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2013/05/28 Item 07
CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE EXISTING AGREEMENT WITH INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING CORPORATION (IEC) FOR THE UPDATE OF THE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN, AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO EXECUTE THE AMENDMENT ON BEHALF OF THE Y SUBMITTED BY: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ~A~`~`" ASSISTANT DIRE R OF ENG ERING REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER ASSISTANT CITY NAGER~ 4/STHS VOTE: YES ^ NO SUMMARY On December 6, 2011, the City council approved an agreement with Infrastructure Engineering Corporation (IEC) in the amount of $307,415 to provide consultant services for developing a Wastewater Master Plan Update. As the work on the study progressed, it became evident that additional outreach services work would be needed beyond what was defined in the original scope of work. As a result, staff recommends that the IEC agreement be increased by $78,500 to facilitate the completion of the Wastewater Master Plan-Update. The funds are in the present project budget. No additional allocation of money is necessary. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Development Services Director has reviewed the proposed activity for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that the approval of an amendment to an existing agreement is not a "project" as defined under Section 15378 of the State CEQA Guidelines because said governmental administrative action will not result in direct or indirect physical changes to the environment. Therefore, pursuant to Section 15060© (3) of the State CEQA Guidelines the waiving of the consultant selection process and the approval of the agreement amendment is not subject to CEQA. Thus, no environmental review is required at this time. RECOMMENDATION Council adopt the resolution. 7-1 5/28/13, Item Page 2 of 4 BOARDS/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not applicable. DISCUSSION On December 6, 2011, by Resolution 2011-236, the City Council approved an agreement with Infrastructure Engineering Corporation (IEC) in the amount of $307,415 to provide consultant services for developing a Wastewater Master Plan Update (Master Plan). The contract with IEC is for the completion of the following major efforts: 1. Sewage Generation (No Change in Scone and Feel: To establish a sewage generation rate based on the 2010 census, City's flow monitoring data and water conservation trends. 2. Capacity Fees (No Change in Scope and Feej: To identify the appropriate sewer capacity fee per Equivalent Dwelling Unit that needs to be collected for new development in order to finance sewer lines and treatment capacity upgrades needed to accommodate this development. The fee will ensure that adequate revenues are collected to accommodate the acquisition of additional treatment capacity or construction of an independent wastewater reclamation facility in accordance with the 2011 feasibility study. 3. Wastewater Asset Management Program (Change in Scope and Fee): To extend the life of wastewater system assets, optimize maintenance and renewal by recommending improvements to the collection system. The Wastewater Asset Management Program will enable the City to meet service levels at an acceptable level of risk and lowest life cycle cost of the asset. 4. Capital Improvement Plan (No Change in Scope and Feed: To develop a capital improvement plan by identifying existing sewer deficiencies and recommending facility improvements to accommodate growth and ultimate City buildout conditions. 5. Model (No Change in Scope and Feej: Deliver a completed functional model of the sanitary sewer system for City use. 6. Public Outreach (Change in Scope and Feed: Develop a community outreach program and a system for public input. Proposed Scope Change and Contract Amendment Concurrently with the Master Plan, staff is working on the Sewer Rate Study. In order to be more efficient, the public outreach for the Sewer Rate Study and the public outreach for the Master Plan have been combined. The scope of work and cost changes are related to additional community outreach services and performing additional wastewater system analysis iterations for buildout conditions (see Attachment 1). The modification is mainly to include the City's upcoming outreach services for 7-2 5/28/13, Item 7 Page 3 of 4 the sewer rate review, sewer billing changes and analyzing additional buildout alternatives. The outreach program now envisions a combination of small-group meetings with key stakeholders and larger meetings for the general public Staff has determined that by combining the public outreach for the Sewer Rate Study and the public outreach for flee Master Plan, the City can provide more comprehensive information to the public and stakeholders in a more efficient manner. IEC will facilitate these joint meetings enabling the Master Plv1 and Sewer Rate Study consultants to work in concert to inform the public and other stakeholders. In addition, this amendment requires IEC to conduct additional meetings combining the Master Plan, Sewer Rate Study, and sewer billing changes efforts. The following matrix compares the original contract scope of work with the currently proposed (updated and augmented) scope of work for the public outreach effort. Item Contract Scope Revised Scope Chan a in Scope Key Stakeholder Groups Contact List Assumed input from City, IEC Provided by City No change assists with fine-tunnin General coinmunit mailin list Nof covered in on final sco e Cit will enerate No Chan e Collateral Web: 1 planning effort Web: 3--project Substantial increase- overview, 1 FAQ, Hartl copy: introductory text; project additional project 1 overview, 1 FAQ, and up to overviews and FAQ coverage; additional 5 notices/mailers (7 pieces for all three projects. Hard pieces of hard copy total) copy; 3-project overview, 3 collateral plus 2 update project FAQ, 4 notices (10 milestones. pieces total); elected officials and developer's summaries (2 pieces). 2 milestone u dates E-Blasts U to 10 U to 5 Decrease INeetings 5 meetings total 4 large-group meetings, 6 Substantial increase smallyroup meetings, 18 briefin s Outreach summar memorandum Covers onl 1 ro'ect Covers 3 projects Increase Staff recommends utilizing the previously allocated contingency of $45,000 to pay for the majority of this contract augmentation. To date, the consultant has been responsive to City issues and project needs. Staff is satisfied with IECs performance and recommends amendment approval. IEC is cun'ently working on the sewer modeling effort required to establish the sewer CIP. Once the CIP is established u1 updated sewer conuection fee will be proposed. A public outreach will be conducted to discuss the Master Plan findings. The Master Plan is expected to be completed and presented to Council in the fall of 2013. DECISION MAKER CONFLICT Staff has reviewed the decision contemplated by this action and has deternined that it is not site specific and consequently the 500 foot rule found in California Code of Regulations section 18704.2(a)(1) is not applicable to this decision. 7-3 5/28/13, Item Page 4 of 4 CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT. There is no direct impact to the General Fund. Council approved Trwilc Sewer Capital funding for this project as part of the FY 2011-12 Capital Improvement Program, SW223 "Wastewater Master Plan" in the amount of $500,000. To date the revised total contract is $385,915. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT None. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1- IEC Revised Scope Work letters dated March 6 and May 2, 2013. Prepnred by: Luis Pelayo, Associate Civil Engineer, Public Works- Engineering J.~IEngineerlAGENDAICAS2013105-28-1311EC amendnzenz.doe 7-4 ~, .~~~-~ March 6, 2013 Mx. Luis Pelayo City of Chula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, CA 91910 RE: Revised Scope of Work fot Outreach Services -Wastewater Master Plan, Sewer Rate Review, and Billing Changes Deaz Mx. Pelayo: Infrastructure Engineering Corporation (IEC) is delighted to present this updated scope of work and cost proposal fox community outreach services covering the City's upcoming sewer rate review and billing changes in addition to the Wastewater Master Plan effort The overall sequence of tasks is very similar to that identified in our current contracted scope of work, with the addition of a new task fox City Council presentations: • Task 1 -Finalize Outreach Program • Task 2 -Develop Outreach Materials • Task 3 -Conduct Outreach Meetings • Task 4 - Pxepaze Outreach Summary Memorandum • Task 5 -Assist with Presentations to City Council 'I1tis proposal updates the activities and deliverables under each task to reflect our discussions with you over the past several months. We have also adjusted the level of effort and deliverables to provide outreach coverage fox all three projects. The net effect in most cases was an increased level of effort, but we have also been able to trim our assumptions in some areas based on a better understanding of your needs and preferences. To clarify the changes, the following matrix compares our original contract scope of work with the currently proposed (updated and augmented) scope of work; our overall cost for outreach undertakings is directly driven by the line-item costs for individual meetings and deliverables, so this is a useful step in assessing the needed cost augment. Detailed descriptions of each task as currently envisioned follow the matrix. Costs are summarized following the description of our updated scope of work, and an itemized cost breakdown based on our current contract rates is presented as an attachment. Scope Comparison -Contract Scope (WWMP Only) vs. Updated Scope (3 Projects) Item Contract Scope Revised Scope, 3 Projects Change in Scope Key Stakeholder Assumed input from City; IEC Provided by Ci[y No change Groups Contact List , assists mtliSne inning General community Not covered in original scope City will genexa[e, per No change mailing list discussion at project meetings 1370 Willow Rocd, 2nd Floor, Menlo Park, California 94025 T~324.7665 F 650.276.7266 wwwJecorpora llon.com Luis Pelayo, P.E. City of Chula Vista March 6, 2073 Page 2 of 5 Item Contract Scope Revised Scope, 3 Projects Change in Scope Collateral Web: 1 planning effort Web: 3 overview, 1 FAQ text; p, Hazd copy: 1 overview, l Fr1Q f Fr1Q, and up. to 5 - Hazd c notices/inailee9: (7 pieces total) 3-pioje pieces develop pieces) 2 miles projeci introductory Substantial increase oject overviews aadr. additional project covezage; x all three pxolects additional pieces ofhazd copy Spy: 3-project ovezview, collateral plus 2 update ct FdQ,:4 notices (10 milestones otal); electeds' and ters' sumrziaries (2 toneupdates E-Blasts Up to 10 Up to 5 Meettngs 5 meetings total 4 lazj;e group meetings 6 small-group meetings 18 briefings Outreach Summary Covers only 1 project Covers 3 projects Memorandum Decrease Substantial mcrease Increase Revised Scope of Work Task 1-Finalize Outreach Program This task, which is lazgely complete as of early 2013, provides fox IEC's outreach lead to work with City staff to develop and fmalize the outreach program, including • "messaging" and project identity to ensure a consistent and credible outward face for the master planning effort • the list of stakeholders included in the outreach effort • outreach goals, including any information needed from each stakeholder group and the. most effective ways of obtaining it • key hard-copy web and meeting deliverables • outreach schedule • roles and responsibilities Based on discussions with you, we are now envisioning the outreach program as including a combination of small-group meetings with key stakeholders (upper management; elected officials and staff; the development community; members of the business and hospitality communities; landlord and tenant associations, etc.); and larger meetings for the general public. We also anticipate the need fox an online presence and supporting hard copy collateral describing the master planning effort (e.g., master planning need, goals, and process; opportunities/needs for public input; FrequentlyArked~uertionr). Fox this project, we do not anticipate the use of social media such as Twitter or a Facebook presence, but if a need arises we can develop an augmented scope to cover either or both of these approaches. Except as noted, we assume that all outreach will be fully bilingual in English and Spanish; we understand that the City prefers to handle translation inhouse and we will do our best to facilitate an efficient workshare with City staff. ~-6 Luis Pelayq P.E. City of Chula Vista March 6, 2013 Page 3 of 5 The results of Task 1 will be captured in a concise and substantive Outreach Action Plan that identifies roles and responsibilities along with schedule, providing a comprehensive "to-do list" for outreach implementation. The Outreach Action Plan will include the following specifics. • Number, format, and specific goals of public meetings, and associated collateral and support needs (notices, e-blasts, PowerPoint presentations, posters/exhibits, informational flyers, etc.) • Number and format of "freestanding" hard copy collateral needs (e.g., project overviews, Frequently Asked,Questions) • Website collateral needs • Outreach implementation timeline, with the following types of milestones clearly identified - Due dates for draft collateral deliverables, along with completion deadlines fox City reviews and due dates fox revised/final collateral deliverables - Dates for distribution of e-blasts and hard-copy public notices - Timing of web page updates and other online and print press releases - Timing of public meetings and associated preparation activities - Timing of internal team meetings related to the outreach process The outreach implementation timeline will be included as a component in our overall project schedule. We assume that City staff will want to serve as the offidal "face" of the master planning effort but that the majority of the behind-the-scenes work to develop outreach and meeting materials, facilitate meetings, etc. will be performed by our outreach team, functioning as staff extension fox the City. We can also provide meeting facilitation services on request. We propose to deliver the Outreach Action Plan in draft fox City xeview~and will revise and finalize it based on one round of City review comments. The final Plan will be delivered in PDF (and if requested, hard copy) for easy reference as the master planning effort moves ahead. Task 2 -Develop Outreach Materials This task provides for the development of the following basic outreach materials. For each deliverable, we have assumed a draft submittal and one to two rounds of City review, followed by delivery of a revised/public-ready version for City translation. Once the translation is ready, we will do the final production formatting and deliver aprint-ready PDF. We assume the City will prefer to handle reproduction and mailing. • General public hard copy collateral: project overview covering all three projects, Frequent) Asked ,Questions covering all three projects, and as many as foul project notice mailers (project introduction, fast community meeting invitation, two in-progress notices/follow-up meeting invites if needed) Special-audience hard copy collateral: Elected Offzczals' Executive Summary (English-only), Developers Overview (English-only). Elected officials will also receive alate-stage draft version of the general public collateral materials • Web collateral: 3-project overview/introduction text; project overviews and Frequently Asked ,Questions fox all three projects. Based on discussions with you, we anticipate providing web collateral ~-~ Luis Pelayo, P.E. City of Chula Vista Mazch 6, 2013 Page 4 of 5 in Word format with Ciry staff managing the coding and website updates. We anticipate updating web collateral following the general community meeting milestones Up to 5 in-progress e-blasts fox distribution to key stakeholders; we anticipate that the City will want to distribute the e-blasts via Nixle with our role focusing on providing the text Task 3 -Conduct Outreach Meetings UpperManagement and Elected Oa~cials "Heads-Up"Btiefrngs. IEC will assist City staff in providing "heads-up" briefmgs to upper management and elected officals at important project milestones: prior to the initiation of outreach; before the projects are presented to Council for approval; and at one in-progress milestone if needed. The intent of these meetings is twofold - (1) to provide advance notice and share basic information on the projects, including plans fox stakeholder engagement; and (2) to provide an opportunity fox elected officials in particular to voice any concerns they would like to see addressed in the projects. We assume that upper management will briefed sepazately, in advance of bxiefmgs_to elected officials; and that elected officials will be briefed individually to ensure Brown Act compliance. With this in mind, we have provided for a total of 18 heads-up briefings. As discussed above, we will provide an up-front Elected Offzaale' Executive Summary overview sheet aimed specifically at providing key information to electeds and their staff. Key Stakeholder Smal/-Group Meetings. IEC will also assist the City in presenting the projects to the development community (via the regular developers' round-table meetings) and up to two additional "key stakeholder" groups from the business community. We have assumed a total of 6 small-group meetings, comprising an initial presentation and afollow-up presentation for each group. Genera! Community Meetings. This line item provides fox IEC to support the City in presenting the projects to the general community. To make it as easy as possible for members of the public to attend, we assume that the east and west sides will be served by separate meetings; accordingly, we have provided for two initial meetings and two follow-ups, fox a total of four general community meetings. Additional meetings can be provided under separate authorization. Fox each meeting, we will provide the following supporting materials, ihduded in the-meeting level of effort. • PowerPoint presentation • Meeting signage (for public meetings) • Attendance roster and attendee contact information • Comment cards enabling written comments from meeting attendees • Meeting facilitation if desired Following each meeting, we will deliver a list of meeting attendees and a complete set of meeting notes/minutes, including a summary of all verbal and written comments and inquiries received. We will also update the hard copy and web-based FrequentlyArkedQuertionr pages as a follow-up to each meeting. Task 4 -Prepare Outreach Summary Memorandum Following the completion of the public outreach program, IEC will prepare a concise file memorandum documenting the outreach process and summarizing the input received and the ways community input has been used in City planning. The memorandum will be suitable fox incorporation as an appendix to the new WWMP and for inclusion with the information packet prepared for City Council approvals. We will deliver ~-8 Luis Pelayo, P.E. Ciry of Chula Vista Match 6, 2013 Page 5 of 5 the memorandum as aWord-format draft for ease of review, will revise based on City review, and will provide the final version in PDF and hard copy. We can also assist with the preparation of the staff report if desired. Task 5 -Presentations to City Council and City Staff After completing the public outreach program, we will provide a PowexPoint (and facilitation if desired) fox City Council study sessions for each of the three projects and, subsequently, for presentations at City Council meetings fox approval of the projects. We understand that the City's intent is to present the three projects at a single study session and Council meeting and agree that this would be optimal, but to cover all bases we have provided fox three study sessions and three Council presentations. Estimated Costs Oux estimated not-to-exceed cost to provide the full scope of services described in this proposal is $113,620. Oux current contract budget fox outreach services is $56,095; we are accordingly requesting an additional budget of $57,525. If the credit of $6,255 from the adjustment to our wastewater asset management scope can be repurposed towazd outreach activities, this would reduce to an additional $51,270. The attached spreadsheet provides an itemized breakdown of staffing, hours, and costs by task. All costs will be billed on a time and materials basis in accordance with our currently contracted schedule of charges. We appreciate your continued trust in us. It is a pleasure working with you, and we look forwazd to assisting with the advancement of these three important projects. Please feel free to call me at 650.324.1665 if you have any questions ox would like to modify our approach - it is always our top priority to ensure that our services meet our clients' needs. Sincerely, Ji~ ~j f J ~ // t Anna Buising, Ph.D., Principal, Environmental Services Attachments: Itemized cost breakdown 7-9 May 2, 2013 Mr. Roberto Yano Public Works Department City df Chula Vista 276 Fourth Avenue Chula Vista, California 91910 Reference: Request far Additional Authorizatton for TM 2 -Flow Projections Dear Mr. Roberto Yano This letter and attached request for additional authorization of fees is in respect to development of TM 2 -Flow Projections, as part of the Wastewater Master Plan Update. IEC has replicated efforts in finalizing an agreed upon flow projection for the City over the last two months. The following outlines the additional service requests by the City throughout the development of TM 2: The City has provided updates from the planning department regarding changes to the respective developments. The latest revision received on 2/26/2013. The City has directed IEC to account for the reduced duty factors calculated in TM 1 and compare ultimate flows to the 2005 Wastewater Master Plan. While evaluating all factors involved (i.e., population projection comparisons, SANDAG growth, time period 2030 vs. 2050). IEC learned that the City's 2005 WWMP projections were not based on the City's Design Criteria, but factors very close to TM 1. Thus realizing, IEC's current flow projections are consistent with the 2005 WWMP. Requesting IEC to modify SANDAGs growth projections per each development. Due to the above requests, IEC has completed the initial work effort for the development of TM 2 twice (Item B in the original Fee Estimate), which has lead to ultimately doubling the initial fee for this portion of the project. IEC is also requesting that any additional planning changes to the future developments beyond email correspondence following 5/2/2013 from the City will be addressed following finalizing the Wastewater Master Plan Update in the form of a supplemental utility impact study. Sincerely, 1 ~, ~. ~s Scott Humphrey, P.E. Senior Project Manager cc: Shawnele Morelos, IEC Luis Pelayo, City of Chula Vista File :' f~isn ion Aron., $ni~e 'LG2 C u~a vid,~:, G~i(ikn'nic 920.54 T 700.5^q.074.r F7~>n s'29.67C,1.5 +w-~co~px~n Icv. eam 7-~~ W N Q N ~ a O ~ Z F a >g~ W ~ F ~UQ Qti `~ NOS w a~ ~- Q ~U3 a w w ~ w N LL j V Q V qV y .', 2 Y C L ~rv 4 ~ ~ _?'_` G4~ ~c n u 4 y z ~ ~ - U F: F 6 C 3 o E F h O U h O v+ 5 vz p z Y r 7-11 RESOLUTION NO. 2013- RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE EXISTING AGREEMENT WITH INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING CORPORATION (IEC) FOR THE UPDATE OF THE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO EXECUTE THE AMENDMENT WHEREAS, on December 6, 2011, by Resolution 2011-236, the City Council approved an agreement with Infrastructure Engineering Corporation in the amount of $307,415 to provide consultant services for developing a Wastewater Master Plan Update; and WHEREAS, as the Consultant proceeded with the contract and study progressed, it became evident that additional outreach services work would be needed beyond what was defined in the original scope of work; and WHEREAS, in order to be more efficient, the Rate Study and Master Plan public outreach effort has been combined; and WHEREAS, the $385,915 of Additional Services proposed by the Consultant to be performed under this ls` Amendment are mainly to include the City's upcoming outreach services for the sewer rate review and sewer billing changes and analyzing additional buildout alternatives; and WHEREAS, the Infrastructure Engineering Corporation's team have been responsive to City issues and project needs, and staff is satisfied with Infrastructure Engineering Corporation's performance NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby approve an amendment to the Agreement Between the City of Chula Vista and Infrastructure Engineering Corporation to provide consultant services for developing a Wastewater Master Plan Update ("Amendment") and authorizing the Director of Public Works to execute e Ame ment. Presented by Appro eY 9 as to f~ 1 Richard A. Hopkins !Gl R. Goog Director of Public Works Ci y Attorney J:\Attorney\FINAL RESOS\2013\OS 28 13\Reso -IED mendmen 5/21/2013 2:33 PM 7-12 THE ATTACHED AGREEMENT HAS BEEN REVIEWED AND APPROVED AS TO FORM BY THE CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE AND WILL BE FORMALLY SIGNED UPON APPROVAL BY THE CITYiCOiTI~~~IL--'~ ~n R. Googins ity Attorney Dated: ~ Zt ~ ~ FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING CORPORATION (IEC) FOR THE PROVISION OF DEVELOPING A WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN UPDATE 7-13 FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING CORPORATION (IEC) For the provision of developing a Wastewater Master Plan Update. RECITALS WHEREAS, on December 6, 2011, the City Council approved an agreement between the City of Chula Vista (City) and Infrastructure Engineering Corporation (IEC) for developing a Wastewater Master Plan Update (Agreement); and, WHEREAS, as the work on the study progressed, it became evident that additional services would be needed beyond what was defined in the original scope of work; and, WHEREAS, this amendment to the Agreement (1~` .Amendment) identifies the additional services to be performed by the Consultant; and, WHEREAS, Consultant warrants and represents that it is experienced and staffed in a manner such that it can deliver the additional services identified in this ls` Amendment to City in accordance with the time frames and the terms and conditions of the Agreement as amended hereby. NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the City and IEC agree to amend the Agreement as follows: 1. Add item 13 to Exhibit A, Pazagraph 8. Scope of Work and Schedule, A. Detailed Scope of Work, Task V CIP, which shall read as follows: 13)The Consultant shall evaluate multiple sewer modeling iterations for buildout conditions. 2. Amend Exhibit A, Paragraph 8. Scope of Work and Schedule, A. Detailed Scope of Work, Task IX Community Outreach Program to read as follows: 1) Finalize Outreach Program: This task provides for IEC's outreach lead to work with City staff to develop and finalize the outreach program, including: • "messaging" and project identity to ensure a consistent and credible outward face for the master planning effort • the list of stakeholders included in the outreach effort • outreach goals, including any information needed from each stakeholder group and the most effective ways of obtaining it • key hard-copy web and meeting deliverables 1 7-14 • outreach schedule • roles and responsibilities • joint meetings with Rate Study consultant covering the City's upcoming sewer rate review and billing changes in addition to the Wastewater Master Plan effort The outreach program shall include a combination of small-group meetings with key stakeholders (upper management; elected officials and staff; the development community; members of the business and hospitality communities; landlord and tenant associations, etc.); and larger meetings for the general public. IEC shall provide for an online presence and supporting hard copy collateral describing the master planning effort (e.g., master planning need, goals, and process; opportunities/needs for public input; Frequently Asked Questions). IEC shall provide an augmented scope to cover the use of social media such as Twitter and Facebook approaches. The outreach will be fully bilingual in English" and Spanish; City staff will handle translation inhouse and IEC shall facilitate an efficient workshare with City staff. The results of Task 1 shall be captured in a concise and substantive Outreach Action Plan that identifies roles and responsibilities along with schedule, providing a comprehensive "to-do list" for outreach implementation. The Outreach Action Plan shall include the following specifics. • Number, format, and specific goals of public meetings, and associated collateral and support needs (notices, e-blasts, PowerPoint presentations, posters/exhibits, informational flyers, etc.) • Number and format of "freestanding" hard copy collateral needs (e.g., project overviews, Frequently Asked Questions) • Website collateral needs • Outreach implementation timeline, with the following types of milestones clearly identified - Due dates for draft collateral deliverables, along with completion deadlines for City reviews and due dates for revised/final collateral deliverables - Dates for distribution of e-blasts and hard-copy public notices - Timing of web page updates and other online and print press releases - Timing of public meetings and associated preparation activities - Timing of internal team meetings related to the outreach process The outreach implementation timeline shall be included as a component in the overall project schedule. 2 7-15 City staff will serve as the official "face" of the master planning effort but that the majority of the behind-the-scenes work to develop outreach and meeting materials, facilitate meetings, etc. shall be performed by IEC, functioning as staff extension for the City. IEC shall deliver the Outreach Action Plan in draft for City review, and shall revise and finalize it based on one round of City review comments. The final Plan shall be delivered in PDF (and if requested, hard copy) for easy reference as the master planning effort moves ahead. 2) Develop Outreach Materials: This task provides for the development of the following basic outreach materials. For each deliverable, IEC shall prepare a draft submittal and one to two rounds of City review, followed by delivery of a revised/public-ready version for City translation. Once the translation is ready, IEC shall provide the final production formatting and deliver aprint-ready PDF. The City will handle reproduction and mailing. • General public hard copy collateral: project overview covering all three projects, Frequently Asked Questions covering all three projects, and as many as four project notice mailers (project introduction, first community meeting invitation, two in-progress notices/follow-up meeting invites if needed) • Special-audience hard copy collateral: Elected Officials' Executive Summary (English-only), Developers Overview (English-only). Elected officials will also receive alate-stage draft version of the general public collateral materials • Web collateral: 3-project overview/introduction text; project overviews and Frequently Asked Questions for all three projects. IEC shall provide web collateral in Word format with City staff managing the coding and website updates. IEC shall update the web collateral following the general community meeting milestones • Up to 5 in-progress e-blasts for distribution to key stakeholders; the City will distribute the e-blasts via Nixle with IEC's role focusing on providing the text 3 7-16 3) Conduct Outreach Meetings: At a minimum, the Consultant shall hold the following meetings: • Upper Management and Elected Officials "Heads-Up" Briefings. IEC shall assist City staff in providing "heads-up" briefings to upper management and elected officials at important project milestones: prior to the initiation of outreach; before the projects are presented to Council for approval; and at one in-progress milestone if needed. The intent of these meetings is twofold - (1) to provide advance notice and share basic information on the projects, including plans for stakeholder engagement; and (2) to provide an opportunity for elected officials in particular to voice any concerns they would like to see addressed in the projects. Upper management will briefed separately, in advance of briefings to elected officials; and elected officials will be briefed individually to ensure Brown Act compliance. With this in mind, IEC shall provide a total_of 18 heads-up briefings. IEC shall provide an up-front Elected Officials' Executive Summary overview sheet aimed specifically at providing key information to electeds and their staff. • %y Stakeholder Small-Group Meetiugs. IEC shall also assist the City in presenting the projects to the development community (via the regular developers' round-table meetings) and up to two additional "key stakeholder" groups from the business community. IEC shall provide up to 6 small-group meetings, comprising an initial presentation and afollow-up presentation for each group. • General Community Meetings. IEC shall provide support to City staff in presenting the projects to the general community. To make it as easy as possible for members of the public to attend, it is assumed that the east and west sides will be served by separate meetings; accordingly, IEC shall provide two initial meetings and two follow-ups, for a total of four general community meetings. For each meeting, IEC shall ensure that the Sewer Rate Study Consultant is present and shall facilitate a joint presentation of Sewer Rate Study, Sewer Billing changes and the Wastewater Master Plan Update. The following materials shall be provided and/or presented by Consultant at each meeting. • PowerPoint presentation • Meeting signage (for public meetings) • Attendance roster and attendee contact information • Comment cards enabling written comments from meeting attendees • Meeting facilitation if desired 4 7-17 Following each meeting, IEC shall deliver a list of meeting attendees and a complete set of meeting notes/minutes, including a summary of all verbal and written comments and inquiries received. IEC shall also update the hard copy and web-based Frequently Asked Questions pages as a follow-up to each meeting. 4) Prepare Outreach Summary Memorandum Following the completion of the public outreach program, IEC shall prepare a concise file memorandum documenting the outreach process and summarizing the input received and the ways cornrnunity input has been used in City planning. The memorandum- will be suitable for incorporation as an appendix to the new Wastewater Master Plan Update and for inclusion with the information packet prepared for City Council approvals. IEC shall deliver the memorandum as a Word- format draft for ease of review, shall revise based on City review, and shall provide the fmal version in PDF and hard copy. IEC shall also assist with the preparation of the staff report. 3. Amend Exhibit A, Paragraph 8. Scope of Work and Schedule, A. Detailed Scope of Work, Task XI City Council Presentation, item 1 to read as follows: Consultant shall conduct a series of one-on-one presentations with the City Council members. At these meetings the Consultant and City staff shall present the study findings and recommendations to the Council and answer any questions posed by Council related to such study and recommendations. provide an opportunity for the Council mernbers to ask relevant questions, and ,delete "over a two day period". After "necessary", add the following: "for sewer rate, sewer billing and Wastewater Master Plan issues". In Item 2, delete "Plan", add the following: "necessary resolutions". 4. Amend Exhibit A, Section 10. Compensation C. Hourly Rate Arrangement Not to Exceed Limit Per Phase, as fo]lows: Delete "$48,760" in phase 5 maximum fee and replace with "69,735". Delete "$59,275" in phase 8 maximum fee and replace with "116,800". Delete "$307,415" in total amount of phases and replace with "$385,915". 5. All other terms of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. [Next Page is Signature Page.] 5 7-18 SIGNATURE PAGE TO THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING CORPORATION For the provision of Developing a Wastewater Master Plan Update. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, City and IEC have executed this First Amendment to the Agreement indicating that they have read and understood the First Amendment and indicate their full and complete consent to its terms: Dated: , 2013 City of Chula Vista By: Cheryl Cox, Mayor Attest: Donna Norris, City Clerk Approved as to form: Glen Googins, City Attorney Dated: Infrastructure Engineering Corporation y. Presto Le ls, President Exhibit List to First Amendment to Agreement: (X) Agreement between the City of Chula Vista and IEC dated December 6, 2011 J:\Engineer\SEWER\WWMP SSMP VERMIN\WWMP\Contract Panendment\IEC ls[ Amendment.doc 6 7-19