HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011/11/14 BOAA Mins MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING BOARD OF APPEALS AND ADVISORS CITY OF CHULA VISTA, CALIFORNIA November 14, 2011 Conference Room #137 5:15 PM 276 Fourth Ave. Chula Vista, CA 91910 MEMBERS PRESENT: Sanfilippo, Lopez, Sides, Meservy, and West MEMBERS ABSENT: Jones CITY STAFF PRESENT: Lou EI-Khazen, Building Official OTHERS PRESENT: None CALL MEETING TO ORDER: Vice Chair Sides called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m and took the roll call. 1. ROLL CALL: Members present constituted a quorum. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April 25, 2011 MSC (JL/LM) (5-0-0-1) Approve the Board of Appeal & Advisors minutes of April 25, 2011. Motion carried. 3. NEW BUSINESS: A. Elect new Chair and Vice-Chair for fiscal year 2011/12. Vice Chair Sides tabled the election to the next meeting (12112/11) because two of the committee members were absent. B. An ordinance amending Chapter 15.12, Green Building Standards, of the Chula Vista Municipal Code, adding Section 15.12.030, Cool Roof (Chair Sanfilippo arrived at 5:25 pm) Mr. Lou EI-Khazen, Building Official gave some background information and a brief overview of the amendments to CVMC section 15.12.030, Cool Roof presented in the staff report. He noted the ordinance would be presented to City Council on December 13, 2011, and then reviewed by the California Energy Commission, which would take possibly 2-3 months. A second reading of the ordinance would probably occur in the early spring. There was discussion concerning the differentiation between Climate Zones 7 and 10 and the results of the study. Vice Chair Sides asked for clarification on why not have the same requirements on both climate zones. Mr. EI-Khazen explained the difference between the two climate zones and the results of the study show cool roofs not to be cost effective in Climate Zone 7. After further deliberation, the Board approved of adding section 15.12.030 Cool Roof to Green Building Standards, Chapter 15.12 and recommended that Council adopt the ordinance as proposed. MSC (LM/CS) (5-0-0-1) Recommend that City Council adopt the ordinance as proposed. 4. MEMBERS COMMENTSICHAIRMAN'S COMMENTS/REPORTS: There was discussion on whether they should table the election of new officers for FYE 2011/12 since they didn't have a complete quorum of members at the meeting. Member Jones was absent. Chair Sanfilippo asked if there were any other members that would like to be elected? There was no response. The Committee took a vote and decided that Chair Sanfilippo and Vice Chair Sides would remain in their current positions. Board of Appeals & Advisors Page 2 November 14, 2011 Meeting Minutes Vice Chair Sides reminded the committee to go on line and do the two hours of Ethics Training and also complete Form 700 if they hadn't already done so. It was important to turn in Form 700 on time to avoid a penalty for late submission. 5. BUILDING OFFICIAL'S COMMENTSIREPORTS: Mr. EI-Khazen stated that most likely there would not be another meeting until January 2012, unless an appeal that is related to building codes comes up. Lou mentioned another Implementation Measure, #4 that deals with water conservation, would be coming to the committee within 2-3 months. The measure will contain a recommendation to have builders install stub outs for gray water from washing machines. 6. COMMUNICATIONS (PUBLIC REMARKS/ WRITTEN CORRESPONDENCE): None. 7. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Sanfilippo adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m. to a regular meeting on December 12, 2011 at 5:15 p.m. in Planning and Building Conference Room #137. MINUTES TAKEN BY: ROSEMARIE RICE, SECRETARY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT -BUILDING DIVISION