � � EN�TRONn�NTAL REVIE�i' The Environmental Revie�v Coordinator has revie�ved the proposed acticin� for compliance ��th the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has detemuned that the proposed action is not a "Projecr' as defined under Section 1�378 of the State CEQA Guidelines because it will not result in a physical change to the environment; therefore; pursuant to Section 1�060(c)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines the acuons proposed are not subject to CEQA. REC0�1l�IENDATIO\ That City Council approves the resolution. 5-1 ,- OCTOBER 1. 2013. Item � Paae 2 of 6 BOARDS/COMNIISSION RECOMMENDATION I��ot Applicable. DISCUSSION In preparing the year-end financial report, staff has identified various budeet changes ihat are needed to better reflect actual revenues and expenditures. For govemmen2 entities, a budaet creates a le�al framework for spending during the fiscal year. After the budget is approved there are circumstances, ��hich arise that could require adjustments to the approved budget. Council Policy 220-02 "Financial Reporting and Transfer Authority" was established in January of 1996 and allo���s for budaet transfers to be completed. Transfers exceeding $15;000 require Council approval. Further, Council may amend the budget at any meeting after the adoption of the bud�et with a 4/�ths vote. Staff is recommending changes in the General Fund as well as various other funds that require Council approval. General Fund Amendments Staff is recommending budget amendments in City Attomey, Non-Departmental, Police, Fire, Public Works; and Librazy departments. These changes result in no net fiscal impact to the General Fund. City Attomey —.In the ihird quarter report accepted by Council on May 28, 2013, attomey services was identified as a potential bud2et issue. Due to several outstandin� legal expenses in major cases, a transfer of funds for costs related to attomey services is now being requested. The Office of the City Attorney has enough savings in the Personnel Services category to cover this transfer to Supplies and Services in the amount of$48;289. This change would result in no net fiscal impact to the General Fund. Non-Departmental — Staff is requesting several adjustments to the Non-Departmental Transfers Out category which result in a no net fiscal impact to the General Fund. The requested chanees are as follows: • Due to unanticipated personnel expenditures within the Police Grants Fund, staff is requesting an adjustment of $1�,612 of the Non-Departmental transfer out to the Police Grants Fund. This increase will be offset by a decrease of$15,612 to the transfer out to the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Program. This adjustment results in no net fiscal impact to the General Fund. • The Citywide Cost Recovery Policy approves a subsidy from the General Fund to the Development Services Fund for certain types of permits (furnace, .wall heater, gas systems, water heater (first heater only), photovoltaic systems, large family day care, historic designation; and A4ills Act status). From July 1, 2012 throush June 30, 2013 a hi�her number of permits were issued than were estimated, which caused the General Fund subsidy to exceed the budgeted amount. Staff is requesting an appropriation of �141;178 to Non-Departmental Transfers Out category. • Due to an increase in fleet maintenance costs and to address a deficit within the Central Garage Fund, staff is requesting an appropriation of $300,000 to Transfers Out cateeory of the I`ron-Departmental department. 5-2 OCTOBER 1. 20li. Item 5 PaQe 3 of 6 • Unanticipated Sales Ta� revenues ha�-e been realized and can be used to offset the hiQher than e�:pected Transfers Out to the Development Sen�ices Fund and Central Gazase Fund. In total; the changes �ill result in an appropriation of �441,178, whicb will be fullv rerenue offset and «�ill therefore have a no net fiscal impact to the General Fund. Police — In August 2012, the Police Depanment awazded contracts for prisoner transportation services ��ith an estimated annual amount of �67;000. Actual costs for these services were hiQher than anticipated, which created an overaee in the Department's Supplies and Services category. An appropriate budget amount for prisoner transponation sen�ices has been established in fiscal yeaz 20li-14. Department staff still belie�es that there aze both operational and fiscal benefits of hiring an outside contractor to provide prisoner transponation services rather than havine officers spend si�nificant tune drivinQ arrestees to be booked at other facilities. Staff is requestine a transfer of��8,609 from the Police Department's Other Ezpenses categorv to their Supplies and Sen�ices categor}� to cover this overage. This transfer results in no net fiscal impact to the General Fund. Fire — Staff is requestine the follo��'ine budget adjustments for the Fire Department, which will be offset by an increase in unanticipated Fire Department revenues. These changes result in no net impact to the General Fund. • Due to pest problem at various fire stations, the Fire Department had unanticipated costs in the Supplies and Sen�ices category. These costs consisted of hirine a pest controi company and replacing major appliances includine multiple ���ashers and dn�ers. An appropriaiion of �67,219 is requested to the Fire Departmenrs Supplies and Services Cateeorv. . • Due to vacancies eazlier in tbe fiscal ��ear; the Fire Department has exceedzd the budgei for Constant Minimum Staffine. This oreraee ���as offset bv salan� savines from the �acancies. Due to the trainina time needed for ne��� personnel there is an overlap �r•hen the Department is paying both the salary of the new hires and overtime to backfill these positions. An appropriation of �163;474 is being requested for the Fire Department's Personnel Services cateeorv. • Hiaher than anticipated �i�ater expendinues has caused an o�eraee in the Fue Departmenrs utilities categon�. Staff is requestina an appropriation to the Fue Department`s litilities cateson� in the amount of 53;066. • linanticipated Buildina Permit and Fire Pzmut revenues have been realized and can be used to offset the above mentioned costs. In total. the chanees �i-i11 result in an appropriation of $233_7�9 ��hich �tiill be fullr revenue offset. The above appropriations �iill therefore ha��e no net fiscal impact to the General Fund. - Public R%orks — Public �Vorks is requestine a budoet adjustment due to hisher than espected water expenditures. Savines in other categories within the department panially offset this overa�e �;ith the remainine offset amount comine from unanticipated Chazees for Sen�ices revenue and a reimbursement from the Chula Vista Y'outh Sports Council (CVYSC). Transfers totaling 5228;799 and an appropriation of �80;708 to Public \T��ork s Utilin� catesory are beine requested at this time. linanticipated reunbursement from CV1'SC and hiaher than anticipated revenue in the Chazees for Sen�ices catesorv totaline �80.708 ha�e been realized and can bz 5-3 OCTOBER 1, 2013, Item � Pa�e 4 of 6 used to offset the appropriation. These budget adjustments result in no net fiscal impact to the General Fund. Library — Due to higher than anticipated personnel services expenditures, staff is requesting a. transfer of $6,364 from the Library Department's Utilities category to their Personnel Services category. This transfer will fully offset fhis espenditure with no net fiscal impact to the Genera] Fund. Amendments to Other Funds Staff is recommending bud�et aniendments to the following other funds: Police Grants and Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Funds (LLEBG) — As mentioned above, due to unanticipated expenditures ti�ithin the Police Grants Fund, an increase in Transfers In from the General Fund of�1�,612 and a decrease of$15;612 to the Transfer In category of the LLEBG Fund is being requested to offset these expenditures. This changes result in a positive impact of �1�,612 to the Police Grants Fund and a negative impact of the same amount to the LLEBG Fund. This negative impact will be supported by the fund's reserves, which are sufficient to fund this impact. Public Liabilitv Trust Fund — Due fo hi�her than anticipated claim payments this fund has an overage in the Other Expenses category. This overage is offset by savings in attorney services. Staff is requesting a transfer of$318,617 to Other Expenses from Supplies and Services for this purpose. This chan�e results in no net fiscal impact to this fund. Open Space District #23 Fund — Due to higher than anticipated watering expenses, staff is requesting that $388 be appropriated to Open Space District #23 to cover these costs. This requested budget change results in a negative impact of $388 to this fund, however there are sufficient funds in the reserve to cover this appropriation. Open Space District #31 — Staff is requesting a budget transfer of $9,699 from the Utilities category and an appropriation of $1;897 to Open Space District #31 Funds' Supplies and Services category. This fund had higher than anticipated.consultant expenses related to brush mana�ement which is partially offset by utilities savinas. This requested budget chanee results in a negative impact of the fund totaling �1,897. There are sufficient funds in the reserve to cover this appropriation. Central Garage Fund — As mentioned above, due to an increase in fleet maintenance costs and to address a prior year deficit within the Central Garage Fund, a b,udget amendment to add new revenues to the Central Garage Fund is requested by staff. This budget amendment is requested in the Transfers In cateeory of the Central GaraQe Fund and will result in a positive impact of $300;000 to this fund. V Workers Compensation Fund - Claim payouts exceeded the budgeted amount due to the full development of several prior year claims during the fiscal year. Staff is requestin� an appropriation of $216,192 to the Other Expenses category of this fund. This hi�her than 5-4 OCTOBER 1. 2013. Item '� Pa�e � of 6 anticipated cost of �;°orkers compensation claims is offset b�° unanticipated revenues (subroeation; insurance; and liens) �;hich result in no net fiscal irnpact to this fund. Em ironmental Services Fund—Due to hiaher staff reimbursement expenses, a budaet transfer of Sli;�27 is bein� requested from Supplies and Sen�ices to Other Eapenses. The requested budQet chanae results in a no net fiscal unpact to this fund. Storm Drain Revenue Fund — The Storm Drain Fund reimburses the General Fund for costs incurred rziated to storm drain activin�. Due to insufficient funds; the Storm Drain Fund has not been able to fully reunburse the General Fund for all prior ��ear costs related to the storm drain proeram. Durina fiscai �ear 2012-20li; there �aas an increase in Storm Drain fee revenue; �;�hich �rill allo«� the Storm Drain Fund to reimburse the General Fund for prior �eaz staff time. Staff is requestina an appropriation of �24;361 to the Storm Drain Fund's Other Expenses category, ���hich �ill be offset by higher than anticipated revenues--���ithin the fund. The requested budeet chan�e will result in a no net fiscal impact to this fund. Development Services Fund — As previouslv stated the Generai Fund provides a subsidy to the Development Services Fund for certain npes of pemuts. During fiscal ��eaz 2012-20li hiaher permit activin in these permit types has resulted in a lazger than anticipated General Fund subsidy. Staff is requestine an increase in the Transfers In cateeon-. of �141;178 to the De�elopment Services Fund for this purpose. This appropriation results in a positi��e impact to this fund. 2003 Refundine Certificate of Participation (COP) Fund— Staff is requesting an appropriation of 57,049 to the Other Expenses Categor�� of this fund to pa�� for unanticipated azbitrase e�penses associated with the 2003 Refunding Certificates of Participation (To«n Centre II Parkins _ Project) bonds. The requested budQet adjusunent results in a neeative impact of 57:049 to this fund. There aze sufficient funds to cover this appropriation. DECISION 17AKER CONFLICT Each of the decisions contemplated by this action is either: (i) not site specific; or(ii) ministerial; secretariaL manual; or clerical in narure, thus, not requiring the City Councilmembers to make or participate in makin� a Qovernmental decision; pursuant to Califomia Code of Regulations Title 2, section 18702.4(a). Consequentl}�, these decisions do not present conflicts under the Political Reform Act(CaL Godt Code § 87100; et seq.) � Staff is not independentl}� a�iare; nor has staff been informed b� anv Cin� Councilmember, of anv other fact that mav constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. CIIRRENT YEAR FISCAL IA�IPACT Appro�•al of the resolution amendin� the fiscal �•eaz 2012/li budoet «�ill rzsult in the follo�;ine appropriations/transfers. The resulting fiscal impacts to various funds aze also listed in the follo«ine table. 5-5 p� � � ,���,�'� ` OCTOBER 1, 2013, Item � �lS�, Page 6 of � �, Summan� of Budeet A ro riations and Amendments bv De artment and/or Fu Ct ne ral F uod: Trans(er Gom Personnel Senices to Supples and Sen�res for Cin�Anortrer heher than antc' Ied Attomec Sen�ces 5-18289 5 5 S Trans(er lo�he Polce Glants Fund Gom from T2ncfers OW ro LLEBG(SI5.612),approprittbns[o the Deeebpment Servces and Non-De rbnental CemralGaraec Funds 5 371 % 5 131.175 S Trans@r(mm Personnel5en�kes Io Supples and Sen�ces for Polke heher than antc' red Prisolrer Trans rtatrmn Sen�ces 538609) S S S Appropr6tion for Cons[an[Almrtnum Staffine and Pest Conrcol Frte Sen�ces�ehch are off�se�bv w�antc' Ied re�rnues 3 230,693 5 230.693 S Tansfer ro Ul�aies fw heher than amcipated e�ater e�pe�M¢we (S?28,799)offeset by unamc�ted"!_onme Fee-Deposn[3as Pub6c U'orts rerenue S 80.70% 5 %070% 5 Transfer(rom Ulduies ro Personnel Sen�ces(or heher t n L�brarc amic� �eddilPerentol �•costs(56,361) 5 5 5 �To�al General Fund S i5?,579 � 5 i5?.Si9 S Olher Funds: Adjastmem for mcreased Trartsters In from t General l'vnd ro Po�e Gram F�md of(set orcreased ec �&ures 5 S 15.612 5 15,61?) Local La�v En(orcemem BbcA � Gram Fund Decreasc a ro rotion m Tmns(cr I (rom the General Pund S b 1i.61?) $ IS,612 Transfer from Supplies a�d Sen�ce to Other E�pzrt�es to cover Publc I.ob�s�Tmst Fund heher than amc' md chun . ms 5318,617 S S 5 O n S ce Dstric�N23 Fund A ro roron m corer hPher I n anlc� red�caterme cosls 3 38% S 5 388 Transfer ot 59,699 Gom W � s a�Approprntion of SI.897 m Supplcs and Sen�ces(or � r�han antrq�ated consuhant O n S ce D'strict H31 Fund e� nses. 5 1,897 S 3 I 897 Approprotion for pa� nt of sereral prior year chuns o((se�M� ��'orkersCo nsatqnFund wun(r' tedrece es 5 ?16,19? S ?16.19? 5 Trans(er fmm S p�s and Services to Other E�pertses to cover EnrconmentalSen�iccsFund CrteSmiTSe � es 513j?7 $ S S Storm Dreo�F�md A ro rot' to reonburse rior cear Geneal Fwd sta((tore S 2d,361 S ?4�61 5 2(103 Refwdme COP A ro r6 n for wiamr� ted arbdreee e� nses S 7,OJ9 S S 7.0-19 Adjust nt(or Gelreal F�md pertna subsid���o�he De��ebpment Deceb nt Sen�ces Fund- Sen� s Fund S S N1.178 S (141.1781 CenVal Garaee Fw�d A" tment to Trnnsfers In(or mcreased fleet mamtenance costs S � 5 3(10.(100 S (300.000) � �al O�her Funds S 2i9.887 � S 681.i31 S (J71.SJ3) TotalBudge�,\meodments SI,00?.J66 � SIA34.310 S (J31.SaJ) ON GOING FI AL IMPACT There is no fis 1 impact in future vears. Prepared by: Angelica Aguilar, Budge�d Ann/psis Manager, Finnnce Departmem . �'� OCTOBER 1. 20li. Item � PaQe 6 of 6 Summan� of Budeet,1p ro riations and Amendments bv De artment andlor Fund � �=-_ � � .;�:.� ,a•�:•: n_ x: - Y'Y. Genenl Fuod: Transfer Gom Personnel Senices m Supplies and Services for hi¢her Cm�:laomer chan antcimred Attomev Sen�ces(S?3?391 S S 5 TranSfer co che Police Gmnss F�md from from Tre�ters Out to LLEBG(SIi,612),approprotiorts to the De.�ebpment Senices and �o`rDe rtrnemal CentralCrara¢eFundz S aJ1.17S S 1i1.178 S Transfer from Other E�rtes to Supplies and Senices for hicher Police than antcmated Praoner Tam rtation Servces(538,609) I S 5 5 � Approprecion for cortstan[mmumun staffmg pest consol Senices, Fee and waterme costs which are offset bv iman[c� ted revenues I S 2i3 759 S ?33.7i9 5 Tansfer to Utdities for heher[han anticipared uarer erpend"¢�es ($??S,i99)offese[by un3nccyximd Zonme Fee-Deposrt Bazed PubGc�VOrks revenue S 80,708 S 30,708 S Transfer[rom Unlrties[o Personnel Servres for hisJxr than LSirarv ' antc' [ed differen[el pav c05t5(5636i) I S S 5 Total General Fund � S i55.675 S 755.635 S O[her Funds: I Adjustment for c�creazed Trartsfers In from the Genzral Fund ro PoGce Grant Fw�d offset uicreased emendmues S S 15,6I? 5 (li.bl?) Local Law En[orcement Block Gram Fund Decrease a ro riatbn m Transfers[n from ihe General Fwid 5 S li,61?) S I5,61? Transfer Bom Suppiies and Services ro Other Ezpertses[o co�xr � Public L'mbdm�Trust Fund ttiIIher Ihan an[c' [ed chun ��nents 5315.61 i) 5 S 5 Ocen 5 ce Dsvict=?i Fwd A ro rrm[ion[0 to�'er hpher[han antic' :ed warer�¢cosu � S 333 S 5 i33 Transfer of 59,699 from Unl&ies and Appropr'v�ion of 51,397 ro Ocen Soace Davict='31 F�md S lies a�d Services tor hi¢}mr than antic� red cot¢Wmnt e. nses. S 1,897 $ 5 I,S97 Approprvcion for paymenc of sereral prior year c6uns offsec by R`ort:ers Can nsa[ion Fund unantic� red revenues I S 216,19? 5 216.19? S TrartSfer from Supplies and Senices to Other Expenses to cover Cin� Emaomnental5enicesFurd StaffServ�ice5(Sli.i?A IS 5 S . S�orm Dmm F�md A roo���ro reunburse rior vear Ge�xrel Fund stafT tune . ( S 21a61 S ?3}6I S 2003 Refwdms COP A ro rarion for imantic� red arbmaae e nses � 5 7,049 S S i.Pl9 AdjLLSVnent for Ge`reral Fund perma subsidy to che Dzvelopment Dere ment5enicesFwd ServiesFuld IS S Ii1,li3 3 Qd1,1781 �Cenval Cnraee F�md Aiiavnen[[o Trnrtsfers[n for mcreased 8ee[mamtenarice cosa � S S 300,000 S (i00,000) � Total OtherFunds � S '_i9,88i S 6SI.i31 � S (J31,37i)� -°���.� .<��-a.�'_'3i?ITo'taljeud�e[i�mendmen't��,y„�`;4� -� �A:�:_n_�.'�'S._.irS.l'00�,�3??��Sl;i3i,376![Sty(�31';8Ji) O\' GOING FISC�.L, I�LPACT There is no fiscal impact in future vears. Prepared by: .Angelica.4g:rilar, Budget&Analysis illanager, Finance Department � ��5�-�' RESOLUTION NO. 2013- �Q RESOLUTION OF THE C[TY COIJ�ICIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA MAKING VARIOUS AMENDMEN7'S 1'O THE FISCAL YEAR 2012/li BUDGET TO ADJUST AOR VARIANCES AND APPROPR[ATII�'G FiNDS THEREFOR / WHEREAS, the City Charter states that at an}� meeting afte fhe adoption of the budget. the City Council may amend or supplement the budget by motio adopted b�� the affirmative votes of at least four members: and WHEREAS; staff is recommending various transf s bet�aeen espense cateeories in order to better align the budget �i�ith actual revenues and expe dimres; and AJHEREAS, the recommended budget ndments in the General Fund reflect a net increase in espendimres and revenues of $7� .�79 and result in no net fiscal impact to the General Fund: and «'HEREAS, the recommended a ropriations to other funds reflect a net increase in expenditures of �24�,�2� and an incre e of $677,369 in revenues resultine in a posi[ive fiscal impact of 5431,844; and �'�'IIEREAS, staff is reco ending appropriations from reserves from the follo��-ine funds: Open Space District #23 $388), Open Space District #31 (�1,897); 2003 Refunding COP ($7,049); these funds all have ufficient reserves for these appropriations. NOW. THEREF RE. BE IT RESOLVED that the Citv Council of the Cih� of Chula Vista does hereby amend th fiscal year 2012/13 budeet and approve the follo�vine appropriations: J:4lttomev\FINAL RESOS AND ORDINANCES�2013\IO 01 13\RESO-Finance-Year End Resolution.doc� 9/17/?013 922 AM ��� Resolution No. `,� ,L`�� Page 2 �v�� Gerrenl Fund: CiryAaomey 5148.789) 5 C8,289 5 - 5 � 5 - S - S - 5 - 5 � 5 - Non-Devartmental 5 - S - 5 - 5 - S - 5 - 5 aaLi�a 5 �Li�e S m7,1�e 5 - Police 5 l�.�) S 38.fi09 5 - 5 - S - 5 - 5 - 5 S - 5 - Fire 5163,a1a 5 6�,219 5 - 5 � 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 230, S 23Q693 5 - Gublit WoAS 5 (95,736) S (35,0.11� 5 - 5 3W.50] $ (a9.937I 5 (48,579I 5 - 5 ,Tffi 5 80.]08 5 - liba $ 6,36a 5 $ 5 6,36a S 5 5 5 5 5 ToblGeneralfund 5 (12,2%) 5 119,U/0 5 - $ 3�.193 5 �09,93]) 5 (68,5]9) 5 A41,118 5 ]57,5)9 5 ]Si,S]9 5 - Other FuMs: Police G2n6 Fund 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 � 5 � 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 15,6II 5 15.612 Local law Enfm¢ment BlockGnniPond 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - - 5 - 5 (L5,612) S (b.612) Publicliabiliryirust 5 - 5 (31H,6v� 5 - 5 � S 318,6ll 5 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - OpenSpa¢DistriGU23 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 366 5 - 5 5 - 5 388 5 - 5 (388) OOenSpaceOistriae3l 5 - 5 ll,596 5 - 5 (9,FB9) $ � 5 5 - 5 1,89] 5 - S (1,897) Workers[wn0enwtion 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5216,192 5 - 5 - 5 216,192 5 21fi,192 5 - Emironmmtal5ervi¢s 5 - 5 (13,52�) 5 - 5 - 5 ]3,SD - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - StwmDrainFund 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 24,36 5 - 5 - 5 24,361 5 2a,361 5 - 2003RefundingCOG 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 7 '9 S - 5 - 5 7.�9 5 - 5 (�.�9) Develo0mentServices 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 1a1,1]B 5 141,lle CentalGa e 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 30U.000 5 3%Oro TotalOtherFUMs $ - $ (�.�) S - 5 (9,311 5 579.7a6 5 - 5 - I 5 249,HB1 5 6BL]31 5 431,8a0 ToWlBUd tMienEmeMS. �5� 15.2% 5- 201;4]8 .5 � 5 293 2 5 529,809 �$ 4&519.5. .G6L3]8 5 1;00�466 .5 1.C39,310 5 43L&u Presented by Approved as to form by Maria Kachadoorian GI .l' o i s Director of Finance/Treasurer � Ci Attb J:4�ttornev\FINAL RESOS AND ORDMANCES�?013\IO 01 13\RESO-Finance- Year End Resolution.doc� 9117/?013 9:??A��I ��II ��V lS2d �fe rn #5 �soLUrlov tito. zo>;- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COiNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHUL:1 VISTA �iAKING VARIOUS AvtEND�IENTS TO THE FISCAL YEAR 2012/li BUDGET TO ADJUST FOR VARIANCES AND APPROPRIATING FL�1DS THEREFOR �,VHEREAS; the Cin• Charter states that at anv meetine afrer the adoption of the budget. the City Council may amend or supplement the budget by motion adopted by the affirmative votes of at least four members; and lVI-IEREAS, staff is recommendina various transfers benveen espense cateQories in order to better align the budQet �vith actual re�enues and expendirures; and «'HEREAS. the recommended budeet amendments in the General Fund reflect a net increase in expenditures and revenues of 5755,645 and result in no net fiscal impact [o the General Fund: and «T-IEREAS; the recommended appropriations to other funds reflect a net increase in expenditures of $249,887 and an increase of 5651,731 in revenues resultine in a positive fiscal impact of�431;844; and �VHEREAS; staff is recommendina appropriations from reserves from the follo�vine. funds: Open Space District �23 (5388), Open Space District =31 (51,397), 2003 Refunding COP (57;049); these funds all ha��e sufficient resen�es for these appropriations NO�V, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Cit�� Council of the Cin� of Chula Vista does hereby amend the fiscal year 2012/13 budoet and approve the following appropriations: � J:\Aaomev\FI�'AL RESOS A\*D ORDItiANCES2013\IO 01 13\Icem 5 -RESO-Finance- Yzar End Resolution.docs 09/;0/2013 1:35 P�I Resolution\'o. PaQe 2 �>. .4 z._ ,r.a- - � - '� . GerealF�nd: Ciryar,omey 5 (:8,299) 5 m.289 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - Non-Departmen;al 5 - S - $ - $ - $ - 5 - $ u1,1S 5 an1,+_]8 S �Ll]9 5 - Poli¢ 5 - 5 38,fi09 5 - 5 - 5 (38.G.^9� 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - Fire 5 169,d]4 5 6],219 5 - S 3,066 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 233,]S9 5 233,]59 S - PublicWartr 5 (95.236� 5 (35,Oa7) 5 - 5 309.507 S (d9,93]) 5 (c8,5]9) 5 - 5 SO.108 5 5L',]f8 5 - IiCarv 5 6,36a 5 5 5 (6,36a� 5 5 5 5 5 5 TodlGeneralFUM 5 26,313 $ 319,W0 $ - $ 306,209 $ (88,SC6� 5 (C$5]9) 5 Cal,llH 5 ]55,645 $ ISi,645 $ - OUrer Wndi: Police Gnnts Fund 5 - S - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 Ls.6!2 5 5,6:2 lncal law Enforcement � BlodcGrdntFund 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 �15.6II� 5 (S,fi!l) Public0ahiliryTrvst 5 - 5 (318,617� S - S - 5 33B,5ll 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - OpenSpa¢�istriae23 5 - 5 � 5 � 5 388 5 - S - 5 - 5 368 5 - 5 (388) OpenSpaceOis;naa31 5 - 5 ll,5% 5 - 5 (9,699) 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 1897 5 - 5 �19?]) WoM1ersCompensation 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 215,192 5 - 5 - 5 216,192 5 2+_5,192 5 - Enviwnmen[alServices 5 - 5 (13,52]) 5 - 5 - 5 13.52] 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - S[ormD�anWnd 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 2+,361 5 - 5 - 5 2a,361 5 2s,361 5 - 2403RefunCingCOP 5 � 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 ],G:9 5 - 5 - 5- , ).0.9 5 - 5 p,4:9) oevelopment5enicez 5 � 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 ia�l]8 5 1<LVe CentrzlGar e 5 5 5 5 5 S S 5 5 300.000 5 300.000 TaialOtherFUnds 5 � 5 13z0,540� 5 - 5 (9,311) 5 5]9,]G6 5 - 5 - I 5 2C9,88) 5 683,]31I 5 <31,SGC ' Tobl&itl�e[�meMmelits� �.ST'26,313=5`�201:478-;5�.. `-.:✓?5!296,898°S'd9L200'!Si6B,5/9`:5 �'�i:l]8�5'.'-�1;W5:532. 'S_'1.m],3]6 ''S==.:4'i1;&u Presented by Approved as to form b} ; Maria Kachadoorian Gle � . (��o�n Director of Finance/Treasurer �Ciri r�tto� 'n�eN �. I:4laomev�F[NAL RESOS.�ND ORDNA�iCES�2013\10 OI 13U[em 5-RE50-Finance-Year End Resolu[ion.docs 09/30I?OLi 4:35 P�I