HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012/06/05 Item 04CITY COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ~~ CITY OF CHULAVISTA 6/5/2012, Item ITEM TITLE: RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADOPTING A UTILITY TRENCH MORATORNM POLICY SUBMITTED BY: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS ASSISTANT DIRECTO OF ENGINEER REVIEWED BY: CITY MANAGER ASSISTANT CITY NAGERIiJ~ 4/STHS VOTE: YES ^ NO SUMMARY Utility trench cuts affect the appearance of City streets and reduce the life of the pavement. Although the City has adopted construction standazds to reduce the impact of utility trenching on City streets, these standards do not set more stringent criteria to streets that have been recently constructed, sealcoated, overlaid, or reconstructed. Staff recommends adoption of a utility trenching moratorium requiring more stringent repair and resurfacing than existing City Construction Standards for streets that have been sealcoated within the previous year and have been constructed, overlaid, or reconstructed within the previous three years. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Director of Development Services has reviewed the proposed activity for compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and has determined that there is no possibility that the activity may have a significant effect on the environment. Therefore, pursuant to Section 15061 (b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines the proposed action consisting of adoption of a Utility Trench Moratorium policy is not subject to CEQA. Thus, no environmental review is necessary. RECOMMENDATION Council adopt the resolution. BOARDS/COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION Not applicable. DISCUSSION Several studies have shown that utility trench cuts can reduce the service life of pavement in a public street by as much as 50 percent. Trench cuts affect not only the pavement itself, but also loosen the underlying base and soil, thereby causing sags and cracks over, and in the vicinity of, the utility trench, even when repairs aze performed to City and other accepted standazds. 4-1 6/5/2012, Item Page 2 of 3 Recognizing the need to control excavations in public streets, Council adopted Chapter 12.16 of the Chula Vista Municipal Code (Attachment 1), last modified in 1969 by Ordinance No. 1205. This chapter requires parties excavating within public paved areas to repave the area in accordance with standard specifications and to assure that the street; alley and/or sidewalk is restored to the same condition it was in prior to the excavation. The party repaving the excavation is required to correct any settlement that has occurred within 30 days. If the Director of Public Works determines that it is necessary, a sealcoat can also be required to be placed within two years after repaving is completed. Since the effect of a utility trench extends beyond the trench itself, most cities have adopted a "T-trench" repair for utility excavation, which extends the replacement of aggregate base and pavement beyond the actual trench itself. The Public Works Department has adopted this type of design in its Trench Backfill and Surface Restoration Construction Standards, CVCS-3 and CVCS-4 (Attachment 2). One issue that is not adequately addressed is the impact that utility trenching has on streets that have been newly constructed or rehabilitated. The main purpose of pavement rehabilitation and maintenance is to extend the life of an existing pavement. It is estimated that an overlay can extend the life of pavement by as much as 20 years. If utility trenching reduces pavement life by up to 50 percent, this is a significant reduction in the effectiveness of the City's investment. One way that City staff attempts to reduce the effect of trenching on newly resurfaced streets is through discussions at the Utility Coordination Committee, which is held monthly at the Public Services Building. City staff and representatives of the utility companies attend and discuss their upcoming projects, including pavement rehabilitation programs and planned utility upgrades. Through these discussions, the City strives to schedule pavement rehabilitation after scheduled work by the utility companies; in many cases, the utility companies accelerate their planned work in order to reduce impacts to the City's constructionschedules. However, the City also recognizes that there is emergency and unplanned work that must be done on utilities. City staff has researched several utilities trenching policies throughout California and the United States. Most of these policies establish a moratorium period, during which additional work over and above the standard repair methods must be used. The minimum period established under the proposed moratorium policy is one year for sealcoats and three years for overlays, reconstruction and new streets. Over the past few years, City staff has been informally requiring that utility companies comply with these requirements. However, it is recommended that the City formally adopt such a policy (Attachment 3). This policy will not supercede other existing rules and regulations regarding utility trenching and pavement repairs. During the past few years, the City's Pavement Asset Management Committee has been monitoring the policies of other agencies, particularly in the San Diego area. If other agencies should adopt more stringent requirements, such as a longer moratorium periods, the Cornrnittee will reevaluate the policy and propose amendments, if necessary. 4-2 6/5/2012, Item Page 3 of 3 DECISION MAKER CONFLICT Staff has reviewed the decision contemplated by this action and has determined that it is not site specific and consequently the 500 foot rule found in California Code of Regulations Section 18704.2(a)(1) is not applicable to this decision. CURRENT YEAR FISCAL IMPACT This action will have no direct fiscal impact. ONGOING FISCAL IMPACT This action will have no direct fiscal impact. However, it may have an indirect positive fiscal impact in that it will lengthen the life of the City's pavement, thereby decreasing the cost of pavement maintenance and rehabilitation. ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1. CVMC Chapter 12.16 Attachment 2. CVCS 3 and 4 Exhibit A. Utility Trench Moratorium Policy Prepared by: Elizabeth Chopp, Senior Civil Engineer, Engineering Dept. J:\Engineer\AGENDA\CAS2012\06-OS-12\Utility Trench Moratorium A113.doc 4-3 ATTI~(~itrl'ENT 1 l2. f'_.13D of the tot or lots formed by the converging street lines and a svaight line intersecting such street lines, drawn at a right angle to a line running mid- way or nearly midway between, and in the mean direction of, the converging sweet lines at a point three feet outside [he buildable area of the lo[ or lots; provided, that said line shall no[ be less titan 45 feet in length, except the following: A. Single trees and shrubs pruned, arranged, and maintained in such a way as to prevent blind spots and provide reasonable unobstructed vision, throughout the area, for drivers of automobiles; B, Wire fences of chain-link or similar open- mesh construction; C. Pole signs, as otherwise permitted, provided the pole minimum support only is the only part of the structure visible within dte height limits. (Ord. 973 § 1, 1966; prior code § 19.15.1). 12.12.130 Vision clearance -Driveway requirements. Within ftve feet of any driveway, no fence, wall or hedge or ocher dense vegetation shall be pe~mit- ted within five feet of the front line of any lot which is subject to front yard requirements if said fence, wall, hedge or vegetation is more than !wo tee[, six incites in height, unless same is arranged so as to provide 50 percent or more of distributed open space so as to prevent dense blind areas exceeding eight inches in width along its horizontal measure- ment. (Ord. 973 § 1, 1966; prior code § 19.15 .). Chapter 12.16 E?fCAVATIONS" Sections: 12.16.D10 Notice required. 12. t6A2D Work to be done expeditiously. 1'_.16.030 Work not to discommode the public. I2.16.O~f0 Barricades and lighu required. t^_.16.050 Area to be refilled and replaced to original condition. 12.16.060 Backfilling requirements. 12.76.070 Repaving requirements. 12.16.080 Bond -Required when - Deterrtdnation ofamount - Deposit in lieu of when. * For statmory provisions authorizing cities to regulate and prohibit encroachments and obswctions of sweets, see Gov. Code § 38775. 12.16.010 Notice required. It is unlawful for any person to excavate or cause to be excavated any hole, wench or ditch in any sweet, alley or sidewalt within the city limits without fits[ having notified either the department of public works of the city between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., or dte police depazunent before 8:00 a.m. and after 5:00 p.m., of their inten- tion todo so, stating the time and place and approx- imateduration of such excavation. Where the place of excavation is not specifically Cixed by a Gan- chise or permission, the place shall be designated by the director of public works or the superinten- dent of sweets and the work done under the direc- tion of such individual. (Ord. [205 § 2, 1969; prior code § 27.601). 12.16.020 Work to be done expeditiously. Any work of excavating the sveeu, sidewalks, alleys or pubfic places otthe city shall be done [with all possible expedition. (Ord. 1205 § 3, 1969; prior code § 27.602(1)). L.16-030 Work not to discommode the public. All poles shall be placed and set, and all excava- tions made, so that the same shall discommode adjoining property owners and the general public as little as possible. (Ord. 1205 § 2, 1969; prior code § 27.602(2)). 12.16.040 Barricades and lights required. It is unlawful for any person to excavate or cause to be excavated any hole, wench or ditch in 12-10 4-4 Chula Vista Municipal Code 12.16.080 any street, alley or sidewalk within the city limits of the city without maintaining barricades on such hole, ditch or trench with adequate sights and other warnings to the public of the location of such hole, trench or ditch. All such excavations shall at all times be safely guarded against the possibility of persons, vehicles or animals or other property being injured by the same. (Ord. 1205 § 2, 1969; prior codc § 27.602{3)). 12.16.050 Area to be re[illed and replaced to original condition. All ditches, wenches or excavations shall be refilled and replaced, and the street, alley or side- walk shall be placed in the same condition it was prior to such excavation, to the satisfaction of the department of public works. (Ord. 1205 § 2, 1969; prior code § 27.603(1)). 12.16.060 Backlilling requirements. All excavations in the public strects, alleys, sidewallrs or other public places in the city shall be backfilled without undue delay. Backfilling shall be accomplished in accordance with standazd spec- ifications as approved by the city council. (Ord. 1205 § ?, 1969; prior code § 27.603(2)). 12.16.070 Repaving requirementr. All excavations in paved surfaces shall be repaved in accordance with said standard specifi- cations. Any person so repaving an excavation shall inspect the same after 30 days have expired to detect and to correct, ai his own expense, any set- tlement. If, in the opinion of the director of public works, a seal coat of bitumuls and screenings is necessary, the same shall be applied at once by any person so repaving such excavations at any time within two years after repaving is completed. (Ord. 1205 § 2, 1969; prior code § 27.603(3)), same is excavated or cut, to insure and to guarantee all cost of replacing such surfacing or paving in [he same condirion as before the same was cut or exca- vated and in the manner provided for in CVMC 12.16.050 through 12.16.070, and to insure and guarantee the cost of maintaining such surfacing or paving for a period of two yeazs from the date the same is replaced. The director of public works shall determine the amount of such bond in accordance with this section, and-his determination of the esti- mated cost of replacing such surfacing or paving shall be final. B. Any general contractor, licensed by the state and the city, may, in lieu of posting a bond for each job as above provided, post a cash deposit or a blanket bond in the sum of $4,000 issued by a surety company acceptable to the city and approved by the city attorney, which, by its [ctms, is made to guarantee the replacing and mainte- nance of such surfaced streets, alleys, sidewall:s or public places as above provided, and which shall, by its terms, no[ be subject [o withdrawal or cancel- lation without the consent of the council, until two years have expired since the last job performed by such conVactor involving excavations in such sur- faced streets, alleys, sidewalks or other public places has been completed. (Ord. 1205 § 2, 1969; prior code § 27.604). 12.16.080 Bond -Required when - Determination ofamount -Deposit in lien of when. A. Any person, other than a public utility, or persons who have obtained permits pursuant to Chapters 12:L0, 12:24 and 12.28 CVMC, who shall apply for a franchise or permit fo cut or excavate a surfaced or paved street, alley, public place or side- walk for any purpose mentioned in CVMC 5.30.020, shall post with the city a good and suffi- cient surety company bond or a cash deposit in an amount equal to twice the estimated cost of replac- ing such surfaced or paved sweet, alley, sidewalk or public place in the same condition as before the 12-I1 4-5 ATTA~#"MAENT ~ f...- 2a' MtN (PAVE. SECT) SEE NOTE B. ~ 6' 7-7/2' ASPHALT CONCRETE {MIN.) ~I---(6"~ ~ ~~~~ + ~- ASPHALT CONCRETE \ ~K~ I BASE ~~~, ~ CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE TACK COAT ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ PER GREEN BOOK SECTION ALL EDGES ~ ~ 200-2.2 CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE OR FULL DEPTH AC. ~ ~ BACKFlLL MATERLAL MEETING GREEN BOOK STANDARDS SEE NOTE 2 - .'< ;>.•= ~';w~~':•.. c'-::aJ.,.ry': _ MA'fER1AL TO BE SE 30 :.- r.;• ...; ., .. " ... _~ .::..;..c: ;,: OR GREATER ~GE ~®~~~ r •:=~ - _ .:'~',.72'~ MIN' (TRENCH ~~WIDTH) . •~- CVCS-4 TYPE J" -1 i/2" ASPHALT CONCRETE (MIN.) PAVEMENT SECTION SAME AS TYPE "J' (.... 6' 6'-{ 1 ~EXISTiNGJ ~ ~.... 6' 6'....I i 0.C. Pl+D BASE (MIN.) (MIN.) z z m CETAENT AURRY BACKFlLL ~ (SEE NOTE 70) TYPE "I- (1 }" TYPE "i- (2}" evised: on ' ai a royal date: z-+s-so CITY ~ F C H U LA VISTA cwa s-os-o+ Redrawn Hy: ARR ate: ~-is-ss PUBLIC WORKS DEPART~AEh1T TRENCIi B®C ~ CvCs ~~<~/i a ~ ~ SURFACE RESTORATION 3 CITY ENGINEER Date: 'I'VI'ES "I" AND "T" NOTES: 7. EXISTING ASPHALT CONCRETE SHALL BE CUT AND REMOVED tN SUCH A MANNER SO AS NOT TO TEAR, BULGE OR DISPLACE PDJACENT PAVEMEM'. EDGES SHALL BE CLEAN AND VERTICAL ALL CUTS SHALL BE PARAl.1.EL OR PERPENDICULAR TO STREET CENTERLINE. WHEN PRACTICAL. 2. THE REMOVED PAVEMENT SECTION SHALL BE REPLACED WT,H BASE MATERL4L AND ASPHALT CONCRETE, THE MINIMUM THICKNESS OF THE REPLACEMENT ASPF,ALT CONCRETE (A) SHALL BE: A=(8+1') REPLACEMENT BASE SHALL BE CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE 4" MIN. THICK. IF AGGREGATE BASE IS TO 8E REPLACED WTRi ASPHALT CONCRETE. THEN THE MINIMUM THICKNESS OF THE ASPHALT CONCRETE SHALL BE: ON COMPACTED BACKFlLL - A=(8+t' + (C/2) ON SLURRY BACKFlLL - A=(6+17 + (2C 3) (SEE SLURRY REQUIREMENTS BELOW) ' IF CE1dENT TREATED EASE - A=(B+t' + (2C/3) 3. A TACK COAT OF EMULSIFlEO ASPHALT (SS-IH OR RS-1) SHALL BE APPLIED TO ALL SURFACES WHICH WILL BE ,N CONTACT WITH THE REPLACEMENT ASPHALT CONCRETE. 4. THE FlNISH COURSE FOR RESURFACING SHALL BE LP70 DOWN USING A SPREADER BOX ALL RESURFACING SHALL BE SEAL COATED WffFi AN EMULSIFIED ASPHALT AND COVERED WRH SAND. •CHIP SEALING SHAi.1 HE APPLIED AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY. 5. ASPHALT CONCRETE RESURFACING TO BE TYPE III, C-3 AR4000 FOR TOP COURSE (4' MAX. THICKNESS) (1/2" AGGREGATE). IF GREATER THAN 4" USE 2 OR MORE LIFTS. TOP UFT WffH t/2" AGGRECJSE: LOWER LIFTS WTM 3/4" AGGREGATE. 6. SLOUGHING OF TRENCH UNDER PAVEMEM SHALL BE CAUSE FOR REQUIRING ADORIONAL PAVEMENT AND BASE. LIMITS OF WORK TO BE DETERMINED B1' THE CITY ENGINEER. 7. EXISTING STRIPING AND/OR TRAFFIC SIGNAL LOOPS TO BE REPLACED WITHIN 5 WORKING DAYS. 8. IN AN EFFORT TO MAINTAIN A STREET'S EXPECTED UFESPAN, RETURN THE STREET TO THE SAME OR SIMILAR CONDITION AS BEFORE THE TRENCHWC TOOK PLACE, AND TO MEET CffY OF CHULA VISTA AND GREENBOOK STANDARDS PERTAINING 70 ROAD SMOOTHNESS: • IF THE TRENCH IS LOCATED WITHIN A BIKE LANE. 'ItiEN THE ENTIRE BIKE V+NE WIDTH SHALL BE COLD-PLANED t-t/2" MINIMUM. AND OVERLAYED 1-7/2" MINIMUM. •if THE TRENCH IS WRHIN 24" OF A CONCRETE STRUCTURE (i.e.. UP OF GUTTER, VAULT, ETC.), THEN THE AREA BETWEEN THE TRENCH AND THE CONCRETE STRUCTURE SHALL 8E COLD-PLANED t-1/2' MIMMUM AND OVERLAYED 1-1/2" MINIMUM. •IF THE TRENCH IS LOCATED LONGITUDINALLY WITHIN THE TRAVEL LANE Of A PPoME, MAIOR. OR 4-LPNE COLLECTOR STREET, THEN THE ENTIRE LANE SHALL BE COLD-PLANED t-1/2" MINIMUM AND OVERLAYED t-7/2` MIMMUM, HOWEVER. THE CITY ENGINEER MAY, ON A CASE-BY CASE, BASIS AND AT HIS/HER SOLE DISCRETION, MODIFY THE REQUIREMENT TO COLD-PLANE AND OYERLAY THE ENTIRE LANE BASED UPON THE FOLLOWING CRRERI0. (t) EXLS,ING CONDITION OF THE PAVEMENT; (2) FUTURE REHABILITATION StRA7EGIE5 AND SCHEDULES; (3) DEPTH Of TRENCH; (4) OTHER TRENCH WORK IN THE AREA; (5) EX57'ENCE OF A COMPARABLE TRENCH PAVING TECHNOLOGY OR TECHNIQUES WHICH WOULD ACHIEVE THE DESIRED RCV+D SMOOTHNESS AND LONGEYffY; AND, (6) OTHER SfTE-SPECIFlC CONDRtONS AND FACTORS DEEMED BY THE CITY ENGINEER TO ALLEVIATE THE NEED TO COfD-PLANE AND OVERLAY THE ENTIRE LANE. THOSE ENTITIES WISHING THE CITY ENGINEER TO CONSIDER MODIF"(ING THE REQUIREMENT TO COLD-PL,VJE AND OVERLAY THE EMIRE LANE SHALL PRIOR TO PERMR ISSUANCE, SUBMR A WRITTEN REQUEST FOR SUCH MODIFlCATION. SAID WRITTEN REQUEST SHALL WCLUDE A DETAR.ED DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT, THE PROJECT AREA AND THE REASONS WHY THE FULL-LANE REQUIREMENT SHOULD BE WANED. 9. °IF THE STREET HAS EXISTING PAVEMEM FABRIC, THEN FABRIC OF A SIMILAR QUALffY MUST BE USED IN THE TRENCH REPAIR. TYPE "I" ONLY (NARROW TRENCH) 70. CEMENT SLURRY BACKFlLL- A CEMEM SLURRY BACKFlLL SHALL HAVE A MAXIMUM SLUMP OF 5 INCHES. B. CEMENT SLURRY BACKFlLL SHALL BE THOROUGHLY CONSOLIDATED TO ENCASE CONDUITS. TAMPERS OR VIBRATORS SHALL BE USED. C. LEAN CONRETE (TRENCH BACKFlLL SLURRY) AS SPEC[FlED IN SECTION 201-1.7.2 OF THE GREEN BOOK CONCRETE CLASS 100-E-100. - D. PLLOW CEMENT SLURRY BACKFlLL 24 HOURS MINIMUM TO CURE BEFORE RESURFACWG. 77. TYPE "I-t" REQUIRES THE PLACEMENC OF THE PETR07AC tYPE PAVEMENT FABRIC AFTER THE PLACEMEM OF THE TACK COAT. TACK COAT MUST BE APPLIED OVER PETROTAC. 72. IN STREET WI1H FABRIC REINFORgNG MATERV+L INSTALLED, SLURRY BACKFlLL SHALL BE BROUGHT UP TO THE EXISTING FABRIC MATERLAL °ffEMS. IF THEY APPLY, TO BE KNOWN AT TIME OF PERMR evised: Qri ' al ~ ~Q4~ aate: 2=,3-9D CITY 0 F C H U LA V 1 STA 6-72-97 Reara~rn Bp: ARR Date:, s-a-9a PUBLIC VNUR6CS DEPARTPAENT 17-17-99 ' CVM 6-,6~D3 / or~Z9/ COTES ~aR ~~'RENC~ BACK evcs CPPY ENC~ivEE~ Date: AND SU~ZFACE RESTQRATIOId 4 ~~.~~~~ ~ ~~ 9T ~} COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF CHULA VISTA SUBJECT: UTILITY TRENCH MORATORIUM POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY NUMBER DATE PAGE June 5, 2012 1 OF 1 ADOPTED BY: (Resolution No.) DATED: June 5, 2012 BACKGROUND Utility trenching in existing streets reduces the life of pavement. In order to reduce the impact of utility trenching, the City has adopted construction standards (CVCS 3 & 4), which were last amended in January 2004. Chapter 12.16 of the Municipal Code also allows the Director of Public Works to require the person repaving the excavation to apply a seal coat at any time within two years of the time of repaving. City staff has informally required utility companies that excavate in recently repaved streets to meet higher standazds in order to protect the City's street ixivestment. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to protect the integrity of City streets by implementing a trench cut moratorium to limit developers, utility companies, and City crews from digging trenches in newly paved or sealed streets, except under emergency circumstances. Public interest in the integrity, ride-ability and appeazance of new street surfaces is significant. Citizens do not appreciate utility trench cuts conducted on newly resurfaced streets, and such trench cuts reduce the pavement life. However, in the event of an emergency or new development, it will occasionally be necessary to cut into a street that has been recently paved or repaved. The following formalizes the City's moratorium and establishes requirements for repairing trenches in newly paved and sealed public streets. REFERENCES: • Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook), Section 306-1.5, "Trench Resurfacing" • Chula Vista Construction Standazds, CVCS 3 & 4 • CVMC Chapter 12.16 PROCEDURES: 1. Trench Cut Moratorium 1-year moratorium for streets receiving a sealcoat, such as a slurry seal or chip seal. 3-year moratorium for newly constructed and reconstructed streets and for overlaid streets. 2. Trench Repair Requirements for Streets under Moratorium The following trench repair requirements aze in addition to those listed in CVCS 3 & 4: • Lateral trenches (perpendicular to the curb) -Extend T-cut grind and overlay limits to 3 feet beyond each side of the trench. • Longitudinal trenches (parallel to the curb) -Grind 1-1/2 inches minimum and place 1-1/2 inches minimum overlay over the entire lane that is impacted (regardless of the classification of the street). 4-8 RESOLUTION NO. 2012 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA ADOPTING THE UTILITY TRENCH MORATORIUM POLICY WHEREAS, utility trenches affect the appearance of City streets and reduce the life of the pavement; and WHEREAS, in order to control the type and method of trenching for utilities, the City previously adopted Ordinance No. 1205, requiring that the street be restored to the condition it was in prior to the excavation. The City has also adopted Trench Backfill and Construction Standards, in order to extend the repair of pavement and base beyond the actual trench itself; and WHEREAS, additional regulation is needed to address the impact that utility trench have on streets that have been recently constructed or rehabilitated in order to protect the City's investment; and WHEREAS, the minimum moratorium period customarily required for trenching is one year for seal coats and three years for overlays, reconstruction and new streets. Trenching that is done during the moratorium period is required to meet more stringent requirements, as addressed in the proposed Utility Trench Moratorium Policy (Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, the City has informally been requiring local utilities to comply with these policies. However, a formal Council policy is needed in order to provide specific guidelines that can be enforced. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City q~Chula Vista adopts the Utility Trench Moratorium Policy. ,,~ ~~~~ Presented by Richard A. Hopkins Director of Public Works R. as to 4-9 COUNCIL POLICY CITY OF CHULA VISTA SUBJECT: UTILITY TRENCH MORATORIUM POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY NUMBER DATE PAGE June 5, 2012 1 OF 1 ADOPTED BY: (Resolution No.) DATED: June 5, 2012 RACKGROTTND Utility trenching in existing streets reduces the life of pavement. In order to reduce the impact of utility trenching, the City has adopted construction standards (CVCS 3 & 4), which were last amended in January 2004. Chapter 12.16 of the Municipal Code also allows the Director of Public Works to require the person repaving the excavation to apply a seal coat at any time within two years of the time of repaving. City staff has informally required utility companies that excavate in recently repaved streets to meet higher standards in order to protect the City's street investment. PTTRPOSF. The purpose of this policy is to protect the integrity of City streets by implementing a trench cut moratorium to limit developers, utility companies, and City crews from digging trenches in newly paved or sealed streets, except under emergency circumstances. Public interest in the integrity, ride-ability and appearance of new street surfaces is significant. Citizens do not appreciate utility trench cuts conducted on newly resurfaced streets, and such trench cuts reduce the pavement life. However, in the event of an emergency or new development, it will occasionally be necessary to cut into a street that has been recently paved or repaved. The following formalizes the City's moratorium and establishes requirements for repairing trenches in newly paved and sealed public streets. RF,FFRENCFS~ Standazd Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook), Section 306-1.5, "Trench Resurfacing" Chula Vista Construction Standards, CVCS 3 & 4 CVMC Chapter 12.16 DTTRF S ROCF . : . P 1. Trench Cut Moratorium 1-year moratorium for streets receiving a sealcoat, such as a slurry seal or chip seal. 3-year moratorium for newly constructed and reconstructed streets and for overlaid streets. 2. Trench Repair Requirements for Streets under Moratorium The following trench repair requirements aze in addition to those listed in CVCS 3 & 4: Lateral trenches (perpendicular to the curb) -Extend T-cut grind and overlay limits to 3 feet beyond each side of the trench. Longitudinal trenches (pazallel to the curb) -Grind 1-1/2 inches minimum and place 1-1/2 inches minimum overlay over the entire lane that is impacted (regardless of the classification of the street . 4-10