HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013/08/06 Item 06' -~r~~. _ CITY COUNCIL ~. ~~- _ ~.<~. AGENDA STATEMENT Zv.. .~. ::._ .: . ~. __ s., ~~ CITY OF CHULA VISTA AUGUST 6. X013 Item~i ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA (1) APPROVING ANT UPDATE TO COUNCIL POLICY 453-02 RELATED TO THE DEVELOPI\gNT OF AFFORDABLE FOR-SALE HOUSING FOR LOAT AND MODERATE-INCOME BUYERS; (2) AUTHORIZING THE Dfl2ECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES OR HIS DESIGNEE TO IMPLEA4ENT THE POLICY; .SND (3) FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE AND AA4END. CONSISTENT WITH THE AFOREMENTIONED POLICY. ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO THE POLICY SUBMITTED BY: DIRECTOR OF DEV OPNIENT SERVICE REVIEWED BY: CITY >\4AN'AG 4hTHS VOTE: IBS ~ \`O SU~211ARY The Citv of Chula Vista's Affordable For-Sale Housing Policy 453-02 yeas original]}~ adopted on December 9; 2003 and last updated September 13, 2005. Given recent changes in the real estate market and the elimination of Califomia Redevelopment; a comprehensive update is needed to Council Policy 453-02 to allow greater flexibility to the beneficiaries of the Citv's For-Sale Housing Program and to encourage long term homeo~mership (Attachment I: Updated Council Policy 453-02). E\~'IROIVI~IENTAL REVIEW The Director of Development Sen~ices has reviewed the proposed activity for compliance with the Califomia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the activity is not a "Project" as defined under Section 15378 of the State CEQA Guidelines because the proposed activit}° consists of a governmental administrative action that will not result in direct or indirect phti~sical changes in the environment. Therefore, pursuant to 6-1 August 5, 2013 Item No. ~ Page 2 of 5 Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines the activity is not subject to CEQA. Thus, no environmental review is necessary. RECOMMENDATION Council adopt the resolution. BOARDS/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION On July 24, 2013, the Housing Advisory Commission voted to recommend revisions to Council Policy 453-02 (Development of Affordable For-Sale Housing). DISCUSSION The Affordable For-Sale Housing City Council Policy 453-02 (the "Policy") was adopted in 2003 to provide procedures and guidelines for Developers .proposing to construct affordable for-sale housing opportunities within the City. The policy outlines mechanisms to ensure affordability of the sales price, sharing of sale proceeds to continue to promote affordable homeo~~~nership programs, loan qualification, and selection of qualified buyers. To date, 32 units within Sedona at Rolling Hills Ranch and 67 units at Mar Brisa at San Miguel Ranch have been developed utilizing this Policy. Since the last amendment to the Policy in 2005, there have been drastic changes in the housing market such as steep decline in U.S. home values. With the elimination of State Redevelopment and the associated governing laws, the Shared Equity loan terms and restriction on the properties can reflect our current First Time Homebuyer Program and industry standards rather than State Redevelopment law. Given the changes, revisions to the Policy are needed to ensure its continuing effectiveness for existing and future first time homeov<ners. Staff is proposing revisions that will allow greater flexibility to those beneficiaries of the City's For-Sale Housing Program and to encourage long term homeownership. Such revisions include restructuring of the equity share between the City and homeowner, a reduction in the length of term of the Silent Second loan, underwriting criteria and procedures for a short sales and cases of hardship. 'In addition clean up revisions are proposed to provide flexibility which include the applicability of the policy to moderate for-sale products and elimination of examples and language that may change over time and become obsolete. The proposed revisions are consistent with mortgage industry standards and are in line with program policies, at the federal and state level, that have been adopted for those experiencing a hardship and facing foreclosure, such as Keep Your Home California and the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP). Recommended Substantive Revisions to the Policy Loan Ternz and Equity Share The Policy requires the repayment of the Silent Second loan principal upon sale, transfer, refinance, rental or change of title on the property. Staff proposes reducing the shared equity term from the current Policy of 45 years, required under previous State 6-2 Aueust 5. 2013 Item No. ~ Paee 3 of ~ Redevelopment law; to li veazs to coincide ~~2th more typical homeowrership trends and the Citq`s First Time Homebuyer Program. Proposed Table 1 of the Council Policy is revised to reflect equity share percentages bet.veen the City and the Homeo~smer based on the revised maximum length of the time (1~ veazs) the Homeov<mer has occupied the propern~. Should a homeo~~ner sell within one veaz; the City retains 100% of the equity in the propem~. minus the homeowners expenses. The City's share of equity declines each veaz until yeaz 1 ~. Underx-ritirag Criteria Staff has proposed updates to unden~ziting criteria to be consistent with the City's First Time Homebuyer Program and current industn~ unden~Titing standards to ensure qualified applicants are being selected for the program that will be able to sustain homeownership. Lansuase is included to limit the use of funds eifred to the buyer. Short Sale and Hardship At the time of the adoption and the subsequent amendment to the Policy, home prices reached unprecedented double digit increases and the Policy did not reflect any potential decline in market conditions. t4%ith the siartificant dog+mturn in the housing market in recent yeazs; where home mortgages are significantly higher than market value, many homeowtters aze choosing to short sell or allow the properh~ to enter into a default status. Given the existing policy term of 4~ yeazs and upside dosvrt mortgages; homeos~~ners aze provided with little incentive to maintai^ homeownership at the existing terms or to refmance. Staff has proposed new language to recognize short sales and financial hazdships. Prior to a short sale, homeo~timers will be required to seek homeownership counseling. City Silent Second Loan Restructuring The Development Sen ices Director will have the ability to'reyiew existing loan documents and approve loan principal reductions in a downtumed economy for homeowrters in good standins and seekine refmancins to more favorable terms. The proposed language «~11 allow for coordination with Federal; and State foreclosure prevention programs. such as Keep Your Home California and the Home Affordable Refinance Program (HARP). .Applicability to Existing Balm%ced Communities (7nclusionarv Housing') Projects Since 2003; two developments have utilized the Policy; Sedona in Rolling Hills Ranch and Mar Brisa in San A4iguel Ranch. Both projects provided affordable units through the City's Balanced Communities Policy. The City is currently working with Fannie Mae; «%ells Fazgo; and other parties involved in the fast mortgages of these properties to address concerns regazding loan modifications and refinances. The update of the Policy will provide the Development Services Director the ability to review the City's Silent Second loan documents and appropriately apply the Policy as necessar}~ to allow these homeo~~ners an oppomtnih~ to seek more favorable financing terms and maintain homeos~mership. 6-3 August 5; 20] 3 Item No. (~ Page 4 of ~ Moderate become Buyers The original Policy did not have provisions for moderate-income buyers. The proposed Policy would apply the underwriting criteria and terms as low-income buyers and coincide with the approved pricing guidelines as set forth in the Inclusionary Guidelines. Recommended Clean Up Revisions to the Policy Puy pose The Housing Element of the Genera] Plan is updated every seven years. Therefore, goals and policies of the Housing Element aze subject to change as housing needs may change over time. The revisions include the strikeout of the specific goals of the 1999-2020 Housing Element and replacement with language that states a general goal of providing for varied housing opportunities for the diverse needs of the community. Examples The existing Policy provides specific examples (reference struck out Tables 1-3 in Attachment 1) for loan assumptions, calculation of sales prices, and the Silent Second loans. Additionally, County of San Diego Income Limits for 2005 and Housing Pricing based on these income limits serve as Attachments to the Policy. The examples and the Attachments are based on point in time information and subject to change over time and based on market conditions. Therefore, the examples and Attachments to the Policy are . being deleted. CONCLUSION The Policy revisions promote long term affordability and encourage Chula Vista's workine families to take advantage of opportunities for quality housing consistent with City housing goals. Without such changes, staff anticipates it will be difficult to find future buyers of for-sale products under this Policy due to excessive restrictions of the current language and additional defaults may occur with the existing complexes implemented under the Policy. DECISION MAKER CONFLICT R'hile the Policy update is not site specific and consequently, the 500-foot rule found in California Code of Regulations section 18704.2(a)(1) is not applicable to this decision, the revisions may allow the Development Services Director to make modifications to existing loan documents for the Sedona and Mazbrisa projects, if requested and in compliance with the proposed revisions. Staff has reviewed the property holdings of the City Council and has found no property holdings within 500 feet of the boundaries of the properties which is the subject to this action. Staff is not independently aware, nor has staff been informed by any City Councilmember, of any other fact that may constitute a basis for a decision maker conflict of interest in this matter. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT There is no ongoing fiscal impact. 6-4 Aueust ~_. 2013 Item No. 6 Pase ~ of ~ ONGOING FISCAL IAZPACT There is no ongoing fiscal impact. The City of Chula -Vista's Inclusionap• Program proceeds NZll continue to assist additional first time homebu~~ers. ATTACIir1ENT 1. Updated Council Policy 453-02 Prepared b}~: Jose Dorado. Project Coordinator Stacey Kura, Senior Project Coordinator Development Sen-ices Department, Housing Dn~ision 6-5 ATTACHMENT 1 -Undated Council Policy 453-02 COUNCIL POLICI' CITI' OF CHULA ~7STA SUBJECT: DEVELOPIvIENTOFAFFORDABLE POLICY EFFECTIVE FOR SALE HOUSING FOR LON_ NUMBER DATE PAGE AND D10DERATE- INCOME q53-02 12-09-03 1 of 7 BUYERS ADOPTED BS': Resolution No. 2003-492 DATED: 12-09-03 TENDED Bl': Resolution No. 2005-314. 9-li-OS and 20 G- . 7-1 G13 PURPOSE The Housing Element of the City's General Plan (1O°°~o-^^^2013-20201 establishes goals and policies for the City to address a number of important housing related issues. the-One of the focus areas pFimary-gea~is to ensure the cit~~ooorts varied housing opportunities Hs-tke-Ettyf d' arse needs of residents including the establishment of g_ermanent affordable housing opoortunities for low- and moderate- income households. This Policy establishes the procedures and guidelines for the development of affordable for sale housing for first-time low- and moderate- income buyers defined as households ~^^,^~ -~, ~ ~^ ''^'~^^~' ~ '^~';o ~..al whom gashave.not had ownership interest in any property within three years from the date of application and are earning no more than 80% and 120% resoectivel~of the Area Median Income( AMI"l. The A~MediaH-Fr~eerae-EAMI~, based upon household size, is determined annually by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development '"",^,~';. This policy wiN-outlines the development guidelines, program requirements including underwriting criteria and the buyer selection criteria that shall pertain to a~ for-sale development per posed to have affordable units within the Cit~and not otherwise regulated by other funding sources inclusive of the City's Balanced Communities f'Inclusionary'') Policy. 6-6 COU\'CIL POLICI' CITI' OF CHULA \7STA SUBJECT: DEVELOP6~~T' OF AFFORDABLE POLICY EFFECTT\~E FOR SALE HOUSING FOR LO\\'- i\UA7BER DATE PAGE A\rD D90DER.4TE- I~'COME 453 02 12 09 03 €? } F BUYERS - - - - - -e ADOPTED Bl': Resolution No. 2003-492 DATED: 12-09-03 IADIE\DED BY: Resolution \o. 2003-314, 9-13-OS and 2013- . i-16-Li The Inclusionary-policy rer,uires residential development projects consisting of 50 units or more to restrict a minimum of ten percent f10°/1 of the units for occupancy by and affordable to low- and moderate- income households vrith a minimum of 5°~ of the units for low-income residents. Any Developer wishing to satisfy their affordable housing obligation through the development of affordable for-sale housing within the City must adhere to the policies contained herein and the Balanced Communities Policy Guidelines. ^• ^,~~.~-t#~ 2:tt!e^:eai DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES The purpose of this polity is to provide affordable homeownership opportunities for low- income households and to ensure that upon sale of the 'affordable" unit the City receives adequate funds to continue to promote affordable homeownership programs throughout the City. To that end, the two primary components of this development process include the establishment of a loan, through a Second Trust Deed, between the Homebuyer and the City and an equity share system based upon the Homebuyer's length of occupancy. The City and Developer shall ~-'^'^ ^''~'^ `^"`" implemeniat-ten-et the development mechanisms as outlined below. The City's Second Loan will ensure that the unit shall be affordable to the ''^,o.".;~..,•^'^^'^^ buyer while maintaining the market value of the property. The Silent Second Loan shall be defined as a loan that does not require any payments until sale, transfer, refinance, rental or change in title of the property. City Loan Calculation The calculation of the City's second loan amount shall be based upon the establishment of the 'Affordable Sales Price' and "Market Rate Price" of each type of unit, based upon number of bedrooms per unit The Citys Second Loan amount is calculated based upon the difference between the Market Rate Price (MRP) and the Affordable Sales Price (ASP). Silent Second Loan Amount=MRP-ASP 6-~ COliNCIL POLICY CITY OF CHULA VISTA SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE POLICY EFFECTIVE FOR SALE HOUSING FOR LOW- NUMBER UATE PAGE .AND \10DERATE- INCOME 12 09 03 o~ BUYERS ~ 45x02 - - ~ ADOPTED B1': Resolution No. 2003-492 DATED: 12-09-03 AbIENDED BY: Resolution No. 2005-314, 9-13-OS and 2013- .7-1(-I The Affordable Sales Price shall be calculated based upon a number of factors, including but not limited to. -number of bedrooms per unit at 1.5 persons per bedroom, homeowner's association dues, utilityallowance orooertv tax Mello Roos fCFDs) and any other additional costs of construction that are passed onto the buyer. This calculation is then incorporated into the formula that determines what the City's second loan amount will be. Assum~tlons utilized to calculate the Affordable Sales Price will be subject to the normal costs and fees as associated with the purchase of the particular property based upon the real estate market and negotiations between the City and Developer at the time of the development DfODOSdI The criteria included that will remain constant are the erp centagg of down~ayment required term of the loan and the maximum housing to income ratios Other factors may be applied and are subject to change based upon the individual development costs. The Market Rate Price will be determined and mutually agreed upon by the City and Developer based upon current real estate comparables and market analysis at the time of development proposal. The Market Rate Price may be subject to change upon the approval of the City during the development/construction period. f DTTCDTA mi I~ {30WnpayR32Rf JO/ ,•(~cc l..~....F~ D.4.0.4.. 6-8 COUNCIL POLICY CIT]' OF CHULA ]7STA SLBJECT: DEVELOPDgNT OF AFFORDABLE POLIC]' EFFECTIVE FOR SALE HOUSING FOR LOttl- NUMBER DATE PAGE A\D ~1ODER-4TE- INCOi`g 453 02 12 09 03 1 € ~ BUYERS - - - -s - - ADOPTED B]': Resolution No. 2003-492 DATED: 12-09-03 IADfENDED BY: Resolution No. 2005-314, 9-li-OS and 20 L3- , i-16-13 Tn.m n{ Z(1 ~re»~~ TuV~TCn-iT~~..n.! I..Inlln On..-, :i .....I:..L.In O/ T^~~1f~^.. l ~ .4~n - ~ {~nm T.L~ n 1 .n ~ln.n~m'nn lL~n m m AKn..I ~L~In D ..L~~~n '' ItCC ~ I IREBRlE I a:ew-~eme I fneeme ~ 2-~rms ~ 3-Bdfrras ~ 4-~drms n ~'A,:n.. Dn..n.-. ..: n.,.n r.nna'nn rn~mm~ rn~nn an. .- ... SEA°.-', $fl°b I 80-1c { Sr49;7A0. { ," S I s64$SB C.. . 1, .1nnH.1 tJn .nL.n LJ In~mm~ Q~en.l { 4;1.2 4;753 3338 T'mn~ Dn ~~n n. n{Lln .nL... .J I.~~i.mn nH.:L~ •.t.ln .n icC novcvo~c [v ,Cw J~O/ .bra' . - ATJ ~tl~9 iV{VV't I 2?~CQ 6-9 COUNCIL POLICY CITI' OF CHULA VISTA SUBJECT: DEVELOPb-IENT OF AFFORDABLE IPOLICY EFFECTR'E FOR SALE HOUSING FOR LOW- NUMBER DATE PAGE AND t`90DERATE- INCOME 03 2 09 7 } ft BUYERS 453-02 1 - - - -e ~ ADOPTED BY: Resolution No. 2003-492 DATED: 12-09-03 AMENDED BY: Resolution No. 2005-314, 9-li-OS and 2013- . 7-16-13 ~escriptien kow Low-Ineenie ~ Income Income X539 6992 799 Equals-A4arr' c,°~ $230,073 62-59,983 TabFe-3 Max Aff Mar et Va ue o Home Bedrooms purchase Sewnd Trust Deed Amount Per Unit pdce 2 $ 195,303 $ 79,697 $ 104,697 $ 129,697 $ 154 697 $ 179,697 3 $ 230,073 S 44 927 $ 69 927 $ 94 927 $ 119 927 $ 144 927 4 S 259,983 $ 15,017 S 40,017 $ 65,017 $ 90,017 $ 115,017 Equih~Share Table 4-1 illustrates the equity share percentages between the City and Homeowner based upon the length of time that the Homeowner has occupied the property. The applicable equity share if anv plus principal shall be due upon sale, transfer, refinance, rental or change of title on the property. Should a Homeowner sell, transfer, rent or reconvey the property before one year has passed from the date of the close of escrow, the City shall retain 100% of the equity in the property, minus approved Homebuyer expenditures, including amount of initial downpayment and approved costs of sale. Table 41 For-Sale Low- and Moderate- Income Homebuyer Equity Share Occupancy Period ( months) CiTy Equity Share Homeowner Equity Share 0-121-3 0%79~°,S 100/ 3R% ~ 13.240-?9 5%604 95%a9e6 6-10 e COUNCIL POLIC]' CIT]' OF CHULA ]'ISTA SUBJECT: DEVELOPDg\T OF AFFORDABLE POLIC]' EFFECTFI'E FOR SALE HOUSi~'G FOR LOW- ~U11BER DATE PAGE A\'D a1ODERATE- INCOD~ 453 02 12 09 03 f? FF BU]'ERS - - - - a ADOPTEDB]': Resolution No. 2003-492 DATED: 12-09-03 ~.4,alE\DED Bl': Resolution No. 2005-314, 9-U-0> and 2013- 7-16-li 25-3615 I 10°/~ I 0°L/Q50'= 37=4fik-2-B I 15~ I SSq°62°: 49-602-1=~5 I 209'°38T I 80~~ 61-722Fr38 I 50°~ I SO%88'. 73-8431-35 I 55%i8=: I 45° 85-963=i I 60 :°' I 40 97-108 I ~ I ~ I 109-120 I 70% I 30% 121-132 I 3~qs I 133-144 ~ I ~ Q 145-156 I 85% ( 15% I 157-168 I 90% 10~° 16 -180 I 98q° I ~ Thereafter I 100% 0~° < < -~n cn-r T1+'. I..... r1++11 1...... ~+'.1 •n •L.n ("hr 6-1 1 COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF CHULA VISTA SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE POLICY EFFECTIVE FOR SALE HOUSING FOR LO\\'- NUn1BER DATE PAGE 4ND ~90DERATE- INCOME BUYERS 453-02 12-09-03 -}-I-ef~ ADOPTED BY: Resolution No. 2003-492 DATED: 12-09-03 rU1IENDED BV: Resolution No. 2005-314. 9-13-OS and 2013- . 7-16-13 - ' ' ' . P1o I ]nJ Thn un...nn. n LJ n ~" nF f C 4C0 ..1 f nn nnn /OO/ nt t[nn nnn\ ~. ...1. L . /hn. n /,I .Jn. nn. ... Fn. H.n .n... •...J .'4h .hn ~ nF a.n .. r , Thn un...nn. nn: ~ n ~h+.n .1 hn P1n~ nn7 n •Ln PtO'1 ]n] L..Ln~n n th~1~ .. Fn. •n.+ n un... nn of flQn ]1n Tl.n r'. .L..n .i I-.n Qt ]t n11 n nF •hn .. nF 1hn r'• fn~.1~^~ K~o co~~ Fn. , .n n r. ns t71 n con EXAMPLE TABLE Cu«ent Sales Price (4 yars later) $ 500,000 1st LOan-Homeowner $ (787,303) 2nd Loan-City $ (79,679) Homeowner's Investment-Homeowner $ 45 859 Equily $ 787,159 Times E uit Share Percents a 70.0% Equity Share (City) S 137,011.30 TOTAL DUE TO CITY $ 210,090 TOTAL DUE TO HOMEOWNER $ 289,310 Rennvmenr Requirements and Conditions Sale, transfer, refnance with cash-out or for purposes of debt consolidation or renting of the property requires both repayment of the Silent Second Loan PLUS repayment of a portion of the equity based upon the length of occupancy at the time of such action. The City will subordinate its second loan if the Homeowner wishes to obtain a straight rate and term refinance (no cash out or debt consolidation). Neither the City's second loan or the equity share will be due. The City will evaluate the Homeowner's Ratios to determine if the borrower can reoav a oortion of the silent second or if the new loan remains affordable for borrowers who refinance into a less loan term Should the Homeowner wish to add an individual to the Title of the property or include the property in a Trust they must obtain City approval prior to such action. Either action may result in the loan and/or equity share becoming due and payable within 90 days of the action and shall beat the discretion of the City. 6-12 COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF CHIiLA VISTA SUBJECT: DE\-FLOP\~*[ OF AFFORDABLE FOR SALE HOUSING FOR LOW- POLICY NUMBER EFFECTIVE DATE PAGE AND ~10DERATE- INCOAg 453 02 12 03 09 a I ~? BUI'ERS - - - - -e ADOPTED Bl': Resolution No. 2003-492 DATED: 12-09-03 IA,SIENDED BY: Resolution No. 2005-314, 9-13-05 and 20 G- . i-16-li Shorn Sale and Hardship Upon loan re~aymeni request. if the combined first and second mortpapes are below current market value of a unit the City will repuire homeowners to seek homeownership counseling prior to the approval of a short sale of the property. In addition. these request will be reviewed on a case by case basis. City Silent Second Loan Restructuring The Director of Development Services may authorize a reduction in the Cit~/s Silent Second Loan Amount principal (after sale) for buyers whom are in good standing fora minimum of 6 months (on their mortga~ce payments. and HOA fees). undergoing a refinance. and where initial Market Rate Price has declined by more than 40%to current value under current underwriting and industry standards. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS The City and the Developer will ensure the development meets all of the following requirements: Should subsidized financing, offsets, or incentives be proposed and obtained, the development requirements of that program or granting Agency must also be met. All "affordable" units will be sold to buyers meeting both the income-based and cost-based measures of affordability. The income-based measure is the annual income at 80% and 120°~ of ,°.~^, "".~-~,~ri,^ 'a^^^ IAMI; based upon household size. The cost-based measure may not exceed 40% of 80% of AMI for all loans except FHA which has a cap of 36oy rti^.,.t...,. ^,, nnnc ~.,^.,..,,, c^ .,,..~.,, °. {~ .c1o o-i~- ..f .. ti.-~..'...-I ... [un ,. .. nco. ,,<ccc onm ~. 6-13 COUNCIL POLICY CITI' OF CHULA VISTA SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE POLICY EFFECTR'E FOR SALE HOUSING FOR LOW- NUMBER PATE PAGE AND A4ODERATE- INCOb4E BUYERS 453-02 12-09-03 a-1-e€~ ADOPTED BI': Resolution No. 2003-492 DATED: 12-09-03 ADIENDED BI': Resolution No.2005-314, 9-13-OS and 20li- 7-1G-I3 iThe units will be priced as affordable to buyers at the 70% and 110% of AMI level, but the maximum income level for quali in households will still be at 80% of AMI for low- income and 120% for moderate- income Pricing will be set using a front end ratio of 30°/ for low income buyers and 36% for moderate income buyers .. 'F '.... ~.,. ~,.ti,. a. o ..,.,....t... a nra~rt. ~........~~~ y ., 4. Prospective homebuyers must be pre-qualified by the designated Lender, as determined by the Developer, in order to purchase an affordable unit, although the homebuyer may obtain his/her permanent fnancing from any licensed mortgage broker or lender of their choosing. Homebuyer shall notify City staff in writing of intent to use "outside' lender at least 30 days before expected escrow closing, as determined by the developer. 5. Homeowner is required to attend a qualified "Homebuyer Education Program" and provide evidence to the City of their attendance before the close of escrow. 6. The Borrower must sign a release authorizing the City to receive a copy of the buyer's 1003 (Mortgage Loan Application), Good Faith Estimate and Underwriting Transmittal Summary (1008) or similar form from Lender, which shall be forwarded to City as part of the application review process. Undernriting Requirements The City shall require that each homebuyer meet the following underwriting standards in order to be eligible for purchase of an Affordable Unit, regardless of Lender's standard or available underwriting criteria: 1. Minimum contribution by buyer of three percent (3%) of the Purchase Price; 6-14 COIIi\CIL POLIC]' CIT]' OF CHliLA ]'ISTA SUBJECT: DEVELOPt]~\-I OF AFFORDABLE POLICY EFFECTI]'E FOR SALE HOUSI,\'G FOR LO\V_ ~'Ui\1BER DATE PAGE .A~'D MODERATE- I\COr1E 4Si 02 12 09-03 ~+ €~ BUYERS - - -ee ADOPTED Bl': Resolution No. 200392 DATED: 12-09-03 Ail1E\DED B]': Resolution No. 2005-314, 9-li-OS and 2013- - i-I6-G 2. Maximum liquid assets after downpayment and closing cost contribution not to exceed S2S,000 (not including retirement accounts i.e. IRA's, 401(k), etc); 3. Non-occupant co-borrowers are not allowed; 4. Maximum total housing ratio of 36% for FHA loans and 40% for all other loans; S. Maximum debt-to-income ratios of 41% for FHA loans and 46% for all other loans; aad ~6- Minimum front-end ratio of 30% for income qualification ourooses ~- ---- Formattetl: Irdent left: 0.5', No bullets or numbering, Tab stops: Not a. 0.5' 7. No refinancing for the purposes of cash-out or debt consolidation shall be allowed a~ nd- r3S Gift funds shall not exceed 10% of the affordable sales price. Lender Requirements The Developer is responsible for providing an informational packet to the Homebuyer detailing the responsibilities of all of the involved parties, including the Lender, City, Developer and Homebuyer. The Lender is required to adhere to the criteria in determining the Homebuyer's eligibility for an affordable for-sale unit. Appropriate documentation {as eeNi+aed-aLieve-a~"-Z)-must be forwarded to the City by the Lender. After review and verification that the Homebuyer is qualified, the City will send an Approval Letter to the Lender confirming the Homebuyer's eligibility. BUYER SELECTION CRITERIA The Developer shall use the following criteria in order to determine priority for purchase of an affordable for-sale housing unit. Marketin of units shall be in comoliance with --.--~ Formatted: Font CG Omega g. - - - ..._..... - 6-15 COUNCIL POLICI' CITY OF CHULA ~7STA SUBJECT: DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE POLICY EFFECTIVE FOR 5.4LE HOUSING FOR LOVd_ NUMBER DATE PAGE AND MODERATE- INCOME BUYERS 45-02 12-09-03 I l~f 'I ADOPTED BY: Resolution No. 2003-492 DATED: 12-09-03 AbIENDED BT: Resolution No. 2005-314, 9-li-OS and 2013- . 7-16-13 federal and state fair housing law. A point system has been established so that applicants with a higher number of points will receive preference for units. _ 5_points .Households which are displaced from their primary residence as a result of any of the following: (i) expiration of affordable housing covenants applicable to such residence; (ii) an action of City or Agency; (iii) closure of a mobilehome or trailer park community in which the household's residence was located; or (iv) a condominium conversion involving the household's residence. One member in the households must have resided in such housing as the primary place of residence for at least one year prior to such action or event. ins Households with at least one member who is working within the City of Chula Vista, as that person's principal place of full-time employment, at the time of application. 3 points Households currently residing within the boundaries of the City of Chula Vista, ai the time of application. 2~ooints Households with at least one member who is a Public Safety employee (fireman/woman and policeman/woman) or Credentialed Teacher. The individual must be working in Such position as his/her full-time profession at the time of application. 1 pin All other applicants who do not meet any of the above criteria. In the situation where there are applicants with an equal number of points but not enough units available, secondary determining factors may be considered, including number of verifiable household members or individuals with special needs or disabilities. 6-16 COU\ CIL POLICY CITY OF CHUL.4 VISTA SLBJECT: DEVELOP~'IEi~IT OF AFFORDABLE POLICI' EFFECTIVE FOR SALE HOUSING FOR LOW- NUMBER DATE PAGE ~ AND \1ODERATE- INCOT7E'. 453-02 12-09-03 4~" BUYERS ADOPTED Bl': Resolurion No. 2003-092 DATED: 12-09-03 I A,~IENDED Bl': Resolurion No.2005-314, 9-li-OS and 2013- . 7-16-I 3 6-~~ COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 20li- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OP THE CITY- OF CHULA VISTA (1) APPROVING AN UPDATE TO COUNCIL POLICY 453-02 RELATED TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF AFFORDABLE FOR-SALE HOUSING FOR LOW-INCOME BUYERS; (2) AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT .SERVICES OR HIS DESIGNEE TO IMPLEMENT THE POLICY; AND (3) FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT SERVICES OR HIS DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE AND AMEND, CONSISTENT WITH THE AFOREMENTIONED POLICY_- ANY AND ALL DOCUMENTS SUBJECT TO THE POLICY WHEREAS, the City of Chula Vista adopted an Affordable For-Sale Housing Policy 453-02 ("Policy') on December 9, 2003 and updated such Policy on September 13; 200; and WHEREAS, the goal of such Policy was to provide affordable homeownership opportunities for low- income households and to ensure that upon sale of the "affordable' unit the City receives adequate funds to continue to promote affordable homeownership programs throughout the City; and WHEREAS, on September 25, 2012 the City adopted the Balanced Cornrnunities `7nclusionary" Housing Policy Guidelines ("Inclusionary Guidelines"); and WHEREAS, staff has determined that a comprehensive update of Policy 453-02 is necessary in order to continue meeting the original goals of the Policy and adequately supplement the Inclusionary Guidelines; and WHEREAS, such update includes the addition of criteria for moderate-income for-sale products; changes to the reduction in the length of the shared equity term from 45 to 15 years, updates in underwriting criteria to meet current industry standards and coincide with the Citys First-Time Homebuyer Program, _and guidance in instances of hardship for short sales and projects that previously utilized the Policy; and WHEREAS, since 2003 hvo complexes have utilized Policy 453-02 and due to changing market conditions should be evaluated under the updated Policy; and WHEREAS, documents and agreements under former Policy 453-02 may be modifed to reflect the new terms of the proposed updates to Policy 453-02. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Chula Vista, that it: 1:\Attorneq\FINAL RESOS AND ORDINANCES\2013\08 06 13\RESO-DSD-For Sale Housing Policy.doc 7/30/2013 229 PD9 6-~$ Resolution No. Paee 2 (l) Approves the update to Policy 4~3-02 related to the development of affordable for- sale housine for low- and moderate- income buyers. (2) Authorizes the Director of Development Services or his designee to implement Policy 4~3-OZ, as updated. (S) Further authorizes the Duector of Development Services or his designee to execute and amend; consistent with the aforementioned Policy 4~3-02. an_v and all documents subject to the Policy. Presented by Approved as to form by Glen ~ Gooeins City Attorney Kelley G. Broughton Development Services Director 1:41ttorney\Fi\AL RESOS ,1\'D ORDINA\CES\2013\OS 06 131RES0-DSD-For Sale Housing Policy.doc. i/30!?013 2:29 PM 6-19