HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013/08/13 Item 03oRD>i:~ANCE N'o..~OND READING AND ApOp~ON
I. Recitals.
A. Specific Plan Boundaries
\\'HERE.aS; the Palomar Gate~~~a~~ District Specific Plan (referred to hereinafrer
as "PGDSP"), ~~°hich is the subject of this Ordinance; is represented in Exhibit "A,'-
attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and includes approximately
100 Qross acres of land generally located east of Interstate ~, south of Oxford Street; ~t°est
of Industrial Boulevard and north of.anita Street, and is kno~+m as the Palomar Gateway
District (PGD) and is located in Southwest Chula Vista; and
\\'HEREAS;.the ne~~~ land use and zoning regulations and design guidelines ofthe
PGDSP would only apply to an the area of approximately 100 gross acres, referred to as
the Subdistricts .area as depicted in Exhibit "A;`~ and outside of the Subdistricts .area;
existing zoning would not be changed; and
B. Preparation of the Specific Plan
\\'HEREAS, on December 13; 200> an update to the City's General P1aq was
approved; which provides a contemporar;~ vision for the PGD, as one of five `'.areas of
Change-` within the Southwest of Chula Vista. The General Plan \%ision for the PGD
states that the PGD is ati area where more intensive development; revitalization and/or
redevelopment aze proposed to occur. The General Plan vision for the PGD includes a
Transit Focus Area on and surrounding the Palomar Transit Station; higher residential
intensity, a neighborhood park and retail to the south df the Transit Focus Area. The coal
is to provide additional housing and mixed uses (residential and commercial) that take
advantage of a major transit station within walking distance: and
\VHEREAS; the Land LJse and Transportation Element of the General Plan calls
for the adoption of a specific plan or other zoning regulations to implement the ne~v land
uses; in paniculaz mixed .use and high density residential zoning districts. to ensure the
systematic implementation of the 200 General Plan: and
\l'HERE.AS; it teas determined that, given the characteristics and conditions of
the PGD; the best tool to implement the General Plan vision would be a specific plan; and
1:~~tto; ne~~tFf\'AL RESOS AND GRDiT'A\'cESI?013\OS 06 li\ORD-DSD-PGD-SPFEIR-CCOrd-7 I? 13-
i/16!?013 5:43 ,47vf
Resolution \o.
Paee 2
\1'HERE-AS; the specific plan will sen'e as the tool to direct and guide the
development of the PGD to~~°ards this goal by directly regulatins land use and
establishing a focused development scheme and process for the area; and
\~Z-IEREAS; Chula Vista 1`•funicipal Code (CVMC) Section 19.07.010 adopts b~•
reference Sections 6~~d0 through 6S•~d7 of the California Governmem Code that
authorizes the local lesislative body to initiate the preparation of a specific plan to
implement the policies of a general plan; and
\\rHEREAS; the requirement to have zoning consistent ~~ith the Cin~'s General
Plan is established.in CVr`4C Section 19.06.030 and California Government Code 6560;
C. Public Outreach and Participation Process
\\'HERE.AS, prior to engaging in the preparation of the Specific Plan for the
PGD; Cin' staff undertook an extensive public engagement strateg~• with the communin•
and that this communin• outreach effort was designed to involve the various citizens and
interest groups of Chula Vista in the PGDSP process; and
\\'HEREAS; from this community outreach process and other activities, City staff
identified and reached out to a group of individuals with interest, knowledee of the area;
and leadership abilities to participate in the Southwest \\'orkins Group (S\\'\\'G) and the
S\\'\VG represented across-section of the south~~•est community; including communin•
organizations; businesses; and residents. The S\V\\'G was tasked both with providing
oversight for the southwes[ planning effons; and with working to engage other members
of the community with the process; and
\\%HEREAS; the preparation of the PGDSP was facilitated b~' the financial
panicipation of the San Diego Association of Gobernments (SANDAG) and the Cit~•'s
Redevelopment Agency; which agencies provided a Brant from SAI~DAGs Smart
.Growth Incentive Proeram in the amount of S400,000 while the Redevelopment Agency
contributed matching funds in the amount of S1~0;000, for the preparation of the PGDSP
and Ehvironmental Impact Report (EIR): and
\\'HEREAS; City staff and the S\\'\VG began the active preparation of_ the
PGDSP in Januan' 2010; and
\\'HEREAS, meetings of Cit~• staff and the S\b'\VG were held from Januan~ 2010
through Mazch 2012, in ~yhich meetings the S\\%\\'G provided input on significant
planning issues such as new permitted land uses; development standards. design
guidelines, and infrastructure improvements; and
\\'HEREAS: the draft of the PGDSP was completed in" \4arch 2012; presented to
the S\\'\l'G at its meeting of ?`9 arch 2L 2012 and thereafter posted on the Cit_v`s website
for public review; and
J a4aomcvtFlN'AL 12ESOS AND 0}ZDtNANCE51Z013\OS 06 13\ORD-DSD-PGD-SPFEIR•CCOrd-i I? 13-
~nen_ou s:as as 3-2
Resolution ?~e.
Pace 3
\1%HEREAS. the finished PGDSP document bears the mark of this extensive
public ouveach process and that City staff and S\\%\\'G members +vorked hard to develop
a plan that born a11o~+~s transit-oriented development in the PGD; and at the same time
does not overburden this area ++Rth additional auto trips; and
Wl-IEREAS; the PGDSP has been prepared pursuant to the authorim granted in
C\'MC Chapter 19.01; Specific Plans; and the California Government Code; Title i;
Division 1; Chapter 3; Article S; Sections 65450 through 6557 and contains all the
mandaton~ elements identified in Government Code Section 65451; and
~\'HERE.AS; PGDSP Chapters 3, 4; and 5 contain the Land Use and Development
Regulations; Design Guidelines, and Infrastructure and Public Facilities; respectively;
and provide the plan and mechanisms to ensure public facilities and services occur
commensurate +vith subsequent development; and -
D. Preparation of Environmental Impact Report
\\%HEREAS; Environmental Impact Repon EIR-IO-OS (SCH No. 20111110 ii)
(hereinafter referred to as the "PGDSP EIR") has been prepared for the PGDSP as a
Program EIR and includes an evaluation of the gro+vth management quality of life
thresholds at a programmatic level. The Final EIR ~9itigation Monitoring and Reporting
Program (\4I+4RP) provides a summary of the impacts analysis and/or mitigation
measures that address provision of public services and facilities and requires subsequent
development projects to contribute to the provision of public services and facilities
commensurate +vith their impact as development occurs over the course of the next 20 .
years: and
\~'HEREAS, a ?~totice of Preparation for the PGDSP EIR +vas circulated on
\ovember 30; 2011 pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15082: and
\\'HEREAS, a PGDSP EIR scoping meeting vas held on December 15; 2011; and
\\'HEREAS; Draft PGDSP EIR; together +vith the technical. appendices for the
project, +vas issued fora 45 da}~ public review period on April 1 ~; 2013, and +vas
processed through the State Clearinghouse; and
A'HEREAS; the public revie++~ period closed on 1`4ay 30, 2013; and
~\%HEREAS, during the public cotrmtent period, the City received cemmen[s on
the Drafi PGDSP EIR and cdnsulted with all responsible and trustee agencies; other
regulatory' agencies and others pursuant to CEQA Guideline Section's 15086 and 15088;
all comments received >vere responded to in ++.iting; and
J:4~roncrtFl\AL RESOS ATD ORDINANCESt2013i08 Ob 13\OftD-DSD-PGD-SPFEIR-CCOrd-7 t2 i3-
7/1612013 S C3 .4,+9
Resolution ?; o
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E. Planning Commission Record
\~-HERE.4S, the Development Sen ices Director set the time and place for a
hearing of the Planning Commission on the proposed Drafi PGDSP and Final EIR for
June 26. 20li and notice of said hearing; together with its purpose: was eiven pursuant to
California Government Code 6091 and 6092 at least ten days prior to the hearing; and
\\%HEREAS: the hearing ryas held at the time and place as advertised, namely on
June 26; 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 276 Fourth .Avenue, before the
Planriine Commission and said hearing ryas thereafier closed: and
\11-IEREAS; the Planning Commission considered all reports, evidence, and
testimon~• presented at the public hearing ~':ith respect to the Public Hearing Drafi
PGDSP and Final E1R: and
\\%HEREAS; at said public hearing the Planning Commission recommended
through a vote of 4-1-1-0 that the City Council adopt the Resolution certifi•ine the Final
EIR-10-0~, making certain Findings of Fact, adopting a Statement of Overriding
Considerations, and adopting a ?mitigation \•fonitoring and Reporting Program for the
PGDSP: and
F. City Council Record
\Vl-IEREAS, the Development Services Director set the time and place for a
hearing of the City Council on the proposed Draft PGDSP and Final EIR for August 6,
20li and notice of said hearing, toeether with its purpose, was eiven pursuant to
California Government Code 6091 and 6>092 at least ten days prior to the hearing; and
1\'HERE.AS,. the hearing ryas held at the time and place as advertised, namely on
August 6; 2013 at 2:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, 276 Fourth Avenue, before
the Cin• Council and said hearing ryas thereafier closed: and
\\rHEREAB, the City Council considered all'repons; evidence; and testimom_•
presented at the public hearing with respect to the Drafi PGDSP and Final EIR; and
G. Environmental Determination
\1'HEREAS. to the extent that the Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding
Consideration dated June 20li (Exhibit "B° of the Cite Council Resolution) conclude
that proposed mitigation measures outlined in the Final EIR aze feasible and have not
been modified, superseded or withdrawn, the Cit~• of Chula Vista hereby binds iuelf to
implement those measures. These findings are not merely information or advisory, but
constitute a binding set of obligations that will come into effect when the City Council
adopts the ordinance approving the PGDSP. The adopted mitigation measures contained
within the Ir4itigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. Exhibit "C" of the City
1:\4nomevtFINAL 1tESOS AND ORDINANCESt?Oli\O8 06 13tORD-DSD-PGD-SPFEIR-CCOrd-7 12 13-
R?SOllli1011 ~'0.
Pase ~
Council Resolution a cop}' of ++'hich is on .*"ile in the oftlce of Lhe City' Clerk; are
expressed as conditions of approval. Other requirements are referenced in the A~Iitigatior,
Monitoring and Reporting Program adopted concurrenth' ++ith these Findings of Fact and
will be effectuated through the process of implementing the project.
NOW THEREFORE the Citv Council of the Cip' of Chula Vista does hereby
Ord31n aS 10110++'S:
1. That the PGDSP is in conformance Frith the City's 2005 General Plan based
on the following:
The proposed PGDSP is in conformance ++'ith and implements the 200> General
Plan. The PGDSP is based on the vision and objectives of the General Plan fer the PGD.
The General Plan largeh' focused on the re+~italization and redevelopment of the +vestem
portion of Chula Vista. Section S.0 of the Land lise and Transportation Element of the
General Plan outlines the vision for the PGD and objectives and policies to implement the
vision. The PGD is identified as one of five "Areas of Change;'' N'hich are areas ++'here
more intensive development; revitalization and/or redevelopment is proposed to occur.
The General Plan vision for PGD includes a Transit Focus .Area (TFA) on and
surrounding the Palomar Transit Siation, higher residential intensity, a neighborhood park
and retail to the south of the TFA. The goal is to provide additional housing and mixed
uses (residential and commercial) that take advantage of a major transit station +vithin
+valking distance. The PGDSP has been prepared pursuant to the General Plan as an
implementing regulatory document and thus sen'es as the primar}' source for policies;
guidelines; and regulations that implement the communit}'`s vision for the PGD. A
comparison of the PGDSP to the General Plan policies related to the PGD is provided in
Table ~.1-3 of the EIR and attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and incorporated herein by this
reference. As shown in this table. the PGDSP would be consistent with the General Plan
objectives and policies for the PGD.
Based on the above, the City' Council does hereby find that the proposed PGDSP is
consistent with the 2005 General Plan and that public necessity, convenience, general
+velfare'and good planning and zoning practice support its approval and implementation.
2. That the PGDSP has been prepared in accordance frith the Cih''s Alunicipal
Code and the California Government Code provision governing specific plans based
on the following findings of fact.
Chula Vista ~4unicipal Code Chapter 19.07 (Specific Plans) and California Government
Code Title 7 Division 1 Chapter 3 Article 8 Sections 6540 through 6457 establish the
statutory authority for specific plans. As provided in CVMC Chapter 19:07, specific
plans may be implemented through the adoption of standard zoning ordinances; the
planned community zone as provided in this title or by plan effectuation siandazds
incorporated +vithin the text of an individual specific plan. The method of implementing
an individual specific plan shall be established and expressed by its adopting Resolution
or Ordinance.
la;lttomcv\F'P.'AL RESOS AND OADITJ.4NCE512 0 1 3 10 8 ob G\ORD-DSD-PGD-SPFEIR-CCOrd-7 12 13-
7!1 "012013 8:43 AM
Resolution ?~ o.
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The~PGDSP is adopted by Ordinance. All zoning related portions of the PGDSP (i.e. land
use matrix; permined uses and development revelations) aze prepared to serve as
regulaton• provisions and supersede other regulations and Ordinances of the City for the
control of land use and development \\ithin the PGDSP boundaries. Other portions, such
as the development desien veidelines provide direction for future p]annine and public
improvement efforts. Future development projects. subdivisions; public improvement
projects and other implementing programs shall be consistent with the adopted PGDSP.
The PGDSP has been prepared as an implementing document for furure land uses; public
improvements and programs as provided for in the 200 General Plan. The new zoning
regulations proposed in the PGDSP (see Exhibit "C" of this Ordinance) would replace
existine CVi`4C zoning classifications for the PGDSP Subdistricts and introduce ne\v
zoning classifications for mixed use (commerciaUresidential) high density residential and
retail commercial as required by the 200 General Plan.
The Cite Council does hereby find that the PGDSP has been prepared pursuant to the
authorih• eranted in CV\4C Chapter 19.07 Specific Plans and California Government
Code Title 7 Division 1 Chapter 3 Article 8 Sections 6450 through 6~4~7 and contains
all the mandaton• elements identified in Government Code Section 6~4>1.
3 That the associated demands on public facilities and sen-ices due to development
allo+ved by the specific plan are identified prior to development and mill be
mitigated prior to or concurrent ++•ith the development and in conformance with the
Cih~ s Gro+rth Management Ordinance, CV~1C Chapter 19.09, based on the
follo+ving findings of fact; and
4 That a financing program has been prepared +vhich identifies the methods for
funding for those facilities and sen-ices and insures that the funds are spent on said
facilities pursuant to the phasing schedule based on the follo+ving findings of fact.
The General Plan was updated in December 200 and created a new vision for the city, .q
large part of that vision focused on the revitalization and redevelopment of western Chula
Vista. New gro\\Zh is planned around smart gro+\nh principles such as mixed use and
vansit oriented development that concentrates infill and redevelopment to select focus
areas and corridors to protect stable single family neighborhoods; better utilize land
resources; reduce environmental effects and make more efficient use of existing
infrastructure. The General Plan calls for the prepazation and adoption of specific plans
to catT• out the vision of the General Plan in an organized and orderly fashion. The
PGDSP implements the policies and objectives of the General Plan to direct a portion of
the ero++Ih expected to occur in the City over the next 20 yeazs to the PGD area b+'
providing zone changes; development regulations and desien guidelines to accommodate
future gro++Th. The PGDSP includes an assessment of the proposed distribution; location
and extent and intensity of major components of public and private transportation;
se+vage, water; drainage, solid waste disposal, energy, and other essential facilities that
\vould be located +vithin the area co\=ered by the plan and needed to support the land uses
described in the plan. In addition; the PGDSP includes a program of implementation
insJZOts s:as,v,~ 3-6
Resolution \o.
Page i
measures including revelations: programs, public works projects, and financing measures
necessan~to carry out the plan.
Specifically, Chapters 3; A; and ~ and Appendices ~`C'- and "D" of the PGDSP and the
PGDSP EIR-ZO-O~; including the 1`4MRP, provide the plan an3 mechanisms to ensure
public facilities and services occur commensurate ~i-ith subsequent development. As
described in the PGDSP and Fina] EIR-10-O5, subsequent new development.trould be
required to provide adequate public services and facilities commensurate ~t~ith their
The Cit}~ Council having reviewed and considered the information in, the Public Hearing
Draft PGDSP (PCl`4-10-2d) Fina] EIR-]0-OS, and all reports evidence and testimony
presented at the Public Hearing hereby finds, determines and orders that PGDSP
Chapters 3, 4: and ~ and Appendix "C" and `D' of the PGDSP and the Final EIR-10-0~;
including the MMRP; provide the plan and mechanisms to ensure.-public facilities and
services occur commensurate with subsequent development and is in conformance ti~ith
the City`s Gro~~2h Management Ordinance (C\%A'IC Chapter i 9.09).
BE IT FURTHER ORDAIT'ED. that the City Council of the City of Cfiula Vista
does hereby approve the PGDSP (PCM-]0-24) based upon the determinations and
findines contained herein.
BE IT FURTHER ORD.4RT~ED, that the City Council of the City of Chula Vista
does hereby amend the City of Chula Vista Zoning A4ap established by. CVMC Section
19.18.010 to rezone properties within the PGDSP Subdistricts Area as depicted in Exhibit
"C.~~ Areas outside of the boundaries of Exhibit "A aze not rezoned as part of this
IL Severability
The City Council declares that should any provision section paragraph sentence or word
of this Ordinance be rendered or declared invalid by any final coup action in a court of
competent jurisdiction or by reasori of an}' preemptive legislation the remaining
provisions sections pazagraphs sentences or words of this Ordinance shall remain in full
force and effect.
III. Effective Date
This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force on the thirtieth day from and afrer its
second reading.
The provisions of the PGDSP shall be applied to new development applications
submitted afrer the effective date of the Ordinance adoptine the PGDSP. The provisions
of the PGDSP do not apply to projects which have been leealh~ constructed or are under
construction in conformance with all City required permits or to projects which have
received required discretionary permit approvals but are not yet under construction. On a
J:Wttorne~~FINAL RESOS AND ORDIIvANCESt2013105 06 13lORD-DSD-PGD-SPFEiR-CCOrd-7 I? 13-
i/I6120t3 8:43 P.A1
Resolution No.
Paoe S
case by case basis, the Zoning .Administrator map; as requested by the project applicant
and pursuant to the provisions of CV?`4C Section 19.07.030 C; afford pipeline status to
those projecu ~ehich have been substantially processed consistent with existine zoning
prior to PGDSP adoption but which have not ~~et received discretionan~ approvals.
Presented b}~:
Approved as to form
Kelh° G. Broughton ~l('' en oog
Director of Development Services City Anorney
Exhibits to this Ordinance:
Exhibit "A' -Location Map
Exhibit "B'- -Table ~. ] -3 - PDGSP Consistency with General Plan Policies
Exhibit "C" - A4ap with existing and proposed zoning
1:Wnornc~•\FTh AL RESOS A?~D ORDINANCES~Of 3\OS 06 1;\ORD-DSD-PGD-SPFEIR-CCOrd-i 12 13-
51 Land Use Planning and ?oni~g
Tzble S.?-3 PGDSP Consistency with General Plan Policies
General Plan Objeeive or Policy PGDSP Consistency
Dbjective luT S: Designate cpporunities for mixed use areas
wgth higher density housing t`at is near shopping, jobs, and
tmniit in a ppropriate locations throughout :he Gy
Policy LUT 5 4; Develop the following areas as mized use centers:
Urban Co: e; Palomar Troliey Station; Eastern Urban Center, and
Otay Ranch Village Cores and Town Centers
Objexive LU717: Plan and coordinate development to be
compatible and supportive of planned transit
Policy LU717 2: Dtrex higher intensity and mixed use
developments to areas vAG~in walking distance of transit,
b~duding San Diego Trolley stations along E, H, and Palomar
Streets, and new Yations along future transit lines, including Bus
Raoid T-ansiL
Ohj eRive LUT 19; Coordinate with the regional trnsportation
planning zgency, 9AtJ0.4G, and Vanzi t service providers such zs
the Meiropolran Trarsit System, todevelop astate-of-the-art
transit system [ha[ provides excellent service to residents;
workers; studertr; and the disabled, both within the Gty, and
with inter-regional destinations
Polity LUi 19 S: Plan for and promote improved access 6enveen
the Palomar Streeq E Street and H Street Tight rail stations and
land uses east of those stations and to the Bayfront This may
involve the constructlon of sepaate bridges or ramps connecting
Chula Vista streets to transit facilities and/or a deck over
Interstate 5 to Lie Ba}front.
otrjecive ED 9: Develop community-serving and neighborhood
uses to serve residentr and visitors alike
Policy ED 9.1: Provide for community and neighborhood
<cmmercial centers in areas convenient to residents. These
centers should complement and meet the needs of the
surrounding neighborhood through their location; size; scale; and
design The neiahborhood concept of providing pedesiria n,
bicycle, and other non-motorized access should he encouraged
Poliq ED 9.4: Davelop specific plans, v+hici include an economic
component, for areas of the C;y, including, but not necessarily
limited to, the West Main Street; Broadway-, South Third Avenue;
North Fon :h Averue(Third Avenue °gateway'; E Street; Nest H
Street; and Palomar St2et areas More than one area maybe
addressed in a single plan, such as tine Uihan Core Spedfic PWn
Polity ED 95: Encourage clustered commerdal uses to prevent
and discou2ge strip development Locate commerdal uses at
focal pointr along map: arterial stree`s or expressways and in
viQage core areas _
Policy ED 9.E: Encourage clustered, smaller sale office and
professional uses along motor rtreats and in neighborhood
centers in a variey of areas dispe~sed throughout the community
to meet the ne=_ds of nearby neighborhoods-
Consistent. The PGDSP land use designations would
accornmodafe new, higher density housing, shopping, and
office development, including mixed use, surrounding the
Palomar Transit Station The Mixed Use Cortidor Suh-district
would a¢ommodate communiy-serving a nd neighborhood
uses along the major transportation fa cilitles in the PGD,
irduding Palomar Street and the Palomar7ansR Staton
Consistent, The PGDSP would accommodate higher
intensity, mixed use development surrounding the Pxlcmar
Trolley Station ThePGDSP indudesa Mobility Plan that
outlines pedestrian and bicycle improvemen's for [he PGD ;o
provide safe and efficient connectohs between the trolley
station and surrounding land uses
Consistent SANDAG has been involved in the development
ofthe PGDSP, including the provision of funding i?:e PGDSP
provides a land use plan that promotes and improves access
between the Palomar Transit Station and PC OS.o land uses :o
the east ofthe station The PGDSP includes a Mobility Plan
that outlines pedestrian and bi_ryde improvements farthe
PGD to provide safe and efficient connexons between :he
trolley station and surrounding land uses No connexions
over 1-5 ate proposed as part of the PGDSP The Gty is
preparing an 1.5 tansit study that addresses connections
and crossings over I-Bas Dart ofa separate effort
Consistent The proposed project is a specific plan that
would encourage economic development in the PGD The
PGDSP proposes a land use plan that would accommodate
the development ofcommunity-serving and neighborhood
commercial uses The Palomar Neighborhood Retail Cluster
Sub-district would specifcally accommada to resident-
serving commercial uses The sub-district is boated adjacent
to the primary residential area in the PGD and.would have
reduced building heights and intensity compared to the
proposed mixed use commercial sub-du:rixs The Mixed
Use Corridor Sub-district would accommodate mmmunity-
serving and neighborhood uses along the motor
transportation facilities in the PGD, including Palomar Street
and :he Palomar TransitStotion The highest intersi6es
would be clustered In [he designated gateway locations at
the intersections of Palomar Street and Walnut
Street/Frontage Road and Palomar StreetJlndustrial
Boulevard The PGDSP indudesa Mobility Plan that ou;fines
pedestrian a nd bicycle improvements for ;he PGD to provide
safe and er¢ient connexions between uses and encourage
use of non-motorized modes of 7anspcrtation
Pobmar Getewcy DisiriC Specific Plcn PSR
SCH Ho 2011 i t 1077 Pcge 5 7-23
Cdy of Chula vista
5I Lcnd'_~sE ?lo: Ling and Zor~,-rg
iabl=_ i 3 ccn:iaoed
General Plz.; Obje~-ive or Polie! ~ ?GD->2 Cavsis[ency
Gbie~ive LUT 43: Era6iish z f.5ixed Use ia.-sit Fars Frez
surcunding :he Pzlomar Tolley Station
Policy PJT 43 is Tne Gry shall prepare, o: Mme :a have
prepzred, a specific pizn, mzs'er plan, or ether regulatory
document ;c guide ;r.e coo: dina:ed estzbls'rmen: of a M&ed
Use ira;ui: locus A: ez vritiin ;he ?elomar Ga:ew'oy Dir., is on
rooeries north znd south of Palomar S:ree t, wi;iun wa Ikable
dis~nce o; ;he ?atamzr T:dlEy Stztiai T::=sped%K pizn or
other rzgulatay doormen: shall include gcidefine; znd aoning-
!evel standa.-ds fo: the arrangement o; lard eyes That include
puns far adequate pedes:dan mnne_^-Ics and Support services
`cr resider;s, as wel! as tncse using tie =nsL• s;zticn.
Polic, LUT 43 ?: Pr~••ide fora 'nve-acre neig~3a-haod pa: k
within the Pala-. a: Ga:ewzy OiY.r,C.
Pc[icy! UT C33: SL•iee for z distrihi.icn of uses wi;,iln the arezs
designated as Mixed Use Transit: ocus A: ea along ?a lomar
Street :o include re mil, o3ims, and residantial, as generzlly
shov.-s on the follox9ng char.:
z~--:~~ mResidential
~z~~=~ ~ kdus;rial
~.~_ v,~
S-'_ aOfnces
Polly LU743 4: ?r ovide z robe o. uses vrtth a ices on retail and
score o;•ce uses along ?a3cmar 57eet In tie Mixed Use Transit
Potts Area, vrith ;widen;izl uses aMve znd/or behind the retail
and c ~rCPS uses '
?Wiry LUT,35: Prvide a mix c Icczl-serdog retail zr+_ office
uses near ;.ia Palomar Trolley S;zan and z; ffie y~teways into
:he'alcmar Ga:ewzY Distri
Pdiy LUT 36: In ae ?alcmar GztE~:ay Dk:.i ~resider.;izl
densities within pie Mixed Use Trnsit Froa s Frei designaaan
are crtended to have a district-hide FJOss density cf t0 dwe0ing
•:nib per a~ e -
Policy LUT E3 7: In t:-r_ Palomar Gateway Dist~_, the
rmmerdal Iretall and a-ice) pc~.ian s tie Mind Use Trarisit
Fa-uz Area design:ion ¢ intended to F.zve a ia_s area-wide
agerega;e F:.R cf i 0 Subsequent spedsic ptas o: aping
orciaznce regulaticns will etabfish pa:eel-spea:r_ FA.4z d:a:
may vay from the dirt:ir.-wise aggregate tre;ar to
Sec5on ^ S ?, Li .: wing :he ems.^d Use D'a3rzm, S: a
dis:ussien of dirric---vdde versrx pa: ce!-spedfr_: AF,)
Polisv ! T 435: ?u'uding iseigia in~the %alcmar Gatavey
DistiC Mixed Use T ~: sr :cars Area shalt be Irnv-rise, vi;h
score mid-rise iuif'_ings
?cfi:y LUT 439: ?^_ildi:.g hei+~^•s in t _ =_sider,5el -igh
desi; zed a2a ~a0 be Icw-rise buldi ss
Coasister,:. Tne prwosed prcjeG would imple.-s=n: a
specinc plan forth=_ PGD ,o guide the development o; z
Trznzi; foc•:s Area The PG35P u;dudes guiddi:.3 and
zoning-level s2ndards forme z:rzngemes: o`knd eses,
indudesa NObili`~?Ian fa-d ecuz;e ?ed3;.-ia:•
n n.-.e GiO.•t<, and would aaa;,r„oda;e a variey o: support
services for residers, as well as :hose wing?alemar iranzi;
Ccnsisien: The'rGDSP is=_mities 5 5 aces c o<ten5al cz: k
areas ;~ ;he PGD, inducting a 4 S-ace n=_ighborhacd par k
sx:h of the ?alama Trznsit Stztion, ar•d z ! 3-z>=_ unzn
pa: k ro ~; of %alcr..z: Street.
Ccrsis;en: R=sideaaal d_+ebpr..ent svo_dd wrtsnue b i=_
:he dominant Iznd use's~'te PGD wish i-plemen:a;ion cf
the PGDSP Up :01,-s00 new residential uni's would be
acmmmodared in tie area, fora total cf 1,700.^.its A:o:zl
of 50,000 square fee: c` new commercial znc office use
mu!d 5e devefcped, .a a total c; ?50,000 squat a sect
Nxed use development •.vculd be ~xen-a:ed zlong
Palomar Stree y wNc;1 inddes two gatev2}•s, and t:ne
?alemar ira:ui; StzSOn, vri:h adc'rioralresi::e.--.ial
development provided ir. ;he Palomar P~~ider•;;z1 UIIZ3e
Ccnsistent The Nixed LSa Traci: Focus Area cesignaticn
wd_~Id apply to dwelopme:6 •.vi;hin appr oxima:ety 0 L m1le
o::-;he Pzlamar T:a.~l; S ..ion Tnis area would have a.--.
av=_rage residentizl dersiy o: <C dweluag ant's pet ac:_ fie
?GOB? uses an equivale.'sry faGa: [o ; ~nsl=_:e cxel6ng urti-s
y_race~%AR Adensh(of 4G dwelfng uni+~per acre
would resr4 in an zrea-wide aggreg<;=_ FAR o: 2 0 The FAR ~.
'vldudes ormmervial and:esidenua! developm_ ;:
iJaximur.• Building heigh-s in ::u PGD would : ange rm
lnv-rise, up :0 35 feE:, in cie Pzlcr••zr haighSo:icod 5=_:a"u
Cles;e: S::6ti u-..iC, ;c bw-rise, p:i.;,zrily 4ii0lee. ir. :.`.e
?alamarians'r--?I~a znd Mfzed Uze Ca:rider SU`_•-dis'-rirs
Some builc`mgs wi-r.• a mzximum heigrs: ci oG tee: would be
allsvable ir, grew•_y arzzs The Resi?e•^.fml hi3h desi; atlon
wauldapply tc :'^.e ?xlomar Reside:.ial Vllzs_ orb-diz:d.^„
which would Se limited a a maximum builcsng heigi; o`
'tS tee; 7`se Retzil Ccmme. gal desig. ~9on vr:,dd apply :o
;h=_rzlomar Neighborhwd Ret=_i(Qus:e: Sub Si ~ whit:,
v: Auld he ILmited ;a Icvfrise, lower intansiry devebpment
'cl~-s^.. Gciewcy Di~:ic: Spen°r_ Plc^. P92
iC-: No 2G7 7111 W 7 P.^ye i ! ?4
City of Chu4: Vr'a
A;,:7 2ri13
5 I Land L'se Planning and Zoning
7a'dIe 5.?-3 corfinued
General Ilan Objective or Felicy _ _ PGDSP Consistency
Pofiq• LUT 43 i0: In the ?zfoma r Ga;eway District, permi• -
mzximum floor area ratio of 0 5 and Icw-rise buildings in L`te
Re~il Commercial designated area on (ndustial aoulevard
adjacent :o ffie zrea designated as Residential High. -
Design Consistent. The PGDSP indude5 spedfic design and
Potiry LU743.1?: the specinc plan or other regulamry landscape guidelines for Palomar Staet at the designated
document fo: the Palomar Gateway Dis;: ictsball establish gateways in Chapier4 of the PGDSP, Design GuldeSnes The
design and landscape guidelines for the improvement of PGDSF applies urban design treatment and a streetsczoe
Palomar Street as a gatevxy to `he City palette :hat identifies and coordinates elemenu such as
Po:ic(tUT E332: Provide for safe, eReGive, and aesthetic street trees, street furniture and lighting Guidelines for
pedestrian crossings and improvements to Palomar Street and sidewalk design and lighting provide for sate, effective, and
Industrial aoulevard aesthetic pedestrian crossings Intersection bulb-sus are
- - encouraged at busy intersections,sucb as Fakmar Street
and Industrial Boulevard, to Provide safety for pedestrians
Additional guidelines include de<orztive sidewalk and
lighting features, hullers between pedestrians and moving
vehicles, smooth and slip-resistant surfaces, mnsistert light
fixtures and posts, and a combination of streetlights and
pedestrian-level lights.
Amenities Consistent The PGDSP encourages and includes guidelines
Polity l.UT 4333: Community amenities to be considered for the for the amenities listed in Policy Z7lin Chapier4 ofthe
Palomar Gateway District as oa.^. or any incentive program PGDSP, Design Guidelines, including public plazas, water
should include, but not be limited to those listed in features, public art, streetscaDe improvements, pedestrian
Polityy LUT 271 path improvements, enhanced pedestrian connections,
Policy tUT 4314: Provide for the development of one upper-level setbacks for buildings more than 30 feet above
Neigfihorhood Park wiffiin or near ffie Palomar Gateway District grade, parking concealed by occupiable spa_e,additionalon-
site structured parking for adjacent mmme; cial or
Polity LUT 43.15: Ertahrish a community/cultural center near residential uses, transit station access and improvements,
Palomar Street znd 7hlyd Avenue bicycle parking facilities, and s'seet wont facades/windows A
neighborhood park is propcsed south ofthe trolley station
The Palomar Street(Third Avenue interseGi~n is ou'side cf
the PGDSP; however, the proposed mixed use areas and
neighborhood park would accommcdate
' communif~lculturalamenities.
F. City of Chulp Vista Zoning Code
The existing zoning for the PGD was established 30 years ago and is presently out of confcrmance with
the adopted General Plan (Ciy es Chula Vista 2006a) In order to comply with state law and bring tuning
into conformance with the General Plan, the PGDSP proposes new zoning forthe four sv b-districts in tie
PGD Th=_ new zoning includes provisions for land us=_s, building intensity, form, mass, and height as
recommended in the Geneal Pian Tie proposed land uses and development regutations.identified in
the PGDSP would replace the provisions of CVMC Chapters 19.26, 19 30, 1936, 19 40, and 19 44, and
the provisions of the San Diego County Zoning Ordinance C36 and 594 use regulations Where the CVMC
conflicts with the development standards or other provisions of the PGDSP, the PGDSP would apply;
where the PGDSP is si}ent, the CVMC would apply The definitions found in CVMC Chapter i9 04 would
apply to the ?GCS?, except where specific definitions are provided in the PGDSP The zoning
amendments that would occur as a re=_ult Df PGDSP would improve consistency between Ctty punning
Palomar Gciewcy Disric Specific P!an P'dR Cify of Chula Vista
SCH No 2011111077 Pcye 5 1-25 April ?013
Source: C:,SIL eOM1i: SanGIS 2011: Chula Vs:a 2012
.. 0 200 c00 N
FIGURE 5.1-3
3 Palomar Gz~zvey Disair. Spzcific Plzn Pcln