HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-27-2013 PC Item 1 Attch 7ATTACHMENT 7 ADDENDUM TO EIR 07-01 (IS-13-001 ATTACHMENT 7 ADDENDUM TO SECOND -TIER FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT EIR 07 -01 NAME: EUC SPA and FBC Amendment LOCATION: Properties within the Eastern Urban Center (EUC) bounded by Birch Road on the north, Eastlake Parkway on the east, Hunte Parkway on the south and SR 125 on the west. APPLICANT: SLF 1 V/Mcmillin Millenia JV, LLC NO: IS -13 -001 DANE: February 13, 2013 I. BACKGROUND /SCOPE OF ANALYSIS purpose of this Addendum is to address the proposed project, an amendment to the ' Sectional Planning Area (SPA) Plan and Form Based Code (FBC) to address the and distribution of land uses and building heights within Districts 3, 4, 7 and 10. As the lead agency for the project under the California Environmental Quality Act (C QA, Public Resources Code, Sec. 21000 et seq.), the City of Chula Vista prepared an conducted an environmental analysis (Second -Tier Environmental Impact Report (Elk-07-01). The Final Second Tier Environmental Impact Report (EIR 07 -01) for the Otay Ranch EUC SPA Plan, Tentative Map and related items was certified on September 151 2009. The EIR addressed the development of the the207 acres of the Otay Ranch. are no new environmental impacts not examined in the certified Program EIR �d for the Otay Ranch General Development Plan (EIR 90 -01) and the Gneral Plan EIR (EIR- 05 -01) except as described in the Second -Tier Final EIR 07 -01. The proposed amendments to the EUC SPA Plan and FBC are based on requested changes to the distribution of land mixes within various districts as shown on the Site Uti ization Plan a well as allowable changes in building height as described in the FBC. Mi igation measures from the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRPs) ass ciated with FEIR 07 -01 are still valid and applicable to this project. The physical dei elopment of the 207 acres has been previously addressed in the certified EIR. Thus, this Addendum focuses on the proposed EUC SPA and FBC amendment. The environmental analysis presented in this document addresses the modification of the previously approved SPA Plan and FBC. Because the modifications to the SPA plan, and associated FBC/ Development Standards would not result in any increase in allowable uni s nor an adverse expansion of the limits of grading, the proposed SPA and FBC ndment is considered to be adequately covered under FEIR 07 -01 and no further ysis is warranted. II. I PROPOSED AMENDMENTS (a) applicant has applied to amend the EUC SPA and Development Standards /FBC in to 1) change the allowable building heights within the Project area 2) redistribute esidential sq. ft. between districts and 3) remove District 10 as an alternative ion for the elementary school. applied for include the following: a) Amend the land use distribution table associated with the Site Utilization Plan to allow for transfer of units between the various districts �) Removal of potential location of school site within District 9. Amend the Development Standards /FBC to allow modifications to the land use distribution and to the minimum building height requirements. CEQA REQUIREMENTS 15162 through 15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines discuss a lead agency's ilities in handling new information that was not included in a project's certified ental document. Section 15162 of the State CEQA Guidelines provides: When an EIR has been certified or a negative declaration adopted for a project, no subsequent EIR shall be prepared for that project unless the lead agency determines, on the basis of substantial evidence in the light of the whole record, one or more of the following: (1) Substantial changes are proposed in the project which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; (2) Substantial changes occur with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken which will require major revisions of the previous EIR or negative declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects; or (3) New information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable S diligence at the time the previous EIR was certified as complete or the negative declaration was adopted, shows any of the following: a. The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous EIR or Negative Declaration; b. Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous EIR; c. Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or d. Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous EIR would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative. tion 15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines provides that: A. The lead agency shall prepare an addendum to a previously certified EIR if some changes or additions are necessary but none of the conditions described in Section 15162 calling for preparation of a subsequent EIR have occurred. B. An addendum need not be circulated for public review but can be included in or attached to the final EIR. C. The decision - making body shall consider the addendum with the final EIR prior to making a decision on the project. D. A brief explanation of the decision not to prepare a subsequent EIR pursuant to Section 15162 should be included in an addendum to an EIR, the lead agency's required findings on the project, or elsewhere in the record. The explanation must be supported by substantial evidence. Th s Addendum has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of Sections 15162 and 15'64 of the State CEQA Guidelines. The proposed changes to the project do not cot stitute a substantial change to the previously approved project. The modifications proposed would not result in any environmental effects that were not considered in the Second-Tier Final EIR 07 -01, nor would the changes increase the severity of any of the impacts identified in this EIR. There has been no significant material change in circumstances relative to the project, and no new information of substantial importance has become available after the preparation of the EUC EIR. The mitigation measures identified in Second -Tier Final EIR 07 -01 would be equally applicable to the revised project. Therefore, in accordance with Sections 15162 and 15164 of the State CEQA Gu Oelines, the City has prepared this addendum to Second Tier FEIR 07 -01. IV ANALYSIS No new significant impacts were identified beyond those identified in Second -Tier Final EI 07 -01. Therefore, no new additional mitigation measures or modifications to exiting mitigation measures are required. The reduction in building height in District 7 and portion of District 10 which front along Eastlake Parkway will have less than significant effects upon the overall aesthetics of Mi lenia. In exchange for allowing a reduction in minimum building height from three (3) to two (2) stories for buildings fronting primarily along Eastlake Parkway, there is an added requirement that a 2- story minimum building height will only be allowed if they provide additional architectural treatment and punctuate the top building line with vertical elements to avoid the continuous two -story roof line. In addition, buildings facing "D" Street must now contain a 3 -story minimum height, and buildings at corners of var ous intersections of Eastlake Parkway could either be a 3 -story or have enhanced ve r -ical features to emphasize height. This additional requirement for architectural tre tment would also apply to 2 -story buildings within Lot 11 (District 3) which front along Eastlake Parkway. n an aesthetic standpoint, the requirement for these additional architectural elements punctuating the roof lines with vertical elements of future two -story buildings would .inate any negative visual effects to the overall "urban character" of Millenia which 'it otherwise occur. Use Mil enia contains a mixture of residential and non - residential uses (retail and office) whi h are distributed within and between the various land use districts. The proposal incl ides the removal of all 10,000 non - residential square footage from District 7, which changes the category of this District from "Mixed Use" to "Residential ". The 10,000 square feet within the "low" category of non - residential use will be transferred with half being added to the "low" category of District 3 and other half added to District 4. The 170,000 sq. ft. within the "target" category in District 7 would be transferred into the "target" category of District 4. In regards to the transfer of "low" and "target" square footage, while there may be minor effects in terms of the proximity of retail within walking distance to future residents. By adding half of the commercial sq. ft into the "low category" of District 3, the intent of providing convenience commercial within the eastern part of the EUC is maintained, and as result, there is no significant impact created by this internal redistribution. The applicant is also proposing to remove the 400,000 sq. ft. contained within the "High" non-residential category of District 7. Presently, Section 04.05.001 requires that any red iction in intensity in any district must be met with a corresponding increase in another dis 'ct and vice versa. Amended language is being proposed to only require such transfer in t e case of the square- footage or unit count within the "low" and "target" category. no be ause the "low" category indicates the minimum amount which must be constructed, the sum total of the "target" category indicates the maximum amount that may be ;tructed, the removal of this transfer requirement from the "high" category will have mpact on the resultant amount of residential units or commercial acreage actually 3tructed.. Given that the EUC's approvals were based on the "target" land use punts, the only way any square footage or unit counts within the "high" category can ; onstructed within any District would require the corresponding removal of square - age /unit count within the "target" category of another District. This would ensure the maximum allowable amount is not exceeded. Thus, the removal of the 400,000 ire -feet currently shown within the "High" category of District 7 would now be wed, once the amended language is adopted, and have no impact on the overall ect constructed on the site. CLUSION 3uant to Section 15162 and 15164 of the State CEQA Guidelines, and based upon the ve discussion and substantial evidence in the record supporting said discussion, I Eby find that the proposed project will result in only minor technical changes or itions which are necessary to make the Environmental Impact Reports adequate under JA. Steichen )ciate Planner 1. Project Site Plan(s) 2. Executive Summary to EIR 07 -01 City of Chula Vista Environmental Review Procedures City of Chula Vista General Plan Update Second Tier EIR #07 -01 his Page Left Blank (10/6/09) Regional Vicinity Eastern Urban Center OW v��A : _...:..OTAY RA-vCH 1 -7. J EE Cajon La Mesa Grove project Location Cinti Land Planning SW V*q%apiv;maw NS b7%-:7 Exhibit 1-1 SPA PLAN w.0 07909 mol M:rmll *n=o$ ~� ^^° uture SPA pa ""` EXECUTIVE SUMMARY T is Environmental Impact Report (EIR) is an informational document intended for use by the CHV of Chula Vista, other public agencies, and members of the general public in evaluating the po ential environmental effects of the proposed Eastern Urban Center (EUC) Sectional PL, nning Area (SPA) Plan located in the Otay Ranch subregion of the City, The proposed SPA Plc, n is a document that refines and implements the land use plans, goals, and objectives of th Otay Ranch General Development Plan (GDP) for the development of the EUC CEQA Statute Section 21002 requires that an EIR identify the significant effects of a project on thE environment and provide measures or alternatives that can mitigate or avoid these effects Th s Draft EIR evaluates the environmental effects associated with development of the prc posed EUC SPA Plan and discusses the manner in which the SPA Plan's significant effects can be reduced or avoided through the implementation of mitigation measures or feasible alternatives to the proposed project. In accordance with Section 15130 of the CEQA Gu delines, this EIR also includes an examination of the effects of cumulative development. Otay Ranch GDP Program Final EIR (EIR 90 -01, SCH #89010154) is incorporated by ence in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15168(d), This Draft EIR addresses onmental issues associate with the EUC that were not evaluated at a project level in the Ranch GDP Program Final EIR and updates information in the Otay Ranch GDP EIR ininq to the EUC SPA Plan area Thi summary provides a brief synopsis of the project description, project alternatives, and the res lts of the environmental analysis presented in this EIR document 1. ThE T aci Hu PROJECT LOCATION AND SETTING Otay Ranch GDP planning area lies within the East Planning Area of the City of Chula a, The EUC is located in the northeastern portion of the approximate 9,500 -acre Otay By Parcel of the Otay Ranch GDP project area, Telegraph Canyon Road and the Eastlake imunity bound the Otay Valley parcel on the north; Lower Otay Lake and the Arco Olympic ning Center from the eastern limits; the Otay River Valley encompasses the southern limits; other recent development, including Sunbow 1 and 11, the Otay Landfill, and the Coors )hitheater and Water Park, comprise the western limits The EUC is an approximately 237 - I parcel located at the east side of State Route 125 (SR -125) between Birch Road and to Parkway. The proposed EUC SPA Plan site comprises approximately 207 acres, or -oximately 90 percent, of the total EUC land area. Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR orinphouse No. 2007041074 Page ES-1 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary ie EUC parcel consists of fairly flat mesa tops and gently rolling hills within the high point of e Otay Ranch, with elevations ranging from approximately 520 feet above mean seal level 1SQ in the southeast corner of the site to a high of approximately 640 feet above MSL in the :rater of the property, The EUC area has historically been used for grazing and agriculture id no development presently occurs on the site.. The project site is surrounded by existing tay Ranch development, including the Otay Ranch Town Center (Planning Area Twelve) to e north, north of Birch Road; Village Seven to the west, west of SR -125; and Village Eleven the east; east of Eastlake Parkway, PROJECT BACKGROUND Tie proposed EUC SPA Plan is part of the designated EUC planning area within the Otay Ranch GDP The Otay Ranch GDP was adopted by both the Chula Vista City Council and the San Diego County Board of Supervisors in October 1993, Both agencies were involved in the development and approval of the plan because the planning area included land falling within the jurisdiction of both agencies The GDP was amended in December 2005 The GDP es,tablishes land plans, design guidelines, objectives, policies, and implementation measures lh t apply to all portions of Otay Ranch while supporting a balance of housing, shops, rkplaces, schools, parks, civic facilities, and open spaces on a total of approximately 2 ,976 5 acres. The majority of development is intended to be clustered in villages, with nveniently located features and well - defined edges such as the Chula Vista greenbelt, open aces, and wildlife corridors, 3. ,der the implementation program for the Otay Ranch GDP, review and City Council approval SPA plans is required before final development entitlements can be considered, The GDP fines the EUC as a regional center that would contain the most intense development in Otay nch and would serve as the urban heart of the region, Uses and intensities are intended to :ate a lively 24 -hour environment, with a creative combination of uses, building types and ienities, These uses include regional retail commercial, hotel, office uses, and medium to h density residential uses. Retail and office development within the EUC would be of an msity 'compatible with a °downtown° urban center. The most intense development is icentrated near the transit station, with building heights and sizes gradually decreasing near edge of the planning area PROJECT DESCRIPTION proposed project consists of four components, including (1) the EUC SPA Plan, (2) the off - Soils Stockpiling Area (SSA); (3) off -site Salt Creek Sewer Lateral Improvement Area >L); and (4) the off -site Poggi Canyon Sewer Improvement Area (PCSI).. em Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR ;Clearinghouse No 2007041074 Page ES-2 City of Chula vista May 2009 Executive Summary EUC SPA Plan Tie proposed SPA Plan is comprised of the following land uses: a maximum of 2,983 multi- f mily residential units; a maximum of 3.487 million square feet of non - residential floor area; approximately 16 acres of urban parks; a potential approximately 5 5 -acre elementary school site; an approximately one -acre fire station site; and approximately 30 acres of street right-of- way, Development would occur in ten specific districts, including five residential neighborhood districts, two gateway districts, a business district, a mixed -use civicloffice core district, and a main street district, Although the orientation of specific districts may be more residential or non-residential in character, mixed use would be permitted within all districts The EUC SPA P an establishes density /intensity ranges for each district, although density /intensity may be transferred between districts. T ie SPA Plan would feature an internal grid street system, with a primary (4 -lane major) north- south street providing uninterrupted access between Birch Road and Hunte Parkway The S A Plan would provide two access points on Birch Road, three access points on Eastlake P irkway, and two access points on Hunte Parkway A greenway trail linking with the City's G eenway Trail system would enter the EUC via Bob Pletcher Way on the west and exit the E JC via a pedestrian bridge across EastLake Parkway on the east. The EUC would provide a transit station and guideways for Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and Chula Vista Transit (CVT) T ansit stops would be located within % mile of the majority of uses in the EUC Si a preparation and grading for the EUC would occur under one of two options: Grading O )tion 1 and Grading Option 2 The estimated earthwork quantity under Grading Option 1 would be approximately 3.6 million cubic yards of cut and fill. Earthwork would be balanced b tween the EUC and off -site locations, with 2.5 million cubic yards of fill to remain in the EUC ar d 11 million cubic yards to be exported off -site to an approximately 303-acre parcel to the south in the designated Village Nine, Grading Option 2 recognizes that adjacent property owners may not consent to off -site grading and balances quantities within the project site and a p rtion of the remainder of the EUC, including the Hunte Parkway right -of -way, Under this option, the estimated earthwork quantity under Option 2 would comprise 3.2 million cubic yards of cut and fill. Under this option, the grading necessary for the construction of the off -site p rtions. of streets A, B, C and M, and Hunte Parkway is evaluated. DE velopment of the EUC SPA Plan would occur non - sequentially to allow flexibility based on market changes or regulatory constraints and public infrastructure needs /requirements, It is as umed that construction could begin in late 2009 with buildout of all residential units within the EUC SPA Plan area by Year 2020, along with approximately two million square feet of non- residential uses, The remainder of the project is estimated to be built out by Year 2030, Th3 proposed EUC SPA Plan is consistent with the maximum residential development and non - re idential floor area set forth in the Otay Ranch GDP and no amendments of the General Plan or MP are required, ern urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR :Clearinghouse No 2007041074 Page ES -3 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Under Grading Option 1, the approximately 59 -acre off -site SSA to the south would be a fected . Therefore, stockpiling on the SSA is evaluated in the EIR as a potential component o the proposed project, Stockpiling activities include grading and compaction of fill soils . rading would be completed in one or two phases, Under the single phase, stockpiling and g ailing would be completed in approximately 12 -18 months and under the two- phase, the first p ase would be completed in 9 months and second phase would be completed in 12 months Sewer Lateral Improvement Area (SCSL e SCSL would involve the addition of a 173 -foot, 15 -inch diameter sewer line to the Salt ?ek trunk sewer within an approximate 1.44 -acre area. The proposed sewer pipeline would installed using a combination of conventional open trench excavation and boring and king; The SCSL will also include modification of an upstream manhole. This project would short -term in nature PCSI involves the replacement of a section of 18 -inch line with a section of 21 -inch line iin the Olympic Parkway and Brandywine Avenue intersection, The PCSI project would uire an approximately 8 -foot -wide, 14- foot -deep excavation trench This project would be art -term in nature. E. A 1 liscretionary action is an action taken by an agency that calls for the exercise of judgment in de iding whether to approve or how to carry out a project. The following discretionary actions are associated with the proposed EUC project and would be considered by the Chula Vista Planning Commission and City Council: (1) Adoption of the SPA plan and associated documents including, but not limited to: — SPA Plan, — Form Based Code (Planned Community District Regulations & Village Design Plan), Public Facilities Financing Plan /Fiscal Impact Analysis, Air Quality Improvement Plan, — Water Conservation Plan, — Non - renewable Energy Conservation Plan, m Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR Clearinghouse No 2007041074 Page ES-4 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary — Affordable Housing Plan, and — Urban Parks, Recreation, Open Space & Trails Plan, (2) Approval of Tentative Subdivision Map to establish the layout of land uses, developable and open space lots, and infrastructure requirements for the EUC; (3) Certification of a Final EIR and adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). ntial future discretionary actions may include approval and adoption for a Parks ement and a Development Agreement If it is determined that either of the agreements rtes from the impacts analyzed in this EIR, additional environmental review will be ucted prior to approval of the Agreement, in accordance with CEQA In addition, this EIR may be used by other responsible agencies to implement the proposed p ject, including the Regional Water Quality Control Board, 4. TE 5. M th ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS ES -1, Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures, on page ES -8 irizes the project's impacts according to established thresholds under each environmental proposed mitigation measures, and potential significant and unavoidable impacts after the lentation of all feasible mitigation measures as analyzed in detail in Section 4.0 of this EIR. PROJECT ALTERNATIVES ree project alternatives have been evaluated in the Draft EIR. These include: (1) the "No )ject" Alternative;" (2) the "Reduced Density Alternative;" and (3) the "Adjusted Land Use t" Alternative.. The No Project Alternative assumes that no SPA Plan would be developed hin the EUC, and the existing land uses within the project site would remain unchanged ,.ordingly, this alternative would be equivalent to the conditions discussed under existing editions for each category analyzed in this Draft EIR. The project site would remain in •icultural use or remain fallow. Since no development would occur, environmental impacts =iated with construction and development would be avoided. The No Project Alternative uld avoid the proposed EUC SPA Plan's significant and unavoidable impacts associated h the permanent change in visual character of the project site from open space to dense an development; construction and operation air emissions; cumulative traffic impacts on .e segments of the 1 -805 freeway; and permanent loss of Farmland of Local Importance Never this alternative would be less beneficial than the project in meeting the General Plan i GDP objectives that call for the Eastern Urban Center to function as the high - density, red use downtown and regional heap of the Otay Ranch Subarea and East Planning Area. ern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR Clearinghouse No 2007041074 Page ES -5 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary In addition, the No Project would be less beneficial in that it would not provide a link in the City's Greenway Trail; it would not remediate existing stockpiled soils that have the potential to impact downstream habitat; it would not remediate soils containing OPCs associated with the former use of pesticides in the project site; and it would not provide affordable housing, as ould the proposed project, The No Project Alternative would not achieve any of the project o jectives and would be inconsistent with the General Plan and GDP. As school, fire, and library sites would not be provided this alternative would result in a significant impact on these r gion- serving public services. Tie Reduced Density Alternative ( "Alternative 2 ") would reduce overall development by 25 percent, resulting in a total 2,237 residential units and 2.62 million square feet of non- residential floor area This alternative assumes that the project's library and fire station would be respectively reduced commensurate with reduced demand. The Greenway Trail would be developed as under the proposed EUC SPA Plan. In addition, a 5- to 6 -acre school site would bo provided as under the proposed project. However, parkland and in lieu fees would be proportionately. reduced by 25 percent for a total of 11.72 acres of parkland and in lieu fees equivalent to 5 8 acres, for a total equivalent to 17,5 acres, Altemative 2 would meet the basic objectives of the projects, but assumes that the EUC would have an overall lower building profile than anticipated under the Otay Ranch GDP. In contrast to the proposed project, this al ernative would be inconsistent with the General Plan and GDP and would, therefore, require a General Plan Amendment and GDP Amendment, Alternative 2 would reduce impacts that are population based and, therefore, would have incrementally less impact on services and ut lities Due to reduction in daily and peak hour traffic, this alternative would incrementally reduce impacts associated with mobile air quality, mobile noise, and traffic, including four previously significantly impacted intersections prior to mitigation. However, this alternative would not reduce the project's significant and unavoidable impacts associated with the Permanent change from open space to dense urban development, construction and operation ai emissions, cumulative traffic on three segments of 1 -805, and the permanent loss of F rmland of Local Importance. The Adjusted Land Use Mix Alternative ( "Alternative 3 ") would change the project's mix of land uses. including a 62.5 percent increase in residential units and a 53.5 percent decrease in total non-residential floor area, Alternative 3 would provide 1,62 million square feet of non - re idential uses (including an elementary school) and 4,850 residential units, Other changes from the EUC SPA Plan would be a 40 percent reduction in hotel rooms, and an increase in parkland (20.37 acres of parkland and seven parks, compared to the proposed project which wc uld provide 15 63 acres of parkland and six parks) Although Alternative 3 would provide 30 pe cent more parkland than the proposed project, as residential uses would increase 62.5 pe cent, parkland obligation would respectively increase High Rise Commercial /Office floor area and civic /public facilities would be the same as under the proposed project and the reduction in non - residential floor area would be primarily made with respect to regional and local retail uses. Alternative 3 would generate 52,097 fewer trips than the proposed project. Th re would be a corresponding reduction in A.M and Pm peak hour trips, As with the proposed project, all impacts to the study area intersections and roadway segments would be Eas em Urban Center sectional Planning Area EIR City of Chula Vista Stat clearinghouse No 2007041074 May 2009 Page ES-6 Executive Summary iced to less than significant. Significant and unavoidable impacts along three segments of 1 -805 freeway would not be avoided with the alternative, Al ernative 3 would not implement the GDP in providing a mixed -use environment in which re idential uses are intermixed with a strong retail component to the same extent as the EUC SPA Plan. In addition, it would exceed the GDP and General Plan estimated residential units foi the EUC by 52 5 percent The 53 5 percent reduction in non - residential floor area would be less in keeping with the objective to establish a flexible and responsive land use and facility pl c, n which assures project viability in existing and future economic cycles, since Alternative 3 is predominantly residential Due to the change in the balance of residential and non- residential uses, Alternative 3 would not implement the goals, objectives, and policies of the C ula Vista General Plan and the Otay Ranch GDP to achieve a mined -use urban place that se :s itself apart from surrounding suburban villages to the same extent as the proposed project. Amendments to the General Plan and GDP would be required to implement this alt rnative, Alternative 3 would have the same significant and unavoidable impact as the project regarding the change in the open space character of the project site to dense urban use and would not avoid the project's significant and unavoidable impact construction and operation air emissions; permanent loss of Farmland of Local Importance; and cumulatively si nificant and unavoidable impacts on three segments of the 1 -805 freeway. In addition, unlike the proposed project, Alternative 3 would have a significant and unavoidable impact on sc ools Alternative 3 would have an incrementally greater impact on geology, fire, police, lib ary, water, wastewater, solid waste, and population, The No Project Alternative would be the environmentally superior alternative, as it would en irely avoid the proposed project's significant and unavoidable reduction of open space, air qu lity, loss of agricultural lands, and cumulative impacts on the 1 -805. However, as the No Project Alternative is determined to be environmentally superior, an environmentally superior alternative must also be identified among the remaining alternatives. Thus, Alternative 2 is identified as the environmentally superior alternative as it would incrementally reduce traffic; mobile and stationary operational air emissions; operational noise; biological resources, water quality, exposure to geologic hazard; demand for fire and emergency services, police services, schools, libraries, water supply, wastewater, solid waste services; and impacts affecting global clirnate change. However, as with Alternative 3, this alternative would not eliminate any of the project's significant and unavoidable impacts associated with the change in the open space character of the project site; construction and operation emissions, and loss of Farmland of Local Importance em Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR Clearinghouse No 2007041074 Page ES -7 City of Chula Vista May 2009 *N�ur� �-- 70"" CITY OF iULAVISTA 4tay Ranch Eastern Urban Center (EUC) Sectional Planning Area (SPA) Plan Final Second Tier Environmental Impact Report Sep and Tier El #07 -01 SC1H No, 2007041074 Sebtember 2009 216 Fourth Ave, Chula Vista California 11 91910 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Mitigation Measures Significance after Mitigation Land Use: Threshold 1: Physically divide an established community (incompatibility with adjacent and surroundina uses. Construction and operation of the project (EUC SPA No significant impacts have been identified, and no mitigation Less than significant Plan and off -site SSA, SCSL, and PCSI) would not measures are required. physically encroach upon or physically divide existing established communities or land uses. The proposed proiect would be compatible with existing and planned adjacent land uses. Therefore, impacts with respect to this threshold would be less than significant. Threshold 2: Conflict with any applicable land use Plan, policy. regulation, or agency with iunsdiction over the proiect. adopted for the purpose of avoidina or mitigating an environmental effect. Construction and operation of the project would be As no significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant consistent with all applicable land use plans and measures are required. policies, and other regulatory plans. Therefore, impacts with respect to this threshold would be less than significant. Threshold 3: Conflict with any applicable habitat conservation plan or natural community habitat conservation plan. Construction and operation of the proposed project As no significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant would be consistent with the MSCP and RMP measures are required. regarding preservation standards, sensitive resource studies, maintenance and monitoring programs, and Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area Elk City of Chula Vista State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Mav 2009 Page ES -8 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures _ _ Mitigation control of water runoff and water quality and, therefore, impacts with respect to this threshold would be less than significant. Landform Alteration /Aesthetics: Thresholds 1 and 2: Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic Vista; Substantially damage scenic resources, including but not limited to trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway. Construction and operation of the project would not significantly impact view resources. However, a mitigation measure is recommended to ensure that future development in an 89 -foot portion of the project site along Hunte Parkway would meet the City's Scenic Roadway standards. Threshold 3: Substantially degrade the existing visual character or guality of the site and its surroundings. Development of the site would change the undeveloped, open character of the project site to one of high - density urbanized uses, which is considered to be a potentially significant impact. Threshold 4: Be inconsistent with General Plan GDP or other obiectives and Policies regarding visual character thereby resulting in a significant ohvsical impact. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measure 4.2 -1: Less than significant with Prior to approval of landscape improvement plans that involve the mitigation 89 -foot portion of the EUC SPA Plan's District 10 abutting Hunte Parkway, the Applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that future development. slope grading and landscaping, signage and utilities will enhance the scenic quality of the route. No feasible mitigation measures have been identified that would Significant and unavoidable reduce this impact to a less than significant level. impact regarding the visual change from open space to urban development. Page ES -9 City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact The project would be consistent with the General Plans policies that address aesthetic character and landform. Therefore, potential impacts with respect to this threshold would be less than significant. Threshold 5: Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely_ affect day or nighttime views in the area. Light and glare impacts would be less than significant. However, because potential impacts associated with shade, shadow and wind access impact cannot be determined until the specific locations, sizes, and orientation of future buildings are established, this impact is considered potentially significant. Threshold 6: Alter areas of sensitive landforms or -grade steep slopes that may be visible from future development and roadways that negatively detract from the prevailing aesthetic character of the site_ or surroundinq area. Exposed slopes and other alterations in EUC SPA Plan area or the SSA would not detract from the prevailing aesthetic character of the site or surrounding area. Grading associated with off -site roads under Grading Option 2 would be temporary Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation No significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant measures are required. Mitigation Measure 4.2 -2: In accordance with Section 04.04.001 of the FBC, prior to design review approval for any structure eight stories and above, the Applicant shall prepare to the satisfaction of the Development Services Director, a light, shadow and wind pattern analysis demonstrating that adjacent shadow - sensitive uses are not shadowed for more than 3 hours between 9:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. during the winter or for more than 4 hours between 9:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. during the summer or any approved City- standard in place at the time the light, shadow and wind pattern analysis is performed. Less than significant with mitigation. As no significant Impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant measures are required. Page ES -10 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact until the adjacent property is developed with planned uses and ultimate grades. Thus, landform alteration impacts would be less- than - significant. Transportation: Threshold 1: Cause an increase in traffic which is substantial in relation to the existing traffic load and capacity of the street system (i.e., result in a substantial increase in either the number of vehicle trims, the volume to capacity ratio on roads or congestion at intersections). �. Intersections: Potentially significant impacts would occur at the following intersections: Horizon Year 2010 With Project: • Intersection #7 • Intersection #8 Horizon Year 2015 With Project. • Intersection #8 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation Horizon Year 2090 With Project: Mitigation Measure 4.3 -1: Intersection #7: Prior to implementation of the first phase of the protect (with 15` EDU) at the intersection of Olympic Parkway /Brandywine Avenue, the Applicant shall secure or construct the re- striping of the northbound approach to include one thru lane and one shared thru -right lane and coordinate SB I- 805 Ramps through Brandywine on Olympic Parkway. Mitigation Measure 4.3 -2: Intersection #8: Prior to implementation of the first phase of the project (with 15` EDU) at the intersection of Olympic Parkway/ Heritage Road, the Applicant shall secure or construct the addition of a southbound right -turn overlap phase. Eastern Urban Center sectional Planning Area EIR City of Chula Vista State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 MaV 2009 Page ES -11 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Horizon Year 2020 With Project. • Horizon Year 2020 With Project. Less than significant with Intersection #19 Mitigation Measure 4.3-3: mitigation. Intersection #19: Prior to implementation of the third phase of the proiect (3,070 proposed protect EDU's) at the intersection of Main Street/Heritage Road, the Applicant shall secure or construct the addition of dual northbound and dual eastbound right -turn lanes. Horizon Year 2030 With Project. Horizon Year 2030 With Project: • Intersection #1 Mitigation Measure 4.3-4: • Intersection #7 Intersection #1: Prior to implementation of the final phase of the • Intersection #15 project (5,270 proposed project EDU's) at the intersection of Telegraph Canyon Road/Heritage Road, the Applicant shall • Intersection 916 secure or construct the addition of an exclusive westbound right- Intersection #19 turn lane and widening of the north leg to provide three thru lanes. • Intersection #21 Mitigation Measure 4.3 -5: Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Intersection #15: Prior to implementation of the final phase of the project (at 5,270 proposed project EDU's) at the intersection of Birch Road /La Media Road, the Applicant shall secure or construct the conversion of a westbound thru lane into a shared westbound thru /right -tum lane. Mitigation Measure 4.3-6: Intersection #16: Prior to implementation of the final phase of the project (at 5,270 proposed project EDU's) at the intersection of Birch Road /Magdalena Avenue, the Applicant shall secure or construct the addition of an exclusive eastbound right -turn lane. Page ES -12 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Mitigation Measures Significance after Mitigation Mitigation Measure 4.3 -7: Intersection #19: Prior to implementation of the final phase of the project (at 5,270 proposed project EDU's) at the intersection of Main Street/Heritage Road, the Applicant shall secure or construct the addition of a dual northbound and a dual eastbound right -turn lanes and the addition of a dual southbound right -turn overlap phase. Mitigation Measure 4.3-8: Intersection #21: Prior to implementation of the final phase of the project (at 5,270 proposed project EDU's) at the intersection of Rock Mountain Road /Magdalena Avenue, the Applicant shall secure or construct the addition of a dual southbound left -turn lane and a dual northbound right -turn lane. Roadway Segments: Mitigation Measure 4.3 -9: If the SR- 125 /Otay River Valley interchange is not Hunte Parkway (SR -125 to Street A): Prior to 5,270 EDU's and if constructed, the Hunte Parkway segment between SR -125 and the Otay Valley Road interchange is not constructed, SR -125 and Street A would operate over capacity the Applicant shall secure or construct two auxiliary lanes on this under Year 2030 with Project conditions_ All other roadway segment as determined necessary by the City Engineer. road segments would operate at acceptable levels of service because intersections along 'the road segments would operate at acceptable levels of service. Freeway Segments: No mitigation measures are available to reduce the projects Significant and unavoidable Potentially significant impacts would occur in the significant cumulative impact with respect to freeway segments. impact: following Horizon years: NB Interstate 805 — Telegraph Canyon Road to Olympic Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Page ES -13 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Year 2095 With Project., SB Interstate 805 — Telegraph Canyon Road to Olympic Parkway Year 2020 With Project: • NB Interstate 805 — Telegraph Canyon Road to Olympic Parkway • SB Interstate 805 — Telegraph Canyon Road to Olympic Parkway Year 2030 Build -Out With Project. • NB Interstate 805 — Telegraph Canyon Road to Olympic Parkway • SB Interstate 805 — Telegraph Canyon Road to Olympic Parkway • SB Interstate 805 — Olympic Parkway to Main Street Project Boundary Intersections: Potentially significant impacts would occur in the Year 2030 Build -Out With Proiect: • Hunte Parkway and EastLake Parkway • Hunte Parkway and Street A. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after ation Measures Mitigation Parkway (2020 and 2030 — Cumulative) SS Interstate 805 — Telegraph Canyon Road to Olympic Parkway (2015, 2020, and 2030 — Cumulative) • SB Interstate 805 — Olympic Parkway to Main Street (2030 — Cumulative) Mitigation Measure 4.3 -10: Less than significant with mitigation Prior to completion of the entire project (8,035 proposed project EDU's), at the Hunte Parkway /EastLake Parkway intersection, the Applicant shall secure or construct a right -turn overlap phase for the eastbound, westbound, and northbound movements. Mitigation Measure 4.3 -11: Upon connection of Street A to Hunte Parkway, the Applicant shall secure or construct the Hunte Parkway/ Street A intersection Page ES -14 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Im Other Traffic Issues: The project would have a potentially significant impact with respect to consistency with the PFFP thresholds. GMOC Analysis Threshold 2: Exceed, either individually or cumulatively, a LOS standard established by the County CMP agency for designated roads or highways. eastern uroan center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measures with a fourth eastbound through lane, a dual northbound left -turn lane, and a southbound right -turn overlap phase. Mitigation Measure 4.3 -12: The Applicant, in cooperation with the City of Chula Vista, shall monitor the necessary timing to construct the SR -125 and Rock Mountain Road interchange to ensure that this improvement is constructed prior to surpassing the PFFP threshold of 5,270 proposed project EDU's. Mitigation Measure 4.3 -13: The Applicant shall construct or enter into an agreement with the City of Chula Vista to construct and secure, in accordance with Section 18.16.220 of the Municipal Code, the required street improvements, including traffic signals, prior to the approval of the final map that contains the cumulative EDU trigger. Mitigation Measure 4.3 -14: On -site streets and boundary intersections shall be constructed in accordance with the PFFP_ Boundary intersections shall be constructed to their full - proposed build -out geometry when the connecting on -site links are constructed. All street improvement plans shall show project boundary intersections to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. No mitigation measures are necessary Page ES -15 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista May 2009 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impacts on CMP roadway segments (both directions of Olympic Parkway between 1 -805 and Hunte Parkway) in both peak periods would operate at LOS C or D, with and without the proposed project. Thus, impacts with respect to CMP roadway segments would be less- than - significant. Threshold 3: Conflict with adopted policies plans or pro -crams Supporting alternative transportation (e.g., bus turnouts, bicycle racks). Alternative Transportation The proposed project would be consistent with General Plan and GDP policies regarding alternative transportation. Significant traffic delays along BRT routes due to stop controlled intersections could occur. This is considered to be a potentially significant impact. Air Quality Threshold 1: Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air Quality plan or General Plan policies. The ELIC SPA Plan would conflict with SDAPCD's currently approved RAQS, which are based in part on the City's prior General Plan (adopted in 1992 and updated in 2001). Threshold 2: Violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an existing or protected air quality violation. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No_ 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation No significant impacts have been identified. and no mitigation Less than significant measures are required. Mitigation Measure 4.3 -15: Less than significant with The Applicant shall install traffic signals In streets with exclusive mitigation BRT transitways throughout the entire site so that future transit signal priority treatments can be used and signals can be interconnected. No feasible mitigation measures have been identified that would Significant and unavoidable reduce this impact to a less than significant level. impact with respect to inconsistency with SDAPCD's current RAQS. Page ES -16 City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Mitigation Measures Maximum construction - related regional emissions Mitigation Measure 4.4 -1: would exceed the daily significance thresholds for Prior, approval of any grading r PM10i PM2.5, CO, NOx and VOC_ g pe mits. the following requirements shall be placed on all grading plans, and shall be Regional operation - related emissions at milestone implemented during grading of each phase of the project to years (2010, 2015, 2020 and 2030) would exceed the minimize construction emissions: daily significance thresholds for NOx, CO, VOC, All unpaved construction areas shall be sprinkled with PM10 and PM2.5, but are not expected to exceed the thresholds for SOx. water or other acceptable dust control agents Burin site Localized CO hotspots analysis demonstrates a less - grading or demolition activities at least twice daily; g than- significant impact for all study intersections. a Additional watering shall be applied during windy days or until dust emissions are not visible; • Trucks hauling dirt and debris shall be property covered or maintain at least 12 inches of freeboard to reduce windblown dust and spills; • A 20 mile- per -hour speed limit on unpaved surfaces shall be enforced; Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 • Dirt and debris spilled onto paved surfaces shall be swept up immediately to reduce re- suspension of particulate matter caused by vehicle movement; • On -site stockpiles of excavated material shall be covered or watered; • Approach routes to the site shall be cleaned daily of construction - related dirt; Pave permanent roads as quickly as possible to minimize dust; Page ES -17 Executive Summa Significance after Mitigation Significant and unavoidable impact: The prolect would exceed the significance thresholds for VOC, NO,, CO, PM,, and PM,., during the most intense construction period and project operation. City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation • Apply chemical stabilizer or pave the last loo feet of internal travel path within the construction site prior to public road entry; • Install wheel washers adjacent to a paved apron prior to vehicle entry on public roads; • Remove any visible track -out into traveled public streets within 30 minutes of occurrence; Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EiR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 • Wet wash the construction access point at the end of each workday if any vehicle travel on unpaved surfaces has occurred; Provide sufficient perimeter erosion control to prevent washout of silty material onto public roads; • Minimize simultaneous operation of multiple construction equipment units; • All construction equipment shall be properly tuned and maintained in accordance with manufacturer's specifications. All equipment shall have catalytic reduction for gasoline - powered equipment and injection timing retard for diesel - powered equipment; • General contractors shall maintain and operate construction equipment so as to minimize exhaust emissions. During construction, trucks and vehicles in loading and unloading queues should turn their engines off when not in use to reduce vehicle emissions; and Page ES -18 City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures _ Impact Mitigation Measures Significance after Mitigation • Electricity from power poles rather than temporary diesel - or gasoline- powered generators shall be used to the extent feasible. Threshold 3: Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non - attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard. Protect emissions would exceed thresholds for PM10, No mitigation measures are available to reduce cumulative Significant and unavoidable: PM2,5, and, as the San Diego Air Basin (SDAB) is emissions during project operation. No feasible mitigation exists currently classified as non - attainment for these to reduce VOC, NO,, CO, emissions, emission levels would be significant. PMio and PM2,5 to less than threshold levels during operation. Threshold 4: Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations. Temporary fugitive dust emissions during mass Mitigation Measure 4.4 -1, above, shall be implemented to reduce Significant and grading would exceed the significance threshold. dust emissions and other particulates during construction. Unavoidable: No mitigation Impacts related to localized mobile - source CO and Mitigation Measure 4,4 -2' measures are available that would reduce temporary Toxic Air Contaminants (TAC) emissions during Prior to approval of the building permit for any uses which are fugitive dust during construction and operation would be less than regulated for TAC emissions by the SDAPCD, the Applicant must construction, to less than significant. However, to ensure compliance with demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning and significant levels. established TAC thresholds, a mitigation measure is Building that the use complies with established criteria (such as recommended. those established by SDAPCD Rule 1200). Project traffic can contribute to microscale carbon monoxide "hot spots;" however, project- generated traffic would have a negligible effect on proiected 1- hour and 8 hour CO concentrations at respective Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR City of Chula Vista State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Mav 2009 Page ES -19 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation intersection locations. The proposed project would not cause any new or exacerbate any existing CO hotspots. Thus, impacts related to localized mobile - source CO emissions would be less than significant. Toxic Air Contaminants (TAC) emissions related to diesel particulate emissions during construction would be temporary by nature and would not result in significant impacts with respect to long -term "Individual Cancer Risk." Therefore, project - related toxic emission impacts during construction would be less than significant. As the proposed development is predominantly residential and commercial, it is not expected to introduce new substantial stationary sources of TAC emissions during operation. The project may expose new residential and other sensitive - receptor uses to off -site (non - project) TACs associated with mobile sources (traffic on SR 125). The project's health risk assessment (HRA), based on a 9 -year exposure duration, estimated that the cancer incidence risk associated with siting residential uses in the vicinity of the highway would be below 10 in one million, and, when added to the overall background risk from regional emissions, would result in total risk within or near the range of existing background risk in the area. With regard to the future school site, an HRA to address a potential future elementary school will be performed under future separate environmental Eastern Urban Center sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measure 4.4-3: Prior to design review approval for any development that includes sensitive uses within 500 feet of the centerline of SR -125, such as residential, schools, day care facilities and parks, the Applicant shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services consistency with any city, State or federal standard, regarding airborne cancer risks from mobile emissions from the highway, in place at the time. The Applicant may use data from the health risk assessment conducted for this EiR to determine compliance with a new standard. If inconsistent with the standards, site - specific design measures shall be implemented, to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services, to reduce the potential impact to meet the adopted standards. Page ES -20 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation review by the school district. However, the general location of the proposed school site in the south - central portion of the project site is consistent with CARB's siting recommendations regarding compatible adjacent and nearby land -uses. Threshold 5: Create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of people. Odor impacts associated with construction materials, As no significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant uses, and the off -site Otay Landfill would be less than measures are required. significant_ Noise: Thresholds 1 and 4: Result in a substantial temporary or periodic increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project: Expose persons to or generation of excessive aroundborne vibration or groundborne noise levels. Potential sources of noise related to the proposed Mitigation Measure 4.5-1: Less than significant with project include temporary construction noise, traffic mitigation generated noise, noise from on -site land uses, Prior to approval of any grading permit, the following measures including the elementary school, parks, and noise shall be placed as notes on all grading plans, and shall be from commercial uses. implemented during grading of each phase of the project to Future on- or off -site sensitive receptors within 250 minimize construction noise impacts: feet on- (with the project site) or off -site (SSA, SCSL Improvement, or PCSI) grading activities or a) Grading and exterior construction activities within 250 construction could experience short term nuisance feet of noise sensitive uses shall be prohibited Monday noise levels during such activities. However, through Friday from 10:00 P.M. t0 7:00 A.M., and from 10:00 P.M. tO $:00 A.M. on Saturdays and Sundays, Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact compliance with the City's Municipal code would reduce this impact to below a level of significance. Exposure to ground -borne vibration would be less than significant. Noise impacts associated with the fire station emergency generator would be potentially significant. Thresholds 2 and 3: Expose persons to or _generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the Chula Vista General Plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies: and result in a substantial permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the project vicinity above levels existing without the project. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No_ 2007041074 Mitigation Measures in accordance with the City of Chula Vista Municipal Code Section 97.24.050.J. b) Noise- generating equipment operated at the project site shall be equipped with effective noise control devices, i.e., mufflers, lagging, and /or motor enclosures. All equipment shall be properly maintained to assure that no additional noise, due to worn or improperly maintained parts, would be generated. c) Construction truck routes and equipment shall, to the extent feasible, avoid residential areas and roadway_ s adjacent to noise sensitive receptors. Mitigation Measure 4.5--4 Concurrent with the first submittal of construction plans for the fire station, a noise study shall be prepared to ensure that appropriate noise attenuation measures are implemented capable of reducing the exterior generator noise at the property lines consistent with Table III of Chapter 99.68 of the Municipal Code. Page ES -22 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation An increase of 4.1 and 5.4 dBA CNEL along the highest traveled roadway segments of Birch Road would exceed the significance threshold. Project - related traffic would be below the 3.0 dBA significance threshold and less than audible. On -site noise sensitive uses would be exposed to noise levels that exceed the City's exterior noise standard of 65 CNEL for residential development and other noise sensitive uses. Noise impacts due to on -site stationary sources such as roof -top HVAC equipment would be significant. Outdoor noise generated by schools and parks, Including sports activities, is considered to have potentially significant impact on adjacent sensitive uses. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007049074 Mitigation Measure 4.5--2(a): Prior to approval of design review permits for residential uses on lots directly adjacent to a proposed park site or the future EUC elementary school site, a detailed acoustical analysis report shall be prepared by a qualified acoustical consultant to ensure that interior noise levels due to exterior sources will be at or below 45 CNEL. Building plans will be available during design review and will permit the accurate calculation of building acoustical evaluation including wall structures sound transmission loss for habitable rooms. For these lots, it may be necessary for the windows to be able to remain closed to ensure that Interior noise levels meet the interior standard of 45 CNEL. Consequently the design for these units may need to include mechanical ventilation or air conditioning systems to provide a habitable interior environment with the windows closed based on the results of the detailed interior acoustical analysis. Mitigation Measure 4.5 -2(b): As part of the review process for final EUC park designs, park site plans shall be reviewed by the City to ensure that hard -court areas (basketball, tennis, etc.) and active play fields are located as far as feasible from existing or proposed residential uses with outdoor patios or gathering areas_ The goal and performance standard for this measure is to avoid outdoor noise levels that exceed 65 CNEL for residential uses that include outdoor patios or common gathering areas that are located adjacent to park sites. This measure shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City prior to final approval of applicable park site plans. Page ES -23 Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Mitigation Measure 4.5 -2(c): Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EiR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 The City shall consult with the Chula Vista Elementary School District prior to or during the environmental review process for the proposed elementary school to recommend that the school site is planned such that hard -court areas and active play fields are located as far as feasible from existing or proposed residential uses with outdoor patios or gathering areas. The goal and performance standard for this measure is to avoid outdoor noise levels that exceed 65 CNEL for residential uses with outdoor patios or common gathering areas that are located adjacent to a school site. Mitigation Measure 4.5-3: Prior to approval of design review permits for commercial and public buildings, the following shall be implemented: a) Air conditioning, cooling and ventilating equipment and any other noise - generating equipment shall be screened, shielded and /or sound buffered from surrounding streets and land uses. An acoustical analysis shall be performed by a qualified acoustical consultant to verify the specific details of this mitigation measure including; geometrical dimensions and construction materials. b) Loading docks and trash collection areas shall properly be screened or enclosed and shall not be oriented toward adjacent sensitive uses. Page ES -24 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Su Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measure 4.5-5 Prior to approval of design review permits for sensitive uses, such as residential use, libraries, daycare facilities, neighborhood parks and playgrounds, planned for areas forecasted to exceed an exterior noise level of 65 CNEL (based on Table 4.5 -7 of the EIR), the following shall occur: a) An acoustical analysis shall be performed for residential structures to ensure that interior noise levels due to exterior sources will be at or below 45 CNEL. Outdoor use areas such as terraces and balconies shall not be encouraged for residential structures that front major roadways, such as SR -125, Birch Road, Eastlake Parkway, and Hunte Parkway. For these residential use areas, it may be necessary for the windows to be able to remain closed to ensure that interior noise levels meet the interior design standard of 45 CNEL. Consequently the design for these units may need to include mechanical ventilation or air conditioning systems to provide a habitable interior environment with the windows closed based on the results of the interior acoustical analysis. b) To reduce exterior noise levels to 65 CNEL or lower at outdoor sensitive uses (Le_, residential courtyards, parks. and passive recreation areas), a combination of sound barrier walls, earthen berms, and landscaping shall be designed and implemented by a qualified acoustical consultant. Alternatively, outdoor uses shall be located behind buildings (not facing traffic corridors) in a manner that shields outdoor sensitive uses from roadway noise Page ES -25 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures_ Mitigation and reduces the exterior noise level to 65 CNEL or below. Mitigation Measure 4.5-6: Athletic fields if placed in development areas where noise from traffic exceeds or is forecasted to exceed 70 dBA CNEL (based on Table 4.5 -7 of the EIR), shall incorporate the following_ a) Sound barrier walls or earthen berms of sufficient height and length shall be designed by a qualified acoustical consultant to reduce exterior noise levels to 70 CNEL or lower; or b) Passive recreation areas, such as picnic tables, shall be located away from the roadway as far as possible_ Mitigation Measure 4.5 -7: The applicant may, at any time during implementation of the proposed project, submit a revised noise study prepared by a qualified acoustical consultant that takes into consideration site grading based on final grading plans and locations of intervening structures to establish new noise contours on the site. The noise study shall be approved by the City, and may be used to implement the noise mitigation measures of this section. Page ES -26 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation Threshold 5: Be inconsistent with General Plan. GDP or other objectives and policies reaardina noise thereby resulting in a significant physical impact. The project would be consistent with General Plan As no significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant Environmental Element policies that pertain to measures are required. noise. Cultural Resources: Thresholds 1 and 2: Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5. The proposed project would not result in a significant impact on known archaeological resources, but could result in significant impacts to archaeological resources that may be uncovered during clearing and grading. (Note: Mitigation Measure 4.6 -3 has been stricken from this summary table because there is no Mitigation Measure 4.6 -3.) Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measure 4.6 -1: Prior to issuance of land development permits, including clearing or grubbing and grading permits, the applicant shall provide written confirmation and incorporate Into grading plans, to the satisfaction of the Environmental Review Coordinator, that a principal investigator (PI) as listed by the Secretary of the Interior (36 CFR 61) has been retained in an oversight capacity to ensure that ._an archaeological monitor( will be present during all cutting of previously undisturbed soil. If these cutting activities occur in more than one location, multiple monitors shall be provided to monitor these areas, as determined necessary by the P_1_ Page ES -27 Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista May 2009 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007049074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation Mitigation Measure 4.6 -2: During the initial grading of previously undisturbed soils within the EUC SPA Plan area, limits of grading or site preparation for either Grading Options 1 or 2, and SCSI- Improvement Area, prehistoric and historic resources may be encountered. In the event that the monitor identifies a potentially significant site, the archaeological monitor shall secure the discovery site from further impacts by delineating the site with staking and flagging, and by diverting grading equipment away from the archaeological site. Following notification to the City, the archaeological monitor shall conduct investigations as necessary to determine if the discovery is significant under the criteria listed in CEQA and the environmental guidelines of the City. If the discovery is determined to be not significant, grading operations may resume and the archaeological monitor shall summarize the findings in a letter report to the City following the completion of mass grading activities. The letter report shall describe the results of the on -site archaeological monitoring, each archaeological site observed, the scope of testing conducted, results of laboratory analysis (if applicable), and conclusions. The letter report shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Environmental Review Coordinator prior to release of grading bonds. Any artifacts recovered during the evaluation shall be curated at a curation facility approved by the City. For those prehistoric /historic resources that are determined to be significant, alternate means of achieving mitigation shall be pursued. In general, these forms of mitigation include: 1) site avoidance by preservation of the site in a natural state in open Page ES -28 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 space or in open space easements, 2) site avoidance by preservation through capping the site and placing landscaping on top of the fill, 3) data recovery through implementation of an excavation and analysis program, or 4) a combination of one or more of the above measures. Procedures for implementing the alternative forms of mitigation described herein are further detailed in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program adopted as part of the Otay Ranch General Development Program EIR, EIR 90 -01. For those sites that are found to be significant resources and for which avoidance and preservation is not feasible or appropriate, the Applicant shall prepare a Data Recovery Plan. The plan will, at a minimum, include the following: 1) a statement of why data recovery is appropriate as a mitigating measure, 2) a research plan that explicitly provides the research questions that can reasonably be expected to be addressed by excavation and analysis of the site, 3) a statement of the types and kinds of data that can reasonably be expected to exist at the site and how these data will be used to answer important research questions, 4) a step -by -step discussion of field and laboratory methods to be employed, and 5) provisions for curation and storage of the artifacts, notes, and photographs will be stated. In cases involving historic resources; however, archival research and historical documentation shall be used to augment field- testing programs. Grading operations within the affected area may resume once the site has been fully evaluated and mitigated to the satisfaction of the Environmental Review Coordinator_ All significant artifacts Page ES -29 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation collected during the implementation of the Data Recovery Plan shall be curated at a facility approved by the City. (Note: This Summary Table does not include Mitigation Measure 4.6 -3). Threshold 3: Directly or Indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature. Geological formations underlying the EUC SPA Plan area and off -site improvement areas have a high sensitivity for paleontological resources. Therefore, on -site grading and off -site site preparation with either grading option as well as off -site excavation associated with the SCSL Improvement Area have Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041 074 Mitigation Measure 4.6-4: Following the completion of mass grading operations, the Applicant shall prepare a plan that addresses the temporary onsite presentation and Interpretation of the results of the archaeological studies for the proposed project. This could be accomplished through exhibition within a future community center, civic building and/or multi- purpose building. This exhibition will only be for temporary suratiendisglay of those materials being actively used for interpretation and display, and that permanent curation of artifacts and data will be at a regional repository that meets the standards of the State Historical Resource Commission's Guidelines for the Curation of Archaeological Collections dated May 7. 199 when eRe is- established.- All significant artifacts collected during the implementation of the Data Recovery Plan shall be permanently curated at a facility approved by the City. Mitigation Measure 4.6 -6: Prior to the Issuance of grading permits for the EUC SPA Plan Area, limits of grading for either Grading Options 9 or 2, and the SCSL Improvement Area, the Applicant shall confirm to the City that a qualified paleontologist has been retained to carry Page ES -3a Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Sum Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation the potential to result in significant Impacts to out an appropriate mitigation program. (A qualified paleontological resources. No impact to paleontologist is defined as an individual with an M.S. or Ph.D. paleontological resources is anticipated in the PCSI in paleontology or geology who is familiar with paleontological Area due to the fact that the site has been previously procedures and techniques). A pre -grade meeting shall be disturbed by construction of the Poggi Canyon sewer. held among the paleontologist and the grading and excavation contractors. Mitigation Measure 4.6 -7: A paleontological monitor shall be onsite at all times during the original cutting of previously undisturbed sediments of highly sensitive geologic formations (Le., San Diego, Otay, and Sweetwater formations) to inspect cuts for contained fossils. (A paleontological monitor is defined as an individual who has experience in the collection and salvage of fossil materials.) The paleontological monitor shall work under the direction of a qualified paleontologist. The monitor shall be onsite on at least a half-time basis during the original cutting of previously undisturbed sediments of moderately sensitive geologic formations (i.e., unnamed river terrace deposits and the Mission Valley Formation) to inspect cuts for contained fossils. a) The monitor shall be onsite on at least a quarter -time basis during the original cutting of previously undisturbed sediments of low sensitivity geologic formations (Le., Lindavista Formation and Santiago Peak Volcanics Imetasedimentary portion only) to inspect cuts for contained fossils. He or she shall periodically (every several weeks) inspect original cuts Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area FIR City of Chula Vista State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 May 2009 Page ES -31 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation in deposits with an unknown resource sensitivity (i.e.. Quaternary alluvium). b) In the event that fossils are discovered in unknown, low, or moderately sensitive formations, the Applicant shall increase the per -day field monitoring time. Conversely, if fossils are not discovered, the monitoring, at the discretion of the Planning Department, shall be reduced. A paleontological monitor is not needed during grading of rocks with no resource sensitivity (i.e., Santiago Peak Volcanics, metavolcanic portion). Mitigation Measure 4.6 -8: When fossils are discovered, the paleontologist (or paleontological monitor) shall recover them. In most cases, this fossil salvage can be completed in a short period of time. However, some fossil specimens (such as a complete whale skeleton) may require an extended salvage time. In these Instances, the paleontologist (or paleontological monitor) shall be allowed to temporarily direct, divert, or halt grading to allow recovery of fossil remains in a timely manner. Because of the potential for the recovery of small fossil remains such as isolated mammal teeth, it may be necessary in certain instances and at the discretion of the paleontological monitor to set up a screen - washing operation on the site. Mitigation Measure 4.6 -9: Prepared fossils along with copies of all pertinent field notes, photos, and maps shall be deposited in a scientific institution Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR City of Chula Vista State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 May 2009 Page ES -32 Executive Su Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Threshold 4: Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries. On -site grading and off -site site preparation with either grading option as well as off -site construction associated with the SCSL Improvement Area have the potential to result in significant impacts to human remains. No impact to human remains is anticipated in the PCSI Area due to the fact that the site has been previously disturbed by construction of the Poggi Canyon Sewer. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cieannghouse No. 2007041074 with paleontological collections such as the San Diego Natural History Museum. A final summary report shall be completed. This report shall include discussions of the methods used, stratigraphy exposed, fossils collected, and significance of recovered fossils. Mitigation Measure 4.6-5: Less than significant with If human remains are discovered during grading or site mitigation preparation activities within the EUC SPA Plan area, limits of grading for either Grading Options 1 or 2 and the SCSL Improvement Area, the archaeological monitor shall secure the discovery site from any further disturbance. State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 requires that no further disturbance shall occur until the San Diego County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to the origin and disposition of the remains pursuant to PRC Section 5097.98. If the remains are determined to be of Native American descent, the coroner has 24 hours to notify the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC). The NAHC will then identify the person(s) thought to be the Most Likely Descendent (MLD) of the deceased Native American. The MLD will assist the City in determining what course of action shall be taken to deal with the remains. Grading operations within the affected area may resume once the site has been fully evaluated and mitigated to the satisfaction of the Environmental. Review Coordinator. The Archaeological Monitor shall summarize the findings in a letter report to the City following the completion of mass grading activities. Page ES -33 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Threshold 5: Be Inconsistent with General Plan cultural and paleontological policies thereby resulting in a significant physical impact. The project and off -site construction sites would be consistent with the General Plan's cultural resources policies and would be less than significant with respect to this threshold. Biological Resources: Threshold 1: A substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive, or special status species In local or regional plans policies or regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Wildlife Service. The project would have the following substantial adverse effect, both directly and through habitat modifications, on sensitive wildlife species. • Ground nesting raptor species, including the northern harrier and burrowing owl, would be impacted within the EUC SPA Plan and SSA. • The northern harrier, burrowing owl, white - tailed kite, and San Diego black - tailed jackrabbit would be impacted by the loss of 159.2 acres of agricultural lands utilized as foraging habitat. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation As no significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant measures are required. Mitigation Measure 4.7 -1: Prior to issuance of any land development permits, including clearing and grubbing or grading permits for the EUC project site and the SSA, the applicant shall retain a City- approved biologist to conduct focused surveys for the northern harrier to determine the presence or absence of this species within 900 feet of the construction area, if construction will occur during the breeding season (January 15 through July 31) (excluding areas west of SR -125). The pre - construction survey must be conducted within 10 calendar days prior to the start of construction, the results of which must be submitted to the City for review and approval. If active nests are detected by the City - approved biologist, a biological monitor should be on -site during construction to Page ES -34 Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista may 2009 Impact Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measures The coastal California gnatcatcher would be minimize construction impacts and ensure that no nests are temporarily impacted within the SCSL removed or disturbed until all young have fledged. Improvement Area. The project may have significant indirect effects on the MSCP Preserve associated with construction noise avian breeding seasons, water quality, introduction of non- native exotic plant species following construction, and human intrusion. Modifications associated with the SCSL would temporary impact 0.16 acre of Diegan coastal sage scrub. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measure 4.7 -2: Prior to issuance of any land development permits (including clearing and grubbing or grading permits) for the EUC proiect site and the SSA. the applicant shall retain a City- approved biologist to conduct focused pre - construction surveys for burrowing owls. The surveys shall be performed no earlier than 30 days prior to the commencement of any clearing, grubbing, or grading activities. If occupied burrows are detected, the City- approved biologist shall prepare a passive relocation mitigation plan subiect to the review and approval by the Wildlife Agencies and City including any subsequent burrowing owl relocation plans to avoid impacts from construction- related activities. Mitigation Measure 4.7-4: For any work proposed to be initiated between February 15 and August 15, prior to issuance of any land development permits, including clearing, grubbing, grading, and construction permits associated with improvements to the off -site SCSL, a pre - construction survey for the coastal California gnatcatcher must be performed in order to reaffirm the presence and extent of occupied habitat. The pre - construction survey area for the coastal California gnatcatcher shall encompass all habitat within the project work zone as well as a 300 -foot buffer extending from the study area as delineated on Figure 5 of the HELIX biological technical report. Page ES -35 Executive Su Significance after Mitigation City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation The pre - construction survey must be performed to the satisfaction of the Environmental Review Coordinator (ERG) by a qualified biologist familiar with the City's MSCP Subarea Plan. The results of the pre - construction survey must be submitted in a report to the ERC for review and approval prior to the issuance of any land development permits and prior to initiating any construction activities. If the coastal California gnatcatcher is detected, a minimum 300 -foot buffer delineated by orange biological fencing shall be established around the detected species to ensure that no work shall occur within the occupied habitat from February 15 through August 15 and on -site noise reduction techniques shall be incorporated, as appropriate. The ERC shall have the discretion to modify the buffer width depending on site - specific conditions. if the results of the pre - construction survey determine that the survey area is unoccupied, the work may commence at the discretion of the ERC following the review and approval of the pre - construction report. Mitigation Measure 4.7 -5: Prior to issuance of land development permits, including clearing, grubbing, grading and construction permits for the off -site SCSL project, the applicant shall provide a revegetation plan for 0.16 acre of Diegan coastal sage scrub to the satisfaction of the City's Environmental Review Coordinator (ERC). The revegetation plan must be prepared by a qualified City - approved biologist familiar with the City's MSCP Subarea Plan and must include, but not be limited to, an implementation plan; appropriate seed mixtures and planting method; irrigation method; quantitative and qualitative success criteria; maintenance, monitoring, and reporting program; estimated completion time; and contingency measures. The Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR city of Chula Vista State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 May 2009 Page ES -36 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 applicant shall also be required to implement the revegetation plan subiect to the oversight and approval of the ERC. Mitigation Measure 4.7 -6: Prior to issuance of land development permits, including clearing or grubbing and grading and /or construction permits for the off - site SCSL, the applicant shall install fencing in accordance with CVMC 17.35.030. Prominently colored, well - installed fencing and signage shall be in place wherever the limits of grading are adiacent to sensitive vegetation communities or other biological resources, as identified by the qualified monitoring biologist. Fencing shall remain In place during all construction activities. All temporary fencing shall be shown on grading plans for the off -site SCSL. Prior to release of grading and /or improvement bonds, a qualified biologist shall provide evidence that work was conducted as authorized under the approved land development permit and associated plans. Mitigation Measure 4.7 -7: A biological monitor shall attend all pre- construction meetings and be present during the removal of any vegetation associated with the modifications to the off -site SCSL. Prior to Issuance of land development permits, including clearing or grubbing and grading and /or construction permits for the SCSL proiect, the applicant shall provided written confirmation that a City - approved biological monitor has been retained and shall be on -site during clearing, grubbing, and /or grading activities to ensure that the approved limits of disturbance are not exceeded and provide penodic monitoring of the impact area including, but not limited to, trenches, stockpiles, storage areas, and fencing. The biological monitor shall also be on -site during the placement and removal of Page ES -37 City of Chula vista Mav 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Threshold 2: A substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies. regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Careless placement of the temporary high line facility in the off -site SCSL area could impact sensitive biological resources. Also, the proposed lack and bore process in the off -site SCSL area has the potential to cause "frac- out ". These impacts would be considered significant. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measures the proposed High Line to ensure that removal or damaging of native vegetation does not occur. The biological monitor shall be authorized to halt all associated project activities that may be in violation of the City's MSCP Subarea Plan. Mitigation Measure 4.7-8: Prior to issuance of land development permits, and prior to construction activities occurring in areas containing sensitive biological resources within the off -site SCSL, all workers shall be educated by a City - approved biologist to recognize and avoid those areas which have been marked as sensitive biological resources. Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation See Mitigation Measures 4.7 -7 and 4.7 -8, above. In addition the Less than significant with following mitigation measure is required: mitigation Mitigation Measure 4.7 -12: Prior to issuance of land development permits, including clearing, grubbing grading and construction permits for the off -site SCSL. the Applicant shall provide the City with written confirmation to the satisfaction of the City`s Environmental Review Coordinator that the resource agencies have been notified of the SCSL grading- The __ Applicant shall also be responsible for obtaining all applicable regulatory permits such as those required under Section 404 of Page ES -38 City of Chula vista Mav 2009 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation the federal Clean Water Act, Section 1600 of the California Department of Fish and Game Code, and Porter Cologne Water Quality Act have been obtained. In addition. P- riarprior to issuance of any grading permits associated with the off -site SCSL, the Applicant shall prepare a Frac -Out Contingency Plan (FCP) shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and the City's ERC. The FCP shall establish operational procedures and responsibilities for the prevention, containment, notification, and clean -up of the inadvertent release of drilling fluid (frac-out) that could potentially occur with the proposed directional drilling under Salt Creek. Issues addressed in the plan shall include but not be limited to: Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 • Spoil stockpile management; • Hazardous materials storage and spill cleanup; • Site - specific erosion and sediment control; • Procedures for timely detection of frac -outs; and • Any other BMPs to ensure protection of sensitive biological resources in the adjacent Preserve areas and minimize water quality impacts as described in the SWPPP: If a frac -out event were to occur during the boring and hacking process, work should cease immediately, and measures should be taken to contain the frac -out slurry in as small an area as possible. The biological monitor shall contact the City and appropriate resource agencies within 24 hours of the frac -out and provide an initial assessment of impacts to native vegetation. Page ES -39 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Threshold 3: A substantial adverse effect on Federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means. No impacts to wetlands would occur within the EUC SPA Plan, SCSL, or PCSI areas. However, potentially significant indirect impacts may occur to the jurisdictional feature downstream of the SSA due to changes in surface runoff. Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitiigation Mitigation for the impacts will be coordinated in conjunction with the City and resource agencies. See Mitigation Measure 4.7 -12, above. The following mitigation Less than significant with measures also apply: mitigation Mitigation Measure 4.7 -9: Prior to issuance of land development permits, including clearing or grubbing and grading and/or construction permits for the EUC project site (including the off -site SSA) or SCSL, the applicant shall provide written confirmation that Mitigation Measure 4.9.2 (Hydrology and Drainage), requiring a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit (NPDES) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), has been fulfilled to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Mitigation Measure 4.7 -10: Prior to issuance of land development permits, including clearing or grubbing and grading and/or construction permits for the off - site SSA, the Applicant shall install temporary orange biological fencing along the limits of grading in areas adjacent to sensitive biological resources to avoid impacts on such resources. All fencing, including temporary fencing, shall be shown on the Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR City of Chula Vista State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Mav 2009 Page ES -40 Executive Summary Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area ElR City of Chula Vista State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 May 2009 Page ES -41 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Mitigation Monitor shall verify that biological fencing is properly installed and maintained. Mitigation Measure 4.7 -11: To protect the jurisdictional feature downstream of the off -site SSA, a City - qualified biologist shall attend a pre - construction meeting prior to initiating grading on the off -site SSA. The biologist shall be on -site to monitor all vegetation clearing and periodically thereafter to ensure implementation of appropriate resource protection measures. Threshold 4: Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites. Impacts to the California gnatcatcher could result if Mitigation Measure 4.7 -13: Less than significant with construction activities occur within occupied habitat To avoid any direct impacts to raptors and /or any migratory birds, mitigation during the breeding season for this species (February removal of habitat that supports active nests on the proposed 15 and August 15). The project would impact nesting area of disturbance (within the EUC project site, SCSL, or SSA) bird species protected by the MBTA and California should occur outside of the breeding season for these species Fish and Game Code occurring within the EUC SPA (January 15 to August 31). If removal of habitat on the proposed Plan, SCSL Improvement Area, and SSA. area of disturbance (within the EUC project site, SCSL, or SSA) must occur during the breeding season, the applicant shall retain a City - approved biologist to conduct a pre - construction survey to determine the presence or absence of nesting birds on the proposed area of disturbance. The pre - construction survey must be conducted within 10 calendar days prior to the start of construction, the results of which must be submitted to the City for Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area ElR City of Chula Vista State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 May 2009 Page ES -41 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Threshold 5 and 6: Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance; Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or State habitat conservation plan. The proposed protect would have an indirect, long- term, potentially significant impact related to biological resources management unless the Otay Ranch regional open space is preserved proportionally and concurrently with development. Agricultural Resources: Thresholds 1 and 2: Convert _ Prime_ Farmland Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Import ance, as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the FMMP of the California Resources Agency, to nonagricultural use; and /or involves other changes in the existing environment which, due to Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 review and approval prior to initiating any construction activities. If nesting birds are detected, a letter report or mitigation plan as deemed appropriate by the City, shall be prepared and include proposed measures to be implemented to ensure that disturbance of breeding activities is avoided. The report or mitigation plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval and implemented to the satisfaction of the City. The City's Mitigation Monitor shall verify and approve that all measures identified in the report or mitigation plan are in place prior to and /or during construction. Mitigation Measure 4.7-3: Prior to recordation of each final map, the applicant shall convey land within the Otay Ranch RMP Preserve at a ratio of 1.188 acres for each acre of development area, as defined in the RMP_ Page ES -42 Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista Mav 2008 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures. Mitigation chanaes in the existing environment which. due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of farmland to nonagricultural use; Conflict with existing zonina for aancultural use or a _Williamson Act contract. Impacts associated with the permanent removal of approximately 207 acres of designated Farmland of Local Importance are considered potentially significant. The implementation of Grading Option 1, which would transport and stockpile soils from the project site to the SSA, would further affect approximately 59 acres of adjacent Farmland of Local Importance (remainder of the EUC and a portion of Village Nine). Grading Option 2, which would transport and stockpile soils to the remainder of the EUC including the Hunte Parkway right -of -way (approximately 28.5 acres) would similarly result in the loss of Farmland of Local Importance in this area. In addition, without implementation of the proposed Agricultural Plan, noise, odors, insects, rodents, and chemicals associated with interim agricultural operations on the site could create indirect, short- term, potentially significant impacts between the agricultural uses and urban uses. No impacts regarding the Williamson Act contract lands, or conflicts with existing zoning for an agricultural use would occur in the EUC SPA Plan area, the SSA, or the SCSL Improvement Area and PCSI area —The construction of the SCSL Improvement and PCSI Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007049074 Mitigation Measure 4.8 »1: The Agricultural Plan included in the EUC SPA Plan shall be implemented as development proceeds in the proposed EUC SPA Plan area. The following measures shall be implemented to the satisfaction of the City of Chula Vista's Development Services Director. • Prior to approval of each building permit, the Applicant shall ensure that a 200 -foot fenced buffer shall be maintained between development and ongoing agricultural operations on the property; • In those areas where pesticides are to be applied, the farmland owner shall utilize vegetation to shield adjacent urban development (within 400 feet) from agriculture activities. • If permitted interim agricultural uses require the use of pesticides, the farmland owner shall notify adjacent developed property owners of potential pesticide application a minimum of 10 days prior to application through advertisements in newspapers of general circulation. Limits shall be established as to the time of day and type of pesticide applications that may be used. Page ES -43 Significant and unavoidable: Impact on interfacing agricultural and urban uses would be reduced to below significance. However, no mitigation measures are available to reduce the incremental and cumulative loss of Farmland of Local Importance to a less than significance level. City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact _ Mitigation Measures Mitigation would have no impact with respect to agricultural The use of, pesticides shall comply with federal, state, activities. and local regulations. Threshold 3: Be inconsistent with General Plan agricultural resource policies thereby resulting in a significant physical impact. As the EUC SPA Plan includes an Agricultural Plan that addresses the opportunity for limited agricultural and related uses to occur as an interim land use within the EUC SPA Plan area. Therefore the proposed project is consistent with applicable objectives and policies of the General Plan. Hydrology and Water Quality: Threshold 1: Result in an increase in pollutant discharges to receiving waters (including impaired water bodies pursuant to the Clean Water Act Section 303(d) list), result in significant alteration of receiving water quality during or foilowinci construction. violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements, or otherwise substantially degrade water quality. Project construction would alter the quantity and composition of surface runoff through grading of site surfaces, construction of impervious streets, building development, introduction of urban pollutants, and irrigation for landscaped areas which are considered potentially significant impacts to water quality. Project operation would increase Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 As no significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant measures are required. Mitigation Measure 4.9 -1: Less than significant with Prior to issuance of each grading permit for the EUC SPA Plan, mitigation the SSA, the Salt Creek Sewer Lateral Improvement, and the Poggi Canyon Sewer Improvement Area or any land development permit, including clearing and grading, the Project Applicant(s) shall submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) and obtain coverage under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Page ES-44 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation the amount of surface water runoff due to the introduction of impermeable surfaces and would increase urban pollutants in surface water runoff. This is also considered to be a potentially significant water quality impact. In addition, the potential presence of DDT in on -site soils is considered to be a potentially significant impact to surface water quality. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area fEIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 System (NPDES) permit for Construction Activity from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB). The permit requires development of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan ( SWPPP) and Monitoring Plan that shall be submitted to the City Engineer and the Director of Public Works. The SWPPP shall be incorporated into the grading and drainage plans and shall provide for implementation of construction and post - construction Best Management Practices (BMPs) on site to reduce the amount of sediments and pollutants in construction and post - construction surface runoff before it is discharged into off -site storm water facilities. The BMPs shall include measures to mitigate potentially significant indirect impacts to the jurisdictional feature approximately 300 feet downstream of the off -site Soils Stockpiling Area. The grading plans shall note the condition requiring a SWPPP and Monitoring Plans. Mitigation Measure 4.9 -2: Prior to issuance of each grading permit, a detailed drainage system design study shall be prepared in accordance with the City of Chula Vista's standards and shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer. Mitigation Measure 4.": Permanent treatment controls BMPs shall be included as part of the proposed project in accordance with Section 2c of the City of Chula Vista SUSMP, the City of Chula Vista Development Storm Water Manual, 200B, and the final Water Quality Technical Report for McMillin Eastern Urban Center (WQTR) to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Page ES-45 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Table ESA Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summa Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation Mitigation Measure 4.9-4: As development plans for individual parcels are prepared, parcel owners shall choose from the on -site storm water management measures included in the menu in Appendix I of the final Water Quality Technical Report for McMillin Eastern Urban Center (WQTR) and submit a supplemental report to the WQTR to verify sizing to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. If an option other than what is shown on the menu is chosen by the parcel owner. a proiect- specific WQTR shall be prepared for each parcel, referencing the final WQTR for information relevant to regional design concepts (e.g., downstream conditions of concern) to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Mitigation Measure 4.9 -5: Upon development, each land use shall be divided into Drainage Management Areas (DMA). This will include not only streets within the parcel, but also buildings, parking lots or structures, and other areas. As each DMA would generally drain to an IMP, the specific design of these features, including their proximity to structures and how runoff would be collected and discharged from them, shall be subject to approval by the Geotechnical Engineer for the proposed project. This shall be evaluated on a lot by lot basis after rough grading is completed and prior to constructing any improvements or structures. All development within the proposed proiect shall be subject to the City of Chula Vista's SUSMP at the time of grading permit issuance. Page ES-46 City of Chula vista May 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Mitigation Measure 4.9 -6: Should Grading Option 2 be implemented, the Interim condition above ground detention basin in the southern drainage shall be reassessed and approved by the City Engineer when the pads within the triangular wedge are developed in order to detain for the ultimate condition. Mitigation Measure 4.9 -7: In the preparation of all site plans, the Applicant(s) shall implement Low Impact Development Best Management Practices (LID BMPs), unless underground treatment and detention facilities such as sand filters. underground storage and infiltration facilities, etc., are proposed. The Applicant(s) shall monitor and mitigate any erosion in downstream locations that may occur as a result of on -site development. Mitigation Measure 4.9-8: The Applicant(s) shall comply with the City of Chula Vista Development Storrs Water Manual Limitation of Grading requirements, which limit disturbed soil area to 100 acres, unless expansion of a disturbed area is specifically approved by the Director of Public Works. With any phasing resulting from this limitation, if required, the Applicant shall provide erosion and sediment control BMPs in areas that may not be completed, before grading of additional area begins. Mitigation Measure 4.9 -9: As a result of the NPDES Municipal Permit, Order No. R9 -2007- 0001, and phasing of the EUC SPA Plan development, the Eastern urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR City of Chula Vista State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 May 2009 Page ES-47 Executive S Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after act Mitigation Measures Mitigation Threshold 2: Substantially deplete croundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that there would be a net deficit in aquifer volume or a lowering of the local groundwater table level (e.g., the production rate of pre- existing nearby wells would drop to a level which would not support existing land uses or planned uses for which permits have been granted). Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007049074 Applicant(s) shall comply with the City's Interim Hydromodification Criteria or Hydrograph Modification Management Plan, as applicable, addressed regionally at the EUC SPA Plan level concurrent with Grading and Improvement Plans for major streets. Mitigation Measure 4.9 -10: Prior to the issuance of any building permit resulting In an increase in permanent impermeable area, each Applicant wanting to develop within the EUC SPA Plan is required to develop and implement post - construction SUSMP and BMPs in accordance with the most recent regulations at the time of Grading or Building Permit issuance. In particular, Applicants are required to comply with the requirements of the NPDES Municipal Permit, Order No. R9- 2007 -0001, and the City of Chula Vista Development Storm Water Manual dated January 2008, or any re- issuances thereof. Specifically, Applicants shall incorporate in the proposed project design structural on -site design features to address Site Design and Treatment Control (BMPs) as well as LID and HMP requirements. Any of said requirements may be waived if the applicant demonstrates, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, that regional facilities exist to address such requirements. Page ES-48 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact While grading at the proposed EUC SPA Plan could result in shifts in the direction of groundwater flow on a micro - scale, the overall flow of groundwater would not change. The principal aquifer, Otay River would ultimately receive the additional runoff to replenish groundwater in addition to the existing basin discharge. Therefore, no significant impacts to groundwater supply /quantity. would occur. Filtering would occur during percolation and the groundwater quality is currently poor: however, development of the project could result in increased exposure to urban pollutants that could affect groundwater quality. This is considered a potentially significant impact. In addition, the potential presence of DDT in on -site soils is considered to be a potentially significant impact to groundwater quality. Threshold 3: Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, in a manner, which would result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off -site. or City of Chula Vista Engineerina Standards for storm water flows and volumes. The project, which would involve the replacement of the permeable surfaces and exposed soils, would substantially change the amount of impervious surface area on the project site. Site - generated surface water runoff would be directed from the project site to off -site drainage facilities. Nonetheless, with the project site entirely Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measures See Mitigation Measures 4.9 -2 through 4.9-4, above. See Mitigation Measures 4.9 -5 through 4.9 -7, above. Page ES-49 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Less than significant with mitigation Less than significant with mitigation. City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Page ES -50 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation developed, paved, or landscaped, stormwater runoff could result in substantial off -site erosion to downstream facilities or flooding. These are considered to be potentially significant impacts. As implementation of the proposed project would result in the project site being converted to urban uses with minimal exposed soils areas that could be subject to erosion, on -site erosion impacts are considered to be less- than - significant. Threshold 4: Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river, or substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or off -site, or place structures within a 100 -year flood hazard area as mapped on federal Flood Hazard Boundary or Flood Insurance Rate Map or other flood hazard delineation map which would impede or redirect flood flows. The proposed proiect. which would involve the See Mitigation Measure 4.9 -4, above. Less than significant with replacement of the permeable surfaces and mitigation exposed soils, would substantially change the amount of impervious surface area on the project site. Site - generated surface water runoff would be directed from the proiect site to off -site drainage facilities. With the site entirely developed, paved, or landscaped, a substantial increase in the rate or amount of water surface runoff could occur, resulting in flooding on- or off -site. This is considered to be a potentially significant impact. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Page ES -50 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Imnact Even though the prolect includes features to reduce the amount and rate of runoff, features are also prescribed as mitigation measures to assure implementation and facilitate monitoring through buildout of the proiect. As the off -site improvements do not involve development of habitable structures or other permanent impermeable surfaces that would cause a permanent increase in surface water runoff or off- site flooding, no significant impacts would be associated with the improvements under this threshold. Threshold 5: Create or contribute runoff water, which would exceed the capacity of existing or Planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff. See Threshold 1, above, regarding water quality impacts. See Threshold 3, above, regarding decreased permeability. Regarding stormwater runoff, runoff would be directed from the project site to off -site drainage facilities. While the existing drainage facilities serving the northern and central drainage basins would accommodate the stormwater, the existing downstream facilities serving the southern basin would not. Thus, impacts to the storm water system serving the southern drainage basin are considered to be potentially significant. Even though the proiect proposes drainage facilities for the southern basin, a mitigation measure is included to address this Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Page ES -51 Executive Su Significance after ation Measures _ Mitigation City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures 1 m pact potential impact to ensure implementation and facilitate monitoring through buildout of the project. Threshold 6: Be inconsistent with General Plan GDP or other obiectives and policies regarding water quality thereby resulting in a significant physical impact. The project would be consistent with the General Plan's Environmental Element policies that pertain to protection of water quality. Geology and Soils: Threshold 1: Expose people or structures to potential substantial adverse effects, . including the risk of loss iniurv. or death involving rupture of a known earthquake fault, strong seismic ground shaking . seismic- related ground failure, including liquefaction and /or landslides. Due to the presence of potential liquefiable soils in the EUC SPA Plan area and SCSL Improvement Area, seismic-related impacts regarding unstable soils are considered to be potentially significant. Also, grading activities associated with either of the two grading options in combination with future irrigation and changes in drainage could result in potentially significant slope instabilities or landslides within the EUC SPA Plan area. The exposure of people and structures to severe ground shaking generated from potential earthquakes along active faults in the region would be less than significant Eastern Urban Center sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation As no significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant measures are required. Mitigation Measure 4.10 -1: Prior to the issuance of each grading permit within the EUC SPA Plan area, the Applicant shall verify that the applicable recommendations in the Geotechnical Investigation prepared by Geotechnics incorporated, dated March 1, 2007, and the Updated Seismic Design Parameters report prepared by Geotechnics Incorporated, dated December 15, 2008 for the Eastern Urban Center have been incorporated into the project design and construction documents to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Chula Vista. Page ES -52 Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact _ Mitigation Measures Mitigation since future development projects would be constructed in accordance with the City's Grading Ordinance current seismic design specifications, current UBC standards and other regulatory requirements. Threshold 2: Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil. Compliance with applicable regulatory requirements and the recommendations contained within applicable geotechnical reports would ensure that erosion and loss of topsoil would be less than significant during construction activities. However, heavy seepage and deep saturation Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measure 4.10 -2: Prior to the approval of grading permits for placement of soils within the off -site SSA, the Applicant shall ensure that the applicable recommendations in the Geotechnical Recommendation for Proposed Import Soils Second Revision, Otay Ranch Parcel "C'; dated July 10, 2007, and the Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Parcel "C" Portion of Otay Ranch, dated August 30, 2006, both prepared by Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., have been incorporated into the grading plans to the satisfaction of the City Engineer of the City of Chula Vista. Mitigation Measure 4.10 -3: Prior to issuance of the grading permit for the SCSL Improvement, the City shall ensure that the applicable recommendations in the Geotechnical Investigation for the Proposed Salt Creek Gravity Server Interceptor Project, Leighton & Associates, dated October 2000, have been incorporated into the project to the satistaction of the City Engineer of the City of Chula Vista. See Mitigation Measures 4.10 -1 through 4.10 -3, above. Page ES -53 Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact resulting in surficial slope failures, soil erosion, and /or loss of topsoil is considered potentially significant. Threshold 3: Be located on a geologic unit or soil that Is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off -site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction or collapse. The presence of loose compressible materials on the project site, Including residuum, colluvium, alluvium and the surface of the fill slope in the southeast portion of the site, could become unstable as a result of the proposed project. As a result, the potential for land sliding, lateral spreading, liquefaction and/or collapse is considered to be potentially significant. Threshold 4: Be located on expansive soil, as defined In Table 18 -1 -B of the Uniform Building Code (1994). creatincl substantial risks to life or property. The predominately clayey sand and sandy clay materials within the Otay Formation, as well as the colluvium, alluvium, and residuum, have a moderate to high expansion potential. Development of structures on these soils could create substantial risks to life or property. This Is considered a potentially significant impact. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation See Mitigation Measures 4.10-1 through 4.10 -3, above. Less than significant with mitigation See Mitigation Measures 4.10 -1 through 4.10 -3, above. Less than significant with mitigation Page ES -54 City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Threshold 5: Be inconsistent with General Plan geotechnical policies thereby resulting in a significant physical impact. The proposed project would be consistent with the As no significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant General Plan policies that pertain to geology and measures are required. soils. Fire Services: Threshold 1: Result in a substantial adverse phvsical impact associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times, or other performance objectives for fire protection and emergency services. The analysis of the EUC SPA Plan's construction See construction mitigation measures under Air Quality; Noise; See construction impacts assumes the development of the proposed Cultural Resources; Biological Resources; Hydrology and Water significance levels under fire station. Construction impacts are analyzed in Quality; and Geology and Soils, above. respective Air Quality, Sections 4.4, Air Quality; 4.5, Noise; 4.6. Cultural Noise, Cultural Resources, Resources; 4.7; Biological Resources; 4.9, Hydrology Cultural Resources, and Water Quality; and 4.10, Geology and Soils of Biological Resources, the E1R. Hydrology and Water Quality, and Soils and Geology sections, above. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR City of Chula Vista State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 May 2009 Page ES -55 Executive Su Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measure 4.11.1 -3: Prior the approval of each building permit and to the satisfaction of the City of Chula Vista Fire Marshall, the proposed proiect shall meet the provisions of the City's adopted California Fire Code. In meeting said provisions, the project shall also meet the minimum fire flow requirements based upon construction type and square footage. Mitigation Measure 4.11.1-4: The applicant shall deliver a site for a future fire station in accordance with the triggers /phasing prescribed in the PFFP: Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Threshold 2: Reduce the ability of properly eauiooed and staffed fire and medical units to respond to calls throughout the City within seven minutes in 80 percent of the cases. The anticipated increase in residential population Mitigation Measure 4.11.1 -1: Less than significant with of 7,696 people and the employment base of 3.4 mitigation million square feet of non - residential development Prior to the approval of each building permit, the Applicant shall would increase demand on fire and emergency pay Public Facilities Development Improvement Fees (PFDIF) in medical services. The increase in demand would accordance with the fees in effect at the time of building permit be significant if a fully operational and issuance and phasing approved in the PFFP_ appropriately equipped and staffed fire station is not provided commensurate with the demand on Mitigation Measure 4.11.1 -2: fire and emergency medical services. Fire flow requirements for individual projects within the EUC In order to determine the SPA Plan's increased demand on fire could be significant depending upon the ultimate services and potential to exceed GMOC standards, the City of building height and structure type. Chula Vista shall continue to monitor the Chula Vista Fire Department responses to emergency fire and medical calls and report the results to the GMOC on an annual basis. Mitigation Measure 4.11.1 -3: Prior the approval of each building permit and to the satisfaction of the City of Chula Vista Fire Marshall, the proposed proiect shall meet the provisions of the City's adopted California Fire Code. In meeting said provisions, the project shall also meet the minimum fire flow requirements based upon construction type and square footage. Mitigation Measure 4.11.1-4: The applicant shall deliver a site for a future fire station in accordance with the triggers /phasing prescribed in the PFFP: Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after act Mitigation Measures T_ Mitigation Mitigation Measure 4.1'1.1 -5: Subject to approval of the City Council, in lieu of paying the required impact fee, the Applicant may satisfy that requirement through a written agreement by which the Applicant agrees to either pay the fee or build the facility in question, pursuant to the terms of the agreement. Threshold 3: Be inconsistent with General Plan. GDP, and other objectives and policies regarding fire protection and emergency medical services thereby resulting in a significant physical impact. The EUC SPA Plan would be consistent with General No significant impacts have been identified, and no mitigation Less than significant Plan and GDP obiectives and policies that pertain to measures are required. fire services and emergency medical services. Police Services: Threshold 1: Result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or phvsically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant _environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times, or other performance obiectives for police protection services. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State CEearinghouse No. 2007041074 Page ES -57 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Future growth associated with the proposed EUC SPA Plan is anticipated in the General Plan and would not require the construction of new or expanded police facilities. Existing physical facilities are adequate to handle police protection for the proposed project. Threshold 2: Exceed the threshold standard to respond to 81 Percent of Prioritv I emergency calls throughout the city within seven minutes and maintain an averse response time to all Priority I calls of 5 minutes and 30 seconds or less: Exceed the threshold standard to respond to 57 percent of Priority It urgent calls throughout the city within seven minutes and maintain an average response time to alI Priority 11 calls of 7 minutes and 30 seconds or less. The CVPD currently does not meet GMOC thresholds for responses to Priority it calls. The proposed EUC SPA Plan would increase demand on police protection, which could increase response times if additional police officers are not provided commensurate with demand. This is considered a significant impact prior to mitigation. castem uroan center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures _ Mitigation No significant impacts have been identified, and no mitigation Less than significant with measures are required. mitigation. Mitigation Measure 4.11.2 -1: Prior to the issuance of each building permit for any residential dwelling units, the Applicant(s) shall pay Public Facilities Development Impact Fees (PFDIF) in accordance with the fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance and phasing approved in the PFFP, unless stated otherwise in a separate development agreement. Mitigation Measure 4.11.2 -2: The City of Chula Vista shall continue to monitor the CVPD responses to emergency calls and report the results to the GMOC on an annual basis. Page ES -58 Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista May 2008 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measure 4.11.2 -3: Threshold 3: Be inconsistent with General Plan. GDP or other obiectives and policies regarding police Protection thereby resulting in a significant physical impact. The EUC SPA Plan would be consistent with the General Plan policies that pertain to police services. School Services: Threshold 1: Result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new or physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for educational facilities services. Proiect implementation would result in a significant impact to elementary schools unless construction of an elementary school coincides with student generation and associated service demands. Prior to approval of each design review permit, site plans shall be reviewed by the CVPD to ensure the incorporation of CPTED features and other recommendations of the CVPD, including, but not limited to, controlled access points to parking lots and buildings; maximizing the visibility along building fronts, sidewalks, paesos, and public parks: and providing adequate street, parking lot, and parking structure visibility and lighting. Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation As no significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant measures are required. Mitigation Measure 4.11.3 -1: Less than significant with mitigation Prior to the issuance of each building permit, the Applicant(s) shall provide the City with evidence or certification by the CVESD Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EI12 City of Chula Vista State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 May 2009 Page ES -59 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures T� Mitigation Provision of school facilities is the responsibility of that any fee charge, dedication, or other requirement levied by the the school district when additional demand school district has been complied with or that the district has warrants. determined the fee, charge, dedication or other requirements does not apply to the construction. Mitigation Measure 4.11-3-2: Prior to approval of a final map for private development on lots 26 or 27 of the Tentative Map, the Applicant shall provide evidence from the CVESD that the site has not been determined by the district to be needed for use as a school site. Threshold 2: The proposed SPA Plan proiect locates See Geology and Soils and Hazards and Risk of Upset, above Less than significant with schools: (Mitigation Measures 4.10 -1 and 4.12 -9, respectively). mitigation 1. In areas where disturbing factors such as traffic hazards, airports, or other Incompatible land uses are present: 2. In areas where they are not integrated into the system of altemative transportation corridors, such as bike lanes, riding and hiking trails, and mass transit: 3. Where private elementary and secondary schools are not spaced far enough from public schools and each other to prevent a concentration of school impacts: 4. Without at least 10 usable acres for an elementary school} Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR City of Chula Vista State Cleannghouse No. 2007049074 May 2009 Page ES -60 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact 5. Without a central location to residential development; 6. Adjacent to a street or road which cannot safely accommodate bike. foot, and vehicular traffic: 7. In areas not adiacent to parks thereby discouraging joint field and recreation facility uses; B. At an unsafe distance from contaminants or toxins in the soil or groundwater from landfills, fuel tanks, agricultural areas power lines. utility easements, and so on, 9. Inside of floodplains; on unstable soils; or near fault lines: The potential exists for OCPs, methane, or other organic gases at the future school site to exceed CVESD and State standards and for potential unstable soils to occur on -site. These issues are addressed in Sections 4.10. Geology and Soils and 4.12, Hazards and Risk of Upset. Threshold 3: Be inconsistent with General Plan GDP or other ob ectives and policies regarding school facilities thereby resulting in a_ significant physical impact: The proposed EUC SPA Plan would be consistent with the Chula Vista General Plan objectives and Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area E1R State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures _ _ Mitigation See Mitigation Measures 4.11.3 -1 and 4.11.3 -2, above. Less than significant with mitigation Page ES -61 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation policies pertaining to schools primarily because the Applicant has been working with the school district to obtain the preferred site and vision for the elementary school. In addition, the PFFP will identify the school requirements for the EUC and will identify measures to ensure the site is delivered when needed by the district. The proposed project would be consistent with the GDP's description of the EUC because an elementary school is being provided. Library Services: Threshold 3: Result in a substantial adverse physical impact associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities need for new or phvsically altered governmental facilities the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other Performance objectives for library services. The analysis of the EUC SPA Plan's construction impacts assumes the development of a library. Construction impacts are analyzed in Sections 4.4, Air Quality; 4.5, Noise; 4.6, Cultural Resources; 4.7; Biological Resources; 4.9, Hydrology and Water Quality; and 4.10, Geology and Solis of the EIR. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 See construction mitigation measures under Air Quality; Noise; See construction Cultural Resources; Biological Resources; Hydrology and Water significance levels under Quality; and Geology and Soils, above, respective Air Quality, Noise, Cultural Resources, Cultural Resources, Biological Resources, Hydrology and Water Quality, and Soils and Geology sections, above. Page ES -62 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Threshold 2: Fail to provide 500 square feet of library space adeguately eguipped and staffed per 1,000 population. Impacts would be significant if the proposed library were not provided commensurate with demand. Mitigation Measures Mitigation Measure 4.11,4 -1: Prior to the issuance of each building permit for any residential dwelling units, the Applicant shall pay required Public Facility Development Impact Fees in accordance with the fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance and phasing approved in the PFFP: Mitigation Measure 4.11.4 -2: The Applicant shall deliver a site for the public library in accordance with the PFFP Mitigation Measure 4.11.4 -3: Subiect to approval of the City Council, in lieu of paying the required impact fee, the Applicant may satisfy that requirement through a written agreement by which the Applicant agrees to either pay the fee or build the facility in question, pursuant to the terms of the agreement. Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Less than significant with Mitigation Threshold 3: Be inconsistent with General Plan GDP or other objectives and policies regarding_lij? a services thereby resulting in a significant physical impact. The project is consistent with General Plan objectives No significant impacts have been identified, and no mitigation Less than significant and policies pertaining to library services. measures are required. Eastern Urban Center sectional Planning Area EIR City of Chula Vista State Cleannghouse No. 2007049074 May 2009 Page ES -63 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Parks and Recreation, Open Space and Trails: Threshold 1: Increase use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial Physical deterioration of the facili would occur or be accelerated. The project would have a less than significant impact with respect to the physical deterioration of existing park and recreational facilities. Threshold 2: The Project would require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse Physical effect on the environment. The analysis of the EUC SPA Plan's construction impacts assumes the development of parks and recreational facilities. Construction impacts are analyzed in Sections 4.4, Air Quality; 4.5, Noise; 4.6. Cultural Resources; 4.7; Biological Resources; 4.9, Hydrology and Water Quality; and 4.10, Geology and Soils of the EIR. Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation As no significant Impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant measures are required. See construction mitigation measures under Air Quality; Noise; See construction Cultural Resources; Biological Resources: Hydrology and Water significance levels under Quality; and Geology and Soils, above respective Air Quality, Noise, Cultural Resources, Cultural Resources, Biological Resources, Hydrology and Water Quality, and Soils and Geology sections, above. Threshold 3: The proiect fails to meet the City`s threshold standard of three acres of neighborhood and community parkland Per 1,000 residents.T A potentially significant Impact could result, due to Mitigation Measure Less than significant with increased demand on existing parkland and facilities. Prior to approval of the final map(s), or for projects not requiring a mitigation if dedication of parkland and development of new final map prior to building permit approval, for residential projects, eastern urban center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007049074 Page ES -64 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation recreation facilities does not coincide with project the Applicant(s) shall dedicate parkland and pay in lieu fees for implementation and project population growth. the area covered by the final map(s). The delivery of said parkland and payment of in lieu fees shall be in accordance with the fees and phasing approved in the Public Facilities Financing Plan for the SPA Plan and an EUC Park Agreement, subject to approval of the Directors of Recreation and Development Services. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measure 4.11.5 -2: Prior to issuance of each building permit for any residential dwelling units, the Applicant(s) shall pay recreation facility development impact fees (part of the Public Facilities Development Impact Fee) in accordance with the fees in effect at the time of building permit issuance and phasing approved in the PFFP for the SPA Plan, subject to approval of the Directors of Recreation and Development Services. Mitigation Measure The Applicant may, subject to City Council approval, enter into a written agreement with the City identifying the Applicant's parkland acreage dedication, park development improvements, and in lieu fee obligations and the timing and method of satisfying those obligations_ If the Applicant and the City enter into such an agreement, the Applicant may satisfy its parkland dedication, improvement and in lieu fee obligations pursuant to the terms of that agreement. Page ES -65 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Page ES -66 City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Threshold 4: Be inconsistent with General Plan. GDP or other relevant plan objectives and policies regarding parks thereby resulting in a significant physical impact. The proposed project would be consistent with No significant impacts have been identified, and no mitigation Less than significant_ applicable policies of the General Plan, GDP; measures are required. Greenbelt Master Plan, and Parks and Recreation Master Plan. Water Services: Threshold 1: Reguire or result in the construction of new water facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental effects. The impact to water storage and pumping facilities Mitigation Measure 4.11.6-2: Less than significant with would be significant if construction of facilities does mitigation not coincide with anticipated growth. Prior to approval of the first final map, the applicant shall provide a Sub -Area Master Plan (SAMP) to the Otay Water District. Water As fire flow requirements are a function of the size facilities improvements shall be financed or installed on -site and and materials of structures, and no structure off -site in accordance with the fees and phasing in the approved locations or specifications are available at this PFFP and SAMP. The SAMP shall include, but shall not be time, fire flow pressure requirements are not limited to: known at this time and could be significant. Existing pipeline locations, size, and capacity; • The proposed points of connection and system; • The estimated water demands and /or sewer flow calculations; • Governing fire department's flow requirements (flow rate, duration, hydrant spacing, etc); Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Page ES -66 City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact _ Mitigation Measures Mitigation • Agency Master Plan; Threshold 2: Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project from existing entitlements and resources, or require new or expanded entitlements. The increase in demand for water would not have a significant impact on the ability of OWD to provide service to the proposed project. Mitigation measures are recommended to ensure water availability. . Threshold 3: Impacts would be significant if the proiect exceeded the City's Growth Management threshold standards which seek to ensure that adequate supplies of quality water appropriate for intended uses, are available. Standards reauire the following actions: Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007049074 • Agency's planning criteria (see Sections 4.1 through 4.3 of the Water Agencies Standards) Water quality maintenance; and • Size of the system and number of lots to be served. Mitigation Measure 4.11.6 -1: Prior to issuance of each building permit, the permit applicant shall deliver to the City service availability letters from the appropriate water district. Mitigation Measure 4.11.6 -3: Prior to approval of the first final map, the applicant shall obtain OWD's approval of a Sub Area Master Plan (SAMP) for both potable and recycled water. Any on -site and off -site facilities identified in the SAMP required to serve a final mapped area shall be secured or constructed by the applicant prior to the approval of the final map. Page ES -67 Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after _ Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation - The applicant must request and deliver to the City service availability letters from the appropriate water district for each Droiect: - The applicant is required to submit a Water Conservation Plan along with the SPA Plan application; The project plans shall ensure an adequate supply of water on a long-term basis prior to the development of each Otay Ranch SPA. The project would comply with the City's service As no significant Impacts have been identified.. no mitigation Less than significant availability requirements and would be consistent measures are required. with the City's threshold standards that seek to ensure adequate supplies of water. Threshold 4: Be inconsistent with General Plan GDP or other relevant obiectives and policies regarding water supDly thereby resulting in a significant physical impact. The project would be consistent with applicable As no significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant water services policies and with Objective GM =9 of measures are required. the General Plan regarding the City's commitment to ensuring adequate public services commensurate with need. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Plannsng Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 20 0 7 041 0 74 Page ES -68 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Table Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Wastewater Services: Threshold 1: The project would result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has inadequate capacity to serve the oroiect's projected demand in addition to the providers existing commitments. The development of the EUC would be consistent with the growth anticipated by the Otay Ranch GDP and would not result in a determination by the City of Chula Vista or METRO that it has inadequate capacity to serve the proposed project's protected demand in addition to the providers' existing commitments. Although additional capacity may need to be acquired from METRO or other sources to support buildout of the proposed project and other anticipated development in the City, building permits within the EUC would only be issued once the City Engineer has determined that adequate treatment capacity exists. As no development would occur in the absence of adequate treatment capacity, no impacts associated with inadequate treatment capacity would occur. Threshold 2: The project would require the construction of new wastewater treatment facilities or expansion of existing facilities, the construction of would cause significant environmental effects Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EtR State Cieannghouse No. 2007041074 No significant impacts have been identified, and no mitigation Less than significant measures are required. Page ES-69 City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact With respect to the capacity of off -site sewage conveyance lines, mitigation measures are recommended to ensure that the proposed project would not exceed the capacity of any line in the existing wastewater conveyance system by more than 75 percent of pipe capacity for pipes greater than 12 -inch in diameter or 50 percent for pipes 12- inch or less in diameter. Construction of sewer facilities has the potential to result in significant short-term air emissions (including dust; noise; impacts on biological, archaeological, and paleontological resources; erosion; and ground water contamination. (Please see Sections 4.4, Air Quality; 4.5 Noise; 4.6 Cultural Resources; 4.7, Biological Resources; and 4.9, Hydrology and Water Quality, above which provide mitigation for any construction impacts of off -site improvements.) In addition, the proposed project would require sewage treatment beyond the City's existing wastewater treatment capacity rights and allocated additional treatment capacity. Therefore, additional capacity would need to be acquired from METRO or other sources. The means by which additional treatment capacity would be acquired is unknown and the development of additional capacity may require construction of new treatment facilities. As the location and scope of construction for any newly developed treatment facilities is unknown, the development of treatment capacity beyond the City's existing and allocated capacity may result in Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation Mitigation Measure 4.11.7 -1: Prior to design review approval and in accordance with the Intensity Transfer provisions in the EUC SPA Plan, the Applicant(s) shall provide a wastewater technical report with each proposed project requesting an intensity transfer. The technical report shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the City Engineer that adequate wastewater infrastructure will be available to support the transfer. The transfer of residential density shall be limited by the ability of sewerage facilities to accommodate flows (as shown in Figure 4.11 -7, Allowable EDUs in the On -site Sewer System). Mitigation Measure 4.11.7 -2: Prior to issuance of the first building permit related to any uses within the portion of the EUC served by the Poggi Canyon System, and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, the developer shall: • Bond for the improvement of the constrained reach at Brandywine Avenue (Reach P270) with the first final map for the project. • Monitor sewer flows within the Poggi Canyon Sewer Basin to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and submit quarterly reports to the City upon the issuance of the first building permit for the EUC; • Obtain the approval for the improvement plan and any necessary environmental permits for Reach P270 prior to the first final "B" map, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer; Less than significant with mitigation with respect to conveyance systems. Significant and unavoidable with respect to construction of new wastewater treatment facilities. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR City of Chula Vista State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Mav 2009 Page ES -70 Executive Summary Table ES -1 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation a potentially significant environmental impact, even Commence construction of Reach P270 upon reaching a understanding that such projects would likely be d/D of 0.75, unless otherwise approved by the City subject to environmental review Engineer; Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR Slate Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 • Complete construction of Reach P270 the sooner of one year after occupancy of the first unit sewering to the Poggi Canyon System, or a d/D of 0.85, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer; • Not seek building permits within the Poggi Canyon Sewer Basin if any segment of the Poggi Canyon Trunk Sewer achieves a d/D of 0.85, or the City Engineer has determined, at his sole discretion, that there is not enough San Diego METRO treatment capacity for the proposed project; and • Upon the completion of the Rock Mountain Trunk Sewer, divert those Village Seven flows from the Poggi Canyon Sewer Basin that were ultimately designed to flow to Salt Creek Sewer Basin so that additional capacity is provided for the EUC's permanent flows. Mitigation Measure 4.11.73: Prior to issuance of the first building permit related to any uses within the portion of the EUC served by the Village Eleven sewer lateral to the Salt Creek Sewer Interceptor, and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, the developer shall: • Bond for the improvement of the constrained reach along the Village Eleven lateral into the Salt Creek Sewer Page ES -71 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Interceptor with the first final map for the proposed project; • Monitor sewer flows within the constrained reach along the Village Eleven lateral into the Salt Creek Sewer Interceptor to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and submit quarterly reports to the City upon the issuance of the first building permit for the proposed project that sewers to the Salt Creek System; • Obtain the approval for the improvement plan and any necessary environmental permits for the constrained reach along the Village Eleven lateral into the Salt Creek Sewer Interceptor prior to the first final "B" map covering any parcel that sewers to the Salt Creek System, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer; • Commence construction of the constrained reach along the Village Eleven lateral into the Salt Creek Sewer Interceptor upon reaching a d/D of 0.75. unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer; • Complete construction of the constrained reach along the Village Eleven lateral into the Salt Creek Sewer Interceptor the sooner of one year after occupancy of the first unit sewering to the Salt Creek System, or a d/D of 0.85, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer; • Not seek building permits within the Salt Creek Sewer Basin if any portion of the constrained reach along the Village Eleven lateral into the Salt Creek Sewer Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR City of Chula Vista State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 May 2009 Page ES -72 Executive Summ Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Interceptor achieves a d/D of 0.85, or the City Engineer has determined, at his sole discretion, that there is not enough San Diego METRO treatment capacity for the proposed project; and Threshold 3: Sewage flows and volumes shall not exceed City Engineering Standards: (1) 75 percent of capacity for mains over 12 inches and 50 percent of capacity for mains 12 inches and smaller; and (2) a cleaning velocity of 2 fps, or a minimum slope of 1 percent. See Threshold 2, above. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 • Upon the completion of the Rock Mountain Trunk Sewer, divert those temporary flows from the constrained reach along the Village Eleven lateral to the sewer within Bob Pletcher Way. Mitigation Measure 4.11.74: Prior to issuance of each building permit, the applicant shall pay the DIF at the rate in effect at the time of building permit issuance and corresponding to the sewer basin that the building will permanently sewer to, unless stated otherwise in a development agreement that has been approved by the City Council. See Mitigation Measures 4.11.7 -2 and 4.11.7 -3, above. Less than significant with mitigation Page ES -73 City of Chuia Vista Mav 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Threshold 4: Be inconsistent with General Plan. GDP or other relevant obiectives and policies regarding water supply thereby resulting in a significant physical impact. The project would be consistent with General Plan No significant impacts have been identified, and no mitigation Less than significant objectives and policies pertaining to wastewater measures are required. services. Solid Waste Services: Threshold 1: The proiect would be served by a landfill with insufficient permitted capacity to accommodate the proiect's solid waste disposal needs. The proposed protect is included in, and consistent No significant impacts have been identified, and no mitigation Less than significant. with, the General Plan's projected population growth, measures are required. for which adequate future landfill capacity is anticipated. With the availability of adequate solid disposal capacity and the implementation of the City's recycling policies and solid waste reduction programs that are applicable to the EUC and City at large, no significant solid waste impacts have been identified for the proposed EUC SPA Plan. Thus, the project would have a less than significant impact with respect to solid waste disposal capacity. Threshold 2: The protect does not comply with As no significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant federal, state, and local statutes and regulations measures are required. relating to solid waste: The project would be consistent with all applicable statutes and regulations, and would have a less than Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Page ES -74 City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation significant impact with respect to solid waste collection and management. Hazards and Risk of Upset: Threshold 1: Is located on a site that is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result a significant hazard to the public or the environment would be created. The EUC SPA Plan, SSA, SCSL, and PCSI areas are not listed in any regulatory databases. However, the proposed fire station would require the use fuel storage tanks containing hazardous materials. Thresholds 2 & 3: Creates a significant hazard to the public or environment through the routine transport, use or disposal of hazardous materials: Creates a significant hazard to the public or reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment. Potentially significant impacts could result from the exposure of construction workers and the public to any OCP- containing soils in Areas A, B, and C of the EUC SPA Plan area. Exposure may result from any OCP- containing soils that would be released or Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measure 4.12 -6: Concurrent with the first submittal of construction plans for the fire station, the fire station design shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Director of Development Services and Fire Marshal that the above - ground fuel tanks comply with applicable local, State and Federal fuel storage and containment regulations. Mitigation Measure 4.12 -1: Prior to approval of grading permits, the following note shall be placed on the grading plans to the satisfaction of the City Engineer: "Grading with Areas A, B, and C, as shown in Figure 2 Page ES -75 Less than significant. Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact become airborne during excavation, be left uncovered on -site, or exported off -site. Threshold 4: Emits hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutelv hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one - quarter mile of an existing or proposed school. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation of the Organic Pesticide Assessment and Soil Reuse Plan (prepared by Geocon dated June 5, 2007, revised October 4, 2007), shall be managed in accordance with the remediation measures included in the Organic Pesticide Assessment and Soil Reuse Plan (prepared by Geocon dated June 5, 2007, revised October 4, 2007) to the satisfaction of the City Engineer." The grading plans shall demonstrate compliance with the 2007 Geocon report. Mitigation Measure 4.12 -2: In accordance with the City's waste management ordinances and Stormwater Manual, the applicant shall implement Best Management Practices in Areas A, B, and C, during the excavation and placement of soil from the upper two feet of existing grade, so that dust, erosion, excessive pooling, and stormwater runoff do not pose a problem at the site to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Mitigation Measure 4.12 -3: Prior to issuance of building occupancy permit, the developer shall post information regarding Pacific Waste Services' Households Hazardous Waste Collection Facility shall be posted within each residential unit_ Page ES -76 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Mitigation Measures The presence of organic toxins and gases at the See Mitigation Measures 4.12 -1 and 4.12 -3, above. future school site may exceed CVESD and state standards for public schools; thus the project would have a potentially significant impact with respect to this threshold. Thresholds 5 & 6: Is located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport and would result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area: Is located within the vicinity of a private airstrip and would result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area. Hazards associated with the poor visibility of tall structures under construction or rooftop cranes may contribute to an airport - related hazard, due to the proximity of Brown Field and aircraft over flight of the EUC under VFR or circle -to -land procedures. Also, as buildings, rooftop cranes and other temporary construction equipment in the EUC may exceed 170 feet in height, these structures would be approximately 270 feet higher than the Brown Field runway elevation. This may present an aircraft safety hazard. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measure 4.12 -4: Prior to issuance of building permits, the FAA shall be notified of each high -rise building, structure or construction equipment that would be 800 feet or more above MSL (275 feet above Brown Field ground level). FAA recommendations regarding marking and /or lighting shall be incorporated into unfinished high rise buildings, rooftop cranes, finished high rise buildings, and any other tall structures. Page ES -77 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Less than significant with mitigation. Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Threshold 7: Impairs implementation of or physically interferes with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan. Impacts with respect to emergency preparedness As no significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant and evacuation would be less than significant. measures are required. Threshold 8: Expose people or structures to a significant risk or loss. iniurv. or death involving wildland fires, including where wildlands are adjacent to urbanized areas. Although the EUC SPA Plan area is not designated Mitigation Measure 4.12 -5: Less than significant with as `wviidlands," vacant lands in which weeds and mitigation brush have not been controlled in close proximity to Brush and weed control within open space and undeveloped occupied uses may present a potentially significant areas of the EUC not used for agricultural purposes, shall be wildfire hazard. implemented as applicable in accordance with the City's Urban - Wildland Interface Code. Threshold 9: Increase in urbanization would result in an increase in the uses, transport, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste materials and an associated increase in the risk of an upset condition in the area. Operation of the protect would involve the routine use Mitigation Measure 4.12 -3: Less than significant with of common landscaping, construction, and cleaning Prior to issuance of building permit, information regarding Pacific mitigation materials that may be hazardous to the environment, Waste Services' Households Hazardous Waste Collection Facility if not managed according to state statutes and shall be posted within each residential unit. manufactures' recommendations. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Page ES -78 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Imoact Threshold 10: Historic use of pesticides which would result in soil contamination and health effects. Potentially significant impacts could result from the exposure of construction workers and the public to any OCP- containing soils in Areas A, B, and C of the EUC. Threshold 11: Be inconsistent with General Plan, GDP. and other objectives and policies regarding hazards thereby resulting in a significant physical Impact. The project would be consistent with the General Plan obiectives and policies that pertain to brush management and the handling and disposal of hazardous materials. Measures See- Mitigation Measures 4.12 -1 and 4.12 -2, above. Executive Significance after Mitigation Less than significant with mitigation As no significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant measures are required. Housing and Population: Threshold 1: Induce substantial population growth in an area, either directly (i.e., through the development of new homes or businesses) or indirectly (Le., through extension of roads or other Infrastructure. The proposed project's maximum development level No significant impacts have been identified, and no mitigation Less than significant would not induce substantial population growth in the measures are required. area beyond that already planned under the Otay Ranch GDP and Chula Vista General Plan. Thus, population growth inducement would be less than significant. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR City of Chula Vista State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 May 2009 Page ES -79 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation Threshold 2: Displace substantial numbers of existing households or people, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere. The project would not displace any existing As no impacts have been identified, no mitigation measures are Less than significant households or people. No impacts with respect to required. this threshold would occur. Threshold 3: Is inconsistent with Chula Vista General Plan and GDP Housing Objectives. The proposed project would be consistent with the As no significant impacts have been identified, no mitigation Less than significant General Plan's and GOP's housing objectives and measures are required. policies. Impacts with respect to these plans would be less than significant. Global Climate Change: Thresholds 1: Conflict with or obstruct goals or strategies of the California Global Solutions Act of 2006 (AB32) or related Executive Orders. By incorporating proposed project features, the No significant impacts have been identified, and no mitigation Less than significant project would result in GHG emission rates 31 measures are required. percent lower than "business as usual ". Because these project features would reduce protect GHG emissions and are consistent with the State's CAT strategies, the project would not conflict with or obstruct the State's goals regarding global climate change and impacts in this regard would be less than significant. Regarding GHG emissions from construction activities, construction of the proposed project would incorporate construction "best practices," that would reduce GHG emissions. These Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Page ES -80 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact "best practices" represent an improvement above conventional construction practices, and thus are an improvement above "business as usual." Therefore, impacts in this regard would be less than significant. Threshold 2: A substantially increased exposure of the project from the potential adverse effects of global warming identified in the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB32. The proiect has the potential to result in one or more of the potential adverse effects of global warming identified in the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 because of the identified significant air quality impacts. Regarding water supply, it is considered premature and speculative to make an assessment of impacts under CEQA of how climate change would affect water availability for the project. With implementation of Air Quality mitigation measures and water conservation project features, impact would be considered less than significant. Cumulative Impacts: Land Use Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation See Air Quality, Transportation, and Water mitigation measures, Less than significant with above. mitigation The cumulative analysis incorporates the General No significant impacts have been identified, and no mitigation Less than significant Plan EIR by reference. The General Plan EIR measures are required. includes projects within the four planning areas, and encompasses the Otay Ranch GDP in the East Planning Area. The project would be consistent with applicable objectives and policies Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Page ES -81 City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures of the General Plan, including policies relevant to the scale and type of development envisioned by the GDP_ Of two large- scale, related projects encompassed by the General Plan analysis (the Chula Vista Bayfront Master Plan and the Otay Ranch General Development Plan), the EIR for the Village Two, Three, and a Portion of Four SPA Plan (within the Otay Ranch GDP) identified a significant and unavoidable inconsistency with General Plan policies. However, the. proposed project would not cumulatively contribute to this land use impact as the project was determined to be consistent with all applicable land use and land compatibility policies. Therefore, cumulative impacts with respect to land use would be less than significant. Landform /Aesthetics The General Plan EIR finds that future development would result in substantial changes to landforms and visual quality in currently undeveloped portions of the East Planning Area. The General Plan EIR concluded that the conversion of open, rolling hills to developed condition would be cumulatively significant. In addition, the Otay Ranch GDP Program EIR, states that, as the proposed EUC SPA Plan would convert undeveloped, rural land to dense urbanized uses, impacts regarding the change in the existing visual character or quality of the site are considered significant. No feasible mitigation measures would Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation No feasible mitigation measures have been identified that would Significant and unavoidable reduce this cumulative impact to a less than significant level. cumulative Impact regarding the reduction of open space due to urban development. Page ES -82 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures reduce this impact to a less than significant level, as any development of the EUC would impact existing open space. The proposed project and related projects in the East Planning Area would cumulatively contribute to the diminishment of open space. Therefore, the project and related projects would have a cumulatively significant aesthetic impact. Transportation The General Plan and the Otay Ranch GDP Program EIRs conclude that, even though mitigation measures exist to reduce traffic - related impacts, the incremental cumulative impacts of future projects would remain significant and unmitigable. The project and related projects, including the Village Two, Three, and a Portion of Four SPA Plan would mitigate traffic impacts on streets segments and intersections to less than significant levels. However no feasible mitigation measures are available to the project and related prolects to reduce impacts on the 1 -805 freeway to less than significant levels. Therefore, the project and related projects would have a significant and unavoidable cumulative impact with respect to this freeway. Air Quality The proposed EUC SPA Plan would have significant direct impacts on ambient air quality due to emissions of CO, NOx, VOC, PMIO and PM2.5 Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 n Measures Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation See Mitigation Measures 4.3 -1 through 4.3 -15, above Less than significant with regarding street and intersection impacts. respect to streets and No mitigation measures are available to reduce the significant intersections. cumulative impact with respect to freeway segments. Significant and unavoidable cumulative impact on three sections of the 1-805 freeway: No mitigation measures are available to reduce the significant Significant and cumulative air quality impact. unavoidable cumulative impact with respect to Page ES -83 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact that would exceed the City of Chula Vistas significance thresholds. Emissions above threshold standards would occur during both project's construction and operation phase. The EIR for the related project, the Village Two, Three, and a Portion of Four SPA Plan, similarly concludes that significant cumulative impacts with respect to attainment and PMyo and other emission standards would occur. Therefore, the proposed project combined with the related development within the EUC SPA Plan Area and other related projects in the region would result in a cumulatively significant impact. A health risk assessment was performed to quantify cancer risk above background for residences proposed to be built near SR -125. However, the absence of adopted numeric standards directly related to the increased exposure to TACs resulting from the location of proposed residences in close proximity to highly utilized roadways makes it too speculative to determine significance at the project level. There are currently no standards adopted by federal, State, or regional agencies establishing acceptable levels of cumulative exposure to or health risks from airborne TACs. Consequently, a determination as to the cumulative level of significance related to potential health risks resulting from implementation of the proposed Eastern urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measures Page ES -84 Executiye Summary Significance after Mitigation inconsistency with VOC, NO., CO, PM,o and PM2.s threshold standard and the SDAPCD's current RAQS. City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Mitigation Measures development and related projects is also too speculative at this point in time. Noise The project and related projects represented by the General Plan EIR could exacerbate noise levels to a magnitude that significantly impacts receivers where traffic volumes are projected to result in noise level increases of more than 3 dB, particularly at key intersections. As mitigation to reduce high noise levels at existing receiver sites is not available, the General Plan EIR concluded that, noise impacts are cumulatively considerable, significant, and not mitigated. Project- related traffic is estimated to increase mobile noise from 0.4 to 2.4 dBA and would be below the 3.0 dBA significance threshold. The proposed project EIR concludes that project - specific mitigation measures would reduce noise impacts to less than significant. Nonetheless, the cumulative noise increase resulting from the proposed project in combination with related projects is expected to exceed the 3.0 dBA significance threshold on key roadway segments and is considered cumulatively significant. Archaeological and Historic Resources See mitigation measures 4.5 -1 through 4.5 -7, above. Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Significant and unavoidable cumulative impact with respect to noise level increases at key intersections The project and related projects encompassed in See Mitigation Measures 4.6 -1 through 4.6 -5, above. Significant and the General Plan would extend development into unavoidable cumulative areas that may contain historical or archaeological impact with respect to Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Page ES -85 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact resources. The proposed project would not result in a significant impact on known archaeological resources, but could result in significant impacts on archaeological resources that may be uncovered during project development. Impacts associated with related projects in the area have been determined to be significant and unavoidable.. The project has proposed mitigation measures to reduce project- related impacts on cultural resources to a less than significant level. However, while any individual project may avoid or mitigate the direct loss of a specific resource, the effect would be considerable when considered cumulatively. Therefore, the prolect and related projects would have a significant cumulative impact with respect to historical and archaeological resources. Paleontological Resources The project and related proiects encompassed in the General Plan would extend development into areas that may contain paleontological resources. The proposed project would not result in a significant impact on known paleontological resources, but could result in significant impacts on paleontological resources that may be uncovered during project development. Impacts associated with related projects in the area have been determined to be significant and unavoidable. The Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EiR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measures See Mitigation Measures 4.6 -6 through 4.6 -9, above Page ES -86 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation archaeological resources. Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula VIsta May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures project has proposed mitigation measures to reduce project- related impacts on paleontological resources to a less than significant level. However, similar to the conclusion of the Village Two, Three and Portion of Four EIR, mitigation measures would reduce cumulative paleontological impacts to below significance due to the fact that the discoveries of paleontological resources would contribute to important scientific information about the natural history in southwestern San Diego County. Biological Resources The General Plan EIR concluded that cumulative impacts on biological resources would be less than significant, with compliance with the MSCP Subarea plan (which prevents significant impacts on biological resources). The proposed project would have temporary direct and indirect impacts on the Subarea Plan's designated Preserve during the SCSL Improvement. These impacts within the Preserve are addressed and mitigated in accordance with the requirements of the MSCP. Because compliance with the MSCP Subarea Plan avoids cumulative impacts on biological resources and, because the proposed project provides measures that meet the obligations of the plan, the proiect and related proiects, which would be required to comply with applicable MSCP policies, would not have a significant cumulative impact on biological resources. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summa Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation See Mitigation Measures 4.7 -1 through 4.7, above. Less than significant with mitigation Page ES -87 City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Agricultural Resources The General Plan EIR concluded that, as no farmlands of Statewide Importance existed in the city, cumulative impacts would be less than significant. However, the proposed project would result in the loss of Farmland of Local Importance and, as such, have a significant and unavoidable impact with respect to agricultural resources. The EIR for the related Village Two, Three, and a Portion of Four SPA Plan also concluded that development would result in the permanent loss or impairment of agricultural lands. Therefore, the protect and related projects would have a cumulatively significant impact with respect to agricultural resources. Hydrology and Water Quality The General Plan EIR concluded that compliance with General Plan policies EE2.5, which require construction and land development techniques pursuant to applicable SWRCB and RWQCB requirements, including compliance with all federal, state, and regional water quality objectives, and General Plan Public Facilities obiectives would ensure that hydrology and water quality impacts would be self- mitigating and not significant. The protect and related proiects would be in compliance with existing regional water quality protection programs and City drainage standards. In addition, potential impacts would be reduced to less than significance through the implementation Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleanngnouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation See Mitigation Measure 4.8 -1, above. See Mitigation Measures 4.9 -1 through 4.9 -10, above. Page ES -88 Significant and unavoidable cumulative impact with respect to agricultural resources Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact of proposed mitigation measures_ Therefore, the project and related projects would have a less than significant impact with respect to water quality and hyd rology. Geoloav and Soils General Plan policies require an engineering analysis to identify potential seismic hazards prior to construction and allow for project- specific design to avoid seismic hazards. Significant geological impacts could occur within the project site and region due to the presence of potentially liquefiable soils (although the potential is identified as low In the project's geotechnical report), slope instability, or soils expansion. The City's Grading Ordinance current seismic design specifications, current UBC standards and other regulatory requirements would be implemented to address geological hazards. Although the proposed project and related projects could result in potentially significant geological impacts associated with liquefaction or other land failure, impacts are site specific and not cumulative in nature. Therefore, the project and related projects would not have significant cumulative impact with respect to geology and soils. Measures See Mitigation Measures 4.10-1 through 4.10 -3, above Fire Services The prolect and related projects encompassed in See Mitigation Measures 4.11.1 -1 through 4.11.1 -5, above. the General Plan would increase demand for fire services. Accordinq to the General Plan EIR, the Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Page ES -89 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Less than significant with mitigation Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation City's threshold standards regarding fire service prohibit projects that are out of compliance with those standards. In addition, the City's Growth Management regulations tie the pace of development in the EUC SPA Plan to the provision of public facilities and improvements. The impacts of the proposed project and related prolects on fire services would be reduced to less than significance by compliance with their respective PFFP's. The proposed EUC SPA Plan also incorporates a fire station site in the Mixed -Use Civic /Office Core District that would meet the minimum demand of the proposed EUC SPA Plan and surrounding area. With the implementation of mitigation measures, the project and related projects would not have significant cumulative impact on fire services. Police Services The project and related projects would increase demand on police services. City's threshold standards regarding police services prohibit projects that are out of compliance with those standards. In addition, the City's Growth Management regulations tie the pace of development in the EUC SPA Plan to the provision of public facilities and improvements. The impacts of the proposed project and related projects on police services would be reduced to less than significance through compliance with their respective PFFP's. However, the CVPD currently Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 See Mitigation Measures 4.11.2 -1 through 4.11.2 -3, above. Page ES -90 Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures does not meet the GMOC thresholds for Priority II calls and, as development of the proposed project would increase demand on police services, including five additional officers, project impacts on police services would be significant. However, with the implementation of mitigation measures, the impact of the proposed project, combined with the related projects, would not have a significant cumulative impact on police services Schools The project and related proiects would increase demand on schools and result in the need for additional schools. The provision of schools is the responsibility of the school district when additional demand is warranted. Impacts resulting from development completed in conformance with the proposed General Plan are considered to be self - mitigating because policies of the General Plan accommodate projected student population, ensure that school services and facilities are concurrent with need, and are based on a quantitative threshold standard. The implementation of PFFP requirements attached to new development would reduce impacts to a less than significant level. Therefore, the project and related projects would not have a significant cumulative impact on school services. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation See Mitigation Measures 4-11.3-1 and 4.11.3 -2, above. Page ES -91 Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista May 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance after Impact Mitigation Measures Mitigation Libraries The project and related projects would increase demand for library services. The City's threshold standards for libraries may prohibit projects that are out of compliance with those standards. In addition, the City's Growth Management regulations tie the pace of development in the EUC SPA Plan to the provision of public facilities and improvements. The impacts of the proposed project and related projects on libraries would be reduced to less than significance by compliance with their respective PFFP's. The proposed EUC SPA Plan also incorporates a library site in the Mixed -Use Civic /Office Core District that would to serve the population of the EUC and would help to alleviate the current deficiency in library space in the City. With implementation of mitigation measures to ensure PFFP compliance, the project and related projects would not have a significant cumulative impact on library services. See Mitigation Measures 4.11.4 -1 through 4.11.4 -3, above. Less than significant with mitigation Parks. Recreation, Open Space. and Trails The project and related projects would increase See Mitigation Measures 4.11.5-1 through 4.11.5 -4. above. Less than significant with demand on parks, open space, and recreational mitigation facilities. The City's threshold standard of three acres of park land per 1,000 population for all new development is considered self - mitigating. Projects that are out of compliance with this standard may be prohibited. In addition, the City's Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR City of Chula Vista State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 May 2009 Page ES -92 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures 1 m pact Growth Management regulations tie the pace of development in the EUC SPA Plan to the dedication of park land or in lieu fees. The proposed project and related protects are required to provide for parkland and, if necessary, equivalency fees to meet the City's GMOC Threshold for parks. However, a potentially significant impact could result if dedication of parkland does not coincide with project implementation. With the implementation of mitigation measures and GMOC requirements, the proposed proiect and related projects would not have a significant impact on park resources. Water The project and related projects would increase demand for potable and recycled water_ The development of the project would be consistent with the growth anticipated by the Otay Ranch GDP and would not result in a determination by the City of Chula Vista or OWD that it has inadequate capacity to serve the projects' prolected demand in addition to the providers' existing commitments. Building permits for the project and related projects would only be issued once the OWD has determined that adequate water supply exists. Although the regional water supplier has concluded that water available to service the proposed project would be adequate, impacts associated with water supply and infrastructure are considered cumulatively Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation See Mitigation Measures 4.11.6 -1 through 4.11.6 -3, above Page ES -93 Significant and unavoidable impact with respect to water supply and infrastructure. City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact significant, in accordance with the General Plan EIR. Wastewater Existing policies require major developments to prepare a PFFP that articulates needed facilities and identifies funding mechanisms as well as provides the authority to withhold discretionary approvals and other measures. Implementation of these policies would therefore avoid significant cumulative impacts associated with a shortfall of treatment capacity. However, tThe project and related projects would increase demand on wastewater services. Based on recent flow analysis as part of the City's Wastewater Master Plan, the City has begun discussions with the City of San Diego to identify a mechanism for the provision of additional treatment capacity. The project's estimated daily sewage rate of 0.852 mgd of wastewater combined with demand from other planned projects would require sewage treatment capacity beyond the City's existing capacity rights and allocated additional treatment capacity. As discussed under Wastewater Threshold 2 above additional capacity would need to be acquired from _METRO or other sources, and may include the construction of new or expanded treatment facilities. As the location and scope of construction for any future expanded or newly developed treatment facilities is unknown, potential construction of new or expanded treatment Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Mitigation Measures Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation No mitigation measures are available to reduce the proiect's Less thaA ^Significant with significant unavoidable cumulative impact with respect to tnitig AmORand unavoidable potential construction of new or expanded treatment impact facilities , above. Page ES -94 City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact facilities may result in potentially significant and unavoidable cumulative impacts tFeatment GapaGity pFiOF a.-. the a FGyal of building permits, wastewater- i m paGts world not be Solid Waste The project and related prolects would increase demand on the Otay Landfill, which is expected to have sufficient capacity until 2028. City policies to reduce the solid waste stream, including recycling and waste -to- energy programs, could further reduce demand on the landfill. Cumulative Impacts could also be reduced by additional solid waste and recycling facilities, transporting trash outside the region to less impacted areas, and meeting state - mandated recycling goals. As the proposed prolect is included in, and consistent with, the General Plan's projected population growth and projects and related projects would be required to comply with the City's waste disposal policies, the project and related projects would have a less than significant impact with respect to solid waste management. Hazards /Risk of Upset The project and related projects may use hazardous materials, which are subject to existing state and federal regulations, during construction and operation phases. In addition, General Plan Objective EE 19 Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation No significant impacts have been identified, and no mitigation Less than significant measures are required. See Mitigation Measures 4.12.1 through 4.12 -6, above Page ES -95 Less than significant with mitigation City of Chula Vista May 2009 Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures assures that new development would not be approved if a potential exists for hazardous materials use and transport to affect residents. The project would mitigate potentially significant impacts associated with the exposure of construction workers and the public to OCPs occurring in soils in Areas A, B, and C of the EUC, or high -rise buildings in the proximity of Brown Field approach or departure flight paths. With compliance with mitigation measures and existing regulations, the project and related projects would not have a significant cumulative Impact with respect to hazards and risk of upset. Housing and Population The project and related projects would increase population growth in the region. Forecasted growth is based on existing adopted land use designations and zoning, including Specific Plan areas and the GDP_ The proposed project would be consistent with the General Plan's growth protections based on the Otay Ranch GDP's multi- family housing designation for the EUC SPA Plan of 2,983 units and projected population of 7,696. Related projects in the region have been determined to be less than significant with respect to housing and population impacts. As the proposed project and related projects would not be significant with respect to housing and population, cumulative impacts would be less than significant. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR Stale Cleannghouse No. 2007041074 Executive Summary Significance after Mitigation Measures Mitigation No significant impacts have been identified and no mitigation Less than significant measures are required. Page ES -96 City of Chula Vista Mav 2009 Executive Summary Summary of Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures Impact Mitigation Measures Significance after Mitigation Global Climate Change The project is estimated to represent a net See Transportation, Air Quality, and Water mitigation Less than significant with increase of 0.037 percent of 2004 State -wide total measures, above. mitigation emissions at buildout in 2030, although a sizeable percentage of the operational GHG emissions are already generated through future occupants' and visitors' current activities. Executive Order S -3 -05 establishes GHG emissions targets for the state and has resulted in the California Climate Action Team (CAT)'s published recommendations and strategies for reducing GHG emissions and reaching the targets established in the executive order. The proposed project, by implementing GHG reducing project features, results in an estimated increase of only 0.037 percent in 2004 State -wide emissions and supports of the State's goals related to the reduction of greenhouse gases. Thus, cumulative impacts with respect to GHG would be less than significant. Eastern Urban Center Sectional Planning Area EIR State Clearinghouse No. 2007041074 Page ES -97 City of Chula Vista May 2009