August 4, 2011
4:00 p.m.
Police Department
Community Room
315 Fourth Avenue
A Workshop of the City Council and a Special Meeting of the Chula Vista Redevelopment
Corporation of the City of Chula Vista were called to order at 4:07 p.m. in the Police Department
Community Room, 315 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California.
PRESENT: Councilmembers Aguilar (arrived at 4:08 p.m.), Bensoussan, Castaneda
(arrived at 4:35 p.m.), Ramirez, and Mayor Cox
Chula Vista Redevelopment Corporation Directors: Desrochers, Flores,
Paul, Watson, and Chair Munoz
ABSENT: Chula Vista Redevelopment Corporation Directors: Salas and Cannon
ALSO PRESENT: City Manager Sandoval, Assistant City Manager/Development Services
Director Halbert, City Attorney Googins, City Clerk Norris, and Sr.
Deputy City Clerk Bennett
Director Munoz led the Pledge of Allegiance.
There were none.
Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director Halbert presented information about the
history of the Redevelopment Agency (RDA) and Chula Vista Redevelopment Corporation
(CVRC). He then presented three potential alternative organizational structures for the CVRC:
non-profit corporation, commission board, or an advisory committee.
Senior Project Coordinator Do presented a brief history of the Urban Development Corporation
and the idea of forming a 501(C)(3).
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WORKSHOP (Continued)
Gerald Trimble, San Diego resident, representing Keyser Marston Associates, spoke about cities
with separate public redevelopment agencies; and suggested forming a group of business
partners to provide advice regarding development.
Gary Nordstrom, San Diego resident, provided his background with the Urban Development
Corporation, and provided his perspective on the purpose of the CVRC formation.
Chris Lewis, Bonita resident, former member of the Urban Development Corporation and
CVRC, commented that this was the wrong time to consider disbanding the CVRC. He
commented on the synergy of experts between CVRC Directors and City staff, and their ability
to work with the private sector to market and attract business to the City.
Councilmember Bensoussan stated that she was not in favor of disbanding the CVRC, and she
suggested that the CVRC look at ways to re-define the scope and structure of the organization in
away that would maximize the City's ability to be proactive.
City Manager Sandoval commented on the value of the CVRC to provide knowledge of what it
takes to finance a project, types of construction costs, and creating a strong business network.
Director Watson gave examples of the relationship between the City of San Diego and the Center
City Development Corporation (CCDC). He commented that the current structure of the CVRC
was being under-utilized by the City.
Deputy Mayor Ramirez suggested looking at a new direction for the CVRC.
Councilmember Bensoussan urged staff to come up with a plan to restructure the scope of the
Director Flores commented that the CVRC was not utilizing its status as a 501(c)3 to the City's
advantage, and he spoke in support of a public/private partnership.
Councilmember Aguilar stated that the City should be focused on finding other ways of
revitalizing the City. She questioned what value the CVRC had added, and stated that there was
no reason for the CVRC to exist as a corporation.
Mayor Cox asked staff about the estimated costs to the City of coordinating a group of
volunteers, and whether associated costs to the City would differ from that of the City's Planning
Commission. She suggested expanding the territory under the CVRC's scope to include the
bayfront. Assistant City Manager/Development Services Director Halbert responded that
regazdless of the option the Council chooses to take, the cost of doing business as it's done today
is the cost of the resulting redevelopment, and the added costs of a 501(c)3 was nominal.
Councilmember Castaneda commented on the need for refinement in the development review
process and suggested looking at economics rather than fiscal development. He suggested that
the CVRC provide guidance to the Council on a focused direction for the corporation.
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WORKSHOP (Continued)
ACTION: Councilmember Aguilaz moved to:
1. Take action immediately to dissolve the CVRC as a corporation.
2. Reconstitute the CVRC as an advisory body to the Council with responsibility to
advise the Council on ways to eliminate blight, and ways to leverage
infrastructure improvements and streetscape improvements as catalysts for
revitalization, within redevelopment project areas. In addition, charge the newly
created body with the job of preparing and submitting to the Council a plan as to
how it will carry out is responsibilities, within the limits of redevelopment
budgetary resources, within one year from the date of is first meeting.
3. Compose the newly created advisory body of at least 50% Chula Vista residents,
with expertise in the areas of economic development/job creation, engineering,
redevelopment law and finance, infill development, and urban sociology
recommended. All current members of the CVRC are welcomed and encouraged
to serve on the new advisory body if they wish.
4. Report back to the Council within 60 days on a detailed recommended set of
responsibilities and structure for the newly created advisory body.
Councilmember Castaneda seconded the motion.
ACTION: Mayor Cox offered a substitute motion to refer Councilmember Aguilaz's
suggestions to the CVRC with a request for them to return to the Council in 100
days with a report on the future role of the CVRC.
ACTION: CVRC Director Watson moved to request that City staff work with the CVRC at
its next regularly scheduled meetings, without cancelling any regular meetings,
and to come up with a recommendation based on the Council's comments. The
motion was seconded and it carried 5-0.
Councilmember Aguilar stated that she would support 100 days to have the CVRC report back to
the Council with recommendations to add civic engagement and to remove Item 3 of her motion.
She suggested action by the Council to immediately dissolve the CVRC as a corporation, and to
have the remainder of the items submitted for review by the CVRC.
Mayor Cox clarified the substitute motion to make a referral to the CVRC, including
Councilmember Aguilaz's added suggestions.
ACTION: Mayor Cox moved to refer Councilmember Aguilaz's suggestions to the CVRC
with a request that the CVRC convene to look at options and the opportunity to
dissolve the CVRC should the Council so choose.
Councilmember Castaneda suggested including in Item 2 of the motion by Councilmember
Aguilar, a specific work plan about what the CVRC would undertake.
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WORKSHOP (Continued)
City Attorney Googins clarified the substitute motion by Mayor Cox as follows:
1. Refer the issue of the appropriate roles, responsibilities and structure of the CVRC to
the CVRC for its further analysis and recommendation, including the proposal by
Councilmember Aguilaz, with the addition of a work plan outline and strategy, and
with direction to report back to the Council with a recommendation within 100 days;
2. Council direction to staff to prepare and present for City Council, concurrent with the
CVRC recommendation, the actions necessary to dissolve the CVRC as a corporation
in its current form, and perhaps to reconstitute the CVRC as outlined by
Councilmember Aguilar.
Discussion ensued, with clarification by City Attorney Googins that in both instances, if the
CVRC comes back with a recommendation, staff would provide support to the CVRC to either
implement the recommendation or the alternative as described.
ACTION: Mayor Cox moved to accept the substitute motion as set forth by City Attorney
Googins to refer the issue of the appropriate roles, responsibilities and structure of
the CVRC to the CVRC for further analysis and recommendation, including the
proposal by Councilmember Aguilaz, with the addition of a work plan outline and
strategy, with the direction to report back to the Council with a recommendation
within 100 days; and direction to staff to prepare and present for City Council,
concurrent with the CVRC recommendation, the actions necessary to dissolve the
CVRC as a corporation in its current form, and perhaps to reconstitute the CVRC
as outlined by Councilmember Aguilar. Councilmember Bensoussan seconded
the motion.
Councilmember Bensoussan called for the question.
The motion carried 5-0.
At 7:50 p.m., Mayor Cox adjourned the meeting to the next Regulaz City Council Meeting on
August 9, 2011, at 4:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers.
Lorraine Bennett, CMC, Sr. Deputy City Clerk
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