HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Statement 1975/09/02 Item 07CITY OF CHULA VISTA . - COUNCIL AGENDA STATEMENT ITEM NO FOR MEETING OF: 9-2-75 ITEM TITLE: Resolution ~ `~~~~ - Approving agreement with Chula Vista City School District for "Community Education" project and appropriating funds there~ox SUBMITTED BY~ City Manager ITEM EXPLANATION: At the Council meeting of May 13, 1975, the Mayor and City Manager were authorized to explore with local agencies a more effective use of elementary school facilities. The object was to better coordinate services, increase information availability, and facilitate community/neighborhood spirit. Representatives from the City, Chula Vista City School District, Sweetwater Union High School District, Southwestern College and the County Board of Supervisors have met on several occasions and developed a cooperative program. The concept is entitled "Community Education" and it encourages innovative use of tax resources to improve the quality of life for our mutual citizens. Specific goals are to: * Make maximum use of community resources to provide a comprehensive involvement program for the entire community. * Establish coordination and cooperation among individuals, groups, and organizations to avoid unnecessary duplication. * Develop a program or process for identifying existing and future individual and communii,;,~ needs and wants; and marshal community resources capable of effecting. appropriate change. * Encourage citizen participation in public agencies and community affairs. Continued on following page ... tXhiltil 15 f~l I A(..I-itu Agreement X Resolution X Ordinance Plat Other X Environmental Document: Attached Submitted on STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Resolution, appropriate $8,000 from Community Development Block Grant funds and appoint one elected and one staff representative for project implementation. BOARD/ COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION A P P R O V E D by the City Council COUNCIL ACTION of Chula Vista, California Dated ~-~~%_ ~~ Form A-113 (Rev. 5-75) ' Page two Agenda Item No. ~ * Provide and develop increased opportunities for lay and professional people to assume leadership roles. * Provide and promote alternative activities which could combat vandalism, juvenile delinquency, crime, and other school-community problems. * Promote social interaction and improved human relationships among people with differing cultural backgrounds. * Offer supplementary and alternative educational opportunities for adults and children to extend their skills and interests. * Provide health programs to improve the extent and availability of community health services. * Provide or assist residents in securing needed social services from an appropriate agency. * Offer programs designed to increase understanding of political procedures, processes, and issues. * Make better use of existing public facilities. All member agencies will be contributing some $8,000 to the 12-month pilot project. A proposed budget and Coordinator job specification are attached. It appears that such a program will conditionally qualify for funding under the City's Community Development Block Grant. It is therefore recommended that Council: 1) Endorse the "Community Education" concept and approve the attached agreement. 2) Appoint two representatives to the supervising task force, one Council member and one staff person (e.g. Community Development Coordinator). 3) Appropriate the sum of $8,000 from the Community Development Block Grant as the City's share of funding for the project. Programs similar to the above model have been successful in other communities throughout the country. Such an effort should also prove to be an asset to Chula Vista. financial Statement. Appropriate $3,000 from Fund 24, Activity 1740, Account 5202, and 5,000 from Fund 24, Activity 1740, Account 5288. These are Community Development Block Grant "Citizen Participation" and "Local Option" areas respectively. 7 ~~ ~' pitOPOSED CORtbtUNI1'Y r:DUCATION PILOT PRC~II:C'r YEAR Bl'UC~E'r . Administr ati~or~ Comm~inity Coordinator (Based on year-round school Principal Salary, 2?G days, Step 7, Class E;) $26, 995 ~~~~~~ Fringe Benefits STRS . 056 x 26995 = 1510 Medical Ins. 263.40 263 Life Ins. 20. 28 20 Worlanens Comp. .006 x 26995 = 162 Secretary (Based on Range 11, Step C) Installation Monthly/Long Distance F3Mnge Benefits PE RS .0763 x 8952 = 683 S. S. . 0585 x 8952 524 Medical 263.40 263 Life Ins. 70.28 20 Unempl. Ins. . 005 x 8952 = 45 Workmens Comp. .O1G x 8952 = 54 1597 Offico Equipment Electric Typewriter File Cabinet Telephone Travel Daily Mileage Conferences 1955 Consultants 10 days x 150 Travel Per Diem: 10 days x 25 5 trips x 50 Inservice and Program Awareness Overhead (contributed by the CVCSD Housing, Accounting, Auditing, etc. 15~, of 45, 169 ~A'I~L~m~~g~ Total Grand Total 1,955 8,952 1,597 500 90 30 400 600 350 1500 250 250 1, 720 $45,169 • 2,258 $47, 447 ~~ CHULI VISTA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Community Education Coordinator Primary function: IXHIBIT 2 To explore, coordinate, and implement avenudsof cooperation and joint use of facilities within the district that will provide a wide variety of human ser- vices to residents living within the boundaries of the Chula Vista City School District. Directly responsible to: Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum Immediate Subordinates: Classified staff as assigned. it Assigned responsibilities: 1. Coordinates with the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, Sweetwater. .Union High School District, Sweetwater Community College District, City of Chula Vista, and the Chula Vista City School District, the joint use of facilities and the provision of activities of human services to the residents living within the boundaries of the Chula Vista City School District. 2. Organizes and conducts a needs assessment vithiri the Chula Vista area to determine needs, wants; a+~d nrohlema. 3. Assists Steering Committee in prioritizing identified needs. 4. Identif ies community resources and facilities that can be used in the develop- ment of Community Education programs. S. Contacts and works cooperatively with all existing agencies and programs in an effort to enhance their impact upon improved community life. 6. Continually develops better means of communications among agencies, community groups, individuals, city, county, and school staffs. 7. Seeks funds and resources to implement the couanunity education program. 8. Responsible for the inservice training of key personnel in the development of .community education. 4. Pre-service training of individuals hired to fill new positions as developed. I0. Promotes, publicizes, and interprets programs to school staff, agencies, govern- mental bodies, and community people. 11. Establishes an ongoing district advisory committee. 12. Develops a method and procedure for evaluation for the purpose of developing and upgrading programs. 13. Prepares a budget showing revenues and expenditures. 14. Submits periodical progress reports as required to the Steering Coo~ittee and Assistant Superintendent, Curriculum, of the Chula Vista City School District. 15. Develops proposals for possible funding sources and joint agreements. 16. Performs other duties as required. Minimum qualifications: Two years of experience in Community Education and a credential in Educatibn Administration desirable. 7/~ corm t7o. F-223 ,•1~~~3 CERTIFICATE OF CITY/DIRECmOR Or FZ1~At3C:^^. Certification of Una~?~rc~rrl.~ted F~alance ..t :Y.~ rn ~n2p re .aired fo_ ~.,e I hFRFBY CERTIFY th a ~" ,.}. appropriation of funds io_- the parpose set forth in the attac'r_a~x resolution i= at ailable in the '.1'reasuxy, yr ' s ~,nt~Cipate;d tc) come into tY:e Treasury, and i , c!~her:~ise u..approp-~iated. Amount $ ___ _ Fund Purpose Bidder _...___. r -,,~' Finance Direr t::~ .:_ 'Ahe G.~t.y cf C:h~.11a. 'Jista Date ~: Ct?rti~l.:.u'.t~G.^. :J~ ;111~?Cl^1;.1Ctl~e rEC: ~:~1aZ1C? 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O`' c~.."E' a~at~^ .~ c3tcC t:'J CQmc 1ntQ tha ':'YeLiS?.lrj+ G-J ~ E' C_"EG'~... 7= ~ilu :j=~,XCiTJ':X ~.~".~ar~l ~~C.'':<< WL1]_Ch the Same c"tre tJ :.e C2»r.,"i4v:i, c.i'1~: y'~':E:t .mac?°... :^SGIl~_C:, :~O c_,,: i 1::3i1~, 1n the Tie3SLI~y, '%GC,tEthi;`.:: rl.ttil ~.l. .:~C~n`.~S ~i11:.i.C1~.~i:E'~t '.D '~C.ii.'vr Into "1 the Treasury, to the credit .. _ :,~i d ULGi ~:v.'. iS1i:.iU1 ~.xti~ c ~. ea kvise unencu.~nbered . Amount D?ot to Exceed $ 8000.00 ________._.,~__ _ 24-1740-5202 $3,000 .: _.-~ctw ~.. .:ir:~..~.__ 24-1740-5288 $5,000 r.,h ~, t~, ^:_ ~~~ul ~~~-~~~ Date August 28, 1974 _ ~~ ..._..____.___..__._________._.__ Funa Community Development ~~~'~- %%-,='=itri ~.~ __._ Ci t_y_._Manag~r _ Purpose A_reement for Community_ Education Project with CCV School District Bidder N/A _._._ _..____. .__.___.___~ _..^ _._~::....~_ .. _ 21 7 ~~